FARQUHAR COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES DEGREE CURRICULUM SHEET | 2015 CATALOG Bachelor of Science - Chemistry GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Area/Course Credits Written Composition 6 credits at or above COMP 1500 Open Written Communication 3 Open Written Communication 3 Mathematics 6 credits at or above MATH 1040 satisfied by major 3 satisfied by major 3 Arts & Humanities 6 credits in HIST, ARTS, PHIL, HUMN, LITR, THEA, FILM, MUSC, DANC, WRIT, foreign language Open Arts & Humanities 3 Open Arts & Humanities 3 Social & Behavioral Sciences 6 credits in PSYC, SOCL, ANTH, ECN, COMM, GEOG, GEST, INST, POLS Open Social & Behavioral Sciences 3 Open Social & Behavioral Sciences 3 Science 6 credits in BIOL, MBIO, CHEM, SCIE, ENVS, PHYS BIOL 1500 Biology I 3 CHEM 1300 General Chemistry I 3 Total General Education Credits 30 Frequency MAJOR Course BIOL 1500 Biology I Lab CHEM 1300 General Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1310 General Chemistry II/Lab CHEM 2400 Organic Chemistry I/Lab CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry II/Lab CHEM 3000 Chemical Literature CHEM 3101 Chemistry Seminar CHEM 3460 Quantitative Analysis /Lab CHEM 4005 Inorganic Chemistry I CHEM 4101 Senior Chemistry Seminar MATH 2100 Calculus I MATH 2200 Calculus II PHYS 2400 Physics I/Lab PHYS 2500 Physics II/Lab Total Major Credits Credits 1 1 4 4 4 1 3 4 3 1 4 4 4 4 42 Frequency FW FW FW FW FW F W F F W FW FW FW FW FW FW OPEN ELECTIVES take 9 elective courses Total Open Electives Credits CONCENTRATIONS choose a concentration; see concentration sheet for details Total Concentration Credits 21-28 21-28 20-27 20-27 Frequency Key: F-Every Fall; W-Every Winter; FO - Odd Year Fall; FE - Even Year Fall; WO - Odd Year Winter; WE - Even Year Winter TOTAL CREDITS 120 last modified 8.2014 FARQUHAR COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CONCENTRATION SHEET | 2015 CATALOG Bachelor of Science - Chemistry There are 2 concentrations available; choose one of the following: AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Course CHEM 3650 Biochemistry/Lab CHEM 3700 Physical Chemistry I/Lab CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry II/Lab CHEM 4010 Inorganic Chemistry II/Lab CHEM 4150 Chemical Instrumentation CHEM 4990 Independent Study in Chemistry MATH 3200 Calculus III or MATH 3400 Ordinary Differential Equations Total ACS Concentration Credits Credits 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 26-27 Frequency FW F W W W FW F W NON-AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY* Course Credits Select one of the following course groupings*: BIOL 1510 Biology II/Lab 4 CHEM 3400 Biophysical Chemistry 3 CHEM 3410 Biophysical Chemistry II/Lab 4 OR CHEM 3700 Physical Chemistry I/Lab 4 CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry II/Lab 4 MATH 3200 Calculus III or 4 MATH 3400 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 Major Electives Select 9 credits from the following: CHEM 3150 Enviromental Chemistry 3 CHEM 3215 Survey of Rational Drug Design 3 CHEM 3650 Biochemistry/Lab 4 CHEM 4010 Inorganic Chemistry II/Lab 4 CHEM 4150 Chemical Instrumentation 4 CHEM 4200 Plant Drug Analysis 3 CHEM 4300 Clinical Chemistry 3 No more than 3-4 credits of the following may be applied to major electives: CHEM 4900 Special Topics in Chemistry 3 CHEM 4990 Independent Study in Chemistry 1-4 Total Non-ACS Concentration Credits Frequency FW F W F W F W FO FO FW W W WE WO I FW 20-21 *CHEM 3700 and CHEM 3710 are recommended if pursuing a career or graduate studies in chemistry. Frequency Key: F-Every Fall; W-Every Winter; FO - Odd Year Fall; FE - Even Year Fall; WO - Odd Year Winter; WE - Even Year Winter last modified 8.2014 FARQUHAR COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES SAMPLE FOUR YEAR CURRICULUM | 2015 CATALOG Bachelor of Science - Chemistry: American Chemical Society concentration Freshman Year Fall Course Open Written Communication BIOL 1500 Biology I/Lab CHEM 1300 General Chemistry I/Lab MATH 2100 Calculus I* Total Credits Fall Course Open Social & Behavioral Sciences CHEM 2400 Organic Chemistry I/Lab MATH 3200 Calculus III** PHYS 2400 Physics I/Lab Total Credits Fall Course CHEM 3000 Chemical Literature CHEM 3460 Quantitative Analysis /Lab CHEM 3700 Physical Chemistry I/Lab CHEM 4990 Independent Study in Chemistry Open Elective Total Credits Fall Course CHEM 4005 Inorganic Chemistry I CHEM 3650 Biochemistry/Lab Open Elective Open Elective Open Elective Total Credits Winter Credits 3 4 4 4 Course Open Written Communication Open Arts & Humanities CHEM 1310 General Chemistry II/Lab MATH 2200 Calculus II Credits 3 3 4 4 15 Total Credits Sophomore Year Credits 3 4 4 4 14 Winter Course Open Social & Behavioral Sciences Open Arts & Humanities CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry II/Lab PHYS 2500 Physics II/Lab Credits 3 3 4 4 15 Total Credits Junior Year 14 Winter Credits Course 1 CHEM 3101 Chemistry Seminar 4 CHEM 3710 Physical Chemistry II/Lab 4 CHEM 4150 Chemical Instrumentation 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 15 Total Credits Senior Year Winter Credits Course 3 CHEM 4101 Senior Chemistry Seminar 4 CHEM 4010 Inorganic Chemistry II/Lab 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 16 Total Credits Credits 3 4 4 3 3 17 Credits 1 4 3 3 3 14 TOTAL CREDITS 120 *This sample plan is based on the student beginning at least at the level of MATH 2100: Calculus I. **NOTE: This requirement may also be fulfilled by completing MATH 3400: Ordinary Differential Equations, which is offered each Winter. last modified 8.2014 FARQUHAR COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES SAMPLE FOUR YEAR CURRICULUM | 2015 CATALOG Bachelor of Science - Chemistry: Non-American Chemical Society concentration Freshman Year Fall Course Open Written Communication BIOL 1500 Biology I/Lab CHEM 1300 General Chemistry I/Lab MATH 2100 Calculus I* Total Credits Winter Credits 3 4 4 4 Credits 3 4 4 4 15 Total Credits Sophomore Year Fall Course Open Social & Behavioral Sciences Open Arts & Humanities CHEM 2400 Organic Chemistry I/Lab PHYS 2400 Physics I/Lab Total Credits Credits 3 3 4 4 15 Winter Course Open Social & Behavioral Sciences Open Arts & Humanities CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry II/Lab PHYS 2500 Physics II/Lab Credits 3 3 4 4 14 Total Credits Junior Year Fall Course CHEM 3000 Chemical Literature CHEM 3460 Quantitative Analysis /Lab Bio/Physical Chemistry Series Course Open Elective Open Elective Total Credits Fall Course CHEM 4005 Inorganic Chemistry I Major Elective Open Elective Open Elective Open Elective Total Credits Course Open Written Communication Bio/Physical Chemistry Series Course CHEM 1310 General Chemistry II/Lab MATH 2200 Calculus II 14 Winter Credits Course 1 CHEM 3101 Chemistry Seminar 4 Bio/Physical Chemistry Series Course 4 Major Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 15 Total Credits Senior Year Winter Credits Course 3 CHEM 4101 Senior Chemistry Seminar 3 Major Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective Open Elective 15 Total Credits Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credits 1 3 3 3 3 3 16 TOTAL CREDITS 120 NOTES: CHEM 3700 and CHEM 3710 are recommended if pursuing a career or graduate studies in chemistry. Students who elect to complete the second course grouping and wish to take MATH 3200 may need to adjust the plan, since *This sample plan is based on the student beginning at least at the level of MATH 2100: Calculus I. last modified 8.2014