Multi-Organizational Project Teams and Construction Innovation: GAl The Role of the General Contractor and Construction Manager by MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY R. Anthony Seaman MAY 3 0 2000 B.S. in Civil Engineering The United States Military Academy, 1992 LIBRAR IES Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2000 @2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. Signature of Author: " A Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering May 5, 2000 I Certified by: E. Sarah Slaughter Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Thesis Supervisor / Accepted by: e Daniele Veneziano Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies - - - 0 - -- mL- Multi-Organizational Project Teams and Construction Innovation: The Role of the General Contractor and Construction Manager by R. Anthony Seaman Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on 5 May, 2000, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT With the advent of major advances in current information technology, many business leaders and academicians hail the arrival of a new decentralized economy based on globally networked teams. This dispersed "market-oriented" structure is a new reality for many current industrial organizations who must transform from fully-integrated, centralized organizations into loose networks of suppliers and sellers utilizing just-in-time collaboration to develop and manufacture new products and services world-wide. Recent trends in manufacturing, where companies are now pursuing ventures outside their own organizations, highlight the need for empirical studies on the nature of the collaborative innovative processes within multi-organizational project teams. In construction, temporary organizations of allied firms join together for the express purpose of completing large, complex projects. An analysis of the construction industry provides a unique opportunity to analyze the innovative nature of the multiorganizational project team. A combination of organization, economic, and innovation theory is used to identify factors that enhance multi-organizational project team innovation. Various factors, including principal-agent relationships, cooperation mechanisms, learning mechanisms, and network utilization, are examined to determine their influence on multi-organizational project team innovation. Seven contracting companies are investigated in the performance of twenty-nine different construction projects. Project information is obtained from actual project team members. Fifty innovations are identified from the project sample and used for analysis. The innovations are measured by project in terms of their number and impact on the operations of the general contractor or construction manager. The analysis examines the correlation between various factors and the innovation activity found on each construction project. This research is a step towards understanding the nature of the multi-organizational project team and its capacity to innovate. Project leaders can use this information to better organize project teams for innovation while construction companies and other construction industry firms can use this information to evaluate their innovation strategy. Thesis Supervisor: E. Sarah Slaughter Title: Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Acknowledgements I would love to say that I did all of this work entirely by myself but that simply is not true! I had much help along the way. First and foremost, thank you to the Center for Innovation in Product Development (CIPD) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) who funded this research. To Professor Slaughter, my heroic thesis advisor - your infectious enthusiasm, chaotic energy, indomitable spirit, sense of humor, and tested patience has made this unforgettable, fun-filled journey. To Mom and Dad - your unconditional support is a wonderful gift for which I am very thankful. To Lisa, my wife - the road is long, let's be on our way! And to all of the wonderful people in the construction industry who took the time to talk with me and shared the wonderful work of which they have been a part - thank you for your support. 5 Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 15 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 15 PROBLEM STATEM ENT............................................................................ 1.1 . 16 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES..................................................................... 1.2 16 RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE.................................................................. 1.3 17 THESIS ORGANIZATION....................................................................... 1.4 19 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................... 19 AGENCY THEORY.................................................................................. 2.1 19 2.1.1 The Principal-Agent Relationship.................................................. 20 2.1.2 M ulti-Agent Situations.................................................................. COOPERATION................................................21 CROSS-FUNCTIONAL 2.2 21 2.2.1 M echanisms for Cooperation......................................................... 23 2.2.2 Integration in Construction............................................................. 24 TEAM THEORY AND NETW ORKS.......................................................... 2.3 2.3.1 Economic Team Theory.....................................................................24 2.3.2 Networks.........................................................................................24 25 INNOVATION THEORY......................................................................... 2.4 26 2.4.1 Classification of Innovations......................................................... 26 Innovation Types................................................................ 26 Innovation Models............................................................. 28 2.4.2 Innovation "Clusters".................................................................... 28 of Innovation....................................................... 2.4.3 The Hyper-Cube 28 ORGANIZING FOR INNOVATION........................................................... 2.5 28 2.5.1 The Virtual Organization................................................................ 29 2.5.2 The Learning Organization............................................................. 30 Innovation........................... and Learning Organizational Learning Mechanisms.........................................................32 2.5.3 Organizational Roles.......................................................................32 33 2.6 SUM MARY.................................................................................................. FRAM EW ORK.....................................................................................................35 35 RESEARCH INTENT................................................................................ 3.1 35 INDEPENDENT VARIABLES................................................................ 3.2 3.2.1 Agency Theory................................................................................35 35 Contracts............................................................................ Lump Sum Contracts................... 36 Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracts....... 36 Cost Plus Fee Contracts.................................... 36 37 Fee Contracts.................................................... 37 Unit Price Contracts......................................... 37 Delivery M ethods................................................................ 37 Design-Bid-Build............................................. Construction M anagement................................ 38 39 At Risk.................................................. 39 Representative..... Owner's / As Agent 40 Design-Build.................................................... 41 Project Complexity............................................................. 7 Table of Contents ProjectDrivers and Innovation D rivers............................. Inter-organizational Cooperation.................................................. ProjectTimeline................................................................ Super-ordinateGoals......................................................... Co-location......................................................................... Team Integration................................................................ 3.2.3 Networks......................................................................................... Team Relationships........................................................... Team M ember Selection.........................................................44 Repeat Projects.................................................................. 3.2.4 Organizational Learning................................................................ OrganizationCapability.................................................... Innovative Capability......................................................... 3.3 DEPENDENT VARIABLES..................................................................... 3.3.1 Innovation Types............................................................................ 3.3.2 Innovation M odels......................................................................... 3.3.3 Innovation Clusters....................................................................... M ETHO DO LO GY.............................................................................................. 4.1 A CASE STUDY APPROACH.....................................................................49 4.2 AN EM PIRICAL STUDY............................................................................. 4.3 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 4.4 PROJECT SELECTION............................................................................ 4.4.1 Reducing the Field......................................................................... 4.4.2 Organizational Structure and Capacity........................................... 4.4.3 The Data Sam ple............................................................................ 4.5 CASE STUDIES......................................................................................... 4.5.1 Prim ary Interviews......................................................................... 4.5.2 Secondary Interviews..................................................................... 4.5.3 Case Studies................................................................................... 4.6 DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................... 4.7 DATA VALID ATION ................................................................................ DATA REPRESENTATION.........................................................................55 4.8 RESULTS................................................................................................................. 5.1 THE PROJECTS....................................................................................... 5.1.1 Agency Theory.............................................................................. Contracts............................................................................ Project Contracts............................................. Innovation Contracts......................................... Delivery M ethods................................................................ Delivery M ethods and Project Contracts........................... 5.1.2 Project Descriptors......................................................................... ProjectComplexity.............................................................. Project Drivers.................................................................. INN OVATION OUTCOM ES.................................................................... 5.2 5.2.1 Innovation Types............................................................................ 3.2.2 4. 5. 8 41 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 49 49 50 50 51 51 51 52 52 53 54 55 55 57 57 57 57 57 59 60 61 62 62 62 63 63 Table of Contents 5.2.2 Innovation M odels......................................................................... 64 5.2.3 Innovation M odels and Types.........................................................64 5.2.4 Innovation Clusters......................................................................... 65 5.3 THE CONTRACTOR................................................................................ 66 5.3.1 Innovation "Orchestrators.............................................................. 66 5.3.2 Planned vs. In-progress Innovations............................................... 67 5.3.3 Innovations, Project Complexity, and Project Drivers................... 68 5.3.4 Innovation and Opportunity........................................................... 69 5.4 INNOVATION M ECHANISM S............................................................... 70 5.4.1 Super-ordinate Goals....................................................................... 70 5.4.2 Inter-organizational Cooperation.................................................... 71 Project Timeline..................................................................71 ContractorSelection...........................................................72 Team Relationships........................................................... 73 Co-Location....................................................................... 74 Repeat Projects.................................................................. 74 5.4.3 The Contractor Organization......................................................... 75 ContractorOrchestratedInnovation.................................. 75 OrganizationProcurement................................................ 77 OrganizationalLearning.................................................... 77 5.5 OW NER "END RUNS"............................................................................. 79 6. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................... 81 6.1 SUM M ARY..........................................................................................81 6.2 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................... 82 6.3 FINDINGS.................................................................................................. 82 6.4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY.................................85 References.............................................................................................................................87 Appendices A B C Project Case Studies Research Data Identification of Innovation Clusters 9 List of Figures Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 - The Dynamic Network.................................................................................. 24 - Matching Organizationto Innovation...........................................................29 - Need for External Sourcing of Technology.................................................. 31 - Design-Bid-BuildOrganizationStructure.................................................... 38 - ConstructionManagement (At Risk) OrganizationStructure........................39 - ConstructionManagement (As Agent / Owner's Rep) OrganizationStructure 39 - Design-Build OrganizationStructure........................................................... 40 11 List of Tables Table 4.1 - Research Participants and Geographic Market................................................ Table 4.2 - Senior Management Contacts......................................................................... 52 52 Table 4.3 - Primary Interviews........................................................................................ 53 54 Table 4.4 - Secondary Interview s....................................................................................... 58 Table 5.1 - Project C ontracts.............................................................................................. Contracts.......................................................................................59 Table 5.2 - Innovation 60 Table 5.3 - Project Delivery Methods................................................................................ Table 5.4 - Cross-Tabulation of Project Delivery Methods and Project Contracts............61 62 Table 5.5 - Project C omplexity......................................................................................... 63 Table 5.6 - Project D rivers................................................................................................ 63 Table 5.7 - Innovation Types.............................................................................................. 64 Table 5.8 - Innovation M odels........................................................................................... Table 5.9 - Cross-Tabulation of Innovation Models and Innovation Types...................... 65 65 Table 5.10 - Innovation C lusters....................................................................................... 65 Table 5.11 - Innovation Clusters by Type......................................................................... 67 Table 5.12 - Innovation "Orchestrators"............................................................................ 67 Table 5.13 - Planned vs. In-progress Innovations.............................................................. 68 Table 5.14 - "Orchestrators" of Planned Innovations....................................................... 68 Innovations.................................................. Table 5.15 - "Orchestrators" of In-progress Table 5.16 - Innovation, Project Complexity, and Project Drivers....................................68 69 Table 5.17 - Innovation Solutions and Innovation Opportunities..................................... Table 5.18 - Contractors and Opportunistic Innovation....................................................70 71 Table 5.19 - Super-ordinate Goals and Innovation........................................................... 71 Table 5.20 - Early vs. Late Contractor Entry and Innovation........................................... Table 5.21 - Early vs. Late Contractor Entry and Opportunistic Innovation..................... 71 Table 5.22 - Early vs. Late Contractor Entry and Cooperation Intensity........................... 72 72 Table 5.23 - Contractor Selection and Innovation............................................................. Table 5.24 - Cross-tabulation of Contractor Selection and Innovation Models................73 73 Table 5.25 - Owner-Contractor Relationships and Innovation......................................... Table 5.26 - Cross-tabulation of Owner-Contractor Relationships and Innovation Models.74 Table 5.27 - Project Team Member Co-Location and Innovation.................. 74 75 Table 5.28 - Repeat Projects and Innovation..................................................................... 75 Table 5.29 - Contractor Organizations and Innovation.................................................... 76 Innovation............................................................. Table 5.30 - Contractor Orchestrated Table 5.31 - Owner-Contractor Relationships and Contractor Orchestrated Innovation......76 77 Table 5.32 - Contractor Procurement Policy and Innovation........................................... 78 Table 5.33 - Contractor Learning Mechanisms................................................................ 79 Table 5.34 - Owner "End Runs"....................................................................................... 13 1. INTRODUCTION The pursuit of innovation has long rested on two basic premises: innovation is a powerful instrument of progress; and, it can be harnessed to achieve desirable increases in productivity and performance (Nelson and Winter 1977). With the advent of major advances in current information technology, many business leaders and academicians hail the arrival of a new economy. "New products will be developed by just-in-time collaborations of globally-distributed teams linked seamlessly by web-based tools and processes. The collaborations will be formed by means of a 'services marketplace' where lead firms will find the world's best 'knowledge purveyors' - suppliers of information, components, and support services" (Center for Innovation and Product Development 2000). This dispersed "market-oriented" structure is a new reality for many current industrial organizations who must transform from fully-integrated, centralized organizations into loose networks of suppliers and sellers utilizing just-in-time collaboration to develop and manufacture new products and services world-wide. Established theories of innovation based on centralized, integrated business operations must be re-examined. An analysis of the current construction industry provides a unique opportunity to analyze the inter-organizational nature of the prophesied globally distributed teams. In construction, temporary organizations of allied firms join together for the express purpose of completing large, complex projects. Construction project teams are formed by many different firms specializing in specific functions or areas of expertise - the "knowledge purveyors." Despite the size, complexity, and inherent risk involved in the projects, project teams still innovate despite their temporary organizational nature. 1.1. PROBLEM STATEMENT Built facilities are composed of many individual components that must work together as a system for the facility to function properly. Due to the complex nature of construction, built facilities are typically divided into components or divided along lines according to function. Generally. one firm is responsible for the design of the components while another firm is responsible for the construction. 15 A typical approach to constructing a new facility is to hire the designer and the builder (hereafter referred to as "the contractor") separately. This method of delivering the project is referred to as the "design-bid-build" delivery method. The objective of this separation of design and construction is to prevent the possibility of collusion by the designer and the contractor against the owner. The owner, lacking specialized knowledge in the field of construction, relies upon the designer and the contractor to check-and-balance one another. The result is the creation of a potentially adversarial relationship among the three parties that is not necessarily conducive to collaboration and innovation. As buildings become more complex and the systems they contain become more integrated, the more necessary it becomes for collaboration across various disciplines to produce feasible, fully functional facilities. Complex components require simultaneous design to ensure the finished systems function as a whole. Once design is complete, the "construct-ability" of the facility becomes the primary concern. These instances of design and construction integration require negotiations and collaboration across firm boundaries within the construction project team. 1.2. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this research is to identify factors that enhance multi-organizational project team innovation. The results are expected to isolate relevant factors that influence the innovation process within a multi-organizational project team. Owners can use this information to better organize project teams for innovation while construction companies and other construction industry firms can use this information to evaluate their innovation strategy. 1.3. RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE This research is significant because it continues the investigation into factors that influence the development and implementation of innovation in scenarios that require inter-firm collaboration. Although recent studies have illuminated the importance of collaborative product development and the importance of cross-functional collaboration, little attention has been paid to the implications specifically on the innovation process. Recent trends in manufacturing, where 16 companies are now pursuing ventures outside their own organizations, highlight the need for empirical studies on the nature of the collaborative innovative processes within multiorganizational project teams. This study intends to yield relevant information regarding innovation for the construction industry as well as the manufacturing industry that is moving toward a decentralized model of product development. 1.4. THESIS ORGANIZATION Chapter 2 is a review of current literature and theory pertinent to any study of project team collaboration and innovation. Included in this chapter is a review of agency, team, innovation, and organization theory. Chapter 3 outlines the study's theoretical framework. A summary of the variables used in the study are listed and described. Chapter 4 details the methodology used to conduct this study. The research is empirical in nature and relies on data generated from case studies of twenty-nine different construction projects and fifty innovations. Selection of the participating contractors, generation of the research sample, and data collection process are explained. Chapter 5 presents the analysis of the project innovations with respect to variables from the framework developed in Chapter 3. The findings are compared and contrasted with the theories presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 6 concludes the study. The factors found significant in influencing multiorganizational project team innovation are summarized. Recommendations are provided for continuing this line of research. 17 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Several areas of academic study, including organization and economic theory, are central to the examination of the nature of innovation in the construction industry. A brief overview of the pertinent academic theories relating to this research is presented in this chapter. 