UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN—STOUT B.F.A. in INDUSTRIAL DESIGN GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS 42 Please refer to the current UW-Stout General Education course list. 2012-2013 COMMUNICATIONS SKILLS ......................................................... 8 ENGL-101 Freshman English - Composition or ENGL-111 Freshman English - Honors I .................. 3 ENGL-102 Freshman English - Reading or ENGL-112 Freshman English - Honors II or ENGL-113 Honors Seminar I ................................... 3 SPCOM-100 Fundamentals of Speech ............................. 2 STUDIO AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS 46 ART-100 Drawing I....................................................... 3 ART-101 2-Dimensional Design Foundations ............. 3 ART-200 Drawing II ...................................................... 3 ART-103 3-Dimensional Design Foundations .............. 3 DES-205 Design Drawing & Concept Visualization ...... 3 DES-200 Design Concepts and Problems .................... 3 DES-220 Intro to 2D Digital Imaging ............................ 3 ART-211 Contemporary Sculptural Practices I ............ 3 DES-310 Graphic Design I ............................................ 3 DES-231 ID 1: Product Form and Visualization............ 3 DES-232 ID 2: Ergonomics ........................................... 3 DES-331 ID 3: Product Interface Design ...................... 3* DES-332 ID 4: Design for Manufacture ....................... 3* DES-xxx Industrial Design Co-op or Internship……....…1 DES-431 System, Environment and Context .............. 3* DES-432 Theory, Society and Application ................... 3* *Courses with an asterisk (*) are sequential and must be taken in separate semesters. ANALYTIC REASONING ............................................................... 6 Choose 6 credits from the UW-Stout General Education course list. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ART STUDIO SELECTIVE REQUIREMENTS 12 Choose 12 credits from the following: Six (6) credits of Art Studio Selectives must be ART-prefix. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE REQUIREMENT: Courses Completed: ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ETHNIC STUDIES REQUIREMENT: Courses Completed: ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ........................................... 2 Choose 2 credits from the UW-Stout General Education course list. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ HUMANITIES AND THE ARTS ...................................................... 9 Choose 9 credits from 3 or more areas from the UW-Stout General Education course list except Art & Design Department courses (those with an ART / ARTH / DES prefix). PHOTO-204, Exploring Photography (required) __________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES ........................................... 9 Choose 9 credits from 3 or more areas from the UW-Stout General Education course list. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ NATURAL SCIENCES (with lab) .................................................... 4 Choose 4 credits from the UW-Stout General Education course list. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................. 2 Choose 2 credits from the UW-Stout General Education course list. ___DES-150, Introduction to Sustainability in Design (required)__ _____________________________________________________ GENERAL EDUCATION ELECTIVES................................................ 2 Choose 2 credits from any General Education category except Health/Physical Education and Technology. ART-114 ART-300 ART-301/401 ART-209/409/410 ART-211/411 ART-213/413 ART-215/315/415 ART-217/417 DES-405 DES-320 ART/DES-xxx Color Studio………………………………………………….3 Drawing III..................................................... 3 Life Drawing I/II ............................................ 3 Painting I/II/III ............................................... 3 Contemporary Sculptural PracticesI/II .......... 3 Ceramics I/III ................................................. 3 Art Metals I/II/III ........................................... 3 Printmaking I/II ............................................. 3 Advanced Presentation Techniques ............. 3 Furniture Design………………………………………….3 Other: approved by advisor ....................... 1-3 ART HISTORY REQUIREMENTS 12 ARTH-223 Survey of Art: Ancient-Medieval ................... 3 ARTH-224 Survey of Art: Renaissance-20th Century ..... 3 ARTH-319 History of Design........................................... 3 ARTH-xxx Art History Selective ..................................... 3 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 12 MFGT-110 Materials & Manufacturing Processes .......... 3 MFGT-202 Welding & Casting Processes OR MFGT-204 Polymer Processes .................................. 3 ENGGR-112 Principles of Engineering Drawing ................ 3 ENGGR-436 Computer Assisted Design Problems OR..