A Data-Driven Approach to Online Flight Capability Estimation by Marc Alain Lecerf B.S.E., University of Michigan (2012) Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the MASSACHUSETTS INS1T ITTE OF TECHNOLOGY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2014 JUN LIBRARIES @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. All rights reserved. Signature redacted Author................... - Department of Aeronautics ankstronautics May 22, 2014 Signature redacted C ertified by ........ .....----- ---------. Karen E. Willcox Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Accepted by................. -----------Paulo C. Lozano I Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics Chair, Graduate Program Committee 2 A Data-Driven Approach to Online Flight Capability Estimation by Marc Alain Lecerf Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics on May 22, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics Abstract Similar to a living organism, an autonomous vchicle benefits not only from awareness of its surrounding environment and mission directives, but also from awareness of its performance capability. Because this degrades over time due to fatigue and acute damage, onboard logic often uses conservative estimates of performance from the initial vehicle design to plan feasible mission trajectories. We develop an approach for dynamically estimating vehicle capability to enable safer and more efficient mission planning. The approach leverages multi-level vehicle models in an offline phase to construct a library of information capturing the vehicle behavior in damage scenarios; the behavior is discovered via data-driven classification techniques. After construction, the behavioral library is stored for future queries online by an agent making timeconstrained decisions. The research directly links onboard vehicle sensor measurements with an estimate of the current vehicle maneuvering capability using the stored behavioral library. The end-to-end process is implemented and demonstrated in an example flight scenario where an aircraft sustains structural damage to its wing. Safety is assessed based on composite material failure allowables, representing damage to the wing via a local loss of material stiffness. Damage scenarios on the wing are simulated and stored for query during the flight scenario, where knowledge of the maximum maneuvering load factor is estimated using structural strain sensor measurements. Results indicate both an increase in probability of success as well as an increase in overall usage of the vehicle capability, compared to the baseline case that does not dynamically update the capability with onboard sensor information. Thesis Supervisor: Karen E. Willcox Title: Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 4 Acknowledgments I would first like to thank all those who supported me in undertaking this research. My advisor, Dr. Karen Willcox, has been an inspiration and guiding force for me through the academic endeavor of engineering research as well as through the often equally important endeavors toward personal accomplishment, self-confidence, and a sense of earnestness in all of life's travails. My sincerest thanks and gratitude goes out to her. I send my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Ella Atkins, who was a mentor and a source of guidance during my decision to go boldly forth to begin this research at MIT. I would like to thank the members of the DDDAS project. At MIT, thank you to Laura, Demet, and Doug for their support in this work; and at Aurora Flight Sciences, thank you to David and Jeff for providing their expertise and guidance in the realm of aircraft structural composites (and all things practical about aircraft modeling). I would also like to acknowledge the funding for this research, supported by AFOSR grant FA9550-11-1-0339 under the Dynamic Data-Driven Application Systems (DDDAS) Program (Program Manager Dr. Frederica Darema). An aerospace graduate student's life at MIT is spent often in the labyrinth of externally concrete, internally leaking, yet somehow destruction-resilient research laboratory space we call home. I express my warmth for all the members of the Aerospace Computational Design Laboratory who shared this abode with me, both during our peaceful hours in the confines of Building 37 as well as during our less peaceful hours climbing stairs to prepare for Tough Mudding with Karen! Beyond the laboratory space, my experience will forever remain a gem for the friends I have made at the Institute. Festivus Miracles, you hold the deed to a carefully tended vineyard in my heart, continuing to produce rich bottles of wine that will only ripen and grow in complexity with age. To Margaret, you are a radiance in my life, and this thesis bears the fruit your dedication and support has sowed. Lastly, I want to express the breadth of my love for my family, who has empowered me to sculpt my identity and to make them proud. To my mother, father, and my sister Danielle, you are my persistent and guiding role models. I know your love has been always near and this work is testament to your presence in my life. 5 6 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13 15 16 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 26 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 29 31 31 32 36 37 37 41 42 Introduction Origins of Dynamic Flight Capability Estimation What is Capability Estimation? . . . . . . . . . Research Objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thesis Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Methodology 2.1 Offline Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Step one: characterize system . . . . . 2.1.2 Step two: classify behavior . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Step three: construct library . . . . . . 2.2 Online Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Notation and assumptions . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Inference using the maximum likelihood 2.2.3 Inference using a mixture distribution . 2.3 Sum m ary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aircraft Capability Model 3.1 UAV Aircraft Design . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Aircraft M odel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Model configuration . . . . . . 3.2.2 Model validation . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Lumped damage representation 3.3 Wing Box Model . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Local damage representation . . 3.3.2 Integration of VABS with ASWING 3.4 Integrated Aircraft Capability Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Classification, Application, and Results 4.1 Discovering the Capability Set Boundary via Cl assification 7 45 45 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 Support vector machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . Probabilistic support vector machines . . . . . . Capability estimation using probabilistic support machines ........................ . . 4.2 Online Aircraft Capability Estimation . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Flight scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Library damage cases and maneuver bou nds . . 4.2.3 Visualizing the library . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Flight scenario test cases . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.5 Online strain gage measurements . . . . . . 4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Comparison of estimator outputs . . . . . . 4.3.2 Flight scenario performance benchmark . . . 4.3.3 Lim itations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Conclusion 5.1 Summary of Results and Current Work . . . . . . . 5.2 Future W ork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 50 52 55 55 56 57 61 63 66 68 75 82 85 85 86 List of Figures 2-1 Offline methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (VABS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 31 33 34 35 36 UAV concept for capability analysis . . . . . . . . . . UAV concept represented in ASWING . . . . . . . . . . ASWING configuration for pull-up maneuver analysis . ASWING pull-up maneuver analysis varying airspeed . ASWING pull-up maneuver analysis varying load factor Lumped representation of damage in ASWING . . . . . Variational Asymptotic Beam cross-Sectional Analysis flow chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 VABS damage representation demonstration . . . . . 3-9 Wing cross sectional finite element model for VABS . . 3-10 UAV capability model coupling VABS and ASWING . . 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 Description of a linear SVM discriminant . . . . . . . . . . . . Refinement of PSVM vehicle capability estimate . . . . . . . . Adaptive SVM convergence history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schematic of the flight scenario to which we apply our capability estimation framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Offline library damage cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capability analysis region of aircraft maneuvering V - n envelope Damage case PSVM countours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visualization of vehicle behavioral library with representative ................................ cases ........ Choice of example damage cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strain sensing locations on aircraft wing box . . . . . . . . . . Explanation of the probability curve plots used for analysis of qML and qMD- The vehicle state is x = (V, n), however V stays fixed at 210 ft/s so we need only plot the value of n. . . . . . . qML output varying sample accumulation NS . . . . . . . . . . qMD output varying sample accumulation NS . . . . . . . . . 9 38 40 41 42 47 54 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 64 67 69 70 4-14 Library down-sampling procedure controlled by DSR . . . . . 4-15 qML output varying library down-sampling ratio DSR . . . . . 72 73 4-16 qMD output varying library down-sampling ratio DSR . . . . 74 4-17 How an agent uses the capability estimation output via Pop . 4-18 Samples of decisions made based on the dynamic and capability 76 estimation strategies, varying pp and n'tatic . . . . . . . . . . 78 4-19 p (MS)-n-,,tj trade-off curves for flight scenario decision strategies using the static and dynamic capability estimates . . . . . 81 10 List of Tables 4.1 The five representative damage cases used in the flight scenario to test capability estimation performance. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.2 Truth reference nmax values for five example damage cases . . 62 4.3 Damage case strain values for the fixed flight scenario maneuver Numerical results obtained from the p (MS) - nuti, tradeoff curves for the decision process using the static and dynamic capability estimation strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 11 65 82 12 Chapter 1 Introduction Modern aerospace vehicles are becoming increasingly independent of human interaction in-flight. Following this trend, a spectrum of technologies exist ranging from unmanned-vehicles that do not require a human operator in an airborne position but may require real-time interaction remotely via a pilot on the ground-to autonomous-vehicles that are able to make in-flight missioncritical decisions and react to stimuli in the environment. A critical method for furthering autonomy is to produce self-aware systems: not only can these systems plan and operate independently of human operators, they are also able to quantify the state of their available internal resources and maintain knowledge of their current health beyond their initial baseline performance [1]. In this way, the system mimics behavior of a biological organism-it can act aggressively when it is healthy and in favorable conditions, and can become more conservative as it ages and degrades. In order to dynamically assess vehicle capability and use it to support autonomous operation, we need to develop an estimation process that can translate measurable quantities directly into capability quantities of interest. Especially as vehicle dynamics become increasingly complex, modeling this relationship is non-trivial when the computation needs to run within time constraints dictated by free flight. 1.1 Origins of Dynamic Flight Capability Estimation The methods and tools for dynamic capability estimation have emerged from an intersection of work in both the vehicle damage detection and vehicle design communities. 13 Disciplines such as Operational Loads Monitoring (OLM) have worked to improve the detection of damage and fatigue in vehicle structural members. In OLM, on-board aircraft sensors gather structural loading information to identify damage and fatigue (most often post-flight) in order to reduce maintenance costs and increase reliability [2, 3]. On a broader systems level, the Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) field searches for frameworks that incorporate multiple sources of operational data, physics-based models, and prognosis techniques [4, 5]. Modern IVHM architectures have been developed at NASA [6] and the Department of Defense [7]. Damage and fault tolerance are now becoming an important component of real-time software architectures for monitoring aircraft component health, such as that proposed by the ONBASS project [8]. IVHM has also begun to enter the initial aerospace vehicle design where unit costs are high, and optimization techniques have been explored to improve IVHM architectures [9]. In addition to systems-level health monitoring, there has been active work on the vehicle component level, particularly in structural composites. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) using statistical inference techniques has seen active progress. Ref [10] presents a broad survey of the SHM field up to 2001, and recent work has approached damage detection problems using pattern recognition techniques [11]. Damage identification based on structural vibration data has had particular success [12], where changes in vibration modal frequencies often denote acute material degradation. More recently, high-fidelity modeling can enter into the damage identification and health management control loop-candidate models of system behavior can be weighted based on real-time data, and actions can be performed to increase estimation confidence, as well as actions to "heal" the system given current damage estimates [13]. However, work still remains to connect damage parameter identification to the online estimation of quantifiable vehicle capability. There is a need for global metrics used during the design phase-that drive the performance requirements of the vehicle-to be tracked and updated throughout the vehicle's lifetime. Standard design principles for aircraft operate on systems-level analyses such as the V - n diagram [14], where large margins of safety (often based on empirical evidence and experience) are substantial drivers for system efficiency. Recent work in condition-aware aircraft maneuverability [15] is advancing this connection, however open questions exist in how to integrate recent advances in local damage identification with updates to global aircraft performance metrics-forming this connection will improve usage of assets through their lifetime and could enable designs that rely on their dynamic usage in the presence of degradation. 14 1.2 What is Capability Estimation? The word capability has a broad definition across engineering disciplines. In our context, we want to develop a quantitative definition so we can apply mathematics to the process of estimating capability for a given system. To begin however, we must first define the concept of a system's state. We parallel the standard approach taken by the control systems community, where the state is a minimum number of quantities that, when considered together, can uniquely specify all possible configurations of the system [16]. To illustrate this concept, we describe three example systems and possible ways to characterize their state spaces: 1. A valve, with a single discrete state variable that designates whether it is "open" or "closed." 2. An audio speaker "cone" that produces sound waves via linear resonation, with its state quantified by its position and linear velocity. 