THE PROTECTIVE PERFORMANCE OF BICYCLE HELMETS INTRODUCED AT THE SAME TIME AS THE BICYCLE HELMET WEARING LAW IN VICTORIA by MaxCameron Caroline Finch Peter Vulcan Monash University Accident Research Centre July 1994 Report No. 59 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Report No. Report Date ISBN Pages 59 July 1994 0732600588 72 Title and sub-title: The Protective Performance of Bicycle Helmets Introduced at the Same Time as the Bicycle Helmet Wearing Law in Victoria Author(s) Cameron, M.H. Finch, C.F. Vulcan, A.P. Type of Report & Period Covered General, 1991-94 Sponsoring Organisation: Roads Corporation (Vic Roads) Abstract: This project aimed to examine any changes in helmet performance due to the amendment of the Australian Standard for bicycle helmets, which was made at essentially the same time as the introduction of the bicycle helmet wearing law in Victoria on I July 1990. There was concern that the deletion of the penetration test from the Standard may have resulted in reduced protection to the heads of cyclists involved in crashes. Forty helmets sustaining impacts in crashes were collected from cyclists who were killed or treated at selected Melbourne hospitals during 1991-92. These helmets were predominantly "foam-only" (a foam helmet often with a material cover), "micro-shell" (a foam helmet with a thin plastic shell), or light weight "hard-shell" (a foam helmet with a hard plastic shell) allowed under the amended Standard. The new helmets were tested, and information on the bicyclists' injuries obtained, so that comparison could be made with similar information previously obtained for older-design, heavier hard-shell helmets. It was concluded that the new helmets transmit a lower level of peak acceleration to the cyclist's head inside the helmet, for a given severity of impact on the external surface of the helmet. There was no evidence of a real difference in protective performance between the older and new helmets so far as actual head injury risks are concerned. This may have been due to the absence of a difference or due to the relatively small number of helmets considered in the two helmet groups. Key Words: (IRRD except when marked*) bicycle, crash helmet, cyclist, evaluation (assessment), injury, statistics, safety, collision, head. Reproduction of this page is authorised. Disclaimer: This report is disseminated in the interests of information exchange. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Monash University. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project was commissioned by VicRoads to examine any changes in helmet performance due to the amendment of the Australian Standard for bicycle helmets, which was made at essentially the same time as the introduction of the bicycle helmet wearing law in Victoria on 1 July 1990. There was concern that the deletion of the penetration test from the Standard may have resulted in reduced protection to the heads of cyclists involved in crashes. The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) had collected 64 helmets which had sustained an impact in a crash which resulted in the helmet wearer being admitted to or treated at hospital during 1987-89. These helmets were predominantly heavy weight hardshell type. The helmets were submitted to the testing laboratory of Technisearch Limited, who simulated the principal helmet damage by impact tests on new helmets of the same make, model and size. The test results included the drop height (a measure of the impact severity) and the peak acceleration of the headform inside the helmet. Information on head injuries was also obtained. Forty helmets sustaining impacts in crashes were collected from cyclists who were killed or treated at selected Melbourne hospitals during 1991-92. These helmets were predominantly "foam-only" (a foam helmet often with a material cover), "micro-shell" (a foam helmet with a thin plastic shell), or light weight "hard-shell" (a foam helmet with a hard plastic shell) allowed under the amended Standard. The new helmets were also tested by Technisearch, and information on the bicyclists' injuries obtained, so that comparison could be made with the information obtained by the RACS. The conclusions regarding the protective performance of the new helmets, in comparison with the older design, heavier hard-shell helmets, were: 1. The new helmets transmit a lower level of peak acceleration to the cyclist's head inside the helmet, for a given severity of impact on the external surface of the helmet, for a range of impact types representative of those occurring in real bicycle crashes (the majority resulting in blunt impacts to the helmets). 2. There was no evidence of a real difference in protective performance between the older and new helmets so far as actual head injury risks are concerned. This may have been due to the absence of a difference or due to the relatively small number of helmets considered in the two helmet groups. It was also concluded that the specified drop height of 1500 mm for the impact energy attenuation test in the Australian Standard has been set too low if the intention is to cover closer to the full range of impact severities experienced by the helmets of cyclists involved in crashes resulting in severe injury. In addition, since one-third of the major impacts on the new helmets occurred below the test line, consideration could be given to lowering the line to ensure that helmets provide protection against a larger proportion of impacts sustained in real crashes. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A project as long and as complex as this could not have been carried out without the help and cooperation of a number of people. The authors particularly wish to acknowledge: • VicRoads (Roads Corporation of Victoria) for sponsoring the project • Mr Ron Christie, Ms Fairlie Nassau and Ms Andrea Anderson of VicRoads Road Safety Department who supported and provided advice for the project • The management, staff and Human Ethics Committees of the following hospitals who provided access to bicyclist patients for interview and to their medical records: • Royal Children's Hospital • Westem Hospital • Dandenong and District Hospital • • • Preston and Northcote Community Hospital Box Hill Hospital Alfred Hospital • Dr John Lane, Member of the Victorian Road Trauma Committee, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS), and Principal Research Fellow at MUARC, who provided valuable guidance throughout the study • Dr Joan Ozanne-Smith, Director of the Victorian Injury Surveillance System and Senior Research Fellow at the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC), who prepared the submissions to the hospital Human Ethics Committees and provided advice on the collection of patient injury data • SRNs Barbara Fox and Di Holtz, Research Nurses at MUARC, who conducted the interviews with injured cyclists, arranged collection of their helmets where ,appropriate, and extracted and coded details of cyclists' injuries from medical and Coroners' records • Mr George Rechnitzer, Senior Research Fellow at MUARC, who investigated crashes resulting in cyclists being killed and arranged the collection of their helmets • Mr Martin Williams, Manager, Engineering and Scientific Services of Technisearch Limited, who diligently undertook the impact testing of the helmets collected from the killed and injured cyclists • Manufacturers and importers who provided new helmets (some free of charge or at a discount rate) for use in the impact testing program • Professor Frank McDermott, Chairman of the Victorian Road Trauma Committee, RACS, for providing access to the impact test results and injury information collected during the College's 1987-89 study of bicycle helmets impacted in crashes • Ms Anne Tremayne of the State Coroner's Office, Victoria, who provided data collected during the RACS's 1987-89 study • Mr Tri Le, Computer Systems Officer at MUARC, who entered the new data, established the database for comparing the helmets, and provided assistance with'the statistical analysis • last, but not least, the injured cyclists who provided information about their crashes and their helmets for testing THE PROTECTIVE PERFORMANCE OF BICYCLE HELMETS INTRODUCED AT THE SAME TIME AS THE BICYCLE HELMET WEARING LAW IN VICTORIA Table of Contents Page No. 1. BACKGROUND 1 2. PREVIOUS RESEARCH 1 3. DATA COLLECTION 2 3.1 3.2 Helmet collection Patient interview 3.3 3.4 Patient injury information Helmet impact tests 2 3 3 4 4. ANAL YSIS AND RESULTS 5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5 Principal points of impact Distribution of drop heights from impact tests Head acceleration related to impact severity Head injuries 6 6 5. DISCUSSION 11 6. CONCLUSIONS 12 REFERENCES APPENDICES A. B. C. D. Summary of helmets collected Patient Interview form Patient Information form Helmet impact test reports from Technisearch 13 THE PROTECTIVE PERFORMANCE OF BICYCLE HELMETS INTRODUCED AT THE SAME TIME AS THE BICYCLE HELMET WEARING LAW IN VICTORIA 1. BACKGROUND In September 1989, the Victorian Government announced that the wearing of approved bicycle helmets would become mandatory in that State from 1 July 1990. At the same time the Government moved to permit the wearing of the lighter and better-ventilated helmets then existing, as well as helmets approved under the then current Australian Standards AS 2063.1-1986 and AS 2063.2-1986. As an interim measure prior to the introduction of the new Australian Standard, Vic Roads established an approval system for helmets satisfying the impact energy attenuation test and the helmet stability test of the 1986 Standards. The amended Standard introduced in April 1990, AS 2063.2-1990, confirmed these test requirements, and specifically deleted the requirements for a hard shell, maximum size of ventilation openings, and resistance to a penetration test. The VicRoads interim approval system was phased out in favour of approval to the new Standard on 1 August 1990. This project was commissioned by VicRoads to examine any changes in helmet performance due to the change in the Australian Standard for bicycle helmets, which was made at essentially the same time as the introduction of the bicycle helmet wearing law in Victoria. There was concern that the deletion of the penetration test from the Standard may have resulted in reduced protection to the heads of cyclists involved in crashes. 