Sinusoidal waves (velocity) y ( x, t ) A cos( kx t ) v y ( x, t ) A cos( kx t ) v x y x, t const kx t const v x k t λ T y y x t 2 / T k 2 / v /T / k y vy A sin kx t t Wave equation y ( x, t ) A cos( kx t ) y A sin kx t t 2 y a y 2 A 2 coskx t t vy 2 y 2 2 y 2 2 t k x 2 y Ak sin kx t x 2 y 2 Ak coskx t 2 x d 2 y x, t 2 2 y x, t v 0 2 2 dt x v k y ( x, t ) y ( x vt,0) y x, t y x, t v t x Example: Gaussian pulse y( x, t ) A exp ( x vt) 2 / s 2 Velocity and Acceleration in a Sinusoidal Traveling Wave y(x,t) A cos(kx t) Wave Moving Towards Right v y(x) (m) A t=0s y y(x,t) A sin(kx t) t This vy (x,t) is required in order that vy (x,t) the wave can move towards the right. Velocity amplitude = A Avk y v (m/s) A A a y ay (x,t) A 2A t A 2 cos(kx t) Acceleration amplitude = A 2 A(vk)2 2A 0 vy (x,t) 2 y(x,t) y a (m/s2) y(x) (m) A A 5 10 x (m) 15 20 Question A transverse sinusoidal wave on a stretched string has the wave function y(x,t) (0.10 m) cos[ (3.0 rad/m) x (6.0 rad/s) t ]. What is the velocity v of the wave? 1. v (18 m/s) î 2. v (0.5 m/s) î 3. v (2.0 m/s) î 4. v (2.0 m/s) î Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 2 3 4 Question A sinusoidal transverse traveling wave on a stretched string has: amplitude A = 0.10 m wave number k = 6.0 rad/m wave speed v = 100 m/s. The maximum speed of each particle in the string as time passes is ___ m/s. 1. 60 2. 80 3. 100 4. 120 Question The speed of the pulse is ___ m/s. (Assume g = 10 m/s2) 1. 50 2. 100 3. 150 4. 200 A pulse is moving along a stretched string as shown. The string goes over a massless frictionless pulley and is connected to a hanging block. Energy transferred by string waves u k dK dx 12 μv y2 12 μy x,t t 12 μv 2 y x,t x 2 uU dU dx 2 v 2 F u k uU y x, t 2 y x, t u u k uU v F x x 2 2 u is maximum where the slope is maximum u is zero where the slope is zero For sinusoidal waves: u μ 2 A 2 sin kx t 2 u ev 1 2 μ 2 A 2 E u ev vA 2 Pave 1 2 E 1 2 v 2 A 2 T F 2 2 2 2 F A A 2v T 1 1 2 sin kx t T0 2 Question A stretched string has a linear mass density = 0.010 kg/m. A sinusoidal traveling wave moving on the string has the wave function y = (0.010 m)cos[(1.0 rad/m)x (100 rad/s)t] Recall: v = /k. The average power transmitted by the wave is __ W. 1. 2. 3. 4. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Example: Gaussian Pulse Energy Density in Gaussian Pulse y(x, t = 0) = A exp[ (x/s) 2] FA2/s 2 0 0 y(x, t = 0) u(x, t = 0) A -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x/s 1 2 3 4 Here, s is a measure of the width of the pulse: the larger s is, the larger the width. The energy density u(x) (dotted curve) is largest where the slope magnitude | dy / dx | is largest and zero where the slope is zero. Details of Example: Gaussian Pulse A Gaussian-shaped pulse is defined as Energy Density in Gaussian Pulse y(x,t 0) y(x) A exp[(x / s)2 ] . y(x, t = 0) = A exp[ (x/s) 2] Energy density FA2/s 2 0 0 y(x, t = 0) u(x, t = 0) Here, s is a measure of the width of the pulse: the larger s is, the larger the width. In the figure, y(x) is plotted vs x / s. A 2 dy(x) u(x,t 0) F . dx dy(x) 2x A 2 exp[(x / s)2 ], so s dx 2 2 A x u(x,t 0) 4F exp[2(x / s)2 ] . s s u(x,t 0) is plotted versus x / s as the dashed curve (right-hand scale). -4 -3 -2 -1 0 x/s 1 2 3 4 Total energy in the pulse The total mechanical energy in the pulse E is obtained by adding up the energies in all the parts of the pulse: E u(x,t 0) dx 2 A (Fs) . s 2 Example: Sinusoidal Traveling Wave Energy Density in Sinusoidal Wave Sinusoidal wave traveling towards 2 the right: 2 u(x, t=0) = F(k A) sin (kx) 2 y(x,t) A cos(kx t) . In the figure, y(x,t 0) is plotted versus kx. y(x, t = 0) A 0 A Energy density 2 y(x,t) Given: u(x,t) F . x y(x,t) Ak sin(kx t), so x u(x,t) F(Ak)2 sin 2 (kx t) . u(x,t 0) is plotted versus kx as the dotted curve (right-hand scale). 0 u(x, t=0) F(kA) y(x, t = 0) = A cos(kx) 5 10 kx (rad) 15 20 The energy density wave is rigidly "attached" to the wave and moves along with the wave as the wave moves. Example: Sinusoidal Traveling Wave, cont’d. Rewrite the energy density. We had Energy Density in Sinusoidal Wave u(x,t) F(Ak)2 sin 2 (kx t) . 2 2 . This gives u(x,t) 2 A 2 sin 2 (kx t) . Energy in one wavelength E 0 A 0 u(x, t=0) v 2 A y(x, t = 0) Fk F 2 2 F(kA) Using vk, with v F / : 2 2 u(x, t=0) = F(k A) sin (kx) y(x, t = 0) = A cos(kx) 5 From the figure, the average of 10 kx (rad) 15 20 u over one wavelength is 1 2 2 1 Fk A 2 A 2 . Then 2 2 using vT , we get uave E uave uave vT 1 v 2 A 2T 2 Average power Pave Transmitted by the Wave The power transmitted past a point is the energy transmitted per unit time past a given point: Pave E 1 v 2 A 2 . T 2