3. A rigid-body aircraft in free flight and motionless air, with its state quantified by the following degrees of freedom of a reference frame attached to a fixed point on its body: e position and velocity with respect to a fixed Earth frame * rotational orientation and velocity with respect to a fixed Earth frame Using this state vector with physical laws, we can predict how the motion of the aircraft will evolve in time due to inertial and aerodynamic loads; hence, its current value also uniquely identifies the aircraft configuration for future time instances Now, we define the capability of a system quantitatively as the set of state vectors that satisfy constraints due to system properties or properties of its surrounding environment. We will also use the term capability set interchangeably to reinforce the notion that the system capability is a set-valued quantity. For our three examples, the capability set could be interpreted as follows: 1. The capability set for a valve is normally both positions "open" and "closed"-however due to a malfunction, the valve could be stuck in one position, and its capability set would shrink to a singleton with this position as its only element. 2. Due to actuator saturation and structural durability constraints, the audio speaker cone could have maximum displacement and maximum speed limitations during operation; the capability set would be the pairs of displacement and velocity bounded by these constraints. 15 3. Due to airframe structural failure and aerodynamic stall over the wings, the aircraft could have constraints designating safe airspeeds and angles of attack with respect to the local air mass. The structural constraints could vary due to both local damage events, or due to changes in the environment such as temperature. While our definition of capability is general, we focus in this research on quasistatic vehicle capability. Our methodology and application aim particularly at a system with continuous state variables, without explicitly analyzing the dynamic evolution of said state variables in time. However, the vehicle operates with time constraints on computation during operation that make high-fidelity modeling difficult, so we remain cognizant of the computational requirements of our approach. 1.3 Research Objectives The broadest goal of this thesis is to present a method for performing online vehicle capability estimation leveraging computationally-intense, offline vehicle behavioral modeling. This goal is segmented as follows: 1. Develop a method for computing a library of system behavior using physics-based models of the vehicle behavior in loss-of-capability scenarios. 2. Develop a computationally efficient technique for estimating vehicle capability directly from noisy sensor information leveraging a pre-computed library of system behavior 3. Demonstrate the use of online vehicle capability estimation by an agent in a scenario where the vehicle degrades, and compare its performance to the case where the agent only knows the nominal capability given by the vehicle design. 1.4 Thesis Outline Chapter 2 introduces the methodology for using offline physics-based modeling to build a library of vehicle behavior, and for leveraging the library online to estimate vehicle capability. Chapter 3 develops a representative UAV model that can capture its behavior in the event of structural damage to its wing. 16 Chapter 4 applies the methodology from Chapter 2 to the representative UAV from Chapter 3, presenting the algorithms used to implement the capability estimation process and results from a relevant decision-making process. It compares results to a baseline case that uses no active capability estimation, with detailed discussion. Chapter 5 provides a summary of results, draws conclusions, and suggests directions for future improvement. 17 18 Chapter 2 Methodology Our approach to flight capability estimation relies on a decomposition of computational effort between offline and online phases. The offline phase occurs before operation of the system of interest, when we assume we are able to leverage powerful computational environments that have relaxed execution time and storage constraints. The online phase refers to the real-time (or simply time- and memory-constrained) parts of system operation, when embedded computation needs to be lightweight. We utilize complex physics-based models, experimental data, and other sources of information about the system in the offline phase to build approximations of the system behavior; the approximations can then run in the online phase to improve performance, for example by informing priors on quantities of interest or by enabling reduced-order models of the system trajectory. 2.1 Offline Phase Figure 2-1 presents a functional decomposition of the offline phase of our methodology for estimating vehicle capability. The process is broken into three stages: characterization of the vehicle using models and/or experiments, classification of vehicle behavior based on failure modes, and storage of these classifiers as records in a behavioral library. The following sections step through these stages in further detail. 19 1. Characterize System Failure Metrics f State Vector 2~ 2. Classify Behavior True Capability Set X2 00 0 Models, ExperimentsI M Loss-of-Capability Parameters d (a) 0 (unkn O) 00 Approimation %(classifier c) _Observable Vector a 3. Construct Library Observable Probabilistic Classifier j Vector Parameters 1 2 3 s1 82 83 cl C C mO 0 * ~ ,/0 (b) (c) Figure 2-1: The three steps in the offline phase for building a library that can be queried in the online phase. 2.1.1 Step one: characterize system Figure 2-la shows the first step-the user begins with vehicle system models and/or experiments that represent the vehicle behavior. They have two inputs and two outputs, the definitions of which are as follows: * a state vector x E X, or any quantities that specify the configuration of the vehicle before considering changes to capability. For a maneuvering aircraft, x could be the kinematic state vector-for instance, in Chapter 4 we consider an aircraft in steady flight with a state quantified by an airspeed and a wing load factor, where X = R2 " loss-of-capability parameters d E D, or any quantities that specify how the vehicle could become modified such that its capability set would change-examples could be parameters describing structural damage, or parameters describing available system resources such as battery levels or fuel stores. * A failure metric f : X xD -+ R that measures how close the vehicle is to undesirable or unpredictable behavior-examples could be closeness of structural loads to maximum thresholds, or closeness of available system resources to minimum safe levels. " an observable vector s : X x D -+ S of quantities that would be available online to provide information about the vehicle state- for instance, in Chapter 4 we consider an aircraft with Ns continuous strain measurements provided by embedded wing sensors, where S = RNs. 20 2.1.2 Step two: classify behavior The models and experiments produced in step one allow us to model the vehicle capability set as follows: if we represent a constraint on the vehicle behavior as an upper bound on the value of the failure metric f(x, d) for any input state x and loss-of-capability parameters d, then for a fixed value of d, the capability is the set of "safe" x's whose f values lie below this limit. More precisely, let Kf be the upper bound on f that represents a constraint on the vehicle behavior. Then the capability set C is a function of d as follows: C (d) = { E X : f(x, d) < Kf} (2.1) This characterization of C as a set-valued quantity looks mathematically simple, but it is difficult to use in practice. To make the problem tractable, we use a sampling-based classification technique to approximate C; the technique is represented conceptually in Figure 2-1b for a two dimensional, continuous state space X characterized by the coordinates (X1 , X 2 ). For each fixed value of d, we generate samples from X and label them as "safe" (grey) or "unsafe" (light grey) based on whether they satisfy or do not satisfy, respectively, the predicate for set membership in C given by expression (2.1). Then, using the labeled samples, we train a classifier that is used to designate new query state vectors as "safe" or "unsafe." Because the classifier is trained off a finite set of samples, it can only approximate the true underlying capability set to some finite accuracy-but once we have the classifier trained, we could in theory use it to classify every point in the state space; this would produce the approximation of the capability set as shown (notionally) in Figure 2-1b. We consider the possible discrepancy between our classifier and the true capability set a form of model error, and we introduce uncertainty to represent this error. In particular, we train a probabilistic classifier for each value of d to evaluate the probability that a query state vector belongs to C(d). We perform the probabilistic classification for a given input x using the "probabilistic capability classifier quantities" c(d). For example, we implement this form of classification using a Probabilistic Support Vector Machine (PSVM) in Chapter 4, where c(d) contains quantities such as support vectors, weights, and distribution hyperparameters. 2.1.3 Step three: construct library In step two, we approximated the capability set for each value of the loss-ofcapability parameters via sampling-based classification. Now, by combining 21 the samples produced from these runs, we produce a library of records containing the following features: " " " " * x, a value of the system state vector d, values of the system loss-of-capability parameters f, a value of the system failure metric s,a value of the system observable vector c, values of the probabilistic capability classifier quantities We let R represent the number of records in this library, and we assign subscripts to denote these features for a given record j = 1, ... , R as xj, dj, fj, sj, and cj. As a final, third step, we store this library for later queries in the online phase, as represented in Figure 2-1c. As we will show in the next section, the only features necessary for queries in the online phase are the observable vector s and the probabilistic classifier parameters c; the vehicle state and the loss-of-capability parameters are "hidden data" that were necessary only for modeling of the vehicle behavior. Essentially, our stored library will contain records that provide a direct link from vehicle observable quantities to vehicle capability. 2.2 Online Phase In the online phase, the user directly infers the vehicle capability from an input sample of the vehicle observable vector, by use of the stored vehicle behavioral library. There are two intertwined classification steps involved: 1. The observable vector sample is used to classify the current vehicle behavior into cases represented in the library. We formulate this classification in a Bayesian sense, where the goal is to minimize the probability of misclassification. 2. Using the probabilistic classifiers that were pre-computed and stored for each record in the library, the user retrieves the probability that a query vehicle state lies within the current capability set. The following sections introduce the process in a mathematical sense. We begin with a description of relevant notation, and then we present two possible methods for the inference process: a maximum likelihood formulation, and a mixture distribution formulation. The performance of these two methods will be compared later in our aircraft application in Chapter 4. Because the online 22 phase needs to be cognizant of available computational resources, we analyze the complexity of each method and discuss its implication with respect to the method's practical usability. 2.2.1 Notation and assumptions As we will be working with probabilistic quantities, our convention is to denote random variables or vectors using serifed letters (e.g. a, b, and s), and to use shorthand, where values taken by random variables are represented by corresponding unserifed letters (e.g. a, b, and c). We represent probability mass and probability density functions as p (), where the corresponding discrete or continuous case will be clear from context. We represent the expectation operator as E [.]. In the event the random variable shorthand is ambiguous, we will revert to a subscript notation, so for example Pa (a) and p (a) both represent the probability (or probability density, if a is continuous) that random variable a takes the value a. We assume quasi-static vehicle behavior, where for any instant in time the vehicle state takes some value x C R'. By definition (2.1), the vehicle capability is a set C C R'. The models and/or experiments from the offline phase allowed us to build a library of information about the vehicle behavior. Here, we refer to each library record as representing a vehicle behavioral case, or a distinct shape of the vehicle capability set; note this is distinct from the vehicle state. The notation for features of each record in the library follows that from section 2.1.3, where the Jth record for j = 1, ... R contains " a value of the vehicle observable vector sj, containing Fs elements, and " a probabilistic classifier described by a vector cj of FC elements. Each cj allows us to compute the probability that a query state x' lies in the capability set corresponding to the jth behavioral case. For notational convenience, we define an indicator event Dj to designate whether the vehicle exists currently in the behavioral case represented by the jth library record, so that this probability can be written as p (' C CI D). The Dj's are mutually exclusive, i.e. the vehicle can be in at most one behavioral case at any point in time; however, this does not mean the the vehicle is guaranteed to be in any of the library behavioral cases. We assume the vehicle has a means of measuring the values in the observable vector s; we denote the random vector corresponding to these measure23 ments as s. Given the vehicle is in the j'"behavioral case, s has the form s = s3 + e, (2.2) where e is a random vector representing measurement noise that is independent of the vehicle behavioral case. We assume the user has knowledge of the statistics of e (often for physical systems it is characterized using a multivariate Gaussian with known mean and covariance), i.e. we can compute Pe (e), as well as p (s ID ) = Pe (^ - s,) (2.3) The goal of our inference process is to evaluate the vehicle capability given a measurement of the observable vector s. Because the vehicle capability is a set, one means of performing this task is to evaluate set membership, as introduced in Section 2.1.2. That is, we desire to evaluate a function q : X x S -+ R that closely approximates the probability of a query state x' C X lying within C given we observe S = s, i.e. q (x', S) ~ p (x'E C Is) (2.4) We develop two different formulations for q in the following sections, and add subscripts to identify them-the maximum likelihood variant qML is described in Section 2.2.2 and the mixture distribution variant qMD is described in Section 2.2.3. 2.2.2 Inference using the maximum likelihood A straightforward means of obtaining an estimate of whether a state x' lies in the vehicle capability set is to find the library record that maximizes the likelihood of the measured vehicle observable vector, and to then use the probabilistic classifier stored in that record to label x'. Given our noise model in equation (2.2) for the measured observable vector, we can form the log-likelihood f (Dj ^)= log p (AIDj) = log pe (A- sj) (2.5) of seeing measurement s given our vehicle is in the jth behavioral case stored in our library (note that while sj was computed using values of the vehicle state and loss-of-capability parameters, these need not be known or represented explicitly here). We then maximize expression (2.5) over all possible values in 24 the library: (2.6) jmax = arg max f (Dj IS) jEl...R Our maximum likelihood estimator, qML, is then the output from the probabilistic classifier corresponding to the (jmax)th library record: qML (X, s) = p (x E CIDjma ) (2.7) This process is agnostic of any prior over the records in the library, and simply seeks to find the record that "best explains" the measurements. Time complexity The time complexity of the Bayesian classifier can vary significantly depending on the application. Duda, Hart, and Stork [17] present a detailed analysis for the case where the noise model is a multivariate Gaussian-we present an abbreviated form here. In our case, the Jh record of the lookup table represents a distinct class where the output noise model for said class is p (-I s) - K (sj, E) for some known covariance matrix E. The complexity follows from equations (2.5)-(2.7): 1. Computing the log-likelihood f (sj Is) (equation (2.5)). For the multivariate Gaussian case, the likelihood of seeing output s from class j takes the following form: 2(sys) (j^ =- 1 22 ( -s) ~ P-s)-2 -- d 1 log 2r - -log|Zl 2 (2.8) Given each sensor vector has Fs elements, computation of s - sj is o (Fs) and multiplication by E-- is 0 (Fl) (computation of E-1 only need be performed once and does not grow with Fs). Overall, the total complexity is approximately 0 (Fj). 