The Interaction of Two Coastal Plumes and its Effect on the Transport of Alexandrium Fundyense by Christie L. Wood B.S. Mathematics Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005 B.S. Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY and the WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION September 2007 C Christie L. Wood. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter created. Signature of Author: Certified by , Joint Program in Physical Oceanography Massachusetts Institute of Technology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2007 C Glenn R. Flierl Professor of Oceanography Thesis Supervisor Accepted by 4 At affaele Ferrari OF TEOHNOLOGYV OCT 222007 LIBRARIES MASSACgraphy Chairman, Joint Committee for Physical Oceanographv Massachusetts Institute of Technology Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ARCHVES The Interaction of Two Coastal Plumes and its Effect on the Transport of Alexandrium fundyense by Christie L. Wood Submitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Abstract Harmful algal blooms (HABs) of A.fundyense, more commonly known as "red tides", are a serious economic and public health concern in the Gulf of Maine. Until recently, there was very little known about the mechanisms regulating the observed spatial and temporal distributions of A.fundyense in this region. In the beginning of this work a review of previous research on A.fundyense and the mechanisms controlling their spatial and temporal distributions in the Gulf of Maine is presented. One of the major conclusions that can be drawn from previous work is that a thorough understanding of the interactions between river plumes is essential to our understanding of this problem. The rest of this thesis intends to contribute to the understanding of these plume interactions and their effect on the transport of A.fundyense. Mixing between two interacting river plumes with various buoyancies is investigated through laboratory experiments. These experiments indicate that under these idealized conditions, there was little mixing between the plumes after their initial interaction. A numerical model is used to explore the effects of river mouth size and flux variations on the interaction between two plumes. It is shown that based on river mouth geometry and flow rates the effect of the southern plume on the path of the northern plume can be predicted. In the final section a simple NP model is coupled with the physical model to explore the possible effects of river plume interaction on the distribution of A. fundyense. Based on our modeled results, it appears as if the southern river under certain conditions could temporarily act as a shield preventing A.fundyense from reaching the coast but that this was not a permanent state. Thesis Supervisor: Glenn R. Flierl Title: Professor of Oceanography, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Acknowledgements I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to study physical oceanography in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program. I would first like to thank my thesis advisor, Glenn Flierl, for his guidance and for allowing me plenty of research freedom. Because of him my research experience in the joint program a positive one. I would like to thank Dennis McGillicuddy for introducing me to the Red Tide issue in the Gulf of Maine, for allowing me to join him on his research cruise OC425 and for all of his additional advice. There are several people who made the experimental section of this work possible. First and foremost I would like to thank Claudia Cenedese for advising me on this section of my thesis and giving me access to the geophysical fluid dynamics lab at WHOI. I would like to also thank Valentina for her throrough preliminary studies which served as a guide for my study. I would also like to thank Keith Bradley who was always willing to help me in the lab and whose unwavering pleasant demeanor made me look forward to work every day. I would also like to thank several people who I worked with on research not included in my thesis but whose time and effort significantly contributed to my education. Jim Lerczak introduced me to the Regional ocean Modelling System (ROMS) and to estuarine studies. I spent a summer working with Amy Bower on eddies in the Red Sea. Larry Pratt introduced me to the fascinating world of hydraulics. I would like to thank him for his guidance on my class project and for being my advisor during my summer student fellowship. I would also like to thank Carl Wunsch for having the seminar on ocean observation and for all of his help and advice when I was in tough situations. There were many other people in the Joint Program who I would like to thank. I would especially like to thank the following staff: Mary Ellif, Ronni Schwartz, Carol Sprague, Marsha Gomes, Julia Westwater and Laishona Vitalli. I would also like to thank my wonderful classmates in both the joint program and in paoc: Peter Sugimura, Evgeny Logvinov, Jinbo Wang, Andrew Barton, Martha Buckley, Eunjee Lee and Scott Stransky. I special thanks to Evgeny for getting me through the more difficult times and to Jinbo for being the best officemate any one could ask for. My friends in the physical oceanography department for all of their advise and support: Stephanie Waterman, Tatiana Rykova, Katie Silverthorne and Jessica Benthuysen. A special thanks to my three best friends in the joint program, Whitney Krey, Christine Mingione and Colleen Petrik, who were always available for a drink at the Kidd and other stress relieving activities. I would also like to thank my other friends in the joint program: Kevin Cockrell, Kate D'Epagnier, Caleb Mills, David Stuebe and Matt Jackson. I would also like to thank several of my family members for all of their encouragement and support. A special thanks to my mother and father for their continuous support and encouragement. I'd like to thank my grandfather (known to some as the 'Old Fisherman') who was always eager to discuss my research and share his knowledge of the ocean with me. I would also like to thank my roommate Karen Keller and my kitten Nami who always seem to be at home ready to cheer me up. Contents 1 Introduction 9 2 Background 13 3 2.1 Life Cycle ofAlexandriumfundyense ............................... 2.2 Alexandriumfundyense Cyst Distribution ............... 2.3 The Gulf of Maine Coastal Current ....................................... 17 2.4 The "Plume Advection Hypothesis" ................................ 19 2.5 The "Cyst Source" Hypothesis .................................... 22 2.6 Possible Mechanisms for Entrainment ............................. 24 2.7 Summary ....................... .... ..................... 13 .......... . 15 ....... 27 Laboratory Experiments 29 3.1 Apparatus.......................................................... 30 3.2 Procedure .................................................... 32 3.3 Results .............. . .... ........ ................ ........ 3.3.1 Summary of Experiments .................................... 3.3.2 Vertical Plume Structure .. 33 33 ..................................... 35 3.3.3 3.4 37 Mixing ............................................... 42 Summary and Discussion ....................................... 43 4. Physical Numerical Model 4.1 Model Formulation ......................... .................. 44 4.2 Base Case ................................ .................. 46 4.3 Variations in River Mouth Geometry ........... .................. 52 4.4 Variations in River Fluxes .................... .................. 58 4.5 Summary and Discussion ................. .. ................... 66 65 5. Coupled Biological Physical Model 5.1 Biological Model Formulation ................................. 65 5.2 Coupled Biological-Physical Model .............................. 68 5.4 5.2.1 Model Setup ............................... 5.2.2 Results ................. ............................ Summary and Discussion ....................................... ............ 68 69 78 Chapter 1 Introduction Harmful algal blooms (HABs), more commonly known as "red tides", are a serious economic and public health concern. In the Gulf of Maine the most serious problem associated with HABs is paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). PSP, a potentially fatal neurological disorder, is caused by human ingestion of shellfish (e.g., mussels, clams, oysters and scallops) that have consumed the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense. The onset of symptoms is rapid and, in the most severe cases, PSP results in respiratory arrest within 24 hours of consumption of the toxic shellfish. There is no known antidote for PSP, thus making blooms of A. fundyense a major threat to public health. The Journal of Shellfish Research tried to emphasize the seriousness of the red tide problem to their readers through a somewhat comical cartoon on one of their covers (fig. 1-1). Here they show a bloom of A. fundyense as an ominous dark mass staring at the shellfish who, out of fear of becoming toxic, have sought refuge on the shore. In response to the threat of red tide, regional monitoring programs have been established to sample coastal shellfish beds regularly and test for PSP toxins. It has been demonstrated that toxicity in the mussel Mytilus edulis is a good indicator of the presence of A. fundyense cells (Shumway et al., 1988). Discovery of PSP toxins leads to shellfish bed closures, causing a serious economic hardship to the coastal fishing industries. Figure 1-1. A cartoon from the cover of Journal of Shellfish Research Vol. 7, No.4 Blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate A. fundyense are a recurring feature in the Gulf of Maine. Following an outbreak in Canada in 1957, five monitoring