Self-Powered Wireless Sensor System using MEMS Piezoelectric Micro Power Generator (PMPG) by YuXin Xia S. B. Electrical Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MASS ACUsETs I i UT1 OF TECHNOLOGY gay 26, 2006 Copyright 2006 YuXin Xia. All rights reserved. LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 26, 2006 Certified by_ Sang-Gook Kim Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Arthur C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses BARKER Self-Powered Wireless Sensor System using MEMS Piezoelectric Micro Power Generator (PMPG) by YuXin Xia Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science May 26, 2006 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ABSTRACT A thin-film lead zirconate titanate, Pb(Zr,Ti)0 3 , MEMS Piezoelectric Micro Power Generator (PMPG) has been integrated with a commercial wireless sensor node (Telos), to demonstrate a self-powered RF temperature sensor module. PMPG and a power management module are designed to satisfy sensor node's power requirement. An electro-mechanical model of PMPG has been developed to maximize power output. The 2 nd generation PMPG is designed to provide 0.173 mW power at 3 V DC with a natural frequency of 155.5 Hz. The power management module is developed to provide AC-DC rectification, energy storage, and active switching between PMPG and application circuit. To minimize power consumption, sensor data is taken at a discontinuous interval. A test bed is developed, which mimics that of a liquid gas pipeline used in the Alaska, where the self-powered sensor be used to monitor pipeline temperature. Thesis Supervisor: Sang-Gook Kim Title: Esther & Harold Edgerton Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 2 Acknowledgments I would first like to thank my advisor Professor Sang-Gook Kim for his support and guidance during the past two years. He has constantly reminded me the importance of looking at the big picture in technical research, and kept me motivated in this project. His technical insight was invaluable for the completion of this project. Besides research, there are many things I have learned from him that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Thank you very much and best of luck in your future research! Second, I would like to thank my former office mate Wonjae Choi for helping me with PMPG modeling. He was always there tireless answering my questions, and provided support both as a friend and a mentor. I wish him and his family the very best. I would like to thank all the MTL staffs as well as fellow researchers at MTL for your advices and supports. You have all made the countless hours at MTL more bearable. I especially like to thank Dave Terry, Dennis Ward and Vicky Diadiuk for help with processing, and be extremely patient in helping me with machines. I like to thank my fellow office mates Zach Traina, Sunil Doddabasanagouda, Soohyung Kim, Dr. Hyungwoo Lee and Ray Hardin for technical advices and help. I also thank Professor Dave Perreault for help with power electronics, and Professor Brian Wardle and Noel Eduard du Toit for help with PMPG modeling. Joe Polastre of U.C. Berkeley was also extremely helpful in nesC programming. I like to thank my friends for providing all the entertainment and support I needed during those stressful times. I would not be able to finish my thesis without them. Lastly, I would like to thank my dad and mom for all the sacrifices they made to let me do what I enjoy doing. I would not be able to become who I am today without the unselfish love and guidance they have provided. I also thank my brother Matthew for always being there for me, and I wish him the very best! 3 Contents 1 Introduction 6 2 Self-Powered Sensor Node Architecture 8 2.1 Introduction ......................................................................... 8 2.2 Ultra-Low Power Components ..................................................... 9 2.3 Wireless Sensor Nodes ........................................................... 2.4 nesC ............................................................................... 11 . 15 2.4.1 nesC Language .......................................................... 15 2.4.2 nesC Application ...................................................... 17 2.4.3 Telos Operation and Power Consumption ......................... 19 2.5 Power Management Module .................................................... 21 2.5.1 PMPG Modeling ...................................................... 22 2.5.2 Wireless Sensor Node Modeling ................................... 22 2.5.3 System Architecture Design ........................................ 23 2.5.4 Implementation: Voltage Monitoring Module ..................... 27 2.5.5 Implementation: AC-DC Rectifier ................................... 29 2.5.6 Energy Storage Capacitor Sizing ................................... 33 Calculating Lower Bound ................................ 33 Capacitor Charging Time Constant ....................... 34 ESR and DCL ............................................. 35 Effects of ESR and DCL on Cstorage Sizing ............... 36 Double Layer Capacitor (DLC) .......................... 38 3 PMPG Design 41 3 .1 Introduction ......................................................................... 41 3.2 Piezoelectric Effect ............................................................... 43 3.3 PMPG Structure .................................................................. 45 3.4 Electro-Mechanical Model of PMPG .......................................... 46 4 3.4.1 Introduction ............................................................. 46 3.4.2 Parameter Considerations for Maximizing Power Output ......... 49 Effect of Mass ............................................... 50 Effect of Damping .......................................... 51 3.4.3 PMPG Design ......................................................... 54 3.5 Previous Piezoelectric Devices ................................................. 57 3.6 Type 1 PMPG Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics ................... 58 3.7 Type 2 PMPG Design ........................................................... 61 4 Self-Powered Sensor Node Tests and Results 63 4.1 Telos Characterization ........................................................... 63 4.2 Telos Current Consumption Measurement ................................... 65 4.3 Power Management Module Testing .......................................... 68 4.4 Self-Powered Sensor Natural Gas Pipeline Test Bed ....................... 76 5 PMPG Fabrication 78 5.1 Type 1 D evice .................................................................... 5.2 Recip e 1 ........................................................................ 78 .. 5.3 Type 2 D evice .................................................................... 5.4 Recip e 2 .......................................................................... 80 84 .. 87 5.5 Fabrication Result: PZT on ZrO2 /SiO 2 (PECVD)/SiNx/Si .................. 90 5.6 Fabrication Result: PZT on ZrO2/SiO 2 (thermal)/Si ......................... 93 6 Conclusions 96 6.1 C ontribution ....................................................................... 96 6.2 Recommendations for Future Works .......................................... 97 Bibliography 99 Appendix A nesC Codes 103 Appendix B Matlab Code for PMPG Sizing 108 5 Chapter 1 Introduction There has recently been a surge of interest in the study of wireless sensor network to monitor social infrastructure at remote locations. Current technological advances allow a larger wireless network at a cheaper cost. Many research groups, such as UC Berkeley's Smart Dust and MIT's p-AMPS are researching on low power sensor modules that would make a large scale wireless sensor network feasible. However, we have now encountered the bottle neck of the problem: limits of power supplies to sensors and transmitters. Recently, embedded and remote Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices have begun to play active roles in medical implants and micro-scale wireless sensors. At the same time, supplying power to these devices has remained a serious problem. Traditionally, remote devices have used batteries as energy supply. However, batteries only have a limited life span and finite amount of energy. The need to replace them could contribute to considerable problems and costs, especially in medical implants and applications in hazardous environment. As the size of the network grows, it is almost impossible to replace them manually. An alternative to conventional battery as power supply is to make use of the parasitic energy available from the environment. Specifically, one could use piezoelectric energy harvesting to generate electric power from the environmental vibration. The topic of this research, a piezoelectric micro power generator (PMPG), converts mechanical vibrations into electrical energy. By using energy harvesting, one could create autonomous wireless sensors that are posed to have very important roles in the future. The self-powering mechanism allows 6 the sensors to be more cost effective and easier to manage. A wireless sensor network will link millions of sensor nodes to one control base station, allowing a large monitoring coverage with limited numbers of operators. The cost of replacement batteries will be eliminated as a result of the self-powered characteristics. Power lines and human resources that are needed for power replacement will also be greatly reduced. There are many immediate applications for autonomous sensors. Engineers can embed these sensors to buildings to monitor structural health under vibration caused by strong wind or earthquake. They will also be effective in monitoring rotary mechanical systems such as helicopter blades. Surgical cost will be greatly minimized if such device is used in artificial heart implants. Surgeries related to battery replacement can be eliminated, which will also reduce tissue damages. This monitoring system can report real-time information, even in dangerous or inaccessible environment. It will become an invaluable asset in homeland security applications, in which countless numbers of low cost sensors could be used for border control. Autonomous sensors will also cut the cost of airport inspections, therefore allowing more inspection points and reducing airport traffics. The goal of this project is to integrate a sensor circuit and PMPG to create a selfpowered wireless monitoring system. The first step of the research is to fabricate a PMPG device that satisfies the sensor circuit's power consumption requirement. In recent years, advances in low power DSP and VLSI system-design have reduced electronics power requirements to hundreds of pW. This lowered power requirement has made selfpowered sensor possible. Specifically, the PMPG only requires to generate 100 iW to sustain our sensor system. A RF temperature monitoring system will be developed as a part of this study. It will be used for temperature monitoring for natural gas pipelines. Different electronics components of the system will be studied and optimized in order to achieve minimum power consumption. Lastly, other sensing applications will also be explored and incorporated into this self-powered monitoring system. 7 Chapter 2 Self-Powered Sensor Node Architecture 2.1 Introduction The goal of this project is to create a self-powered wireless sensor node, the standard unit of a wireless sensor system. Such sensor node collects data, and transmits them wirelessly to base station (Figure 2-1). The basic components of a sensor node that can fulfill the requirements of general sensor monitoring applications are illustrated in Figure 2-2. The sensor node requires a source of energy such as battery or power supply. In this design, the sensor node is self-powered, by extracting energy from ambient vibrational source using piezoelectric micro power generator (PMPG). The power management module serves three functions: . Rectification of PMPG AC output to DC voltage. . Energy storage. . Active switching between the application circuit and power source. The application circuit consists of three main power-consuming components: microcontroller, sensor, and data transceiver. This design focuses on temperature sensing application and uses digital temperature sensor. However, it can be expanded to incorporate other sensing applications. The microcontroller manages system's peripherals and communication between them. It instructs the temperature sensor to convert the 8 ambient temperature to digital format and reads the converted temperature. The data is then sent to base station or other sensor nodes through an output channel. For basic sensor application, one-way communication between the sensor nodes and base station using RF transmitter is sufficient. In this design, the temperature data is outputted through either a transmitter or the transmit mode of a RF transceiver, which modulates the digital temperature data into FM signal. Two-way communication using infrared transceiver is also possible for complex wireless system, but will demand more power from PMPG. Self-powered A Sensor Node Base Station Figure 2-1: Wireless sensor system schematics. The self-powered sensor node, focus of this project, transmits data to a receiver at the base station. PMPG - Power Mamgerniert *1 Power Supply Module TMP Seriior 4-0 Microcordroller RF Tx Figure 2-2: Schematics of self-powered sensor node. 2.2 Ultra-Low Power Components Current researches in the field of ultra-low power electronics have produced devices that only require milliwatts of power (Table 2-1). Atmel and Texas Instruments are two of the dominant producers of ultra-low power microcontrollers (Figure 2-3). 9 Devices such as ATmega128L [1], ATmega163 and MSP430 [2] require active current of less than 10 mA and sleep current in the order of pAs. In particular, TI MSP430 has five power modes and interval timers. The interval timer sourced by a 32 kHz crystal can wake up the system from sleep mode. In power mode 3, the device draws as low as 2 pA with 3 V power supply. Its sleeping current less than 1 uA has made it particularly attractive to low power circuit design engineers. Table 2-1: Self-powered monitoring system components. ISleep (pA) Twmp. Sensor V I (mA) Power RF Transmttr Frequency (MHz) V I Active (mA) DS1620 2.7-5.5 1 2.7 mW Tx3 902-928 2.2-12 7.5 - DS1626 2.7-55 1-1.25 2.7 mW CC1000 315/433/868/915 2.1-3.6 7.4 2 TMP100 2.7-5.5 0.07 0.21 mW CC2420 2400 2.1-3.6 17 20 AD7814 2.7-5.5 0.25 <80 L/ TR1000 916.5 2.7-3.5 12 0.75 AD7301 2.7-5.B 1.6 0.631 mW Tx6000 916.5 2.7-3.5 12 0.75 LM75 3-5.5 1 3mW XE1201A 300-500 2.4 5.0-6.0 0.2 MAX6625 3-5 1 3 mW Microcontroller V I Active (mA) SX28 2.7-5.5 17 Panasonic ERT- Sleep (pA) 8 J1VR103J - - 100 mW ATmegal28L 2.7-5.5 6 SHT11 2.4-5.5 0.028 30 pW ATmegal63L 2.7-5.5 5 1.9 MSP430 1.6-3.6 0.46 0.7 LL 11111, I'l. 4F fI I f7J7J' b) (a) Figure 2-3: (a) TI MSP430. (b) Atmel ATMEGA128L. Low power temperature sensors are also available for ultra-low power applications. There are many ways to measure temperature. The simplest way is to measure the voltage across a thermistor. However, this may require an ADC to translate analog voltage level into a digital form for the microcontroller. Furthermore, a thermistor draws considerable amount of power, thus is not suitable for low power applications. Digital sensors such as TI TMP100 [3], which draws 70 pA at 3 V, are viable choices as temperature sensors. Sensirion SHT 11 Humidity and temperature sensor [4] includes a 10 capacitive polymer sensing element for relative humidity and a bandgap temperature sensor (Figure 2-4). This 12/14 bit sensor only consumes 28 pA at 3 V, and thus is the best candidate for our application. Figure 2-4: Sensirion SHT 11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor. RF Monolithics [5] and Chipcon [6] produce some of the best ultra-low power RF transceivers (Figure 2-5). To minimize power consumption, the sensor circuit will only transmit and not receive data. RFM TR1000 has an active current of 12 mA, and Chipcon CCl1000, CC2420 have active currents of 7 mA and 17 mA. However, output power and transmission rate should also be considered in deciding a suitable RF transmitter. (b) (a) Figure 2-5: (a) RFM TR1000. (b) Chipcon CC2420. 