2. Maximization of the log-likelihood (equation (2.6)). We perform this operation over the list of likelihoods for each record (i.e. each class) in our library-the worst-case time complexity for maximization over an unordered list of n elements is 0 (n), so our complexity is 0 (R). 3. Capability parameters lookup (equation (2.7)). Following the maximization, we wish to access cimx of our library. Assuming we can read the jth capability parameter vector at the same time as reading the Jh sensor 25 vector when computing the likelihood f (sj IS)in the complexity analysis here. we need not include it In summary, the time complexity of the Bayes classification process assuming a Gaussian noise model for a single output sample grows as ~ 0 (RFs). Our particular application assumes an arbitrarily large library, making R an important component of the time complexity growth. Space complexity The storage requirements for the maximum likelihood classifier grow only with the initial size of the library, i.e. as ~ 0 (R(Fs + Fc)). 2.2.3 Inference using a mixture distribution As opposed to the maximum likelihood formulation that uses information from only the most-likely behavioral case in the library, it seems natural to design an estimator that combines information from each behavioral case, where more likely cases have more "influence" on the overall estimate than unlikely ones. We will first derive the mathematical form of the mixture distribution estimator qMD, and then look into the mathematical form as a way of explaining the reason behind the "mixture distribution" naming convention. Observing expression (2.4), we can manipulate the right-hand and express it as a summation using the Law of Total Probability: R p (x' E CIS) ~ 1 p (Djls) p (x' E CID, S (2.9) j=1 The expression is an approximation because it relies on an assumption that j_1 p (D [S) = 1, i.e. that our current vehicle behavioral case is contained somewhere in the R records in our library. This is a rough approximation that becomes increasingly accurate as our library becomes larger and richer. Now, when conditioned on Dj, {x' E C} is independent of {S = S} because our sensor noise is assumed to be independent of the vehicle behavioral case (see equation (2.2)). So, we can drop the conditioning on S^ on the right-most term inside the summation on the right-hand side of equation (2.9); applying Bayes' Rule, we obtain a final expression for our mixture distribution estimator 26 qMD (XI S): qID qMD R _1 p(SIDj) p (Dj) p (x' E: C IDj ) (^_I j ) p (D y) (sD XRlp) (.0 (. Note that the right-most term in the right-hand side summation is the value of each behavioral case's probabilistic classifier for the query vehicle state x'; in addition, the parenthetically-grouped term in front is essentially a normalized "weight" term. So, qMD can be interpreted as a weighted sum of the predictions that would be made by each record individually in the library were we to assume the vehicle was in each record's behavioral case. Probability distributions of this form are called "mixture distributions," where they are derived as a weighted summation of the distributions of distinct, underlying random variables -these underlying variables are often called "mixture components" and their weights are often called the "mixture weights." This is what provides the motivation behind the naming of the qMD estimator. The "weight" term on the right-hand side of equation (2.10) requires knowledge of p (Dj), the a prioriprobability that the vehicle is in the jth behavioral case. In Chapter 4, we choose to set p (Dj) as a maximum-entropy, uniform prior over all j, however the user could choose to use a different distribution to encode domain-specific prior knowledge about the vehicle behavior. The power behind the mixture distribution estimator is an ability to closely approximate p (x' E CIS) despite the assumption that the vehicle behavioral case lies within our library of records. Intuitively, the capability set of a behavioral case that is similar to several in the library, but not actually recorded in the library, could be "interpolated" via this weighting of the capability sets of nearby library records. However, this method comes at added computational cost compared to the maximum likelihood estimate, as is shown in the following sections. Time complexity We can perform a complexity analysis similar to the maximum likelihood classifier complexity as presented previously, using a multi-variate Gaussian noise model. By re-writing Eq. (2.10) as Ej=1 p (SIDj) p (Dj) p (x' E C IDj) i (.|I') = 27 we see the computation involves two parallel summations over 1... R entries. The process can be broken down as: 1. Computing p (81 Dj). This is of the same order as computing the loglikelihood for the maximum likelihood classifier, 0 (FS). 2. Computing p (x' E CIDj). Unlike for the maximum likelihood classifier, we must evaluate the capability boundary for each lookup table record. This will play an important role in the increased overall complexity-for now, let us suppose this complexity is some function Oc(R, Fc) that is of reasonable polynomial order. 3. Summation over all lookup table records 1... R. The summation is of the order 0 (R) similar to the complexity of performing arg max for the maximum likelihood classifier. In summary, the time complexity of the mixture model classification process grows as 0 (RFSOc(R, Fc)), where Oc(R, Fc) the complexity of performing a single capability boundary evaluation. Space complexity Just as for the maximum likelihood classifier, the storage requirements for the mixture model classifier grow only with the initial size of the lookup table, as ~ 0 (R(Fs + Fc)). 2.3 Summary We have developed and presented our methodology for estimating vehicle capability in a quasi-static manner, using a measurement of vehicle observableswith a priori noise model assumptions-to estimate the probability that a query vehicle state lies within the current capability set. The methodology comprises an offline stage where we can use physics-based models and experiments to build and store a library for use in an online phase. We have presented two techniques for capability estimation in the online phase, and quantified their complexity with respect to the dimensionality of the stored data. 28 Chapter 3 Aircraft Capability Model We apply our data-driven capability estimation methodology to the case of a representative UAV with mission performance affected by in-flight structural degradation. We present the UAV design in Sections 3.1; next, we present the development and validation of a global medium-fidelity model of the UAV Section 3.2 and a local high-fidelity wing box model in Section 3.3. Lastly, we present the top-level integrated model hierarchy in Section 3.4. 3.1 UAV Aircraft Design The UAV design evolved from a first-principles sizing routine [18] and Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 23 guidelines. As shown in Figure 3-1, the vehicle has a wing span of 55 ft. It is designed to cruise at 140 kn (240 ft/s) at an altitude of 25, 000 ft. The fuselage accommodates a payload of 500 lbs. The estimated range of the aircraft is 2500 nmi, corresponding to a flight duration of approximately 17.5 hrs. This allows for adequate operational capability to explore maneuverability as a function of the changing structural state of the vehicle. 29 ...... -F 300 Sweep Angle=4.3deg Wing Spars Wing OML 200 Engines 100 Pylons - Fuselage OML 0 0 o o Front Landing Gear . ........... Sweep Angle=5deg Main Landing Gear Payload 100| Wing Spars -200 Wing OML Airplane Center of Gravity -300- Airplane Neutral Point 0 100 200 300 Fuselage Station (in) Figure 3-1: A realistic concept unmanned aerial vehicle established to estimate the effect of structural degradation on capability. 30 3.2 Aircraft Model Aero-structural loads on the UAV are estimated using ASWING [19], a nonlinear aero-structural solver written in FORTRAN for flexible-body aircraft configurations of high to moderate aspect ratio. We use ASWING to predict internal wing stresses and deflections as a function of input aircraft kinematic states and estimates of damage to the nominal aircraft structure. Figure 3-2 shows the representation of our concept UAV in the ASWING framework. The ASWING model is a set of interconnected slender beams-one each for the wing, fuselage, horizontal stabilizer, and vertical stabilizer. Lifting surfaces (the wing and stabilizers) have additional cross-sectional lifting properties that are prespecified. Figure 3-2: The representation of our concept UAV within ASWING. The structure is specified as a set of interconnected slender beams, where lifting surfaces have additional aerodynamic properties specified along their span. 3.2.1 Model configuration ASWING is capable of static, dynamic, and modal analyses of airframes; however, we only use its static analysis tools in this work. Specifically, we trim the aircraft to simulate "pull-up" maneuver conditions, where the nose is pitched upward to increase the wing angle-of-attack and wing load factor n = . This maneuver is often used as a representative case of maximal structural loading conditions where, for a fixed airspeed, we can trim the aircraft to increasing values of n until either stall or structural failure occurs. Figure 3-3 presents the internal ASWING constraint matrix used to configure the pull-up flight conditions. The user supplies a target value for the (indicated) airspeed, and then controls the trim load factor directly by specifying a target lift force in units of the aircraft gross weight. 31 3.2.2 Model validation We validate the UAV representation in ASWING by trimming it to steady-level cruise conditions at a load factor n = 1 for a range of airspeeds above and below the nominal design cruise speed, and observing its response compared to expected behavior based on the (previously validated) aircraft design. Figure 3-4 shows the lift-to-drag, engine setting, angle of attack, and elevator setting obtained from this analysis, along with an example of the deflection profile across the wing surface in the blue-boxed callout (shown facing the front of the aircraft; the wing profile is drawn in red). At cruise conditions, the airspeed that maximizes the UAV lift-to-drag is approximately 250 ft/s ~ 148 kn, which is a less-than- 6% change from the original design cruise speed of 140 kn. We consider this as acceptable agreement for continuing use of the ASWING model, especially given the UAV representation in ASWING requires simplification of the geometry to interconnected beams with only 1-D span-wise lumped properties. We also attribute some error to some changes to the wing structure that were necessary to integrate with our high-fidelity beam model in VABS, described further on in Section 3.3. After observing the n = 1 aircraft behavior, we fix the airspeed at the optimal cruise speed of 250 ft/s and observe the behavior of the model over increasing load factor n, shown in Figure 3-5. The aircraft is equipped with inboard high-lift flaps, that are activated to 150 to give an additional "bump" to the wing lift profile. This allows the aircraft to perform at higher load factors (in our case, this is quantified as in excess of 3G's) without stalling. Maneuvers at higher load factors are in the flight regime where the structural loading constraints become particularly important, so this regime is where we wanted to place our structural degradation analysis to have a relevant impact on the vehicle capability. 32 Aa a,, 0.000 az,, 0. 000 a. -0.000 aw -0.000 az -0.000 V1As - 2438. 000 a a cy az UU Uz x () $ Oz XE YE ZE j 6 F 6 F2 6FN 6F 1 3 a**.r0. 000 0. -0.000 aw -0.000 Oz =0.000 XE =0.00 YE -0.00 ZE -0.00 $* -0.00 8* *0 -0.00 0.00 6FI 0.0000 U.. 6F2 -0000 0.0000 6r, =0.0000 6 F5 = 0. 0000 AEI -0.0000 6F3 Y-Fx - 0. 000 0F000 - 0. -=Fz 0. 000 .0.000 =I IMx-0.000 MZ -0.000 LirL- 3229. \ 5 00 * -0.00 6Y-Ux 0Z - 0. 000 Cuserj-u 0.000 Cuser2'u 0.000 mI n5 6-6, l/w 1 (a. 2 3 (VrAs = VSPEC, U.) = 0, 0) (a = 0, F) E M = 0, a) 4 (E F = 5 6 (Ln=1 = W, Uz) (y = 0, Aeng) 6 cc~ Trim for pitch stability Trim for zero angular acceleration using ailerons, elevator, rudder Target indicated airspeed (including inertial Zero net force and moment for free flight conditions reactions) Directly control lift force to set load factor Use engine to set a level flight path Figure 3-3: Snapshot of the ASWING constraint configuration menu for a static pull-up maneuver analysis. ASWING attempts to satisfy the constraints given in the matrix to the left when trimming the aircraft. A turquoise box indicates the flight state variable in the corresponding row is constrained to its assigned value by the variable in the corresponding column. The table to the right gives additional explanation for select groups of constraints in the matrix. 33 45 160 100 40 700 140 600 120 500 35 25 400 60 300 460 20 200 VTAS (ftM) 250 350 VIAS (fts) 40 100 150 10 15 In 50 15- I -30 0 700 10 600 -20 300 450 5- 200 400 500 VTAS "a) 250 350 ViAS (ftfs) -20 100 150 0 ~ 50 0.8 2r/cv 0.2- -0.2-0.4. 0.0 01 4.0 2. 0.0o ASWING S. 96 max Figure 3-4: Output from ASWING for a static pull-up maneuver analysis, varying over airspeed at a constant n = 1 load factor and 25, 000 ft altitude. The boxed plot to the right shows aerodynamic properties across the wing surface (in red) for the airspeed that maximizes the lift-to-drag ratio. ."1 -5 OF 1.4 1.8 2.6 Load Factor 2.2 3 3.4 -30 -25 -20 -15 0 5 10 .. L0_ 0t5 0.0 0.0. 10.0- lb/In 2D.0 30.0 (C 2r/c. ASWING SAG due to max ------------- -- ---------- activation of flaps Lift "bump I Figure 3-5: Output from ASWING for a static pull-up maneuver analysis, varying over load factor at a constant airspeed of 250 ft/s and a constant altitude of 25, 000 ft. The boxed plot to the right shows aerodynamic properties across the wing surface (in red) for n = 2, i.e., for a maneuver that loads the wing with twice the gross weight of the aircraft. II 5 10 15 2.0I 3.2.3 Lumped damage representation To modify the maneuvering capability of the aircraft, we represent structural degradation due to damage on the aircraft wing. The ASWING structural members, as slender beams, consist of span-wise beam stiffness property distributions-one means of representing damage is by a reduction in these beam stiffness properties. Figure 3-6 demonstrates this in the case of the wing bending stiffness along an axis parallel to the wing chord, EIce (i.e. the wing bending stiffness that is related to "flapping" or the most visible U-shaped deflection of the wing); the reduction is greatly exaggerated in the figure for explanatory purposes. We leave the aerodynamic properties of the model untouched by our damage representation; hence for a given trim condition the aerodynamic loading will change purely via coupling with the modified structural properties. (exaggerated) 109 1.0 0.0 -4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 102x 4.0 Spanwise coordinate t Figure 3-6: Illustration of how "lumped" damage effects could be represented in ASWING by reducing one-dimensional beam stiffness properties along their span. This simplified representation of damage captures how the damage ham- 36 pers the wing's ability to carry structural loads through the affected region. However, it is too simplified-local damage to a wing structure will produce local stress raisers that are not visible to this lumped representation in ASWING. These local stress raisers are what we can directly compare to material allowables, to determine whether the damage causes unsustainable local stresses in the surrounding undamaged material. To account for these local stress raisers, we couple our ASWING model with a high-fidelity wing box representation. The next section describes the high-fidelity modeling technique and presents how we couple it with ASWING. 3.3 Wing Box Model To resolve stiffness loss due to local damage on the aircraft wing, we need another technique to interface with the global ASWING aircraft model. In lieu of forming a three-dimensional finite element representation of the wing, we use Variational Asymptotic Beam Cross-Sectional Analysis (VABS) [20, 21], a powerful dimension reduction technique used in industry practice. A visual representation of the VABS methodology is shown in Figure 3-7. To model a beam in VABS, the user first represents the beam as an array of two-dimensional cross-sectional finite element models. The cross-sections capture the details of a multi-ply composite wing skin and local damage effects. VABS then computes lumped stiffness and inertial properties at a reference point in each cross section, forming a "global" line representation of the beam. A one-dimensional beam solver can then find the global force and moment distribution along this reference line given input forces and moments. Lastly, the user recovers the internal stress and strain fields using the reference line solutions and influence coefficients initially computed by VABS-the influence coefficients are linear transformations relating the reference line solution to the 3-dimensional stress and strain tensors in each element of the cross section. In this work, we use the UM/VABS ri.31 implementation developed in FORTRAN by R. Palacios and C. Cesnik at the University of Michigan [22] (referred to hereon as VABS). Our beam of interest is the aircraft wing box, and ASWING manages the one-dimensional beam solution, computing loads in the wing box for specific flight conditions. 