2.1. AGENCY THEORY 2.1.1. The Principal-Agent Relationship The principal-agent relationship is a contract under which one party, recognized as the principal,engages another party, recognized as the agent, to perform some service on the principal's behalf, an act which involves delegation of the principal's decision-making authority (Jensen and Meckling 1976). The centerpiece of agency theory is the principal-agent contract. The principal is charged with the responsibility of creating a contract that balances the delegation of authority and the distribution of risk while inducing the agent to perform through incentives. The assumption that an agent will act in its self interest and avoid the full performance of its duties if possible is referred to as the moral hazard (Eisenhardt 1989). Agency theory acknowledges the presence outcome uncertainty in contract relations and emphasizes a close evaluation of risk/reward tradeoffs to draft an effective principal-agent contract (Eisenhardt 1989). In the construction industry, most project owners do not maintain design or construction competencies internal to their own organization. The low frequency of construction activity as well as the inability to predict with certainty the assets specifically needed for each project deters any significant investment in design or construction capability (Eccles 198 1a). When undertaking a new construction project, an owner (the principal)contracts with designers and contractors (the agents). These agents contract with other agents (i.e. engineers, subcontractors, etc.) rounding-out the construction project team. The result is the formation of a multi-tier project team with multiple principal-agent relationships at different levels in the project team organization. 19 In agency theory, contracts are defined as either behavior or outcome-based. Behaviorbased contracts compensate the agent based upon performance of a specific set of activities or operations. A "cost plus fee" contract is an example of a behavior-based contract, the payments are based on the contractor's behavior (i.e., performance of construction activities). On the other hand, outcome-based contracts compensate the agent for a specific set of results or outcome. A lump sum contract is an example of an outcome-based contract. The contract is one of the primary means through which the principal manages risk. The selection of the contract type depends on the degree to which the behavior or outcome is known and controllable by the principal (Eisenhardt 1989). Behavior-based contracts keep the owner at risk. The owner is responsible for monitoring the behavior of the contractor. The risk for the owner lies in the owner's inability to know the financial impact of specific contractor behaviors on the overall construction project. Outcome-based contracts place the contractor at risk. The contractor is responsible for the construction of an integrated, fully functional facility for a fixed price. The builder must perform work until the project is delivered, even if it requires the contractor to take a financial loss to complete the project. Contracts between the owner and its agents in the construction industry are often "incomplete," that is, they do not cover every possible contingency that could be encountered on a construction site. "Incomplete" contracts often contain mechanisms, such as "change orders," allowing for "re-negotiation" of all or part of the contract. Incomplete contracts often rely on the presence of a trilateral governance system to rectify disputes between the principal and an agent (Williamson 1979). An example of a trilateral governance system is the use of a design-bidbuild delivery method in which the architect is given the authority to oversee the operations of the contractor. 2.1.2. Multi-Agent Situations Providing incentives to agent is far more intricate when a project includes a number of separate tasks. The situation is clouded even more if there happens to be multiple agents. When using incentives in multitask, multi-agent situations, the tasks must be analyzed in their totality rather than on an individual basis. Attention given to one task will often draw attention from other necessary tasks. If the tasks are difficult to measure, the principal may not be able to 20 identify counterproductive efforts introduced into the overall project (a result referred to as suboptimization) (Holmstrom and Milgrom 1991). Two factors critical to the optimal task structure in multi-agent situations are the strategic interaction of the agents and their attitudes toward performing multiple tasks. The principal must utilize interdependent incentive schemes making one agent's contract payments contingent upon the outcomes of the tasks of other agents. This non-specialized task structure is referred to as "team production." Team production can be successful when an agent can help another agent at no cost to itself. More explicitly, an agent may incur costs in completing another agent's task but the costs incurred by the agent must be outweighed by the agent's overall gains. The danger in using interdependent incentive schemes lies in the fact that the agents may collude against the principal. Inducing teamwork among agents also creates a potential problem of "free-riding" where one agent may respond to outside assistance by reducing its own effort (Itoh 1991). 2.2. CROSS-FUNCTIONAL COOPERATION The construction industry, like many other industries, joins together a variety of very different firms with differing specialties (or functions) in order to successfully complete a construction project. This temporary team of specialty agents participates in "joint behavior toward some goal of common interest." This behavior is often described as coordination, collaboration, integration, or cooperation (Pinto and Pinto 1990). Van de Ven (1976) defines coordination as "integrating or linking together different parts of the organization to accomplish a collective set of tasks." Trist (1977) defines collaboration as "willingness to align one's own purposes with those of diverse others.. .rather than trying to coerce and dominate in order to get one's way.. .and to negotiate mutually acceptable compromises." Lawrence and Lorsch (1967) define integration as the "quality or state of collaboration that exists among departments that are to achieve unity of effort." 2.2.1. Mechanisms for Cooperation Several researchers attempt to identify the individual factors that promote cooperation among disparate agents in situations where non-cooperative behavior is to be expected. Pinto, et al. (1993) conduct a study of antecedents and consequences of project team cross-functional 21 cooperation. The researchers study the correlation of five cooperation mechanisms to project outcomes in projects requiring cross-functional collaboration. The cooperation mechanisms include super-ordinate goals, physical proximity, team accessibility, use of project team rules, and use of organization rules. The researchers evaluate project outcomes using two categories: perceived task outcomes and psychosocial outcomes. The perceived task outcomes are the traditional measures of success such as "coming in under budget" or meeting project milestones. Psychosocial outcomes are the views of the team members regarding the success of the project as well as how they view their relationship with the other team members. The research demonstrates that super-ordinate goals are a significant antecedent to the project outcomes in projects requiring cross-functional collaboration. Physical proximity and project team rules are also found to be significant for successful cross-functional cooperation. Chen, et al. (1998) suggest that the effectiveness of cooperation mechanisms is contingent on cultural parameters and the specific employment of cooperation mechanisms within the context of a specific culture. The researchers discuss the following cooperative mechanisms in their study: super-ordinate goals, group identity, trust, accountability, communication, reward structures, and incentives. The study uses individualists and collectivists, essentially cultural opposites, to portray how specific cooperation mechanisms must be attenuated to cultural parameters in order to be effective. Individualists require goal interdependence, work toward self-enhancement, and trust in formal procedures. They prefer cooperation fostered by individual accountability, muted communication channels, and equity based rewards. Collectivists, on the other hand, require shared goals, work toward establishing group complementarity, and base their trust on group identity or bond. They prefer cooperation fostered by group-based accountability, open communication, and equality based rewards. Cooperation, at its base, is multiple organizations working together in partnership where each firm has equal input and equal output, or at least equitable input and output, regarding joint endeavors. Each organization provides equal or equitable resources to the relationship and walks away with a fair share of the rewards. On the downside, multiple organizations require multiple governing structures, multiple decision mechanisms, and pursue varying objectives which can lead to conflict. Sometimes it is more efficient to combine the organizations into one entity (or integrate)the organizations. Integrated organizations benefit from the centralized control and 22 management of resources that can efficiently identify objectives and effectively select a means for achieving those objectives through the use of plans and controls. 2.2.2. Integration in Construction Nam and Tatum (1992) identify four non-contractual mechanisms of integration specifically found in the construction industry including strong owner leadership, long-term relationships, integration champions, and pervasive professionalism. In comparing these mechanisms to those observed in other industries, it appears that strong owner leadership is analogous to the super-ordinate goals mentioned by Pinto, et al. (1990) and Chen, et al. (1998). Long-term relationships refer to recurrent transactions over time between two organizations and imply the creation of inter-organizational trust or the establishment of group identity. Integration champions are dedicated workers with the energy and enthusiasm to overcome uncertainty and the institutional barriers often encountered during integration processes. Professionalism is an abstract qualification or assessment that the project team members make of one another and commit to trusting and working with one another based on a shared belief of competence. One of the most difficult tasks in construction is the integration of design and construction. Traditionally, the two primary agents responsible for design and construction, the architect and the contractor, are kept at arm's length from each other to preclude collusion. As projects have become more complex in terms of increased size, improved performance, and shortened duration, there has been an increasing recognition of the value of integrating the design and construction "specialties." "Effective integration requires that construction experts participate in conceptual development and planning for the project, in making decisions, in design reviews, and in scheduling and cost estimating." It is expected that if the contractor is brought on board early in the decision making process, then there will be an optimum use of the contractor's knowledge in helping to achieve the project's overall objectives (Tatum 1987). 23 Designers ProducersBrkers Suppliers BrDDistributors Figure 2.1 - The Dynamic Network (Miles and Snow 1986) 2.3. TEAM THEORY AND NETWORKS 2.3.1. Economic Team Theory Marschak and Radner (1972) define a team as an organization created to achieve an objective but does not share the same information among its members. The authors define teamwork as the basic task of optimally acquiring and distributing information. Economic team theory focuses on the acquisition of appropriate and accurate information and its efficient and effective transmission. According to the authors, agents attempt to maximize expected payoffs from the execution of refined activities. The agents maximize learning through following sequences of identical decision-making processes, approaching "complete" information regarding decision alternatives. In solving large, complex problems with related high information costs, a team will attempt to minimize the problem size and receive compensation while collecting information ("earning while they're learning.") 2.3.2. Networks A rapidly growing field of research, essentially an expansion of team theory, is the relatively recent recognition of networks. Miles and Snow (1986) define the dynamic network as having four fundamental characteristics: vertical disaggre gation, brokers, market mechanisms. and full-disclosure information systems. Vertical disaggregation describes a situation in which business functions such as product design and development, manufacturing, marketing, and 24 distribution, typically conducted within a single organization, are performed by independent organizations in a network (see Figure 2.1). Brokers play a lead role in assembling the team into a cohesive organization and continue in that role to subcontract for necessary services. The various major functions are held together by market mechanisms rather than centralized organizational structures such as plans and controls. Contracts and payment for results are used rather than progress reports and personal supervision to induce performance. The dynamic network utilizes broad-access computerized information systems to mutually and instantaneously verify team member contributions. Excepting the use of broad-access computerized information systems, the dynamic network is a good description of the construction project team. The "producer" is the owner and provides wants, needs, and desires in the form of project specifications. The owner often enlists the help of a "designer" (e.g. the architect) to develop and refine the specifications. The contractor acts as the "broker," contracting with the owner and the "suppliers" (e.g. the subcontractors) to assemble the final product. Eccles (1981b) qualifies the existence of "quasi-firms" in the construction industry where general contractors use many subcontractors in multiple construction projects but use only a limited number of different subcontractors within each trade. In the long run, both the general contractor and subcontractor share recurrent transactions over extended periods of time establishing a semi-formal network of construction related companies. Debreeson and Amesse (1991) laud the network approach in studying innovation because it provides rich analysis in terms of inter-organizational collaboration and learning. Network analysis complements team and collaboration theory by investigating the capture and distribution of information as well as the means and methods of cooperation between the various nodes of the network. Freeman (1991) adds that trust and confidence as well as cultural factors among network members must be considered in any network, echoing the remarks of Chen, et al. (1998). 2.4. INNOVATION THEORY Innovation theory explores the issues associated with the development, design, and implementation of new and useful products, processes, or services. Freeman (1989) and 25 Slaughter (1998) define innovation as the actual use of a nontrivial change and improvement in a process,product, or system that is novel to the institution developing the change. 2.4.1. Classification of Innovations INNOVATION TYPES Tushman and Nadler (1986) identify two basic innovation categories: product innovation and process innovation. A product innovation is a change in a product or service provided by an organization. A process innovation is a change in the way a product is made or a service provided. INNOVATION MODELS Innovations can also be categorized in terms of their respective change from the state-ofthe-art and their impact upon other components. subsystems, or sequences. Slaughter (1998) defined five innovation models that respond specifically to the construction industry: incremental, modular, architectural, systemic, and radical innovation. These models clarify the extent to which innovations affect an organization and its environment. As an innovation increases from incremental to radical, the more disruptive and uncertain the impacts of the innovation on the project and the project team (Slaughter 1998). An incremental innovation marks an improvement over the current state-of-the art. The innovation is generally based on current knowledge and can be implemented with little effort. The impacts of incremental innovations tend to be limited and predictable (Slaughter 1998). An example of an incremental innovation would be the production of a new crane with a greater lift capacity to handle heavier construction loads. A modular innovation involves a significant change in the concept of a component but does not affect the linkages between system components (Henderson and Clark 1990). An example of a modular innovation is the replacement of a traditional thermostat with a thermostat with an infrared sensor. The component can be assembled without input from other specialties and is installed in generally the same fashion as a traditional thermostat. 26 An architectural innovation is a small change to a single component that also changes the linkages between the concepts and components of a system (Henderson and Clark 1990). An example of an architectural innovation is the use of an "up-up" construction sequence for building construction. The same components (i.e. steel, concrete, laborers, etc.) are used for construction but the components are assembled in a non-traditional sequence. Instead of excavating to the bottom basement floor and building up, the basement floor and the ground floor are put into place and construction proceeds up through the basement and up from the ground floor simultaneously. The ground floor plays a secondary role as a diaphragm to brace the excavated hole where basement construction proceeds. Design considerations must be made to ensure that the ground floor can serve as a diaphragm as well as perform its intended function as a floor. Although "up-up" construction appears to be a minor change in the construction sequence, the innovation has major impact on the roles of the various components during the construction process. A systemic innovation is the integration of multiple independent innovations that work together to perform new functions or improve facility performance as a whole (Slaughter 1998). An example of a systemic innovation would be the creation of a "column-less" venue that relies on abutment construction, support by a single curved truss arch, and the design and use of a hinged ball-and-socket joint developed to ease construction of the facility. These three innovations combine together to create the "column-less" venue. A radical innovation changes the core concepts and the linkages between the core concepts and components of a system. A radical innovation in construction from over a hundred years ago was the introduction of structural steel. Its appearance was unexpected and changed the type of structures and buildings that could be built. A whole new industry of steel manufacturing and fabrication emerged as well as new components and systems linked to the new structural forms and systems (Elliott 1994; Slaughter 1998). 27 2.4.2. Innovation "Clusters" Slaughter and Shimizu (2000) identify three different forms of innovation "clusters" in a study of the construction of eleven long span and multi-segmental bridges. The clusters are related by system, actualizing, or complementary links or may not be related at all. A cluster of innovations with system links is a multiple group of innovations developed through coordinated activities to achieve a new function or level of performance. A cluster of innovations with actualizing links is the realization of an innovation through the use of one or more other innovations. A cluster of innovations with complementary links provides benefits from the joint application of the innovations even though the innovations perform independently. 2.4.3. The Hyper-Cube of Innovation The effect of the development and use of innovation on an organization derives primarily from an organization's individual perspective (Afuah and Bahram 1995). Various organizations evaluate the same innovation differently and can associate different costs to specific innovative activities. An innovation that may be incremental to one party may be architectural to another and may have no effect on a third. As a result, each party makes a different assessment regarding the risks, rewards, and impact of any innovation. The hyper-cube of risk, reward, and impact upon various team members is an important consideration in structuring project team incentives and rewards and in selecting an appropriate project team organization structure. 2.5. ORGANIZING FOR INNOVATION 2.5.1. The Virtual Organization The virtual organization is analogous to the aforementioned "dynamic network" where the parent organization subcontracts outside the organization for capabilities needed to perform the work required. Chesbrough and Teece (1996) fear that many organizations misunderstand the concept of virtual organization and are failing to nurture and guard their core competencies, therefore placing their futures at risk. 28 Exist Outside Go Virtual Ally with Caution Must Be Created Ally or In-house In-house Capabilities Autonomous Systemic Innovation Figure 2.2 - Matching Organizationto Innovation (Chesbrough and Teece 1996) The degree of centralization within an organization has a direct impact on the willingness or incentive to take risks as well as the ability to settle conflicts and coordinate activities. Centralized activity provides less opportunity to take risk but the activity is easier to coordinate and control. Less centralized activity provides more opportunity to take risk but the activity is harder to coordinate and control. Chesbrough and Teece (1996) maintain that a balance must be struck between the ability to take risk and the ability to maintain control of an operation. Organizational decisions with respect to obtaining innovative capabilities are to be made based on two criteria: the current state of the capabilities required for the innovation and the nature of the innovation itself (see Figure 2.2). The innovative capabilities either currently exist outside the organization or must be created. Innovations are considered either autonomous (not relating to core capabilities) or systemic (relating to core capabilities). If the innovation is autonomous and the capabilities exist outside the organization, "going virtual" is deemed appropriate. In any other scenario, going virtual exposes the organization to the strategic risk of losing a core competency to an external organization. The alternative in these other scenarios are the creation of formal alliances with existing organizations that have the requisite capabilities or the use of explicit mechanisms to bring the capability in-house, either through acquisition or inhouse development. 2.5.2. The Learning Organization Trans-organizational innovation involves generating new knowledge out of knowledge inputs that are distributed across disciplines and organizations that may be geographically 29 dispersed. Trans-organizational innovation is critically dependent on management processes associated with learning (Millar, et al. 1997). ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING AND INNOVATION Leonard-Barton (1995) posits that the process of learning is the major source for innovation, specifically theorizing that the ability of an organization to learn provides the opportunity for discovering new and innovative products and processes. The author identifies four mechanisms for an organization to generate knowledge: problem solving, implementation, experimenting, and importing knowledge. The key to productive problem solving is to create a diverse problem-solving group with a variety of technical and business skills (not necessarily different backgrounds). The goal in forming the group is to establish "creative abrasion" where different perspectives can vie in an open forum to generate optimal solutions to specific problems (Leornard-Barton 1995). In construction, bringing the contractor on board early in the design process is a mechanism for establishing "creative abrasion." In groups with diverse skill sets, persons with "A-shaped" skills and "T-shaped" skills act as boundary spanners to keep the problem-solving effort moving forward. Persons with "Ashaped" skills know how to translate information from one specialty to another and vice versa. Persons with "T-shaped" skills have deep knowledge of a particular specialty but also understand the business process and can translate concerns between the two functions (Leonard-Barton 1995). Cultivating employees with appropriate skill sets quickly becomes a key consideration in implementing an effective innovation strategy. The act of implementation itself generates knowledge from experience. User involvement in the decision making process provides much of the foundation for making an innovation successful. The timing and intensity of involvement of the various implementers and users has a significant impact on the development of an innovation (Leonard-Barton 1995). For example, if a contractor is heavily involved in a project from conception, the contractor has the ability to influence major decisions regarding design. project layout, use of new materials, equipment, and/or installation of new systems. Redesign and the resulting increase in costs can be reduced to an acceptable amount if "joint" decisions are made early in the design process. 30 High Familiarity with Technology within the Firm Outsource Candidate Internal R&D Little Investment External Acquisition Low Low High Strategic Importance Figure 2.3 - Need for External Sourcing of Technology (Leonard-Barton1995) Experimenting and prototyping is another source of knowledge generation, including knowledge about innovation. To be beneficial to the learning process, experiments must be seen as a continuous and ongoing effort and not as a "do or die" affair. The key is not to gain success through experimenting but to do a great deal of experimentation to generate superior knowledge upon which success can be based. Even failure in experimenting should be considered success as long as it is "intelligent failure" or "failure forward." The bottom line is to build a knowledge base as well as a propensity to identify, evaluate, and assume organizational risk. It is also important to consider the factors that influence a successful experiment, including the personnel involved in the experiment, their skills, and the management structure overseeing the experiment (Leonard-Barton 1995). Leonard-Barton's (1995) discussion of importing knowledge from outside the firm is analogous to Chesbrough and Teece's (1996) discussion of virtual organization capability development. Leonard-Barton bases the decision regarding the acquisition of innovation capabilities on two factors: the firm's familiarity with the new technology and the strategic importance of the knowledge to the organization (see Figure 2.3). Familiar technologies can be outsourced if they have little strategic importance. If the technology is strategically important, internal R&D should develop it. If the organization is not familiar with the technology, no investment is to be made for knowledge low in strategic importance while acquisition for knowledge high in strategic importance is imperative. Understanding the strategic value of innovations can explain the efforts made by various project team members in learning or acquiring innovation. 