stations were established in the coastal Maine area and were expanded to 119 sampling stations after a year of high toxicity in 1974 (Shumway et al., 1988). Blooms of A. fundyense have occurred every year since 1958 along the southern coast of Maine between the months of May and October. Blooms began appearing along the northern coast of Massachusetts in 1972 and have occurred every year since, excluding 1987 (Shumway et al., 1988). Anderson (1997) reviewed studies of the bloom dynamics with focus on various subregions in the GOM. Observations show that peak toxicity in the western GOM occurs early in the bloom season (May-June) and is less severe than peak toxicity in the eastern GOM, which occurs later in the bloom season (July-August). It has also been noted that the Penobscot Bay region, which separates the eastern and western GOM, and is sometimes referred to as the "PSP sandwich" (Shumway et al., 1988), is usually devoid of PSP. Until recently, there was very little known about the mechanisms regulating the observed spatial and temporal distributions of A. fundyense in the Gulf of Maine. There were several studies that focused on sub-regions of the Gulf of Maine (e.g. Anderson and Keafer, 1985; Franks and Anderson, 1992a; Franks and Anderson, 1992b; Martin and White, 1988; White and Lewis, 1982). The 1997-2001 Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms-Gulf of Maine (ECOHAB-GOM) project greatly added to the understanding of the interconnections between the regional bloom dynamics of A. fundyense in the Gulf of Maine. In the second chapter of this thesis I present a review of previous research on A. fundyense and the mechanisms controlling their spatial and temporal distributions in the Gulf of Maine. Much of the research discussed in this section was part of the ECOHAB-GOM project. One of the major conclusions that can be drawn from previous work is that a thorough understanding of the dynamics of river plumes and interactions of river plumes is essential to our understanding of this problem. The rest of this thesis intends to contribute to the understanding of these plume interactions. In Chapter 3, mixing between two interacting river plumes with various buoyancies is investigated through laboratory experiments. In chapter 4 a numerical model is used to explore the effects of river mouth size and flux variations on the interaction between two plumes. In both Chapter 3 and 4 the possible effects on the transport of A. fundyense are discussed and in Chapter 5 a simple NP model is coupled with the physical model to explore more explicitly the possible effects of river plume interaction on the distribution of A. fundyense. Chapter 2 Background 2.1 Life Cycle of Alexandriumfundyense Anderson (1998) describes the life cycle of Alexandrium species (figure 2-1). The life cycle involves both sexual and asexual reproduction. During asexual reproduction, division by binary fission yields vegetative motile cells, which contribute to the development of blooms. Sexual reproduction begins with the formation of gametes, which fuse to form swimming zygotes, which then become dormant resting cysts. The species Alexandrium fundyense also has another resting stage called a "temporary cyst", which is a result of a sudden shift to unfavorable conditions. However, the following discussion of A. fundyense cysts refers to the dormant resting cysts, which are a mandatory stage in the life cycle and critical to our understanding of the population dynamics of this species. There are several factors that regulate how long a cell will remain as a dormant resting cyst. Internally, there is a mandatory maturation period (Anderson, 1980) and an endogenous annual clock (Anderson and Keafer, 1987). In addition, mature cysts will remain in this resting state (known as "quiescence") while conditions in the overlying waters are unfavorable for growth. There are several external factors which have been found to control the germination of mature A. fundyense cysts. If the temperature of the overlying water is above or below a range that allows germination, the cells will remain quiescent (Anderson, 1998; Anderson et al., 2005b). Light (Anderson et al., 1987; Anderson et al., 2005b) and oxygen (Anderson et al., 1987) also affect the rate of germination. If overlying water conditions remain unfavorable for germination, or if cells are buried deep in the anoxic sediments, the cysts can remain quiescent for years. How long cysts can live is difficult to determine; however, Keafer et al. (1992) suggest that the half life ofAlexandriumfundyense cysts in anoxic sediments is approximately five years. Once germination occurs, the overlying water column is inoculated with cells and, as previously mentioned, the cells begin to divide via binary fission creating a bloom. Clearly, the location of cyst accumulations in the surface sediments (known as "seedbeds") is important in determining the location of the resulting blooms. -F- /Cs I8 e ý? f I Iq 14MA i,; #15 xi wri · Figure 2-1. Life cycle diagram for Alexandrium fundyense The labeled stages are: (1) motile vegetative cell; (2) temporary cyst; (3) "female" and "male" gametes; (4) fusing gametes; (5) swimming zygote; (6) resting cyst; (7&8) motile germinated cell; (9) pair of vegetative cells after division by binary fission (Anderson, 1998). 2.2 Alexandrium fundyense Cyst Distribution Anderson et al. (2005b) produced the first Gulf-wide survey showing the abundance of cysts in bottom sediments (fig. 2-2). The data used for this map came from multiple surveys (White and Lewis, 1982; Martin and Wildish, 1994; J. Martin, unpublished data; Anderson et al., 2005b); however, most of the samples from between the Bay of Fundy and the western extreme of the sampling domain are from the 1997 ECOHAB-GOM survey. The cyst distribution map clearly shows three distinct zones of high cyst concentration. One of these seedbeds is located near Grand Manan Island at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, where maximum abundance is close to 2000 cysts /cm3 (Anderson et al., 2005b). There is evidence that the Bay of Fundy cyst bed is a persistent feature (Anderson, 2005b; Martin and Wildish, 1994; J.Martin, unpublished data). This could be explained by the eddy system that lies above this seedbed and is able to retain a fraction of the vegetative cells produced by germination from this seedbed, resulting in high cell concentrations in the overlying waters (Martin and White, 1988). Anderson et al. (2005b) propose that this area serves as an "incubator" for the region, with many of these retained cells depositing new cysts at the end of the bloom season to replenish the underlying seedbeds. In the cyst map by Anderson et al. (2005b) there were also high concentrations of cysts offshore of both Penobscot and Casco Bays. Anderson et al. (2005b) observed interannual variability in cyst abundance at these locations, which is attributed to interannual variations in cyst deposition. The circulation in the Gulf of Maine suggests possible links between the location and interannual variability of these seedbeds and the seedbed in the Bay of Fundy. 45 cysts/cm 600 500 44 400 300 -J 43 200 42 100 0 -71 -70 -69 -68 Longitude -67 -66 -65 Figure 2-2. Distribution and abundance ofAlexandriumfundyense cysts in the surface sediments (top cm) of the Gulf of Maine(Anderson et al. 2005b). 3 2.3 The Gulf of Maine Coastal Current The Gulf of Maine (GOM) is a mid-latitude marginal sea bounded by New England and southeastern Canada. The general circulation of the GOM is cyclonic (Bigelow, 1927). The major cyclonic gyre in this region is centered on the Jordan Basin and is sometimes referred to as the Jordan Basin Gyre (Pettigrew et al, 1998). Another dominant feature of the circulation is a complex coastal current system that flows from the gulf coast of Nova Scotia to Massachusetts (Brooks, 1985). The Gulf of Maine Coastal Current (GMCC) is highly variable and is thought to consist of several branches (Pettigrew et al., 1998). The two main branches of the GMCC are referred to as the Eastern Maine Coastal Current (EMCC) and the Western Maine Coastal Current (WMCC). The EMCC extends from the mouth of the Bay of Fundy along the coast of Maine to Penobscot Bay. A major portion of the EMCC turns offshore and contributes to the cyclonic circulation of the basin and another portion continues southwestward to join with the WMCC (Pettigrew et al., 1998 ). The EMCC could be split into two parts (Keafer et al., 2005b): a low-salinity, coastally trapped buoyant current originating from upstream low-salinity waters from the St. John river, and a more offshore branch which originates from Scotian shelf waters. The WMCC extends from the Penobscot Bay to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The WMCC is augmented by river outflow from the Kennebec, Androscoggin, Saco and Merrimack rivers. This low-salinity water is sometimes referred to as the "plume" (Anderson et al., 2005a). The WMCC is therefore also made of two distinct water masses: the plume and a more offshore component. There is a branch point in the WMCC near Cape Ann, Massachusetts, where some of the current enters Massachusetts Bay and the rest travels along the eastern edge of Stellwagen Bank. The latter segment undergoes another bifurcation at Cape Cod with some of the current extending south towards Nantucket and the other portion which travels to and around Georges Bank . Figure 2-3 shows a schematic of the circulation in the GOM as described by Keafer et al. (2005b), which builds upon previous schematics, such as those by Bigelow (1927) and Brooks (1985). 