3.3.1 Local damage representation Using VABS, we can represent structural modifications due to damage on a cross-sectional, two-dimensional finite element level. Each element in the 37 model represents a portion of composite material viewed through its thickness, containing material stiffness and angular orientation (i.e., ply angle) properties. We represent damage as a reduction in the material stiffness properties of affected elements-the physical nature of this damage is general, as we do not do further detailed damage modeling (e.g., for crack propagation or composite delamination). However, our implementation is left open-ended to allow for future addition of higher-fidelity damage models that are compatible with the VABS technique. As a first-order approximation, this damage representation allows us to observe the impact of local stiffness reduction on surrounding un-modified elements. The loss of stiffness in one region causes local stress raisers in nearby "healthy" elements, potentially causing premature failure in these nearby elements. We define whether a healthy element would fail under given loading conditions by looking at its internal failure indices, of the form cj /,qlowable for i, j = 1, ... , 3; eij is the strain in the direction of material axis j on a sur- face within the element whose normal points in the direction of material axis i, and 6 qlowable is the corresponding allowable limit imposed by the material properties. Thus, for each element there are 6 failure indices corresponding to failure in * 3 directions due to normal strain failure (extensional or shear), and * 3 directions due to shear strain failure. We then take a maximum over all the failure indices in every element of the cross section to obtain one single scalar value representing whether a failure would occur somewhere within the cross section. This is repeated for every cross section in the wing, and by taking another maximum we can obtain a U M/V AB 5 Influence coefficients Stiff ness properties * - Reference line forces and moments Figure 3-7: Variational Asymptotic Beam Cross-Sectional Analysis (VABS) allows for dimensional reduction of an expensive three-dimensional beam solution into two-dimensional finite element models coupled with an external beam solver. 38 single scalar failure index representing whether failure would occur somewhere in the entire wing structure. The material axes 1,2, and 3 are defined with respect to the fiber orientations in each of the material plies of the cross section, and hence they may not necessarily coincide with the axes system of the cross section (which by definition in UM/VABS ri.31 has its 1-axis point outward along the beam span, its 2-axis point to the right in the plane of the cross section, and its 3-axis point up in the plane of the cross section). Figure 3-8 demonstrates this failure analysis on a cross section that is representative of a symmetric aircraft wing box (note that most wing boxes would have much thinner walls; this example has thicker ones for illustrative purposes). A damage event on the top surface causes an increase in the crosssectional maximum failure index for a fixed loading condition (in this case, the loading is a pure moment about the Y-axis). 39 Undamaged 1 2 0.9 1 0.8 0 0.7 -1 REF I -2 0.6 0 Damaged 0.5 0.4 2 6 4 1 0.2 0 R:0.975 L Z REF 0.1 8 Local increase in failure indices in nearby undamaged material -1 0" -2 il r CI UII W Index Higher failure indices on top surface because material allowable is lower in compression than in tension dan mage region 2 0.3 F: 0.887 IE ,ftlffi i 0 2 4 6 8 Figure 3-8: Output from VABS for an example cross section (with three plies oriented in a [00, 900, 00] stack) when under a pure Y-axis moment. Failure indices are plotted for both the undamaged and damaged cases-note that although no failure indices are computed in the damaged region, the material is still present in the FEM. 40 3.3.2 Integration of VABS with ASWING For integration with our aircraft model, we use a VABS cross-sectional FEM that matches the same airfoil shape as the ASWING model. For a given damage case, we run VABS to update the lumped mass and structural stiffness properties for the wing representation in ASWING. Figure 3-9 shows the geometry of our VABS model for an undamaged configuration with a table of relevant properties. We only form a model of the wing box, as this carries the majority of the wing's structural loads (the ribs are at fixed locations with respect to the chord, and the top and bottom surfaces follow the airfoil outer contour). Detail A 10- 5- A 0 LY -5 - Airfoil DA-01 Chord Rib locations 50 [in] 0.2C, 0.7C Ply orientations [00, 450, 900, 450, 00] [inner,...,outer] Ply material MTM45-1/AS4 with respect to leading edge -10-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 x (In) Figure 3-9: Constant cross section finite element model used for VABS analysis, allowing refinement of stress raisers caused by local stiffness loss due to damage. In addition, we use a constant cross section for our analysis to make the number of function calls to VABS computationally tractable. The chord length in the VABS model is an averaged value of the tapered chord distribution from the original ASWING model, while the tapered chord distribution was still retained in the ASWING model to provide realistic, efficient aerodynamic washout. However, this means the ASWING model uses a wing that (when undamaged) has constant structural properties but varying aerodynamic properties. The constant structural properties cause only a small change to the nominal aerostructural performance of the vehicle when compared to the initial design, as shown previously in Section 3.2.2. Note that without the VABS technique, the aircraft model in ASWING would not be able to elicit a high-resolution material failure metric for a given damage condition, as the elevated material stresses are of a local nature. An alternative 41 is to develop a more simplified structural failure metric (e.g., a maximum sustainable moment at the wing root), but by coupling ASWING and VABS we offer flexibility for the addition of higher-fidelity damage models in the future, and we demonstrate the ability of our method to handle medium-to-high fidelity models in the offline phase. 3.4 Integrated Aircraft Capability Model The overarching purpose of the aircraft model is to provide the functionality outlined in Section 2.1.1. After coupling the global ASWING aircraft model and the local VABS wing model, we have the integrated model as shown conceptually in Figure 3-10; the model input/output follows the structure as outlined in Figure 2-la. Each of the model inputs and outputs is summarized below. State Vector Maneuver velocity, Coupled ASWINGNABS Aircraft Model load factor Sensed wing strain Commandsbox Airrf Aircraft Model BaeieGenerate Deae. Damage location, ASWING ASSri Recovery Cross Section Loss-of-Capability Parameters Observables Vector BaselCn AIrcraft Parameterl size Compare to Material Allowables Failure Metric Maximum failure index in wing box Figure 3-10: Modeling toolchain for analyzing UAV loss-of-capability due to structural damage, using ASWING coupled with VABS. The 1/O format follows from the methodology in Chapter 2. The state space of our vehicle model consists of an airspeed V and load factor n characterizing a pull-up maneuver-we make the simplifying assumption that the aircraft is in steady flight, where an airspeed and load factor are sufficient to identify the lift distribution over the aircraft wing surface. We identify the aircraft capability in this state space. The loss-of-capability parameters characterize structural degradation, where we capture the physical (location, size, and severity) properties of a rectangular 42 damage event on the wing surface. The failure metric for a given state vector and damage parametrization is a maximum failure index, taken over all possible modes of failure in all elements of the local VABS wing model. This acts as a single scalar failure metric which we can use to classify a set of model inputs as "safe" or "unsafe." The main components of the observable vector are structural strain readings measured by strain sensors on the wing box surface. However, we also augment these strain values with the vehicle state x in order to produce the full observable vector s. Intuitively, because the damage representation modifies stiffness properties of the aircraft structure, we must record both the loads (i.e., the vehicle state), and the deflections (i.e., the strain sensor readings) in order to have a well-posed inference problem. Thus, a behavioral case (as defined in Section 2.2.1) in our offline library will contain both the vehicle state and the strain sensor readings as features in the observable vector; we will require measurements of both these quantities in the online phase. 43 44 Chapter 4 Classification, Application, and Results Once we have constructed the integrated UAV model as presented in Chapter 3, we continue to follow the methodology laid out in Chapter 2, using the model to discover the vehicle capability set for varying cases of damage. This allows us to build, offline, the library of damage cases that can be queried online in an example scenario. We implement the capability discovery process using classification in Section 4.1. We consider an example flight scenario in Section 4.2; based on the scenario, we build a library of expected damage cases offline and then use them in a simulation of the online capability estimation process. We present results in Section 4.3, comparing the maximum likelihood and mixture distribution formulations of the online estimator. We compare both estimators to a baseline that uses only knowledge of the vehicle capability from design. 4.1 Discovering the Capability Set Boundary via Classification Given a damage case applied to our aircraft model, we can sample in the maneuver state space, labeling each sample as being "safe" or "unsafe" according to the value of their output maximum failure index. As we perform this task, we save the observables vector corresponding to each sample for storage and use later in the online phase. To perform this classification process, we use a technique from the machine learning community called the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Section 4.1.1 introduces the mathematical framework behind this technique. Our implemen45 tation is cognizant of inherent uncertainty in the classification process given a large but finite offline sampling phase; we include a means of extending the SVM technique to directly represent uncertainty in its output-the probabilistic support vector machine, or PSVM-in Section 4.1.2. Lastly, we apply an intelligent state vector sampling strategy to reduce the number of model function calls, building off prior work in the literature, in Section 4.1.3. 4.1.1 Support vector machines Our explanation here of the SVM is a summary of relevant points from the standard formulation in the literature, and we refer the reader to related material in Duda, Hart, and Stork [17] or the original article from 1995 on the subject by Cortes and Vapnik [23] for further detail. The purpose of the SVM is to perform binary classification of unlabeled test samples-i.e. classification into one of two classes- based on trends seen in a labeled set of training samples. More formally, let our collection of N labeled training samples take the form Z = {(xj,yj) : E Rn,yj E {-1, 1}, j = 1,..., N}. For our application to Cj the aircraft capability model in Chapter 3, each xj is a state vector consisting of an airspeed V and load factor n; in general, each xj consists of attributes that describe the sample. Each yj is the corresponding binary label for the sample, which in our case is the indicator representing whether the failure metric f(xj, d) (given the fixed damage parameters d) exceeds a nominal safe threshold value. We want to create a classifier, C :R" {-1, 1}, that can label a new test sample x as belonging to either class 1 or class -1. We hope this classifier can also perform well on (i.e., correctly label) the original training samples in Z, although this performance might be slightly sacrificed in order to obtain better performance outside of the training data. The SVM is one means of implementing the classifier C. It evaluates a discriminant, S :R" -+ R, such that for some input test sample x, - Y C(x) { -1 ifS (x)<w, and 1 otherwise. (4.1) The value of this discriminant for a sample x is often called its score. The simplest SVM uses a linear discriminant S (x) = wTX + b (that is, a 'A nice introduction is given by Andrew Ng in course notes for CS229 (Machine Learning) at Stanford University; they can be found at http://cs229.stanford.edu/notes/ cs229-notes3.pdf. 46 hyperplane with normal vector w and offset b) where C maps elements on one side to 1, and on the other side to -1. Figure 4-1 illustrates this (notionally) for our aircraft capability case where the data samples have two attributes V and n. n margin = 0 T\WII S (X) = +1 S (x) = -1 0 Class -1 sample 0 0* 0 Class +1 sample X x. = (Vi, nj) o Support vector 0 0: V Figure 4-1: Visualization of a linear SVM discriminant S applied to our aircraft capability model, where the data x = (V, n) are the airspeed V and load factor n as in our aircraft capability application. Samples in class -1 have a negative value of S, whereas samples in class +1 have a positive value. Given our set of training samples xj with corresponding labels yj, we seek to "tune" the SVM discriminant parameters w and b so that the SVM reflects as much information as possible from our training set. The standard SVM tuning process finds the hyperplane that lies equally close to the nearest points in each training class, while being as far as possible from these same points. The nearest points are called the support vectors, and are the namesake of the SVM. The distance to the support vectors is also often called the margin. Often the SVM scores are scaled so the support vectors all have scores of +1 or -1 (depending on which class they are in), so the resulting magnitude of w is inversely related to the margin-this is shown in Figure 4-1. The optimization problem for choosing w and b takes the following form: *1 II12 s.t. w,b 2 min - (4.2) Yj (wTxj + b) > 1 Vj However, we may not want a perfect discrimination between the two classes of training samples, as this can be prone to overfitting and outliers. A regularized 47 formulation of problem (4.2) uses the slack variables j to relax each of the problem constraints: 1 min - |)wJf 2 + C Z j s.t. ',t 2 (4.3) Y, (wTXj + b) > 1 - cy Vj Here, the training samples can lie arbitrarily close to (or even on the wrong side of) the separating hyperplane, with the downside of incurring a larger penalty value in the objective via the slack variables j-the value of C controls the relative weighting of this penalty term. Now, the dual 2 of the regularized problem (4.3) is more tractable, especially when extended to the non-linear SVM described later in this section. It can be shown to have the following form: max -aZaZkYjYkXT 0 Xk <O + ail s.t. < CVj (4.4) ayy, = 0 The optimal aj's can then be used to recover the weights w as w=E ajyjx, (4.5) and the bias b as b maxjyj-, w T + minj,yj= 1 w xJ 2 (4.6) Each of the dual variables a are directly related to the original primal constraints; non-zero aj correspond to the support vectors, whose constraints are active. We also note that the penalty constant C is often called the "box constraint," as it sets the size of the "box" that the support vector weights aj must lie within. 2 Here, we refer to the Lagrangian dual that is derived by forming the generalized Lagrangian including the constraints, and minimizing it with respect to the original design variables. The dual is essentially a "mirrored" optimization problem with respect to the Lagrange multipliers. We refer the reader to established convex optimization literature such as by Boyd and Vandenberghe [24] for further explanation. 