ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 FAQ ONLINE ADMINISTRATIONS 1. Is ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 a required online administration? Yes. Beginning with 2015–16, the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is a required online administration. The exceptions to the requirement are for 1) local education agencies (LEAs) or charter schools that do not have the technology capability to support administering the online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and for 2) individual students with disabilities who have documented accommodations that dictate a paper test format is necessary for accessibility. If LEAs/charter schools do not have the technology capability to support administering the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online assessment, a letter indicating the reason(s) for the hardship must be submitted to Dr. Tammy Howard, Director of Accountability Services, 6314 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6314. 2. Are training resources available for test coordinators, test administrators, and technology coordinators? Yes. WIDA provides training resources for each role (test coordinator, test administrator, and technology coordinator). These resources can be found by visiting the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training Course link at or by logging into your WIDA account at and accessing the training courses through the secure portal. All test administrators responsible for administering ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online in grades 1-12 should complete the Online Test Administrator Checklist. Test administrators should also read and become familiar with the online test administration manual (O-TAM). These WIDA resources will help prepare test administrators for online administrations of the test. 3. What vendor is providing the test items, test engine software, and reports? How will test sessions be scheduled? Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) is providing the test items, test engine software, and reports. The WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) will be used to set up test sessions, order paper materials, and additional materials that are included in auto shipment to the LEAs/charters. 4. Are there particular technology specifications for computers and tablets used for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online testing? Yes. The technology specifications can be found at This site does not require a secure login to access the information. 5. Will special software need to be installed on computers and tablets prior to testing? Yes. DRC’s test engine INSIGHT and a Testing Site Manager (TSM) will need to be loaded on each device used for testing. Additional information can be found at 6. Does WIDA provide any practice items to help familiarize students with the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0? Yes. The online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 contains similar item types to the original paper-based test with new features made possible through the use of the online test environment. Educators, _____________________________ NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 1 administrators, and other interested parties can gain familiarity with the online test by accessing the Interactive Sample Items. Instructions to access the interactive items and screenshots are available on the WIDA website via the Preparation Resources page. 7. Are students required to complete the online practice items prior to test day? Yes, students are required to complete the online practice items at least one time at the school before test day. Students should not complete the practice items on the day of the test administration. Having students complete the online practice items before test day allows them to become familiar with tools, navigation, and other test interface features. 8. Will the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online administrations require tiers? No. The online test is a multistage computer adaptive assessment. 9. Will students be able to receive accommodations with ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online administrations? Yes, accommodations are available only to ELLs with disabilities when listed in their current Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Section 504 Plans, and only when the student requires the accommodation(s) to participate in ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 meaningfully and appropriately. Accommodations may be embedded and delivered within the online test platform or be delivered locally by a test administrator. Additional information about accommodations for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 in North Carolina can be found here 10. Can students take a paper version of the test due to accessibility? Yes. Please note the mode of the test is not an accommodation and does not need to be documented on a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. If the required accommodation documented on the IEP or Section 504 Plan dictates a specific mode for assessment, then that mode must be provided to the student on test day. The mode must support the accommodation(s). 11. Can the mode for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 be split (some domains administered online and others administered paper/pencil)? No. The administration of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 must either be administered online or paper/pencil. The variation to online administration includes students in grades 1–3 who will automatically receive student writing response booklets to handwrite answers for the Writing domain. These materials do not need to be ordered separately. Students in grades 4–12, who are not capable of keyboarding responses for the Writing domain, may record answers in a student response booklet. A small number of these will be shipped to each LEA/charter school. If additional writing response booklets are needed, an additional order can be placed in the Assessment Management System (AMS). These students will test online and work through the Writing domain prompts in the ACCESS online system while recording responses in a written response booklet. This provision would need to be indicated in AMS (for each student) for the test engine software to allow the student to progress through the Writing domain without entering a keyboarded response. 12. Can students handwrite responses for the Writing domain in ACCESS for ELLs 2.0? Yes. All students at grades 1–3 will handwrite their Writing domain responses in a student writing response booklet. However, if a student in grades 4–12 is not capable of keyboarding his/her writing response, he/she can write his/her answers in a student writing response booklet. A _____________________________ NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 2 small number of these will be shipped to each LEA/charter school. If additional writing response booklets are needed, an additional order can be placed in the Assessment Management System (AMS). These students will test online and work through the Writing domain prompts in the ACCESS online system while recording responses in a written response booklet. This provision will need to be indicated in AMS (for each student) for the test engine software to allow the student to progress through the Writing domain without entering a keyboarded response. 13. Since Grades 1–3 will handwrite their writing responses, will someone from the LEA/charter school need to order these materials separately? No. DRC uses a formula to determine the number of written response booklets needed at each grade level. These will be auto shipped with test materials. 14. Will materials need to be ordered for students taking ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online? LEA/charter school test coordinators will submit a pre-id file to the state. This file will then be provided to DRC to prepare and set up testing for students in the test engine software. 