44 43 42 41 -71 -70 -69 -68 -67 -66 Figure 2-3. General near-surface circulation of the Gulf of Maine (Keafer et al., 2005b). The degree of connection between the two main branches of the Gulf of Maine Coastal Current appears highly variable (Pettigrew et al., 1998). Pettigrew et al. (2005) investigated the GMCC from 1988 to 2001 using extensive hydrographic surveys, current meter moorings, tracked drifters and satellite thermal imagery. The degree to which the EMCC veered offshore or joined the WMCC during the summer months varied greatly during the three year study. In 1998, almost all of the EMCC was directed offshore, whereas there was a nearly continuous throughflow between the EMCC and WMCC in 2000. Keafer et al. (2005b) suggest that part of the inshore branch of the EMCC may flow directly into the plume of the WMCC. They refer to this continuum of fresh water as the "inside track" or the Gulf of Maine Coastal Plume (GOMCP). A study by Geyer et al. (2004) shows that the volume of freshwater transport by the plume in the western Gulf of Maine exceeds the local riverine inflow of fresh water by 30%, suggesting a significant contribution from the St. John and further supporting the existence of a GOMCP. 2.4 The "Plume Advection Hypothesis" The complex and highly variable hydrography of the Gulf of Maine and the complicated population dynamics of A. fundyense make the study of the bloom dynamics of this dinoflagellate very challenging. Based on observations of toxicity at five stations in the western Gulf of Maine (see figure 2-4) over three bloom seasons, Franks and Anderson (1992a) showed that toxic shellfish outbreaks typically showed a north-tosouth progression and A. fundyense cells were predominately observed in the low-salinity waters (highest concentrations were located in waters < 31.5 psu). A peak in river discharge of the Androscoggin and Kennebec rivers prior to the detection of toxicity suggests that these rivers are the source of this fresh water. This led Franks and Anderson (1992a) to hypothesize that this annual southward progression of toxicity is a result of alongshore advection of Alexandriumfundyense in the coastally trapped buoyant plume formed by river discharge (this hypothesis is often referred to as the "plume advection hypothesis"). Figure 2-4. The station locations for the study by Franks and Anderson (1992a). Franks and Anderson (1992a) also suggested that alongshore winds had an important effect on the motion of the plume. It was observed that downwelling-favorable (southwestward) winds increased the speed of the plume and held the plume to the coast increasing the intensity and alongshore extent of toxicity. Upwelling-favorable (northeastward) winds decreased the speed of the plume and forced the plume offshore potentially causing it to separate from the coast (see figure 2-5). Separation would result in a decrease in toxicity of intertidal shellfish. In addition to wind direction, the volume of discharge from the Kennebec and Androscoggin rivers was also shown to have a significant impact on plume velocities and, in years of high river discharge, it was observed that toxicity patterns were relatively independent of the wind patterns, whereas, in years of low river discharge, the wind had a greater influence (Franks and Anderson, 1992a). N 1. 4D 41Rr ND Figure 2-5. Surface (left) and vertical across-shelf (right) plots of salinity distribution of a buoyant coastal plume subject to no wind stress (top), downwelling-favorable wind stress (middle) and upwelling-favorable wind stress (bottom) (Franks and Anderson, 1992a). Franks and Anderson (1992b) further tested the plume-advection hypothesis of Franks and Anderson (1992a) using historical records of shellfish toxicity, river outflow and windstress from 1979 to 1989. As predicted by the plume-advection hypothesis, every toxic outbreak in Massachusetts was preceded by both an outbreak in Maine and an increase in the discharge of the Androscoggin River. The observations from 1985 present the only contradiction to the north-south progression of the "plume advection hypothesis", showing almost simultaneous outbreaks of toxicity over a wide section of the coast. 2.5 The "Cyst Source" Hypothesis There were several issues that were left unresolved by Franks and Anderson (1992a and 1992b) most notably the origin of the A. fundyense cells. Franks and Anderson (1992a) suggest that the cells enter the plume in the western gulf of Maine near the mouth of the Kennebec River, but did not suggest a source for these cells. Anderson et al. (2005a) confirmed the general elements of the plume advection hypothesis and refined this conceptual model by defining two potential source populations: those originating from the offshore benthic cyst populations (McGillicuddy et al., 2003) and those being transported to the WMCC from the EMCC (Townsend et al., 2001). Several studies provide evidence that the EMCC acts as an important pathway for A. fundyense cells to enter the Western Gulf of Maine. Several surveys by Martin and White (1988) indicate westward penetration of high cell densities from the "incubator" region east of Grand Manan Island into the EMCC and Townsend et al. (2001) note that the highest cell concentrations in the Gulf of Maine are observed in the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the EMCC. Anderson et al. (2005b) suggest that some of the cells transported in the EMCC become entrained in the western GOM waters, where they may cause immediate toxicity, while others are deflected offshore. As previously mentioned, the degree to which the EMCC flows into the western GOM is highly variable and this could have a significant impact on the intensity of toxicity. Leursen et al. (2005) show that low toxicity in the western GOM occurred when a strong front developed, also referred to as a period where the "door is closed" (Leursen, 2001), and, in years when a weak front develops, the "door is open" and high toxicity was observed in the western GOM. Leursen et al. (2005) conclude that the EMCC has a significant effect on the intensity of toxicity in the western GOM either by advection of nutrient-rich water or by direct transport of cells into the WMCC. Keafer et al. (2005b) observed the highest abundance of A. fundyense within the fresher waters of the EMCC, which originate from the outflow of the St. John that flows over the seedbed east of Grand Manan Island. They therefore suggest that cells could be transported directly from the EMCC into the WMCC via the GOMCP described earlier. The GOMCP can be partially deflected offshore due to upwelling-favorable wind stress, thus adding another source of variability to the distribution of A. fundyense blooms. There is evidence that offshore cyst beds also play an important role in blooms of A. fundyense in the western Gulf of Maine. A study by McGillicuddy et al. (2003) suggests that, during upwelling-favorable winds, the river plume in the western GOM thins and can extend far enough offshore to be over the seedbeds observed near Casco Bay and Penobscot Bay, allowing the possible entrainment of these cells into the plume. With subsequent downwelling-favorable winds, the plume would return to the coast transporting the cells to the shellfish beds. A study by Stock et al. (2005) further supports the importance of offshore cyst beds. Results from their coupled physical-biological model suggest that the cysts germinated from offshore seedbeds could account for the observed timing and magnitude of A.fundyense blooms in the spring in the western GOM. This mechanism could also explain the near simultaneous outbreaks of toxicity observed in the western Gulf of Maine in 1985 by Franks and Anderson (1992b). There is an observed west-to-east shift in the center of mass of vegetative cells that cannot be explained solely by the east-to-west transport of the EMCC and the plume of the WMCC. Townsend et al. (2001) hypothesized that the A. fundyense cells that enter the EMCC do not initially flourish due to the deep mixing and turbulence, which limits the amount of light reaching the cells. However, as the water reaches the west, the water becomes more stratified which is more favorable for growth. McGillicuddy et al. (2005) present results from a coupled physical-biological model that suggest another possible explanation for the west-to-east trend of toxicity. Early in the season they suggest that temperature could be the major limiting factor in the eastern Gulf of Maine. Higher concentrations of vegetative cells are observed in the western gulf of Maine primarily due to higher temperatures and cumulative impact of cysts being transported from the two major cyst beds located in the Bay of Fundy and offshore of Casco and Penobscot Bays. During the transition from spring to summer the western Gulf of Maine becomes nutrient depleted. Nutrient limitation results in the induction of sexuality in A.fundyense, which leads to the formation of resting cysts (Anderson and Lindquist, 1985). The cyst accumulations offshore of Penobscot and Casco Bays observed by Anderson et al. (2005b) are found in the general area where the model predicts nutrient limitiation will occur. Although the western Gulf of Maine becomes nutrient-limited, growth of vegetative cells still occurs in the nutrient-rich eastern Gulf of Maine. 