2.3 Wireless Sensor Nodes Advances in networking and ultra-low power electronics have allowed researchers to develop generations of systems that integrate low power CPU, radio communication and MEMS-based sensors. These wireless sensor nodes are colloquially 11 referred in sensor research community as "motes" [7]. Each mote consists of RF transceiver, CPU, and sensors. The task of each mote is to collect sensor data and transmit them to outside world via radio link. This task, as well as other applications, is programmed in nesC language (see later section for a detail discussion). Target costs are less than 10 cents per unit, which enable networks with potentially tens of thousands of motes. Motes are typically powered by batteries, which can have significant replacement costs, as well as the limitation of their size due to batteries. Motes designs are based on the principle of minimizing power consumption. Since continuous data is not required for most applications, sensor data are taken and processed at discontinuous time intervals. To reduce power, motes are powered down, or put to sleep during the majority of the duty cycle. Some components are turned off to reduce sleeping current. As shown before, the major power consumption blocks are the computing unit (microcontroller), a sensing unit, and a communication unit. The computing unit, or the microcontroller, generally has 3 modes (active, sleep, and idle), and power consumptions differ in each mode. Microcontroller is put into sleep mode during most of the cycle, hence minimizing its sleeping current, which is crucial in reducing power consumption. Microcontroller that has a fast wakeup time from sleep to active mode is also required to reduce energy loss. Lastly, the microcontroller should have low active power and fast processing rate. The communication unit, in this case the RF transceiver, often consumes the most power among the three blocks. Its power consumption is determined by the modulation type, data transmission rate and transmission power. If a RF transceiver is used instead of RF transmitter, power is also consumed when switching between transmit and receive mode. In order to minimize power, The RF transceiver is designed only for data transmission. It is also put to sleep by microcontroller during majority of operating cycle. On the other hand, the power consumption of sensing unit is difficult to assess, as it varies among different application. Most motes provide multiple output ports or sensor board that allows users to attach the sensor of their choices. Temperature sensing is chosen in this project, but it can be expanded to other applications as well. 12 Many generations of motes have been developed over the years, and have been summarized in hardware survey [8]. Some of the most notable research groups are SmartDust at UC Berkeley [9] and R-AMPS at MIT [10]. In addition, these motes are commercialized by companies such as Ember Corp. [11], Dust. Inc. [12], Crossbow Technology [13], and Millennial Net [14]. Sensor nets developed using these motes, are intended to serve as easy and inexpensive methods of controlling building environments, safeguarding sites and optimizing all kinds of industrial processes and business operations. Recently, members of Intel Berkeley Research Lab founded Moteiv [15], which provides latest generation motes to sensor community for research purposes. Table 2-2 illustrates an enormous improvement in mote performance over the last decade. Microcontroller's active power, sleep power and wakeup time are drastically reduced as new chips become available to the wireless sensor community. Data transmission rate also increases multifold while transmit power remains approximately constant. Table 2-2: Generations of motes [16]. Microcontroller Nonvolatile storage Size ((B) Communication MVd*aton teni Concation p Power Consumption I iiiimi Operation(V lTte Apti Power (W) Programming and Sensor Interface For proof of concept, commercial available motes are used to develop the autonomous wireless system. However, future generation autonomous sensor node can be 13 made by integrating ultra-low power components together with a portable power generator, to create a self-powered sensor node. In this project, two motes, Moteiv's Telos and Crossbow Technology's Mica2Dot, are considered (Figure 2-6, 2-7). At a first glance, the latter may be more favorable because of its physical size. Mica2Dot, with diameter of only 0.25 cm, is much smaller than Telos (6.5 cm x cm xl.5 cm). However, an external sensor board is required for Mica2Dot, which increases the overall size of the sensor node. On the other hand, sensors are integrated on Telos. Furthermore, Telos' physical dimension will be greatly reduced once its two AA batteries cartilage is replaces by a MEMS piezoelectric micro power generator (PMPG). Telos also consumes less power than Mica2Dot. Telos is integrated with SHT 11, a digital temperature sensor which consumes significantly less power than the thermistor used by Mica2Dot. Telos also uses TI MSP430, a microcontroller with an average 2.4 RA sleeping current and a maximum wakeup time of 6 ps. Mica2Dot, on the other hand, uses ATmegal28 with an average 30 pA sleeping current and a maximum wakeup time of 60 ps. Lastly, Telos CC2420 RF transceiver consumes active current twice that of Mica2Dot TR1000. Nevertheless, CC2420 has a data rate of 240 kbps, while TR1000 has data rate of only 40 kbps. Ultimately, Telos can transmit data faster with less power per transmission. Telos is chosen for this project because it consumes less power. As stated previously, a board level design will be made in the future, that integrates ultra-lower power components with PMPG to create a self-powered sensor node. Since Telos is already using some of the most energy efficient components (e.g. MSP430), using it to implement the prototype will make the development of future autonomous sensor's architecture easier. A detail description of Telos operation will be discussed in a later section. Figure 2-6: Left: Mica2Dot. Right: Telos. 14 Tunerst Sensor Phobpeinthelicaly Active Raiation User Reset g roW Sollr Rain / 6-pin expansion conneeI)/ 1-i xaso conneco UPs Connector irdernat USS Receive LED LEDs CC2420 M11crowolbor Radio Switch i JTA bowing USO iun conneco rnicroconlrller TOxM Instruments USP430 F1611 SMA Antenn Connecior (pf)f sei Kn /8btN~ U Flash (2kB) 32L osWator ST Flash (1MB) Figure 2-7: Top: Telos Front View. Bottom: Telos Back View. 2.4 nesC 2.4.1 nesC Language Sensor nodes have vastly different system requirements from those of traditional computer. nesC programming language is specifically designed for networked embedded systems [17, 18]. An example of such a system is a sensor network, which consists of thousands of tiny, low power nodes, each of which execute concurrent, reactive programs that must operate with severe memory and power constraints. 15 There are a number of sensor network programming challenges that nesC must addresses. First, sensors are driven by interaction with environment. They are used for data collection and control, rather than traditional computer that are used for general purpose computation. Concurrency issues must be addressed, since event arrivals and data processing occur simultaneously. Second, sensor node has extremely limited resources. It must be produced in low cost, have minimum power consumption with a small package size. These parameters are mostly set by the availabilities of low power components and new packaging technologies. Nevertheless, an operating system with small footprint and memory is desired. Reliability for long-lived applications is another concern for environmental sensing applications. Since autonomous sensor can have unlimited energy supply, its life time is limited by the reliability of applications. An important goal is to reduce run-time errors, since there is no real recovery mechanism in the field except for automatic reboot. Lastly, sensor network has soft real-time requirements, since most tasks are not time-critical. A few time-critical tasks are sensor acquisition and radio timing. nesC supports a programming model that integrates reactivity to the environment, concurrency, and communication. A nesC application is built out of components which provides and requires interfaces. Application is wired together using components and configurations. nesC has many advantages that support sensor network requirements. It is an extension of C, therefore provides all the low-level features necessary to produce efficient codes. nesC programs are subjected to whole program analysis, which allows aggressive cross-component inlining, and static race condition detection. There is no separate compilation, further reducing the limited program size. nesC is a static language, which makes program analysis and optimization simpler and more accurate. It has no dynamic memory allocation, or dynamic component instantiation/destruction. However, its lack of functional pointer can make whole-program analysis difficult. TinyOS, written in nesC, is an operating system that is designed for sensor embedded system. This OS has been used in most of existing sensor nodes. It has a number of important features that are influenced by nesC design. Its component-based 16 architecture allows different OS services to be decomposed into separate components. As a result, unused services can be excluded from applications, greatly reducing the application size. It solves concurrency issues by separating task, a deferred computation mechanism, from event that runs in completion. 2.4.2 nesC Application A nesC application, Tpmpg, has been written to support Telos temperature measurement using SHT 11 sensor. The application is written such that the sensor will take and transmit 14 bit temperature readings at 1 second interval (see Appendix for scripts). This application is composed of two components: a module, and a configuration provides the implementation of the application. is the source file that the nesC compiler uses to generate an executable file. It wires to other TinyOS components that the application requires. links Tpmpg application to existing TinyOS components TimerC, GenericComm and HumidityC. As a result, Tpmpg application can use commands provided by other components. For example, by creating a wire TpmpgM.Temperature -> HumidityC.Temperature in, calling Temperature.getData() is equivalent to calling the same function in HumidityC. HumidityC is the SHT1 1 sensor driver that controls humidity and temperature measurements. The two measurements can be obtained separately by calling HumidityM.Temperature and HumidityM.Humidity. To reduce power consumption, only temperature data is retained and later transmitted by RF transceiver. HumidityC.TemperatureError is used for error detection, such that it would return TRUE when errors occur during measurement. The other component GenericComm, is the RF transceiver driver that controls data transmission. TinyOS package provides a high level application Oscope that uses GenericComm, and is used in many communication related applications. However, calling GenericComm directly allows more flexibility in controlling transmission time and bit rate, thus reduces power consumption. TimerC provides clock for task scheduling. 17 Furthermore, TinyOS's power management support is used by invoking HPLPowerManagement. Such function is activated and deactivated by calling GenericComm.start( ) and GenericComm.stop( ). By doing so, the RF transceiver is turned off and microcontroller returns to sleep mode at the end of data transmission. A set of commands and events are defined in Commands are functions that can be called by other functions within the applications. It can invoke other commands and events. Events define functions that are called when commands end in completions. For example, the application calls HumidityControl.start( ). When it runs to completion, it returns TRUE and invokes event HumidityControl.startDone( ). This event will then call commands such as Timer.start and CommControl.stop(). Components such as StdControl and HumidityControl require initiation, start and stop. These functions are defined by init ( ), start () and stop ( ). As shown by previous example, when the function runs to completion, it will invoke an event that triggers another command. The commands timing is controlled by the timer defined in the application. If timer is fired while Telos is active, it will take temperature measurement by calling Temperature.getData( ). When data is ready and the timer fires again, it calls SendMsg.send to transmit message. When message is sent, SendMsg.sendDone is triggered, and calls CommControl.stop( ) to put Telos to sleep. The timer will fire 1000 ms later to reactivate Telos and runs the application for another cycle. An external TpmpgMsg.h is implemented. It defines the length of data transmitted by CommControl. The Telos functions as a sensor node is installed with Tpmpg application. As shown in Figure 2-1, a receiver at the base station is required to collect the transmitted data. Another Telos is installed with TOSBase application provided by TinyOS. This mote is connected to a PC and functions as a receiver for the base station. The TinyOS application, Oscope is modified and used to display data using Java applet. The script has been modified to include data length change and temperature conversion. The scripts are recompiled, and two jar files are created. To run SerialForwarder, the Java application which allows user to manage data pockets and displays many useful statistics, use the command, 18 java -jar sf.jar To run a java applet that shows a graphical display of temperature measurements, run java -jar oscope.jar 2.4.3 Telos Operation and Power Consumption Telos' MSP430 is programmed in nesC with application described by previous section. For this research, sensors other than SHT 1 are ignored. Figure 2-8, 2-9 and 2-10 illustrate the minimum current, energy and power consumptions, assuming that most efficient code is used. They are constructed according to Telos [19], MSP430, SHT1 1, and CC2420's data sheets (Figure 2-8, 2-9, 2-10). MSP430 wakes up at the beginning of each duty cycle with wakeup time of -6 is. After wakeup, SHTl1 temperature sensor is activated and takes 14 bit temperature sample for -210 ms. CC2420 is next activated by MSP430. It then processes the data for duration of 500 jts, switches to transmission mode, and transmits the 14 bit data for 10 ins. Duty cycle ends as CC2420 and MSP430 return to sleep. Each duty cycle has duration of 221 ms and consumes 2270 [J energy. Figures indicate that sensor operates for the longest duration and consumes the most energy. SHT1 1 can also be programmed to read 12 bit data at a rate of 55 ms per measurement. 14 bit mode is chosen instead, to insure data robustness. Such result also demonstrates the importance of choosing a low power temperature sensor. On the other hand, CC2420 consumes the most power. Its energy consumption is greatly reduced as transmission time is shortened. Lastly, 15 pW sleeping power would be -15% of the power supplied, if Telos were to be powered by PMPG (provides -100 pW). Therefore, eliminating sleeping power is important in increasing power efficiency. 19 25 19.4 20 19.4 19.4 17 15 10 2 2.55 0.005 6 us MSP430 Wakeup 210 ms 600 us S HT1l1 Temp. CC2420 Measurement Startup 580 us CC2420 Crystal Startup 500 us 192 us 10 ms CC2420 CC2420 Programming Switch to Tx CC2420 Tx Is Time Standby Figure 2-8: Current drawn by Telos at 3 V per data point (221 ms). 70 58.2 60 - 58.2 58.2 51 50- 40 - 30 - 20 - 12 10 - 6 0- 7.65 U 0.015 6 us 210 ms 600 us 580 us MSP430 Wakeup S HT1 1 Temp. NMeasurement CC2420 Startup CC2420 Crystal Startup 192 us 10 ms Is CC2420 CC2420 Programming Switch to Tx CC2420 Tx Standby 500 us Figure 2-9: Telos power consumption at 3 V per data point (221 ms). 20 Time 1800 Total Energy without Sleeping = 2270 uJ 1606.50 1600 1400 1200 . 1000 582.00 600 400 200 0.04 30.60 6.96 29.10 11.17 6 us 210 ms 600 us 580 us 500 us 192 us 10 Ms 1s MSP430 Wakeup SHT11 Temp. Measurement CC2420 Startup CC2420 Crystal Startup CC2420 Programming CC2420 Switch to Tx CC2420 Tx Standby Time Figure 2-10: Telos energy consumption at 3 V per data point (221 ms). 