15. Will Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS Assessment materials be auto-shipped based on the pre-id file? Yes. The pre-id file will provide all the information that DRC will need to fill the materials orders. If new students arrive after the pre-id file has been transferred, materials can be requested in the AMS. 16. What is the sequence of administration for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online? Is there any difference in the sequence for paper/pencil administrations? The sequence of administration is the same for online and paper/pencil administrations. The sequence is: (1) Listening, (2) Reading, (3) Writing, and (4) Speaking. 17. Can the font be enlarged for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online? If so, how large? Yes. Text may be enlarged 1.5x or 2x the original display size using the magnification tool in the online system. Depending on the size of the screen, enlargement may require the student to scroll up/down and/or left/right to see the entire item. 18. Are any additional materials necessary for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 online testing? Yes. All students testing online will need to use a headset with microphone. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) will autoship the headsets to LEAs/charter schools. The specifications for headsets can be found at . 19. How will test administrators/students know if headsets will capture speaking responses? Before students enter the Speaking domain, they must complete a microphone check. Students will get an error message if the headset is not functioning properly. 20. How will students access the online test on test day? Each student will receive a test ticket which will contain his/her unique login information for the test session. Test tickets are considered secure test materials and must be returned to the school test coordinator at the conclusion of the testing session. _____________________________ NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 3 21. Are proctors required for online ACCESS for ELLs 2.0? Yes. A proctor is required in each ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 testing session. 22. Does the online assessment allow districts to receive scores faster? WIDA and member state representatives feel it is important to provide a full picture of students’ proficiency by releasing all domain scores at the same time. The Writing and Speaking domain tests are scored by trained raters at DRC. Scoring can take up to six weeks. PAPER-AND-PENCIL ADMINISTRATIONS 1. Will I need to order materials for students taking ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 paper? Yes. These materials will be requested through the AMS. All requests will be reviewed by the NCDPI before approval and shipment. 2. What vendor is providing the test materials and reports? How will test sessions be scheduled? DRC is providing the test materials and reports. The WIDA AMS will be used to set up test sessions and order paper materials. 3. Can students take a paper version of the test due to accessibility? Yes. Please note the mode of the test is not an accommodation and does not need to be documented on a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. If the required accommodation documented on the IEP or Section 504 Plan dictates a specific mode for assessment, then that mode must be provided to the student on test day. The mode must support the accommodation(s). 4. If a student test booklet has an incorrect pre-id label, what steps should be taken? A new label should be printed and placed over the incorrect label. No attempt should be made to try and remove the incorrect pre-id label. 5. What should an LEA/charter school do if a student’s ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 paper booklet becomes damaged during the test administration? Booklets that are damaged and cannot be processed should be marked as DO NOT PROCESS. All test booklets are considered secure test materials and must be returned to DRC. The only exceptions are booklets damaged by bodily fluids. Booklets soiled with bodily fluids must not be returned to DRC and must be securely recycled/destroyed locally. Any student booklets that are securely recycled/destroyed must be accounted for in WIDA AMS. 6. How will the Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 be delivered for 2015–16? For 2015–16, the Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 will only be delivered in paper format. 7. Can the font be enlarged for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 paper? If so, how large? Yes. A large print form of the paper test is available in 18 point font. If a larger font is needed, please contact the NCDPI. 8. How will the Listening and Speaking tests be delivered? Both will be media-delivered. For Listening, the test administrator will play the pre-recorded passages with a CD, and students will respond in a test booklet. Students will complete the _____________________________ NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 4 appropriate tiered test form (based on the Tier Placement Protocol). For Speaking, the test administrator will play the pre-recorded questions with a CD and will score students’ responses. Students will complete the appropriate tiered test form (based on the Tier Placement Protocol). 9. Are training resources available for test coordinators, test administrators, and technology coordinators? Yes. WIDA provides training resources for each role (test coordinator, test administrator, and technology coordinator). These resources can be found through the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Training Course link found at or by logging into your WIDA account at and accessing the training courses through the secure portal. 10. Will Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS Assessment materials be auto-shipped based on the pre-id file? Yes. The pre-id file will provide all the information that DRC will need to fill the materials orders. If new students arrive after the pre-id file has been transferred, materials can be requested in the AMS. 11. If I have previously administered the Kindergarten and/or Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, do I need to complete the training course for these assessments for the 2015–16 school year? The ACCESS for ELLs Kindergarten and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs assessments are unchanged for 2015–16. Educators who are certified to administer Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for grades 1–12 and the Kindergarten ACCESS for ELLs still hold valid certifications (and will not need to complete training) for these assessments for the 2015– 16 school year. 12. If I have previously administered the ACCESS for ELLs paper assessment, am I required to complete new training certification for 2015–16? Yes. The paper ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 is a new version of the test. There is a new scoring rubric for the Speaking domain. Everyone will need to complete new certification to become familiar with these changes for administration. 13. Are proctors required for paper ACCESS for ELLs 2.0? Yes. A proctor is required in each ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 testing session. It is a best practice to place a proctor in each testing session. However, since speaking is administered one-on-one, test coordinators can elect not to place a proctor in this session (as in previous years). 14. When will score reports be available? WIDA and member state representatives feel it is important to provide a full picture of students’ proficiency by releasing all domain scores at the same time. For the paper ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, Listening, Reading, and Writing domain tests are scored by trained raters at DRC. Scoring can take up to six weeks. _____________________________ NCDPI Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program 5