2.6 Possible mechanisms for entrainment Horizontal ocean currents are several orders of magnitude greater than swimming speeds of plankton; therefore plankton can be considered passive tracers in a lateral context. In contrast, ocean currents are considerably weaker in the vertical, and thus plankton, with typical swimming speeds of meters to hundreds of meters per day, are able to change their vertical position (Hetland et al., 2002). Dinoflagellates like Alexandrium fundyense are light limited and it is therefore beneficial for them to be able to change their vertical position. There are several possible mechanisms by which the cells could enter the plume from the EMCC or from offshore, and they all depend on light-seeking swimming behavior of Alexandrium fundyense. The analysis of density surfaces presented in Keafer et al. (2005b) suggests that cells that are located beneath the surface mixed layer (>10m depth) can be transported directly beneath the thin river plume and enter the plume via vertical light-seeking swimming behavior. In another study (Keafer et al., 2005a), temperature and salinity analysis is used to infer that surface populations at the outer edge of the Penobscot plume can be subducted underneath the low salinity Kennebec plume and the A. fundyense cells could enter the plume via vertical light-seeking swimming. The previous mechanism involves the interaction of two buoyant coastal currents. In contrast, modeled experiments by McGillicuddy et al. (2003) and Hetland et al. (2002) suggest mechanisms by which cells may be entrained into a river plume undergoing offshore and onshore excursions as a result of varying wind conditions. Hetland et al. (2002) proposed the "frog tongue" hypothesis, which establishes a range of upward swimming velocities that would allow plankton to enter a plume during upwelling favorable conditions and then be transported towards the coast during subsequent downwelling events. In order for plankton to enter a plume, they must swim with a vertical velocity wp which satisfies H ,,plume, / T < w, < KI/ H,,,i where Hp is the thickness of the plume, Hil,,, is the thickness of the mixed layer (where H,,,x Hp,,,,e - 0(10) ), T is the time between onshore and offshore extremes of the plume, and K is the magnitude of mixing in the mixed layer (Hetland et al., 2002). This inequality indicates that the plankton must swim slow enough so that they will be evenly distributed in the mixed layer and can therefore be subducted under the plume as it moves offshore. When the plankton are beneath the plume they must swim quickly enough to enter the plume before it begins to return to the coast. A diagram of this model is seen in figure 2-6. TR C weak r I D ~ (- OT t·c- -- - - - - - - - - - - Figure 2-6. A cartoon illustrating the various stages in the entrainment of a portion of an offshore plankton patch. The squiggly, straight horizontal and circular arrows, represent swimming, Ekman transport velocity and turbulent mixing respectively. The dark grey represents the plankton patch (Hetland et al., 2002). A CROSS-ISOBATH TRANSPORT MECHANISM FOR INITIATION OFALEXANDRIUM BLOOMS UPWELLING ,· -------- DOWNWELLING I`~-,. -., ,,~.r c~r r Figure 2-7. Schematic of a proposed mechanism for the entrainment of A. fundyense cells originating in offshore cyst beds. During upwelling favorable conditions the plume thins and extends offshore above the cyst beds where newly germinated light-seeking cells swimming towards the surface can enter the plume. During downwelling favorable conditions these cells are transported towards shore in the plume. (McGillicuddy et al., 2003) McGillicuddy et al. (2003) used a coupled three-dimensional biological-physical model to investigate how germinated cells from offshore cyst beds could contribute to nearshore blooms. The model results suggest that under upwelling conditions a plume may thin and extend far enough offshore to be above the observed cyst beds. This would allow the newly germinated cysts to be entrained in the plume as they swim vertically towards the light in order to begin vegetative growth. As the winds become downwellingfavorable the plume moves onshore and thickens thereby exposing the coast to these toxic cells from offshore. A schematic of this process is shown in figure 2-7. 2.7 Summary From the research presented, it is clear that the gulf-wide circulation, particularly the dynamics of the buoyant coastal plumes, and cyst bed locations play an important role in the distribution of A. fundyense blooms in the Gulf of Maine. Within the Gulf of Maine, A. fundyense cells are transported within these buoyant coastal plumes which are part of the two major coastal currents: the EMCC and the WMCC. There is evidence that these cells originate from the cyst beds in the Bay of Fundy and offshore of Penobscot and Casco Bays. The EMCC transports these cells from the Bay of Fundy to Penobscot Bay where it splits into two different branches, transporting cells directly into the western GOM, where they can become entrained in the WMCC and transported into the western GOM , or they can be deflected offshore where they become encysted to form the offshore seedbeds. The germinated cells from these offshore cyst beds can be entrained in the plume of the WMCC during an upwelling favorable wind event and transported back to shore where they can cause toxicity in the shellfish beds during a subsequent downwelling event. The one-way path of A. fundyense cells in the Gulf of Maine suggests that the self-seeding cyst population in the Bay of Fundy is the cause of persistent occurrences of toxicity along the coast and that the GMCC is its main means of transportation. Therefore, in order to understand the variability in the distribution of A. fundyense , we need to understand the dynamics of river plume interactions that feed this coastal current. Chapter 3 Laboratory Experiments Consider a case where one river plume, carrying A. fundyense, travels along the coast and comes into contact with another river plume. The first plume could go above, around or be subducted beneath the second plume. If the first plume goes above the second plume, then it is possible that the A. fundyense will reach the coast and be consumed by shellfish. If the plume goes around or is subducted beneath the second plume the A. fundyense will need to enter the second plume in order to gain access to the coast. Two possible ways of doing this are through mixing between the two plumes and through swimming. In this chapter I explore the first possibility by trying to quantify mixing in a series of laboratory experiments modeling the interaction of two riverplumes with various densities and flow rates. 3.1 Apparatus Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate the interaction between two coastal plumes. The experimental setup was configured to represent a northern and southern plume flowing along a vertical wall above a flat bottom. The experiments were conducted in a cylindrical tank with a diameter of 2.1 m, a height of 0.45 m and a flat bottom. The tank was rotated counter-clockwise, to simulate the northern hemisphere, with a fixed rotation rate of f=1. The tank was filled with ocean water (p = 1.022 g / cm3 ) to a depth of approximately 15 cm. The two rivers were simulated by pumping buoyant water at a constant rate at two different locations on the side of the tank. The top view and side views of the experimental set up can be seen in figure 3-1 and figure 3-2 respectively. The sources were two pipes with diameters of 1.5 cm located 116 cm apart. In the figure, the northern river is labeled with an N and the southern river is labeled with an S. To minimize excessive mixing at the source, foam was wrapped around the end of the pipe. A conductivity probe was positioned 59 cm away from the southern plume (labeled with a P in the fig 2.2.1 and fig. 2.2.2). The probe was fixed to the side of the tank so that it could be moved vertically and perpendicular to the wall of the tank. Ile "P rr· I t-:~ I. ,· I it6 Ii i / S z / · `P Figure 3-1 Top view of tank set up. N and S indicate the locations of the northern and southern plumes respectively. P indicates the location of the probe when closest to the wall. (Graphic made by Valentina) c o cn a I: i: ii: ii i: i· ii 210 Figure 3-2 Side view of tank set up. Dimensions are in cm. 3.2 Procedure The two source waters were created by mixing sea water and fresh water. The densities of these two fluids were determined with a model DMA58 Anton Paar densitometer which has an accuracy of 10-5 g/cm 3. The tank was rotated counter-clockwise at a rotation rate of f =1. After the ambient fluid reached solid body rotation the two sources were turned on. After the northern current came into contact with the southern current, a profile was taken near the wall. The frequency of each profile was 1 point per 0.01 cm and only the downward profiles were used. Six mixtures of known densities ranging from that of fresh water to that of ocean water were made. Their densities were first measured with the densitometer and then with the conductivity probe. The approximate analytical relationship between voltage and density is the following second order equation V = aL where p* = p -Po, +a2 + a3 (3.1) po is the freshwater density and p ( g/cm3 ) is the density which corresponds to the voltage V. Using this equation we can find the coefficients which best fit the density and voltage measurements. Solving equation 3.1 for density we find 2 P = Po + -(a 2 + a - 4ai(a a+ 2a(3.2)3 -V)) (3.2) Using this equation and the calibration coefficients, voltage profiles were converted to density profiles. 