2. PREVIOUS RESEARCH The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) collected 64 helmets which had sustained an impact in a crash, as part of a larger study of bicyclist injuries (McDermott et al 1993). These crashes had resulted in the helmet wearer being admitted to or treated at one of 11 hospitals in Victoria during 1987-89. The helmets were submitted to the testing laboratory of Technisearch Limited, who simulated the principal helmet damage by impact tests on new helmets of the same make, model and size. The test results included the drop height (measuring the impact severity) and the peak acceleration of the headform inside the helmet. Hospital records were interrogated to obtain details of the actual head injuries sustained (if any) and descriptions of the circumstances of the crashes were obtained (Williams 1991). The majority of the helmets (61, or 95%) consisted of a hard shell with an expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam impact-absorbing liner. Fifty-three (85%) were designed to meet the requirements of the Australian Standard before its 1990 amendment. The remainder were imported helmets which had not been submitted for Australian Standards approval. Thus the group of 64 helmets were representative of the range of helmets being worn and involved in crashes prior to the bicycle helmet wearing law, ie. they were mainly heavy weight hard-shell helmets approved under the old Australian Standard. The data set of impact test results and head injury information collected by the RACS represented a valuable basis for a comparison of the new, lighter, "foam-only" and "micro-shell" helmets permitted under the amended Standard. g) -shell 3. DATA COLLECTION Forty helmets sustaining impacts in crashes were collected from cyclists who were killed or treated at selected Melbourne hospitals during 1991-92. These helmets were predominantly "foam-only" (a foam helmet often with a material cover), "micro-shell" (a foam helmet with a thin plastic shell), or light weight "hard-shell" (a foam helmet with a hard plastic shell) allowed under the amended Standard (or the VicRoads interim approval system). The collection of these helmets and associated data, including the results of impact testing by Technisearch, will be described in the following sections. The information collected was intended to be comparable with information obtained by the RACS in their study of bicyclist helmets impacted in crashes during 1987-89. 3.1 Helmet collection Arrangements were established with six Melbourne hospitals to be advised of bicyclists who had been admitted or otherwise medically treated and to obtain access for initial interviews. Permission was granted from the Royal Children's Hospital, Western Hospital, and Dandenong and District Hospital in April 1991, Preston and Northcote Community Hospital in May 1991, and Box Hill Hospital in June 1991. The Alfred Hospital was added to the group in May 1992. At the interview (usually in a hospital ward), the patient or his/her parents were asked whether the patient was wearing a bicycle helmet at the time he/she was injured and, if so, whether the patient's helmet struck the ground or another object. If the helmet had been impacted, the interview continued and the patient was asked to supply the helmet for testing in exchange for a voucher to purchase a new helmet up to a value of $50. Informed consent to access the patient's medical record to obtain details of the injuries sustained was also obtained directly from the patient. Three helmets worn by fatally injured cyclists were also collected. In these cases the helmets were sought and obtained by the Police, and the information on the crash circumstances and the cyclist's injuries was obtained from Coroner's records. Thirty-seven helmets were obtained which were representative of helmets approved under the amended Australian Standard, AS 2063.2-1990, plus three hard-shell helmets representative of the trend towards lighter weight helmets before the Standard was amended (Table 1 and Appendix A). All were considerably less massive than the heavy weight hardshell helmets approved under the old Standard, which typically weighed nearly 600 grams. Table 1: Types of helmets collected from cyclists who were killed or treated in hospital. The helmets were considered to have been impacted in the crash. No.26 Mass 3ofcapable 510-530 11 collected 395-425 Category Comment by 40 Technisearch Probably of passing AS Capable passing AS 2063.2-1990 AS245-255 2063.2-1990 2063.1-1986 and AS 2063.2-1986 2 An additional 25 helmets of the heavy weight hard-shell type approved under the old Standard were also collected, but these have been held in reserve and were not submitted for impact testing. 3.2 Patient interview If the patient's helmet was impacted, the patient was interviewed to obtain some details of the circumstances of the crash. The information was recorded on the Patient Interview form in Appendix B (or on a variation of this form if the interview was with the patient's parent). Thirty (75%) of the patients' crashes involved a collision with a motor vehicle. The remainder were single bicycle crashes. This contrasts with the crashes which involved the wearers of the 64 helmets collected by the RACS, where 52% involved a collision with a motor vehicle, 39% involved a single bicycle, and in the remainder the wearer's bicycle collided with another bicycle or a jogger (Williams 1991). All but three of the patients were riding on a bitumen road and two of the remainder crashed on a concrete driveway or cycle track. The exception was a cyclist riding on a grass track when he crashed. Thirty-five of the patients (88%) were certain or probably certain that their helmets were retained on their heads at the time it was impacted in the crash. Another two patients did not know. The remaining three patients considered that their helmets came off before impact. It should be noted that many of the patients suffered concussion and that their opinions on this subject may not be reliable. In two of the 40 cases, Technisearch considered that the patient's helmet could not have been retained on hislher head at the time of the impact. Because there could be no clear association between the impact severity and the patient's, (head) injuries in these circumstances, it was decided not to subject these helmets to impact testing. For similar reasons, only 58 ofthe 64 helmets collected by the RACS were impact tested; the remainder had not been retained on the cyclist's head, had been run over by a motor vehicle, or more than one impact had occurred on the same site (Williams 1991). Of the 38 helmets tested, the principal point of impact in 25 cases (66%) was with a bitumen roadway or concrete surface. Eleven (29%) principal points of impact were with a vehicle metallic surface or windscreen. The remaining two cases involved an impact of the helmet with a flat electricity pole and an impact with a bicycle pedal. In comparison, 62% of the impacts on the helmets collected by the RACS were with a bitumen road and 13% were with a sand or dirt path or track. Only 20% were with a vehicle panel or windscreen (Williams 1991). Visual inspection indicated that none of the helmets had sustained a penetrating impact, as had none of the helmets collected by the RACS. 3.3 Patient injury information The medical records of interviewed patients were interrogated to determine the injuries they sustained and the duration of any loss of consciousness. Coroner's records were accessed in 3 the cases of killed bicyclists. The information was recorded on the Patient Information form in Appendix C. The recorded injuries were coded on the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) using both the 1985 and 1990 versions (AAAM 1985, 1990). The AIS measures the threat-to-life of individual injuries on an internationally recognised scale. While the 1990 version reflects finer levels of severity of head injuries, it was not available when the head injuries of bicyclists included in the RACS data series were coded. Thus the 1985 coding of the bicyclists injuries included in this new study was necessary to allow a comparison of head injuries in the two data sets. Information was recorded to allow coding of the Glasgow Coma Scale of conscious state for those hospitalised patients who had sustained a head injury. While 15 out of the 40 cases had sustained a head injury, only 10 had sufficient complete information to code the Glasgow Coma Scale. This was considered too few cases to make analysis of the Glasgow Coma Scale worthwhile as an additional measure of head injury. 