2.5 Power Management Module The power management module is used to integrate commercial wireless sensor node Telos with piezoelectric micro power generator (PMPG), to create the self-powered wireless sensor node. It defines the system architecture and sequence of procedures performed by different components. A system level model that incorporates PMPG and Telos is first developed. Such model provides a better understanding of energy flow in between the devices. Power management module is then designed to satisfy the architectural requirements indicated by the model. 21 2.5.1 PMPG Modeling For simplicity, PMPG and Telos are modeled as simple circuit elements (Figure 2-11, 2-12). Previous researches has modeled piezoelectric element as an ac current source i (t) = I, sin(wot) with an internal capacitance C, [20]. C, is determined by intrinsic parameters of the piezoelectric element and co is the input vibration frequency. The magnitude of the current I, varies with mechanical excitation level, and is also dependent on external loading. However, the voltage across external load varies at a slow rate. Using first order approximation, ip(t) can be modeled as an independent AC current source. C, is assumed to be much smaller than the capacitors in rectification circuit and energy storage. A more elaborate electro-mechanical model with be used in Chapter 3 for PMPG design. PMPG will be designed to provide 100 pW of power at 3 V. The input vibration frequency will be natural frequency of liquid gas pipeline, which is in the range of 100-200 Hz. Cp ip =Ipsin(wt) Figure 2-11: PMPG is modeled as an AC current source with internal capacitance Cp. 2.5.2 Wireless Sensor Node Modeling The wireless sensor node, Telos, is modeled as a variable resistor that has resistance of greater than 20 k9 during off state and 125 Q during operation. It has turnon voltage of 2.094 V and draws a maximum current of 20 mA. It has a maximum voltage rating of 3.6 V. However, it will operate at a supply voltage less than 3 V, in order to avoid damages to the microcontroller, radio, and other components. It is programmed to take 221 ms of data in I second interval. 22 RTelos Figure 2-12: Telos is modeled as a variable resistor with R,=125 Q and Rof > 20 kn. 2.5.3 System Architecture Design A system level model is shown in Figure 2-13a. Power management module must be designed to satisfy the three major requirements of this system architecture: . Provides DC voltage to sensor node (Telos). . Manages power flow from source (PMPG) to application (Telos). . Energy storage. AC-DC converter is used to rectify AC PMPG output to DC. A detail analysis of rectifiers will be presented in a later section. Power management module also addresses the issue of power flow from PMPG to Telos. If PMPG were to power Telos continuously at 3 V, such that the sensor takes temperature reading at 1 second interval, it will need to provide an average power of 10 mW. In order to support this power requirement, 100 0.1 mW PMPGs will be required. On the other hand, most sensor applications do not require a continuous data stream. The power management module will manage power such that Telos is powered at discontinuous time intervals. Energy is first transferred to an energy storage element (Cstorage) during charging mode (Figure 2-13b). Once the capacitor has stored enough energy to support greater than one data point measurement, the system will transfer power from the capacitor to Telos during active mode (Figure 2-13c). Such process repeats every cycle. 23 Power Management Module AC-DC Rectifier PMPG RTeos Cstorage ---.............. (a) AC-DC Rectifier PMPG % Cstorage (b) Cstorage RTeIos (c) Figure 2-13: (a) Self-powered sensor system level model. Power management module consists of AC-DC rectifier that rectifies PMPG's AC output to DC, and a switching mechanism that manages power flow from PMPG to Telos. (b) Charging mode: energy transfer from PMPG to Cstorage. (c) Active mode: energy transfer from Cstorage to Telos. A switching scheme has been implemented such that Telos is disconnected from Cstorage during charging mode, and PMPG is disconnected during active mode. 24 An in-depth analysis of this circuit will bring insights to such conclusion. If Telos were connected during charging mode, PMPG would provide power to a parallel RTeiosCstorage circuit (Figure 2-14). It is important to remember that, the goal is to maximize power transfer to the capacitor during the transient response of the circuit, and not power transfer to the load resistor during steady state. Most published papers in the past have analyzed the steady state response [20, 22, 24]. A matching resistor is used to maximize power transfer. Such approach is not suitable for this application. PMPG AC current source is rectified to DC, Irect by AC-DC converter. The voltage across Cstorage is: -t VCstorage (2.1) I rectR Telos (1 - e RrectCstorage PSpice simulation (Figure 2-15) indicates that, as Vcstorage reaches steady state voltage, more power is transferred to the load resistor and less to the energy storage capacitor. When voltage across capacitor reaches steady state, all power is transfer to the load resistor. Since the goal is to maximize power transfer to Cstorage, any additional resistive loading that acts as energy sink should be eliminated. Therefore, Telos is disconnected during charging cycle. Irect Cstorage RTeIos Figure 2-14: PMPG connected to Cstorage and RTelos. 25 Power Delivers to RC Circuit osiUw- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -PRTelos+PCstorage I PRTelos PCstorage -------------r1 r-------- r--------- r- es U1(01)*I(01) * 6Ks KSs 2Ms Is V1(C1)*-CtR1) 71(1)*(I(C1)-I(R1)) IGKs Tine Figure 2-15: PSpice simulation of current source in parallel with RC circuit. Furthermore, the sensor node Telos should be disconnected from the circuit during charging process, in order to charge capacitor above the sensor node's minimum operating voltage (Vmin). Since Telos shuts down when Vcstorage decays below the minimum operating voltage, only the energy stored by the capacitor above Vmin can be used. If Telos were connected to Cstorage during charging mode, it will prevent Vcstorage from rising above Vmin. Therefore, Telos must be disconnected from Cstorage during charging mode. A comparator will be implemented along with the switch to monitor the voltage across the capacitor. Lastly, PMPG should be disconnected from energy storage capacitor during Telos operation (active mode), in order to prevent current from flowing back to the PMPG device. This will minimize power loss due to leakage and maximize energy efficiency. Figure 2-16 is an operation flow chart of the self-powered sensor node. Cstorage is connected to PMPG and charged up to Vhigh during the charging mode. Once Vcstorage reaches Vhigh, a single pole/double throw switch disconnects Cstorage from PMPG and connects it to Telos. Telos operation starts, and begins to take temperature measurement at 1 s time interval. As Telos consumes energy, Vcstorage drops to V10 , Vi., is set at a threshold higher than the Telo's minimum operating voltage Vmin. When Vcstorage reaches Vi 0w, active mode ends and charging mode begins for the next cycle. 26 Charging Mode Vcstorage: Vi0o - Vhigh Active Devices: PMPG, Cstorage Active Mode Starts Vcsorage: Vhigh Active Device: Cstorage, Telos Telos Operation VCstorage: Vhigh-Vow Active Device: Cstorage, Telos Sensor Reading: 221 ms/measurement, every 1 s Active Mode Ends Vcstorage: Vio, Active Device: Cstorage Figure 2-16: Operation flow chart. 2.5.4 Implementation: Voltage Monitoring Module The switching scheme has been implemented using single pole/double throw (SPDT) switch Intersil ISL84714 and Maxim MAX9118 comparator. ISL84714 is an analog switch with an ultra-low on resistance of 0.38 2 at 3V supply voltage. A small Rn can minimize conduction loss and increase power efficiency from PMPG to Cstorage. MAX9118 comparator is an ultra low power comparator with an internal reference voltage Vref=1.252 V. It also has a 4 mV internal hysteresis band, which allows two different threshold voltages to be set. Specifically, the output generates low when Vin < 27 VI., (or VTHF in Figure 2-17), and high when Vi > Vhigh (or VTHR). A larger hysteresis band can be achieved by using external biasing resistors. THRESHOLDS IN+ THR IN- Figure 2-17: MAX9118 internal hysteresis band [21]. Figure 2-18 is the schematics of voltage monitoring module. Hysteresis is generated from the positive feedback constructed using R1, R2, R3 and R4 . These resistors are sized according to equations listed on the datasheet. The resistors have been sized to R1=1 M9, R2=1.1 Mn, R3=1.8 M9, and R4=1 M2. Vhigh is set to 3 V, a voltage that is well below the Telos rated voltage. Vi., is set at 2.2 V (greater than Telos' Vmin), so that Telos remains in operation during entire period of active mode. Both comparator and switch are powered by Cstorage. R3 R, Cstorage R4 +SL84714 S2MAX9118 no- Telos Figure 2-18: Voltage monitoring module schematics. 28 PMPG + AC-DC Rectifier 2.5.5 Implementation: AC-DC Rectifier PMPG is excited using a vibrational mechanical input, and generates an AC current source. The AC power must be converted to DC before it can be used by other electrical components in the system. First generation PMPG was previously tested using a full wave rectifier [22]. However, four diode drops will be lost as a result of the circuit topology, resulting in a lower voltage level at the output. In this design, a voltage doubler rectifier will be used instead. Since only two diodes are used in this topology, the voltage loss will be half of that of full-wave rectifier. STMicroelectonics 1N5711 diodes (Di and D2) are used to construct the voltage doubler rectifier (Figure 2-19). They are Schottky diodes with very low forward voltage drop VF. Maximum forward voltage VF is rated at 0.41 V, and it has a maximum forward current IF of 1 mA. It also has a very low reverse current of 200 nA at 50 V. Since the system only operates up to 3 V, the reverse current will peak out at approximately 5 nA. As a result, very little current will leak away during reverse biasing of the diodes. Z\D1 PMPG + Cstorage C1 ip=jpsin(wt) CP D2 Figure 2-19: Voltage doubler rectifier. To determine power flow characteristic of the rectifier, PMPG is again assumed to be a sinusoidal current source Ipsin(ot), in parallel with PMPG intrinsic capacitance Cp. During each charging cycle, C1 serves as intermediary energy storage element between 29 PMPG and Cstorage. The polarities of the two capacitors C, and Cstorage are defined as shown in Figure 2-19. In the following analysis, Cstorage is assumed to be relatively large compare to C1 and Cp. During the negative cycle of sinusoidal input, D2 is forward biased, connecting positive terminal of C1 to ground. D, is reverse biased, and no current flows to Cstorage. The parallel capacitors C, and C1 charges up to a maximum negative voltage, (or positive according to polarities indicated in Figure 2-20a). This voltage is dependent on frequency o and current amplitude Ip. During the positive cycle of sinusoidal input, D2 is reversed biased. The positive input charges C,, and reverses the polarity of the capacitor. When Vc, + Vc > Vcs,,, D1 becomes forward biased, connecting C, to output capacitor Cstorage. The sum of the voltages across C1 and C, are used to charge up Cstorage (Figure 2-20b). This power flow scheme repeats every cycle. However, it is important to remember that the topology operates in transient regime instead of steady state. Specifically, Vcstorage can increase indefinitely until Cstorage is cut off from PMPG by the comparator. Therefore, steady state analysis that is used in references [20] and [22] is inappropriate for this application. PMPG i=sin(wt) % C1 C (a) C1- Cstorage +C PMGip=Ipsin(wt) , CP (b) Figure 2-20: Circuit topology when (a) i, <0, (b) i, >0. 30 The voltage doubler rectifier is simulated using PSpice (Figure 2-21 a). Current source is driven at amplitude of 1 mA at 150 Hz. Cp and C1 are sized as 0.1 pF, and Cstorage 0.1 mF. Vci is defined as the node voltage between D, and D2 . Vcp exhibits a sinusoidal behavior as predicted by the model. However, deviation from pure sinusoidal response is shown in Figure 2-21b, due to the non-idealistic behavior of diodes, switch, and capacitors. When input is negative, both Vci and Vcp reach the same minimum voltage. When input is positive, Vci reaches Vcstorage of the previous cycle. Vcstorage increases indefinitely, and it follows the transient response profile of Vci. .Cstorage VC1I Vcp. 1 13 C pCpI\ D 1s -D2 Open=. FeUw..... (a) 31 torage .....---rwnfl.t Aes**m,. Cp H (0 1* 15 15r 15 H asa Vs H H IH (b) 1w1 ~~~~Ti~~m $ I~ VCP ... { Sf1iz) mS8tQ~apa1) am ... ... .. . ...... iia (c) Figure 2-21: (a) PSpice simulation of voltage doubler rectifier. (b) 10 s simulation result. (c) Simulation result from 8.1 s to 8.2 s. 32 2.5.6 Energy Storage Capacitor Sizing Energy storage capacitor must be sized such that it can store enough energy to provide voltage between 2.2 V to 3 V to allow Telos operation. On the other hand, it must be small, so the charging time constant remains acceptable. Capacitor characteristics Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) and DC Leakage Current (DCL) will also affect the capacitor choice. Steps in choosing capacitor: 1. Set largest acceptable time constant. 2. Choose the capacitance that corresponds to this time constant. 3. Consider capacitances with the smallest DCL and ESR. 4. If ESR and DCL does not satisfy power requirement, repeat step 1 with a larger time constant. The following section explores these parameters, as well as energy storage elements other than conventional capacitors. Calculating Lower Bound One can calculate the minimum capacitance by considering Telos' energy consumption. According the energy distribution taken from pervious section, 2270 pJ is consumed in each cycle. Capacitor need to be sized such that 2270 [1J is stored in the capacitor between Vi 0,=2.2 V and Vhigh= 3 V. E=Cog 1 2270 x 10- 6 =-C 2 Cstorage (Vhigh (32 2 _ V 2 ) (2.2) -2.22) 1 mF. Therefore, a minimum size of 1 mF is required. A larger size might be required if loss from leakage current is included in the modeling. 