3.3 Results 3.3.1 Summary of Experiments Six variations of the experiment were done. In each one the densities and flow rates of each river were changed. A summary of the experiments can be seen in table 3-1. The table shows the densities (p) of the ocean water and fresh water which were mixed to make the north and south river waters, the density of the tank water, the flow rate of the northern plume (Qn) and the flow rate of the southern plume (Qs). The desired or ideal density, reduced gravity and buoyancy flux for the northern river (pn, g'n, Bn) and the southern river (ps, g's, Bs) are listed. The reduced gravity is defined as g'g (po-p) o + p)/2 where Po is the density of the tank water. The buoyancy flux is defined as B = g'Q. In addition, the experimental values for the density, reduced gravity, buoyancy flux and the error between the ideal and experimental value of g' for each river are listed. Experiment p ocean water (g/cc) p fresh water (g/cc) p tank water (g/cc) 1.021 0.999 1.022 Qn (cc/s) g'n ideal (g/cc) Pn ideal (g/cc) Bn ideal Pn exp (g/cc) g'n exp (g/cc) Bn exp 5 1 1.021 5 1.021 0.950 4.75 Qs (cc/s) g's ideal (g/cc) Ps ideal (g/cc) Bs ideal Ps exp (g/cc) g's exp (g/cc) Bs exp 10 5 1.016 50 1.016 4.934 49.34 1 2 3 1.022 1.022 0.998 0.999 1.021 1.021 Northern Plume 10 10 10 5 1.011 1.016 100 50 1.011 1.016 10.111 4.984 101.11 49.84 Southern Plume 10 10 5 5 1.016 1.016 50 50 1.016 1.016 5.216 4.984 52.16 49.84 4 5 6 1.022 0.998 1.020 1.022 0.998 1.022 1.022 0.998 1.020 10 25 0.995 250 0.998 21.456 214.56 20 25 0.996 500 0.998 22.819 456.38 20 25 0.995 500 0.998 21.456 429.12 10 5 1.015 50 1.015 4.929 49.29 10 5 1.017 50 1.016 5.164 51.64 5 5 1.015 25 1.015 4.929 24.645 Table 3-1 Summary of experiments 3.3.2 Vertical Plume Structure The density profile taken closest to the wall of the tank is shown in figure 3-3 for each experiment. Each profile was filtered using a boxcar filter of 30 increments. Plotted on top of the profile are the experimental densities of the northern plume, southern plume and the ambient tank water indicated by red, blue, and green lines respectively. The sharp gradient in density seen near the top of several of the profiles is a result of the probe coming out of the water. In these profiles we see various vertical structures. In experiment 1 there appears to be southern plume water overlying northern plume water with a mixed layer between these two water masses and between the northern plume water and the tank water. In the second experiment the southern plume and the northern plume have the same densities and, as would be expected, there is a single layer of both northern and southern plume water with a shallow mixed layer between it and the ambient tank water. In the third experiment we see the opposite of what was observed in experiment 1. There is a northern plume water overlying southern plume water. The fifth experiment shows a similar structure to the third. The difference between the measured densities of the three water masses and the densities of each layer in the profile could be due to problems during probe calibration. The fourth experiment has a slightly different structure. From the profile it appears that there is a mixed layer with a linearly decaying density overlying a layer of southern plume water. A similar structure is observed in the sixth experiment however, the density profile in the upper layer is not quite linear. In both cases it is possible that the probe did not come out of the water and may have missed a thin layer of northern plume water that may have existed at the surface of the water. Expedment 1 II I I F l l I Ki I I S I I I I I 2 Experiment I I I! ~I I. 0.995 1 I I _ I It lu Ii * I I. I .005 1.01 1.015102 I 1.02 Experiment 3 0.R 1 * Ji *I I I 10051.01 1.0151.02 1.0 Expement 4 -2 4 EI 0~5 1 1.0051.01 1.015 Expeiment 5 Experment 6 25 35 Figure 3-3 Density profiles from each experiment taken closest to the wall of the tank. Density is in g / cm3 and the y-axis represents the distance from the top of the profile in cm. 3.3.3 Mixing To determine the amount of mixing occurring between the plumes after interaction the Richardson number was calculated for each experiment. The Richardson number is defined as - g Ri = h,,, where h, is the measured thickness of the mixed layer between the northern and southern plumes and Ugx =ghpx is the geostophic velocity calculated for each plume and h 2Qxf is the theoretical depth of each plume at the side of the tank. It is usually assumed that for Ri << 1 mixing is important. The values for h,, h,,, u, and Ri for each plume for all six experiments can be found in table 3-2. Exp 1 2 3 4 5 6 hm (cm) 1 0 0.55 1.75 0.9 1.5 hpn (cm) 3.24 2 1.41 4.48 1.32 1.37 hps (cm) 2.01 2 1.96 2.01 1.97 1.42 ugn (cm/s) 1.76 3.16 3.77 2.11 5.5 5.41 Ugs (cm/s) 3.15 3.16 3.2 3.15 3.19 2.65 Ri 2.04 0 8.14 6.4 2.98 3.25 hm* (cm) 0.5 0 0.07 0.27 0.3 0.46 Table 3-2 Summary of important parameters used to estimate the importance of mixing between the northern and southern plumes. In the second experiment the two plumes had the same buoyancy flux after interaction the plumes are indistinguishable from each other and therefore no Richardson number can be calculated. In all of the other experiments the Richardson number is considerably greater than one. To see how sensitive the Richardson number is to changes in the measured value of mixed layer thickness, the mixed layer thickness for a Richardson number of 1, h,,, = abs • - ) was calculated. In figure 3-4 the upper and lower bounds of the measured mixed layer are indicated by green lines. The upper and lower bounds based on the mixed layer thickness predicted for cases in which the Richardson number is equal to one are represented by red lines. As can be seen for all experiments the mixed layer thickness for the case of Ri = 1 is considerably smaller than the value measured and from the shape of the profiles it is not possible to define the mixed layer using those bounds. Assuming that our equations are appropriate for plume interactions we can infer that mixing is relatively unimportant between the southern and northern plume. EpeqOrimnt 1 fll I I I I I I K *1 I I 1 1 1 0 1 1 ' I 1.19 1.• 10I 1.0 1.018 1016 1.017 101 Expeime 4 Eqeiment 3 S i I I 1 I " I I ·I 401 mh 2W 2M a- a 1.018 1.02 1.0I 4 1. . 1.01 1. 0141.014 1.0161.0181.02 1.014 1.011,012 Expefiment6 2W- I - I Exp I 5 I n I I I I I I I I I I 401 2W0 2M n 0.U -I 1 I 1.05 p1 I 1.01 1015 1.02 I I 1 21 1 I I I I 1.022 1014 116 1018 1.02 1 1 01 Figure 3-4 Comparison of measured mixed layer thickness between the northern and southern plumes and the mixed layer thickness predicted for a Richardson number of one. The same process was repeated for the mixed layer between the lower plume (northern or southern depending on the experiment) and the ambient water. Since the ambient water was motionless the equations for the Richardson number and mixed layer thickness for Ri = 1 simplify to the following Ri = h,g' 2 Ug h,,. =abs 9 where h,,,, h, and ug are all calculated for the lower plume. The values for these parameters can be found in table 3-3. In all of the other experiments the Richardson number is less than one. Experiment 1 2 3 4 5 6 hm (cm) 0.6 0.9 1 0.65 0.7 0.65 hp (cm) 2.01 2 1.41 4.48 1.32 1.37 ug (cm/s) 3.15 3.16 3.77 2.11 5.5 5.41 Ri 0.3 0.45 0.71 0.15 0.53 0.48 hm* (cm) 2.01 2 1.41 4.48 1.32 1.37 Table 3-3 Summary of important parameters used to estimate the importance of mixing between the lower plume and the ambient water. In figure 3-5 the upper and lower bounds of the measured mixed layer between the lower plume and the ambient water are indicated by green lines. The upper and lower bounds based on the mixed layer thickness predicted for cases in which the Richardson number is equal to one are represented by red lines. As can be seen for all experiments the mixed layer thickness for the case of Ri = 1 is considerably larger than the value measured which leads to the conclusion that most of the mixing occurs between the plumes and the ambient water. Eperinmel Experient2 II I - I I II I I I I U1014 1.01 1.01 1.018 1.I .I 1016 1.011.018 1,014 1.015 1019 1.02 Eqeero 3 Eperiment4 fill I I I I I I I I I I I IL- MO t 2M 0 I I I I II 1,011.012 1.014 1.016 1.0181.02 1. I I 1 1. 1.04 1 l. 1.01 1.012 1.014 1.016 1.018 1.02 Expeiment5 Experiment6 imi----__ [ I I i I LI 0.99 1 I 1.5 1.01 1.0151.02 1.02 1.0 4 1. 11 1.012 1.014 1 .0161018 1.02 1022 Figure 3-5 Comparison of measured mixed layer thickness between the northern and southern plumes and the mixed layer thickness predicted for a Richardson number of one. 3.4 Summary and Discussion In this chapter I try to quantify mixing between two river plumes through a series of laboratory experiments modeling the interaction of two plumes with various densities and flow rates. Based on these experiments it appears that much of the mixing occurs between the plumes and the ambient water and that mixing is relatively unimportant between the southern and northern plume. However, the profiles in these experiments were taken downstream of the southern source and it is possible that mixing could be occurring upon the initial interaction of the two plumes and has subsided by the time they reach the location where the profile was taken. Therefore, from these experiments we can conclude that, under these idealized conditions, if the A. fundyense did not enter the second plume near the source they would have to find another way to enter the second plume. One possibility is through their light seeking swimming behavior. Chapter 4 Physical Model Again consider a case where one river plume, carrying A. fundyense, travels along the coast and comes into contact with a southern river plume without A. fundyense. This time, the first plume is denser than the second and is therefore not likely to go above the second plume but will probably go beneath it or around it. It is possible for A. fundyense to enter the second plume, and then gain access to the coastal shellfish beds, through vertical swimming. However, for this to be effective the first plume must go beneath the second plume. If the northern plume is unable to go beneath the southern plume then the coast might be protected from the A. fundyense and an outbreak of red tide. Using a series of numerical model runs I investigate the effects of the southern plume on the path of the northern plume and attempt to specify under what conditions the northern plume will be subducted beneath the southern plume. 