GIS certificate. Geographic Information Systems What is GIS? GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is a cutting-edge technology capable of capturing, storing, integrating, analyzing and displaying layers of data from a geographic perspective. :KDWFDQ,GRZLWKWKLVFHUWLÀFDWH" 7KLVLVDSURIHVVLRQDOFHUWLÀFDWHWKDWRSHQVPDQ\GRRUV*,6 professionals are found in government, business, economics, natural resources, conservation, industry, science, infrastructure planning, public works, transportation, social services, criminal justice, military, architecture, marketing, health care, travel, and space. With GIS skills, \RXFDQHQKDQFH\RXUPDUNHWDELOLW\LQDQ\ÀHOG*,6DOVRSUHSDUHV you to complete an A.A. degree or transfer to a four-year institution to complete a GIS degree. +RZORQJGRHVLWWDNHWRJHWWKLVFHUWLÀFDWH" 7KH*,6FHUWLÀFDWHLVFUHGLWKRXUVDQGWDNHVDERXWRQH\HDUWR complete. Will my credits transfer to another college or university? Yes, all general education credits will transfer to most colleges. GIS courses may be accepted as electives in a degree program. A committee of GIS professionals serves as advisors for the program. How much money can I make? An average salary in the GIS profession ranges from $20,000 to $80,000 depending on education and experience. There are RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUTXDOLÀHGLQGLYLGXDOVWRHDUQVLJQLÀFDQWO\KLJKHU salaries. :KDWLVWKHMRERXWORRNIRUVRPHRQHLQWKLVÀHOG" Job prospects are excellent.There is a demand for GIS professionals in DOPRVWHYHU\ÀHOG Where can I work? *,6SURIHVVLRQDOVDUHHPSOR\HGLQJRYHUQPHQWHQJLQHHULQJÀUPV military establishments, marketing agencies, environmental and health organizations, law enforcement, social-service agencies, private EXVLQHVVHV³DOPRVWHYHU\ZKHUH What MCC campuses offer these courses? GIS classes are taught at MCC-Longview and MCC-Maple Woods as early evening courses. For more information: MCC-Longview Victor Meledge-Ade RUYLFWRUPHOHGJHDGH#PFFNFHGX MCC-Maple Woods Cynthia Proctor RUF\QWKLDSURFWRU#PFFNFHGX %/8(5,9(5%86,1(667(&+12/2*</21*9,(: 0$3/(:22'63(119$//(<$//21/,1($7 *,6*HRJUDSKLF,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHPV&HUWLÀFDWH offered at mcc-longview and mcc-maple woods *,6&HUWLÀFDWH&UHGLWV Courses Credits 6SHFLÀF3URJUDP5HTXLUHPHQWV (1*/&RPSRVLWLRQDQG5HDGLQJ, *(2*,QWURGXFWLRQWR*HRJUDSKLF,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHPV *(2**,6'DWDEDVHDQG'HVLJQ *(2*$SSOLFDWLRQVLQ*HRJUDSKLF,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHPV *(2*$GPLQLVWUDWLYH,VVXHVLQ*,6 *(2**HRJUDSKLF,QIRUPDWLRQ6\VWHPV,QWHUQVKLS 2QHRIWKHIROORZLQJ CSIS 128 Web Development &6,6'DWDEDVH'HVLJQDQG0DQDJHPHQW CSIS 144 Introduction to SQL with ORACLE CSIS 177 Database Application and Design with Access 2QHRIWKHIROORZLQJ *(2*:RUOG*HRJUDSK\ *(2*&XOWXUDO+XPDQ*HRJUDSK\ *(2*,QWURGXFWLRQWR*HRJUDSK\ GEOG 207 Geography of the United States and Canada GEOG 210 Economic Geography 2QHRIWKHIROORZLQJ GEOG 104 Physical Geography *(2/3K\VLFDO*HRORJ\ *(2/(QYLURQPHQWDO*HRORJ\ 7ZRFRXUVHVIURPWKHIROORZLQJQRWWDNHQDERYH BIOL 101, 104, 106, 117 %6$' &6,6 &5-8 '5$) ECON 110, 210, 211 *(2* *(2/ 695< 7RWDO&UHGLW+RXUV5HTXLUHG 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQSUHVHQWHGKHUHLVVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH)RUWKHODWHVWRQWKLVSURJUDPVHHPFFNFHGX 0&&/21*9,(: 6:/RQJYLHZ5RDG/HHҋV6XPPLW02 816.672.2000 PFFNFHGXORQJYLHZ 0&&0$3/(:22'6 1(%DUU\5RDG.DQVDV&LW\02 PFFNFHGXPDSOHZRRGV %/8(5,9(5%86,1(667(&+12/2*</21*9,(: 0$3/(:22'63(119$//(<$//21/,1($7