33 Capacitor Charging Time Constant We have assumed that the PMPG could provide 0.1 mW of power. If we were to further assume that the power remains constant at the voltage levels of our interest, then the charging time r from 2.2 V to 3 V will be, C, ,(V ,storage( 2 ,,2 _V ,2 high - V 2 PPMPG X10 4 Cstorage -2.08 (2.3) The first cycle will require the capacitor to charge from 0 to 3 V. In such case, the charging time r1 will be, 1 -Ctorage(3 2 -02) PPMPG =4.x104Cstorage 4. If Cstorage= mF, r=20.8 s, and Ti= (2.4) 45 s. Charging time constants increase linearly with capacitance. For example, 100 mF will require 75 minutes charging time in the first cycle, and 30 minutes in between successive cycles. Nevertheless, such time constants remain acceptable in most applications. The advantage of using a larger capacitor is that it allows Telos to operate for a longer time interval, therefore taking more data continuously. On the other hand, it would require a longer charging time. 34 ESR and DCL ESR C Rleak Figure 2-22: Capacitor model. A more realistic model of capacitor includes two loss elements ESR and DCL. Leakage current DCL is represented in the model by a resistive element R1eak (Figure 222). Capacitor size is limited by ESR and leakage current. This section provides a brief overview of these two concepts. ESR is the internal resistance that leads to heat generation in the capacitor. In order to have a low ESR, it is necessary to control the characteristics of the electrolyte, the ohmic contact resistance, and other intrinsic capacitor parameters. ESR is inversely proportional to frequency. For our application, Cstorage operates at DC. Therefore, it will be associated with the maximum ESR rated. Another source of power loss is capacitor's leakage current DCL. The dielectric of a capacitor has a very high resistance which prevents the flow of DC current. However, there are some areas in the dielectric that allow a small amount of leakage current to pass. The areas allowing current flow are due to very small impurity sites which are not homogeneous, and the dielectric formed over these impurities does not create a strong bond. When high voltage or temperature is applied to the capacitor, these bonds break down and the leakage current increases. Capacitor also exhibits "dielectric absorption" charge storage. When the capacitor is initially charged to full voltage, a considerable amount of inflow current occurs as a result of ions getting soaked up by the dielectric material. It is not a true leakage because it can be recovered when the capacitor is discharged. Such current decays with a long time constant, and makes actual leakage current measurement extremely difficult. However, dielectric absorption could dramatically increase capacitor charging time. The effect is more pronounced in double layer capacitors (DLC). For example, PowerStor 35 Aerogel capacitor's inflow current (sum of dielectric absorption and leakage currents), changes from 10 mA to leakage current of 5 ptA over the course of 1000 hours. CAP-XX DLC requires three to five days in order to reach true leakage current. Therefore, dielectric absorption must be considered in the choice of capacitor. Effects of ESR and DCL on Csto-age Sizing Capacitor size has complex relationships with ESR and leakage current. Within each type of capacitor (tantalum, electrolytic, DLC), capacitance is inversely proportional to ESR and proportional to leakage current. Such relationship is harder to qualify across different types of capacitors. Double layer capacitor is generally designed for ultra-low leakage applications. It also has higher energy density than conventional capacitors. Therefore, some DLCs have a leakage rate much lower than other type of capacitors of smaller size. For example, a CAP-XX GW2 90 mF capacitor has 2 pA leakage current, while an AVX tantalum capacitor has 40 pA of leakage current. Similarly, some capacitor type is designed for ultra-low ESR application, and has a lower ESR than DLC. Furthermore, dielectric absorption may present additional current loss during early cycles of operations, and it varies across capacitor types. The maximum power loss through ESR and DCL were arbitrarily set as 50% of 0.1 mW. Current of 20 mA flows across ESR during sensor node's active mode. The power loss is described by: pESR = I 2ESR = 4 x 10-4ESR (2.5) Furthermore, maximum power loss due to leakage occurs when capacitor is fully charged to 3 V. Therefore, the power loss due to DCL is: PDCL =DCL - V= 3 -DCL PESR DCL 50x 10-6 W 36 (2.6) Equations (2.5) and (2.6) indicate a maximum ESR of 125 mK2 and DCL of 16 pA. Capacitor generally has ESR on the hundreds of mQ range, while DCL on mA range, which causes PESR to be generally smaller than PDCL. DCL should be minimized prior to ESR. The amount of commercially available capacitors for commercial use also limits the choices of sizes. Tantalum and electrolytic capacitor generally ranges from jFs to 1.5 mF. On the other side of the spectrum, double layer capacitor ranges from tens of mF to hundreds of F. In between the two ranges are electrolytic capacitors that have large ESR and DCL, and are not suitable for our application. With a lower bound of 1 mF, the system would require either multiple tantalum capacitors or a relatively small size DLC. Despite the fact that each tantalum capacitor could have a smaller ESR and DCL than DLC, the sum of tens of them could have considerable power loss. In addition, DLC is designed to have very low leakage current. Therefore, DLC will be used in this project. Nevertheless, there are disadvantages such as a longer charging time constant and problems associated with dielectric absorption. The process of choosing a correct capacitor is a tradeoff between charging time constant and power loss. One should first determine the charging time constant that can be tolerated, and set the maximum allowed capacitance. A larger capacitance implies a longer charging time but less ESR power loss. For capacitors with relatively same leakage current, the one with the smaller ESR should be chosen. Figure 2-23 compares the power loss due to ESR and DCL from different types of capacitors. Result indicates that CAP-XX 250 mF, CAP-XX 90 mF, and AVX BestCap 60 mF satisfy the power limitation. Depends on the charging time that is allowed, the largest among the three should be chosen to minimize power loss. 37 1400 1200- 1000- 800 - E ESR Power Loss(^W 0DCL Power Loss(pW) o 600- 400- 200- 0 AVX TPS Series II Tantalum (lmF) Kemet T530 Tantalum (ImF) AVX BestCap (33mF) AVX BestCap (5OmF) AVX BestCap (6OmF) CAP-XX GW2 DLC (9OmF) CAP-XX GS2 DIC (250 mF) PowerStor Maxwell PC5 NESSCAP DLC (4F) PSHLR DLC Aerogel A (20F) Series DLC (47OmF) Capacitors Figure 2-23: Power Loss Comparison of various capacitors. AVX BestCap (60 mF) has T=20 min, CAP-XX GW2 DLC (90 mF) has T=31.2 min, and CAP-XX GS2 DLC (250 mF) has T=87 min. Double Layer Capacitor (DLC) Double layer capacitor technology can be viewed as a hybrid technology that lies between lead-acid battery technology and conventional electrolytic capacitor technology. It posses some of the better qualities of battery device and combines those qualities with some of the desirable attributes of electrolytic capacitors. Energy storage devices are characterized by their energy density (energy stored per unit volume) and by their power (how fast the energy can be delivered from the device). Conventional capacitors have enormous power but only tiny amounts of energy. They are useful in supporting high current peaks, but their low energy density requires additional energy storage element in actual applications. Batteries can store lots of energy, but have low power because of their long charge and discharge time. Their lifetimes are greatly reduced when they are fully discharged. DLC bridges the gap between batteries 38 and capacitors by having both high power and high energy properties. It has high specific power densities, between 10-20 times greater than leading battery technology. Its energy densities can exceed those of conventional capacitors by approximately 10-100 times. Other advantages include charge/discharge efficiencies superior to that of batteries, near infinite shelf life and rechargeability, minimal maintenance, and can be fully discharged without reducing the lifetime of the devices. Different types of DLC have been designed to support various applications. AVX BestCap (ranging from 10 mF to 560 mF) is designed to support pulse current that reduces the lifespan of conventional batteries. It uses an electrolyte that yields positive hydrogen ions, one of the most mobile species, which leads to a very low ESR of tens to hundreds of m~s. Cooper Bussmann's PowerStor capacitors (ranging from 220 mF to 50 F) use carbon electrodes but in a foamed aerogel form. Their electrodes property results in very low ESR capacitors. They are best known for a leakage current of only few gAs, which allows capacitors to hold charges for few weeks. On the other hand, 1000 hours are required to diminish dielectric absorption current. Its low voltage rating of 2.5 V means multiple capacitors are required in high voltage applications. NEC-Tokin DLC (ranging from 10 mF to 100 F) concentrates on backup applications for SRAM, microsystem support, and low-impedance applications such as actuators and valves. Cap-XX capacitors (ranging from 90 mF to 2.3 F) offer supports to compact flash and PC card and other portable devices. Other double layer capacitors are designed based on the high-power end of the DLC spectrum. Epcos's UltraCaps (ranging from 3.3 to 5000 F) are generally used in automotives and other high voltage, high power applications. Maxwell Technologies' Boostcaps (ranging from 2 to 2600 F) are also designed for automotive uses in cars, railway, tramway, telecommunications-backup, and energy-generation applications. NessCaps (ranging from 1.5 to 5000 F) have been evaluated in electric car applications to improve the performance of conventional batteries. Considering the long charging time constant associated with large DLCs, only mF capacitors are considered. NEC-Tokin has capacitor size closest to the minimum size 39 requirement, but has >300 mQ ESR. PowerStor Aerogel capacitors, Cap-XX capacitors and AVX BestCap capacitors are the prime candidates for this project. 40 Chapter 3 PMPG Design 3.1 Introduction The major component of any large scale wireless network is its power supply. Previous discussion indicates enormous technological advances in network theory, as well as creating very small scale energy efficient wireless sensors. Comparatively speaking, very little progress has been made on the energy supply side of the system. In many systems, power supplies remain the bulkiest of the entire architecture (e.g. AA batteries slot on Telos, MICA mode). The issue of replenishing energy is especially important in wireless applications. If conventional batteries were to be used, one would also need to include the cost of battery replacement. Replacing batteries at hostile or inaccessible environment can be extremely expensive. Wireless sensors that are embedded in un-disassemblable structures such as buildings, bridges or rotary systems will not allow foreign access to replenish their energies. Replacing batteries for artificial heart can be expensive and harmful to the patient. An alternative to conventional battery is to make use of the parasitic energy available from the environment. Energy harvester, a device that can perpetually provide energy to the system, will eliminate the needs of battery replacement. Energy harvesting from the environment has been actively explored using solar power (most popular and powerful ambient energy source), thermal gradients and fluid flow, among many [22, 23]. 41 Table 3-1: Comparison of Energy Source [22, 24]. Power density (10 year lifetime) Energy Source (v/cnt) Solar (outdoor) 15,000 Solar (indoor) 6 Vibration (piezoelectric) Vibration (electrostatic) Temperature gradient Batteries (non-rechargeable) Batteries (rechargeable) Hydrocarbon fuel (micro heat engine) Fuel cells (methanol) 250 50 15(at 10 0C gradient) 3.5 7* 33 28 Comparison of potential ambient sources for energy harvesting has been done previously. Vibrational energy harvesting via piezoelectric conversion has a high power density (250 W/cm 3), only second to solar power (15,000 W/cm3) [22, 24]. If one were to take into account the cost of manufacturing and applications such as powering low cost devices, then solar, hydrocarbon fuel and fuel cells are too extravagant and expensive. Solar power is also impractical, especially in imbedded applications. As a result, piezoelectric energy harvesting becomes a more attractive option. Piezoelectric power generators have been used previously to power sensor in shoes [25] as well as other RF applications [26, 27]. However, large scale piezoelectric materials are used. These materials are not feasible in making small scale integrated devices. In this research, MEMS scale piezoelectric power generator is used as energy supply of the wireless sensors. By integrating the piezoelectric power generator, PMPG, with the wireless sensor, one could create an autonomous wireless system with very small sensor nodes. In this project, this system is used to monitor liquid gas pipeline that provides energy through its fixed natural frequency. 42 3.2 Piezoelectric Effect The piezoelectric effect was discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880. They found that if a certain crystals were subjected to mechanical strain, they became electrically polarized and the degree of polarization was proportional to the applied strain [28]. Conversely, the same material will be physically deformed when subjected to an electric field. Such phenomenon is known as the piezoelectric effect. The piezoelectric materials used in this research are piezoceramics known as PZT (lead zirconium titanate, (Pb(Zr,Ti)0 3)). These are polycrystalline ferroelectric materials with perovskite crystal structure, a tetragonal/rhombahedral structure very close to a cubic. PZT consists of mass of crystallites. Above a critical temperature, or Curie point, these crystallites align themselves to exhibit a simply cubic symmetry (Figure 3-1a). Such structure has positive and negative charge sites coinciding, so there are no dipoles present in the materials. Below the Curie point, however, the crystallites take on tetragonal symmetry, in which the positive and negative charge sites no longer coincide, resulting in dipole formations (Figure 3-1b). These built-in dipoles are crucial to the piezoelectric effect. (b) (a) Figure 3-1: (a) Cubic lattice (above Curie point). (b) Tetragonal lattice (below Curie point) [28]. The dipoles are not randomly oriented throughout the tetragonal PZT materials. Neighboring dipoles align with each other to form regions of local alignment known as 43 Weiss domains. Each Weiss domain has a net polarization. On the other hand, different Weiss domains are aligned in random directions; hence no overall polarization or piezoelectricity is exhibited by the material. The ceramic materials become piezoelectric through a poling process at a temperature below Curie point. When the material is placed in an electric field, domains that are aligned to the direction of the field will grow at the expense of other domains. When the field is removed, the dipoles remain locked, giving the ceramic material a permanent deformation (Figure 3-2). +I ILI Figure 3-2: (a) Before poling. (b) During poling. (c)After poling [28]. The piezoelectricity of a material is described by its hysteretic behavior. When a sample of PZT is subjected to an increasing electric field, the dipoles become aligned with the field and polarization increases as shown by Figure 3-3. When the field has increased to a certain value in which all the dipoles are aligned with the field, polarization will cease to increase. The material then reaches the saturation point, with saturation polarization P. If the field is now reduced to zero, dipoles will become less aligned. However, they do not return to their original alignment, since they are bounded to a preferred direction defined by the applied field during the first part of the hysteresis. Since there is still a high degree of alignment, the polarization does not fall back to zero but to a value somewhat lower than the saturation polarization known as the remanent polarization Pr. PZT layer are generally made using solgel spin coating method. Crystal structure, or perovskite phase of PZT is formed after the final annealing step. However, depending on processing parameter, some regions of PZT will remain in amorphous, or pyrochlore 44 phase. A large percentage of PZT in perovskite phase is required in order for it to be piezoelectric. This material property is proportional the ratio between P, and PS. A large Pr/Ps often indicates PZT with high piezoelectricity. * It~W~ ............... . ........ ... . .. U .......... ............ 4* 4* US S ---------- .......... .. ... .................. .... *5 Figure 3-3: Hysteresis behavior of PZT [28]. 3.3 PMPG Structure Piezoelectric Micro Power Generator (PMPG), is a composite MEMS energy harvesting device. Type 1 PMPG device was fabricated according to the layout shown in Figure 3-4 [29]. The MEMS device is built on a Si substrate, which is later etched away to release the cantilever beam. The basic design of the multilayer cantilever consists of five layers as follows: membrane layer (SiO 2 and/or SiNx) for controlling bow of the cantilever structure, diffusion barrier/buffer layer (ZrO2) for preventing electrical charge diffusion from the piezoelectric layer, piezoelectric layer (PZT), top IDT electrode (Pt/Ti), and optional proof mass layer (SU-8). Pt is the dominant material of the top electrodes, while Ti acts as an adhesion layer between Pt and PZT. 45 Interdigitated Electrode _ r of Mass membrane Figure 3-4: Cross section and top views of Type 1 PMPG [29]. There are two piezoelectric modes (d31, d33 ), which are commonly used in piezoelectric devices. While the d3 1 mode has separate top and bottom electrodes, the d33 mode eliminates the need for a bottom electrode by employing an interdigitated top electrode. The d33 mode design gives much higher open-circuit voltage than the d31 type transducer at similar beam dimensions. The electrodes in Type 1 PMPG are designed to take advantage of d33 mode of PZT material [30]. Figure 3-5: SEM photograph of Type-I PMPG [29]. 3.4 Electro-Mechanical Model of PMPG 3.4.1 Introduction Previous evaluation of wireless sensors indicates power requirements of 100 1IW at 3 V from the power generator. In addition, the energy harvesting device needs to have a low resonant frequency in order to convert parasitic mechanical vibrations available from the environment. Specifically, the natural vibration of liquid gas pipeline is on the order of 100-200 Hz. PMPG will be sized according to its electro-mechanical model in order to meet these power requirements. 