31 LEARNING MECHANISMS Kululanga, et al. (1999) examine the use of thirty-five learning mechanisms employed by construction contractors to foster organizational learning. The mechanisms are categorized into five separate groups: collaborative mechanisms (mentoring, joint ventures, licensing, etc.); noncollaborative mechanisms (acquisition or take-over): networks (professional, technology based, etc.); in-house research, reviews, and improvement ("lessons learned," internal/external benchmarking, etc.); and individual enterprise (staff training, internal/external seminars, etc.) After studying the operations of thirty-one contractors, the researchers determine that contractors use very few learning mechanisms to any significant extent. Contractors use partnering, joint venturing, and corporate mentoring, look primarily to professionally based networks for acquisition of new knowledge, and review their project successes and failures in conjunction with in-house research to increase organizational knowledge. In the study of over four hundred companies, Ruggles (1998) examines organizational knowledge management and the impact that a manager's perceptions of knowledge can have on knowledge transfer within an organization. Current knowledge management processes possible at the company level include utilization of a company intranet, data warehousing, implementation of decision support tools, utilization of groupware to support collaboration, creation of networks, mapping of internal expertise, and establishment of "knowledge roles" within an organization. The biggest barriers to implementing knowledge management come from resistance by established organization cultures, failure of management to signal the importance of "knowledge activities," lack of understanding about learning strategies, lack of problem ownership, inflexibility due to formal organizational structures, and ineffectiveness due to non-standard processes in knowledge accumulation and distribution. 2.5.3. Organizational Roles Roberts and Fusfeld (1981) identify several critical organizational roles important to the development and use of innovation. These roles include idea generators. innovation champions, gatekeepers or boundary spanners, sponsors. coaches, and mentors. Idea generators creatively link diverse ideas and can often visualize new approaches to products and processes that lead to innovation while champions bring these creative ideas to life. Champions are the entrepreneurs 32 that turn innovative ideas into results. Gatekeepers and boundary spanners acquire, translate, and distribute information vital to the innovation process across the boundaries of the organization. Sponsors, coaches, or mentors are senior mangers who provide formal support to the innovation process in the form of the protection of resources required for innovative activity. Roberts and Fusfield note that these roles are more effective when incorporated in an informal manner and often become detrimental if formalized. 2.6. SUMMARY The literature reviewed identifies factors that potentially impact multi-organizational project team innovation. Agency theory identifies project incentives and risk distributions that potentially inhibit or induce innovative activity based on an evaluation of the contracts and delivery methods used to deliver a project. Cooperation theory suggests that presence of the cooperation mechanisms used by construction project teams will lead to increased cooperation which, in turn, is expected to lead to increased innovative activity. Team theory and network theory stress that long-term relationships and trust between the various project team members allow for increased project team innovation. The literature on organizational learning implies that the project team members themselves are an important part of the mix and the capabilities that they bring to the project team can have a significant impact on project team innovation. Innovation theory provides the barometer for measuring innovation activity. Categorization of innovation type (e.g. product or process), innovation model (e.g. incremental, modular, architectural, systemic, or radical) and rate of generation will assist in identifying the factors that influence multi-organizational project team innovation. 33 3. FRAMEWORK 3.1. RESEARCH INTENT The intent of this research is to inform and assist general contractors and construction managers with innovation strategies in construction by identifying factors that influence multiorganizational project team innovation. This research has been developed so that the independent variables examined are the variables in which the contractor has a reasonable amount of control, such as choice of contracts and construction delivery methods or establishment and maintenance of long-term owner-contractor relationships. The dependent variable in this study is the nature and number of innovations generated on each construction project. This framework is developed to allow a comparable analysis of the research data so that conclusions can be drawn regarding the factors that influence the generation and use of innovations within multi-organizational project teams, specifically from the perspective of the general contractor or construction manager. 3.2. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES 3.2.1. Agency Theory Agency theory identifies the relationships between the formal distribution of costs, benefits, and risk among project team members and provides possible explanations for innovations generated by a multi-organizational project team. CONTRACTS The contract is the formal mechanism for allocating costs, benefits, and risk between an owner and a contractor (Barrie and Paulson 1992). The specific contract type stipulates the extent to which each team member is willing bear risk and share rewards. The contracts of any sub-contractor involved in the innovation process are also considered to fully represent the risk allocation and team member compensation regarding innovation use on a project. 35 Lump Sum Contracts A lump sum contract is a fixed-price contract. It is also an outcome-based contract. The price of the contract is a mutual agreement between the principal and the agent based on the expected cost of the project. The established price is expected to cover all contingencies. In construction, under this form of contract, the contractor bears the risk. The contractor must provide certain "deliverables" for a specific payment even though providing those "deliverables" may cost more than originally expected due to unforeseen circumstances. This major shift in risk is only viable in the construction industry when the contractor is afforded a means of relief through "change orders," which allow a re-negotiation of the price if circumstances significantly change the original scope of a project. Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracts A guaranteed maximum price or "GMP" contract is also a fixed-price, outcome-based contract but is noticeably different from a lump sum contract. The price of a GMP contract is significantly higher than the expected cost of a project. The principal pays for the actual cost of services performed up to the mutually agreed GMP. The principal maintains a reasonable expectation of savings, a price below the GMP. The risk to the principal is minimized by the maximum price secured by the contract. The agent is granted access to additional financial resources to deal with unexpected contingencies without cause for re-negotiation and its associated costs. Because the agent is provided with access to additional resources in the form of a financial buffer, less project risk is transferred to the agent. The principal and the agent share the risk of the project more equally under this form of contract. Cost Plus Fee Contracts A cost plus fee contract is a reimbursable contract. The contract is also a behavior-based contract. The principal agrees to pay the agent for all costs incurred during performance of services plus an equitable fee for performing the services. This form of contract is often used in situations where the nature or the extent of the work cannot be easily determined prior to initiation of the project. In construction, the owner agreeing to a cost plus contract is exposed to significant risk because of the uncertain financial implications. The owner expects the contractor 36 to behave appropriately by completing the project in an efficient and effective manner and must have complete confidence in the contractor to agree to such a contract. Fee Contracts A fee contract is strictly a behavior-based contract. The principal pays the agent based upon a specific performance metric (e.g. hourly wage, weekly or monthly fee, etc.) mutually agreed to by both parties. The fee can be fixed or variable with the same implications as a lump sum contract or cost plus fee contract, respectively. The key distinction of a fee contract is the non-transfer of risk to the agent. The agent assumes no risk regarding the outcome of the services performed. The agent need only perform the required services to receive payment. In the construction industry, fee contracts are used by owners to obtain the use of design and construction experts as personal advisors. Because the contractor is not at risk, the contractor can work on behalf of the owner as an official "agent" or owner's representative. Unit Price Contracts Unit price contracts are a unique tool used when the extent of work (i.e. number of units) cannot be completely determined but the type of work is known. The principal is able to reduce uncertainty by "locking" the agent into a unit price but the risk posed by the uncertain amount of units required to complete the project remains. This contract is best suited for situations where a reasonable approximation of the required units can be estimated. DELIVERY METHODS The organizational structure of the project team formally defines the delegation of tasks and responsibilities (Barrie and Paulson 1992). A project organization's structure outlines the authoritative relationships within the project organization delineating the role and responsibility undertaken by each project team member. Design-Bid-Build The design-bid-build (DBB) delivery method is also referred to as the "traditional" delivery method in the construction industry. The owner hires the design and construction agents in sequence. This delivery method is designed primarily to deter collusion between the design 37 Figure 3.1 - Design-Bid-Build OrganizationStructure and construction agents. The designer is hired first, completes the design based on the owner's inputs, and assembles the construction documents for bidding. The contractor is then hired strictly for construction purposes. If the owner lacks construction expertise, it is often the responsibility of the architect to oversee the contractor's performance. Under design-bid-build, the two primary agents, the architect and the contractor, are positioned in potentially adversarial roles. Any construction contractor hired as part of a design-bid-build team is ultimately relegated to the role of general contractor (GC). A general contractor is responsible solely for the assembly and performance of the construction team. Construction Management Construction management involves the contractor as part of the project team prior to the construction phase. The construction manager (CM) may be involved in project conception, early design, detailed design, and construction document preparation. The use of a construction manager allows the project team to capitalize on the construction expertise of the contractor. Construction management not only provides a means of integrating the design and construction processes but also provides a remedy for the strictly sequential nature of the design-bid-build delivery method. Construction management occurs in primarily in three different forms: at risk, as agent, or as owner's representative. Each form specifically defines the role of the contractor in terms of project responsibility and risk allocation. 38 Figure 3.2 - ConstructionManagement (At Risk) OrganizationStructure Owner OwnerCO Architect CM(O/A) Architect Engineers Subcontractors Engineers Subcontractors Figure 3.3 - ConstructionManagement (As Agent / Owner's Rep) OrganizationStructure At Risk When the construction manager assumes financial responsibility for a project though a contract, such as a lump sum or GMP contract, the delivery method is referred to as construction management at risk (CM(R)). Construction management at risk is an appealing contract form because it sheds risk away from the owner; placing it on the construction manager. The construction manager is more willing to bear the risk because the contractor can exercise influence on the scope of the project and is better informed regarding the nature and extent of the project due to early involvement. As a construction manager at risk, the contractor maintains control over the construction process (see Figure 3.2). As Agent / Owner's Representative In construction management as agent (CM(A)) or as owner's representative (CM(O)), the contractor bears little risk. As an agent the contractor works as an official "agent" of the owner 39 Figure 3.4 - Design-Build Organization Structure and is awarded discretionary power similar to the power afforded a legal "power of attorney." The agent performs services directly for the owner including money management and oversight of financial transactions. As an owner's representative the contractor serves as the eyes and ears of the owner, observing and monitoring the performance of the construction team. A fee contract is generally associated with this delivery method, protecting the contractor's fiduciary responsibility to the owner. The amount of authority granted to a construction manager, as agent or as owner's representative, is at the discretion of the owner. However, more often than not, agents are included in the project team "chain-of-command" while owner representatives generally serve in purely an advisory capacity to the owner without direct authority over the other agents (see Figure 3.3). Design-Build The design-build (DB) delivery method is a unique delivery method that explicitly attempts to integrate the design and construction processes. Either of the two primary agents (the designer or the contractor) or both agents (e.g. joint venture) can take the lead role and deal directly with the owner for both agent organizations. The owner benefits by dealing with a single point of contact for design and construction services but is exposed to possible agent collusion due to the absence of inherent checks-and-balances found in other delivery methods. The agents are positioned to capitalize on gains made from integrated design and construction processes. On the other hand, the use of the design-build delivery method does not guarantee an integrated 40 process or the realization of any gains. This delivery method only provides the opportunity for integration and the resulting improvements in the construction process. PROJECT COMPLEXITY Identifying project complexity helps identify specific costs on a construction project and provides a basis for explanation of team member actions and decisions in relation to their contractual responsibilities. Project complexity is divided into five different categories: site access, transportation,construction, contractual, and social (Dodd 2000). Site access complexity indicates an inability to easily reach the actual point where construction work needs to be performed, such as performing construction work underneath a thirty-story building. Transportationcomplexity describes construction projects where transportation of construction equipment and material to the project site is extremely difficult or costly when using conventional methods. Construction complexity is used to describe a project that requires construction activity of a larger size, shorter duration, or at a state-of-the-art that is over and above a typical construction project. Contractualcomplexity indicates the use of non-standard contracts or procedures within a construction project team. Social complexity is a reflection of external sociopolitical factors that have a significant impact on the construction project. Traffic control, noise pollution, and other environmental factors significantly impact the local area that in turn can affect the success of the project. PROJECT DRIVERS AND INNOVATION DRIVERS Cost, schedule, construction performance, buildingperformance, and social factors can be drivers for a project as well as the reason for innovation use. A "driver" is defined as a primary factor upon which significant project-related decisions are based. A project that has a constrained budget that requires cost-moderating actions is driven by cost. A project with tight time constraints is driven by schedule. Constructionperformance pertains to the performance of construction activities. A new crane with greater lift capacity would be an innovation designed to improve construction performance. Building performance refers to performance of the final constructed facility. If an owner desires a "landmark" building, that requirement could serve as a driver more important than cost or schedule. Social drivers generally address sociopolitical 41 factors surrounding the project site. A new, noise minimizing pile driver developed for use on a project located in a residential neighborhood would be considered driven by social factors. An examination of project and innovation drivers is another means to analyze expected transaction costs and the distribution of benefits among the various team members. The drivers of a project can identify which parties are most likely to encourage innovation and are willing to assume specific transaction costs to pursue the innovation. Analyzing innovation drivers provides a means of observing whether the innovation is the result of a project driver, the solution to a specific project complexity, or satisfies some other purpose. 3.2.2. Inter-organizational Cooperation PROJECT TIMELINE The timeline of project events, including the entry of the contractor and relevant subcontractors, is indicative of the relative involvement of each team member in the innovation process. Timing of entry is recorded as either early or late. Early entry is defined as entry during either the conception or design phase of a construction project. Late entry refers to entry during either the pre-construction (including detailed design) or construction phase of a project. Early entry allows greater opportunity for collaboration and integration of the design-construction process. Greater collaboration and integration is expected to lead to greater innovation in number and extent. SUPER-ORDINATE GOALS A super-ordinate goal is a goal "that is urgent and compelling for all groups involved but whose attainment requires the resources and efforts of more than one group" (Pinto, et al. 1993). Given the nature of the construction project team, there are several typical super-ordinate goals for every construction project. These goals often relate to staying under budget (cost), completing the project on time (schedule), and delivering a functional built facility (quality or performance). For the purpose of this study, these "traditional" goals are not recognized as super-ordinate goals. A super-ordinate goal, for this study, is defined as either a pronounced emphasis of one or more of the traditional construction project goals in conjunction with extreme 42 circumstances or a pronounced project goal outside the realm of the traditional construction project goals. Completing a project on schedule would not be considered a super-ordinate goal, whereas, attempting to construct a courthouse in less than a year when a typical courthouse requires three years to complete would be considered a super-ordinate goal. CO-LOCATION This measure indicates the presence of significant team members being located within close physical proximity of one another for the express purpose of team cooperation. For example, co-location could require the designer and the contractor to both be located on the construction site to respond quickly to unexpected or unforeseen events. TEAM INTEGRATION Team integration describes the level of cooperation between various team members serving as a direct measure of the type and intensity of cooperation occurring within a project team organization. The level of team integration is captured to differentiate the level of activity required for the development and implementation of the various innovations. The level of team integration is divided into three categories: communication, coordination,and collaboration. Communication is primarily the passing of information in one direction between two parties. The information is generally communicated along project team organization lines. Coordination requires two-way communication to ensure successful completion of required tasks and often requires stepping outside the bounds of the project team's formal lines of communication. For example, an electrician may talk directly with the electrical engineer to clarify specific points in the construction drawings. Collaborationis similar to coordination except that the form of communication requires some type of joint problem solving between multiple parties where each party provides valuable input in developing and/or using an innovation. An example of collaboration would be a open discussion between a construction manager, a structural engineer, and a steel erector exploring conceptual designs for the erection of a non-standard structural system. 43 3.2.3. Networks For this research, the project team is viewed as the physical manifestation of a network of multiple design and construction firms. The following specific measures attempt to recognize the persistence of any "quasi-firm" networks despite the temporary nature of each individual project. TEAM RELATIONSHIPS Three contractor relationships are examined regarding specific project innovations. These include the relationship with the owner of the construction project, the relationship with the designer or vendor responsible for "creating" the innovation, and the relationship with the sub-contractors (if any) responsible for the implementation of the innovation on the construction site. The degree of each relationship is categorized as strong, stable, or new. The relationship is considered strong if the two parties have worked on five of more projects together within the last ten years and maintain a positive working relationship. The relationship is considered stable if the two parties have worked together on two to five projects within the last ten years. The relationship is considered new if the two parties worked together on only one project or less within the last ten years. TEAM MEMBER SELECTION In the construction industry, owners have a variety of ways of selecting their agents. For this study, contractor selection was recorded as open bid, short list, or negotiated. Open bid indicates that any contractor could bid to participate in the project. Although the candidates may have been narrowed down through a screening process, the distinction remains that any party could initially participate. Short list indicates that a limited number of contractors were approached by the owner and subsequently competed with one another in terms of cost and capability to participate in the project. Negotiated indicates that the contractor was directly approached by the principal to participate in the project and did not have to compete for the job. The selection of team members is another indicator of relationships between various firms and is indicative of an informal construction team network as well as a measure of trust between the team members. 44 REPEAT PROJECTS This measure captures the intention of the project team to work together in the future on a similar project. Repeating a project changes the expected longevity of the team's relationships as well as creates a different perspective when analyzing the distribution of costs, benefits, and risks on a construction project, specifically when the benefits of an innovation can be extended over more than one project. 3.2.4. Organizational Learning The following variables capture the construction manager or general contractor's "innovative posture" and knowledge processes relating to innovation. ORGANIZATION CAPABILITY Several measures are used to obtain a sense of a contractor's capabilities in terms of resources and decision-making processes. The organization's approach to managing personnel with respect to project teams is indicative of the company's approach to cultivating employee knowledge. Contractor project teams (typically the project executive, project manager, and project superintendent) are categorized as either temporary or permanent. Permanentteams lead to specialization of personnel in specific niches in the construction industry while temporary teams emphasize the need for organization personnel to develop diverse backgrounds. The depth of an organization is representative of the expertise available to the organization. It is also indicative of the organization's willingness to keep a reserve of resources to deal with unforeseen circumstances. Contracting organizations typically employ project executives, project managers. project engineers, superintendents, foremen, and laborers. The purchasing activity of a contractor is categorized as either centralized, decentralized, or balanced. Decentralization is indicative of the autonomy and flexibility provided the project team, while centralized procurement indicates an emphasis on efficiency and streamlining. A balanced procurement operation allows individual project managers to "shop" their own project 45 while a small group within the parent contracting organization provides procurement support to the project team. INNOVATIVE CAPABILITY Seven specific attributes of each contracting organization characterize the organization's "innovative posture." Each attribute is evaluated with respect to its degree of formalization, specifically asformal or informal in nature or as not present. The following attributes are investigated specifically regarding innovation: a specific organizationpolicy; organization teams for innovation, knowledge management, benchmarking, and best practices; in-house research efforts; and individual and organizationalincentive and reward structures. Eleven "knowledge processes" characterize the organization's capacity to capture, store, and disseminate information. These attributes are also evaluated according to their degree of formalization in the organization. The following knowledge processes are examined: the development and use of a company intranet,use of data warehousing,development and use of decision support tools, possession and use of groupware,use of internal and external networks, mapping of expertise across the organization, designation of mentors, conduct of knowledge training, use of learning-orienteddiscussions, and conduct of internalassessments and audits. Knowledge training, which is often misinterpreted as standard job training, is training organizational personnel to use information management systems, explaining why information management is important, and demonstrating how to maintain the information system so that it is useful. 