College of Education, Health & Human Sciences

College of Education, Health & Human Sciences
An Introduction to the College and
Information on Commonly Asked Questions
It is with pride that we welcome you to the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences (CEHHS).
The College of Education, Health and Human Sciences fosters a culture of excellence, collegiality and
professionalism through demonstration of the following Core Values:
Excellence – Striving for excellence in teaching, scholarship and service.
Diversity – Valuing diversity of people, ideas, practices and learning styles.
Relationships – Cultivating respectful relationships.
Collaboration – Promoting collaboration within and outside of the University.
Holistic – Fostering the growth, development and well-being of all people.
Learning – Facilitating active and applied learning.
It is the Mission of College of Education, Health and Human Sciences to improve the well-being of
individuals, families and society through teaching, scholarship and service. Our mission to serve begins
with being learner-centered. Our faculty and staff are committed to facilitating active and applied
learning. Our students engage in problem solving, reflection, and critical thinking in authentic settings
beginning early in their college experience.
Consistent with the UW-Stout Polytechnic tenets, CEHHS:
 Offers career-focused programs.
 Applies scientific theory and research to solve real world problems.
 Contributes to growth of the economy and serves society.
 Prepares graduates for a purposeful life and rewarding career.
Our graduates are placed across the United States and throughout the world, with a placement rate
consistently higher than 93%.
Consistent with our mission we are focused on serving individuals and groups and providing for the needs
of others: from young children to the elderly and those with disabilities to adults aspiring to greater things
in their lives. It is the human element that makes this college and our University strong and assists us to
carry out the educational opportunities we offer to students and the research and service we offer to the
people of Wisconsin and world beyond.
Welcome aboard,
Bob Peters, Interim Dean
College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Bob Peters, Interim Dean
215 Heritage Hall
Phone: 715-232-2687
Tina Bauer, College Business Manager
216 Heritage Hall
Phone: 715-232-2678
Brian McAlister, Associate Dean
267B Heritage Hall
Phone: 715-232-1168
Rose McLean, Dean’s Assistant
214 Heritage Hall
Phone: 715-232-2687
Bob Salt, Associate Dean
125 Heritage Hall
Phone: 715-232-2521
The Dean is the chief academic and administrative leader for the College and reports directly to the
Provost. The Dean works in partnership with faculty, staff and the university community to achieve the
university and college mission and goals. The Dean is responsible for program development; faculty and
staff recruitment, retention and development; budget development and management, and for facilitating
student success. All program directors report directly to the Dean.
The Associate Deans of CEHHS work closely with the Dean, Directors, Chairs and Program Directors to
fulfill the mission and goals of the college. The Associate Deans also represent the college on various
university committees and oversee space planning and development for the college.
The Director of the Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute (SVRI) has primary institute service, research
and budget oversight responsibilities. The service managers in SVRI report directly to the SVRI Director.
Each academic unit has a Chair who is responsible for personnel management including hiring and
performance review, management of instructional resources and the scheduling of courses, department
curriculum, representation and advocacy for the department, strategic planning and providing leadership
to the department. Student complaints are also directed to the department chair. The chairs report directly
to the Dean.
The College consists of the following academic, service and research units:
Food and Nutrition Department (Chair, Kerry Peterson)
Human Development and Family Studies Department (Chair, Bob Salt)
Physical Education Department (Chair, Mike Bird)
Psychology Department (Chair, Kathryn Hamilton)
Rehabilitation and Counseling Department (Chair, Deb Homa)
School of Education: Assessment, Field Experiences and Licensing (Associate Dean, Brian
 Child and Family Study Center (Director, Judy Gifford)
 Teaching and Leadership Department (Chair, Debbie Stanislawski)
 School Counseling, School Psychology and Special Education Department (Chair, Carol Johnson)
 Stout Vocational Rehabilitation Institute (Director, Cayte Anderson)
◦ Assistive Technology
◦ Benefits Analysis
◦ Employment and Assessment Services
◦ Innovative Service Initiatives
◦ Rehabilitation and Disability Research
Unit Information
Each unit or department will have practices and policies specific to that unit. Departmental mentors,
support staff and supervisors are excellent sources of information, including but not limited to:
◦ Bylaws
◦ Performance expectations and evaluation
◦ Introductions to and roles of various staff
◦ Departmental meeting schedules policies, practices, student advising, use of department
equipment and technology
◦ Resources
Programs and Program Directors
A program director is appointed to oversee an academic program and is responsible for curriculum
management and the coordination of program assessment, recruitment, advisement, partnership
development, and the Program Advisory Committee. Program directors do not supervise personnel. All
the program directors report directly to the Dean.