46 There are two piezoelectric modes (d31 and d33 ) that are commonly used in piezoelectric devices (Figure 3-6). They are distinguished by whether the electric field direction is perpendicular to the input strain direction (d31 ) or parallel to it (d3 3 ). Operating piezoelectric elements in d33 mode is more advantageous. While the d3 1 type must have separate top and bottom electrodes, the d33 type eliminates the need for a bottom electrode by employing an interdigitated (IDT) top electrode. It reduces the number of photo mask, as well as complications in fabrications due to multiple layers. Device in d33 mode also has high strain and larger open circuit voltage. Equations (3.1) and (3.2) show the relation between stress axx (or strain x 3) and electric field Ei (or voltage V3 ) [29]. x3 V~, = og where x3 (3.1) = dA 3 (3.2) L, is the strain, V 31 the open circuit voltage, d 3i (V/m) and g3i (Vm/N) the piezoelectric constants, and Li is the distance between electrodes. In d31 mode, electrode spacing L is dictated by the thickness of the PZT layer. On the other hand, L can be controlled arbitrarily in d33 mode by changing the interdigitated top electrodes spacing. Furthermore, the piezoelectric constants in d33 are generally 2 to 2.5 times larger than d31 mode. According to equations (3.1) and (3.2) these imply a larger open circuit voltage, larger strain and power output. As a result, d33 mode was employed in our PMPG design. d33 mode d3 mode L Et V, aCtYg V =a, Lg 33 Figure 3-6: Two modes of piezoelectric conversion from input mechanical stress [40]. Many previous researches have developed mathematical model describing behaviors of piezoelectric structures. Wardle et al. have derived a model to estimate 47 power output for a 1-dimentional system in d33 mode. The effect of proof mass, beam shape and damping on the harvesting performance have been modeled to provide a design guideline for maximizing power output [31]. The 1-D model consists of a piezoelectric element excited by a base input, WB. The piezoelectric element has a mass m, with proof mass, M, and is connected to a power harvesting circuit, modeled simply as resistor R, (Figure 3-7). The piezoelectric leakage resistance is modeled as Rp. The resonance structure is damped out by both mechanical damping and electrical damping, with electrical damping dominant during power transfer from PMPG to output circuit. This model is strictly valid only for harvesters where electrical damping is linear and proportional to velocity. However, most output circuitry consists of AC-DC converter with nonlinear behavior. Nevertheless, this model is still useful in evaluating first order responses, relative importance of generator's parameters, and providing design insights. WD x2 Figure 3-7: General 1-D structure of piezoelectric energy harvester. The estimated displacement, open circuit voltage, and power are determined by the following equations: 48 B= K [-(1 + 2,,R,) 2 +-2 (3.3) 24, + 1 ]2 + ,ReQ - ReQ' KC, B v KCP e (3.4) .. [I-(1+ 24,mRe,) P (WVB ~ 2 ]2 + ~ 2 j ,m+ j2 Re J - R ef2' KCP 1+ 1 R P 2 2 [1 - (1+ 2mRe )Q2 ] + 2,;m + -2(35 2 {1+ }Re} - ReQ3 IKCP Parameters intrinsic to MEMS device are capacitance of piezoelectric element CP, the mechanical damping ratio ;m, total structural mass M, electromechanical coupling factor 0, and stiffness of the cantilever K. Dimensionless factors Re=oiR1Cp and Q=o/oj are introduced, where o is the base input frequency, and co, = [K/M . Bf is the forcing function that accounts for the inertial loading due to the base excitation. Electrical damping coefficient qe is introduced when power is drawn from the system by electrical loading. 3.4.2 Parameter Considerations for Maximizing Power Output A design rule to maximize the power output is developed. We have developed our design rule to maximize the power output rather than the conversion efficiency, since the environmental vibrational energy is abundant and the magnitude of the continuous power from the harvesting device is the most important measure to many wireless sensing applications. 49 Energy conversion from mechanical to electrical via a PZT beam follows steps below: " Input vibration - applies acceleration to the beam structure. " Effective mass - converts input acceleration into force. " Beam shape - bends according to the force to result in strain along the PZT layer. Mechanical damping dissipates energy during oscillation. " Piezoelectric layer of the beam - converts mechanical strain into electrical charge, which results in electrical damping of the vibrating beam. " Electrodes - collect generated charge and electrical damping results. According to equation (3.5), generated power is modeled with 6 parameters: amplitude of vibration o, mass of cantilever beam M, its natural frequency ol, mechanical and electrical damping coefficients ((m and ce), and electromechanical coupling coefficients. Amplitude of vibration is fixed by the input source, and the natural frequency of piezoelectric element is adjusted to that of input frequency. Therefore, power can only be maximized by adjusting M and damping coefficient through varying cantilever beam shape and mass. Effect of Mass Although the actual charge generation occurs at the piezoelectric layer, the maximum strain on the PZT layer is set by the effective mass of the beam. For the same resonant frequency, the heavier the mass and the stiffer the beam, the more energy can be stored into the structure at resonance. Assuming the input vibration is fixed, o and oih are constant. Also assuming the beams have constant 0, K, C, and the same harvesting circuit, the most dominant factor for the power output shown in equation (3.5) becomes Bf, which is a function of inertial mass of the structure. The maximum energy harvested by a piezoelectric transducer is e * Estored, in which Estored is mainly determined by the effective mass of the beam structure [30]. The more the electrical power is drawn from the vibrating beam, the higher the electrical damping. Then the high electrical damping would result in a significant reduction of the beam deflection at the resonance. If the beam has more stored energy, however, more electrical energy can be drawn from the 50 beam while maintaining the electrical damping low, which is the ratio of Egenerated/ Estored- Therefore the key idea for more power generation is to maximize the stored energy. The maximum power harvesting, therefore, can be achieved by having an effective mass as heavy as possible unless it results other adverse effects such as excessive stress or damping. There are two approaches to increase the total mass M of the cantilever. One can add a proof mass at the end of the beam, as illustrated in Figure 3-8. By adding a proof mass, one can obtain a larger total mass in a smaller volume. It should be noted that beam b not only increases M, but also decreases the mechanical air damping significantly. Less mechanical damping will result in a larger power output. Ml. M1M (b) (a) Figure 3-8: The effect of the proof mass on deflection. The second approach is to enlarge the total structure. Since Si (beam substrate) has a higher density than SU8 (proof mass), it is sometimes more feasible to increase the cantilever beam thickness instead of adding a proof mass. On the other hand, a large beam structure will have a larger mechanical damping that will in turn reduce power. Furthermore, reducing the size of power generator is another requirement of PMPG design. Therefore, the most effective way to increase total mass is to use a proof mass much denser than the beam. Effect of Damping Damping coefficients also affect power output [33]. Electrical damping coefficient ge is set by the electrical load. On the other hand, mechanical damping coefficient ;m can be varied by adjusting beam dimensions. The prior discussion of mass 51 has already illustrated the advantage of a smaller beam in reducing air damping. As a matter of fact, the difference between the two approaches in adjusting mass is the mechanical damping coefficient. Basically, harvested power is proportional to the maximum deflection, so consequently proportional to the inverse of damping coefficient as shown in equation (3.5). Resonant deflection is determined by the following equations: Static case: ,= (3.6) M/K Resonant case: 6r= t M/K / 2 T=tM/K * is the total damping coefficient of PMPG, where Q (3.7) Q is the quality factor, or the ratio of resonant tip deflection to the static tip deflection. So minimizing m is essential for maximum power. As m is the ratio of damping force to the effective mass, the exact expression becomes: (m = (3.8) b/2Mcoi where b is damping force. We can reduce mby minimizing b which is proportional to the surface area. Consider the vibrating cantilever at the MEMS scale. The damping of the cantilever structure can come from the flapping air, internal friction, beam support losses, and squeezed air film underneath as shown in Figure 3-9. The dominant contributors at the MEMS scale are the air damping and internal structure damping [34]. Air damping Support Loss Vibration Internal friction Squeeze Effect Figure 3-9: Damping mechanisms. 52 Damping coefficients from the air damping and internal structure damping is determined by the governing equations below: (3.9) 4m = 4air +4intemal air 1 2 beam = (L/W)(3pt7b+0.75nb 2(2PaOP) / )/(2M(oi) airroof = (3pnd+0.757td 2(2PaOmP) 4intemal = (mbeam/(mproof + mbeam))*i1/ (3.10) )/(2Moi) (3.11) 2 (3.12) where L is beam length, W the beam width, d width of a proof mass, P the viscosity of air, Pa the density of air, and lithe viscosity of beam material. From the model of these damping mechanisms, the damping energy loss can be reduced considerably by changing the beam and proof mass geometry. We found that minimizing the projected area significantly reduces the air damping. The shapes of structure and proof mass should be optimized to minimize the damping while to maintain the stiffness of the beam for low resonance frequency. A simple comparison of the two beams at the same resonant frequency and static deflection has been made as shown in Figure 3-10. 63um 20um 63um u 3umt7 90um lurn lum $tm 26 um 70um (b) (a) Figure 3-10: Comparison of two PMPGs: (a) non-optimized, (b) damping optimized. Using the dimensions shown in Figure 3-10, a 77% reduction of the damping coefficient of a new device is anticipated. This results in a significant increase of the power density as shown in Table 3-2. The reduction in damping coefficient enables 4.3 times larger resonance amplitude of the cantilever structure and 10.2 times larger maximum strain of 53 the PZT layer. As a result, power density increases up to 1300% of the non-optimized device. Table 3-2: Comparison of PMPGs estimated performance: (a) non-optimized, (b) damping optimized. (a) (b) Dimension 261 x 190 x 51 pm 3 70 x 172 x 64pm 4. 0.0044 0.00102 Max. deflection 1.8pm 7.8ptm Max. strain 0.0142% 0.145% Power output 1.01 pW 4.37pW Power density 0.74mW/cm 2 13.70mW/cm2 3 3.4.3 PMPG Design Wireless sensor application requires a high power output (-0. 1 mW) at very low resonance frequency (-150 Hz). A large effective mass is required in order to achieve this power level. However, a fabrication process that includes heavy proof mass on PZT, such as metal, has yet to be developed. SU8 is well understood and has been frequently used as proof mass in different MEMS structures. On the other hand, there is little knowledge of alternative proof mass material. As a result, we use the second approach to increase the total mass of the cantilever beam. Specifically, Si wafer will be etched using DRIE to create a cantilever using the entire wafer thickness. Since Si is much denser than SU8, adding proof mass will not have a significant impact on effective mass. Therefore proof mass is not used in the design. Using the second approach can increase mechanical damping, and severely reduces power output. This problem will be reconsidered for future PMPG generation designs. The cantilever dimensions W, L, H are adjusted to obtain the desired power output at resonance frequency. Cantilever beam thickness H is fixed by the thickness of 54 Si wafer, tsi, since thicknesses of other layers, such as PZT, are negligible compare to tsi. Beam length determines stiffness, which directly couples with natural frequency. Width, on the other hand, is independent of natural frequency. Increasing width of the cantilever is analogous to having multiple beams in parallel. It increases power output while retaining the same natural frequency. Therefore, L is adjusted to obtain the desired natural frequency, and then vary width to reach the power specification. The natural frequency is set to be the same as input frequency to maximize power output. It should be noted that strain also plays an important role in power output. It should range from 0.1% to 0.2% in order for PZT to achieve the desired power output. However, strain is directly coupled with length. In this design, length is used to vary natural frequency, while leaving strain fixed. If we were to use proof mass, it would introduce another degree of freedom, allowing us to vary the strain. The following discussion present a detail calculation of parameters used in equations (3.3) to (3.5). Please refer to references [31] and [32] for an in-depth discussion of the source of these equations. The neutral plane, NP of the cantilever is first solved using equation (3.13), t Si si -x c33, zdz -X+ti0 'Si 2 Jc 33 ,Szo 2 zdz + + t -X+tSij2 +1Z02 fc 33, Zro2 _si-x -x where tsi, tSi 0 2 , tZrO2 Si -x+1Si0 2 +1Zr0 zdz + 2 tSi -X+tS02 +IPZR +tZr, -X+tSiO, +tZr 0 tSi -X+tSi02 2 +tPZT +1p, c 33 ,Pzdz = c 33 ,PZTzdz + t Si 2 0 (3.13) 1 +tZr02 + PZT and tpt are thickness of different layers of the cantilever beam, and c33 is Young's modulus. El, where E is the axial modulus of the beam, and I the second moment of area of the beam is next calculated using equation (3.14). Since Pt is patterned as interdigitated electrodes, only 1/10 of total beam area is considered in calculating contribution by the electrode layer. 2 El =-W ((tsi 3 - NP)3 + Np3 )C33, + (tPZr + t.i - NP)' c 3 3 ,PZT (ta, + + tP +t - NP)3 c3 10 Potential distribution V(r) for a uniformly distributed beam can be modeled as: 55 , ) (3.14) _-3L) r 2(r 1(r) = r( L (3.15) Using potential distribution, the total mass is calculated by including the thickest and heaviest three materials, PZT, Si and Pt electrodes, t L p, / 2 L tpzr L tsi M = W Jpsiw 2(r)dzdr + W 00 PPZT T 2(r)dzdr + W f fp,T 2 (r)dzdr 0 0 0 t (3.16) PZT where p is material density. Stiffness K is calculated as: (L tsi-NP K=WJf c 33 0 -NP L tsi-NP+tPz7+tp L tSi-NP+tPZr ,zN(r) 2dzdr + 0 fc3 3 ,PZTzN(r) 2dzdr + tsi -NP Jt 3 I zN(r)2dzdr 0 tsi-NP+pT (3.17) 1z r-L where N(r) = El Forcing function and electromechanical coupling factor are calculated as: B = - psi ts + PPZTtPZT + L tsi--NP+IPZT z(r - L) c ,Pzr 33 O=W f El tsi-NP 0 p,t,,)W fJ 33 Lspacing (r)dr (3.18) Zdr (3.19) where Lspacing is the spacing between interdigitated electrodes. Lastly, the PMPG intrinsic capacitance is defined in terms of constrained permittivity efs as, L 'Pzr C, =W J S C33 2 dzdr 0 0 Lspacing 56 (3.20) With these parameters, equations (3.3) to (3.5) are used to calculate the displacement, voltage, and output power per acceleration of the device. To check if strain lies inside the acceptable range of values, it is calculated by, R_ Strain .. = N(r)(tsi - NP +tPZr )-R- 3.1 (3.21) 3.5 Previous Piezoelectric Devices Previous section has explored the feasibility of using piezoelectric material PZT (Pb(Zr,Ti)0 3) to extract power from ambient source. In fact, several bulk piezoelectric generators have been developed. Mid6 Technology Corporation has developed a chain of Quick Pack, or bulk piezoelectric devices [35]. They are two layer bimorph devices that are designed for bending operation, and generate voltage when strained using d31 mode. They are constructed from four piezoceramic wafers embedding in a Kapton and epoxy matrix (Figure 3-11). Their nominal dimensions range from 0.685 x 0.5 x 0.015 in. to 4.00 x 1.00 x 0.02 in. These devices have been extensively used in research relating to piezoelectric generator modeling and wireless sensor applications [26, 36]. Figure 3-11: Mide Technology Corporation Quick Pack 20W. 57 Other bulk size piezoelectric generators have also been developed. A study at MIT Media Lab constructed a shoe generator, by placing a sandwiched structure of metal midplate and two PZT unimorph layers on the sole of a shoe [37]. Such shoe insert is capable of generating 8.4 mW of power in normal walking condition. Paul Wright of UC Berkeley has constructed a power generator for RF transmitter using two layer piezoelectric bender mounted as a cantilever beam [27]. Such device has a total length of 3 cm and maximum power output of 375 gW at 60 Hz with driving vibration of 2.25 m/s2 . MEMS scale piezoelectric generator has been attempted using thick-film piezoelectric technology [38]. Such device operates in d31 mode, with power output of 3 pW. However, most of these devices are too bulky for system integration. Power generator remains to be the largest part in a sensor node. Furthermore, these devices uses d31 mode, therefore which require a larger size in order to obtain the same power output as in d33 mode. In conclusion, no d33 thin film piezoelectric generator has been fabricated at the MEMS scale, until the fabrication of first generation PMPG device. 