3.3. DEPENDENT VARIABLES Each innovation in this study is matched to an innovation type and an innovation model to use for comparative analysis. 3.3.1. Innovation Types Each innovation is classified as a product or process innovation. In order to clarify the nature of the innovation, each category is further refined into two additional categories. A design innovation (a subset of product innovation) is strictly an innovative design. Product innovation 46 is a physical manifestation of an innovation. Process innovation refers to innovative changes in physical construction processes while management innovation (a subset of process innovation) refers to innovation in the administration of the construction process. 3.3.2. Innovation Models Innovation models define the nature and the impact of an innovation on the construction project team. Innovation models also identify the type and the amount of risk associated with the innovation. Each innovation is evaluated from the perspective of the contractor. Innovations are identified as either incremental,modular, architectural,systemic, radical,or as having no impact (on the contractor). Innovation models are also recorded considering the perspective of the owner and the team member responsible for an innovation's implementation (see Appendix B). 3.3.3. Innovation Clusters Analyzing relationships between multiple innovations used on the same project provides another perspective for understanding a project team's development and use of innovation. Multiple innovations identified on projects in the sample are categorized as systemic, actualizing, complementary, or not related. 47 4. METHODOLOGY This study was conducted using a methodology to ensure the collection of valid, accurate, and reliable data. The research process was purposely structured to allow this study to be replicated for validation, refinement, and future exploration. 4.1. A CASE STUDY APPROACH This investigation is predominantly exploratory in nature and requires a 'broad-brush' approach to identify the relevant factors influencing multi-organizational project team innovation. Case studies are used to explore the rich contextual nature of each construction project in the study. Each project is complex and its outcome is often dependent upon a number of different variables - including unforeseeable events such as the presence of difficult underground conditions, delays and disruptions due to weather, and project team disputes. Knowledge about means and methods in the construction industry is considered very tacit in nature. Most construction industry professionals acquire their professional knowledge primarily through experience. In this "hands-on" environment, the use of case studies provides the opportunity to uncover rich sources of information not recorded in any other form. The case study approach also "generalizes" the construction projects allowing parallels to be drawn to other industries. 4.2. AN EMPIRICAL STUDY This study uses empirical data derived from real construction projects to identify and analyze factors that influence multi-organizational project team innovation. The data for this study is generated from the shared experiences of the various project team members interviewed for this research. The data was collected and organized to allow for simple statistical analysis to identify the relevant factors that influence multi-organizational project team innovation. 49 4.3. LITERATURE REVIEW The first step in this research required an extensive review of existing literature regarding inter-organizational collaboration, project team organization, and innovation. Several areas of academic theory were reviewed in order to thoroughly capture the dynamic nature of this subject, including organization, economic, management, and innovation theory (see Chapter 2). This review of current literature enabled a rough approximation of the factors considered influential on multi-organizational project team innovation (see Chapter 3). 4.4. PROJECT SELECTION This research specifically focuses on the general contractor and the construction manager. The difference between a construction manager and a general contractor is subject to debate. As a construction manager, the contractor provides services to the owner in the form of construction expertise. The contractor, aside from assembling and managing the construction team, is expected to act in the owner's best interest and assist the owner in making project-related decisions. The construction manager is often made a part of the construction project team early in the project cycle so that the contractor's contribution to the project team is maximized. The general contractor, on the other hand, primarily serves to assemble and manage the construction team. The design and construction processes are more clearly divided. The designers complete the design and "toss it over the wall" to the general contractor. The general contractor has little input during the design process and once on board, focuses primarily on completing the project by the most efficient and effective means possible. For the general contractor, making decisions in the best interest of the owner is not so much a responsibility as it is just good business practice. Although the difference between the terms "construction manager" and "general contractor" is debatable, the two terms generally encompass the same duties and responsibilities on the construction site and are presumed to be synonymous for the purpose of this research. In almost every situation, the contractor is ultimately responsible to the owner for the delivery of a fully functional, built facility. The contractor is responsible for the transformation of a design into a physical product. The contractor assembles and manages the construction 50 team, managing all construction operations with an eye on controlling cost, quality, and schedule. The contractor also serves as the interface between the owner and the rest of the construction team. As a result, the contractor is generally the most knowledgeable project team member regarding project procedures, timelines, and events. The contractor is also the most likely to be familiar with the project team organizational structure, the various contract relationships, and the details pertaining to the participation of relevant team members in the development and implementation of innovation. The centralized nature of the contractor'role provides sound reasoning for centering this study on the role of the contractor. 4.4.1. Reducing the Field In order to eliminate the varying factors of different types of construction, the sample concentrates on large occupied buildings constructed for non-industrial activities (e.g. office administration, education, research and development, and entertainment). The research is also limited to the geographic region of New England to reduce the influence of geographical and environmental factors on project performance as well as to facilitate timely and thorough collection of project data. 4.4.2. Organizational Structure and Capacity To determine if organizational structure, size, and/or capacity has an effect on project team collaboration, the contractor's participating in this study are deliberately selected with respect to the extent of their geographic market (see Table 4.1). Each contractor brings a different perspective and a different set of capabilities to the construction process. 4.4.3. The Data Sample The companies participating in this study were approached and presented with the description and objectives of the intended research. After each company agreed to cooperate and participate in the study, an interview was scheduled with an appropriate company representative (see Table 4.2). A brief interview was conducted with the company representative to ascertain which recent construction projects either explicitly used innovation or would most likely have 51 Company Bovis, Inc. Beacon Skanska USA Gilbane Tishman Construction Corporation Turner Construction Company George B. H. Macomber Construction Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. * Geographic Market International International National National National* Local Local During the course of this research, Turner Construction Company has become a wholly owned subsidiary of HOCHTIEF AG, an internationalconstruction company. Table 4.1 - Research Participants and Geographic Market Name James M. Becker Joseph R. Farrell III Denise M. Marien Tom Comeau Kenneth H. Stowe, P.E. Daniel P. McQuade William F. Sowa Company Beacon Skanska USA Bovis, Inc. Gilbane Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. GBH Macomber Tishman Construction Turner Construction Position President / CEO Senior Vice President Marketing Manager Vice President Marketing Senior Vice President Deputy Operations Manager Location Boston, MA Boston, MA Providence. RI Lexington, MA Boston, MA Boston. MA Boston, MA Table 4.2 - Senior Management Contacts included the use of innovation. A minimum of three projects from each company was selected for detailed investigation. 4.5. CASE STUDIES Based upon the literature review, a semi-structured interview was generated to acquire relevant information about each construction project. 4.5.1. Primary Interviews Primary interviews were conducted in person or by phone at the convenience of the person being interviewed. The primary interviews were conducted with the contractor's project manager, or designated representative, for each project in the study (see Table 4.3). The project manager was often accompanied by either a representative of the owner's organization or the 52 Project Boys & Girls Club Brockton Trial Court GelTex Laboratory Harvard Housing Hilton Hotel - Logan SFX Pavilion 10 St. James Place Basketball Hall of Fame Millennium Place Brookline High School Cambridge Hospital The Learning Corridor Pearle River Data Center Genzyme Tissue Repair MIT - Building 11 Perceptive Biosystems Tufts Medical Health Center Dartmouth Science Complex EMC - Franklin Boston College - Higgins Hall IMAX Theater 4 Times Square Elevated Walkways Hilton Hotel - Logan Wang Theater Astra Gate House Park Trinity Condominiums Northeastern University Dorms WTC - East Office Building Company Beacon Skanska USA Beacon Skanska USA Beacon Skanska USA Beacon Skanska USA Beacon Skanska USA Beacon Skanska USA Bovis. Inc. Bovis, Inc. Bovis, Inc. Gilbane Gilbane Gilbane Gilbane Kennedy&Rossi, Inc Kennedy&Rossi, Inc Kennedy&Rossi, Inc. Kennedy&Rossi, Inc. GBH Macomber GBH Macomber GBH Macomber GBH Macomber Tishman Construction Tishman Construction Tishman Construction Tishman Construction Turner Construction Turner Construction Turner Construction Turner Construction Name Bill Cunniff Derrick Menier Bill Cunniff Raymond Chesley Todd Kotay Gino Barroni Jeff Higdon Bob Sanders Bob Sullivan Sue Kwalanf Dick Royal Mike Small Scott Goode Bryan Baynes Rich MacNamara Bryan Baynes Tom Winterhalter Dan Lenyo Alan Steinberg Jim Loud Dan Lenyo Mel Ruffini Deborah Caminiti Jack Rosetti Randy Pitts Dave Page Tom Duckett Mike Gallivan Ted Fire Position Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Asst. Project Manager Project Executive Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Executive Project Manager Project Manager Program Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Senior Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Superintendent Project Manager Project Engineer Project Manager Project Manager Table 4.3 - Primary Interviews project site superintendent to ensure that project information discussed during the interview was accurately communicated. The primary interviews were used to obtain as much project information as possible, to identify innovations used on the project site, and to 'get the story' behind the development and implementation of any project innovations. 4.5.2. Secondary Interviews Secondary interviews were conducted with other project team members in order to 'round out' the information concerning the development and implementation of any project innovations and to corroborate the information obtained from the primary interviews (see Table 4.4). 53 Project Boys & Girls Club Boys & Girls Club Brockton Trial Court GelTex Laboratory GelTex Laboratory Harvard Housing Harvard Housing SFX Pavilion 10 St. James Place Basketball Hall of Fame Millennium Place Brookline High School Brookline High School Cambridge Hospital Pearle River Center Genzyme Tissue Repair MIT - Building 11 Tufts Medical Health Center Dartmouth Science Complex EMC - Franklin EMC - Franklin EMC - Franklin IMAX Theater 4 Times Square Elevated Walkways Hilton Hotel - Logan Wang Theater Astra Gate House Park Trinity Condominiums WTC - East Office Building WTC - East Office Building Company Beacon Skanska USA LeMessieur Consulting Engineers Beacon Skanska USA Beacon Skanska USA GelTex Laboratories Beacon Skanska USA CBT Bureau Happold Bovis, Inc. Bovis, Inc. Bovis, Inc. Richard D. Kimball Company Jupiter Electric Gilbane Gilbane Air Flow Associates. Inc. Kennedy&Rossi, Inc Zaldastoni GBH Macomber CanAm Steel Gorman Richrdson Architects Shooshonian Engineer Associates GBH Macomber Earth Day New York Tishman Construction Tishman Construction MARR Scaffolding Company Richmond Group, Inc. Turner Construction Turner Construction Pembroke Real Estate Name Bob Shaker Phil Banning Bernie Morrisey Bob Shaker Charlie Boyd Eric Ewer Jim McBain Craig Schlitter Mike Lally Steven Lew Tim Irving Greg Kittering Jimmy Marshal Alan Burne Richard Slosher Steve Paccioretti Rich MacNamara Ben Gunther Dan Lenyo John Snow Andrew Deshains Paul Taylor Kenneth Stowe Pamela Lippe John Barry Chase Tom Ericson Bill Triscoll John Wiley Mark Dirksmeier Mark Dirksmeier Bob Wells Position Project Executive Structural Engineer Project Executive Project Executive Facility Manager Project Superintendent Architect Structural Engineer Geotechnical Engineer Structural Engineer Project Engineer Electrical Engineer Owner Program Manager Electrical Engineer Airflow Technician Project Manager Structural Engineer Project Manager Fabricator Architect Engineer Project Executive Consultant Senior Project Manager Senior Project Manager Sales Representative Architect Project Executive Project Executive Vice President Table 4.4 - Secondary Interviews 4.5.3. Case Studies The information obtained from the interviews was compiled into case studies (see Appendix A). Each case study consists of a brief description of the project, descriptions of any identified innovations, and an organization chart and timeline specifically regarding the development and use of innovation. 54 4.6. DATA ANALYSIS The collected data was arranged in matrix form (see Appendix B) to simplify analysis. The data was analyzed using simple frequency statistics to identify the factors that influence multi-organization project team innovation. The statistical results are enhanced by the rich contextual case studies that provide 'the story'behind significant findings and assist in the explanation of anomalous results. 4.7. DATA VALIDATION The primary source of information for each project was the project manager of the appropriate contracting organization. The project manager, central in overseeing and managing a project, is a logical choice for conducting a primary interview. Secondary interviews were conducted with other project participants to confirm the validity of the information from the primary interviews as well as to obtain 'the whole story' regarding project-specific incidents or events. In construction, the innovation development and implementation process is complex and dynamic. The use of a relatively small sample of detailed case studies is appropriate because it allows for a more comprehensive investigation of the variables that influence multiorganizational project team innovation. This approach is particularly effective for this line of research since the variables are yet undefined. 4.8. DATA REPRESENTATION Even though the projects chosen for the case studies were restricted by type and location, the data collected for this research is representative of many projects in the construction industry. The data is also representative of projects in other industry sectors, specifically where project teams are composed of multiple organizations that are temporarily joined to deliver specific products and/or services. Many of the project factors analyzed in this study, including contracts, project team organization structure, and project context, are common to all project efforts, regardless of project type or location. 55 5. RESULTS Project case studies can be found in Appendix A. Each case study contains a summary of one construction project and any innovations identified in conjunction with the project. Project organization charts and timelines are also included. Appendix B contains a table with the specific outcomes of the various measures for each project and innovation. 5.1. THE PROJECTS The following discussion characterizes the construction projects and project teams included in this study. Project complexity and project drivers provide a general description of the various projects. Contract types and delivery methods characterize the nature of the different project teams. 5.1.1. Agency Theory CONTRACTS The contract types, both project and innovation specific, provide information regarding the allocation of risk and responsibility. Project Contracts In the projects reviewed, the GMP contract is clearly the preferred project contract over other contracting methods (see Table 5.1). This finding, coinciding with agency theory, identifies what appears to be the optimal contract generally used in the construction industry. The GMP contract represents "middle ground" for both the owner and the contractor. The GMP contract reduces the risk of the owner, limiting the owner's financial exposure. The contractor is amenable to the GMP contract because it provides a financial "buffer" in the form of a "maximum" price as opposed to a more restrictive lump sum contract. A closer analysis of the other contract types provides a reasonable explanation of "deviation" from the optimal GMP contract. The lump sum contracts in the study result from public procurement laws that oversee public or quasi-public projects. Lump sum contracts are 57 Contract Type Number of Projects Lump Sum Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Cost Plus Fee TOTAL Percentage 2 7% 19 2 6 29 65 % 7% 21 % 100% Table 5.1 - Project Contracts used on projects because they are specified by procurement regulations. These contracts are very risky for the contractor and appear to be used only when no other alternative is available. The projects in this study that utilize cost plus fee contracts are exemplary of the "incomplete" contract explained by agency theory. One cost plus fee contract is used in a renovation of a facility registered as a historic landmark where the exact extent of the work necessary to protect the landmark during renovation could not be determined before initiation of the actual construction work. The other cost plus fee contract involved the design and erection of a structural system so unique in concept and design that the exact cost of construction could not be determined. In both cases, the owners were willing to bear a preponderance of the risk in undertaking the projects. Although fees were the second most used form of contract, the large number of fee contracted projects is slightly misleading. Four of the fee-contracted projects are performed by a contractor that prefers to serve as an agent or owner's representative maintaining a fiduciary relationship with the owner. Two other projects that use a fee contract are public in nature where the contractor was hired for "design services" to serve on behalf of the owner. Use of a fee contract on a public project minimizes potential adversarial tensions between the owner and the contractor by eliminating the constriction of a lump sum contract typically specified by procurement regulations. The remaining projects that use fee contracts result from a particular strategy utilized by one of the contractors. The contractor generally serves as a construction manager as an owner's representative (a program manager) for large institutional clients. When a specific project is initiated, the contractor migrates into the role of a construction manager at risk, working under a GMP contract. In the remaining fee-contracted projects, the contractor did not make the 58 Contract Type Number of Innovations Percentage 31 15 62% 30% LumpSum GMP Cost Plus Fee Unit Price TOTAL 2 1 1 4% 2% 2 % 50 100% 5 7 11 2 2 13 4 1 2 1 1 1 13 13 2 19 2 2 Table 5.2 - Innovation Contracts transition from construction manager as owner's representative to construction manager at risk. In one project, the owner opted to directly contract the construction project to a third party while keeping the contractor as an owner's representative in strictly an oversight role. In the other project, the contractor served as a construction manager as agent in compliance with procurement specifications regulating the project. Innovation Contracts The party responsible for the actual implementation of an innovation faces a large amount of the uncertainty induced by an innovation and shoulders a large part of the responsibility for the innovation's success. For example, an electrician may be responsible for the installation of a new thermostat while the contractor is responsible for the implementation of an innovative "upup" construction sequence. Almost all of the innovations were implemented by project team members under either a lump sum or GMP contract (see Table 5.2). The contract forms are outcome-based contracts and their use in delivering innovations appears to contradict agency theory. Under outcome-based contracts, agents are expected to reluctantly perform their duties and are expected to take extra care to avoid risk. Agency theory predicts use of outcome-based contracts would discourage an agent from participating in innovative activity. Contract types are reflective of the extent of innovation, with a few exceptions. One of the radical innovations is a social solution on a project 59 Delivery Method Design-Bid-Build Construction Management (Risk) Design-Build Construction Management (O/A) TOTAL Number of Projects 3 16 2_7 8 29 Percentage 10 % 55 % - % 28 % 100% Table 5.3 - Project Delivery Methods far removed from the nature of construction (a simple solution, but radical.) The other radical innovation was implemented by the creator of the innovation (less risk). The innovation causing no impact but implemented under a cost plus contract was a situation where an owner directly hired a specialty subcontractor in conjunction with the project team. The difficult innovation work was natural for the subcontractor (no impact) but would have been difficult for the general contractor of construction manager to oversee (architectural at a minimum). Agency principles hold true. DELIVERY METHODS Construction manager at risk is the predominant choice of delivery method followed by construction manager as agent or owner's representative with design-bid-build and design-build following far behind (see Table 5.3). Agency theory provides a nice framework for the results, but instead of centering on an optimal contract, the discussion turns to an optimal project organization concerning the allocation of risk distribution, incentives and rewards. Construction management at risk is effective in benefiting the owner in the form of early contractor input as well as placing the risk where it can best be managed, on the contractor. Use of the other delivery methods can be explained as an effort to optimize the project organization to address specific project concerns. One of the three design-bid-build projects is mandated by public procurement regulations. The other two design-bid-build projects are renovations conducted by a contractor, reputed for solid renovation work, where the extent and nature of the renovations were easily determinable. The observance of two design-build delivery projects is misleading. The projects are labeled as design-build deliveries because the contractor and design agent work together as a single entity but the agents are unable to capitalize on the 60 1 GMP 2 16 1 2 19 _ LumpSum Design-Bid-Build CM(R) Design-Build CM(O/A) TOTAL 1 Cost Plus Fee 2 6 2 6 TOTAL 3 16 2 8 29 Table 5.4 - Cross-Tabulation of Project Delivery Methods and Project Contracts integration of the design and construction functions. The projects are so explicitly detailed that the design-build teams are prohibited from being truly involved in the design process. DELIVERY METHODS AND PROJECT CONTRACTS Matching project contracts to project delivery methods highlights the nature of construction projects to be consistent with the premises of agency theory. The most popular match is the marrying of the GMP contract with the construction manager at risk delivery method (see Table 5.4). This combination provides a unique balance of distributing responsibility risk while providing the benefits of early cross-functional integration as well as a financial reserve for unexpected contingencies. Fee contracts and construction manager as agent or owner's representative is the second most prevalent match. This popular combination places the contractor in a fiduciary role serving the owner under a behavior-based contract. The other outlying pairs can be cited as responses to specific project conditions or resulting from specific contractor strategies as explained earlier. The most unlikely match recorded is the use of a lump sum contract with a design-build contract. This match-up restricts the design process by placing a "low-end" cap on the overall project. The construction team on this project had a difficult time dealing with the tough financial constraints on the project, and so, the project team innovated to resolve the issue. Using the results from the project sample, defining the contractor's level of responsibility is the key to explaining the match between a project contract with a specific project delivery method. When the contractor is responsible for the outcome of the project (e.g. design-bid-build, construction manager at risk, design-build) the contractor is contracted under an outcome-based contract. When the contractor is not responsible for the outcome of the project (e.g. construction 61 Project Complexity Access Transportation Construction Contractual Social None Identified * Number of Projects 10 3 13 1 9 1 Percentage* 34 % 10 % 49 % 3% 31 % 3% Total does not equal "100%" because some projects have more than one form of complexity. Table 5.5 - Project Complexity management as agent or owner's representative) the contractor is contracted under a behaviorbased contract. 