…...3 ENGGR-266 3D Computer Modeling & Rendering…….3 TOTAL 124 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN—STOUT B.F.A. in INDUSTRIAL DESIGN 2012-2013 IMPORTANT PROGRAM NOTES: 1. It takes an average of 16 credits per semester to complete this degree in four years. For your reference, an 8 semester sequence can be found at the bottom of this page. 2. DES-231 and DES-232 are concurrent courses and must be taken the same semester. 3. Courses identified by * on the front of this sheet are sequential and must be taken in separate semesters: DES-331 Human Interface and Interaction DES-431 System, Environment and Context OR OR DES-332 Art and Science of Production DES-432 Theory, Society and Application 4. DES-333 Must be taken in semester 5 or semester 6. ADDITIONAL PROGRAM NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS A. It takes an average of 16 credits per semester to complete this degree in four (4) years. B. Students must fulfill the Ethnic Studies and Global Perspective requirements according to UW-Stout criteria. C A Mid-Program Portfolio Review is a requirement for graduation. D. A grade of “C” (2.0) or better in each Art and Design Department class (those with an ART/ARTH/DES prefix) is required for graduation.A grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better in Art and Design Department courses and a 2.0 overall GPA is required for graduation. E. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING REQUIREMENT: One of the following experiences must be completed as a requirement for graduation: internship, co-op, international study abroad, field experience or sponsored project (the sponsored project must be approved by the BFA in Industrial Program Director). RECOMMENDED EIGHT SEMESTER SEQUENCE It takes an average of 16 credits per semester to complete this degree in four years. First Semester ART-100 ART-101 ARTH-223 ENGGR-112 ENGL-101 ENGL-111 SPCOM-100 Drawing I............................................................. 3 2-Dimensional Design Foundations .................... 3 Survey of Art: Ancient-Medieval .......................... 3 Principles of Engineering Drawing ...................... 3 Freshman English - Composition or Freshman English - Honors I ........................ 3 Fundamentals of Speech .................................... 2 Second Semester ART-103 3-Dimensional Design Foundations .................... 3 ART-200 Drawing II............................................................ 3 ARTH-224 Survey of Art: Renaissance-20th Century ........... 3 ENGL-102 Freshman English - Reading or ENGL-112 Freshman English - Honors II or ENGL-113 Honors Seminar I .......................................... 3 Analytic Reasoning .......................................................................... 3 Health and Physical Education ....................................................... 1 Third Semester ART-211 Contemporary Sculptural Practices I .................. 3 DES-200 Design Concepts and Problems ......................... 3 DES-205 Design Drawing and Concept Visualization ........ 3 MFGT-110 Materials & Manufacturing Processes I............... 3 Analytic Reasoning ......................................................................... 3 Health and Physical Education ........................................................ 1 Fourth Semester DES-220 Intro to 2D Digital Imaging ................................. 3 DES-231 ID 1: Product Form and Visualization ............... 3 DES-232 ID 2: Ergonomics................................................. 3 MFGT-202 Welding & Casting Processor or MFGT-204 Polymer Process .................................................. 3 Humanities and the Arts (PHOTO-204 required) ............................. 3 Fifth Semester ART-XXX: Studio Art Selective ………………………………3 DES-310: Graphic Design I ................................................3 ENGGR-436: Computer Assisted Design Problems..……….3 *DES-331: ID 3: Product Interface Design or *DES-332: ID 4: Design for Manufacture ……………………3 Social & Behavioral Sciences …………………………………………….3 Sixth Semester ART-XXX: Studio Art Selective .............................................3 ARTH-319: History of Design................................................3 *DES-331: ID 3: Product Interface Design or *DES-332: ID 4: Design for Manufacture .........................3 Natural Sciences (with lab) ...................................................4 General EducationTechnology (DES-150 required) ..............2 Semester 7 ART-XXX: Studio Art Selective ...........................................3 ARTH-XXX: Art History Selective .........................................3 *DES-431: System, Environment & Context or *DES-432: Theory, Society & Application .......................3 Humanities and the Arts ........................................................3 Social & Behavioral Sciences ...............................................3 Semester 8 ART-XXX: Studio Art Selective ...........................................3 *DES-431: System, Environment & Context or *DES-432: Theory, Society & Application .......................3 Humanities and the Arts ........................................................3 Social & Behavioral Sciences ...............................................3 General Education Elective ...................................................2 DES-xxx Industrial Design Co-op or Internship .....................1