3.6 Type 1 PMPG Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics Type 1 piezoelectric micro power generator has been developed [22, 29]. The device structure is described in the previous section. The bow of the composite cantilever beam was controlled by changing the membrane layer from thermal SiO 2 to PECVD SiO 2, to PECVD SiO 2/SiNx. Since PZT is compressive, a tensile layer is required to create a flat cantilever beam. Device with thermal Si0 2 of 300 MPa as a membrane layer has a severely curled cantilever. The bow is greatly diminished when PECVD Si0 2 was used instead, as residual stress is reduced to only tens of MPa. On the other hand, it has a small elastic modulus regime. Therefore, a small perturbation in stress will cause a large change in curvature. SiNg of high elastic modulus (315 GPa) and tensile stress (190 MPa) was chosen as the membrane layer. Its large elastic modulus increases the robustness of the device, and resulting in a nearly flat cantilever beam (Figure 3-12). PECVD Si0 2 was still retained as an adhesion layer. 58 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3-12: SEM images of the stress-controlled cantilevers consisting of: (a) PZT/ZrO2/SiO2(thermal), (b) PZT/ZrO2/SiO2(PECVD) and (c) PZT/ZrO2/SiO2(PECVD)/SiNx. PZT film's microstructure and crystallization were determined using a fieldemission scanning electron microscope and an X-ray diffractometer (XRD). The microstructure (Figure 3-13a) of the PZT film on ZrO2/SiO 2/SiNx/Si has an approximate grain size of 100 nm in diameter. Figure 3-13b illustrates the relative peaking of PZT according to XRD. The polarization properties of the PZT thin films were measured using the Radiant Technologies@ RT-66A as shown in Figure 3-13c. The spontaneous polarization (Ps), remnant polarization (Pr), coercive field, and dielectric constant are 50 piC/cm 2, 20 pC/cm 2, 38 kV/cm, and 1200Eo, measured respectively. UO - I-N d33mode type Inter-digited electrode dista: ce: 4pm 40. PZT thickness 0.5 P,:20pC/cm' : 20 -4 ~E - 20 30 40 2o (a) (b) 50 60 #.Id -100 -50 0 Applied voltage (V) 5 100 (c) Figure 3-13: Experimental results of characterization of PZT thin film deposited on ZrO 2 /SiO 2 /SiNx/Si: (a) SEM image, (b) XRD pattern, (c) P-V hysteresis curve. PMPG device, a 170 pmx260 ptm size cantilever, was directly excited by a PZT exciter at ±3V AC voltage source, sweeping from 0 to 200 kHz. The devices showed 59 resonant modes at frequencies 13.9, 21.9 and 48.5 kHz. Since the first resonance mode shows the largest amplitude of displacement, it was used for power generation. A piezoelectric shaker was used to apply vibration directly to the PMPG at the frequency the 1 't mode resonance. The magnitude of the base displacement was varied by changing the shaker drive voltage. For base shaking experiments, the PMPG device was connected to a rectifying bridge circuit with a resistive load across the storage capacitor (Figure 3-14). Figure 3-15 shows the load voltage and power delivered to the load. 1.01 pW was delivered for the 5.2 M9 load, with 2.4V output. Given the device area (including room for on-chip rectification and energy storage circuitry), this translates to an energy density of 0.74 mW-h/cm 2 . The storage capacitor charging and discharging times were approximately 0.2 and 0.3 seconds, respectively. dq d, PMPG Rectifier Storage Load Figure 3-14: Equivalent electrical model of the PMPG power system. 1.2 5.0 4 --- Power delivered to Load 1.0 4. 4.0 3.5 0 -j 3.0 -- 2.5 c 2.0 CU 1.5 0.6 - 0.4 0) 00 > 1.0 01 . 0.2 0.5 9a- -- 0-- Voltage across Load 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 1 10 1 0.0 Load Resistance [MQ] Figure 3-15: Load voltage and output power at 13.9 kHz resonance. 60 3.7 Type 2 PMPG Design Type 2 PMPG is designed to meet the power requirements of wireless sensor application. Specifically, it is designed to provide greater than 100 gW of power at natural frequency of 100-200 Hz. In order to provide sufficient power output at low frequency, a large effective mass is required. The total mass is increased from Type 1 PMPG by including Si substrate in the beam structure (Figure 3-16). The area around the device will be etched away using Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE) to release the cantilever beam. Since the beam structure is predominantly silicon, it will counteract with compressive PZT to create a flat beam. Interdigitated Electrode PZT layer ZrO 2 layer SiO 2 (Thermal) layer Si substrate Figure 3-16: Type 2 PMPG cross section and top view. The device structure is designed according to equations described by PMPG electro-mechanical model (please see previous section for detail) (Table 3-3). An input vibration of 5 m/s 2 is assumed. Since the beam is predominantly silicon substrate, its thickness is assumed to be the Si substrate thickness (475 pm - 575 [tm). Device dimension has been over-designed, in order to compensate for thickness variations. Wider devices are designed in order to increase W/L ratio and minimize bending. Maximum strain < 0.2%, and power > 100 ptW are achieved. 61 Table 3-3: Type 2 PMPG device sizing using electro-mechanical model. Natural Length Width Thickness Maximum Tip Displacement Frequency Power Devices: (mm) (mm) (mm) Strain (mm) (Hz) (uW) 1 50 3 525 0.11% 3.5 155.5 173 2 51 3 525 0.12% 3.8 149.5 184 3 52 3 525 0.12% 4.1 144 194 4 51 5.1 525 0.12% 3.8 149.5 312 5 51 10.2 525 0.12% 3.8 149.5 618 6 50 3 475 0.12% 4.2 141 185 7 50 3 575 0.10% 3 170 163 8 52 3 575 0.11% 3.5 157.5 183 62 Chapter 4 Self-Powered Sensor Node Tests and Results 4.1 Telos Characterization Telos energy consumption and operation time had been experimentally measured. Two Telos nodes were used to form a network (Figure 4-1). The sensor node Telos was programmed with Tpmpg application, and base station Telos is programmed with TOSBase application. One device was placed in a controlled environment as sensor node. The other Telos was connected to computer, serving as base station. A testing box had been constructed, in which a light source was used as heating element for Telos (Figure 4-2). Alternatively, cooling source was applied using ice. Experimental result showed temperature data displayed at the base station varied accordingly (Figure 4-3). 63 Rseries 3V Power Supply: Battery, Capacitor or Signal Generator Telos Sensor Mote Telos Base Station Heat Source Figure 4-1: Telos experiment setup. Figure 4-2: Temperature measurement testing box. 27 Applied Ice 25- 23 - 21 - CL 19- Removed Ice 17 - 150 200 400 600 1000 800 1200 1400 Time(sec) Figure 4-3: Temperature measurements. 64 1600 1800 4.2 Telos Current Consumption Measurement Telos energy consumption and operation sequence were experimentally measured and characterized. Sensor node Telos was programmed to sleep 1 second in between measurement with Tpmpg application. Telos was connected to a 3 V power supply and a 3.5 K2 resistor. The instantaneous current consumption was acquired by measuring the voltage across the series resistor (Figure 4-4). Telos current consumption is shown in the following Figures. I measurement Rwe=3.5 0 3V V Telos Figure 4-4: Telos current consumption measurement. Figure 4-5 illustrated current measurement over a period of 5 s, and Figure 4-6, 47 are zoom-in views of startup and radio active period. According to Figure 4-5, there existed a delay period of 340 ms (labeled as power delay) between voltage applied to Telos, and the time when Telos started to respond. This period seemed to be intrinsic to the hardware, and cannot be reduced. It was followed by a startup period of approximately 6 ins, with two current spikes separated by a gap of 3 ms (Figure 4-6). The current spikes would not inflict damages to the system, since they are applied to a large energy storage capacitor that acted as a filter. The first data measurement cycle began at the end of the startup period. Each data measurement began by waking up the microcontroller MSP430 (6 pis, negligible and omitted in graph), and SHT 11 taking temperature measurement for 210 ms (Figure 4-5). The first cycle was completed after radio initialized and transmitted data for approximately 10 ms. Telos slept for one second as programmed, before the start of the 65 next cycle. In summary, each successive cycle consisted of MSP430 waking up, SHT1 1 taking data measurement, radio transmitting data and returning to sleeping mode. Figure 4-7 is a detailed view of the transmission period. It indicated less than 1 ms radio initialization, followed by 3 ms of radio crystal startup and 6 ms of radio transmission. Periods of 210 ms temperature measurement and 10 ms radio transmission agreed with approximation made according to Telos datasheet (Figure 2-8). 20 mA of current drawn during radio transmission also matched the expected level of current consumption. Power delay and startup were not expected, but could not be eliminated. Furthermore less than 1 mA was consumed during sleeping mode. The exact value could not be measured due to instrumental constraints and background noises. Nevertheless, it illustrated the effectiveness of reducing power consumption by putting Telos to sleep in between measurements. On the other hand, sleeping current could be completely eliminated with the switching scheme of the power management module. 3.50) > -0.5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (e) (c) (d) (e) (c) (d) (c) (d) (e) 40- 35 - (a) (b) (c) (d) 30 (e) Sleep (is) Radio Transmission 25 Startup E Power Delay (-340 ms) Startup (-6 ms) SHT1 1 Temp. (-210 ms) Radio (-10 ms) 20 10 5 0 ) -5 0. 1.5 1 ------------------ 2.5 2 - 3 3.5 ---- 4 4.5 f----- Time (s) Figure 4-5: Telos current consumption over 5 s interval, with 1 s sleep. There was a 340 ms power delay between voltage applied to Telos (top) and Telos startup. After startup period, Telos operated periodically through 210 ms of temperature measurement, 10 ms of radio transmission, and 1 s of sleeping. 66 45 First Cycle SHT11 Temp. Startup Power Delay 40 35 30 25 E & 20 10 5 PA,IRA Ia 101" .a POMPI-P -014 10-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 Time (ms) Figure 4-6: Telos startup period, consisted of two current spikes separated by 3 ms. 35SHT1 1 Temp. Radio Init I Radio Crystal Startup Sleep Radio Transmission III 30 - 25 - 20 ~E15 U 10 5 K11 I-I,... I1 i -I--- I -- I 4 M 1111111111 IIIIIIIIIII 11 11111 .iL~.i. I n 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 -5L Time (ms) Figure 4-7: Telos radio active period. less than 1 ms radio initialization, followed by 4 ms of radio crystal startup and 6 ms of radio transmission. 67 4.3 Power Management Module Testing A test model of the self-powered sensor node was constructed, by integrating Telos, power management module and a power source (Figure 4-8, 4-9). RI, R2 , R 3 and R4 were sized to 1 ME, 1.1 M9, 1.8 Mn, and 1 M9, as determined by previous section. Viow=2.18 V and Vhigh= 2 .7 1 V were achieved. Loading effect from Telos and other circuit components caused a deviation from desired threshold voltage of 2.2 V and 3 V. Nevertheless, V,10 was greater than Vmin and Vhigh less than 3 V, ensuring that the system operates correctly. A sinusoidal current source provided by PMPG was simulated using function generator output in series with a 1 kE resistor. o was set to 150 Hz while V, was varied to change the power input to Cstorage. C1 was set to 0.1 pF, about 10000 times smaller than the energy storage capacitor. For testing purpose, electrolytic capacitors of size 470 [tF to 2 mF were used. More ideal capacitors as determined by previous section should be used in the final system. As illustrated by the switching scheme described in the previous section, Telos would continue taking and transmitting temperature at 1 second interval using energy from Cstorage, until Vcstorage dropped below Viw. R3 R1 R4 Cstorage lpsin(wt) 4D1I R2R C1 - Telos D2 r vP=VPsin(wt) Figure 4-8: Schematics of self-powered wireless sensor node test setup. R1=1 M9, R2=1.1 MQ, R3 =1.8 M, and R4=1 MQ. Threshold voltage Vi 0w=2.18 V and Vhigh 2 .71 V were achieved. PMPG sinusoidal current source was modeled by a function generator output and series resistor R=1 kQ. o was set to 150 Hz, the input frequency to PMPG. 68 Figure 4-9: Self-powered wireless sensor node test setup. 69 Function generator input voltage VP was adjusted to set I, to 10 mA. The size of Cstorage was varied from 470 1iF to 2 mF. The voltages across the energy storage capacitors were measured. 470 pF capacitor provided insufficient energy to generate data using Telos. On the other hand, 670 RF could provide sufficient energy for sensor node Telos to measure and transmit one data point to base station. During charging mode, capacitor drew energy from function generator, and Vcstorage ramped up from 2.2 V to 2.7 V for duration of 3.5 s (Figure 4-10a). When pole/double throw switch connected Telos to Vcstorage Cstorage. Vcstorage reached Vhigh, the single decayed for 0.5 s as Telos consumed energy during data measurement and transmission, until it reached V 0w. The data were received at the base station and displayed by a Java GUI applet. A variation in temperature around the sensor node was clearly shown in the output. On the other hand, 1 mF capacitor was able to provide enough energy for three data measurement (Figure 4-11). The capacitor had a charging time of 4.7 s, and discharged through Telos for duration of 3 s. Lastly, 2 mF capacitor supported nine data measurements, and has a charging and discharging time of 10.3 s and 11.3 s (Figure 4-12). Results indicated that a 670 pF capacitor could support one data measurement, a capacitance smaller than the 1 mF predicted previously. One reason was that, the previous calculation assumed to Vcstorage remain relatively constant during charging/discharging cycle. In order to achieve a relatively constant voltage, a larger capacitance would be required. In reality, Telos could continue to operate as VCstorage decayed to Vmin. Therefore, a smaller capacitor could be used instead. Furthermore, I, was set at a value larger than that could be provided by PMPG. In order to achieve power output of 0.1 mW, Ip would need to be set to 0.1 mA. Such low level of amplitude could not be achieved due to instrumental constraints. On the other hand, varying Ip should not affect the minimum Cstorage size. It would, however, increase the capacitor charging time constant. The effect of Ip was measured experimentally. As expected, the minimum capacitance required remained constant, as I, varied from 4 to 5 mA (Figure 4-13, 4-14). It was also comparable to the 670 [.F required by previous experiment. Nevertheless, charging time increased drastically from 16.8 s to 46.8 s, as Ip changed from 5 to 4 mA. 70 2.9 2.7 - 2.5 - 2.3 - 0 > 2.1 - 1.9- 1.7 - 1.5 0 2 4 6 10 8 12 14 16 18 20 Time (s) (a) (b) Figure 4-10: (a) Voltage profile of 670 pF Cstorage capacitor, with power source Ip=10 mA. The capacitor was charged for 3.5 s and discharged for 0.5 s. (b) One temperature data point was measured at base station during each discharging period. 71 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 0 > 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 0 2 4 6 10 8 12 14 16 18 20 Time (s) (a) (b) Figure 4-11: (a) Voltage profile of 1 mF Cstorage capacitor, with power source Ip=10 mA. The capacitor was charged for 4.7 s and discharged for 3 s. (b) Three temperature data points were measured at base station during each discharging period. 