48 The "Kernel Trick" and the extension to nonlinear SVMs The dual problem (4.4) can incorporate a smooth "pre-processing" function # to X, producing an identical SVM training problem except now the separating hyperplane lies in the image of # as opposed to the original space of x: max [ S S ajakyjyk#(X) c#(Xk) + Sa s.t. 0 <% < C Vj (4.7) Eajy, = 0 The function 4 is often called a feature map. A careful distinction is often made between the "attribute space" of the original sample vector x and the "feature space" it is mapped to by #. The feature space can be of much higher dimension than the attribute space, where the original decision boundary in attribute space can correspond to a linear decision boundary in the feature space. Now, the SVM training problem in feature space relies only on computing and not on the exact value of the feature vector an inner product #(Xj)T#O(X) O(xj). In general, an inner product of this form is often called a kernel, denoted here as K: Rn x R n -+ R, where K(x, z) = O(x)T#(z). (4.8) Often, the kernel can be much easier to compute than #, especially when the output feature space is high dimensional. For instance a polynomial kernel of order d, (4.9) K(x, z) = (XTz + I)d, can be computed in 0 (n) time despite the corresponding feature map # living n + d -dimensional space (which grows as ~ ( (id). Using a kernel in this way is often called the kernel trick, and it was popularized initially in the machine learning community by Aizerman, Braverman, and Rozoner [25]. In most practical applications, it is a key enabler of the construction of non-linear SVMs. The non-linear, relaxed SVM optimization problem in equation (4.7) is the formulation we use as part of discovering the vehicle capability boundary. The next section explains how we extend the SVM training process to incorporate uncertainty. in a 49 4.1.2 Probabilistic support vector machines The SVM is a powerful classification tool for binary classification. It performs well on datasets with non-linear decision boundaries, and it effectively minimizes computation by relying on only the samples that lie closest to the decision boundary (i.e. the "support vectors"). However, instead of the SVM's binary, deterministic classification, we wish to make a "soft" classification, where a sample is assigned a probability of belonging to one of the two classes. Using a "soft" classification, samples that lie far from the decision boundary are more likely to belong to their respective class. As mentioned previously in Section 2.1.2, this is the behavior we desire from our capability boundary classifier, where our implementation should be able account for uncertainty in the offline vehicle behavioral model. We therefore use an extension to the support vector machine, called a Probabilistic Support Vector Machine (PSVM), where a trained SVM is postprocessed and fitted with a suitable probability distribution. We follow the original technique as proposed by Platt [26]; several other implementations exist, including a modification proposed by Basudhar [27]. Given a sample x E R' of attributes, a corresponding label y C {-1, 1}, and a support vector discriminant S (x) characterizing a decision boundary as described previously in Section 4.1.1, we can look at a probabilistic classifier C : R' - R that evaluates p (y = 1IS (x)), the probability that the sample x lies in class y = 1 given the output of our support vector machine discriminant. Platt fits C with a sigmoid a(s) 1 = p (y = 1S(x)) = 1 + e0is(X)+ 32 (4.10) where 3 < 0 and /2 are suitable distribution parameters. Given the restriction on 01, C is monotonic in S, ranging from 0 when S -± -oo to 1 when S -+ oo. This reflects the fact that C ought to become confident (i.e. a certain 0 or 1) far from the SVM decision boundary at S (x) = 0. To find the values of #1 and 02, we can use maximum likelihood estimation from a training set of N independent and identically distributed (iid) samples (xj, yj) where j 1, ... , N. Let t Yj fyj 2 0 if yj = -1 be indicators of whether each training sample Pj + e3 50 j (4.11) belongs to class 1, and let 1 1(x)+f2 (4.12) be the probability that sample j belongs to class 1 given a particular parametrization 01, /2. The likelihood of the training set given i1, /2 is then (4.13) f ?(1 - p 3 )I- We can then find the values of /1, /2 that maximize this likelihood. Equivalently, we can minimize the negative log-likelihood, obtaining a simpler optimization problem: mmn { tj log(pj) + (1 - t)log(1 whr pj where Pj = 1 1+ (4.14) (4I4 ef1s(xi)+02 However, one disadvantage of this PSVM formulation is its tendency to overfit the training set. Platt suggests using a modified value for each target tj to capture a small (but finite) probability of seeing the opposite class label at the same location in hypothetical "out-of-sample" data. Instead of tj c {0, 1}, we use (.5 N+2 if Yj -1 t- -f [ N++2 if Yj = -1(4.15) where N+ and N_ are the number of samples in class 1 and the number of samples in class -1, respectively. As described by Platt, the modified tj correspond to a MAP estimate of the target probability for each class assuming a uniform, uninformative prior over the probability of all our training samples having the correct label. Implementation and numerical stability Platt's original implementation of problem (4.14) in pseudo-code had numerical instabilities that were addressed by Lin, Lin, and Weng [28]: 1. Platt's original pseudo-code using the log(.) and exp(.) functions was susceptible to overflows. However, Lin et al. note the IEEE floatingpoint standard-which is used by our MATLAB implementation-mitigates these issues. 2. Lin et al. note the computation of I-p is numerically unstable when p is close to one, and suggest the following reformulation of the objective 51 function: - (tj log(p3 )+ (1- t3 ) log(1 - p)) (ti - 1)( 1 S (Xi) = + 42) + log(1 + ef1S(xj)+02) t (,AS (xi) + 02) + log(1 + e-1S(Xi)-2) (4.16) (4.17) (4.18) (4.19) Here, 1 - pj does not appear, and we can compute log(1 +..) stably for small operands in MATLAB using the special function loglp(1 + x) that is stable for small x. 4.1.3 Capability estimation using probabilistic support vector machines Using the technique described in Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 -training a support vector machine to identify a boundary between samples from two classes in a given feature space, and then fitting a sigmoid probability distribution to create a probabilistic support vector machine-we can identify the vehicle capability set for a given damage case. Adaptive state space sampling technique Our method requires intelligent sampling of the vehicle state space so that we can provide our PSVM training process with a rich set of training samples while minimizing uninformative calls to our aircraft capability model, which is of non-trivial computational complexity. We have two competing qualitative goals during the sampling process: 1. We want to sample along the boundary of the vehicle capability set to provide an accurate description of its limits. 2. We want to sample within the vehicle capability set uniformly in order to capture the vehicle behavior we expect to see during operation (so that our online classification process sees library records that are similar to the observed vehicle behavior). Techniques exist to provide a space-filling set of samples for goal 2, such as Latin Hypercube Sampling [29] or a Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) [30]. Refinement of the boundary itself for goal 1 can be implemented using adaptive sampling; we use a technique developed by Basudhar and Missoum [27]. 52 The algorithm begins with a well-spaced set of samples (here, we start with a CVT produced using Lloyd's algorithm [31]) and then chooses samples at each iteration that lie along the boundary of an SVM approximation of the true capability set. A summary of the algorithm steps is as follows: 1. Begin with an initial set of training samples that has at least one member from each of the two classes 2. Train a SVM on the initial set of samples 3. Generate a sample on the SVM boundary that lies as far as possible from all current training samples 4. Generate a second sample nearby the SVM boundary to prevent "SVMlocking" (see [32] for further explanation) 5. Re-train the SVM using the two new samples 6. Repeat from Step 3 until converged As a choice for a convergence criteria, Basudhar and Missoum suggest using a polynomial kernel to construct the SVM for each iteration, and looking for a stabilization of the change in polynomial coefficient values between iterations. We chose a different criteria that makes use of the computation of the sample from step 3. Here, we seek to maximize the minimum distance from the new sample to any other training sample, while constraining the new sample to lie along the SVM boundary-this distance itself can be used as a convergence metric, and we stop the algorithm when it decreases below a nominal value (scaled with respect to the bounds of the whole sample space). The intuition behind this metric is that as the sampling converges onto a SVM boundary in the sample space, new samples will begin to "crowd" along the SVM boundary line until the distance metric settles to a small value. Using this sampling technique, we can find a SVM representation of the vehicle capability boundary to within a desired level of sampling accuracy, and then fit a PSVM model to capture the uncertainty in the boundary location due to the finite sampling accuracy. Figure 4-2 shows the evolution of the computed PSVM for a single vehicle damage case and increasing numbers of state space samples. The first plot includes only samples from the initial CVT, whereas the next two include samples generated using the adaptive sampling technique. Figure 4-3 shows the convergence plot for the adaptive sampling technique when applied to the case shown in Figure 4-2-the pink line is the value of the convergence metric, and the blue dashed line is the fixed tolerance value used for the stopping criterion. 53 N =21 N=41 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 3.5 N =81 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 3.5 3.5 3 0 0 15 2 0 u 2.5 U- CO U- 0 ~02 -60 2. U0 1.5 1 180 200 220 1 180 240 Equivalent Airspeed (ft/s) 200 220 1 180 240 Equivalent Airspeed (ft/s) 200 220 240 Equivalent Airspeed (ft/s) Figure 4-2: Refinement of the PSVM vehicle capability estimate for a single vehicle damage case, using adaptive sampling for increasing sample size N. The horizontal and vertical axes indicate respectively the airspeed in ft/s and the load factor for each state space point. White samples are classified as "safe" by the vehicle model (i.e. they lie within the capability set), whereas grey samples are classified as "unsafe". Samples outlined in black are support vectors for the SVM whose boundary is designated by a black line. The colormap indicates the fitted PSVM, the probability that a point in state space lies within the current vehicle capability set. V.V10. I I 0.016 C 0.014 4) C) 0.012 0.01 --- --- -- - --- - - --- 0.008 0 0.006 C) 0.004 0.002 2 4 6 8 10 Iteration 12 14 16 Figure 4-3: Plot of the convergence history for one run of Basudhar and Missoum's adaptive SVM-based sampling algorithm using the modified convergence criterion as described in Section 4.1.3. 54 4.2 Online Aircraft Capability Estimation The example aircraft we have modeled could be used in a variety of mission scenarios. We describe a representative mission here, and demonstrate how to use the offline-online capability estimation framework to improve performance in this scenario. 4.2.1 Flight scenario One use of our representative aircraft is for missions in contested environments, where threats to the vehicle due to hostile agents require a fast, defensive reaction to avoid dangerous regions of the flight zone. In addition, the vehicle may sustain damage on the wing surface that impedes its ability to operate at its initial design capability (however, we assume the damage is minor enough such that continuing operation of the vehicle is still a possibility). Figure 4-4 presents a schematic of this scenario, where the vehicle initiates the evasive action at an airspeed of 210 ft/s and an initial load factor of 1.3 (representative of a nominal maneuvering speed and an upper bound on the nominal maneuvering load factor during normal operation while navigating a sequence of waypoints). We assume the loads on the wing structure imparted during the maneuver can be approximated using the pull-up maneuver framework as described in Section 3.2.1. Evasive maneuver nmax ? VTAS =210 ft/s Figure 4-4: Schematic of the flight scenario to which we apply our capability estimation framework. These sense-and-avoid conditions push the UAV to operate near its structural limitations on maneuverability. The UAV requires knowledge of its maximum maneuvering capability; in practice, onboard planning algorithms often 55 use static estimates of the vehicle capability (i.e. of the maximum allowable load factor at a maneuver airspeed), with an added safety factor to be conservative. However, the possibility of damage complicates and renders uncertain the vehicle capability; this could be mitigated by an even larger safety factor, however then the vehicle would operate well below its true performance limits in an overly-conservative fashion. We will compare the performance of the static estimate to ours that dynamically incorporates sensor information. First, we need to explore the expected damage cases and vehicle state space in the offline phase. 4.2.2 Library damage cases and maneuver bounds The capability estimation framework from Section 4.1.3 allows adaptive sampling of the vehicle state space to discover the capability set given a fixed damage case. However, we still have yet to decide which damage cases to include in the library, as well as what are intelligent boundaries to place on the vehicle state space sampling algorithms. We use a full factorial technique to construct damage cases to include in our offline library; given a fixed location along the wing top surface, we analyzed wing damage cases of varying extent, depth, and severity; we use the following symbols to represent each damage factor: * is, Ic: Damage location in the span-wise and chord-wise directions (normalized with respect to the wingspan and local chord length, respectively) * WS, wC: Damage extent in the span-wise and chord-wise directions (normalized with respect to the wingspan and local chord length, respectively) " dt: Damage depth, uniform across the entire damage region (normalized with respect to the wing box thickness) * df: Damage "severity," a fraction that is applied to each of the material stiffness properties of the damaged elements Figure 4-5 defines the damage case factors visually with respect to the aircraft planform, and lists the levels for each factor that we included in our offline library. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate functionality of the library; in a more realistic scenario, a prior over expected damage cases could be utilized so that the library cases would better reflect those the user would expect to see during operation. We derived bounds for the state space sampling from our mission scenario. The mission requires the aircraft to perform a constant-velocity evasive ma56 -- lc WaA A Symbol 1, WS dt Section A -A- 1e we dt df Name Span-wise Location Span-wise Extent Chord-wise Location Chord-wise Extent Depth Severity Levels 0.15 0.05 0.35 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5 0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9 0.95 0.96 0.97 (not to scale) Figure 4-5: Visualization of the damage cases included in the offline library. We performed a full factorial enumeration over the given damage factors and levels. w., s are non-dimensional with respect to the span; we, c are non-dimensional with respect to the chord; d is non-dimensional with respect to the wing skin thickness; f is a fractional loss between 0 and 1 across all material stiffness properties in the damaged region. neuver at V = 210 ft/s with as high a load factor n as possible. We chose a range of the V - n space around the maneuver velocity that contained the expected range of load factors, V E [180 ft/s, 240 ft/s] and n E [1, 3.5]. Figure 4-6 shows the region of the aircraft's entire maneuvering V - n space in which our rectangular region resides-this is in the region where the vehicle stall limit becomes preceded by limits due to structural failure, and it is where we expect to see the most reduction in the maximum load factor due to damage. We define the maximum safe load factor in this region as nmax, where it should remain fairly constant across airspeed with the region. Note however that because our technique produces a probabilisticestimate of the vehicle capability, nrmax will now be modeled with underlying randomness, as opposed to the notional deterministic value as shown in Figure 4-6. We will define 7n max more precisely in the next section as resulting from a threshold applied to a PSVM output. 