3.4 Helmet impact tests Thirty-eight newly collected helmets were tested by Technisearch Limited, who have had extensive experience in impact performance testing. The test procedure closely followed the impact energy attenuation test in the Australian Standard AS 2063.1-1986 (Williams 1991), which is also required in AS 2063.2-1990. The same procedure had been used to test the helmets collected by the RACS during 1987-89. The main points of impact on each helmet were determined by the depth, area and shape of permanent crushing that remained on the surfaces of the expanded polystyrene (EPS) energy absorbing material from which the helmet was constructed. Up to three such points were located, but in the majority of tested cases (24) only one major point was found. A total of 54 main points of impact were found. Technisearch provided the location of the impacts on the helmets in relation to the test line specified in the Australian Standard AS 2063.1-1986. The Standard specifies that helmets must satisfy the performance tests when impacted anywhere above the test line, but does not necessarily require satisfactory performance below the line. Eighteen (33%) ofthe 54 major points of impact on the newly collected helmets occurred below the test line. Among the helmets collected by the RACS, 63% of the major impacts occurred below the test line (Williams 1991). Four new helmets of the same make, model and size as each impacted helmet were obtained from manufacturers and importers and then passed to Technisearch. Technisearch simulated the damage at each main impact point on the impacted helmets by dropping the new helmets, strapped to an instrumented aluminium headform, in guided free-fall onto a steel anvil. The new helmets were dropped from progressively greater heights until the damage sustained by the test helmet was similar to that produced on the impacted helmet during the crash. The shapes of the steel anvils used were chosen to represent approximately the shape of the surface which the impacted helmet hit at each impact point during the crash. For all but five 4 of the impact points (91 %), a flat anvil was used. In two cases the anvil was a 50 mm round cross-section bar, and the other anvils were a 20 mm square cross-section rod, a 20 mm "H"-section rod, and the end of a 12 mm round rod. It is understood that a flat anvil was used for each impact test of the helmets collected by the RACS, because the surface struck in the impact was generally flat or there was insufficient information to determine its shape. The drop height obtained from the impact test was considered tQ be a measure of the impact severity to which the helmet was exposed in the crash. Instruments within the headform measured the peak acceleration which was transmitted through the helmet structure. Further details of the test procedure and the accuracy and reliability of the results are given by Williams (1991). The test reports provided by Technisearch are given in Appendix D. It should be noted that the injury information recorded on the report forms was preliminary information provided to Technisearch to assist in locating the main points of impact and is not necessarily the same as the information extracted and coded from medical and Coroner's records (see Section 3.3). 4. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 4.1 Principal points of impact The analysis was focused on the test results for the principal point of impact, chosen as the point where the impact tests had suggested that the greatest impact severity (highest estimated drop height) had been applied during the crash. It was presumed that the most severe head injury (if any), measured on the AIS scale, was related to the impact at this point. Only the maximum AIS of head injury was available for the bicyclists with tested helmets included in the RACS series. 4.2 Distribution of drop heights from impact tests Sixteen of the 38 newly collected helmets (42%) had impact test results suggesting they were exposed to impact severities equivalent to drop heights below 250 mm. In contrast, none of the helmets collected in the RACS series had estimated drop heights below 250 mm. It was considered that the newly collected helmets, being predominantly foam-only or micro-shell type, were more likely to display external damage than the hard-shell helmets. Thus they were more likely to have been considered by the cyclist to have been impacted during the crash, and thus to have been included in the study after sustaining low impact severities, than the hard-shell helmets. This difference between the two helmet collections made it imperative that the impact severities to which each group were exposed should be taken into account in the analysis. Four (or 11%) of the newly collected helmets had drop heights estimated as exceeding 1500 mm, the height from which the impact energy attenuation test in the Australian Standard AS 2063.1-1986 is performed. Ten per cent of the drop heights estimated for the helmets collected in the RACS series also exceeded this level. Thus a significant proportion of helmets involved in real crashes leading to severe cyclist injury appear to be exposed to more severe impacts than the test in the Standard requires. 5 4.3 Head acceleration related to impact severity Figure 1 shows that there were strong, but different, relationships between the impact severity (measured by the drop height) applied to each helmet, and the resulting peak acceleration experienced by the head form (as a proxy for the cyclist's head), for each of the two sets of helmets. The helmets in the newly collected set (1991/92) appear to produce lower peak head accelerations for a given impact severity, compared with the helmets in the older set (1987-89). FIGURE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN 1 HEAD ACCELERATION AND HELMET DROP HEIGHT 350 " 100 ~" 150 Gi ~l: 0200 u •l.. • •• ""u l.s: .2 o § 2500 50 300 o o 9.j).·· o 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Drop height (mm) • 1991/92 o 1987-89 -. -. -. - 1987-89regression ---1991/92 regression Linear regressions were fitted to the relationships shown in Figure 1 for each of the helmet sets. The 95% confidence limits for the estimated regression slopes and intercepts did not overlap when the two helmet sets were compared. Thus there was a statistically significant difference between the two relationships. The higher head accelerations, for a given impact severity, apparently experienced by the wearers of the older helmets, which were predominantly hard-shell types, may be due to the plastic shell deflecting elastically giving a non-negligible rebound velocity and hence a higher velocity change to the cyclist's head. It may also be due to the thick shell, when impacting a flat surface, spreading the load sufficiently widely for too little of the crushable EPS foam to be engaged in absorbing energy. 4.4 Head injuries The AIS of the most severe head injury sustained by each injured cyclist, plotted against the drop height, is shown for each of the two sets of helmets in Figure 2. Many of the cyclists did not sustain any head injury (AIS = 0), but sustained injuries to other body regions requiring treatment in hospital. There is a general tendency for a greater proportion to have sustained a head injury when their helmets have sustained a greater impact severity. 6 FIGURE 2 MAXIMUM 3+ o • 0 •• AIS OF HEAD INJURY vs DROP HEIGHT •• 0 o ~ " :? 'tl ••• 2 ElOO 0 • 0 0 00 O. o 0 o 0 o I'll Gl .c '0 III C( " E E ';( o 1 00 e • 0 o I'll ::E o I _ •_~~ o 250 ----~.~.~--~--~.