The following degree programs are housed within CEHHS:
Undergraduate Programs
 B.S. in Art Education (Tami Weiss, Program Director)
B.S. in Career, Technical Education and Training (Matthew Simoneau, Program Director)
B.S. in Criminal Justice & Rehabilitation (Rodney Maiden, Program Director)
B.S. in Dietetics (Karen Ostenso, Program Director)
B.S. in Early Childhood Education (Jill Klefstad, Program Director)
B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences Education (Diane Klemme, Program Director)
B.S. in Food Science and Technology (Naveen Chikthimmah, Program Director)
B.S. in Health, Wellness and Fitness (Michael Bird, Program Director)
B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies (Amanda Barnett, Program Director)
B.S. Human Development and Family Studies - Online (Julie Zaloudek, Program Director)
B.S. in Marketing and Business Education (Debbie Stanislawski, Program Director)
B.S. in Psychology (Sarah Wood, Program Director)
B.S. in Science Education (Kevin Mason, Program Director)
B.S. in Special Education (Amy Schlieve, Program Director)
B.S. in Technology Education (Brian McAlister, Program Director)
B.S. in Technology and Science Education (Brian McAlister, Program Director)
B.S. in Vocational Rehabilitation (Kyle Kleist, Program Director)
Dietetic Internship (Karen Ostenso, Program Director)
Graduate Programs
M.S. in Applied Psychology (Interim Program Director, Libby Smith)
M.S. in Career and Technical Education (Deanna Schultz, Program Director)
Ed.D. in Career and Technical Education (Urs Haltinner, Program Director)
M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (John Klem, Program Director)
M.S. in Education-Online (Renee Chandler, Program Director)
Ed.S. in Education (Kimberly Martinez, Program Director)
M.S. in Food and Nutritional Sciences (Carol Seaborn, Program Director)
M.S. in Marriage and Family Therapy (Dale Hawley, Program Director)
M.S. in School Counseling (Denise Brouillard, Program Director)
M.S.Ed./Ed.S. in School Psychology (Christine Peterson, Program Director)
M.S. in Vocational Rehabilitation (Daniel Kelsey, Program Director)
M.S. in Vocational Rehabilitation-Online (DeLeana Strohl, Program Director)
College Information and Resources
 Please use the College website for various pieces of information, such as forms or other college
specific funding opportunities.
 The link to the forms is:
 College Specific Funding Opportunities:
 The following links can be opened on the CEHHS website under “About the College”:
◦ College Profile
◦ CEHHS Dean’s Welcome
◦ Core Values and Mission
◦ CEHHS Strategic Plan
◦ College Office Staff
◦ CEHHS Recognition Awards
◦ CEHHS Student Confidentiality Agreement
◦ Meet the New Faculty and Staff
◦ Handbook for CEHHS New Faculty/Staff
◦ CEHHS Student Advisory Council
◦ CEHHS Meetings for Curriculum Review Schedule
◦ Educational Support Unit Review Committee’s (ESURC) Report
◦ Mentoring Guidelines
Student Expectations of Instructors
 Respond to questions within 24 hours
 Set communication expectations as each course starts
 Provide clear and thorough assignment guidelines and dates
 Use meaningful and relevant assignments
 Post grades within two weeks of assignment/test due date
 The syllabus is considered a contract so make sure it is accurate
 Maintain office hours, whether in person or virtual, and maintain contact with students
 Use electronic resources appropriately (Learn@UW-Stout, Tegrity, email, etc.)
Consistent with our mission and values, the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences seeks to
help new faculty and staff adjust to the new environment here at UW-Stout.
Mentors are assigned through departments when faculty and staff work at a level of 50% or more. Those
faculty or staff who work less than 50% can request a mentor. Mentors provide support and feedback to
help the mentee adjust to the responsibilities of the University.