4.2.3 Visualizing the library To add each damage case to the behavioral library, we perform the capability boundary estimation process using the technique from Section 4.1.3; this creates a set of PSVMs representing the vehicle capability in each damage case. It would be uninformative to plot the PSVM for each damage case here (and in general this methodology is meant to handle hundreds or even thousands 57 n 3.5 ------------nmax ------ ----- 1.------------- 0- 180 240 (ft/s) Figure 4-6: The light blue region is conceptually where the capability analysis lies with respect to the entire aircraft maneuvering envelope. Note that in our analysis, rmax becomes a random quantity; the deterministic plot shown here is for qualitative explanation. of damage cases, so it would be difficult in any realistic example). Instead, we find a means of sorting them by a measure of severity, and then choose several representatives to obtain a qualitative understanding of how the library damage cases modify the nominal vehicle capability. First, it will be useful to define the variable Pthresh to refer to the value of a minimum "cutoff" probability, so that any state having a higher probability than Pthresh will be deemed to lie within the capability set. A value of Pthresh corresponds to a contour of a damage case PSVM output; this is shown graphically in Figure 4-7. Next, we can look at the intersection of the Pthresh contour with the vertical line corresponding to a fixed airspeed V. The value of the load factor n at this intersection is the maximum load factor predicted for the vehicle, denoted as nmax; it is a function of the given damage case Dj, the given value of Pthresh, and the given flight airspeed V as follows: nmax (Dj, Pthresh,V) = sup nE[1,3.5]: p((Vn)ECIDj)>Pthresh n (4.20) As highlighted in Figure 4-7, a reasonable cutoff probability is Pthresh = 0.95 because it seems to correspond well with the sharp drop in PSVM output that approximates the capability boundary. If we fix V at the flight scenario airspeed 210 ft/s, then we can use nmax(Dj, 210, 0.95) as a single number representing the severity of the jth damage case; in general, less severe cases will 58 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Detail A 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 180 200 220 V (ft/s) 1 240 Pthresh Contours of PSVM output Figure 4-7: Plot showing how a value of Pthresh corresponds with a contour of constant probability of the PSVM output of a damage case. The value pth.es = 0.95 was chosen to develop representative cases for the damage case library. have higher values of nmax(-, 210,0.95), and the undamaged case should have the highest value. With this in mind, we sort the damage cases in the library by their values of n ,max(., 210, 0.95)- Figure 4-8 shows this ordering of the damage cases, as well as the PSVM output from three of the damage cases (corresponding to the minimum, the median, and the maximum) as representatives of the entire library. For reference, the physical dimensions of each damage case are shown above the corresponding PSVM, where the notation follows the damage factor description in Figure 4-5. It is important to note that we focus here on ordering the damage cases based on how they affect the vehicle capability, and not by their geometric dimensions or material stiffness reduction; hence, the words "mild" and "severe" when used in this context refer to the degree to which a damage case impacts the vehicle capability, and not to its geometric parameters. It is clear that the damage cases have a limited impact on the vehicle capability set; states at n = 1 are likely to always be safe according to the behavioral library, and states over n = 3 are likely to always be unsafe. Figure 4-8 suggests the potential increase in performance that could be obtained by performing dynamic capability estimation. In theory, a UAV relying on a static capability assessment from design would either need to operate below the cases in the damage library (i.e., below n = 1.5), or operate in the full nominal envelope but run a significant risk of mission failure once damaged. Dynamic estimation could allow for operation in the full range of n 59 we=0.4 0 'V w= 0.3 0 df = 0.97 0 df = 0.98 dt 1 0 - lC=0.35 1 0 1 1 lc =0.45 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 no damage 0 Wc 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 3.5 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 3.5 3.5 2.5 2 1 1 3 2.5 C 2 1.5 180 200 220 240 V (f/s) V 11 3.5 180 200 220 V (ft/s) 1M 180 240 '200V (ft/s)220 240 3 2.5 C E 2 1 C 9 - 20 40 60 80 100 120 Behavioral case index in library -0 140 160 Figure 4-8: Ordering of the library damage cases by nmax evaluated at the flight scenario airspeed V = 210 ft/s and the cutoff probability Pthresh = 0.95. Three representative cases-a minimum, median, and maximum (from left to right)are shown in detail, including both their PSVM evaluated over the entire state space region as well as a schematic of their damage level occurring on the vehicle (following the damage factor notation from Figure 4-5). up to 3.0 while the vehicle is not damaged, and still maintain safe operation by limiting the vehicle behavior once damage is incurred. At this point, we have analyzed the behavior of the vehicle capability set in a broad sense over all the damage cases in our library by assigning a reason60 able cutoff probability of Pthresh = 0.95, look specifically at the flight scenario velocity V = 210 ft/s, and analyzing representative cases sorted by their resulting maximum load factor nmax (Dj, Pthresh, V). Because this library will be used by our online estimation process, this gives us intuition into the range of capability loss we expect to see later on when analyzing estimator performance. 4.2.4 Flight scenario test cases During the test process, we have two main questions we desire to answer: 1. What role does damage severity play in the estimation performance? 2. What role does damage that is outside of what is represented in the library play in the estimation performance? We build five test cases that allow us to draw observations to answer these questions, summarized in Table 4.1. They are identified by the following characteristics: " Damage Level: qualitative measure of how much the damage case affects the vehicle capability " Included in Library: Whether we store the damage case in the online library. Although we have a full set of damage cases modeled offline, we restrict the online data set to see how our estimation process performs on out-of-sample damage cases. C1 Damage Level No Damage Mild Included in Library? Yes Yes C2 Severe Yes C3 Mild No C4 Severe No Label Co Table 4.1: The five representative damage cases used in the flight scenario to test capability estimation performance. Each of the five damage cases labeled according to Table 4.1 is shown in Figure 4-9, where the full set of cases is sorted identically to Figure 4-8. The "mild" cases to lie within the upper half of the full sorted set, and the "severe" cases to lie in the lower half. 61 3.5r 3- CO C2 C E 0 03 ........ 1.15 0 50 100 Behavioral case index in library 150 Figure 4-9: The 5 damage cases we use to analyze performance of our capability estimation process, labeled according to Table 4.1. As a baseline truth reference, we find the value of the maximum load factor at V = 210 ft/s for each of the 5 example cases cases by using Algorithm 1, a simple bisection routine that uses the aircraft model failure metric function f (x, dj) (where dj is the vector of damage parameters corresponding to the damage case Dj). To distinguish this from the value nmax that is related to the PSVM built for each damage case, we call this truth reference nmat 3(D) where it is only a function of the damage case Dj. We could shrink the stopping tolerance Tol in Algorithm 1 to achieve much higher accuracy than the adaptive sampling algorithm, so it serves well as a truth reference (however this is only for one airspeed V, whereas the adaptive sampling algorithm obtains an approximation for all airspeeds and thus is more flexible). The final nir computed by Algorithm 1 for each damage case is listed in Table 4.2. We assumed these values to be of sufficient accuracy to be taken as deterministic; they are representative of the true location of the vehicle capability boundary for the one specific flight velocity 210 ft/s. Damage Case ntuth Co C1 C2 C3 C4 2.94 2.59 2.02 2.53 1.80 Table 4.2: "Truth" reference nmax values obtained by applying Algorithm 1 to each of the example damage cases. 62 Algorithm 1 Bisection routine for obtaining truth reference values of nmax for damage case DJ. nhigh +- 3.5, niow <- 1, V <- 210 ft/s, Tol <- 10-6 repeat n <- (nhigh njo.2 - x <- (V, n) if f (x, dj) = 1 then njow n else nhigh n end if until |nhigh - nIow| < Tol (nhigh - now)/2 maxrth 4.2.5 Online strain gage measurements The observable vector values stored for each damage case during the model sampling process in Section 4.1.3 are unprocessed strain values at select locations on the wing surface corresponding to the pre-determined locations of strain sensors. During the online phase we gather measurements and then need to post-process them in order to compare them to the strain values in the library. The field of strain sensing technologies is broad, with solutions ranging from optical devices such as Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors [3] to recent advances in flexible "skin-like" devices using conductive liquid embedded in elastomer material [33]. We assert our methodology is capable of handling data from any strain sensing technology where the number of sensing features is essentially the dominant limiting factor, and not the nature of the sensor itself. For our purpose and to facilitate potential integration with hardware prototypes, we model the behavior of strain gage rosettes mounted on the surface of the aircraft wing box to obtain plane-strain measurements, shown in Figure 4-10. As suggested by the proximity of the gages to the representative orange damage region, we make the assumption that we would have our strain sensing technology nearby the damaged region to sense local changes to the strain field. This allows us to validate the capability estimation process knowing our sensor measurements will show noticeable changes due to damage; the optimal choice of sensing technology and placement is outside the scope of this work. 63 24 Figure 4-10: Schematic showing the locations of the strain gages on the wing box top surface in the aircraft model. The inset on the right shows the "rectangular" variant of strain gage rosette, where three in-plane gage readings can be used to obtain extensional strains and in-plane shear strain with respect to material axes 1 and 2. Many varieties of strain gage rosettes exist3 ; for example here, we consider a rectangular configuration where two gages placed on the principal composite material axes can obtain extensional strains directly, and a third placed offaxis at 45 degrees may be used to compute indirectly the in-plane shear strain. Let the strain gage rosette readings at the kth location for k = 1, 2, 3, 4 be represented as the vector ek = IE T where 1 is the gage strain along axis 1, _ is the gage strain along axis 2, and Ek is the gage strain along the 45-degree axis. Assuming our material coordinate 1 and 2 axes align perfectly with the rosette 1 and 2 axes, respectively (i.e., ignoring possible angular misalignment of the gages), ck is related to the 3-element plane strain vector at location k, Ek = [Ek 2Ek2 E 8 2 Tby (4.21) Ek = Hek, where H 1 0 -1 -1 0 1 0 21. (4.22) 0 As mentioned in Section 4.2.1, we assume the aircraft maneuver state is 3 For further reference, see documentation from Micro-Measurements, Vishay Precision Grp. TN-515 "Strain Gage Rosettes: Selection, Application and Data Reduction." 64 known with certainty to be (V, n) = (210 ft/s, 1.3). For this fixed maneuver, each damage case has a set of nominal strain values as predicted by our aircraft model; these are presented for reference in Table 4.3. We make strong Damage Case Sensor ID 1 2 Component C2 C3 C4 -677 El -1306 -1200 -464 2612 -0 340 46 -84 -0 622 622 23 -400 -84 -1192 337 46 -675 46 -675 -0 -461 46 -1303 -0 -1303 -0 23 -401 -84 -1197 339 -1198 339 46 -672 -0 -463 46 -465 46 -1298 -0 23 -402 -84 Eli -0 23 46 -1297 -1191 2E12 -460 46 -401 -83 -672 -0 -0 23 337 46 Eli 2612 E1 4 C1 -403 622 3 CO 2E12 E22 Table 4.3: Nominal plane strain values (in units of pstrain) computed by the aircraft model for each strain gage location in the wing, for the fixed maneuver (210 ft/s, 1.3) and 5 example damage cases. simplifying independence assumptions that each strain gage has noise that is independent of all other gages (so we have 12 independent strain gage readings). High accuracy strain gages often have a 2 - 5% accuracy range when properly calibrated 4 , and by applying this to the range of values in Table 4.3 we estimate that the noise on each strain gage measurement can be modeled reasonably as Gaussian with zero mean and standard deviation - = 10 pstrain. This noise assessment is first-order and is meant to be a place-holder for more accurate, application-specific knowledge. For completeness, we connect the strain gage sensor framework with our notation for the observable vector noise model from Equation (2.2). For damage case Dj, 8 is a measurement of the plane strain values at all four sensor locations; the observable vector sj is the concatenation of the plane strain values Ek for all four sensor locations. If we let s§ be the three components of 4 See Vishay TN-505-4, "Strain Gage Selection: Criteria, Procedures, and Recommendations," available publicly at http://www.vishaypg.com/docs/11055/tn505.pdf 65 s corresponding to the kth sensor location, then ^k -k +e, (4.23) where ek is noise in the measured plane strain values at the kth sensor location due to strain gage measurement error. We know that the error in each strain gage reading is zero-mean with variance c21, so by Equation (4.21), e ~ A (0, It follows that (s|) U2HHT) ~ K (g , u2HHT). (4.24) (4.25) Because each sensor is assumed independent, we can assemble the full measurement noise model p (1 Dj) for damage case j as the product p (^IDj) =jp (^kl JDj). (4.26) k Equations (4.26) and (4.25) can then be used to generate observable vector samples given the vehicle is in damage case j, retrieving the necessary values of 4 from the behavioral library. 4.3 Results The following section presents results and accompanying discussion for a series of tests of the maximum likelihood estimator qML and mixture distribution estimator qMD, using the flight scenario from Section 4.2.1, the damage case library from Section 4.2.2, and the damage test cases from Section 4.2.4. First, we compare the outputs of the two estimators with respect to the truth references in Table 4.2, varying the number of accumulated sensor samples and the number of records used in the online library to see their impact on the nominal estimator outputs. Second, we benchmark the estimators compared to a baseline case that uses a static capability limit based on the vehicle design, by looking at performance in an onboard decision process. Our first exploration compares the outputs of qML and qMD for each damage case D E {Co, C 1 , C 2 , C 3 , C 4 } assuming the vehicle is in the flight scenario maneuver (210 ft/s, 1.3). The procedure is as follows: 1. Using the nominal strain values in Table 4.3 for damage case D, and the noise model for the observable vector measurement S from Equation (4.26), generate an observable vector sample S. 66 2. Compute and plot qML (X, 8^) and qMD (x, 8) for X E {(V, n) : V = 210 ft/s, n E [1, 3.5]}. 3. For comparison, plot the damage case's PSVM output, p (x E CID), for the same values of x as in step (3); plot as well the true maximum load factor nirh(D) (described previously in Section 4.2.4). 