72 .- liii - ,.- 2.9 2.7 - 2.5 - 2.3 - 0 > 2.1 - 1.9 - 1.7 - 1.50 5 10 15 25 20 30 35 40 45 50 Time (s) (a) (b) Figure 4-12: (a) Voltage profile of 2 mF Cstorage capacitor, with power source Ip=10 mA. The capacitor was charged for 10.3 s and discharged for 11.3 s. (b) Nine temperature data point were measured at base station during each discharging period. 73 2.9 -T - - ----------------------------------- ---- -- 2.7- 2.5- 2.30 > 2.1 - 1.9- 1.7- 1.5 0 5 10 15 25 20 30 35 40 45 50 Time (s) Figure 4-13: Voltage profile of 1 mF Cstorage capacitor, with power source Ip=5 mA. The capacitor was charged for 16.8 s and discharged for 2.1 s. One temperature data point was measured at base station during each discharging period. 74 2.9 2.7- 2.5- 2.3 0 > 2.1- 1.9 1.7- 1.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (s) Figure 4-14: Voltage profile of 1 mF Cstorage capacitor, with power source Ip=4 mA. The capacitor was charged for 46.8 s and discharged for 2 s. One temperature data point was measured at base station during each discharging period. 75 4.4 Self-Powered Sensor Natural Gas Pipeline Test Bed A test bed that modeled a 900 mile Alaskan pipeline was constructed to test the designed autonomous sensor system [39]. As mentioned previously, one application of this system is liquid gas pipeline temperature monitoring. By placing the autonomous sensor node on a pipeline, PMPG resonates with pipeline's natural frequency, and generates electricity for sensor node. A survey of liquid gas pipeline indicated range of frequencies of 120 Hz - 250 Hz. For proof of concept, a miniaturized model of Alaskan pipeline was created, as a source of input vibration to PMPG. The pipeline system design was outlined in Figure 4-15. Water was used instead of liquid gas in this setup. Pipeline was sized such that the water turbulent flow matched that of liquid gas. In this setup, all the water started and ended with the reservoir. This allowed for a circular path where the water flowing through the pipe could be recycled. The reservoir connected to a pump of specified 4000 gph that would pump into the designed system, gauged by a manual control valve. This will flow into a meter for flow rate measurement and documentation and finally the test bed system. Frequency would be measured via an accelerometer. After flowing through the test bed, the water would return back to the reservoir. Since the pump vibrated, it could generate simultaneous vibrations nearby and affected the test bed. A wooden table with rubber feet was used to damp out the pump vibration. Such setup isolated the pump from the rest of the system. Filter Re servoir SSy Stem Pump ____ A ccele rometerf M icro pho neL_ |LabPro Valve F Foufrier Transform Figure 4-15: Schematics of test bed. 76 The test bed was constructed as shown in Figure 4-16. Experimental results showed a vibrational frequency of 251.01 Hz ± 0.447 with a 95% confidence interval, illustrating the repeatability of the test bed system. The result was on the high end of the spectrum described by liquid gas pipeline survey. It was also higher than PMPG's designed frequency. The test bed will be further modified to include frequency tunability. (b) (a) (d) (c) Figure 4-16: Test bed setup for measuring pipeline vibration frequency: (a) The pipeline was isolated from the rest of the pump system so there were no compounding effects. (b) The pump was also isolated from the rest of the system so there were no compounding effects. (c) The 3-way valve provided control for flow and drainage. (d) Logger Pro software and data collection material. The accelerometer was later taped securely to the copper tubing system for data collection. 77 Chapter 5 PMPG Fabrication 5.1 Type 1 Device PMPG cantilever structure similar to Type 1 device was fabricated, using recipe 1 (Figure 5-la). This recipe was modified from the one used in reference [22]. SU8 proof mass was used to increase power by increasing effective mass. The device was fabricated on a 4" silicon substrate. Si substrate acted as a sacrificial layer in Type 1 device. Therefore, its thickness, quality and crystal orientation were not important. 4000 A SiNx was used to reduce bowing in the cantilever structure, and PECVD oxide was used as adhesive layer. Oxide was annealed at 950 'C for 4 hours. 500 A ZrO 2 was coated, and pyrolyzed for 1 minute at 80 'C, followed by 8 minutes at 350 'C. It was then annealed at 750 0 C for 3 hours. A long annealing time is required in order to obtain high quality PZT without cracks. After annealing, the wafer was cooled down gradually. Furnace door was first opened for two minutes while the wafer was still in furnace. The wafer was then brought out to hot plate, to cool down to 350 'C. Lastly, the wafer was cooled at a crystal boat to room temperature. Pyrolysis, annealing time and temperature were varied to adjust PZT quality. To create a thick layer of PZT of 0.48 pm, four separate coatings of thinner layers were used. After coating the first layer, PZT was pyrolyzed for 1 minute at 80 "C, followed by 5 minutes at 350 0C. After it was cooled to room temperature, wafer was coated with second layer of PZT, following by the same pyrolysis step. It was then annealed for 15 minutes at 650 'C. PZT annealing temperature should be set lower than 78 ZrO 2 annealing temperature, in order to separate the annealing processes. It followed the same cooling procedure as used after ZrO2 annealing. After the wafer cooled to room temperature, another two layers were coated using the same steps for coating the first two layers. Pyrolysis, annealing time and temperature were varied to adjust PZT quality. After a photolithography step, Pt/Ti interdigitated electrodes were deposited using e-beam. SU-8 proof mass was patterned using a second mask. The cantilever beam structure was then isotropically etched and released using XeF 2 (Figure 3-4). 50 pm SU8 2000 A Pt/200 A Ti 0.48 pm PZT 500 A ZrO 2 1000 A SiO 2 (PECVD) 4000 A SiNx 2000 A Pt/200 A Ti 0.48 im PZT 500 A ZrO 2 1000 A SiO 2 (thermal) Si Si (a) (b) Figure 5-1: (a) PMPG structure using recipe 1, (b) PMPG structure using recipe 2. 79 5.2 Recipe 1 Beginning substrate: P-type <100> 4" silicon wafer, 1-side polished, 475-575 jim thickness, TTV < 3 gm, Bow&Wrap < 10 pm, 1-50 Q-cm. Step 1: Cleaning of the wafer 0 RCA cleaning. Step 2: Create SiNk nitride membrane * Target thickness: 4000 A. " Equipment: SVG/Thermco 7000 Series Vertical Thermal Reactor. Step 3: Create PECVD SiO 2 oxide layer * Target thickness: 1000 A. " Equipment: STS PECVD. " Si0 2 Anneal. o Anneal at 950 *C for 240 min. o Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. Step 4: Create diffusion barrier (ZrO2) * * Spin-coat ZrO2 sol-gel. o Target thickness: 500 A. o 15 s at 3000 rpm. o Equipment: Specialty Coating Systems, Spin Coater 6700 Series. Pyrolysis: 80 *C for 1 min, followed by 350 0C for 8 min. " ZrO 2 Anneal. o Anneal at 750 *C for 180 min. Long anneal time insures PZT without crack. o Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. 80 * Open furnace door to cool for 2 min. Bring to hot plate to cool to 350 'C. Cool to room temperature. Step 5: PZT deposition and anneal " Spin-coat four layers of Mitsubishi PZT sol-gel: Pb(Zr,Ti)0 3 , with total thickness of 0.48 ptm. " Spin-coat first PZT layer. o 3 s at 500 rpm, 15 s at 3000 rpm. o Target thickness: 0.12 [tm. o Equipment: Specialty Coating Systems, Spin Coater 6700 Series. " Pyrolysis: 80 'C for 1 min, followed by 350 'C for 5 min. * Cool to room temperature. " Spin-coat second PZT layer with the same target thickness. Repeat the same pyrolysis step. " PZT 1st Anneal. o Anneal at 650 'C for 15 min. o Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. " Open furnace door to cool for 2 min. Bring to hot plate to cool to 350 *C. Cool to room temperature. " Spin-coat and pyrolyze two additional layers using the same steps as the first two layers. * PZT 2 nd Anneal. o Anneal at 650 "C for 15 min. o Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. o Follow same cooling procedure as the first annealing step. Step 6: Pt/Ti top electrode deposition and lift-off * HMDS. " Spin-coat image reverse photoresist AZ 5214E. o Dispense speed to 500 rpm for 6 s, spread speed to 750 rpm for 6 s, spin speed to 5000 rpm for 30 s. 81 o Target thickness: 1.8 tm. o Equipment: Manual Photoresist Coater Solitec Inc. Model 5110. " Prebake at 90 'C for 30 min using oven. " Exposure with electrode mask. o 1.6 s with 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm2 o Equipment: Electronic Visions EV620. " Post exposure bake at 90 *C for 30 min using oven. " Flood exposure. o 60 s with 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm 2. o Equipment: Electronic Visions EV620. " Develop for 2-3 min. * Pt/Ti deposition. o Target deposition: 200 A Ti (deposition rate: 1 A Is) and < 500 OC substrate temperature. o Target deposition: 2000 A Pt (deposition rate: 2 A/s). o Equipment: Temescal Semiconductor Electron-Beam Evaporator. * Acetone lift-off on electrode overnight; followed by methanol and 2propanol for cleaning. " Ultrasonic -2-3 min for quicker lift-off and clearing lift-off residues. Check for possible peel-off. " Cleaning of solvents and contaminants with: acetone / methanol / 2propanol and multiple rinse dumps. Step 7: Create SU8 proof mass " Spin-coat MicroChem Corp. SU-8. o Target thickness: 50 ptm. o Equipment: SU8 spinner. " Prebake at hot plate. 65 'C for 2 min, 95 'C for 4 min. " Exposure with SU8 mask. o 25 s with 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm 2. o Equipment: Electronic Visions EV620. 82 * Post exposure at hot plate. 65 *C for 2 min, 95 'C for 4.5 min. " Develop with PM Acetate for 4 min. " Hard bake 1 hour in SU8 oven. Step 8: PZT Etch Pattern " Pattern resist profile with 5 ptm thick resist using third mask. 1 tm resist gives severe undercut. " Dry etching of PZT: o C12/BC13=10/30 sccm ratio; 150W RF power; etch rate expected: 0.15um/min; resist etch: 0.27um/min. o Equipment: Plasmaquest. Step 9: XeF 2 release etch to release cantilever beam 0 Remove silicon layer using XeF 2 etch. 83 5.3 Type 2 Device Type 2 device was design to operate at 150 Hz and generate 150 pW of power (5lb). Please refer to Chapter 2 for a detail discussion. The fabrication recipe was also modified to accommodate change in device design. First, Si substrate was incorporated in the cantilever structure. The PMPG effective mass was increased using Si instead of SU8 proof mass. As a result, one less mask and photolithography step was needed. The final PMPG structure would be patterned and etched using DRIE. On the other hand, the wafer thickness became important, since the substrate became the dominant layer in the cantilever beam. PMPG were designed around the lower bound thickness, in order to guarantee sufficient power output. (Table 3-3). Second, high quality PZT fabricated on ZrO 2 /SiO 2 (PECVD)/SiNx/Si could not be achieved, using Type 1 device recipe (see next chapter for detail discussion). Thermal oxide was required for good quality PZT. In order to grow thermal oxide directly on Si substrate, nitride layer was eliminated. Since a thick Si layer was used, bowing would not occur even after nitride layer was removed. Two masks were designed for Type 2 structure (Figure 5-2, 5-3). Electrode mask (digitized dark) defined the interdigitated electrodes, and device mask (digitalized clear) defined the device area. The exposed area after patterning with device mask would be etched using DRIE, and releasing the cantilever beam. The devices were sized according to Table 3-2. 3 mm by 50 mm could achieve 187 pW power output, assuming wafer thickness was ptm. Devices with 1/10 and 1/5 W/L ratio were constructed, in order to prevent structural bending. Specifically, devices sizes W (mm)/L (mm) from left to right were: 3/50, 3/51, 3/52, 5.1/51, 10.2/51, and six 3/50 on the right side of the wafer. Electrode gap sizes were also varied to insure successful PZT pooling. Specifically, nine devices on the left had gap size of 5 [.m, while the two on the right had gap size of 3 m and 8 ptm. Recipe 2 was used to fabricate the devices. 84 (a) (b) Figure 5-2: (a) Electrode mask. Devices sizes W (mm)/L (mm) from left to right were: 3/50, 3/5 1, 3/52, 5.1/5 1, 10.2/5 1, and six 3/50 on the right side of the wafer. Electrode gap size was 5 pm for nine devices on the left and 3 jim and 8 pm for two devices on the right. (b) Zoom-in view of the top of portion of interdigitated electrodes. 85 Figure 5-3: Device mask. 86 5.4 Recipe 2 Beginning substrate: P-type <100> 4" silicon wafer, 1-side polished, 475-575 ptm thickness, TTV < 3 pim, Bow&Wrap < 10 jim, 1-50 Q-cm. Step 1: Cleaning of the wafer 0 RCA cleaning. Step 2: Create PECVD SiO 2 oxide layer * Target thickness: 1000 A. " Equipment: MRL Industries Model 718 A2 Tube. Step 3: Create diffusion barrier (ZrO2) " Spin-coat ZrO2 sol-gel. o Target thickness: 500 A. o 15 s at 3000 rpm. o Equipment: Specialty Coating Systems, Spin Coater 6700 Series. * Pyrolysis: 80 *C for 1 min, followed by 350 C for 8 min. " ZrO2 Anneal. o Anneal at 750 *C for 180 min Long anneal time insures PZT without crack. o * Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. Open furnace door to cool for 2 min. Bring to hot plate to cool to 350 'C. Cool to room temperature. Step 4: PZ T deposition and anneal " Spin-coat four layers of Mitsubishi PZT sol-gel: Pb(Zr,Ti)0 3, with total thickness of 0.48 jim. " Spin-coat first PZT layer. 87 o 3 s at 500 rpm, 15 s at 3000 rpm. o Target thickness: 0.12 ptm. o Equipment: Specialty Coating Systems, Spin Coater 6700 Series. " Pyrolysis: 80 'C for 1 min, followed by 350 'C for 5 min. " Cool to room temperature. " Spin-coat second PZT layer with the same target thickness. Repeat the same pyrolysis step. " PZT 1st Anneal. o Anneal at 650 'C for 15 min. o Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. " Open furnace door to cool for 2 min. Bring to hot plate to cool to 350 *C. Cool to room temperature. " Spin-coat and pyrolyze two additional layers using the same steps as the first two layer. " PZT 2 Anneal. o Anneal at 650 'C for 15 min. o Equipment: Thermolyne Furnace 6000. o Follow same cooling procedure as the first annealing step. Step 5: Pt/Ti top electrode deposition and lift-off * HMDS. * Spin-coat image reverse photoresist AZ 5214E. o Dispense speed to 500 rpm for 6 s, spread speed to 750 rpm for 6 s, spin speed to 5000 rpm for 30 s. o Target thickness: 1.8 [tm. o Equipment: Manual Photoresist Coater Solitec Inc. Model 5110. " Prebake at 90 'C for 30 min using oven. " Exposure with electrode mask. o 1.6 s with 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm 2. o Equipment: Electronic Visions EV620. * Post exposure bake at 90 'C for 30 min using oven. 88 " Flood exposure. o 60 s with 365-450 nm wavelength at 10 mW/cm 2 . o Equipment: Electronic Visions EV620. " Develop for 2-3 min. " Pt/Ti deposition. o Target deposition: 200 A Ti (deposition rate: 1 A /s) and < 500 *C substrate temperature. o Target deposition: 2000 A Pt (deposition rate: 2 A /s). o Equipment: Temescal Semiconductor Electron-Beam Evaporator. " Acetone lift-off on electrode overnight; followed by methanol and 2propanol for cleaning. " Ultrasonic ~2-3 min for quicker lift-off and clearing lift-off residues. Check for possible peel-off. " Cleaning of solvents and contaminants with: acetone / methanol / 2propanol and multiple rinse dumps. Step 6: DRIE etch to release cantilever beam " Pattern resist profile with device mask. " Etch entire wafer (including silicon substrate) using DRIE. o Equipment: STS/Multiplex ICP (non-MESC) STS 1. 89 5.5 Fabrication Result: PZT on ZrO2 /SiO 2 (PECVD)/SiN,/Si PZT was fabricated on ZrO 2/SiO 2 (PECVD)/SiNx/Si, but the quality was unsatisfactory. Various processing parameters were modified to improve the PZT quality, and their effects were illustrated in the following section. The original recipe annealed PECVD oxide at 950 "C overnight. ZrO 2 annealed for 20 minutes at 750 *C, and spin-coated four layers of PZT with two 20 min anneals at 650 'C. The fabricated PZT displayed crack and hillocks (Figure 5-4). Minor cracks were formed after the first PZT anneal, and additional denser cracks were formed after the second PZT anneal. Hillocks, on the other hand, were formed after either the first or the second PZT annealing. Hillocks were formed when PZT was oxidized by diffused oxide through ZrO 2. Figure 5-4: PZT with crack and hillock. Three key parameters that affected PZT qualities were: . SiO 2 annealing time and temperature. . ZrO 2 annealing time and temperature. . PZT annealing time and temperature. SiO 2 need to be annealed at 950 'C for minimum of 2 hours. Oxidizing the wafer overnight would form dust particles in the oven and caused PZT contamination. The annealing time was reduced to four hours. To remove PZT crack, ZrO 2 must anneal for a minimum of three hours. ZrO2 annealing temperature was set higher than that of PZT to separate the annealing steps. 