Forest Gardening for Regenerative Landscapes Frank Raymond Cetera Abstract:

Forest Gardening for Regenerative Landscapes
Frank Raymond Cetera
Green building does not stop at the exit door, but must flow into the surrounding landscape. USGBC
promotes the Living Building Challenge as one premiere example of this tenant, which includes aspects
such as the requirement for the site to incorporate food production. Permaculture Forest Gardening is a
form of landscape architecture and ecological engineering that develops food producing sites using best
traditional practices, ecological sciences, and direct observation while applying the three ethics of Earth
Care, People Care, and Fair Share.
The Rahma Forest Garden in Syracuse showcases multiple aspects of a regenerative landscape that
contributes to neighborhood and communities (people and ecology) development, while establishing a
resource for the Next Generation. A grass-roots driven 1/5 acre urban core project using volunteer
labor, donated materials, grant funds from local agencies and individuals, and land in partnership with
the Rahma Free Health Clinic to showcase Permaculture design, education, and perennial systems food
production that brings the mission of the clinic outside its doors!
Forest gardening using the 7-layer ecology of the forest ecosystem, from rhizome to canopy, as well as
heavy focus on natural patterns elucidated in a series of principles for design tasks that are able to
provide for human uses of food, fuel, fiber, fodder, fertilizer, "f"armaceuticals, and fun. In addition to
health & wellness sites, agricultural farms and gardens, and residential applications, more schools and
educational institutions are turning to Permaculture and forest gardening to create a living educational
experience, while sustaining healthy environments, and regenerating younger generation's connection
with nature and ecology.
Frank Raymond Cetera
Frank Raymond Cetera is the principle developer of the 1/5 acre Rahma Forest Garden urban
Permaculture site in Syracuse, NY, along with a slew of volunteers from many organizations including
The Alchemical Nursery, a Syracuse based non-profit dedicated to eco-village and egalitarian living.
Frank teaches Permaculture in Syracuse in partnership with the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute.
Frank also works as a NYS Certified Business Advisor through which he specializes in Green Business
development and cooperatives education.