5.1.2. Project Descriptors PROJECT COMPLEXITY The most common forms of complexity found across the different construction projects are access, construction, and social forms of complexity (see Table 5.5). Examples from the project sample of site access complexity include skyscraper construction in Times Square, New York and installment of a swimming pool and new basement floor in an existing, one-hundred year-old, multi-story building. Construction complexity revealed itself on challenging projects like the one project located over a body of water. Social complexity was evident in many various forms such as in the project that required construction across town lines and was governed by two separate local building codes. PROJECT DRIVERS The high number of projects driven by specific building performance is surprising given the amount of focus often placed on cost and schedule in the construction industry (see Table 5.6). Overall, the drivers discovered on the projects were present in many various forms except for construction performance. This result is to be expected. Not many projects require superb construction at the expense cost, schedule, or quality. The one project where construction performance was crucial to success involved the construction of a new addition to an "active" laboratory where critical life-preserving work was being performed. The relatively high number 62 Project Drivers Cost Schedule Construction Performance Building Performance Social None Identified * Number of Projects 6 7 1 9 4 6 Percentage* 21 % 24 % 3% 31 % 14 % 21 % Total does not equal "100%" because some projects have more than one form of project driver. Table 5.6 - Project Drivers Innovation Type Design Product Process Management TOTAL Number of Innovations 18 8 16 8 50 Table 5.7 - Innovation Types of projects with no identified drivers was specifically due to one contractor unwilling to place any driver as more important than any other on any specific project. 5.2. INNOVATION OUTCOMES 5.2.1. Innovation Types Design and process innovations were the most prevalent types of innovation found in this study (see Table 5.7). This result is most likely influenced by the fact that this study is conducted from the perspective of the contractor. Design and process innovations inherently cut across firm boundaries within the project team and are the most visible from the perspective of the contractor. Studying these projects strictly from the viewpoint of the construction manager does not guarantee the identification of all innovations used in the data sample. Other innovation types utilized by other project team members could have been completely missed, such as new contractor tools (product innovations) or the use of new collaborative design technology by the designers (management innovations). The innovations observed in this study should be regarded 63 Innovation Model No Impact Incremental Modular Architectural Systemic Radical TOTAL Number of Innovations 4 22 4 15 2 3 50 Table 5.8 - Innovation Models for what they are, innovation types that are specifically relevant to the contractor in the performance of the contractor's duties, more specifically, innovations that are critical to the overall function of the final built facility. 5.2.2. Innovation Models The innovations in this study are categorized with respect to their impact on the contractor. (The innovations are also classified with respect to their impact on owners and innovation implementers, see Appendix B). Most of the innovations were incremental in nature and reflect a general increase in performance or productivity without requiring major changes to accommodate the innovation (see Table 5.8). The high number of architectural innovations is partially misleading, resulting from the high number of design innovations found in the sample of construction projects observed. 5.2.3. Innovation Models and Types Comparing innovation models with their specific type provides a sense of the overall impact of innovation on the contractor (see Table 5.9). A majority of the innovations are either incremental or architectural in nature and appear as a number of different types. It is clear that some design and product innovations can have no impact on the contractor while process and management innovations generally impact the contractor, a reasonable finding considering the nature of design and product innovation and the contractor's centralized role in the construction process. The two systemic innovations in the sample are embodied in the form of final built facilities. In a sense, these systemic innovations can be repeated elsewhere with the same 64 Innovation Model Design Product No Impact 3 1 Incremental 7 2 Modular 2 2 Architectural 5 1 Systemic Process Management TOTAL 4 7 6 22 8 1 15 1 16 1 8 4 2 2 1 Radical TOTAL 18 8 3 50 Table 5.9 - Cross-Tabulation of Innovation Models and Innovation Types Number of Projects with Innovation Clusters 12 Percent 41 % Number of Innovations 36 Percent 72% Table 5.10 - Projects with Innovation Clusters Number of Projects Percent 2 1 4 5 17 % 8% 33 % 42 % System Innovations Actualizing Innovations Complementary Innovation No Relation Table 5.11 - Innovation Clusters by Type innovations to create essentially the same "product." Radical innovations, while few, also appear as a wide array of innovation types. 5.2.4. Innovation Clusters Approximately one-half of the projects in the sample account for almost three-quarters of the innovations observed in the data sample (see Table 5.10). A project by project analysis demonstrates that innovations do "cluster" on construction projects. Multiple innovations can be found on twelve different projects (see Appendix C - projects 4, 5, 6, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 29). The innovation clusters beg the question of whether or not the innovations within a cluster are related (see Table 5. 11). Of the twelve innovation clusters, only two projects contain multiple innovations that are explicitly related to one another, that is, the innovations are systemically linked and depend on the existence of the other innovations to be effective. One "actualizing" relationship was discovered where the use of one innovation on a project led to the 65 use of a separate innovation on the same project, where the second innovation would not have been implemented if not for use of the first innovation. Four innovation clusters were found to be goal-oriented, that is, the multiple innovations work together independently to achieve the same desired goal. This goal-oriented clustering is evidence of the use of super-ordinate goals to foster innovative activity. The remaining five innovation clusters do not demonstrate any significant relationships among the innovations in their respective clusters. 5.3. THE CONTRACTOR 5.3.1. Innovation "Orchestrators" Identifying the roles of team members involved in the development and implementation of an innovation becomes difficult to establish if the development and the implementation of the innovation involves multiple team members. For example, one construction project required incoming utility lines to be shielded to protect the facility from unwanted electrical emissions. The owner specified the performance requirement. Engineers and designers refined the specifications (specifying insulation materials and dimensions). The contractor, unable to acquire any prefabricated conduits meeting the required specifications, enlisted the help of the subcontractors already on-site to fabricate the specified conduits. In such a situation, it is difficult to identify a clear "innovator." Instead, for the purpose of this study, specific roles were defined to describe the participation of the various project team members. The above example results in the following innovation participants: innovation designers (the engineers), innovation implementers (the subcontractors), and innovation "orchestrators" (the construction manager). An "orchestrator" is defined as the team member who acts as the central decision authority that directs the development or use of an innovative process or product. The contractor acts as the innovation orchestrator in almost one-half of the innovations found in the project sample (see Table 5.12). This orchestration is reflective of the primary responsibility of the contractor to organize and manage the construction process. The contractor has a primary responsibility to ensure that an innovation works within the context of a construction project when the innovation is critical to the successful completion of the project. Designers and owners also prove to be relevant innovation orchestrators in the construction 66 Orchestrator Owner Designer GC/CM Subcontractor TOTAL Number of Innovations 9 13 24 4 50 Percent 18 % 26 % 48% 8% 100% Table 5.12 - Innovation "Orchestrators" Number of Innovations Planned Number of Innovations Created In-progress Total 45 5 50 Table 5.13 - Planned vs. In-progress Innovations process. Designers orchestrate innovation by creating new designs and remain the orchestrator if the innovation has little or no impact on the construction team. If the design dramatically affects the operations of the construction team, the contractor takes over as the innovation orchestrator. Owners orchestrate innovation by becoming significantly involved in the project by overseeing team selection, by specifying specific project-related activities, or by directly hiring subcontractors to work in conjunction with the project team. Sub-contractors orchestrate innovation when implementing trade-specific innovations that do not impact any other team members. 5.3.2. Planned vs. In-progress Innovations A majority of the innovations in this study are "planned" (see Table 5.13). The project team members are cognizant of the fact that in some way the project is "new." Because the innovations are planned before construction begins, the uncertainty regarding the use of the innovation is somewhat reduced. On the other hand, five innovations from the project sample are developed or utilized after construction is initiated and "in-progress." A majority of these innovations are responses to unforeseen conditions encountered on a project and result in the use of an innovation to resolve the issue. In this set of projects, owners contribute to the innovation process by orchestrating the use of design, product, process, and management innovations (see Table 5.14). Designers contribute predominantly through design innovation. Contractors 67 Orchestrator Owner Designer Design 1 13 GC/CM Subcontractor TOTAL 4 18 Product 4 Process 2 Management 2 TOTAL 9 13 Percent 18 % 26% 1 1 6 11 5 17 34% 7 6 45 12 % 90% 1 14 Table 5.14 - "Orchestrators" of Planned Innovations Orchestrator Design Product Process Management TOTAL Percent 1 1 2 1 5 10% 1 1 2 1 5 10% Owner Designer GC/CM Subcontractor TOTAL Table 5.15 - "Orchestrators" of In-progress Innovations Meets Project Complexity Satisfies a Project Driver Accomplishes Both No Clear Match Number of Innovations 14 24 4 8 Percentage 28 % 48 % 8% 16 % Table 5.16 - Innovation, Project Complexity, and Project Drivers contribute by predominantly orchestrating process and management innovations. Subcontractors make contributions to the team with design, product, and process innovations. The significant difference between planned innovations and in-progress innovations is that while all team members contribute to the innovation process with respect to planned innovations, it is the contractor that is the sole team member that orchestrates any innovative effort once a construction project is underway (See Table 5.15). 5.3.3. Innovations, Project Complexity, and Project Drivers In the projects studied, approximately one-half of the innovations explicitly satisfy project drivers, either the traditional drivers of "cost, schedule, and/or quality" or the more pervasive super-ordinate goals (see Table 5.16). Over one-quarter of the innovations are used to meet 68 Orchestrator Solution Owner Designer GC/CM Subcontractor TOTAL * 6 17 4 27 Opportunity TOTAL 9 9 5 5 2 21 11 22 6 48* Total is not "50" because two innovations are the result of "serendipity." Table 5.17 - Innovation Solutions and Innovation Opportunities complexities encountered on specific projects and almost one in ten innovations satisfy both project complexity and specific project drivers. The innovations that accomplish both are primarily innovations that satisfy project complexities of a social nature that also reinforce project drivers that demand socially responsible project conduct. While the vast majority of the innovations respond to specific project requirements, several innovations do not appear to explicitly match either project complexity or satisfy a project driver. These outliers suggest that some innovations are opportunistic in nature. 5.3.4. Innovation and Opportunity An innovation solution refers to use of an innovation to solve specific project related issues. An innovation opportunity is the use of an innovation to try something new or different to obtain unique benefits, performance characteristics, minimize project complexity, or satisfy a project driver that is not required for the successful completion of the project. The use of photovoltaics on a speculative office building is considered an opportunistic innovation while using a goldhoffer (a hydraulic powered lift specifically designed as a missile transport) to move oversized truss frames is considered a solution innovation. The sample demonstrates that each project team member is willing and able to capitalize on innovative opportunity (see Table 5.17). Over two-thirds of the innovations orchestrated by contractors and subcontractors are also solution based. Approximately one-half of the designer orchestrated innovations are solution based as well. The owner is clearly in a unique position to focus on opportunistic innovation leaving problem solving to the rest of the project team. 69 GC/CM A B C D E F G Number of Projects with Opportunistic Innovation 1 0 4 2 1 5 0 Percent of Total GC/CM Projects 25% 0% 100% 50% 25% 83% 0% Table 5.18 - Contractors and Opportunistic Innovation As a quick side note, a pair of innovations in the project sample is the result of neither seeking a solution nor capitalizing on an opportunity but rather the result of serendipity. A designer made conventional decisions to obtain a certain visual effect and as a by-product obtained acoustic attributes in building performance that were also desirable but not explicitly sought. Some contractors appear to explicitly capitalize on innovation opportunity (see Table 5.18). Upon closer inspection, the two contractors associated with the highest number of opportunistic innovations use two very different strategies in seeking or using opportunistic innovation. One contractor openly scans for projects that are likely to include innovation based on the scope of the project while the other contractor takes it upon itself to develop innovations in-house and bring them to the project team. 5.4. INNOVATION MECHANISMS 5.4.1. Super-ordinate Goals The results show a marked difference in the number of innovations generated per project with and without super-ordinate goals (see Table 5.19). Use of super-ordinate goals appears to significantly encourage the use of innovation. 70 Super-ordinate Goals Present Not Present Number of Projects Number of Innovations Average Innovations Per Project 8 21 23 27 2.9 0.8 - Table 5.19 - Super-ordinate Goals and Innovation Number of Projects Number of Innovations Average Number of Innovations Per Project Early 18 31 1.72 Late 11 19 1.73 Timing of GC/CM Entry Table 5.20 - Early vs. Late Contractor Entry and Innovation GC/CM Entry Number of Opportunistic Innovations Percent* Number of Solution Innovations Percent* Early 15 30% 16 32% Late 5 10% 11 22% * Total does not equal "100%" because two innovations are the result of "serendipity." Table 5.21 - Early vs. Late Contractor Entry and Opportunistic Innovation 5.4.2. Inter-organizational Cooperation PROJECT TIMELINE Whether the contractor joins the project team early or late seems to have little impact on the total number of innovations generated on any particular project (see Table 5.20). The fact that three projects with early contractor involvement did not generate any innovation reinforces the fact that early involvement by itself is not a guarantee of innovative activity. Although early contractor involvement does not lead to more innovation, there is a significant increase in the use of opportunistic innovation when the contractor joins the project team early in the design-construction process (see Table 5.21). The earlier a contractor is involved in the design process, the more "complete" the information the contractor has about the project, which in turn reduces the uncertainty with regard to the project and any use of planned innovation. 71 Cooperative Intensity Collaboration Number of Innovations Early GC/CM Entry 12 Coordination Communication Percent 24 % 8 16 % 11 22 % Number of Innovations Late GC/CM Entry 5 Percent 10 % % 2_4 12 24 % Table 5.22 - Early vs. Late Contractor Entry and Cooperation Intensity Selection of GC/CM Number of Projects Number of Innovations 4 Average Innovations Per Project 1.3 Open Bid 3 Short List 12 17 1.4 Negotiated 14 29 2.1 Table 5.23 - Contractor Selection and Innovation Early entry of the contractor also appears to encourage more innovations requiring more intensive forms of cooperative activity (see Table 5.22). A closer analysis of the costs, risks, and rewards provide an explanation for the surprising high number of late collaborative innovation efforts. Four of the five collaborative innovations associated with late contractor entry involve modified construction sequence activities requiring collaboration regarding a facility's structural design. The centralization of late-entry collaborative innovations around a specific system suggests that such late collaboration is conventional in the construction industry and is considered "business as usual." The process may require redesign but the end result is generally an immediate payment of a small premium for future benefits of cost, schedule, and risk minimization. CONTRACTOR SELECTION The use of negotiation in team selection implies an owner's recognition of a competent contractor. That recognition is due to either the reputation and professionalism of the contractor or it is developed over a long-term owner-contractor relationship in the form of trust. While the projects are almost evenly split between selection of a contractor through a competitive process (open bid and short list) and straight forward negotiation, the number of innovations per project is significantly greater where contractors are directly approached for specific projects (see Table 5.23). 72 Innovation Model No Innovation No Impact Incremental Modular Architectural Competitive Selection 3 4 8 2 6 Systemic Negotiation 1 14 2 9 2 Radical 1 2 Table 5.24 - Cross-tabulation of Contractor Selection and Innovation Models Relationship New Stable Strong Number of Projects 14 6 10 Number of Innovations 17 11 22 Average Innovations Per Project 1.2 1.8 2.2 Table 5.25 - Owner-Contractor Relationships and Innovation The innovations on the projects where the contractor is selected through direct negotiation tend to be more "radical" than the innovations on the projects where the contractor is selected by competition (see Table 5.24). The outlying radical innovation generated by the competitive selection process is explicitly developed and implemented by the contractor. TEAM RELATIONSHIPS Although all owner-contractor relationships demonstrate an ability to produce innovation, projects with solid relationships between the owner and contractor appear to create opportunity for generating more innovation (see Table 5.25). The strongest owner-contractor relationships, present on one-third of the projects observed, generate almost one-half of the innovations in the research sample. Strong relationships also allow the project team to pursue more dramatic innovation (see Table 5.26). Again, the only radical innovation generated by a new relationship is an innovation specifically developed and implemented by the contractor. Four of the five architectural innovations in new owner-contractor relationships refer to modified construction sequencing activities requiring collaboration concerning the facility's structural design. 73 Innovation Model No Impact Incremental Modular Architectural Systemic Radical New 1 8 2 5 Stable 2 7 2 Strong 1 7 2 8 2 1 2 Table 5.26 - Cross-tabulation of Owner-Contractor Relationships and Innovation Models Co-Location In Effect Not In Effect TOTAL * Number of Projects 2 27 29 Number of Innovations 5* 43 48* Average Innovation Per Project 2.5 1.6 Innovation total does not include the innovation of co-location itself Table 5.27 - Project Team Member Co-Location and Innovation CO-LOCATION Team co-location is observed in only two out of twenty-nine projects in the research sample (see Table 5.27). Permanent co-location of designers and contractors on the construction site was considered to be an innovation in and of itself due to development and use of extensive temporary facilities for design and construction operations. Discounting the "co-location" innovation, projects with co-location still generated a greater average number of innovations per project compared to the average number of innovations generated by the rest of the sample. The complex and tacit nature of construction appears to benefit strongly from "face-to-face" collaboration. REPEAT PROJECTS When a project team forms and intends to work on several similar projects in the future, there is an increase in the average number of innovations per project (see Table 5.28). The expected payoff for successful innovation used on multiple projects is clearly greater than if the innovation were developed and used for a single project. Project team members display a 74 Team Intent Number of Projects 7 22 29 Repeat -No Repeat TOTAL Number of Innovations 18 32 50 Average Innovation Per Project 2.6 1.5 . Table 5.28 - Repeat Projects and Innovation GC/CM Number of Innovations Number of Projects Average Innovations Per Project Project Innovation Median A 5 4 1.3 1 B C D E F 4 10 10 4 14 4 4 4 4 6 1.0 2.5 2.5 1.0 2.3 1 2 or 2 or 0 or 1 or G 3 3 1.0 1 3 3 I 3 Table 5.29 - Contractor Organizations and Innovation willingness to use innovation knowing successful innovation will provide benefits over multiple projects. 5.4.3. The Contractor Organization Observing the average innovations per project by contractor, some contractors appear highly proficient in being associated with innovation while other contractors are associated with a lower level of innovation development and use (see Table 5.29). Of the three contractors with a high number of innovations per project, two contractors are consistent in participating in projects that generate or use multiple innovations, while a third contractor performs in a "hit or miss" fashion with regard to participating in innovation generating projects (as evidenced by analysis of the median for project innovation - contractors C, D, and F). CONTRACTOR ORCHESTRATED INNOVATION Most contractors appear to make an honest effort in orchestrating innovation for the project team (see Table 5.30). One contractor stands out from the other contractors in terms of taking the lead in innovation orchestration primarily by introducing innovation to the project team. Another contractor performs significantly less then the other contractors in terms of 75 GC/CM A B C D E F G TOTAL Number of Projects 6 3 4 4 4 4 4 29 Number of Innovations Orchestrated by the GC/CM Average Innovation Per Project 2 0.3 2 0.7 3 0.8 2 0.5 5 1.3 3 0.8 2 0.5 19 1 Table 5.30 - Contractor Orchestrated Innovation Relationship New Stable Strong GC/CM Orchestrated Innovations 7 3 9 Percent 37% 16% 47 % Table 5.31 - Owner-Contractor Relationships and Contractor Orchestrated Innovation orchestrating innovation, but makes up for the lack of performance by being involved in some of the more innovative projects where other team members orchestrate the innovations. Contractors take an active role in orchestrating innovation either early in a relationship with an owner or after the relationship has been long established but appear reluctant to take such an active role in the innovative process when the relationship is stable (see Table 5.31). Not only are the innovation orchestrations less abundant during this phase of the relationship, they also tend to be less "radical" (see Table 5.26). The dip in innovation orchestration once an ownercontractor relationship is established, suggests a customary probationary period where the contractor focuses on solid performance to establish and build trust with the client and is therefore less willing to assume uncertainty associated with innovation. As for new relationships, contractors appear willing to risk orchestrating an innovation in an effort to win new clients. For example, one contractor developed a new activity tracking method to meet the needs of a specific new client. Once trust is established and a relationship is strong, only then is the contractor once again willing to assume the role of innovation orchestrator. 76 GC/CM G A C F B D E Procurement Centralized Balanced Balanced Balanced Decentralized Decentralized Decentralized Number of Projects 4 6 4 4 3 4 4 Number of Innovations 4 14 5 10 3 4 10 Number of Innovations Per Project 1.0 2.3 1.3 2.5 1.0 1.0 2.5 Table 5.32 - Contractor Procurement Policy and Innovation ORGANIZATION PROCUREMENT The contractors that pursue a balanced procurement policy seem to fare best when it comes to increasing the number of innovations on a project (see Table 5.32). Allowing project managers to procure the construction team allows for a professional exchange of mutual commitment. The influence of decentralized procurement is evident by the fact that three of the four innovations generated by the contractor with a centralized procurement program were actually generated on an atypical project where circumstances permitted the project manager to select the construction team. The contractor that uses a decentralized procurement process but still generates a high number of innovations per project is due to the fact that most innovations associated with this particular contractor are developed in-house. ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING Interestingly, not one contractor in the study has a formal innovation policy (see Table 5.33). The learning mechanisms predominantly formalized and used by the various contractors include data warehousing, mentoring, and conduct of learning-oriented discussions such as project back-briefs, seminars, and monthly progress meetings, validating the study by Kululanga, et al. (1999). A variety of informal learning mechanisms are used by the various contractors but no particular mechanism seems to be preferred. All of the contractors perform at least some sort of data warehousing as well as utilize some form of learning-oriented discussion to foster organizational learning. When analyzed individually, three contractors show a significant use of learning mechanisms to capture information regarding construction innovation. Of the three contractors, 77 Learning Mechanism Innovation Policy Innovation Team Knowledge Team Benchmark Team Best Practice Team Research & Development Incentives Intranet/E-mail Data Warehousing Decision Support Tools Groupware External Knowledge Network Internal Knowledge Network Expertise Mapping Mentoring Knowledge Training Learning-Oriented Discussions Internal Assessments and Audits Formal 0% 43 % 57 % 14 % 43 % 43 % 43 % 72 % 72 % 29 % 29% 57 % 14 % 29 % 71 % 0% 86 % 29 % Informal 57 % 43 % 0% 29 % 14 % 14 % 43 % 14 % 28 % 14 % 14% 29 % 43 % 42 % 0% 57 % 14 % 29 % None 43 % 14 % 43 % 57 % 43 % 43 % 14 % 14 % 0% 57 % 57% 14 % 43 % 29 % 29 % 43 % 0% 42 % Table 5.33 - Contractor Learning Mechanisms two contractors consistently work on projects with a high number of innovations. The third contractor, while displaying solid performance, demonstrates a significantly lower amount of innovation in association with its participation in various construction projects. The main difference between the contractors is that the first two contractors engage in "knowledge creating" mechanisms (i.e. innovation teams) while the third contractor focuses on "knowledge capturing" mechanisms (i.e. data warehousing). The remaining four contractors are less aggressive in capturing information. Of the four contractors, one contractor stands out by being associated with a higher average number of innovations per project than the other contractors, rivaling the two high performing contractors who utilize significantly more learning mechanisms. A possible explanation for this contractor's performance is the presence of a strong leader who actively takes an interest in innovation, even acting as a gatekeeper for the rest of the organization. This contracting organization, under the leadership of an innovation-oriented manager, actively seeks out challenging projects that are likely to demand the use of innovation. 78 Number of Projects 29 Number of Projects with an "End-Run" 8 Percent 28 % Table 5.34 - Owner "End Runs" 5.4.4. Owner "End-Runs" During the interview collection process, it was discovered that the owner occasionally champions a specific innovation from a specific specialty subcontractor and arbitrarily makes the subcontractor part of the construction team or hires the subcontractor directly. Over one out of four projects in the sample is subjected to an owner "end-run." A major part of the contractor's responsibility as a general contractor or construction manager is to select and organize the construction team. Although the owner usurping some of the contractor's control in such a limited fashion does not threaten many contractors, there may be reason for alarm as suggested by Chesbrough and Teece (1996). When the owner becomes integrally involved in selecting and hiring specialty subcontractors, the contractor remains solely responsible for managing the nonspecialized portions of a construction project. Although managing non-specialized construction still requires specialized construction skills, the role of the contractor is relegated to the provision of a commodity service; a situation that will eventually, and ultimately, hurt the contractor's bottom line. 79 6. CONCLUSION 6.1. SUMMARY The purpose of this research was to identify factors that enhance multi-organizational project team innovation. The construction industry was selected to serve as an "open laboratory" based on its inter-organizational nature where allied firms join together for the express purpose of completing large, complex projects. A review of existing literature provided a number of independent variables to examine and measure for comparison and analysis to determine their effect on innovative activity, both in terms of amount of innovation generated as well as the nature of the innovation used on the construction projects in the data sample. Agency theory emphasized the importance of the principal-agent relationship, contracts, and project team organization (as dictated by project delivery method) in assigning responsibilities, inducing agent performance, and allocating project risk. Inter-organizational and cross-functional cooperative theory identified mechanisms that can be used to enhance innovative activity. Team and network theory provided a framework for understanding the nature of the inter-organizational project team emphasizing the importance of trust and necessity to consider cultural circumstances in understanding team dynamics. The organization literature highlighted the importance of organizational learning when conducting innovative activity and identified mechanisms that can be used to improve the learning process. Innovation theory provided the barometer for measuring innovation activity. Categorization of innovation types, models, and the rate of innovation generation per project team provided the basis upon which the other project factors could be evaluated. Twenty-nine different construction projects from seven different construction firms were researched through semi-structured interviews with actual project team members. Fifty innovations were identified and associated with twenty-five of the construction projects studied. 81 6.2. CONCLUSIONS One of the most difficult tasks in undertaking this line of research was reviewing the literature to determine appropriate variables to use in the course of the study. Information had to be culled from a number of academic disciplines including organization, economic, behavioral, and innovation theory. Although powerful theories, the emerging literature on cooperation, interorganizational relationships, and networks is still developing and are a bit disjointed. Hopefully, this research is a step in helping to alleviate the situation. Agency theory turned out to be a powerful tool in understanding the reasoning behind the selection of various contracts and project delivery methods. Although the principal-agent relationship focuses primarily on the contract, the basic arguments of assigning responsibility, inducing performance, and allocating risk can be extended to multi-organizational project team organizational structures. For specific jobs, there are appropriate team structures to accomplish the job efficiently and effectively. Just like creating an effective contract, it is also important to create an effective project team organization. Using seven different construction firms in the study provided a unique opportunity to see how different firms utilize different strategies to create competitive advantages by seeking out (or not seeking out) innovation. The approaches taken by each contractor in dealing with innovation was interesting to observe in terms of contrast and comparison. Clear differences could be observed between the various contractors in their approach to developing, implementing, and using innovation to their advantage. Although it has been noted that innovation tends to suffer when the process in formalized, the failure of any contractor to have a specific innovation policy was disturbing. At the very least, a basic vision statement pertaining to innovation could serve the organization well in focusing the energies of the company on increasing its competitive advantage through innovation. 6.3. FINDINGS The general nature of the inter-organizational project teams in this sample, in terms of contract design and organization selection, adheres to the basic principles of agency theory. Properly allocating risk on a project appears to be the most dominant factor driving project 82 contract forms. Decisions concerning delegation of responsibility appear to drive the selection of the delivery method for the project. At first glance, the use of outcome-based contracts for sub-agents appears to be contradictory to agency theory, but a closer analysis shows differently. Due to an agent's inherent avoidance of risk, it is implied that the agents should not be participating in innovation, but even under outcome-based contracts, the agents do participate in innovation. Evaluation of the nature of the innovations within the context of the project case studies reinforces the importance of recognizing risk from the appropriate viewpoint and designing contract and organization forms based on responsibilities, capabilities, and proper risk allocation. The contract form does not inhibit innovative activity per se, but rather tends to moderate its extent (degree of "radicalness"). It is interesting to note that with all the emphasis on cost savings and decreasing project life cycles, the majority of the innovations related to specifically improving building performance. Possible reasons for this finding could be the maturity of the construction business in terms of already maximizing cost-cutting and schedule-reducing innovations to the state-ofthe-art or it could be reflective of an unwillingness to induce uncertainty through the use of innovation unless strongly encouraged from the owner. The data collected for this research is not detailed enough to provide a thorough explanation. The value of the general contractor and the construction manager is clearly demonstrated in the analysis of planned versus "in-progress" innovation. While all team members contribute to the innovation process before construction begins, it is the contractor who takes the lead in directing innovation activity once construction is underway. The absolute stunning effect of a tripled increase in innovation associated with the use of super-ordinate goals attests to the power of a well-focused project team. This finding reinforces the findings of Pinto, et al. (1993) who found that super-ordinate goals lead to enhanced cooperation. Reiterating the author's recommendation. "Project managers would be well advised to make use of existing organizational goals or to develop specific, project related goals as a rallying point under which members of diverse disciplines.. .can share common purposes and achieve cooperation." 83 A surprising result was the indifference of the rate of innovation generation whether the contractor joined the project team early or late in the design-construction process. As suggested by the evidence, the main advantage to having the contractor join the project team early in the design process, specifically with regard to innovation development and use, is the ability develop and use innovations that are more pervasive in nature, that is, the innovations tend to cut across discipline boundaries and require a more comprehensive understanding of the impacts and requirements to successfully develop and implement the innovation. The advantages of long-term relationships and repeat projects in the construction industry are fairly easy to understand and they are reinforced by the results generated form the project sample. Both long-term relationships between the owner and the contractor as well as projects where the team plans to work together over several similar projects provides opportunities to pursue innovation. The interesting part of relationships is that relationships show a pattern with regard to innovative activity similar to that of young lovers. In the beginning there is a courtship phase where the contractor is willing to participate in more innovative activity to win "the love" of the owner. After the relationship is established, the contractor retracts and focuses on ensuring solid performance to keep the owner interested. Once the hard work of establishing trust is complete, the contractor and the owner can progress into their "golden years" where they can pursue more dramatic and more numerous innovations. A final word on the contracting companies who participated in the study. Examining the organizations in terms of their procurement operations and their use of mechanisms to capture, create, and disseminate information, specifically knowledge about innovation, clearly reflected the overall strategies of the various contracting organizations. With regard to innovation, some contractors are very conscientious of the power of innovation while others simply admit that innovation is a "good thing." Some contractors actively seek out new products, processes, and even develop their own innovations while other contractors choose to let innovation take its own course. Neither strategy is right nor wrong, and either way, when innovation is used, the entire construction industry benefits. But those who benefit the most are those who are doing the actual innovating. It is the innovators who are gaining the experience.. .and experience is what the construction industry is all about. 84 6.4. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY This research was challenging, but interesting, due to the wide range of theory that can be utilized to study the dynamics of multi-organizational project teams. There are so many different ways to analyze the project team and there are so many areas that must still be investigated before the nature of the multi-organization project team is truly understood. First and foremost, the general contractor or the construction manager is only one of many members of the project team. A similar study, comparable to this one, from the perspective of a different project team member is likely to turn up rich new information that can provide insight into multi-organizational project team innovation. Based on this study, owners would make an interesting candidate for study in that they seem to be uniquely poised to capitalize on opportunistic innovation. A study of designers would likely provide a clearer picture of the early conceptualization and design processes including the process of creating and rejecting innovative ideas. A study of subcontractors would likely identify different types of innovations (i.e. development of new trade tools or incorporation of ISO standards) and influential factors missed by the larger "macro" studies of the construction team. Further investigation into the use of cooperation mechanisms is also recommended. This study clearly shows that super-ordinate goals are a powerful tool in generating innovation. Unfortunately, there is no clear framework on how super-ordinate goals work, why they work, or when they should even be employed. 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The Journalof Law and Economics, 22, 233-261. 89 APPENDIX A Project Case Studies Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Boys and Girls Club - South Boston The Boys and Girls Club of South Boston, Massachusetts required an extensive renovation to upgrade its facilities. The renovation included dismantling and replacing existing floors, upgrading outdated electrical and mechanical systems, and constructing a swimming pool in the bottom basement floor. Beacon Skanska secured the job as the lead agent in a joint venture design-build team. The Boys and Girls Club facilities are located in the lower floors of two downtown multistory office buildings. The site was extremely restricted considering the amount and type of construction that had to be completed. Building the indoor pool required punching a hole in an exterior wall of the existing building, reinforcing the stone masonry with a temporary beam frame, underpinning the building's foundation and excavating the unwanted earth using a miniature front loader. Multiple Stories Rebuilt Floor Pool Grade 75 feet x 30 feet O Original Floor 125 feet x 75 Foundation Pool Elevation View Plan View The owner requested that the construction-design team use FirstLine T, a computer based management tool similar to LotusNotesTm developed specifically for the construction industry (innovation #1). FirstLine is provided by Collaborative Systems, Inc. who provides the software and technical support to construction teams using the FirstLineTM product. FirstLine T was expected to benefit the construction team and owner by improving communication among the project team members. The innovation proved useful when unexpected conditions occurred on the project site and project team members were able to respond quickly to the situation . 93 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Boys and Girls Club - South Boston Project Team Organization 1 - new 3 - strong 2 - stable The number of lines that attach one team member to another represents the strength of the relationship between the two team members: 1 - new, 2 - stable, 3 - strong. 94 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Boys and Girls Club - South Boston Timeline Conceptual Design Beacon Skanska USA and Leers Weinzapfel Associates (architect) awarded design-build contract. CM agrees to use FirstLineTM. 4 Detailed Design Pre-Construction Collaborative Structures, Inc. provides FirstLineTM technical support. Construction FirstLineTM used by project team. 95 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Court - Brockton A new state courthouse was constructed in the center of downtown Brockton, Massachusetts. The courthouse functions as three separate buildings under one roof. One section of the building houses court administrative operations and judicial offices. Another section of the building serves as a high level security detainment center for criminal detention during court proceedings. The remaining section of the building houses several municipal administrative offices and is open to the public. All three different "sections" connect to each other by means of the facilities' central courtrooms. In an effort to speed the design and construction of the state courthouse, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts decided to deliver the construction project using a design-build delivery system. To limit liability and risk, the state locked Beacon Skanska into a lump sum contract early in the design process. In order to mitigate the risk of the tight contractual price constraints, the contractor brought the primary sub-contractors (e.g. HVAC and MEP) on board early in the design process and then sub-contracted the various designers and engineers to work for the sub-contractors (innovation #1). In essence, the construction manager employed "designbuild sub-contractors." 97 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Court - Brockton Project Team Organization Commonwealth of Massachusetts 98 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Court - Brockton Timeline Conceptual Design Beacon Skanska USA and BKA (architect) awarded design-build contract. Detailed Design Primary sub-contractors join the design team. - Designers are subcontracted to the prime subcontractors to enforce cost control. Pre- Construction Construction 99 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA GelTex Laboratories An old bakery in Waltham, Massachusetts was renovated into a new laboratory facility to accommodate expansion of the GelTex company. The renovated two-story facility contains laboratory space and administrative offices. The GelTex laboratory is fitted-out with an extensive direct digital control (DDC) system used to monitor and control all building operations - from lawn water sprinklers to overhead laboratory fume hoods (innovation #1). The DDC system allows the GelTex facility manager to maintain the facility with fewer personnel as well as receive a major rebate from the local electrical company. The GelTex facility manager was an integral part of the selection, design, and renovation of the new facility. The majority of the renovation was performed by Beacon Skanska but the owner decided to sub-contract the DDC system directly to American Energy Management (AEM), a specialty contractor. The facility manger had worked with the AEM before on similar projects and felt comfortable in directly contracting the specialty sub-contractor. 101 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA GelTex Laboratory Project Organization Chart 102 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA GelTex Laboratory Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design Clifford Hoffman (architect) hired. Pre-Construction AEM directly sub-contracted by GELTEX. Beacon Skanska USA awarded contract. Construction 103 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Harvard Business School Executive Housing The Harvard Business School needed a new facility to house attendees of a new ninety day education program for working business executives. The new facility is located on the Harvard Business School campus. The program directors at Harvard desired a facility that would enhance the learning experience of the students. In conjunction with CBT, the architect, a Boston based architectural firm, the owner and designer conceived a "smart lounge" design (innovation #1). The unique design minimizes personal areas, such as sleeping quarters, and emphasizes communal areas (the smart lounge) where students work together. A typical arrangement is eight small bedrooms with personal bath facilities located on the perimeter of a large conference-like workroom. In addition to the lounge design, the facility is fully computer integrated. All daily functions, from ordering lunch to requesting dry-cleaning for clothes, must be executed through the facility's integrated computer system. The Harvard Business School explicitly desired a practical, functional, high quality building. In concert with the CBT and Beacon Skanska, the owner approved an extensive use of mock-up construction to ensure the facility would meet expectations (innovation #2). Fully functional replicas of everything from reception desks to full room arrangements were built offsite and tested by the actual people for whom the facilities were intended. Even clients were asked to test and comment on fully functional room mock-ups. The new Harvard facility was constructed adjacent with one side of the building facing a major city traffic way. Noise abatement was considered critical to the success of the facility. The architects created a design that used two windows, one behind the other to reduce street noise. Upon inspection of the window mock-up, facility maintenance personnel expressed concern over the conflict between clientele privacy and the need to access rooms in order to maintain the interior windows. The construction manager resolved the problem by finding a window manufacturer, the EFCO Corporation, that provided an energy efficient double-paned window known as Heat Mirror T, generally used for energy specific reasons, that fulfilled the sound transmission specifications needed for the new building (innovation #3). An old utility tunnel that supplies power to a large portion of the surrounding neighborhood was located directly beneath the project site and had to be passed over to get to the construction site. The tunnel was not strong enough to support construction equipment so the contractor required the subcontractor with the heaviest equipment, the Charles Anthony Company (the pile driving subcontractor), to build a temporary bridge at ground level that would allow construction equipment to pass over the tunnel during the duration of the project (innovation #3). 105 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Harvard Business School - Executive Housing Project Team Organization 106 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Harvard Business School - Executive Housing Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design CBT( architect) hired. CBT creates "Smart Lounge" design. Beacon Skanska USA awarded contract. Mock-ups constructed and evaluated. Pre-Construction Beacon Sknaska USA identifies utility tunnel as a project complexity. Construction Charles Anthony Company hired. Heat Mirror windows from EFCO Corporation selected to abate street noise. 107 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Hilton Hotel - Logan International Airport As part of the on-going upgrade of Boston's Logan International Airport, the Hilton Hotel Corporation was permitted to construct a new hotel as the airport's centerpiece. The new multistory hotel is located on a site between the new central parking garage and the recently constructed central chilling plant. The hotel is also closely surrounded by the airport's "spaghetti-like" inter-terminal roadways and city highways. This project was overseen by the Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) which oversees all construction at Logan International Airport. Tishman Construction acted as MASSPORT's representative on the site. The Hilton Hotel Corporation initially selected a different construction manager to assist in pre-construction activities and follow-on work but a personnel change in corporate management led to a change in corporate strategy and the job was placed out for open bid. The building design required piles of up to one-hundred and ten feet in length due to the unstable ground conditions at the airport. Access is only available through underground highway tunnels from the west or through a dense residential area from the north. In order to use the highway tunnels, the piles had to be reduced in size, transported to the project, and assembled onsite. The general contractor relied on the pile manufacturer to develop a design to allow the piles to be spliced and assembled on-site (innovation #1). Cambridge 7 Associates, the architect, made the decision to conceal the building's window frames primarily for visual reasons. The designer desired to break-up the "lines" caused by the numerous windows in the building's facade. When reviewed by the acoustic engineer, it was determined that hiding the window frames also reduced the sound transmitting characteristics of the entire window (innovation #2). The reduced sound transmission characteristics were very beneficial to the hotel which was located in the center of a busy airport. "Serendipity" is credited as the "driver" behind this particular innovation. Hilton Hotel owners specified that the hotel be equipped with "smart room technology" from CenterCom (innovation #3). The integrated system uses an infrared thermostat and other sensors to relay information on a room's status. The integrated system controls overhead costs by monitoring air conditioning, heating, and lighting based on room occupancy. The system also fosters improved hotel service by providing discrete information to hotel personnel; customers no longer need be disturbed by unwelcome knocking at the door by intrusive maid or other room services. Hilton had worked with CenterCom previously on other similar projects. 