90 750 'C was used. Varying this temperature did not improve PZT quality. Using fresh PZT (less than three months old) also could help to avoid crack. PZT annealing temperature needed to be set above 650 'C in order to form good perovskite structures. Unlike rapid thermal anneal (RTA), increasing annealing time in furnace anneal would not improve crystal formation. However, hillocks were formed at temperature equal to or greater than 650 'C. PZT without cracks or hillocks were formed at temperature less than or equal to 625 C (Figure 5-5). However, a large amount of perovskite phase PZT was not formed at this temperature. Other parameters were also adjusted, but showing very little impact in perovskite PZT formation. To increase the number of perovskite seed sites, PZT pyrolysis time and temperature were increased to 5 min at 150 'C and 5 min at 400 'C, before the 625 'C anneal. PZT crystallization was not improved, and hillock formations occurred in some of the samples. Spin-coating PT solgel as seed layer prior to PZT layer also did not improve perovskite formation. Figure 5-6 illustrated an XRD pattern of PZT annealed at 625 'C. Perovskite PZTs were formed, but a high density of pyrochlore PZT still remained, as shown by peaking at 290. PZT was poled, and a P-V hysteresis curve was constructed (Figure 5-7). The spontaneous polarization (Ps) and remanent polarization (Pr) were 40 pC/cm2 and 9.55 pC/cm 2 . Pr/PS of 24% was achieved, and it was half of that obtained in previous fabrications [22]. A better quality PZT would need to be fabricated in order to produce PMPG with sufficient power output. Other fabrication parameters could also be investigated to improve PZT quality. The ramp up rate of furnace should be characterized. Temperature overshoot could cause PZT to be oxidized at the required 650 'C. The exact furnace temperature should be measured. Lastly, the hot plate pyrolysis temperature should be checked. During pyrolysis, wafer was placed on a metal plate on top of the hot plate. As a result, the metal plate created a temperature difference between the hot plate and the wafer. However, the most effective way was to removed the PECVD oxide which caused hillock formation. To do so, SiNx was removed in the second recipe, and thermal oxide was grown instead. 91 Figure 5-5: PZT annealed at 625 'C. PZT <011> Pyrochlore 0 PZT <111> PZT <1 12> PZT <102> PZT <001> PZT <002> 20 25 30 35 45 40 50 55 60 65 Two-Theta (Degree) Figure 5-6: XRD pattern of PZT on ZrO2 /SiO 2 (PECVD)/SiNx/Si with PZT anneal at 625 Oc. 92 E 0 0 S-2 )0 -150 -100 50 ,R) 100 150 2 10 0U I. * + .. +* -20 - -30 -40 Applied Voltage (Volt) Figure 5-7: P-V hysteresis curve of PZT. The spontaneous polarization (Ps) and remanent polarization (Pr) were 40 ptC/cm 2 and 9.55 pC/cm2 5.6 Fabrication Result: PZT on ZrO 2 /SiO 2 (thermal)/Si To obtain higher quality PZT, it was fabricated on ZrO 2 /SiO 2 (thermal)/Si substrate. Type 2 device was designed to use Si substrate to increase effective mass. Since bowing was no longer an issue, nitride layer was omitted. Thermal oxide was used instead of PECVD oxide, and hillock problem was completely eliminated from PZT (Figure 5-8). PZT was fabricated using 650 'C annealing temperature. Minor cracks occurred near the edge of the wafer in some samples. Since the cracks were away from device region, they would not affect the PMPG structures. On the other hand, using fresher ZrO 2 might help to solve the problem. Figure 5-9 is an SEM image of PZT grain structures. Grain size of 4 to 10 tm was achieved. XRD pattern showed perovskite formations with peakings at corresponding angles. The intensity of pyrochlore at 290 was greatly reduced. 93 Figure 5-8: PZT annealed at 650 'C. Figure 5-9: SEM image of PZT on ZrO 2 /SiO 2 (thermal)/Si. 94 PZT <011> Pyrochlore PZT <111> PZT <1 12> PZT <001> PZT <002> 20 25 30 35 40 45 PZT <1 02> 50 55 60 65 Two-Theta (degree) Figure 5-10: XRD pattern of PZT on ZrO 2/SiO 2 (thermal)/SiNx/Si with PZT anneal at 650 "C. 95 Chapter 6 Conclusions 6.1 Contributions The system architecture of a self-powered wireless sensor node has been developed, and was tested for temperature sensing application. PMPG and a power management module were designed to satisfy sensor node's power requirement. An electro-mechanical model of PMPG was developed to maximize power output. 2 nd generation PMPG was designed to provide 0.173 mW power at 3 V DC with a natural frequency of 155.5 Hz. The power management module was developed to provide ACDC rectification, energy storage, and active switching between PMPG and application circuit. Lastly, a test bed was developed, which mimicked that of a liquid gas pipe used in the Alaska where the PMPG device will be used to generate power for temperature sensors. The first part of this work was dedicated to an evaluation of available ultra-low power electronics for constructing low power wireless sensor node. A commercial product Telos provided the necessary sensor components, and was used in this project for testing purposes. The mote was programmed with nesC temperature sensor application with minimum power consumption and operation time. An evaluation of the sensor mote illustrated an operation time of 221 ms and maximum current consumption of 20 mA. Telos power specification was evaluated and used to design a power management module. 96 A power management module was implemented to manage power flow from the power source PMPG to sensor node. Since PMPG could not provide sufficient instantaneous power, a switching scheme was developed to first store energy in an energy storage reservoir, before transferring it to the sensor node. Different energy storage reservoirs were investigated, and recommendations were provided. The power management module was tested with Telos and power source, and the temperature sensing application functioned as expected. An electro-mechanical model of PMPG was developed to maximize power output. In order to provide sufficient power of ~0.1 mW at 150 Hz, a large effective mass was required. Type 2 PMPG was designed to satisfy such power requirement. Effective mass was increased by including Si substrate in the cantilever beam. PMPG fabrication Zr0 2/SiO 2 (PECVD)/SiNx/Si recipe and was developed. ZrO2/SiO 2(thermal)/Si PZT were fabrications studied in on detail. Parameters such as annealing and pyrolysis conditions were thoroughly investigated. PZT cracks were eliminated by increasing ZrO2 annealing time, and hillock problem were removed by using thermal oxide. PZT with low density of pyrochlore structure was achieved. 6.2 Recommendations for Future Works There are many improvements that can be made in designing future generation self-powered wireless sensor systems. For testing purposes, Telos was used for sensor applications. For next generation autonomous sensor node, microcontrollers as well as other low power sensor components can be integrated with PMPG to create a board level system design. By integrating it with additional sensors, this system can also be applied to other sensing applications such as pressure and acceleration. In addition, one can also incorporate the receiver function of the RF transceiver on the autonomous sensor node, to develop a more complex wireless sensor network. Type 2 PMPG was designed with millimeter scale length to achieve low resonance frequency. To reduce the size of PMPG, other designs should also be 97 considered. One suggested design folds the cantilever into a spiral structure [33]. However, twisting mode can occur and reduce PMPG power output. To solve such problem, a double beam sandwich can be used instead. By having two beams supporting the proof mass at both ends, the primary mode resonance occurs vertically and the horizontal and twisting modes of vibration can be effectively suppressed. (a) (b) (c) Figure 6-1: Serpentine structures: (a) Basic concept, (b) double beam sandwich, (c) tethered structure. Type 2 PMPG used silicon substrate to increase effective mass. To reduce thickness, a heavy proof mass should be used instead. Patterning metal as proof mass on PZT can be an alternative to increase PMPG effective mass. However, techniques for fabricating tm thick metal on PZT must be developed first. Power management module can also be improved. Using MEMS switch instead of CMOS switch can reduce power consumption and provide an ease of integration with PMPG. An array of PMPG can be used if a higher power output is required. Using multiple PMPG can reduce charging time and increase measurement rate. An auxiliary energy source mechanism should also be implemented. In an emergency situation such as pipeline overheating, a large amount of sensor data will be required, and additional power to support data measurement will be needed. A control circuitry that monitors deviation from the average in sensor data, will activate a backup power source and provide energy in this scenario. 98 Bibliography [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Warneke, B., Last, M., Leibowitz, B., Pister, K. S. J., "Smart Dust: Communicating with a Cubic-Millimeter Computer," IEEE Computer Magazine, pp 44-51, January 2001. 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TpmpgM.TemperatureError -> HumidityC.TemperatureError; TpmpgM.CommControl -> Comm; TpmpgM.SendMsg -> Comm.SendMsg[AMTPMPGMSG]; } /* * * Author: YuXin Xia */ //Successfully put sensor node to sleep using CommControl.stop. //Successfully allowed 220 ms operation time and 1000 seconds in between measurements. //CHANGE IN HUMIDITYM: when Humidity.start, it draw 20mA of current for 80 ms. HumidityM is changed so it only draws for 2ms. //The data length is fixed to only leave with 2 remaining digit. This works with the new oscope (sf.jar and oscope.jar). includes Timer; module TpmpgM { provides interface StdControl; uses { interface Timer; interface SplitControl as HumidityControl; //This calls the HumidityC though Tpmpg. interface StdControl as CommControl; interface ADC as Temperature; interface SendMsg; 104 interface ADCError as TemperatureError; } #ifdef AVR uses interface PowerManagement; uses command resultt Enableo; #endif } implementation { TOSMsg mmsg; bool start; command resultt StdControl.initO { start=FALSE; #ifdef AVR call EnableO; call PowerManagement.adjustPowero; #endif call CommControl.inito; //doesnt really matter. return SUCCESS; } command resultt StdControl.starto { call HumidityControl.starto; return SUCCESS; } command resultt StdControl.stopo { return SUCCESS; } event resultt HumidityControl.initDoneo { return SUCCESS; } event resultt HumidityControl.startDoneo { call CommControl.stopo; call Timer.start(TIMERONESHOT, 1); 105 //triggertimer fired and starts measuring data. return SUCCESS; } event resultt HumidityControl.stopDoneo { call TemperatureError.disableo; } event resultt Timer.firedo { if (start==FALSE) { call Temperature.getDatao; } else if (start==TRUE) { call SendMsg.send(TOSBCASTADDR, 2, &m msg); //2 is the number of significant digit, after 10 fixed digits. } } async event resultt Temperature.dataReady(uintl 6t data) { * ((uint 16t*)m; start=TRUE; call CommControl.starto; call Timer.start(TIMERONESHOT, 1); //I ms is required so the data is send after CommControl starts. return SUCCESS; I event result t TemperatureError.error(uint8_t token) { return SUCCESS; I event resultt SendMsg.sendDone( TOSMsgPtr msg, result t success) { start=FALSE; call Timer.start(TIMERONESHOT, 1000); //sleeping time. call CommControl.stopo; //Crucial! so the radio actually turns off. return SUCCESS; } } 106 TpmpgMsg.h enum { OSCOPEBUFFER_SIZE=1, AMTPMPGMSG=10, }; typedef struct TpmpgMsg { uintI6_t n; uintI6_t src; uintl 6_t data[OSCOPEBUFFER SIZE]; } TpmpgMsgt; 107 Appendix B Matlab Code for PMPG Sizing % Calculation sequence for PMPG. % Equations come from Noel's Design Considerations for MEMs-Scale. % Mechanical damping coefficient deltam = 0.001; % Amplitude of vibration (m/s^2%) acceleration = 5; % Physical size - unit: meter Length = 52000E-6; %set length to fix natural frequency Width = 3000E-6; % Different layers thicknesses PiezoT = 0.5E-6; Si T = 525E-6; SiO2_T = 0.00001E-6; ZrO2_T = 0.00005E-6; Pt_T = 0.2E-6; % Electrode spacing E_Pitch = 8E-6; E_Width = 4E-6; % Material property % Densities... silicon, pzt, pt, etc Rho_s= 2300; Rhop =7750; Rhopt = 21440; RhoSiO2 =2300; RhoZrO2 = 6000; 108 %Young's Modulus C33s = 47E9; C33p = 64E9; C33pt = 168E9; C33SiO2 = 69E9; C33ZrO2 = 244E9; d33 = 200E-12; e33 = C33p*d33; eps33s = 1200*8.85E-12; x = sym('x'); z = sym('z'); %NeutralPlane temp=int(z*C33s,z,-x,SiT-x)+int(z*C33SiO2,z,SiT-xSi_Tx+SiO2_T)+int(z*C33ZrO2,z,SiT-x+SiO2_TSiT- x+SiO2 _T+ZrO2 T)+int(z*C33p zSiT-x+SiO2 T+ZrO2_TSiTx+SiO2_T+ZrO2_T+PiezoT)+int(z*C33pt/O,z,SiTx+SiO2_T+ZrO2_T+Piezo_TSiT-x+Si02_T+ZrO2_T+PiezoT+PtT); NeutralPlane=eval(solve(temp, x)); %El number for the structure (stiffness) ElBeam = 2/3*Width*(((SiTNeutralPlane)^3+NeutralPlaneA3)*C33s+(PiezoT+SiTNeutralPlane)^3*C33p+(PtT+Piezo_T+SiT-NeutralPlane)A3*C33pt/10); % Proof mass, set to zero since it is not used M_Proof= Oe-5; R_load = sym('R load'); w_input = sym('w_input'); % Defines mode shapes for energy method Phi r = x^2*(x-3*Length)/(6*EIBeam); N_r = (x-Length)/(EIBeam); % Input force equation B_f = eval((Rhos*SiT+Rho-p*Piezo_T+Rhopt*PtT) * Width * int(Phi_r,x,0,Length) + LengthA2*(-2*Length)*MProof/(6*EIBeam)); % Mass equation M_Si = Width*int(int(Phi_r^2*Rho_s,z,- SiT,O),x,0,Length)+MProof*(4*LengthA6/36/ElBeam^2); MPZT = Width*int(int(Phi rA2*Rhop,z,OPiezo_T),x,0,Length); 109 M_Pt = Width*int(int(Phi_rA2*Rhopt,z,Piezo_TPiezoT+PtT/2),x,O,Length); M_s=M_Si + M_Pt; M_p = MPZT; M_total = eval(M_s + M_p); % Stiffness equation K_s = Width*int(int((z*Nr)2*C33s,z,-Neutral_Plane,SiT-Neutral_Plane),x,O,Length); K-p = Width*int(int((z*N r)A2*C33p,z,Si_T-Neutral_PlaneSiTNeutralPlane+PiezoT),x,O,Length); K_pt = Width*int(int((z*Nr)A2*C33pt/10,z,Si_T-NeutralPlane+PiezoT,SiTNeutralPlane+PiezoT+PtT),x,O,Length); K_total_Ori = eval(K s + K-p + Kpt); % Electrical & Piezoelectric equation Theta_p_Ori = eval(Width*int(int(-(z*(x-Length)/EIBeam)*e33/(EPitchEWidth),z,SiT-NeutralPlane,SiT-NeutralPlane+PiezoT),x,O,Length)); Capp = eval(Width*int(int((1/(EPitch-EWidth)A2*eps33s),z,0,PiezoT),x,O,Length)); Coupling2_Ori = (Theta_p_Ori)A2/(K-totalOri)/Capp; w_n = ((K total_Ori)/M total)AO.5; %w_n_n = 839.5888; w_anti = w_n*(1+(Coupling2_Ori))O.5; % Assuming that the cantilever will match the frequency (input freq=resonance freq) Omega = 1; % RESONANCE FREQUENCY f_n = (w-n)/2/pi; % Define optimal resistance R_optimal = ((OmegaA4+(4*delta mA2-2)*OmegaA2+1)/(OmegaA6+(4*delta_mA2- 2*(1 +(ThetapOri^2/K_totalOri/Cap_p)))*Omega^4+(1 +(Theta-pOriA2/K-totalOri/ Capp))2*OmegaA2))A0.5; R_sys = sym('R.sys'); % Maximum power & displacement using optimal resistance Poutperacc2 = ((Bf)*(Theta_p_Ori)*Omega/(Ktotal_Ori))2*(w n)*R-optimal/Capp/(( 1(1+2*deltam*R optimal)*OmegaA2)A2+((2*delta m+(1+(Theta_p_OriA2/(K totalOri *Cap_p)))*R-optimal)*Omega-R-optimal*OegaA3)A2); 110 % POWER POWER=Poutper-acc2*accelerationA2; x=Length, Dispper acc = eval(Phi r*(Bf)/(K-totalOri)*(1 +((Roptimal)*Omega)A2)AO.5/((1(1+2*deltam*(R optimal))*OmegaA2)A2+((2*delta m+(1+(Theta_p_Ori)A2/((K total_ Ori)*Capp))*(Roptimal))*Omega-(Roptimal)*Omega^3)2)AO.5); %should stay constant as we change width. To get final result, set x=length. % DISPLACEMENT Disp=Dispperacc* acceleration; Disp_per-accl = (Bf)/(K totalOri)*(1 +((Roptimal)*Omega)A2)AO.5/((1(1+2*deltam*(R optimal))*OmegaA2)A2+((2*delta±m+(1+(Theta-pOri)A2/((K Ori)*Capp))*(Roptimal))*Omega-(R-optimal)*OmegaA3)A2)A0.5; total_ %tip displacement without N r. needed for Strain calculation. x=O, Strainper ace = eval(Nr * (SiT-NeutralPlane+PiezoT) * Disp-per-ace_1); %set x in n r and phi-r =0. % STRAIN STRAIN=Strainperacc * acceleration; 111