4.1 Model Formulation In this work a simple 2 '/2 layer model is used to study the interaction of two river plumes propagating along the coast in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation. Here the basic model formulation is described. In the following equations the subscript s denotes the top layer which originates from the southern river, n denotes the middle layer which originates from the northern river, and 0 denotes the bottom layer or the ambient ocean water. We assume that the pressure in the fluid is hydrostatic and, within each layer, the horizontal velocity is independent of depth. The pressure within each layer can then be written as +h -z) +h, p, =gp (h, p, = gpsh, + gp,(h, + ho - z) Po = gPsh, + gph,+gPo (ho - z) where p,, Px and hx are the pressure, density and thickness of the xth layer respectively. Assuming that there is no horizontal pressure gradient in the bottom layer the depth of the bottom layer can be written as ho = _ h - h, Po Po Using this new definition for ho the equations for pressure can be simplified to PS Po - Ps hi p, PI, p h+ Po - P Pn Pn Po - P PO h-z Po Po = -gz If we set p, = (1- 6,)Po and p, = (1- 6,)po, the first two equations become s= 6Sgh, + 6,gh, - gz PS g hS +6h 16n z 1-6n with the Boussinesq approximation, the second equation simplifies to P- gs,h +gS,h, - z Pn The horizontal pressure gradients can therefore be written as 1 -Vp, Ps 1 = IVp, gbsVh, + g6,Vh, g6,Vh, + g6,Vh, Pn For the model we can now use the Bernoulli form of the momentum equations U + (f + x u = -VB at wheref is the coriolis parameter, av ax au ay and the Bernoulli function is B=P p (+1 2 +2) 2 The mass conservation equations for the model are _w VVW:F-= 0. h The model domain consists of a 25km x 300km rectangular basin. Fresher water is discharged uniformly (in y and z) at the coastline from two rectangular river mouths, of length L, and depth hr,, centered at a distance of 296km and 256km from the southern end of the domain. The base case was run at both a .25km resolution in x and y with a 1 minute time step and .5km resolution in x and y with a 2 minute time step. No qualitative differences were evident so for the rest of the runs the lower resolution was used. All model runs presented neglect the influence of tides, winds and bottom friction. Mixing is also neglected in the numerical model partially due to the experimental results described in the previous chapter but also to keep the model as simple as possible. The coriolis parameter fis set to 10- 4 s-' and the ambient ocean water remains motionless and 3. maintains a constant density po of 1020 kg / m'm In section 4.2 the base case and initial analysis is presented. In section 4.3 the effect of the river mouth geometry is investigated. In these runs all parameters remained constant except the river mouth lengths and depths. The following ranges were used for both river mouths: depth of the river mouths 2 m < h, < 14 m , length of the river mouths 1 km < Lr < 7 km . In section 4.4 the effect of varying river fluxes is investigated by keeping everything constant except the flux of each river which was varied within the range 1250 m3 / s < Q < 10,000 m 3 / s. 4.2 Base Case As a base case (run I in table 4-1) we consider two almost identical river inflows. Both have a river mouth 2 m deep and 1 km wide and a flux of 1250 m3 / s. The difference between the two rivers is their densities. The density of the northern river ( p,) is 1015 kg / m3 and the density of the southern river ( p,) is 1010 kg / m3 .The difference in density was necessary to create the 2 ½2 layer system, as described, with the northern plume being the lower layer. The thickness of the northern plume (h , ), thickness of the southern plume (hs) and the total depth of river input (h, + h, ) after a period of 15 days can be seen in figure 4-1. Both river outflows initially form bulges and then turn right to form a coastal current. After 15 days two bulges have formed which are wider and deeper than the downstream coastal current which forms to the south of the southern bulge. It is also evident from these plots that the southern bulge is diverting a significant portion of the northern plume away from the coast. The horizontal velocities for the northern and southern plumes can be seen in figure 4-2 and figure 4-3 respectively. As seen in the figures, the coastal current is unidirectional with southward velocities of approximately 5 cm/s in the northern fluid and 10 cm/s for the southern fluid. The bulge regions are anticyclonic and appear to be in cyclostrophic balance. The maximum velocities in the bulge regions are 10 cm/s for the northern bulge and 25 cm/s for the southern. 0 5 10 15 x(km) 20 5 10 15 x(km) 20 0 5 10 15 29 x(km) Figure 4-1 The thickness of the northern plume (h,), thickness of the southern plume (h, ) and the total depth of river input (h,, + h, ) after a period of 30 days are shown from left to right (m) for the base case. w1 06 05 0.4 03 02 01 .15 0l ~- - - -- " Figure 4-2 Depth (m) and horizontal velocities (m/s) for the northern plume. 06 105 04 -0.05 03 -0.1 0.2 01 0 .25 01 .3 111 0.36 10 20 30 40 50 Figure 4-3 Depth (m) and horizontal velocities (m/s) for the southern plume. In Fong & Geyer (2002) it was discovered that in the absence of an ambient current the bulge would continue to expand. In this model the rivers are flowing into a motionless ocean so it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that each bulge would continue to grow in the absence of an ambient alongshore current. A growing southern bulge could significantly affect the distribution of any pollutants or organisms originating in the northern plume. As previously mentioned, in this base case the southern bulge seems to divert the northern plume away from the coast. If the plume continued to grow it is possible that it could shield more of the coast from the northern plume and anything it may be transporting. In figures 4-4 and 4-5 the depth of the northern and southern plumes as they vary in the cross shore direction at the latitude of their respective river mouths can be seen at one day intervals for 30 days. (Note that in figure 4-4 the plume seems to thicken which is probably due to a wall effect). As can be seen the depth of the northern bulge continues to vary whereas the depth of the southern plume begins to converge. It appears that when the northern plume comes into contact with the southern plume it acts to control the growth of the southern bulge like the ambient current controlled the single plume bulge in the model used by Fong and Geyer (2002). So at least in this base case, it seems that that the southern bulge would shield the same section from the northern plume over time. I I I Northern Plume I • ' I -0.2 E ~-----~--c7-. ~--c* --L -~---e -- -0.4 -- :s E , c- `-·=--~-sz---. -~c~C~C14~ '4-;;ts -0.6 E -0.8 E -1.2 - -1.4 - -1.6 - -1.8 - I I I I -- -- I I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 - 0 50 x (km) Figure 4-4 Change in the width (cross shore direction) of the northern bulge region over a thirty day period Southern Plume .- b u -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1 R 0 5 10 15 20 25 x (km) 30 35 40 45 50 Figure 4-5 Change in the width (cross shore direction) of the southern bulge region over a thirty day period. 4.3 Variations in River Mouth Geometry As seen in the base case the southern bulge can affect the path of the northern plume as it progresses along the coast. Fong and Geyer (2002) found that the shape of the bulge in the single plume was found to depend mostly on the velocity of the river inflow and the width of the river mouth. A large velocity and narrow river mouth resulted in a bulge which extended farther offshore. In this set of numerical experiments the width Lr and depth h, of both river mouths is varied in an attempt to alter the horizontal size of both the northern and southern bulges. The fluxes of both rivers remain the same for all runs (Q,,, Q= 1250 m3 / s ) . By holding the fluxes constant the velocities of the rivers will increase as river mouth size decreases. Both an increase in river outflow velocity and a decrease in river mouth size should act to increase the horizontal extent of the bulge. However, it is not certain a priori whether variations in river mouth size will have an effect on horizontal bulge size in the two plume case, especially in regards to the southern bulge which seems to be affected by the northern plume. In this set of experiments I attempt to discover if variations in river mouth size have any effect on bulge size and the effect of these variations on the path of the northern plume. A summary of the experiments can be found in table 4-1. All numerical runs were analyzed after a period of thirty days. Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 hrn (m) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 hrs (m) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Ln (km) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ls (km) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 un (mis) 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 us (m/s) 0.63 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.07 0.16 0.63 Rn 6.250 6.250 6.250 6.250 6.250 6.250 6.250 0.781 0.231 0.098 0.050 0.029 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 Rs 6.250 0.781 0.231 0.098 0.050 0.029 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.029 0.050 0.098 0.231 0.781 6.250 Rn/Rs 1.0 8.0 27.0 64.0 125.0 216.0 343.0 42.9 12.7 5.4 2.7 1.6 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 Table 4-1 Variations in river mouth geometry Looking at plots of the northern plume thickness (h,), the thickness of the southern plume ( h, ) and the total depth of river input (h, + h, ) for all of the runs there appears to be two different qualitative results. For the majority of cases (runs 1-17) the northern plume detached from the coast near the location of the southern bulge. In runs 18 and 19 the northern plume remained connected. The plots of the northern plume thickness ( h, ), the thickness of the southern plume (h, ) and the total depth of river input ( h, + h, ) for run 17, representing the first case, and run 18, representing the second case, can be seen in figures 4-6 and 4-7 respectively. In figure 4-7, it can be seen the maximum depth of the southern plume is approximately 0.6 m; this is probably the reason that the northern plume was able to remain attached to the coast and is not a very realistic case. 1.5 6E >1 0 5 10 15 x*m) 20 5 10 15 x(km) 20 0 5 10 15 20 x(m) Figure 4-6 The thickness of the northern plume (h,,), thickness of the southern plume (h,) and the total depth of river input (h,, + h, ) after a period of 30 days are shown from left to right (m) for run 17. U 5 10 15 x(m) 2J 5 10 15 x(km) J U 5 I 15 I J2 x(km) Figure 4-7 The thickness of the northern plume (h,), thickness of the southern plume (h, ) and the total depth of river input (h, + h, ) after a period of 30 days are shown from left to right (m) for run 18. The Rossby number, defined as R = Ur fZr where u,. is the velocity at the river mouth, has been found to best characterize the shape of the bulge in the case of the single plume (Fong and Geyer, 2002) so, in an attempt to quantitatively describe the effect of variations in river mouth geometry on the path of the northern plume, the Rossby numbers were estimated for each river mouth. Since the size of both river mouths was varied the ratio of the northern Rossby number and the southern Rossby number was also calculated. To estimate the extent to which the northern plume is deflected away from shore, the location of the center of mass of the northern plume at the latitude of the southern river mouth is calculated. The distance between the coast and the center of mass of the northern plume for various Rossby number ratios is shown in the three plots in figure 4-8. The middle graph shows runs which all had an R, of approximately 0.018. variations in R, under these conditions did not seem to alter the location of the center of mass of the northern plume. The top graph shows runs which all had an R, of 6.25 but varying R, values. For lower R, values which indicate a low source velocity and a large river mouth, the Rossby ratio is higher and the distance between the center of mass of the northern plume and the coast increases. The bottom graph shows runs which all had an R, of 0.018 but varying R, values. Variations in R,, gave similar results as those described for the runs with an R, of 6.25. It appears that for lower R, values the southern bulge does not extend as far off shore but becomes thicker and it therefore seems that the thickness of the southern bulge has an impact on the path of the northern plume. Rn=6.25 5•' t 23. - 23 1 22. E 22.5- 21.521 - 20.50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 250 300 350 400 RnlRs Rs=0.018 B. * 20 E m 10 50 0 50 100 150 200 RnlRs Rn=0.018 . 20- E '4* 15 - C ! 10 5- 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 RnlRs Figure 4-8 Comparison between the ratio of Rossby numbers for both river mouths and the distance between the coast and the center of mass of the northern plume near the southern river mouth 4.4 Variations in River Fluxes The following numerical experiments were used to explore the effect of variations in both southern and northern river fluxes on the path of the northern plume. In all of these runs the southern and northern river mouths are 3 km wide and 6 m deep. The flux of the northern and southern rivers vary within the range of 1250 m3 I s < Q < 10,000 m3 / s . The variation results in a change in velocity at the river mouths and therefore a change in the Rossby numbers for each river plume. A summary of the experiments can be found in table 4-2. Since the model has periodic boundary conditions, when the southern river reaches the southern end of the domain it will then reappear at the northern end. Due to the greater fluxes in these runs, the southern plume reached the southern end of the domain in a much shorter time period so all of these numerical runs were analyzed after a period of only twenty days. Some wrap-around still occurred, but we hope did not impact the results. Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Qn 1250 1250 1250 1250 2500 2500 5000 5000 7500 7500 7500 7500 10000 10000 Qs 2500 5000 7500 10000 1250 7500 1250 7500 1250 2500 5000 10000 1250 7500 un (mis) 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.14 0.14 0.28 0.28 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.56 0.56 us (mls) 0.14 0.28 0.42 0.56 0.07 0.42 0.07 0.42 0.07 0.14 0.28 0.56 0.07 0.42 Rn 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.463 0.463 0.926 0.926 1.389 1.389 1.389 1.389 1.852 1.852 Table 4-2 Variations in river fluxes Rs 0.463 0.926 1.389 1.852 0.231 1.389 0.231 1.389 0.231 0.463 0.926 1.852 0.231 1.389 RnlRs 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 2.0 0.3 4.0 0.7 6.0 3.0 1.5 0.8 8.0 1.3 In terms of whether the northern plume separates from the coast due to the southern bulge, all of the runs fit into three categories based on their Rossby number ratio. In all of the runs with R, / Rs < 0.6 the northern plume separated from the coast at the location of the southern bulge. In runs with R, / Rs> 1 the northern plume was able to pass directly under the southern plume. For the two cases where Rn / Rs was between these values part of the plume was able to go under the southern bulge but most of the plume went around the bulge. Plots of the northern plume thickness (h,), the thickness of the southern plume (hs) and the total depth of river input (hn + h, ) for runs 6, 8, and 10 are shown in figure 4-9, 4-10 and 4-11 respectively. Run 6 is an example of the first regime with Rn / R,<0.6, run 8 is an example of a case where 0.6 <R,, / R,<1 and run 10 is an example of a case where R, / R,> 1. 0 5 10 15 x(km) 20 5 10 15 x(km) M0 0 5 10 15 20 x(km) Figure 4-9 The thickness of the northern plume (h,, ), thickness of the southern plume ( hs ) and the total depth of river input (h,, + hs ) after a period of 30 days are shown from left to right (m) for run 6. 0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Figure 4-10 The thickness of the northern plume (h, ), thickness of the southern plume ( h ) and the total depth of river input (h,, + h, ) after a period of 30 days are shown from left to right (m) for run 8. 0 5 10 15 x~n) 20 5 10 15 I(km) 20 0 5 10 15 20 x(km) Figure 4-11 The thickness of the northern plume (h,), thickness of the southern plume (h, ) and the total depth of river input (h, + hs ) after a period of 30 days are shown from left to right (m) for run 10. To quantitatively compare the effect of flux on the path of the northern plume we again compare the Rossby ratio of each run to the distance from the coast to the center of mass of the northern plume at the latitude of the southern river mouth (figure 4-12). For small Rossby ratios the distance of the center of mass of the northern plume from the coast increases quickly as the ratio approaches zero. For Rossby ratios greater than one the distance is approximately 12 and 18 km. 0 2 4 6 8 10 Rn/Rs Figure 4-12 Comparison between the ratio of Rossby numbers for both river mouths and the distance between the coast and the center of mass of the northern plume near the southern river mouth 4.5 Summary and Discussion Using a series of numerical model runs I explored the effects of the southern plume on the path of the northern plume. In the first set of model runs the northern plume was almost always diverted from the coast, however, the distance it went offshore varied. It appears that when the southern river mouth is large the southern bulge does not extend as far off shore but becomes thicker and the center of mass of the northern plume was farther offshore. It therefore seems that the thickness of the southern bulge has an impact on the path of the northern plume. In the runs where the river fluxes were varied it was shown that R, / R, > 1 the northern plume was able to pass directly under the southern plume and for R, / RS < 0.6 the northern plume separated from the coast at the location of the southern bulge. For the two cases where R, / R, was between these values, part of the plume was able to go under the southern bulge but most of the plume went around the bulge. Under these idealized conditions, we can therefore determine if and how far the northern plume will be diverted from the coast based on river mouth geometry and knowledge of the flow rates of each river. As previously mentioned, if the northern plume containing A. fundyense was diverted to the east by the southern plume the section of coast that did not come in contact with the northern plume could be protected from an outbreak of red tide. Chapter 5 Coupled Biological-Physical Model 5.1 Biological Model formulation Here I describe the simple N-P biological model the will be coupled with the physical model to illustrate the possible effects of plume interaction on the transport of Alexandrium fundyense. The following system of coupled differential equations describes the interaction between the phytoplankton A. fundyense (P) and the nutrients (N) which they consume. The subscripts n and s are used to indicate whether the phytoplankton is in the northern or southern plumes respectively. d h, N, +V -(u,h,N, - Kh, VN, )= -h, .uptake, - K'(N, - N,, )- '(N, - N, ) dt d h P +V (u,h,P,- h VP,)- h,(uptake, - dP, )+wPo - wP dt d hsN +V (ush,N, - KhVN,)= -h, -uptake, - K'(N, - N) dt _h, P +V -(ush,Pý. - Kh,VP )= h, (uptake, -dP, )+ wP, dt where h is the plume thickness, u is the plume velocity, Kis the horizontal diffusivity, K' is the mixing across the base of the layer, d is the death rate of A. fundyense, w is the upwards swimming speed of the phytoplankton, P0 is the concentration of A. fundyense at the source and uptake is the rate at which A. fundyense consumes the nutrients in the plume and is defined as uptake, = NX +ks where y is the maximum uptake rate and ks is the half saturation constant. To compare the effects of the death rate and vertical swimming speed on the concentration of phytoplankton in each plume we simplify the steady state model equations to the following w dP, = -(P-P/') h W P,= P, (assuming the layer thicknesses are equal). We can rewrite these equations so that the phytoplankton concentrations in each plume are a function only of Po and w/dh. w( 1 S dh 1 + (w /dh))o P- dA l+(w /dh) o A plot of P, and P, can be seen in figure 5-1. The concentrations are equal when the swimming rate w/h is equal to the death rate in each plume. For w/dh to increase, either the swimming speed of the phytoplankton must increase or the thickness of each plume must decrease. In either case, the rate of transfer of phytoplankton from the northern into the southern plume increases. So when w/dh increases P, goes to the limit Po whereas P, continues to increase. 25 - I I I 0.5 I 1 I 20 15 10 50s 0 I 1,5 I 2 I 25 wldh Figure 5-1 Phytoplankton concentration for the northern plume (red) and the southern plume (blue) as they vary with w/dh. 5.2 Coupled Biological-Physical Model 5.2.1 Model Set up For the coupled biological-physical model the physical model from chapter 4 was used with a slightly larger domain (32 km x 512km) and a 0.5km resolution in x and y with a 150 second time step. A seedbed of phytoplankton (P0 = 1 mmol / m3 ) was located near 5 km offshore of the northern river mouth in a Gaussian patch with a half width of 3 km. The two rivers supply high nutrients (5 mmol / m3 ) but no phytoplankton. The following constants were used Po= 1 mmol/m 3 N O= 2 mmoll/ m 3 K=50 m2 /s K'= 0.005 Iday w = 0.1 m/day d = 1 /day p = 2/day ks = 0.1 mmol/m 3 Two runs from section 4.4 were chosen to be coupled with the biological model. Run 6 which had Q, = 2500 and Q, = 7500 was an example of the first regime with R, / R, <0.6 where the northern plume separated from the coast at the location of the southern bulge. Run 10 which had Q~ = 7500 and Q, = 2500 was an example of a case where R, / R, > 1 and the northern plume was able to pass directly under the southern plume. 5.2.2 Results The first case, with Q, = 2500 and Qs = 7500, was run for a period of 20 days. In figures 5-3 through 5-6 the plume depths, amount of nutrients (hN) and amount of phytoplankton (hP) can be seen for both the northern and southern plumes for a period of 4, 7, 9 and 12 days respectively. As mentioned previously this is a case where the northern plume separated from the coast at the location of the southern bulge. After 4 days phytoplankton can be seen in both the northern and southern plumes. In the northern plume they are located just north of the southern river mouth and in the southern plume they appear to be congregating around the outside edge of the southern bulge. After 7 days the location of the phytoplankton in the northern plume seems to have remained the same. In the southern plume, however, they are no longer located around the outer edge of the bulge but are now at the coast south of the southern river bulge. The source for these appears to be upward swimming from the northern plume, followed by nutrient fueled growth in the population. After 9 days the group of phytoplankton in the southern plume has progressed south where there were nutrients which had been transported by the southern plume previously but appear to have now been mostly consumed by the phytoplankton. After 12 days it appears that, due to nutrient limitation, the phytoplankton could no longer survive downstream of the southern river mouth and most are found closer to the southern river bulge. hn'Nn hn hn*PPn 1.6 16 2.5 1.4 '14 1.2 2 12 10 1.5 0.8 ) 0.6 05 0.2 u lu mU x(km) Y M 1U x(10) x(k) hs'Ns hs'Ns hs'PPs hs'PPs fli0,01 lOB 0.08 1.5 ).07 20 107 0.[]6 0.06 is5 0.05 O.O4 0.04 10 003 15 0.03 0.02 0.02 3.5 0 Y x(km) x(km) x(km) Figure 5-3 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the first case after a period of 4 days. hn"Nn hn'PPn i 14 25 7 12 6 2 10 5 1.5 8 6 4 05 2 u AU ;J U lu 0 x(km) hs 10 20 30 x(km) x(knm) hs"Ns ··- · ·- hs*PPs · ·- · ·- 4 14 3.5 1.2 3 15 25 .06 E r 2 r 0.6 10 15 0.4 5 0.5 I.I S - , x(km) U lu x(km) , 3•u U U zu j x(km) Figure 5-4 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the first case after a period of 7 days. IU hn'PPn hnMNn U x(km) 0 x(km) IU L J1 u lu U x(kTm) x (km) hs*Ns hs*PPs 10 20 x(km) x(km) Figure 5-5 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the first case after a period of 9 days. hnt Nn hn hn'PPn 16 16 3 5 14 45 2.5 12 2 4 3.5 10 3 i 1.5 2.5 6C 2 1 1.5 1 2 0.5 m U U 1U AU x(km) x(kIn) x(km) hs hs'Ns hs*PPs JU 20 8I 3, 1.5 7 16 3 3.5 14 6 12 5 10 4 2 I 3 15 6 I 2 3 0.5 n 0 x(kn) x(ým) x(km) Figure 5-6 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the first case after a period of 12 days. The second case, which had Q, = 7500 and Q, = 2500 so that R, / R, > 1, was also run for a period of 20 days. In figures 5-7 through 5-10 the plume depths, amount of nutrients and amount of phytoplankton can be seen for both the northern and southern plumes for a period of 4, 6, 10 and 14 days respectively. As previously mentioned this is a case where the northern plume was able to pass directly under the southern plume. After a period of 4 days the phytoplankton in the northern plume are directly under the source of the southern plume. The phytoplankton in the southern plume are located near the nutrients in the northern plume. After 6 days phytoplankton patches in both plumes have been advected south along the coast. There seem to be two areas of high nutrients in the southern plume, one near the southern river mouth and one slightly downstream. The phytoplankton patch in the southern plume is located near the more southern nutrient patch whereas the northern phytoplankton patch is near the region of high nutrients next to the southern river mouth. After both 10 and 14 days the nutrients in both plumes are located relatively near the source and there are relatively little nutrients downstream. So, as can be expected, the phytoplankton patches in both plumes are now located closer to the river mouths. hn hn'Nn hn*PPn 30 30 5 4.5 g.9 0.9a El.8 0.8 25 25 •.7 0.7 4 20 3.5 3.8 0.6 20 3 0.5 E ?i. 15 25 0.4 0.4 2 0.3 0.3 10 Q.3 0.2 1 S 5 0.1 0.5 U u Ai U U U x(kem) hs IU lu £U Axi A x(kýn) x(knm) hs'Ns hs*PPs 0 - -- 1.25 2.5 2.5 16 1.2 14 12 2.15 1.5 10 8 4 0.5 2 u iU zu JU x(kn) x(km) 0n x(km) Figure 5-7 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the second case after a period of 4 days. hn*PPn hn'Nn 30 5 3.5 4.5 25 3 3.5 2.5 3 ) 2 2.5 2 1.5 1 5 1 0.5 0.5 In n in u nn I lu ur vU W ru x(IqnW)x(m) x(•n) X(m) (•n) xhsNs .5 hs'Ns hs'PPs x(ten) hs*PPs .8 1.6 12 1.4 10 1.2 1.5 I 1 8 ) 3.13 0.8 6 1 +.G 0.6 4 0.4 0.4 2 nu x(km) x(km) x(km) Figure 5-8 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the second case after a period of 6 days. 0 hn'PPn x(km) x(km) hs*Ns hs*PPs 10 20 30 x(km) u hn'Nn IU za x(km) U IU /U x(km) U 1U LU U x(km) Figure 5-9 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the second case after a period of 10 days. hn*PPn hn'Nn hn 25 25 5 B 7 20 20 6 4 3 ) 15 5 i 4 10 2 3 2 5 1 n w x(hn) x(n) x(On) hs hs*Ns hs*PPs 12 4 10 I .5 3 6o 2 1 3.5 30 20 10 0 x(km) V lu fu x(km) JJ 0 x(km) Figure 5-10 River plume depth (m), nutrient and phytoplankton amounts for the northern and southern plumes for the second case after a period of 14 days. 78 5.3 Summary and Conclusions Here we presented a coupled biological-physical model. It was used to test the effects of river fluxes on the distribution of phytoplankton in a two plume system. In the first case which, had Q, = 2500 and Q, = 7500 and R, / R, <0.6, the northern plume separated from the coast at the location of the southern bulge. It was thought that this could possibly prevent the phytoplankton from reaching the coast at the south of the southern river mouth. After a period of days, results from the coupled biologicalphysical model showed that in fact, the phytoplankton in the northern plume were north of the southern river mouth and the phytoplankton which swam up into the southern plume were located on the very edge of the southern bulge and not near the coast. However, after 7 days the phytoplankton patch in the southern river was located along the coast near the southern bulge. So it appears as if the southern bulge was able to temporarily prevent the phytoplankton from reaching the coast, however, this state could not be maintained. In the second case which had Q,, = 7500 and Q, = 2500 and R, / R,> 1, the northern plume was able to pass directly under the southern plume. In this circumstance the phytoplankton patches remained along the coast and their position along the coast seemed to vary according to nutrient levels in the plumes. A major concern when dealing with A. fundyense in the Gulf of Maine is whether it is able to get to shore where it can be consumed by shellfish. The purpose of much of this study was to investigate if a southern plume could prevent phytoplankton from the northern plume from reaching the coast. Based on our modeled results, it appears as if the southern river under certain conditions could temporarily shield the coast from A. fundyense but that this was not a permanent state. Bibliography Anderson, D.M., 1980. Effects of temperature conditioning on development and germination of Gonyaulax tamarensis(Dinophyceae) hypnozygote. Journal of Phycology. 16, 166-172. Anderson, D.M., 1997. 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