109 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Hilton Hotel - Logan International Airport Project Organization Chart 110 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA Hilton Hotel - Logan International Airport Timeline Conceptual Design Cambridge 7 Associates (architect) hired. Detailed Design Acoustic engineer determines concealed window frame abates noise. Tishman performs as an agent for MASSPORT. Pre-Construction Beacon Skanska USA awarded GC contract. .t Construction Beacon Skanska USA directs subcontractor to splice pi. piles. Window frames are embedded in the facilitie's enclosure system. Hilton Hotel decides to incorporate "smart room technology" from CenterCom. I1 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA SFX Pavilion The SFX Pavilion located in Boston, Massavhusetts' South Shore district is a unique open-air venue primarily used for local music events and concerts. The venue's primary sellingpoint is that it is a "column-less" venue without any "obstructed seating." The "column-less" venue was the brainchild of the Don Law Company, a local Boston developer, who eventually sold the project to SFX Entertainment, a national entertainment company. Beacon Skanska had participated with the Don Law company in a previous effort to develop a viewing venue in Boston's South Shore district. It was known from the outset of this project that the venue was to be unique in character and quality. A number of innovations work together as a system to create the "column-less" venue (innovation #1). The entire facility is supported by a single arch that flies over the top of the facility (innovation #2). The truss arch supports a significant portion of the fabric roof load. The venue stage is used to anchor a portion of the fabric roof. To properly anchor the roof, the venue stage was designed similar to the abutments designed for suspension bridges (innovation #3). The process of erecting such a unique facility was a challenge for the steel erector. The task of erecting the facility also included the responsibility for designing and constructing the fabric roof. The subcontractor who won the design-build package decided to turn the ends of the main truss arch into ball-and-socket hinges and use a socket-hinges to lift the truss and fabric roof into place (innovation #4). Although the socket hinge design was incorporated into the project, it was not actually used during the erection process. The main truss arch is erected. The stage (right foreground) serves as an abutment to anchor the fabric roof which will be suspended from the main arch. 113 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA SFX Pavilion Project Team Organization 114 Appendix A Beacon Skanska USA SFX Pavilion Timeline Conceptual Design A Form Architecture (architect) hired. Detailed Design Pre-Construction Beacon Skanska USA awarded contract. Design-build steel erection package awarded to subcontractor. Construction Steel erector successfully erects the facility but not as originally planned. 115 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated 10 St. James Place 10 St. James Place is a multi-story, multi-use downtown office building in Boston, Massachuasetts. The construction site is located in a highly congested area. The site was wedged between two existing buildings with busy city streets on the remaining sides. Minimal disturbance of the adjacent buildings was a key concern due to the fact that one of the adjacent buildings housed a library registered as a Boston historic landmark. The project was initiated by Macomber Development, a local developer, who eventually allied with a larger partner, Millennium Partners, Inc., in order to secure financing for the project. Bovis had not worked with the local developer before but maintains a long-term relationship with Millennium Partners, Inc. Getting the building completed quickly at the lowest possible cost was a major concern of the ownership team. Bovis suggested the use of "up-up" construction to meet the needs of the owner (innovation #1). "Up-up" construction differs from traditional sequential construction by building up from the bottom basement floor and the ground floor simultaneously rather than building up strictly from the bottom basement floor. This process shortens the project duration considerably but attention must be paid to the structural integrity of the facility during construction. A large amount of cross-bracing is generally needed to support the multi-floor basement columns as the ground floor is put in place over the basement level. 117 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated 10 St. James Place Project Team Organization 118 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated 10 St. James Place Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design ~ - Architect is hired. Bovis awarded contract. Millenium Partners backs Macomber Development Associates. Project team commits to "up-up" construction. Pre-Construction Construction Project team performs "up-up" construction. 119 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated The Basketball Hall of Fame The Basketball Hall of Fame is being constructed in Springfield, Massachusetts, the birthplace of basketball. The project is being pursued by a joint venture between the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National College Association of Athletics (NCAA). Both the City of Springfield, Massachusetts, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are committing funds to the development of the project. Bovis was hired as an owner's representative by the City of Springfield to monitor the design and construction process on the city's behalf. The city of Springfield, very concerned about budget overspending on the project, instructed the construction manager that the project must "come in under budget." The Basketball Hall of Fame is designed to be a landmark building. One of its prominent features is the large spherical shape of the building, the shape of a basketball, which is over three stories high. The construction team as a whole was concerned about designing and erecting such a non-typical structure especially with a very constrained budget. Bovis worked closely with Weidlinger Associates, the structural engineer, and a reputable steel erector to ensure that the design was feasible and affordable. The design consists of multiple curved arch beams joining at the top of the sphere shaped building. A scaffold tower will hold the beams in place until the critical cross-tie bracing is put in place to support the lateral forces that will be exerted on the spherical structure (innovation #1). 121 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated Basketball Hall of Fame Project Organization Chart Commonwealth of Massachusetts City of Springfield, Massachusetts Bovis, Inc. CM(O) ......... Hall of Fame of Properties. Inc. * I Gwathny Saegal Weidlinger Associates GC/CM I* ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... Desig ners Steel E rector Sub-Contractors L--..- - -- * ----- - At the time of this study, the construction documents were being put out to bid and the construction team had not yet been selected. 122 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated Basketball Hall of Fame Timeline Conceptual Design Gwathney Saegal (architect) hired. Weidlinger Associates selected as the structural engineer. Detailed Design Bovis hired by the City of Springfield, MA, to serve as an owner's representative. Project team collaborates on facililty's structural design. Steel erector provides consultation services, reviews structural design. Pre-Construction Construction 123 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated Millennium Place - Boston Millennium Place is a two building, multi-story, multi-use complex in Boston. The construction site is located in the center of downtown Boston in a very dense area. The site is located among several existing buildings, borders downtown streets and even contends with an underground subway. The project is owned by Millennium Partners. Inc., a large development company. Given the site constraints and the desire to keep the construction schedule as short as possible, the contractor suggested using the "up-down" method of construction. In "up-down" construction, the builder drives the piles and basement columns into the ground, places the ground floor at grade and proceeds to build "upward" above grade while excavating "downward," constructing the basement floors along the way. While investigating the conditions on the site, Haley & Aldrich, the geotechnical engineer, discovered a large amount of debris from previous buildings located on the site. Even some bridge piers and dock pilings were discovered from the time when Boston's waterfront used to be near the area. To avoid the issue of having to remove the debris through a built ground floor, the contractor devised a scheme to initially excavate one floor down to remove the majority of the debris and then begin "up-down" construction in earnest, labeling the process as "modified up-down" construction (innovation #1). 125 Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated Millennium Place - Boston Project Organization Chart S&F Concrete 126 Trevi Icos Appendix A Bovis, Incorporated Millennium Place - Boston Timeline Conceptual Design Gary Handel Associates (architect) hired. Bovis, Inc. awarded contract. Haley & Aldrich identify poor ground conditions. Detailed Design Bovis, Inc. proposes "modified up-down" construction. MARR Erectors provide consultation services, reviews structural design. Pre-Construction Construction Project team executes "modified up-down" construction. 127 Appendix A Gilbane Brookline High School The Town of Brookline, Massachusetts, desired to renovate its deteriorating high school. Even though the project was public in nature and regulated by public procurement laws, the Town of Brookline Board of Selectman decided to hire Gilbane as a construction manager under a "design services" contract to assist in the development, design, and management of the project. The project consisted of new construction and a renovation of the existing buildings' electrical and mechanical systems. The project was difficult in terms of mitigating impacts on the local neighborhood. Construction occurred while school was in session requiring the entire ninth grade class to relocate to another facility for schooling. Access to the neighborhood is very restricted and required consultation from a traffic engineer resulting in temporary closures of some streets and temporary designation of "one-way" streets throughout the neighborhood. Parking for construction workers also burdened the local neighborhood with additional traffic and overwhelmed the limited parking space available. Despite the troublesome nature of the social impacts on this project, no innovations were identified in researching this project. 129 Appendix A Gilbane Brookline High School Project Organization Chart 130 Appendix A Gilbane Brookline High School Timeline Conceptual Design Finegold, Alexander & Associates (architect) hired. Gilbane hired to provide design services and oversee construction. Detailed Design Pre- Construction Construction 131 -- z7- -- -- Appendix A Gilbane Cambridge Hospital The Cambridge Hospital, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, required construction of a new wing. The construction site was located in a dense residential neighborhood which mandated specific project constraints mitigating noise and dust pollution, including sound barriers and limited work hours. Gilbane had served as a program manager for the hospital, providing expertise for facility management and expansion for several years. Despite being a program manager, Gilbane still competed with other construction firms to win the job as contractor for construction of the new hospital wing. In an effort to shorten the duration of the construction project, Gilbane elected to use an "up-up" construction sequence (innovation #1) after it was suggested by the firm of Haley & Aldrich. Although the "up-up" construction method has a particular popularity in the Boston area, Gilbane, headquartered in Providence, Rhode Island, was less familiar than other local builders with the particular construction process. Although the design of the facility had to be reevaluated for "up-up" construction by the structural engineer, there was no need for redesign of the facility to support the "up-up" construction sequence and the project proceeded on schedule. I __I "Up-up" construction. Concrete, via the pump truck (the concrete pump truck arm extension is coming in from the right), is being pumped "below" while the superstructure rises "above." 133 RMM Appendix A Gilbane Cambridge Hospital Project Organization Chart 134 Appendix A Gilbane Cambridge Hospital Timeline Conceptual Design Gilbane serves as program manager to the Cambridge Hospital. Detailed Design Payette Associates (architect) hired. Pre-Construction Gilbane awarded contract. Haley & Aldrich suggest using an "up-up" construction sequence to shorten the project duration. Project team commits to "up-up" construction to shorten project duration. Construction Project team performs "up-up" construction. 135 Appendix A Gilbane The Learning Corridor The Learning Corridor (TLC) is a community rebuilding program for a section of downtown Hartford, Connecticut. The project was undertaken by a conglomerate consisting of a local university, a local medical hospital, and the local community (SINA). Gilbane was asked personally by the head of the local university to serve as a program manager to help devise a solution for the urban revitalization. Once the project began to take shape, Gilbane competed for the primary contracting position and won. A worn down community was replaced by a complex consisting of four buildings that serve as the city's new education center, supporting kindergarten through twelfth-grade. The social impacts of the project were tremendous and affected the lives of many families that lived in the area. The construction project team was very attentive to the impacts of the construction project on the lives of the disaffected and took the necessary precautions to ensure success. The project team proceeded diligently and carefully to ensure that displaced families had a place to move and were equitably reimbursed for their inconvenience. TLC design is a new way of thinking about community education and its facilities (innovation #1). TLC was developed to capitalize on the synergy created by the close location of the various schools. The schools share one building that houses the athletic equipment as well as the computer education center. The complex even has an auditorium that doubles as a community theater. The buildings' mechanical and electrical systems are fully automated and integrated. The entire facility was designed so that the buildings share as much in common as possible, from class room chairs to light bulbs, to economize the operation and maintenance of the complex. The facilities were designed by the Hartford Team, an association of seven local architects. In order to ensure a consistency of effort and design, Gilbane directed the erection of a temporary on-site facility to house the design and construction operations (innovation #2). Use of the trailer complex kept the overall project manageable by co-locating the numerous parties that were involved in the project. Gilbane, reputed for its activity in social service, created a program by which local community citizens who were out of work could participate in a job training program and then work on the construction project itself (innovation #3). The training program was set up in conjunction with a local public job training office and the sub-contractors that performed work on the construction site. 137 Appendix A Gilbane The Learning Corridor Project Organization Chart 138 Appendix A Gilbane The Learning Corridor Timeline Conceptual Design Gilbane serves as a program manger for individuals who later founded SINA. The Learning Corridor plan is created. The Hartford Team (architect) hired. Detailed Design Gilbane awarded contract. Trailer complex constructed on-site to house design and construction operations. Pre-Construction Gilbane initiates community training program. Construction 139 Appendix A Gilbane Bell Atlantic Pearle River Data Center The Bell Atlantic Pearle River Data Center is a new communications center for the Bell Atlantic company. The facility was designed to carry a significant portion of the phone company's business to include priority emergency lines and some of the company's VIP clientele. Gilbane is a program manger for the Bell Atlantic company. Although not hired directly as a contractor for the project, Gilbane acted as the owner's representative in overseeing the facility renovation. The renovation consisted of reconfiguring an existing five-story office center to house the new data center. Bell Atlantic required a dependable electrical system for its new "high priority" data center. Tie Point engineers responded by designing an N+2 electrical system that provides a 99.9% reliability in performance (innovation #1). The system relies on redundant power feeds from multiple sources to maintain its resiliency. 141 Appendix A Gilbane Bell Atlantic Pearle River Data Center Project Organization Chart Designers Tie Point Engineering 142 Appendix A Gilbane Bell Atlantic Pearle River Data Center Timeline Conceptual Design Gilbane serves as the program manager for Bell Atlantic. ~Tiepoint Engineering design N+2 electrical design. Detailed Design Pre-Construction .nt o ~Gilbane oversees the installation of the N+2 electrical system as an owner's representative. 143 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Genzyme Tissue Repair The Genzyme facility is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The project consisted of constructing an addition to a fully operational laboratory facility without disrupting ongoing operations. Laboratory operations consist of growing tissues for burn victims at local hospitals to assist a burn victim's recovery. In order to work on-site, construction personnel were required to decontaminate and sterilize themselves and their tools before entering the laboratory and construction area. The decontamination process required a tremendous amount of patience and attention to detail. Air Flow Associates was hired to be part of the project team to evaluate and modify the air balance of the entire facility during construction operations. Normally the air balancing team performs its work after the entire construction project is complete, but in this case, air balancing occurred every day after construction operations had ceased for the day (innovation #1). Using the air balancing team during the course of the project allowed the laboratory to remain operational and continue its life saving work. 145 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Genzyme Tissue Repair Project Organization Chart 146 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Genzyme Tissue Repair Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. awarded contract. Pre-Construction Air Flow Associates hired to maintain air balance during construction. Construction Air Flow Associates perform air balancing during . construction. 147 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Building 11 The renovation of building 11 at MIT in Cambridge. Massachusetts, consisted of renovating the three original floors of the building and adding an additional two floors to the top of the structure. The building is located in the center of the MIT campus and is connected contiguously to several other academic buildings. For the top two new floors, the architect decided to use structural tube steel as the frame for the new addition (innovation #1). Although the tube steel is more costly than standard construction steel (i.e. "I"-beams), it provides major benefits in terms of economy of space and appearance. Tube steel is generally smaller than its standard "I"-beam counterpart that carries the same load. As a result, walls can be spaced out further to create more room and the walls no longer need to fold in-and-out to account for the larger structural columns. The project manager on-site referred to the creation of a long, smooth wall as a "money wall" the requires less resources to put in place, saving time, money, and materials. 149 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Massachusetts Institue of Technology - Building 11 Project Organization Chart 150 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Massachusetts Institue of Technology - Building 11 Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design Pre-Construction Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. awarded contract. .t Construction Project team uses tube steel for the structural frame as specified by the architect. 151 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Perceptive Biosystems Located in Framingham, Massachusetts, the project entailed renovating a former computer software facility into a company headquarters and laboratory facility for Perceptive Biosystems, manufacturers of medical equipment. The overall project included the renovation of three separate buildings, two to be occupied by Perceptive Biosystems and the third to be put up for lease. No innovations were identified in researching this project. 153 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Perceptive Biosystems Project Organization Chart 154 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Perceptive Biosystems Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design Pre-Construction Clifford Hoffman Associates (architect) hired. Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. awarded contract. Construction 155 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Tufts Medical Health Plan The Tufts Medical Health Plan project entailed the renovation of an old telecommunications building into a high-end office for the Tufts Medical Health Plan organization. Located in Boston, Massachusetts, the project included the installation of an intermediate floor in the warehouse portion of the building, construction of an operational computer cleanroom, and the erection of a 1,400 parking space garage. The property was developed by Prospectus, Inc., a long-term client of Kennedy and Rossi. The contractor did all of the preconstruction work for the property as various tenants considered occupying the building. The Tufts Medical Health Plan organization agreed to occupy the building if construction could be completed within six months. To meet the stringent timeline, the contractor directed the subcontractors to create a temporary clean room so that the computer facility team could get to work as soon as possible (innovation #1). The project manager directed the mechanical and electrical contractors as required to support the cleanroom operations. Portable air pumps with HEPA filters were used to keep the room overpressured and "clean" while construction proceeded. The project team also needed a quick and cost effective means of constructing 1,400 space the parking garage. The owner recommended using Zaldastoni, a consulting engineer firm, that specializes in the design of hybrid parking garages (garages that use both steel and prefabricated concrete structural elements). Zaldastoni was invited to the project team resulting in the erection of a hybrid-parking garage in less than 38 construction days (innovations #2). 157 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Tufts Medical Health Plan Project Organization Chart 158 Appendix A Kennedy & Rossi, Incorporated Tufts Medical Health Plan Timeline Conceptual Design Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. works with Prospectus. Inc. to develop property. CID (architect) hired to design tentative plans for property. Sasaki (architect) hired to design interior fit-out. Detailed Design Zaldastoni joins team to design hybrid parking garage. Pre-Construction Construction Kennedy & Rossi, Inc. establishes a temporary cleanroom while construction is in progress. Hybrid parking garage is constructed. 159 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company Boston College - Higgins Hall Higgins Hall, located on the Boston College campus in Boston, Massachusetts, houses the offices and classrooms for the physics and biology departments. The basic plan for the Higgins Hall project called for the demolition of a portion of the existing building and the construction of an addition that would approximately double the original size of the facility. To track the construction progress, Macomber Construction utilized-three dimensional information charts (innovation #1). The charts provide realistic, three-dimensional views of the construction project and is an effective tool that simplifies coordination and scheduling among the various project team members. Macomber Construction developed the three-dimensional tracking charts in-house for use on multiple projects. 161 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company Boston College - Higgins Hall Project Organization Chart 162 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company Boston College - Higgins Hall Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design ~Shepley, Bullfinch, Richardson & Abbott (architect) hired. ~ Macomber Construction awarded contract. Pre-Construction Construction - Project team utilizes 3-D tracking charts. 163 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company Dartmouth Science Complex The Dartmouth Science Complex in Hanover, New Hampshire, consists of four separate buildings on the Dartmouth campus. Each of the four buildings underwent a full renovation. A small addition was made to the physics building and a floor was added to the chemistry building. The new addition to the physics building required shielding from external magnetic and electrical emissions. As construction started, it was recognized the facility's utility lines would also have to be shielded to prevent unwanted emissions from disturbing any laboratory work. The designers quickly derived the necessary specifications required to insulate the facility's utility lines. After a substantial search, the contractor was unable to find any manufactured utility conduits that matched the designer's specifications. The project manager pooled together the various subcontractors on the job and had the utility conduits manufactured and assembled onsite (innovation #1). Building a new floor on top of an existing building posed a challenge to the project team in how to cost effectively build an additional floor without exposing the existing floors to potential weather damage. Truss and scaffolding systems as well as temporary roofing were considered as possible solutions to the problem but were too expensive. Ultimately, the contractor hit upon a novel idea of turning the existing top floor into a temporary roof, weatherproofed with a complete drainage system (innovation #2). At the insistence of the owner, Macomber Construction utilized FirstLine TM, an information technology based project management tool used to track construction activity (innovation #3). This particular application of FirstLineTM was one of the first applications of TM the software as a web-based product. The biggest advantage provided by FirstLine , according to the project team members, is the ability to track, record, and save all project information and communications on two computer disks as a final record of all project transactions. 