B.S. Vocational Rehabilitation Sample Four-Year Schedule 120 credits Rev 05/13 FRESHMAN YEAR Semester 1 (16 credits) Semester 2 (16 credits) REHAB-101 Intro to Rehabilitation 3 REHAB-230 Psycho Social Aspects REHAB-102 Community Resources 3 *ENGL-102 Fresh. English – Read. *ENGL-101 Fresh. English – Comp 3 *(Gen Ed) Analytic Reasoning *BIO-132 Human Biology 4 BIO-220 Physiology of Disability *SPCOM-100 Fundamentals of Speech 3 *PSYC-110 General Psychology SOPHOMORE YEAR Semester 3 (15 credits) Semester 4 (15 credits) REHAB-205 Rehab Practicum 3 REHAB-420 Psychological Testing Rehab Studies Selective 3 Rehab Studies Selective *(Gen Ed) Social/Behavioral Science 3 Concentration Course *(Gen Ed) Contemporary Issues 3 *(Gen Ed) Arts & Humanities *(Gen Ed) Arts & Humanities 3 *(Gen Ed) Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning JUNIOR YEAR DECLARE YOUR CONCENTRATION NOW Semester 5 (15 credits) Semester 6 (15 credits) REHAB-401 Principles/Caseload Mgmt 2 REHAB-X98 **VR Field Experience COUN-405 Intro to Counseling Skills 3 REHAB-310 Vocational Evaluation Rehab Studies Selective 3 Concentration Course Rehab Studies Selective 3 Concentration Course Rehab Studies Selective 2 *(Gen Ed) Selectives *(Gen Ed) Analytic Reasoning 2 Free Elective 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 SENIOR YEAR Semester 7 (14 credits) REHAB-470 Adjustment Services REHAB-X98 **VR Field Experience Rehab Studies Selective Concentration Course Concentration Course Rehab Studies Selective 3 1 2 3 3 2 Semester 8 (14 credits) REHAB-410 Job Placement Processes REHAB-480 Advanced Practicum (Concentration Course) Concentration Course Concentration Course Rehab Studies Selective *(Gen Ed): All courses taken for General Education (Gen Ed) studies requirements MUST come from the approved general education list. You must also meet the Ethnic and Global Studies requirements. The General Education list is available online under Course Timetable or http://www.uwstout.edu/admin/provost/currhb/upload/geescorslist.pdf **Course Policy for REHAB-X98: You must attend one Field Experience seminar session either your freshman or sophomore year before enrolling for course (see your advisor for more information). Many students attend a summer session or win-term session so the semester load is lightened somewhat or so the student has more flexibility to take additional electives or finish earlier than the four years outlined. 3 3 3 3 2