Support includes: providing syllabi for the course or courses taught, explaining the various resources that
are available, discussing professional development funding, grant funding or making introductions to
others in the campus community.
Please check with your Department Chair for more information on mentoring.
CEHHS Mentoring Guidelines
The link to the CEHHS Mentoring Guidelines is located at the following link under “About the College”:
Academic Freedom
The University of Wisconsin-Stout adheres to the Academic Freedom policy of the American Association
of University Professors. For additional information see the policy in Chapter IV, page 194 of the Faculty/
Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook FASLAH. The University of Wisconsin-Stout Faculty
Senate approves the current policy on Academic Freedom of the American Association of University
Professors dated 1970. The Faculty Senate also indicates that the reference to only one gender in the
policy is inappropriate and interprets the policy in the dual gender of his/her.
1. The teacher is entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results, subject to
the adequate performance of his other academic duties; but research for pecuniary return should be
based upon an understanding with the authorities of the institution.
2. The teacher is entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing his subject, but he should be
careful not to introduce into his teaching controversial matter which has no relation to his subject.
3. The college or university teacher is a citizen, a member of a learned profession, and an officer of
an educational institution. When he speaks or writes as a citizen, he should be free from
institutional censorship or discipline, but his special position in the community imposes special
obligations. As a man of learning and an educational officer, he should remember that the public
may judge his profession and his institution by his utterances. Hence he should at all times be
accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and
should make every effort to indicate that he is not an institutional spokesman.
In conforming to existing United States copyright laws, University of Wisconsin-Stout strives to maintain
the highest possible ethical standards in the use of copyrighted materials. For more information see
Chapter IV, page 196 in FASLAH. The Library Copyright website is:
Course Syllabus
The course syllabus should be distributed or made available to students the first week of the course, the
first day if possible. The course syllabus should include the University-approved description of the
course and specific course objectives. The syllabus should also include a course outline, schedule,
attendance requirements, and grading procedures. Include a statement on the syllabus for the procedure if
face-to-face classes must be cancelled. Check to see if there are department-specific procedures or
policies. Submit a copy of each course syllabus you teach to your designated department support staff.
Last, please include a statement on all syllabi regarding Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
such as the following from Disability Services:
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: UW-Stout strives for an inclusive
learning environment. If you anticipate or experience any barriers related to the format or
requirements of this course, please meet with Disability Services Staff or with the
instructor to discuss ways to ensure full access. If you determine that additional
disability-related accommodations are necessary, please contact the Disability Services
office (206 Bowman Hall, 232-2995, Advisory note:
faculty should ask students to submit disability related documentation to Disability
Services for approval of all accommodations.
Further guidance: Check with Department Chair for past course syllabi and discuss with mentor. For
additional guidance review the Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook FASLAH.
Academic Year
The academic year frequently has changes from year to year. It is critical to stay abreast of any changes.
The link to this year’s calendar is: Faculty and staff are
responsible for working and being available throughout the academic year. Additional contractual
obligations is in Chapter IIIA, page 58 of FASLAH.
Class Schedule
UW-Stout’s policy indicates that no class times or places can be changed without prior approval of the
department chair. Check with the department chair before making any changes. See the information sent
from Human Resources for policies and procedures regarding missing classes due to inclement weather at
Evaluation Week
The University’s academic year calendar lists the dates of Evaluation Week for each semester and the
final evaluation time block for each traditionally scheduled course. Faculty and staff are required to
conduct a meaningful educational activity during the evaluation block. The Evaluation Week calendar and
other information appears at:
The Grading Policy, Chapter IV, page 211 in FASLAH (Approved 5/19/87-Chancellor, Corrected 1/3/95Associate Vice Chancellor) states:
1. Each faculty member is responsible for providing a mark, based upon the officially approved
marking system, for every student enrolled in his or her classes at the end of the term of
Professional Development Policy
The University adheres to the principle that professional development is necessary to help faculty and
staff maintain or improve expertise and intellectual domain. Therefore, professional development is linked
to performance.
The policy states: “Probationary faculty should develop Performance Objectives within the first thirty
days of employment. Academic staff and adjuncts should seek guidance and assistance from their
supervisor. Objectives should be specific, measurable and attainable. Performance objectives are expected
to be used for performance evaluation.” See Chapter IIIA, page 109 in FASLAH for further guidance.