4. Repeat 10 times from step 1. It is easiest to see this process with a visual example-one repetition of steps 1-3 is shown in Figure 4-11, which shows the qML output for the C 2 damage case. The dotted line shows the damage case's true maximum load factor n~max' truth and the black curve is the PSVM fit p(X PIMft ( E C|C2) j 2 constructed in the offline phase (the two should, and do, agree well). The green line is the qML output, that is it is a "slice" of the most likely damage case's PSVM output given s = S across the velocity V = 210 ft/s, and it reports the probability that the label for the query state (V, n) is +1 (i.e., that the label for x is "safe"). Intuitively, a well-performing qML will be close to 1 for low values of n, and drop to 0 as n crosses the maximum load factor for the damage case. We will continue to refer to these curves as "PSVM outputs" or "estimator outputs" in the rest of the discussion. ntruth (Dj) (found via bisection) 9 1 0.8 0.6 o 0.4 PSVM contour of damage case Dj 0.2 0 1 ' 1.5 2 - n 2.5 - - 3 3.5 Figure 4-11: Explanation of the probability curve plots used for analysis of qML and qMD. The vehicle state is x = (V, n), however V stays fixed at 210 ft/s so we need only plot the value of n. 67 4.3.1 Comparison of estimator outputs In the example case shown previously in Figure 4-11, the estimator agrees reasonably well with the truth reference. However, in general the estimator output varies between sensor samples. Our first exploration seeks to mitigate the sensor noise to see the relative improvement in the estimation quality. Although the strain gage noise level was fixed at 10 pstrain, a simple means of improving the estimate would be to "augment" the observable vector to include NS concatenated samples, assumed to be iid. The modified likelihood is an extension of Equation (2.5)), NS S(D- $ = logp (k IDj) , (4.27) k=1 and it can act as a "drop-and-replace" expression for the original single-sample likelihood throughout the formulation of qML and qMD. We will continue to use the original expressions qML (X, ^) and qMD (x, $) as shorthand for what are now ML (x, $1,.--- , Ns) and qMD (x, $1,--- , Ns), where the relevant value of NS will be clear from context. In a real-time situation, we could accumulate samples over a period of time-for instance, if NS = 10, a sampling rate of 10 Hz would allow a capability estimate every 1 second (note that a parameter such as the sensor sampling rate is highly system-dependent, and so our exploration is more to compare in a relative sense the impact of NS). From hereon, we will refer to NS as the sample accumulation. We ran four cases of the sample accumulation NS E {101, 102, 103, i04} over each of the five damage cases, and repeated each experiment 10 times. The resulting 20-element plot matrix is shown in Figure 4-12 for qML and in Figure 4-13 for qMD. Each plot corresponds to one experiment and has its 10 estimator runs plotted on top of each other, so the spread in the estimator outputs can be analyzed qualitatively. We can make the following five observations. 1. The qML estimator output has a consistently S-shaped output. This is because qML directly uses the PSVM from the most likely damage case, and all the damage cases were fitted with the S-shaped sigmoid; the qMD estimator uses a weighted sum of these sigmoids, and thus is not guaranteed to have any particular shape. We note as a result that the qMD estimator shows a more consistent output as it is able to blend the outputs of all the damage case PSVMs together. 68 2. Several estimator outputs show large right-hand "tails" (especially pronounced for qML, for instance in experiments (C1 , 101) and (C 2 , 101)). This is because the underlying PSVM training process used for each damage case is approximate; some damage cases have PSVMs that assign an artificially high probability to the vehicle state being "safe" at high n, due to lack of data near the boundary of the rectangular state = 101 NS C101 0.5 =102 -104 -103 1, 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 Co I-,~ 1 2 3 1 L 0.5. 01 2 3 1 0.5E 0VI 1 2 3 0 2 1 0 3 6 3 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 2 1 2 01 3 01 2 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 L 0 0 1 2 3 2 1 0.5 2 n 1 3 3 2 01 3 0 1 2 3 01 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 1 3 2 2 3 C2 2 3 C3 1 2 n n 3 0.5 1 1 2 Cl 01 1 -3 0.5 11 01 06 1 1 0.5 01 1 3 2 3 C4 1 2 3 n Figure 4-12: Output from the qML estimator for x = (V, n) over the load factor range n E [1,3.5] and the fixed flight airspeed V = 210ft/s, for four sample accumulations NS E {101, 102, 103, 104} and the five example damage cases CO, C 1 , C 2 , C 3 , C 4 . Each experiment is repeated for 10 independent trials, and the outputs are stacked together to show the spread in the estimator behavior. 69 region. This is confirmed by the mirrored case of occasional left-hand tails, appearing when the PSVM is not confident the vehicle state is safe at very low values of n. 3. Both estimators improve in performance by accumulating more samples in the observable vector. The NS 103 case matches the NS =101 =103 =102 0.5 0.5 1 2 000 3 0.5 0.5 1 2 3 20 2 3 12 A 0.5 1 2 <Ci 0.5 2 6 3 2 0.5 1 2 3 0 1 2 6 3 0 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 01 3 0LL 3 2 3 C 1 3 C 0.5 1 0.5 01 0.5 1 0.5 01 104 2 3 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 00 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 n 3 1 2 3 1 n 2 n 3 1 2 2 C 3 C 4 3 3 0.50.5 1 C 3 n Figure 4-13: Output from the qMD estimator for x = (V,n) over the load factor range n E [1, 3.5] and the fixed flight airspeed V = 210 ft/s, for four sample accumulations NS E {101, 102, 103 10} and the five example damage cases CO, C1 , C2 , C3 , C 4 . Each experiment is repeated for 10 independent trials, and the outputs are stacked together to show the spread in the estimator behavior. 70 true PSVM curve well for both qML and qMD in all damage cases, and the NS = 10' case has all 10 runs line up almost identically over ntruth. We note however that the NS = 104 case is unrealistic for many real-time systems onboard an aircraft 5, and is more for comparison purposes the 10' case shows both high performance and plausibility, where the majority of both estimator's outputs overlay the true nmax location. 4. There is little difference in the outputs for damage cases that are in the library (CO, C 1 , C 2 ) versus those that are not (C 3 , C 4 ). We hypothesize this is because the library still contains almost its full population, and there are nearby damage cases to C3 and C4 that have similar values of n truth 5. The mixture distribution estimator qMD performs more precisely at low values of NS. Specifically for the 101 and 102 cases, its outputs over the 10 trials for each experiment cluster closer than those of the qML estimator. However, it comes at added computational cost, because we must query the PSVM from each damage case every time we call qMD, as opposed the qML estimator which only needs to query the most likely damage case's PSVM. Now that we have observed the impact of increasing the sample accumulation NS -essentially decreasing the impact of sensor noise on the estimation process-we test to see how the damage library itself affects the quality of the estimation. Although the two damage cases C3 and C4 are not included in the library, we have still been using all other ~ 150 cases. By down-sampling the number of library cases, we obtain a sparser set to use in the online phase; we hypothesize this will make our estimators more precise in the consistency of their predictions, but also less accurate when compared to the true maximum load factor. Figure 4-14 shows an example of the down-sampling process. We define the down-sampling ratio, or DSR, to be the ratio of the number of original library records to the number of down-sampled library records. A given value of DSR works as follows: 1. The full set of offline library records are ordered from least- to mostsevere according to their prediction of nmax at the fixed flight speed V = 210 ft/s and cutoff probability Pthresh= 0.95 (as in Figure 4-9) 5 For example, a high-performance benchtop strain gage Data Acquisition (DAQ) system produced by National Instruments is able to supply 8-channel, 24-bit samples at 25 kHz; see the white paper at www. ni. com/white-paper/3642/en for further details 71 2. Iterating sequentially along the sorted list of records, 1 out of every DSR records is retained for storage in the online library. 3. The three example damage cases CO, C 1 , C 2 are always included in the library after the execution of step 2. 3 DSR = 1 - . c 2 1 0 DSR =10 - 3 c2% 50 100 Behavioral case index in library C 150 2 /0 0 0 I . -- CO 000a o1010 5 C1 150 50 0 100 Behavioral case index in library 3 DSR = 20 * E 00 1' 0 50 100 Behavioral case index in library 150 Figure 4-14: The damage case down-sampling procedure produces a sparser set of records for the online library used by qML and qMD. The down-sampling ratio DSR controls the rate at which samples are retained from the original complete library; the "included in library" damage cases CO,C 1 , and C 2 are always retained after the initial down-sampling process as exceptions. We perform the same analysis as was done in Figure 4-13, except we now fix the sample accumulation NS at 103, and analyze the effect of changing the down-sampling ratio DSR over the values {1, 10, 20, 40} (where 1 is the original fully-populated library to act as a reference case). The resulting outputs from qML are shown in Figure 4-15 and the resulting outputs from qMD are shown in Figure 4-16. Several observations are apparent: 1. The estimators become more consistent while at the same time more inaccurate as the down-sampling ratio DSR increases that is, the results confirm our initial hypothesis. For instance, the qML output for the (C,1) damage case begins with a strip of possible 72 DS R 11 11 03 0.5 0.5 3 2 1 0.5 0.5 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 0 3 2 07 1 1 2 3 0.5 3 1 n C 0.5 2 3 2 3 C 0 1 3 2 n n 2 1 0 - 0 2 11 1 1 1 (CIn 0.5 0 0.5 .5 0.5 0.501 3 2 1 1 0 0 0.5 3 2 1 3 2 10W 1 1 C.5 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0.5 .50.5 <C 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 =40 =20 =10 =1 3 1 n Figure 4-15: Output from the qML estimator for x = (V, n) over the load factor range n E [1,3.5] and the fixed flight airspeed V = 210ft/s, for four down-sampling ratios DSR E {1, 10, 20, 40} and the five example damage cases Co, C1, C 2 , C 3 , C 4 . Each experiment is repeated for 10 independent trials, and the outputs are stacked together to show the spread in the estimator behavior. outputs surrounding n',, where it proceeds to degrade in quality for the (C 3 ,40) case; at this point, it is consistently reading a single damage case PSVM output that is incorrect. The qMD output for the C, damage case shows comparable behavior. 2. At higher DSR values, there is a distinction between the estimator outputs for the in-library and out-of-library damage 73 DSR =10 =1 0.5 0.5 <cI 1 1 0.5 0.5 01 2 1 0 0.5 0.5 1 3 2 1 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 C 0.5 01 3 Co 0001 0.5 1 3 1 0 3 2 1 =40 =20 1 2 3 01 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 3 (.5 1 2 3 10 0 1 2 1 0 3 0 1 3 2 3 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 60 0 2 3 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 2 n 0 3 1 2 0 3 n 1 2 n 3 C 0 1 1 0 3 2 0.5 1 3 0 1 01 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 C2 2 3 3 C4 0 2 1 3 n Figure 4-16: Output from the qMD estimator for x = (V, n) over the load factor range n E [1,3.5] and the fixed flight airspeed V = 210ft/s, for four down-sampling ratios DSR E {1, 10, 20, 40} and the five example damage cases CO, C 1 , C 2 , C 3 , C 4 . Each experiment is repeated for 10 independent trials, and the outputs are stacked together to show the spread in the estimator behavior. cases; the in-library cases Co, MI, SI tend to have higher precision, with varying accuracy (i.e., the estimators are more "certain" but not always correct in their output), whereas the out-of-library damage cases C 3 , C 4 show a bi-modal trend, where both estimators seem to vary be- tween two likely outputs. The bi-modal behavior is clear especially in the C 4 cases for both estimators; this is the most severe of the out-of-library cases, and it is a difficult case to handle for the estimators. 74 This concludes the first part of the test cases, where we qualitatively compared the behavior of the qML and qMD estimation strategies. 4.3.2 Flight scenario performance benchmark Now that we understand better the behavior of our capability estimation algorithms, we compare their performance to a baseline case. For the rest of this section we continue to assume the vehicle is operating at V = 210 ft/s, so in the flight scenario we look to discover the maximum load factor at which an agent can operate the vehicle in a safe manner. In general, we will denote the agent's choice of maximum load factor as no,, with superscripts to identify specifically whether the agent uses a static or dynamic capability estimate. We benchmark against a case where the agent uses a static capability estimate based off the known maximum load factor from design, no. We assume no is equivalent to nr h (Co), as the case Co has no damage to the vehicle structure. The agent then chooses to operate the vehicle at a maximum load factor nstatic c [1, no). A ntatic value near 1 would indicate conservative behavior and a nstatic value near no would indicate aggressive behavior. We assume that operating at n'tatic = no would always fail because the maximum load factor represents a point of structural failure. By comparison, an agent using our dynamic capability estimate operates the vehicle at a maximum load factor that changes depending on the current sensor readings. We denote the maximum load factor the agent chooses to operate the vehicle at as nML for the case that they use estimator qML, and n MD for the case that they use estimator qMD. In order to choose a value for ML orMDa nop or nMp1D the agent picks the largest load factor that has an acceptable probability of belonging to the vehicle capability set; we denote this acceptable probability as pop. A value of pop near 1 indicates conservative behavior, whereas a value of pop near 0 indicates aggressive behavior. Figure 4-17 presents an example of how an agent would use the qMD Output to choose a value of nMD _setting pop = 0.9 would cause the agent to operate the vehicle at a maximum load factor of noMD ~ 1.75. In the case shown, nMD belongs to the capability set because it is less than the true maximum load factor n Iru; however in general this may not be the case, and the agent could cause the vehicle to fail by operating at too high a load factor. Now, we compare the behavior of the static estimate with the dynamic estimates from qML and qMD by varying pop and n'tic. We perform the following procedure: 1. Choose values for nstatic and pop. 75 ~truth(j (found via bisection) 1 9 Pop = 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 nMDop~ 1.75 Figure 4-17: Definition of the quantity pop as a choice an agent makes as to their degree of conservativeness when using the capability estimator output. pop determines the maximum load factor at which the agent should operate the vehicle given the current estimator output. In the case shown, the agent would operate the vehicle successfully because the chosen maximum load factor is less than the true value. 2. Set the vehicle library down-sampling ratio DSR and the sample accumulation NS to nominal values of 10 and 100, respectively (see the previous section Section 4.3.1 for explanation). Down-sample the full vehicle library according to DSR and store it for continuing use. 3. For each example damage case Dj, j = 1, 2,. . . , R from the original full set of damage cases (prior to down-sampling), accumulate NS observable vector samples. Use the qML output curve and pop to compute nop; use the qMD output curve and pp to compute n MD (as shown in Figure 4-17). 