~~I----~---~----~ 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 Drop height (mm) • 1991/92 "1987-89 Figures 3 and 4 show the percentage distribution of head injuries at different severity levels in 200 mm ranges of drop height. There was no clear pattern of increasing frequency or severity of head injury with the drop heights of the new helmets, possibly due to the relatively small number of these helmets (N = 38), but there was some indication of a trend among the head injuries sustained by wearers of the older helmets (N = 56) (Figure 4). DISTRIBUTION OF HEAD INJURY FIGURE 3 SEVERITY ACCORDING TO DROP HEIGHT -1991/92 DATA 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1-200 201-400 40Hoo 601-800 801-1000 1001-1200 1201-1400 1401-1600 1601-1800 Drop height (mm) I .AIS=3+ 0 No head injury 0 AIS=1 • AIS=2 7 1801-2000 2001-2200 2201-2400 FIGURE 4 DISTRIBUTION 100% 400 OF HEAD INJURY SEVERITY ACCORDING TO DROP HEIGHT -1987-89 DATA 2011-200 20% 30% 90% 0% 10% 80% 50% 70% 40% 60% 401600 601800 8011000 10011200 12011400 16011800 18012000 20012200 22012400 Drop height (mm) I • 0 No head injury 0 AIS=1 AIS=3+ • AIS=2 In order to smooth the trends in the data on the limited number of helmets available, Figures 5 and 6 show the percentages of injured cyclists with head injuries in cumulative ranges of drop height. It can be seen that there is a tendency for a reducing percentage of cyclists to have escaped any head injury as the range of drop heights increases. There is also a tendency for the percentage sustaining severe injury (AIS at least 2) to increase. PROPORTION FIGURES OF INJURED CYCLISTS WITH HEAD INJURIES RANGES OF DROP HEIGHT -1991/92 ACCORDING DATA TO CUMULATIVE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% <=200 <=400 <=600 <=800 <=1000 <=1200 <=1400 <=1600 <=1800 Drop height (mm) I 0 No head injury 0 AIS=1 • AIS=2 8 • AIS=3+ <=2000 <=2200 <=2400 FIGURE 6 PROPORTION OF INJURED CYCLISTS RANGES WITH HEAD INJURIES ACCORDING OF DROP HEIGHT -1987-89 TO CUMULATIVE DATA 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% <=200 <=400 <=600 <=800 <=1000 <=1200 <=1400 <=1600 <=1800 <=2000 <=2200 <=2400 Drop height (mm) • I D No head injury 61 AIS=1 AIS=3+ • AIS=2 Figure 7 compares the cumulative percentages of the cyclists in each group who sustained any head injury (ArS = 1 or more), as a function of increasing drop height, for the two sets of helmets. It can be seen that, in general, the new helmets were associated with a lower proportion of cyclists sustaining head injuries than the older helmets, for impact severities up to any given level (the exception being for impacts equivalent to drop heights below 200 mm). However the difference between these two cumulative distributions was not statistically significant when tested by the Kolmogorov-Smimov (K-S) test (Neave 1981) (K-S test statistic = 78; p > 0.05). FIGURE 7 CUMULATIVE " "~c 11. ~ ~ PROPORTION OF CASES WITH A HEAD INJURY ACCORDING TO DROP HEIGHT 60 100 40 50 <=200 0 70 30 10 90 80 20 .0 0" •••••• <=400 o' • <=600 •••• .£J- • <=800 __ -c:- ••.•.• <=1000 _()II •• - <=1200 •• -0 _ .•.•• 0"" <=1400 <=1600 <=1800 Drop height (mm) - -00 - 1987-89data 1-1991192data 9 - _0 - - •• 0 _0 •• I <=2000 <=2200 <=2400 Figures 8 and 9 show the same comparison for the more severe head injuries, defined as those with AIS greater than 2 and 3, respectively. Figure 8 shows that the new helmets were associated with a lower proportion of cyclists sustaining AIS 2 and above head injuries, for impacts equivalent to drop heights greater than 800 mm. This difference was not statistically significant (K-S test = 88; p > 0.05). FIGURES CUMULATIVE PROPORTION OF CASES WITH AT LEAST AN AIS 2 LEVEL ACCORDING HEAD INJURY TO DROP HEIGHT 100 90 80 70 - 60 ~ 50 ~ l:! er. 40 30 4=- 20 , 10 o , • • <=1200 <=1400 .0. • _ •• .0- • - •• ()o •••• • 00 ••• • • <=1800 <=2000 -c- •••• 00 - • - • -0 ••• • ·0 , 6' <=200 _ •• I <=400 <=600 <=800 <=1000 <=1600 <=2200 <=2400 Drop height (mm) 1-1991192data -.()o - 1987-89dataI In contrast, Figure 9 shows that the new helmets were associated with a higher proportion of cyclists sustaining the more life-threatening AIS 3 and above head injuries. However, this difference was also not statistically significant (K-S test = 5; p> 0.05). FIGURE 9 CUMULATIVE PROPORTION OF CASES WITH AN AIS 3 LEVEL OR ABOVE HEAD INJURY ACCORDING TO DROP HEIGHT 100 90 80 70 - ~ i 60 50 l:! er. 40 30 20 10 _0_ •. - •. 0 •••••••• I() •••••••• ~ •••••••• <5••.•.•. ..:J- •.•.•. -0- -:J- •.•.•. -<:)00 •.•.•. -0 o ~ • <=200 <=400 <=600 <=800 <=1000 <=1200 <=1400 <=1600 Drop height (mm) !-1991192data - 10 -00 - 1987-89dataI <=1800 <=2000 <=2200 <=2400 5. DISCUSSION In reviewing the results of the comparison of the performance of the older and new helmets which have sustained impacts in crashes, it needs to be noted that the two sets of helmets were involved in somewhat different types of crashes. The new helmets were more often involved in collisions on the road with a motor vehicle and, as a result, the impacts on the helmets were more often from contacts with hard surfaces such as bitumen roads and parts of vehicles. As a further result of these different crash circumstances, the helmet impact test program found it appropriate to use non-flat anvils for some (five) of the drop height tests of the new helmets, because these were considered to represent the actual contact surface better than a flat anvil. A flat anvil had been used in all drop height tests of the older helmets. It should be noted that Williams (1990) had found that foam-only helmets had generally performed better (ie. lower surface forces and peak accelerations of the headform), for a given drop height, than hard-shell helmets when flat anvils were used, and that the foam-only helmets had been disadvantaged when tested on non-flat anvils, especially those with smaller radii of curvature. Notwithstanding this, it is believed that the impact testing provided a reliable estimate of the impact severity (measured as equivalent drop height) applied to the cyclist's helmet at each major point of impact during the crash. The testing program also provided a measure of the output from this severity of impact in terms of the forces on the cyclist's head inside the helmet, measured by the peak acceleration of the headform to which the test helmet was strapped. It was found that the new helmets appeared to have been exposed to a greater proportion of contacts with impact severities at low levels than the older helmets. However, at higher levels of impact, both sets of helmets had been exposed to a broad range of impact severities up to levels equivalent to drop heights exceeding 2000 mm. Nevertheless, the disparity in the distribution of impact severities to which the two sets of helmets were exposed made it imperative that impact severity was taken into account in the analysis, and this was subsequently done throughout. It was noted that in none of the cases did a new helmet appear to have sustained a penetrating impact (this was also the case for the helmets collected by the RACS). This is noteworthy because it suggests that few, if any, penetrating impacts occur in real bicycle crashes. This suggests that the deletion of the penetration test from the Australian Standard may not be considered to have relaxed or weakened the Standard, because in fact the test has little or no relevance. More than 10% of helmets collected in each series appeared to have sustained contacts with impact severities of greater magnitude than the equivalent drop height of 1500 mm specified for the impact energy attenuation test in the Australian Standard. This suggests that the specified drop height has been set too low if the intention is to cover closer to the full range of impact severities experienced by the helmets of cyclists involved in crashes resulting in severe Injury. 11 In addition, it was found that one-third of the major impacts on the new helmets occurred below the test line (over 60% of the major impacts on the helmets collected by the RACS fell below the line). Since the Standard currently does not require satisfactory performance below the test line, consideration could be given to lowering th~ line to ensure that helmets provide protection against a larger proportion of impacts sustained in real crashes. The relationship between the estimated impact severity on the helmet and the estimated peak acceleration of the cyclist's head inside it was clear and direct for each of the two helmet sets. There was also statistically significant evidence that the two relationships were different, with the new helmets apparently transmitting lower accelerations to the cyclist's head, for a given impact severity, than the older helmets. This suggests that the new helmets, which were predominantly foam-only (or had light weight shells), were better at absorbing and distributing their predominantly blunt impacts than the older helmets, and is consistent with Williams (1990) finding. This generally superior performance was observed even though five of the new helmets had been exposed to significant impacts with non-flat surfaces and were tested with appropriate non-flat anvils. When the incidence and severity of the head injuries of the cyclists wearing the tested helmets was analysed, taking the impact severities into account, the results suggested that, in comparison with the older helmets, the new helmets displayed: (a) better protection against head injuries of minor or moderate severity (AIS of 1 or 2), and (b) worse protection against severe to critical head injuries (AIS of 3 and above). However, none of the analyses comparing the head injuries of the cyclists wearing the two groups of helmets were statistically significant. Thus there was no evidence of a real difference in protective performance between the older and new helmets so far as actual head injury risks are concerned. This may have been due to the absence of a difference or due to the relatively small number of helmets considered in the two helmet groups. It should be noted that maximum AIS was comparison of the two groups of helmets. injury severity such as the number of head been available, may have displayed different 6. the only measure of head injury available for An analysis based on other measures of head injuries or the Glasgow Coma Scale, had they results. CONCLUSIONS New, lighter bicycle helmets, manufactured entirely of expanded polystyrene foam or covered with a light weight plastic shell, have become common in Victoria following the deletion of the penetration test from the Australian Standard for bicycle helmets at essentially the same time as the introduction of the mandatory' requirement for cyclists to wear approved helmets. The conclusions from this study of the protective performance of the new helmets, in comparison with the older design, heavier hard-shell helmets, were: 1. The new helmets transmit a lower level of peak acceleration to the cyclist's head inside the helmet, for a given severity of impact on the external surface of the helmet, for a range of impact types representative of those occurring in real bicycle crashes (the majority resulting in blunt impacts to the helmets). 