165 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company Dartmouth Science Complex Project Organization Chart 166 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company Dartmouth Science Complex Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design Center Brook Architects (architect) hired. Macomber Construction awarded contract. Project team commits to using FirstLineTM. Pre-Construction Construction Project team uses FirstLineTM. Owner specifies need for emission free utility lines. Macomber Construction orchestrates on-site fabrication of conduits. Macomer Construction creates temporary roof and drainage. 167 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company EMC - Franklin Modified Murox panels as used on the EMC facility in Franklin, Massachusetts. 168 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company EMC - Franklin The EMC facility, located in Franklin, Massachusetts, is a five-story office and R&D facility used to assemble and test information storage equipment developed and produced by the EMC corporation. The facility contains eight testing chambers that simulate various environmental conditions. The rooms make intense demands on the facility's support systems, for example the temperatures in the testing chambers are required to fluctuate between 42 degrees and 104 degrees daily. The owner demanded that the project be finished quickly. The project team committed to finishing the $100+ million facility in less than a year, adopting the motto "one team, one year." CanAm, the steel fabricator, involved early in the design process by the owner, recommended utilizing Murox panels (a prefabricated steel panel with insulation) to shorten the time it would take to enclose the building. It was left to the steel fabricator to modify the pre-fabricated panels so that they could be used on a multi-story building. Unfortunately, poor weather conditions destroyed the insulation within the panels during construction and replacement of the insulation took time away from properly designing panel modifications. The project team was forced to consider other enclosure alternatives to complete the project on time. To faciltiate the "ultra fast-track" project, the design and construction teams consolidated on the project site conducting operations from a temporary consolidated trailer park (innovation #2). The team also utilized the contractor's in-house three-dimensional graphic capabilities to schedule, coordinate, and track the project's construction (innovation #3). The completed facility demands large amounts of water to operate properly. The Town of Franklin was concerned that the new EMC facility would wreak havoc on the towns fragile water supply. To avoid any confrontations with the town, EMC decided to create its own water supply with a self contained pump, storage system, and water recycling plan. To eliminate the stress on the surrounding environment, EMC challenged Shooshanian engineers, the MEP designers, to develop a system that recycled the use of its own water. Over 70% of the "blow-down" (contaminated water) from the facility's systems is cleaned and recycled back into the facility (innovation #3). 169 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company EMC - Franklin Project Organization Chart 170 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company EMC - Franklin Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design Gorman Richardson Architects (architect) hired. CanAm steel proposes use of modified Murox panels. GBH Macomber Construction Company awarded contract. Shooshanian Engineers design self-contained recycling water system. Pre-Construction Temporary facilities developed to house the design and construction teams. Construction 3-D graphics are used to track constuction activity and progress. Modified murox panels installed. Weather issues cause problems. Self-contained recycling water system installed by Johnson Controls. 171 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company IMAX Theater The New England Aquarium, located on Boston's waterfront, is currently undergoing an expansion that will require the construction of several buildings over the next few years. The current project under construction is the new IMAX theater. This project is particularly difficult because it is being built over water. The project is also difficult because the design of the New England Aquarium's facilities do not use familiar building shapes. The building's are characterized by odd angles and non-symmetric shapes sometimes referred to as "deconstructionist" architecture. To accommodate construction of the facility, Macomber Construction has proposed a method of tracking the construction activity different from that used on a standard construction project (innovation #1). Use of the new method requires the total commitment of the architect and the project team in order to be successful. The contractor also had to contend with finding an appropriate enclosure system to protect the building from the harsh environment of the waterfront while matching the aquarium's original facade, which is metal and formed to represent the scales of a fish. The original building's facade succumbed to erosion caused by the harsh environment of the waterfront. For the new building, the contractor selected the original manufacturer of the panel to make the new panels using titanium to mitigate the corrosion caused by the harsh waterfront environment (innovation #2). 173 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company IMAX Theater Project Organization Chart 174 Appendix A GBH Macomber Construction Company IMAX Theater Timeline Conceptual Design GBH Macomber Construction awarded contract. GBH Macomber Construction proposes new method of activity tracking. E. Vernon Jackson & Associates (architect) hired. Detailed Design GBH Macomber Construction identifies subcontractor to manage exotic cladding. Pre-Construction Construction 175 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation 4 Times Square The 4 Times Square project was developed by The Durst Organization, a well-known developer in New York City. The project is the first development, within the last ten years, of a speculative office building in New York City. The construction site is located adjacent to New York's famous Times Square. As the project proceeded, the developer decided to turn the project into a "green" building, making it as environmentally "friendly" as possible. To assist in focusing on the environmental nature of the project, The Durst Organization deferred to the consultation services of Earth Day New York and its environmental engineers. Three different innovations resulted from the effort to create a "green" skyscraper (innovation #1). The facility was outfitted to with fuel cells to support some of the building's electrical load (innovation #2). Fuel cells use natural gas to create energy without any form of combustion and all of its ill side effects. Other buildings have used fuel cells, but generally the fuel cells are located outside of the facility to which they supply power. In this case, the fuel cells had to be incorporated in the building's design and issues regarding fuel cell maintenance and operation had to be taken into consideration. The fuel cells did not replace all of the power generators due to the fact that the decision to use fuel cells was made late in the design process. The building also included the use of photovoltaics that were integrated into the building's enclosure system (innovation #2). The Earth Day New York organization was also instrumental in helping the construction team undertake an extensive recycling program associated with the 4 Times Square project (innovation #3). A conscious effort was made to reuse and recycle any and all scrapped construction materials. Material unpacking sites were created off-site to help foster recycling of packing materials as well as keep the relatively small project site free from clutter. 177 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation 4 Times Square Project Organization Chart Fox and Fowle Architects Earth Day New York Designers Cosantini Energy Photovoltaics Glassalum International 178 Tishman Construction CM(A) Sub-Contractors Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation 4 Times Square Timeline Conceptual Design Fox and Fowle Architects, Inc. (architect) hired. Tishman Construction awarded contract. Detailed Design The Durst Organization, Inc. decides to develop a "green" speculative office building. Earth Day New York joins the project team as environmental consultant. Photovoltaics and fuel cells added to the building's design. Pre- Construction Bid packages include requirement for all subcontractors to participate in recycling program. Construction Fuel cells installed. Photovoltaics installed. Project recycling program in full effect.. 179 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Elevated Walkways at Logan International Airport Boston's Logan International Airport is undergoing a large scale reconfiguration, including the construction of new parking garages, new hotels, and elevated walkways to connect all of the new facilities to the various existing terminals. The large walkways are essentially oversized pre-fabricated trusses measuring 26 feet by 20 feet by 130 feet. The walkways allow pedestrians to cross over the airport's busy roadways. Tishman Construction works closely with the Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT), a quasi-public agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, that oversees all airport development and construction. On this project, Tishman Construction was hired to serve as the MASSPORT's representative to oversee the design, development, and construction of the walkway system. Tishman Construction took an active part in making decisions regarding the overall approach to the project. The initial project team, consisting of Tishman and the owner, decided that having to perform all of the required construction on-site would be too time consuming and would interfere too much with the airport's traffic circulation. A subsequent decision was made to buy oversized, pre-fabricated frames and move them into place at times when traffic activity was expected to be low. The remaining problem was how to move the large oversized trusses, first to the airport and second, to their final position The project executive from Tishman Construction suggested using a barge to transport the frames by sea to the airport's location (innovation #1). Once on land, "goldhoffers," hydraulically powered platforms with wheels used to transport missiles, could be used to move the frames to their final location (innovation #2). Perini was hired as the general contractor for the job who in turn hired the appropriate subcontractors to transport the oversized truss frames. 181 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Elevated Walkways at Logan International Airport Project Organization Chart Weidlinger Associates Designers Sub-Contractors 182 Global Erectors Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Elevated Walkways at Logan International Airport Timeline Conceptual Design Tishman Construction is awarded contract. Transportation scheme using barges and "goldhoffers" is devised. Detailed Design Cambridge 7 Associates (architect) hired. Pre-Construction Perini Construction hired as project general contractor. Construction Oversized trusses delivered by barge. Oversized trusses are transported by "goldhoffers." 183 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Hilton Hotel - Logan International Airport As part of the on-going upgrade of Boston's Logan International Airport, the Hilton Hotel Corporation was permitted to construct a new hotel as the airport's centerpiece. The new multistory hotel is located on a site between the new central parking garage and the recently constructed central chilling plant. The hotel is also closely surrounded by the airport's "spaghetti-like" inter-terminal roadways and city highways. This project was overseen by the Massachusetts Port Authority (MASSPORT) which oversees all construction at Logan International Airport. Tishman Construction acted as MASSPORT's representative on the site. The Hilton Hotel Corporation initially selected a construction manager to assist in pre-construction activities and follow-on work but a personnel change in corporate management led to a change in corporate strategy and the job was placed out for open bid. The building design required piles of up to one-hundred and ten feet in length due to the unstable ground conditions at the airport. Access is only available through underground highway tunnels from the west or through a dense residential area from the north. In order to use the highway tunnels, the piles had to be reduced in size, transported to the project, and assembled onsite. The general contractor relied on the pile manufacturer to develop a design to allow the piles to be spliced and assembled on-site (innovation #1). Cambridge 7 Associates, the architect, made the decision to conceal the building's window frames primarily for visual reasons. The designer desired to break-up the "lines" caused by the numerous windows in the building's facade. When reviewed by the acoustic engineer, it was determined that hiding the window frames also reduced the sound transmitting characteristics of the entire window (innovation #2). The reduced sound transmission characteristics were very beneficial to the hotel which was located in the center of a busy airport. "Serendipity" is credited as the "driver" behind this particular innovation. Hilton Hotel owners specified that the hotel be equipped with "smart room technology" from CenterCom (innovation #3). The integrated system uses an infrared thermostat and other sensors to relay information on a room's status. The integrated system controls overhead costs by monitoring air conditioning, heating, and lighting based on room occupancy. The system also fosters improved hotel service by providing discrete information to hotel personnel; customers no longer need be disturbed by unwelcome knocking at the door by intrusive maid or other room services. Hilton had worked with CenterCom previously on other similar projects. 185 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Hilton Hotel - Logan International Airport Project Organization Chart 186 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Hilton Hotel - Logan International Airport Timeline Cambridge 7 Associates (architect) hired. Conceptual Design Detailed Design Acoustic engineer determines concealed window frame abates noise. Tishman performs as an agent for MASSPORT. Pre-Construction - Construction Beacon Skanska USA awarded GC contract. Beacon Skanska USA directs subcontractor to splice piles. Window frames are embedded in the facilitie's enclosure system. Hilton Hotel decides to incorporate "smart room technology" from CenterCom. 187 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Wang Center for the Performing Arts The Wang Center for the Performing Arts, located in Boston, Massachusetts' theater district, required extensive roof renovation. The task was made difficult by the fact that the theater's interior domed ceiling is registered as a historical landmark. The theater's non-profit board of directors routinely use Tishman Construction to oversee any construction activity related to the theater. The challenge in the project was to replace the roof without damaging the ceiling at a minimal cost for the non-profit organization. Temporary roofs and extensive scaffold-like tent systems were considered too expensive. Tishman Construction's site superintendent approached MARR Erectors, a respectable scaffolding and design company, to assist the project team in generating a solution to perform the needed roofing work. Together, Tishman Construction and MARR Erectors created a plan that utilized large rolling trusses to cover localized areas of the roof where specific construction activity could be performed (innovation #1). Electric fans were added to the rolling trusses to assist with dust control. 189 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Wang Center for the Performing Arts Project Organization Chart 190 Appendix A Tishman Construction Corporation Wang Center for the Performing Arts Timeline Conceptual Design Tishmam Construction serves as a program manager for the Wang Center for the Performing Arts. Detailed Design Tishman Construction collaborates with MARR Erectors to devise a scheme for temporary weatherproofing using a movable truss system. Pre-Construction Construction Movable truss system used in the performance of construction activity. 191 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Astra Gatehouse Park Astra Pharmaceuticals is developing a new facility with laboratory and office space in Waltham, Massachusetts. The site is located in an open area and is constrained by the presence of designated wetlands and the fact that the facility is located directly on the town limits of two separate towns. Each town has its own local building codes. One town mandates a height restriction on all facility's built within its limits which caused some concern in trying to create a suitable facility for the Astra organization. Astra Pharmaceuticals follows a standard layout for its facilities world-wide and did not desire to make any changes to the design. In order to meet the height restriction but maintain the five floors of the original design, the standard structural steel frame was replaced by a structural tube steel design. The use of the alternative tube steel cost more but allowed the project to be designed and constructed in accordance with the owner's five-story plan. The change to tubular steel was slightly problematic for the steel erector, Isaacson Steel. The steel erector was unfamiliar with tube steel construction and had to collaborate with the steel fabricator and the project structural engineer to develop a suitable means of connecting the various tube steel components. The Astra Gatehouse Park used a tube steel frame to satisfy a five-story layout plan while maintaining compliance with local ordinance height restrictions. 193 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Astra Gatehouse Park Project Organization Chart 194 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Astra Gatehouse Park Timeline Richmond Group serves as program manger for Astra organization. Conceptual Design Detailed Design - VHB (architect) hired. - City ordinances drive decision to use tube steel for the facility's structural frame. Pre-Construction Turner Construction awarded contract. Isaacson steel and structural engineer collaborate to develop feasable joints for tube steel system. Construction ~ Tube steel frame erected by Isaacson Steel.. 195 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Northeastern University Dormitories The Northeastern University dormitories are located on the Northeastern campus in Boston, Massachusetts. The buildings are characterized by an extensive use of curved lines and surfaces. The non-familiar shapes made the construction of the project difficult for the construction team. Each room differed in size and shape from any other room on the same floor. Mapping electrical lines, plumbing, and HVAC services to each room became an "exercise in detail" to ensure that everything "lined-up." Despite the troubles encountered by the project team on this site, no innovations were identified in researching this project. The irregular shapes of the Northeastern University dorms make it difficult for construction teams to capitalize on economies of scale, every measurement is unique. 197 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Northeastern University Dormitories Project Organization Chart 198 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Northeastern University Dormitories Timeline Conceptual Design Detailed Design William Rawn Associates, Architects, Inc. (architect) hired. Pre-Construction Turner Construction awarded contract. Construction 199 Appendix A Turner Construction Company World Trade Center - East Office Building I I Cranes on a temporary bridge over the construction site. Powered platforms replace standard scaffolding. 200 Appendix A Turner Construction Company World Trade Center - East Office Building The East Office Building is located near Boston's waterfront in the Seaport district next to Boston's world trade center. The multi-story office building is one of three in an office/hotel complex. The East Office Building is adjacent to the hotel and surrounded by roads with highvolume traffic on the remaining three sides. Pembroke Real Estate, the owner, desired to complete the project as quickly as possible. Turner Construction offered to erect the building using an "up-up" sequence to shorten the duration of the project by several months (innovation #1). The "up-up" sequence allows the construction team to build "up" from the bottom basement floor and the ground floor simultaneously, which uses more manpower but less time to perform the construction. The building's structural design was modified to accommodate the new construction sequence. Bigger column sections were used to support the ground floor at grade while the ground floor was reinforced to act as a diaphragm, supplementing the bracing that braced the perimeter wall of the construction area below. Turner Construction realized that a large amount of steel erection was required to complete the project and was concerned about blocking traffic in the adjacent roads if the cranes required for the project had to operate directly from the street. The contractor worked with the project structural engineer, Weidlinger Associates, to design a temporary bridge running over-top the open excavation to serve as a holding dock for two cranes used on the project (innovation #2). The large cranes (over 200 tons each) were able to operate on-site without blocking local traffic. A large majority of the building's enclosure system was hand placed brick. Buildings of similar sizes normally use prefabricated concrete panels or some variation that is faster and usually less costly than hand placed brick. The owner, who had overseen the erection of the "sister" hotel (performed by a different contractor) that had a similar enclosure system, suggested using powered, moving platforms, like the ones used on the hotel, instead of standard scaffolding to place the brick (innovation #3). The project team agreed to use the platforms believing the platforms could be used to speed construction, increase safety, and assist in the movement of construction materials and equipment. During use, however, the construction team quickly realized the drawbacks of using powered platforms. If the platforms on one side of the building were not all at the same level, the lateral movement of the construction workers was restricted (and unsafe). Additionally, as the building rose in height, the facade drew back; so as the platforms moved higher, a potentially dangerous gap formed between the building and platform system. The construction manager invested in full body harnesses and winch systems to rectify the situation but the use of the new safety equipment further frustrated the movement of the construction workers. 201 Appendix A Turner Construction Company World Trade Center - East Office Building Project Team Organization 202 Appendix A Turner Construction Company World Trade Center - East Office Building Project Team Organization Conceptual Design ~ Shepley, Bullfinch, Richardson, & Abbott (architects) hired. - Turner Construction awarded contract. I Detailed Design Pre-Construction ~Project team commits to using "up-up" construction. Redesign is required. Turner Construction and Weidlinger Associates plan crane bridge to assist construction. Project team commits to using platform "scaffolding." Construction Temporary crane bridge erected an used to facilitate steel erection. Platform "scaffolding" used by project team. 203 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Trinity Place Luxury Condominiums A 21-story luxury condominium is being built near central downtown Boston, Massachusetts. The building is in a tight location, nestled on a triangular piece of land located between two roadways and an existing building. Tower cranes are being utilized to facilitate the building's construction. The facility will contain a number of high-end luxury apartments, ground floor shops, and a below grade parking garage serviced by an automobile elevator and valet service. No innovations were identified in association with this project. 205 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Trinity Place Luxury Condominiums Project Organization Chart 206 Appendix A Turner Construction Company Trinity Place Luxury Condominiums Timeline Conceptual Design 4. Detailed Design - Childs, Bertman, and Tseckares (architect) hired. - Turner Construction awarded contract. Pre-Construction Construction 207 APPENDIX B Research Data Appendix B CM/GC Project ype Complexity Project Drivers Project Contract Project Delivery CMGC Selection ming of CM volvement Project Success 2 a.2 0 1 1 1 2 4t B 4 1 E L 1 1 11 3 1 F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 11111111 3 111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1II111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 9 1 1I 1 2 IIII 4 I 11 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1I 2 2 1 11 I 2 D 1 11 1 1 1I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1I I 2 111 4 1 5 111 6 1 3 Legend: 111 11 1111 111 1111 111111 11 1 111 I I I 111 111 1 111 1 1 I I1 l I I1 l I I 1 1 1 11 Not determinate. Expected innovation benefit that was not realized. No Innovation, or Implementer was either the owner or the GC/CM and the data is already recorded, or Demonstrates that most innovations are either for construction benefits or performance benefits, but generally not both. 211 1 1 N z 0 z m Owner Sub Owner Sub-sub Sub CM Engineer Architect OwnerSub Owner Jnit Pdc. oe0 Dost Plus 3MP umpSum Sub-sub Sub 3C -M Engineer Architect OwnerSub Owner Sub-sub Sub 30 CM Engineer K 11 Architect W 0 k) N) N 0 k) 5) 0 0- 0 0 0 0 .2 C k) I I I 1 w 0 w 0 61- z m CD verall unctional sub-Sub 3ub 3C :M Engineer Architect wner Sub wner oluton pportunity ocial 3ulding Performance Donstructon Performance 3chedule lost Donsttnction re-Construction .esign 'onception ransferred Is-use -irst Use Ild / New Use 3eveloped 4egotated 3hort-Ust Bid Dpenbid I. E.0 2 5 .C 2V 0=== 0 I 0 mm.m 0Cr. k) N w f.j 0 0 w N 00 5) N ml z I.. 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