Absence from Campus: Personal
Periodically faculty and staff are absent from campus for various reasons. Collegial coverage can be used
when the absence is related to professional requirements. Unpaid leave should be used when an absence is
related to personal reasons. See Types of Absences/Leaves in Chapter IIIA, pages 85-88 in FASLAH.
Faculty and staff who are on an annual contract have vacation days that can be used for personal travel.
Faculty and staff who are on an academic year calendar do not. The majority of faculty/staff or
unclassified staff are on an academic year calendar. If at all possible, personal travel should be arranged
for the times between terms or during Spring Break that are designated as self-directed time. Supervisor
approval is required if an emergency arises that requires time away from work. Issues such as the reason,
the amount of time away from campus, options for working from a remote site, whether any work needs
to be rescheduled, and collegial coverage will all be taken into consideration in determining whether the
individual needs to use sick leave, leave without pay or some other arrangement.
Performance Objectives and Review
Probationary faculty should submit and discuss their performance objectives within 30 days of hire with
their supervisor. Academic staff and adjuncts should seek guidance from their supervisors regarding
performance objectives. Faculty, academic staff and adjuncts should meet with their supervisors to
discuss when, how, and on what basis their performance objectives will be judged. Refer to Newly Hired
Probationary Faculty and Principles to be Followed - Performance Objectives/Review in Chapter IIIB,
page 109 in FASLAH.
Student Course Evaluations
In most departments, student course evaluations are regularly conducted for probationary faculty,
academic staff, and adjuncts. For teaching faculty and staff, student course evaluations are an important
source of information for performance reviews. Student course evaluation data are also shared with
faculty and staff as a source of information for self-improvement.
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students office provides service and consultation through a number of supportive programs
and departments on campus. This office deals with issues such as attendance, academic/nonacademic
misconduct, student emergencies, student support, issues of student concern, concerns of parents, and any
extenuating circumstances affecting students physical or emotional well-being. Please contact the Dean of
Students office if you have a concern regarding a student. Information for faculty and Staff
Faculty are not expected to accommodate students for an extended leave from campus. When in doubt,
contact the Dean of Students.
The Advisement Center Tutoring website is:
Stout Online’s Brain Fuse link is: Stout Online: Brain Fuse.
Human Resources
 Human Resources link is:
 The link to the benefits is:
 The contact information for Human Resources is:
203Administration Building
Phone: 715-232-2149
Fax: 715-232-1527
Office Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Registration and Records
A wide variety of information regarding course registration, registration and records policies, grading
system and due dates for grading, weekend classroom reservation policies and requests, alternative
learning options (i.e. Independent Study), etc. can be found on the following link:
Other Registration and Records services include information on Course Adding and Dropping, Grading,
Important Dates and Times, Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin, as well as many others.
Veteran Services
The link for veteran services is:
Adding and Dropping a Class
Students can add or drop courses online for the first 10 days of the semester or the first five days of a
quarter course. Registration and Records has adopted a waitlist feature, therefore students on the waitlist
should be added first. Students with add cards who appear in person should be reminded of the waitlist
and be added only after the students on the waitlist have been added.
In the event students wish to add or drop a course outside of the first ten days of a semester, they will
need to obtain a signed add/drop card with the instructor’s signature and bring it to the Registration and
Records office, 109 Bowman Hall, for processing. Students need to be aware of the timeframe for adding
and dropping classes. Dates are listed on the Registration and Records website at:
Grades must be posted three working days after the end of the evaluation period each term. The grade
posting process is listed on the Registration and Records website under Forms and Step by Step Guides.
Use the step by step guides to review the process prior to final grading. Link: Registration and Records
Academic Year Calendar
The academic calendar is posted on the UW-Stout website at:
The academic calendar changes from year to year and contains important dates for Advisement Day, the
end of classes, beginning of Evaluation Week, etc. Faculty and staff are expected to be available and
working during the span of the entire contractual year.