12 2. There was no evidence of a real difference in protective performance between the older and new helmets so far as actual head injury risks are concerned. This may have been due to the absence of a difference or due to the relatively small number of helmets considered in the two helmet groups. 3. The specified drop height of 1500 mm for the impact energy attenuation test in the Australian Standard has been set too low if the intention is to cover closer to the full range of impact severities experienced by the helmets of cyclists involved in crashes resulting in severe injury. 4. Since one-third of the major impacts on the new helmets occurred below the test line, consideration could be given to lowering the line to·ensure that helmets provide protection against a larger proportion of impacts sustained in real crashes. REFERENCES ASSOCIA nON FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE MEDICINE (AAAM) (1985), The Abbreviated Injury Scale: 1985 Revision. AAAM, Illinois. ASSOCIA nON FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF AUTOMOTIVE MEDICINE (AAAM) (1990), The Abbreviated Injury Scale: 1990 Revision. AAAM, Illinois. AS (1986), Lightweight protective helmets (for use in pedal cycling, horse riding and other activities requiring similar protection), Part 1 - Basic performance requirements, AS 2063.1-1986. Standards Association of Australia, Sydney. AS (1986), Lightweight protective helmets (for use in pedal cycling, horse riding and other activities requiring similar protection), Part 2 - Helmets for pedal cyclists, AS 2063.2-1986. Standards Association of Australia, Sydney. AS (1990), Lightweight protective helmets (for use in pedal cycling, horse riding and other activities requiring similar protection), Part 2: Helmets for pedal cyclists, AS 2063.2-1990. Standards Australia, Sydney. McDERMOTT, FT, LANE, lC, BRAZENOR, GA, and DEBNEY, EA (1993), The effectiveness of bicycle helmets: a study of 1710 casualties. Journal of Trauma, Vol. 34, pp. 834-835. NEA VE, HR (1981), Elementary Statistical Tables For All Users of Statistical Techniques. Aldren Press, London. WILLIAMS. M. (1990), Evaluation of the penetration test for bicyclists' helmets: comparative performance of hard shell and foam helmets. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 315-325. WILLIAMS, M. (1991), The protective performance of bicyclists' helmets in accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 23, Nos. 2/3, pp. 119-131. 13 APPENDIX A SUMMARY OF HELMETS COLLECTED SUMMARY OF HELMETS COLLECTED B1/01/91 HEADWAY ATOM MET BELL HEADWAY701 Pro-U Itracool 701 Airlite ROSEBANK PRO HEADGEAR Pro-Ultracool888 888 EQUINE SCIENCE NOLAN KIN YONG Triat U Lucci ltralite LUNG Pro-Ultracool Pro-Ultracool252 PB2 ROSE BANK DAVIES V1-Pro CRAIG Grand Prix Freestyle Cyclone Challenger Joey TCB Streamlight 501Max ATOM Zephyr New Airlite ATOM Hartop Zephyr New Max 252 Australia ABS/EPS USA Australia Thermoplastic/EPS PBT/EPS Italy Australia EPS PBT/EPS Australia PBT/EPS Australia Australia EPS EPS Australia EPS Australia EPS Australia PBT/EPS Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia EPS ABS/EPS PBT/EPS EPS EPS EPS ABS/EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS ABS/EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS EPS Plastic/EPS PBT/EPS ABS/EPS Italy Australia USA Australia Taiwan APPENDIXB PATIENT INTERVIEW FORM Interview Date MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE PATIENT INTERVIEW MUARC Case No . PATIENT DEI' Aill) Age Sex . ACCIDENT DEI'AILS Date of accident . Where did the accident occur? (e.g.road, footpath) Was another vehicle involved? YES (NO If YES, what type of vehicle was it? Do you know how fast you were travelling? YES / NO If YES, estimated speed Do you know how fast the other vehicle was travelling? . YES / NO If YES, estimated speed Describe what happened (including why you think the accident happened) : . . What do you think: caused the injuries? (e.g. hitting the roadway/part of the bicycle/part of a car) ...........................................................................................................................•................................. ............................................ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••• • •••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Any other comments about the accident : ....................................................................................................................................................... •............•...............•.............•............... . .............................•..•.......... . Were you wearing any protective clothing (apart from a bicycle helmet)? YES/NO If YES, please give details: HELMET DErAILS What did the helmet strike in the accident? Did the helmet stay on with the impact? YES/NO If NO, was the helmet done up properlylcorrectly fitted? (give details) Were there any problems with the helmet? etc.) How old was the helmet? (e.g. uncomfortable, too loose, . How often was the helmet used? . Where was it stored when not in use? Are there any visible signs of damage which occurred prior to this accident? If YES, describe what happened to cause the damage? . YES/NO Was the helmet ever dropped/thrown/etc.? YES / NO If YES, give details (including how often) ..................................................................................................................................... .... . Helmet may be collected from : Name ~ . Addresss Day Telephone number . Time . . APPENDIXC PATIENT INFORMATION FORM MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE VICTORIAN INJURY SURVEIlLANCE SYSTEM MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE BICYCLE HELMET EVALUATION PROJECT PATIENT INFORMATION MUARC case No. HOSPITAL PATIENT DETAILS Age 1. . Sex '" . INJURIES BY BODY REGION HeadlNeck Injuries(ISS Body Regions, maximum AIS) 1. AIS90 AIS 90 AIS AIS 85 85 Face Injuries (ISS Body Region, maximumAIS) ------- 1. AIS 85 AIS 90 2. AIS 85 AIS 90 3. AIS 85 AIS90 _ 4. AIS 85 AIS90 _ 5. AIS 85 AIS 90 6. AIS 85 AIS 90 26 RAILWA Y AVENUE, CAULFIELD EAST 3145 (pO BOX 191, CAULFIELD EAST, MELBOURNE, FAX: (61X3) 513 2882 TELEPHONE: (03) 513 2880 lOO: +6135132880 ---- VICTORIA 3145) AUSTRALIA Chest Injuries (ISS Body Region, maximum AIS) --------2. --------3. --------4. --------5. --------6. --------1. AIS 85 AIS90 _ AIS 85 AIS90 _ AIS 85 AIS 90 AIS 85 AIS 90 AIS 85 AIS 90 AIS 85 AIS 90 ---- ---- Abdomen and Pelvic Content (ISS Body Region, maximum AIS) 1. AIS 85 AIS 90 2. AIS 85 AIS 90 3. 4. 5. ---------------------------- 6. AIS 85 AIS 85 AIS 85 --------- AIS 90 AIS 90 ----- AIS 85 AIS 90 --------2. --------- MS 85 MS 90 MS 85 MS90 3. MS85 4. MS 85 MS 90 AIS 85 MS90 MS 85 MS 90 5. --------- 6. _ ----- --------- AIS 90 Extremity and Pelvis (ISS Body Region, maximum MS) 1. _ _ AIS 90 _ ---------- _ _ External Injuries (ISS Body Region, maximum MS) MS 85 MS 90 MS 85 AIS90 MS 85 MS90 MS 85 MS 90 5. MS85 MS 90 6. MS 85 MS90 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. ---------------------------- ---_ ---- _ ---- _ HEAD INJURY IDENTIFIED 1 = yes 2=no D 3. WAS THE CASUALTY RENDERED UNCONSCIOUS IN THE ACCIDENT? FOR THE PURPOSES OF TIllS STUDY, A CASUALTYIS SAID TO BE UNCONSCIOUS IF: FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF A BYSTANDE~ THE CASUALTY IS UNROUSABLEAND UNRESPONSIVE, AND/OR FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE VICTIM, HE OR SHE IS ABSOLUTELY UNAWARE OF THEIR SURROUNDINGS,AS IF ASLEEP. D 1 = Yes, the casualty was unconscious 2 = No, there was no loss of consciousness 3 = Don't know 4. DURATION OF UNCONSCIOUSNESS 1 2 3 4 5 5. = = = = = D Only a second or two - transient, momentary Less than a minute More than a minute Less than 1 hour More than 1 hour DOES THE CASUALTY REMEMBER BEING AT THE SCENE OF THE ACCIDENT, BEFORE IT OCCURRED? 