USDA - FOREST SERVICE FS-6500-141 (05/12) REQUISITION AND AUTHORIZATION FOR RELOCATION SERVICES (Reference FSH 6509.133, FSTR 2-12) 1. TO: (Contractor's Name & Address) Capital Relocation Services 44112 Mercure Circle Sterling, VA 20166 2. FROM: (Region & Billing Address) USDA, Forest Service Albuquerque Service Center –TOS 4000 Masthead St. NE Mailstop 202 Albuquerque, NM 87109 3. 4. 7. Contractor's Account No: GSA Contract No. GS-33F-0002P Employee Name # 5. Travel Authorization No. 6. Accounting: 10. 8. Social Security Number N/A Name(s) included on title of old residence (note relationship, if any) 9. Forest Service E-mail 11. Address of Residence to be Sold 13. Zone No. 14. Old Home Phone No. 16. Address of New Residence (if known) 17. New Official Station Address 18. New Home Phone No. 19. New Work Phone No. 20. Expected Arrival Date at New Official Station 21. Name of a Contact at New Offical Station 22. Service Requested by Employee 23. Authorizing Information: 12. Old Official Station Address (1) Northwest; (2) Pacific Southwest; (3) Mountain; (4) Midwest; (5) Southwest; (6) Mid South 15. Old Work Phone No. Date a. Home Sale Service b. Home Finding Assistance: Buyer's Assistance Rental Assistance c. Mortgage Counseling 24. 26. d. Phoned in Order e. Emailed in Order f. Faxed in Order Regional Relocation Services Coordinator (RRSC) Name. Supv. Financial Analyst RRSC Authorizing Signature 25. 27. Phone No. 505-944-83 Date The Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579) Statement: 5 U.S.C. 301, 7 CFR 2.75, and FSH 6509.33, authorizes collection of this information. Collection of social security number is authorized by E.O. 9397, and furnishing such is voluntary, but failure to do so may delay processing this request.