Instructional Resource Rental and Textbook Purchase
UW-Stout has a textbook rental system through the Instructional Resources Service (IRS), which is
located in Room 201 of the Robert S. Swanson Library Learning Center. For most programs, students
check out texts from this location or complete an online form to have textbooks mailed. Faculty/staff can
also check out textbooks from IRS using their Stout One card. Instructors need to identify all
supplementary resources that students will need to purchase. Collection of resource information is the
responsibility of the department chairs. An e-textbook initiative is being piloted and it is anticipated that
the university will gradually convert to e-textbooks for the majority of our courses.
Students may purchase supplementary resources from the University Bookstore or any other source they
choose. Collection and reselling of used resources is not available on campus.
• University Library Link
• Instructional Resources Service Link
• Students can obtain supplementary resources from the University Bookstore Link
Travel Resources
Professional travel for UW-Stout employees is located at the following Travel Homepage: Funding sources for professional travel should be discussed and
approved with your supervisor prior to making travel plans. Please work with your department chair and
program support staff person to follow the department’s guidelines and processes.
A Travel Expense Report (TER) is required for reimbursement of travel costs. The following link has
information regarding travel: Faculty and staff are strongly
advised to read all travel regulations before traveling. A general rule-of-thumb is “if in doubt, ask.” Carla
Greiber is the contact person in the Business Office working with travel. She can be contacted at 715-2322334 or
For personal travel, see “Absence from Campus: Personal” on page 7.
Research Services provides support in several categories, check the website and talk with staff.
CEHHS Dean’s Office support might be available when other funds have been exhausted or based upon
several categories, such as, Merle-Price Mentor and Mentee Research, Collaborative Thematic Research,
and others. Check the website for more. Exhaust other funding sources prior to applying to the Dean for
CEHHS Liaison: Learning Technology Services
Rich Berg serves as the instructional technology consultant for CEHHS. He offers support and
consultation to instructors in the selection, implementation and use of instructional technology and serves
as a primary point of contact for instructional technology projects. Rich is also on the Learn@UW-Stout
(D2L/Bright Space) admin team and can assist instructors with questions related to UW-Stout’s Learning
Management System. Rich can be contacted via email or phone 715-232-1223.
Access Stout
Access Stout offers information on your class rosters, grading information, class schedule, current advisee
list, advisee information and web grading help. Log onto Access Stout from the UW-Stout home page
using your Stout username and password. At the end of each term, grades are submitted to the
Registration and Records office using Access Stout (grades are due within three working days after the
end of evaluation period).
Learning Management System - Learn@UW-Stout (D2L/Bright Space)
Information about the learning management system, Learn@UW-Stout (D2L), is found through the login
site at ( Learn@UW-Stout is a suite of tools designed
primarily for educational institutions, which enables individual instructors to create course websites with
state-of-the-art communication, collaboration, content delivery and student assessment capabilities.
Learn@UW-Stout can be used for developing stand-alone online courses for distance education or for
creating resource-rich websites to supplement campus courses. Learn@UW-Stout is delivered through a
new course management technology called Bright Space (formerly known as Desire2Learn). Each fourcredit course is automatically added to Learn@UW-Stout. Access the site at the following login site:
Students access course materials within Learn@UW-Stout via a standard web browser. The website can
provide students with a customized and personalized online learning experience. There is a variety of
features, including the following: home page and website for each course, password protection and
authentication for enrolled students, online quizzes, surveys and tests, threaded discussion boards,
document storage, sharing and management, course event calendar and grade book. Contact the
Learn@UW-Stout Instructor Support department, ext. 5002, for additional questions or assistance related
to Learn@UW-Stout. Instructors may also contact their CEHHS liaison, Rich Berg if they have questions
or need assistance.
Learning and Information Technology (LIT) provides several forms of assistance from application
development to website support including instructional support with consultation, training development
and workshops.
LIT also supports the Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center, which provides enrichment programs,
celebrates teaching and supports the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning a Carnegie Initiative as well as
much more.
Classroom Technology Support
For emergency help with the multimedia equipment during class, please call ext. 5000 and they will first
attempt technical support over the phone and secondly dispatch a technician to remedy the problem if
New hires are encouraged to contact the Learning Technology Services department at ext. 4041 at the
beginning of the semester for training on the multimedia equipment in the classrooms.
Office Technology Support
Each academic building is assigned an information technology support resource person. For office
equipment hardware or software problems contact the ASK 5000 help desk (ext. 5000). Additional
information can be found at: