REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERSONNEL THE ARMY PERSONNEL SURVEY PROGRAM (AR 600-46) TO: U.S. Army Research Institute ATTN: DAPE-ARI-PS 2511 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202-3926 DSN: 332-7858 Commercial: (703) 602-7858 E-mail: Date Submitted: ________ Date Approved/Disapproved: ________ RECOMMENDED TITLE OF SURVEY: NAME OF MILITARY SPONSORING ORGANIZATION OR OFFICE: POINT OF CONTACT: MAILING ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Commercial: DSN: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROPOSED SCHEDULE: Survey Instrument Completion Date: Survey Administration Dates: Data Analysis Dates: Final Report Date: 1 HUMAN USE COMMITTEE REVIEW: _____ Not yet requested _____ Requested but not yet received from _________________________________________ _____ Requested and received from ________________________________________ Indicate status below: _____ Exempt _____ Not exempt but approved _____ Neither exempt nor approved JUSTIFICATION FOR SURVEY REQUEST: O Describe the general purpose of the survey. O List the specific objectives being addressed by the survey. O Describe how the survey results will be used. BACKGROUND RESEARCH: O Describe the planning and coordination of the survey, with a focus on what Army organizations/offices have been contacted concerning related research. O Describe the most recent relevant research, if any. Identify any publications, articles, and/or papers reviewed. Include both military and civilian sources. 2 TARGET POPULATION: O Describe the population on which the survey will focus. O Provide the estimated size of the target population. SAMPLE: O Describe the rationale and procedures for selecting the survey sample (provide justification for sampling within subgroups, if proposed.) O Provide the suggested size of the final obtained sample subgroups and total and the desired sampling error. (Indicate over-sampling for anticipated non-response.) ADMINISTRATION: O Describe method of data collection, command effort required (to include administration time), and time required for a respondent to complete survey. O If a Web survey will be used, identify the Web site:____________________________ Is this Web site in compliance with AR 25-1 and AR 25-2? Yes _____ No ______ Don’t know ______ 3 INSTRUMENT: Attach draft of survey instrument, Memorandum of Instruction to administrators, and Privacy Act Statement (if applicable). DATA ANALYSIS PLAN: Describe manner of data processing and statistical procedures to be used. DISTRIBUTION OF SURVEY RESULTS: Release of data by the Army Personnel Survey Office: O Release data to any requestor/media. O Release data only to those requestors/media specified below: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ O Release of data is not desired. Specify reasons: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4