1 2 3 4 D = Yes = No = Not sure = No information available 6. HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE 7. WAS AN OPERATION PERFORMED ON THE HEAD? 1 = Yes 2 = No Describe briefly if yes: .. ems D 8. mms GLASGOW COMA CHART READINGS (HEAD INJURY CASES ONLY) I.E. ACTUAL TRANSCRIBINGS FROM THE HOSPITAL OBSERVATION CHARTS IF AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING TIMES: mins GLASCOW ADMISSION PRE4ADMISSION 24 72 Time hours hours since E.D. POSTE.D. injwy ....... Words Confused MOTOR RESPONSE Oriented =To voice None VERBAL 63551 = fuappropriate Reflection Obey command (pain) 244RESPONSE = Withdraw Extension (pain) Incomprehensible Localises pain spontaneous To pain TOTAL 9. LENGTH OF STAY IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT ................ Hours 10. LENGTH OF STAY IN ACUTE HOSPITAL ................ ... Days 11. SURVIVAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 D = = = = Alive Dead from Head Injury Only Dead from Multiple Injuries (Including Head) Dead from Complications of Treatment for Head Injury = Dead from Other Injuries = Death Unrelated to Accident 04107/9416:12 HELM-PAT.DOe APPENDIXD HELMET IMPACT TEST REPORTS FROM TECHNISEARCH Technlsearch ,~ I PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE Bl/l/91. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK PB2. SIZE M57. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N liD F107821. MATERIAL NUMBER ABS/EPS. IMPACT DATA (lI) (1) LOCATION Centre left a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 1620mm, 140g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS foam fusion failure. Contributed to injury? Possibly. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Fatal. Extensive distributed brain damage. No skull fracture. PROJECT NUMRER 16653,981-3100. Bruised scalp top of head. Technisearch I PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT I PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TESTMEmOD AS 2063.2-1990. evaluation HELMET of bicyclists' helmets. Accident Research Centre. DATA HELMET CODE B5/2/9l. MANUFACTURER Bell. COUNTRY USA. TRADEMARK VI-Pro. SIZE S/M. STANDARD Snell. DATE OF PROD'N liD B249l254. MATERIAL NUMBER Thermoplastic/ EPS. IMPACT DATA (ll) (1) LOCATION Front left a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT l690mm, 134g. * a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION Brittle failure of shell. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Fatal. No head injury. PROJECT NUMBER Severe chest injuries and fractured 16653,981-3100. spine. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. evaluation HELMET HELMET CODE of bicyclists' helmets. Accident Research Centre. DATA MATERIAL PBT*/EPS. G732213. 60cm. DATE OF AS PROD'N 2063.1-1986. B6/3/9l. SIZE Grand Prix. COUNTRY Australia. Rosebank. ephthalate. ER IMPACT DATA (H) (I) LOCATION No impact damage SURFACE STRUCK Nil. TEST SURFACE N/A. TEST RESULT N/A. a* * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Helmet not damaged at impact. Contributed to injury? while rider sustained severe head injury. Helmet not on rider's head No. RETENTION CONDITION Retention webbing habitually worn very loose. at crease. Contributed to injury? Yes. Indicated by creased chinstrap webbing and wear INJURY Fatal. Comminuted fracture of left parietal and occipital bones with a transverse extension across the middle cranial fossa involving both petrous temporal bones. Subgaleal haematoma over the left parieto-occipital region. Subarachnoid haemorrhages. PROJECT NUMBER 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. Accident Research HELMET Centre. DATA HELMET CODE 01. MANUFACTURER Nolan. COUNTRY Italy. TRADEMARK Zephyr New Max. SIZE Large. STANDARD VicRoads Part AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD1N 4/90. MATERIAL EPS. liD NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (1) LOCATION Rear left a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 540mm,60g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. by granny knot in webbing. Contributed to injury? Yes. INJURY No head injury. Severely PROJECT NUMBER grazed L knee, L elbow. 16653,981-3100. Bruised ribs. Male clip held in place Technlsearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 02. MANUFACTURER Davies Craig. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Hartop. SIZE 57. STANDARD AS 2063.1-1986. DATE OF PROD'N 10/87. liD G311016. MATERIAL PBT/EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA Rear left 31g. rim b* Flat. (ll) Roadway. 360mm; Front left b* XS (1) 20mm 1730mm; square 181g; 925N. rod. Rear s/wagon pillar. LOCATION SURFACE STRUCK TEST SURFACE TEST RESULT *a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS foam severely cracked at thin cross-sections - old cracking. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMIlER 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 03. MANUFACTURER Davies Craig. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Hartop. SIZE 53. STANDARD AS 2063.1-1986. DATE OF PROD'N 12/87. liD F548957. MATERIAL PBT/EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (11) LOCATION Front left rim b* SURFACE STRUCK Vehicle panel. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 80mm, 18g. * a = above HELMET test line; b = below test line PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS foam severely cracked at thin cross-section - old cracking. Contributed to injury? No. Broken into five pieces. RETENTION CONDITION Female portion of clip fractured prior to accident. Material fault. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Crazed left forehead. Broken R tibia and fibula. Grazed knee and upper L leg. PROJECT NUMBER 16653, 981-3100. Jechnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 07. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 57-59. STANDARD Part AS 2063. DATE OF PROD'N liD NUMBER MATERIAL IMPACT EPS foam. DATA (I) (11) LOCATION Right rear top a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 950mm,83g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONOITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. both elbows. PROJECT NUMBER Fractured L femur (transverse, closed). L thigh swollen, pain L shoulder and 16653,981-3100. Jechnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 08. MANUFACTURER Pro Headgear. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Pro-Ultracool 888. SIZE 57-58 STANDARD VicRoads, Part AS 2063.2. DATE OF PROD'N 11/90. liD No. 15335. MATERIAL EPS foam. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (ll) LOCATION Rear centre top a* Rear left rim b* SURFACE STRUCK Windscreen. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 140mm,30g. 280mm; 38g. * a = above lest line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY L.O.C. time not specified. feet. PROJECT NUM8ER LI vertebra crushed. 16653, 981-3100. Lacerations skin and hip. Bruised legs and Technisearch I~---i i ! PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 10. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 59-62. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 2/91. liD 1388332. MATERIAL EPS foam. NUMUER IMPACT DATA (II) (I) LOCATION Front centre upper a* SURFACE STRUCK Rear panel of truck. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 280mm,42g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Lacerated upper and lower lip. Grazed nose. PRO.JECTNuMRER 16653,981-3100. Jechnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 11. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 56-59 STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 11/90. lID H889673. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (ll) LOCATION Rear right upper a* Left cen tre a * SURFACE STRUCK Flat vehicle panel. Wiper pivot knob. TEST SURFACE Flat. 12mm rod end. TEST RESULT 90mm, 13g. 320mm; 48g; 152N. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Fractured tibia. Bruised L calf, grazed elbow. Nil head injury. PROJECT NUMBER 16653,981-3100. Technisearch r I PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 12. MANUFACTURER Davies Craig. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Hartop. SIZE 57. STANDARD AS 2063.1-1986. DATE OF PROO'N 3/87. liD F020297. MATERIAL PBT/EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (I) LOCATION Front centre rim b* SURFACE STRUCK Gutter. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 230mm,24g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS foam severely cracked at thin cross-section - old damage. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Lacerated mouth, lost two front teeth. Abrasion L lower leg. PROJECT NUMnER 16653,981-3100. 7£:chnisearch I I I PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT i PROJECT : Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. I I CLIENT : Monash University Accident Research Centre. I TEST I AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD: HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 15. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE Large. STANDARD AS 2063.1-1986. DATE OF PROD'N 1/90. MATERIAL EPS. liD NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (1) LOCATION Left centre a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 80mm,26g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PRO.JECTNuMBER Torn L shoulder muscles. Abrasion L elbow. Bruising L shoulder. 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post -crash eval uation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 16. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK PB2. SIZE 57-63. STANDARD AS 2063.1-1986. DATE OF PROD'N 9/88. liD NUMBER E506791. MATERIAL ABS/EPS. IMPACT DATA (I) (11) LOCATION Right rear upper a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 60mm,20g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMBER Generalized grazes. 16653,981-3100. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. evaluation HELMET of bicyclists' helmets. Accident Research Centre. DATA HELMET CODE 19. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Ultralite. SIZE 60. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N liD NUMHER H125435. MATERIAL IMPACT DATA (lI) (1) LOCATION Front right rim b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 240mm,34g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. Fracture PROJECT NUMHER L arm, grazes. 16653,981-3100. PBT/EPS. Technisearch I I PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 20. MANUFACTURER Pro Headgear. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Pro- Ultracool 888. SIZE 57-58. STANDARD Vic Roads, Part AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 11190. liD No. 14354. MATERIAL /EPS. NUMHER IMPACT DATA (I) (ll) LOCATION Front left a* Rear left a* SURFACE STRUCK Cycle track. Cycle track. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 140mm,22g. 230mm; 31g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS fusion failure. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head inj ury. Fractured elbow, chipped bone in hip, grazed elbow. PROJECT NUMHER 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. of bicyclists I helmets. evaluation Accident Research HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 22. MANUFACTURER Pro Headgear. TRADEMARK Pro Ultracool STANDARD VicRoads, Part AS 2063.2-1986. DATE OF PROD'N liD NUMBER No. 745. MATERIAL 888. IMPACT Centre. COUNTRY Australia. SIZE 57-58. DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Left centre SURFACE STRUCK Vehicle roof. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 120mm,22g. a* * a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head inj ury. Cuts, left eye, left elbow, left ear. PROJECT NUM8ER 16653,981-3100. EPS. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 23. MANUFACTURER Headway Helmets. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK 701. SIZE 58. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 6/91. liD 1325140. ~ATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (I) LOCATION Front right b* SURFACE STRUCK Vehicle panel/rucksack. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 50mm,20g. * a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends were glued double but bond was broken. connected to webbing. Contributed to injury? No. Side clip and female buckle not INJURY No head injury. buttocks. PROJECT NUMBER Fractured fibula, bruised calf. Abrasions - R elbow, R knee, R ribs, both 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 27. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Challenger. SIZE M/L. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 12/91. liD L191082. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (Ill) LOCATION Rear right b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT l80mm; 26g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY L.O.C. period not indicated. Grazed top right forehead. PROJECT NUMBER Slight memory loss. Compound fracture R leg. Broken nose. 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 27. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Challenger. SIZE M/L. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 12/91. liD NUMUER L191082. MATERIAL EPS. IMPACT DATA (I) (ll) LOCATION Front right a* Cen tre top a * SURFACE STRUCK Windscreen/roof joint. Vehicle panel. TEST SURFACE 50mm round. Flat. TEST RESULT 1170mm; 68g, 151N. 21Omm; 26g. * a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY L.O.C. period not indicated. Grazed top right forehead. PROJECT NUMBER Slight memory loss. Compound fracture R leg. Broken nose. 16653,981-3100. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 26. MANUFACTURER Headway. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Freestyle. SIZE 55. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 10/90. I/O NUMHER H635437. MATERIAL ABS/EPS. IMPACT DATA (I) (II) LOCATION Front right a* SURFACE STRUCK Concrete drive. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 80mm,22g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends were glued double but bond was broken. Webbing could be removed from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMRER Fractured R arm, bruised legs. 16653, 981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 28. MANUFACTURER Pro Headgear. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Pro-Ultracool. SIZE 59-60. STANDARD VicRoads DATE OF PROD'N Part AS 2063.2-1990. 12/90. liD 15760. EPS. NUMBER MATERIAL IMPACT DATA (ll) (I) LOCATION Front right b* SURFACE STRUCK Flat SEC pole. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 540mm, 52g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury, abrasion R head, temple. Compound fracture R tibia, fibula comminuted. Fractured R thumb, abrasions R knee and leg. PROJECT NUMIJER 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 29. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 57-59. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 8/90. liD H356627. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (1) LOCATION Left front b* SURFACE STRUCK Bar at rear van. TEST SURFACE 50mm round. TEST RESULT 1270mm, 74g; 199N. * a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PRO.JECTNUM8ER Lacerations forehead. 16653,981-3100. Bruised neck. Lacerated knee. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post -crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 31. MANUFACTURER Headway. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Joey. SIZE 54. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PIWD'N 1/92. liD L293191. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Rear centre b* Right centre b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 1340mm; 98g. 280mm; 42g. * a = above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONOITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONOITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMBER Sprained ankle, bruise forearm and upperback. 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. evaluation HELMET of bicyclists' helmets. Accident Research Centre. DATA HELMET CODE 32. MANUFACTURER Equine Science. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK TCB Streamlight 252. SIZE M. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 1/90. liD NUMBER H374716. MATERIAL EPS. IMPACT Flat. Centre left32g.a* 250mm; Roadway. DATA Wall. Flat. (H) 240mm; 33g. a* Centre right (I) LOCATION SURFACE STRUCK TEST SURFACE TEST RESULT * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Concussion. Dislocated PROJECT NUMBER R elbow. Abrasions 16653,981-3100. R arm. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post -crash eval uation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 36. MANUFACTURER Equine Science. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK TCB Streamlight 252. SIZE Large. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 3/91. liD NUMBER J671650. MATERIAL EPS. IMPACT DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Front Centre a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 820mm; 71g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Concussion. Fractured L collarbone. PRO.JECTNuMnER 16653,981-3100. Sprained neck (whiplash type injury). Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 37. MANUFACTURER Headway. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Freestyle 501. SIZE 62. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 2/91. liD J481035. MATERIAL ABS/EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (I) LOCATION Front right a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 11Omm,22g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head inj ury. Fractured L wrist. Bruised L shoulder. PROJECT NUMIJER 16653,981-3100. Lacerations R elbow, L elbow. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post -crash eval uation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 39. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 57-59. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 11/91. I/D NUMBER K578952. MATERIAL EPS. IMPACT DATA (Il) (1) LOCATION Front right a* SURFACE STRUCK Vehicle panel/window. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 220mm,3lg. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONnITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMBER Bruised chest, shoulders and hands. 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash CLIENT Monash University TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. evaluation HELMET of bicyclists' helmets. Accident Research Centre. DATA HELMET CODE 40. MANUFACTURER Pro Headgear. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Pro- Ultracool. 