4. Repeat steps 2-3 for 10 trials, and save the resulting values of nfaoc nL MD, as well as the true maximum load factor for the current damage case, nmax (D).a ,D, overlaying all R damage case 5. Plot the nmah versus sp L , MOP a samples on the same plot. This was repeated over the values nstatic c {1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3} for the static estimation case, and over the values pop E {0.01, 0.26, 0.50, 0.74, 0.99} for the 76 dynamic cases. The results are shown in figure 4-18. Each subplot corresponds to a choice by the agent; the dynamic cases are labeled by the choice of p, and estimator qMD or qML, whereas the static cases correspond to the agent's choice of nstatiC Within each subplot, a sample corresponds to an operation of the vehicle given a vehicle damage case and a realization of the observable vector sample. The x-axis is the true maximum load factor ntruth and the y-axis is the maximum load factor chosen by the agent no 0 . The black lines with slope 1 indicate the boundary between successful and unsuccessful operations: the blue samples are successful because n < ntruth, and the red are unsuccessful because n truth nmax The static case is the most simple; the agent chooses one value of nstatic and then sticks with it regardless of any sensor data indicating changes to nt'ut. to decrease is Hence, many trials fail because any damage that causes n ignored by the agent. The dynamic cases use our capability estimation strategy; depending on the value of pop, the agent is either less or more conservative. In the less conservative cases (e.g., when pop = 0.01), the agent operates at higher values of no,, at the cost of having many more failed operations. More conservative cases (e.g., when pop = 0.99) have many more successful operations, at the cost of operating at a lower average value of nop. It is not clear from Figure 4-18 which of nL or MD performs better out of the two. But in general, it appears that for a higher value of nop, the dynamic estimates are able to out-perform the static estimate because there are more blue (i.e., "safe") instances of the vehicle operation. We want to explore this behavior in more detail. This leads us to the question: How does the decision strategy, informed by the capability estimate, trade off reliability with full utilization of the vehicle capability? We can quantify this question by looking, for each value of pop (or for the static estimation case), at n static OP 1. the probability of mission success over all possible damage cases to quantify reliability, and 2. the average ratio between the vehicle's operational load factor and the vehicle's true maximum load factor, to quantify full utilization of the vehicle capability. We can compute these metrics by looking at the data in each pop (or natiic) subplot in Figure 4-18; the following is a derivation of how we mathematically define and compute these metrics. For this discussion, we use no, to refer to all of nML , MD and n'tatic where the computations remain the same for all 77 = 0.01 pop 2 3 2 = 0.26 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 23 Static ,2 1 23 1 truth max 3 2 - 1 3 2 3 - 2 1 truth nmax 3 = 0.99 31 1 3 = 0.74 31 3 123 1 2 0.50 3 12 Dynamic = 2 3 truth 1 3 3 2 2 3 truth 1 Umax 3 11 3 2 2 1 truth 3 2 3 2 3 1 truth Umax nmax 12 2 41 - 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 truth Umax 2 3 Umax 3 truth 3 truth Umax 3 Umax 2 1 - 2 3 truth Umax Figure 4-18: Plot of the maximum load factor chosen by an agent in the flight scenario, using each of the three estimation strategies (nratic using a static choice of load factor, nrL using the qML estimator, and n D using the qMD estimator) for 10 realizations of the observable vector in each of the R library damage cases. The decision made in the dynamic cases depend on the choice of pop as explained in Figure 4-17; The decision in the static case is simply the chosen value of nstatic Red samples indicate the decision led to failure, because the chosen maximum load factor exceeds the true value nIruth for the sampled damage case; blue samples indicate a safe decision was made. three cases. For a fixed value of pp (or SF), nop is a function of the following random quantities: " D: the current vehicle damage case, taking one of the values D , D ,... , DR 1 2 where R is the number of damage cases in our library. For this analysis, we make the approximation that the vehicle can only be in one of these damage cases, i.e. that the approximation made in Equation (2.9) holds. " s: the current vehicle observable vector measurement. The true vehicle maximum load factor n Irh vehicle damage state D. 78 is a function of only the current The two metrics we compute for each value of po, (or nstatic are: 1. The probability of mission success: this is the probability that the agent decides on a n that is less than the maximum vehicle load factor n"'ut. We denote the event that the agent succeeds as MS, where MS = {nO(D, §) < (4.28) truth (D)}. The probability of mission success p (MS) is computed as R p (MS) = (4.29) 1 p (MSIDj) p (Dj) . j=1 The quantity p (MSI D) is the probability the agent succeeds given the vehicle is in damage state D = Dj; it is approximated by the fraction of the 10 trials for damage case Dj that are successful (obtained in step 4 of the previous procedure). For this analysis, we assume a uniform prior over all the damage cases so p (Dj) = 1/R for all D. 2. The average ratio between the vehicle's operational load factor and the vehicle's true maximum load factor: this is the expected value of nOP(D, S)/ntuth(D) conditioned on the event MS. The conditioning is because the vehicle capability is only utilized when it does not fail; only the cases where the agent chooses a safe maximum load factor contribute positively to the utilization of the vehicle capability. We denote this metric as hutiI, and compute it as na = E[ uti n (D S) (D, S) MSDII truth E =E MS ruth (D)n .. Lmax max R n (ys I, SW Dj p (D ) . P =EE max (Dj j=1 n_ (4.30) (4.31) Now, we can simplify Equation (4.31) by recognizing that no (D, E ntuhj s) E [nop(Dj, S) MS, Di 1 ms' Dj - The quantity E [n0 (Dy, s) MS, .tut (4.32) Dj1 is the mean of the agent's chosen nop given that the vehicle is in damage case Dj and that no 0 is less than We approximate this value using the sample mean of all successful ntrt,. 79 trials out of the 10 total that were conducted for D = D (the same set of samples from the p (MS) computation above). As mentioned, we assume a uniform prior over all the damage cases so p (Dj) = 1/R for all D,. Once we have computed iut1 and p (MS) for each value of pop (or nsatic) we can plot them together on a single graph. We extended the process to a finer resolution than just the five values of pop and ntajtc shown in Figure 4-18, instead refining to 500 equally spaced values of pop from 0.01 to 0.99, and 500 equally spaced values of nstatic from 1 to 3. We can then plot all (nui, p (MS)) pairs together for each of the three decision strategies, as shown in Figure 419. The ideal decision strategy would have both perfect usage of available capability (i.e., huti1 = 1) and certain mission succss (i.e., p (MS) = 1); this is marked as the "Utopia" point in the upper right corner. For a sample not at the Utopia point, it is considered to be non-dominated if no other sample has a higher p (MS) or hutil value without a low value of the other one; the non- dominated combinations of (nutil, p (MS)) for each estimator are connected by a dotted line of the corresponding color. There are several immediate observations to make about the data in Figure 4-19: 1. The static capability case has a probability of mission success equal to 1 at values of hutil < 0.75-this is because if the agent sets a low enough static load factor, it becomes less than nruh(Dj) for all j = 1,... R, and so within the scope of this analysis it appears as though the vehicle would never fail. 2. The static capability case has a long trail of samples near p (MS) = 0 at high values of hutiI-this is because at values of n-atic close to 2.9, the vehicle almost certainly fails unless it is in the pristine case, which has a small probability (< 0.01) of occurring. 3. Of the two dynamic capability estimators, the qMD estimate has the most even spread of points across its non-dominated front, whereas the qML estimate has apparent "fibers" of points that terminate on the nondominated front. 4. The "fibers" of the qML estimate all tend to have a positive slope, with discrete jumps down in p (MS) to the next fiber as hutil increases to the right. This is most likely because qML only outputs the PSVM of the most likely damage case, so its output is restricted to only R possible forms; whenever an increase in the pop value causes the nML value to change from "safe" to "unsafe" for a particularly frequent output curve 80 "Utopia'N r 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 - Static capability 0.4 0.3 Dynamic capability from MD 0.2 Dynamic capability from ML 0.1 'V I .7 0.75 0.8 __ MMEDE= 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 nutil Figure 4-19: Plot showing the average fraction of the vehicle capability utilized (Auti1) versus the probability of success (p (MS)) for an onboard decision process performed by an agent using one of the three capability estimation strategies. The non-dominated points for each capability estimation strategy are connected by a dotted line of the corresponding color. of qML, the value of p (MS) drops sharply as all these outputs suddenly cross the safe threshold. By comparison, the qMD estimate has a more gradual transition. In addition to these observations about the point samples, we can use the non-dominated fronts as a measure of performance of each capability estimate when used for decision-making in the flight scenario. For instance, if the agent wants to utilize 95% of the maximum vehicle load factor on average, then they would have a 80% chance of success using the qMD estimate of the load factor as opposed to a 40% chance of success when operating at a static load factor. On the other hand, if the agent can accept operating at less than 80% 81 of the maximum capability on average, then all three estimators show similar performance-we note this is most likely because the damage cases in the library cause a limited reduction in the vehicle capability, and simulating more severe damage cases would continue to emphasize the improvement gained by the dynamic capability estimate. Table 4.4 summarizes important values from Figure 4-19. The qMD estimator displays improvement over both other strategies until niitil < 0.82, when the qML strategy begins to perform within 5% of the qMD probability of success. p (MS) nutil Static Dynamic: qMD Dynamic: qML 0.95 0.89 0.82 0.40 0.72 0.80 0.77 0.72 0.87 0.64 0.85 0.91 Table 4.4: Numerical results obtained from the p (MS) - hutil tradeoff curves in Figure 4-19 to compare the three estimation strategies based on performance in the onboard decision process. 4.3.3 Limitations We make note of limitations of results obtained previously in Sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 as to their applicability and underlying assumptions. First, the damage case library was generated using a full factorial over a reasonable range of damage geometries at a fixed span-wise location on the aircraft wing. A full analysis would perform a sampling of damage regions across the entire wing structure, or would steer the choice of cases according to a given prior distribution. As a result, we saw only a limited impact on the vehicle capability (as quantified by the maximum load factor nma at the fixed airspeed V = 210 ft/s and threshold probability Pthresh = 0.95) and potentially missed interesting regions of the damage geometry parameter space. Second, we used a uniform prior over the damage cases during our analysis. In a realistic scenario, severe damage cases are more unlikely than the pristine case; use of a better damage prior would lead to more realistic results. We hypothesize the average performance of the static capability estimate would improve, because the usefulness of the dynamic estimate is magnified by a higher probability of damage, and reduced if damage events are unlikely. 82 Third, the discussion in Section 4.3.2 relied on sample averages to obtain the trade-off curves in Figure 4-19. This is acceptable for our case that uses a Gaussian sensor noise model, however in general this may not be a reliable means of condensing statistical information from the decision process. Lastly, the results for the flight scenario were obtained assuming full knowledge of the current vehicle maneuver; the full aircraft capability estimation framework is designed to handle uncertainty in the maneuver, however our first analysis here makes the simplification to ease explanation and presentation of numerical results; future work will seek to incorporate maneuver uncertainty, given it is a significant factor in real vehicle systems that identify the vehicle state using imperfect attitude sensors and air data systems. 83 84 Chapter 5 Conclusion 5.1 Summary of Results and Current Work Dynamic flight capability estimation has the potential to dramatically increase the relative usage of the vehicle maneuvering envelope when changes occur to the nominal design capability. This is particularly relevant when compared to prevalent planning techniques that rely on the nominal design capability, and when modern high-power computing can be leveraged before the vehicle is in operation to pre-compute and store information about its behavior. This thesis explored the concept of dynamic capability estimation from a data-driven perspective, where models and experimentation can both be sources of information and where the vehicle behavior is analyzed cognizant of model uncertainty. We formulated a quantitative definition of vehicle capability in Chapter 1, and then developed a general framework in Chapter 2 for estimating vehicle capability using offline models and experimentation. We developed an example of the offline framework using a model of a UAV sustaining wing structural damage in Chapter 3, applying this model to the capability boundary identification process in Chapter 4. This process enabled the construction of the vehicle behavioral library that was used further in Chapter 4 in a capability-informed decision-making process in an example flight scenario. Results from Chapter 4 demonstrated the benefit of incorporating vehicle sensor information into an updated estimate of the structural capability. The baseline case was a static estimate based on the known vehicle structural design limits; the dynamic estimate outperformed in the case that damage to the vehicle was a likely event. Two dynamic estimation processes were used-a maximum likelihood estimator and an estimate based on a mixture distribution-and results indicated the mixture distribution to perform the 85 most consistently, with the drawback of additional required computation for querying the classifier from each record in the behavioral library. Recommendations from this thesis are for the continuing use of the mixture distribution estimator for dynamic vehicle capability estimation, and to look into speedups to the behavioral library queries, with the end goal in mind of performing time-constrained capability estimation for the onboard decision maker. Although the aircraft application presented throughout Chapters 3 and 4 relied on computational models, the methodology in Chapter 2 is open-ended to allow incorporation of experimental data. Recent fabrication of structural coupon samples meant to mimic the behavior of the aircraft wing box will allow experimental data to be "interleaved" with outputs from the aircraft model when constructing the offline behavioral library. This has the potential to provide further real-world validation of the integrated aircraft capability model described in Chapter 3, in particular the merits of using the simplified damage representation in Section 3.3 to capture the effects of damage on capability when identification of the exact damage parameters are not the end goal. 5.2 Future Work In addition to work in the aircraft application part of this research, inference methods employed to formulate the maximum likelihood estimator qML and the mixture distribution estimator qMD are being improved. In particular, accumulating samples according to NS (see Section 4.3.1) could be improved in the case of the qMD estimator by using a recursive Bayes' formulation. In Equation (2.9), the posterior p (D IS) computed for sample k could be fed into the Bayesian update in Equation (2.10) by taking the place of the prior p (D). Specifically, assuming " that when conditioned on the vehicle damage case, all samples are independent, and " that we have observed k sensor samples and computed the posterior p (D IS,,...,ISW), then the Bayesian update in Equation (2.10) for adding the information from the newest observable vector sample k + 1 takes the form: P (Dilsi, . .. , sk, sk+1) -- p(4k+1|IDj) P (Djjsi, . .. , k) S = j/y __ P (S IDj ) p (Dy Js41,. .. , s^) (5.1) The first sample would still be computed based upon a suitable prior p (Dj) over the damage cases in the behavioral library, however accumulation of many 86 sensor readings would mitigate the effect of the choice of prior. Continuing the inspection of the current implementation of the online inference process, a direction for future work is to improve on the strong assumption that the Law of Total Probability can be applied in Equation (2.9)-this is an approximation requiring more careful evaluation, and it reflects the inherent error created by storing only a subset of the possible vehicle damage cases. A bound on the error induced by this approximation that does not require knowledge of the true vehicle capability could be beneficial to an agent using the estimator. 87 88 Bibliography [1] Brintrup, A. M., Ranasinghe, D. C., Kwan, S., Parlikad, A., Owens, K., and Company, T. B., "Roadmap to Self-Serving Assets in Civil Aerospace," Proceedings of the 1st CIRP Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS2) Conference, Cranfield University, April 2009. 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