FOR557 – ’07 Exercise5 v1.1 Creating a project GeoDatabase See Schedule The objective of this exercise is to reinforce the procedures for setting up a Project GeoDatabase (GDB) as described in the module. The data to be used is on esf-Academic4 in the folder Ex5. You have been charged with generating a database for the Ranger School in Wanakena, NY. The available layers are shown below. Note that there are different spatial references for the layers and looking at them in catalog or map will show that there are different extents to the data also. Some should be clipped but that is not your problem. Decide for either of the 2 options described below which data layers are needed and justify your selections. There are also different types of data (shapes, tiffs, MrSids). Note: This Exercise is about building a GDB from diverse data – that is the challenge. The more reasonable layers you get into your GDB the better I suggest that you use the 9.2 help system for info on how to do some of these layers. The new help is really quite good. Layer Spatial Reference info Boundary.shp NAD27 UTM ZONE 18N Boundary_UTM83.shp NAD83 UTM ZONE 18N Dfm_stand types.2003edit5.shp NAD27 UTM ZONE 18N Islands.shp Geographic, Assumed Roads.shp NAD27 UTM ZONE 18N Rt3_right_of_way.shp NAD27 UTM ZONE 18N E_0378132_24_1400_cir_2003.sid NAD83 / New Jersey Nyshydrog (coverage) NAD83 UTM ZONE 18N G39plan.tif NAD83 UTM ZONE 18N G39topo.tif and G40topo.tif NAD83 UTM ZONE 18N There are two options for you – only do one (1) Option 1. Dubar Forest Management: Create a GDB of useful data. The managers want data that shows the various types of stands so they can assess access to the various stands. They need to know areas in acres of the stands. They do not want to harvest near summer camps. Option 2. Dubar Forest has been sold to a second home developer. They need a GDB that will help them decide where to put various facilities (roads, houses, campsites, lodge, etc. What gets turned in. Electronically submit you GDB to me. Submit a paper report that contains your justification for layer selection, a map that you generate from the GDB, and a screen shot of your GDB structure. End with a Reflection page. This is a new exercise so I would appreciate any comments you have about it. D:\282214502.doc 5/28/2016 Page 1 of 1