252. SIZE 59-60. STANDARD VicRoads Part AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 12/90. liD 22599. MATERIAL EPS. NUMHER IMPACT DATA (I) (II) LOCATION Front right SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 160mm,25g. *a = b* above test line,' b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Concussion. Lacerations PRO.JECTNuMHER R side face. 16653,981-3100. Bruised legs, thighs and knees. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 45. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 57-59. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 1/92. liD L092943. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (1) LOCATION Front rim a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 220mm,38g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Mild concussion, headaches. PROJECT NUMIJER Strained neck, L knee. Sprained wrist. 16653, 981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 44. MANUFACTURER Met. COUNTRY Italy. TRADEMARK Lucci. SIZE Large. STANDARD ANSI Z90.4. DATE OF PROD'N 2/90. MATERIAL EPS. liD NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (11) LOCATION Front rim b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 360mm; 38g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMBER Contusion R arm, abrasions L elbow. Bruised L hip. 16653, 981-3100. Jechnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 43. MANUFACTURER Atom. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Airlite. SIZE 59-62. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 1/91. lID 1578519. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (1) (lI) LOCATION Top rear a* Front left a * SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 80mm,26g. 90mm, 199. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PRO.JECTNUMBER Bruised L knee. Fractured L big toe. Abrasions face and legs. 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 46. MANUFACTURER Bell. COUNTRY U.S.A. TRADEMARK Cyclone. SIZE M/L. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 12/91. liD NUMBER K721754. MATERIAL Plastic/EPS. IMPACT DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Left centre a* Top a* SURFACE STRUCK Vehicle panel. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 770mm: 73g. 71Omm; 104g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONI>ITlON EPS fusion failure. Liner cracked and collapsed. Contributed to injury? Yes. RETENTION CONI>ITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Concussion, headaches for 5 days. Possible brief L.O.c. knees. PROJECT NUMBER 16653,981-3100. Scalp lacerations, abrasions to both 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 47. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Ultralite. SIZE 57. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 10/91. liD K304522. MATERIAL PBT/EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Front rim b* Centre right a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 180mm,26g. 240mm,37g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS liner extensively cracked before these minor impacts. Poor EPS fusion. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injuries. PROJECT NUMBER Four fractures of R leg. Fractured wrist. 16653,981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 48. MANUFACTURER Kin Yong Lung. COUNTRY Taiwan. TRADEMARK Triat. SIZE Large. STANDARD Nil. DATE OF PROD'N 11187. I/D NUMBER Nil. MATERIAL ABS/EPS. IMPACT DATA (ll) (1) LOCATION Nil SURFACE STRUCK Nil. TEST SURFACE Nil. TEST RESULT Nil. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION No damage to shell on liner. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Retention system loose, helmet must have slipped off to permit head injury sustained by rider. Contributed to injury? Yes. INJURY L.O.C. half hour. Deep laceration R leg. Abrasion arms, fingers and legs. PROJECT NUM8ER 16653, 981-3100. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 49. MANUFACTURER Met. COUNTRY Italy. TRADEMARK Lucci. SIZE Large. STANDARD ANSI Z90.4 Snell B-84. DATE OF PROD'N MATERIAL 110 NUMBER IMPACT EPS. DATA (I) (ll) LOCATION Rear right a* Centre left a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. Vehicle panel. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 680mm; 59g. 200mm; 34g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONOITION EPS helmet collapsed into five pieces. Poor fusion. Contributed to injury? Yes. RETENTION CONOITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Possible L.O.C. confused at scene. Fractured L ribs (2 & 4), fractured pneumo thorax. Dislocated L a-c joint (hand). PROJECT NUMBER 16653, 981-3100. Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post -crash eval uation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 50. MANUFACTURER Headway. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK 701. SIZE 58. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PRon'N 2/91. liD J496617. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (II) (1) LOCATION Rear left b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 2140mm, 133g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMBER Fractured ribs, punctured lung. Fractured collarbone. 16653,981-3100. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 51. MANUFACTURER Nolan. COUNTRY Italy. TRADEMARK Zephyr New Max. SIZE Large. STANDARD VicRoads Part AS 2063.2. DATE OF PROD'N 4/94. liD Nil. MA TERIAL EPS foam. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (ll) (l) LOCATION Front right rim b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 420mm,57g. * a = above test line; b = below test line . HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION Webbing ends were not doubled over to prevent removal from fittings. Male clip undone. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY L.O.C. 10 minutes. Bruised skull. Laceration R forehead, R face. Clot in vessel over R temple. Grazed R hip, R shoulder. PROJECT NUMBER l 16653,981-3100. ~ Technisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 52. MANUFACTURER Pro Headgear. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Pro- UItracool. SIZE 59-60 STANDARD VicRoads, Part AS 2063.2. DATE OF PROD'N 7/90. liD 622. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (II) LOCATION Left rear a* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. TEST RESULT 250mm; 36g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION EPS fusion failure. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. Lacerated L skin. Fractured rib. Bruised shoulders/arms. PROJECT NUMUER 16653,981-3100. Technisearch I PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST METHOD AS 2063.2-1990. HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 53. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Ultralite. SIZE 57. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N liD NUMBER G704427. MATERIAL IMPACT PBT/EPS. DATA (I) (Il) LOCATION Left rear b* Left centre a* SURFACE STRUCK Windscreen. Vehicle panel. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 470mm; 50g. 100mm; 22g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury but amnesia of event. Bruised R temple. Lacerated R occipit scalp. Fractured pubic ramii, sacral foramina, avulsion L3L4L5 transverse processes. PROJECT NUMBER 16653,981-3100. Jechnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists I helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 54. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Ultralite. SIZE 57. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N liD NUMBER G707746. MATERIAL IMPACT DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Centre left a* Centre right b* SURFACE STRUCK Roadway. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT 100mm; 27g. 180mm; 28g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY No head injury. PROJECT NUMnER Lacerated chin. Abrasions chest. 16653,981-3100. PBT/EPS. 7echnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 55. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Challenger. SIZE M/L. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PR(m'N 12/91. liD L188176. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (Ill) LOCATION Rear left a* SURFACE STRUCK Pedal end? TEST SURFACE 20mm H section. TEST RESULT 320mm; 28g; 97N. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. RETENTION CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Contusion R eye. Abrasions cheek, L hip, R buttock. Headaches since. PROJECT NUMBER 16653,981-3100. lechnisearch PROTECTIVE HELMET EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT Post-crash evaluation of bicyclists' helmets. CLIENT Monash University Accident Research Centre. TEST AS 2063.2-1990. METHOD HELMET DATA HELMET CODE 55. MANUFACTURER Rosebank. COUNTRY Australia. TRADEMARK Challenger. SIZE M/L. STANDARD AS 2063.2-1990. DATE OF PROD'N 12/91. liD L188176. MATERIAL EPS. NUMBER IMPACT DATA (I) (H) LOCATION Front left a* Centre left a* SURFACE STRUCK Windscreen. Roadway. TEST SURFACE Flat. Flat. TEST RESULT l30mm; 28g. 190mm; 32g. * a = above test line; b = below test line HELMET PERFORMANCE HELMET CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? RETENTION No. CONDITION OK. Contributed to injury? No. INJURY Contusion R eye. Abrasions cheek, L hip, R buttock. PROJECT NUMHER 16653,981-3100. Headaches since.