Applied Mathematics E-Notes, 13(2013), 36-50 c Available free at mirror sites of amen/ ISSN 1607-2510 On A Generalization Of The Laurent Expansion Theorem Branko Sarićy Received 19 March 2012 Abstract Based on the properties of the non-univalent conformal mapping ez = s a causal connection has been established between the Laurent expansion theorem and the Fourier trigonometric series expansion of functions. This connection combined with two highly signi…cant results proved in the form of lemmas is a foundation stone of the theory. The main result is in the form of a theorem that is a natural generalization of the Laurent expansion theorem. The paper ends with a few examples that illustrate the theory. 1 Introduction A trigonometric series is a series of the form +1 a0 X + [ak cos (k ) + bk sin (k )] 2 (1) k=1 where the real coe¢ cients a0 ; a1 ; :::; b1 ; b2 ; ::: are independent of the real variable . Applying Euler’s formulae to cos (k ) and sin (k ), we may write (1) in the complex form +1 X ck eik (2) k= 1 where 2ck = ak ibk and for k 2 @ (@ is the set of natural numbers) and 2c0 = a0 . Here c k is conjugate to ck [8]. Let z = + i be a complex variable. Suppose that series (2) converges at all points of the interval ( ; ) to a real valued point function f ( ). If f ( iz) is integrable on the interval = = fz j = 0; 2 [ ; ]g, then the Fourier coe¢ cients ck of f ( ) are determined uniquely as Z 1 ck = f ( iz) e kz dz (k = 0; 1; 2; :::): (3) 2 i = Mathematics Subject Classi…cations: 15A15, 42A168,; 30B10, 30B50. of Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Trg Dositeja Obradovica 2, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia; µ cak, Serbia College of Technical Engineering Professional Studies, Svetog Save 65, 32 000 Caµ y Faculty 36 B. Sarić P+1 k Similarly, if for = 0 a trigonometric series k= 1 c^k (ez ) converges in ( complex valued point function f (ez ), which is integrable on = , then Z 1 c^k = f (ez ) e kz dz (k = 0; 1; 2; :::). 2 i = 37 ; ) to a (4) As is well-known, progress in Fourier analysis has gone hand in hand with progress in theories of integration. Perhaps this can be best exempli…ed by using the so-called total value of the generalized Riemann integrals [5, 6]. This brand new theory of integration, which takes the notion of residues of real valued functions into account, gives us the opportunity to integrate real valued functions that was not integrable in any of the known integration methods until now. All of this leads to the following very important problem. Let C be a simple closed contour in the z-plane, which consists of = and any regular curve Q connecting the endpoints of = , inside and on which a complex valued point function f (z) is analytic except for a …nite number of isolated singular points z1 ; z2 ; :::; zn belonging to the interior (int) of = . Chose > 0 to be and the semi-circumferences + = fz j jz z j = ; > 0g small enough so that Q and = fz j jz z j = ; < 0g ( = 1; 2; :::; n) are disjoint. Having formed the numbers c^k by means of Z 1 vt f (z) e kz dz c^k = 2 i = " n Z ( Ry # n X X f (z) e kz dz 1 kz R f (z) e dz + lim (5) = x kz dz + f (z) e 2 i !0+ =0 l =1 for k = 0; 1; 2; ::: where vt denotes the total value of an improper integral, l0 = [ i ; z1 i ], l =P [z + i ; z +1 i ] ( = 1; 2; :::; n 1) and ln = [zn + i ; i ], we +1 may call the series k= 1 c^k eik the Fourier series of f (z) on = . This means that the numbers c^k are connected with f (z) by the formula (5). Clearly, in this case, the numbers c^k , which are the Fourier coe¢ cients of f (z), are not determined uniquely since on account of Cauchy’s residue theorem Z Z y 0 Pn vt f (z) e kz dz = f (z) e kz dz + (6) kz 2 i ] =1 Resz=z [f (z) e = Q whenever Q is in the left half plane of the z-plane. A question that arises is whether this Fourier series of f (z) does in fact converge and if it does not whether it is summable in any other sense and under what conditions is its sum equal to f (z) in int= nfz1 ; z2 ; :::; zn g. As we shall see, in what follows, the answer to this question is closely related to the Laurent expansion theorem. 2 Main Results By the Laurent expansion theorem, a single-valued complex function f (s) of a complex variable s, analytic in an arbitrary punctured disc fs j 0 < jsj < Rg of the s-plane, 38 On a Generalization of the Laurent Expansion Theorem P+1 has a Laurent series expansion f (s) = k= 1 c^k sk . The Laurent coe¢ cients c^k are determined uniquely as Z f (s) 1 ds (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) (7) c^k = 2 i Cr sk+1 where Cr = fs : jsj = r; 0 < r < Rg [3]. On the other hand, it is well-known that the horizontal strip D = fz = + i : 2 ( 1; ) ; 2 [ ; ]g of the z-plane is mapped onto the punctured disc D? = fs : 0 < jsj < e g in the s-plane by the nonunivalent conformal mapping s = ez . Accordingly, if a single-valued complex function f (s) is analytic in D? and > 0, then, on account of the Laurent expansion theorem, P+1 k the Fourier series k= 1 c^k (ez ) with the Fourier coe¢ cients (4) converges in D to f (ez ). Furthermore, it follows from (7) that for any real number < Z +i 1 f (ez ) e kz dz (k = 0; 1; 2; :::). (8) c^k = 2 i i Here a single-valued complex function f (s) is taken to be the function f (ez ) of period 2 with respect to in the z-plane. Generally, a complex valued point function f (z) is said to be integrable, of bounded variation and the like, with respect to either or , in the strip D, if its real and imaginary parts satisfy separately the aforementioned properties for all …xed values of the second variable in D. As is well known, the …rst theorem, chronologically, in the theory of Fourier trigonometric series, is as follows [8]. THEOREM 1. If a real valued point function f is of bounded variation, then the Fourier series of f converges at every point to the value 1 lim [f ( + ) + f ( 2 !0+ )] . (9) If f is in addition continuous at every point on an interval I = [a; b], then the Fourier series of f is uniformly convergent in I. The result of the preceding theorem implies the following result. THEOREM 2. If a single valued complex function f (s) is of bounded variation with respect to argP s in a punctured disc D = fs : 0 < jsj < e g of the s-plane, then +1 the Laurent series k= 1 c^k sk , with the coe¢ cients c^k = 1 2 i Z C f (s) ds (k = 0; 1; 2; :::), sk+1 (10) where C = fs : jsj = e ; < g, converges at every point s 2 C to the value 1 lim f sei 2 !0+ + f se i . (11) B. Sarić 39 If f is in addition continuous on C , then the Laurent series of f is uniformly convergent on C . This result strongly suggests that single valued complex functions having isolated singularities inside = may be expanded in the Fourier trigonometric series, too. Let’s show this works. Let w be a complex parameter independent of z = + i . As is well known, if a real valued point function f ( ) is of bounded variation in the interval [ ; ], then for ^ 2 ( ; ) and Re(w) 0 there exist …nite limits, [3], Z ^ lim w ^ eiw(i z) f ( iz) dz = i lim+ f (^ ) jwj!+1 and lim jwj!+1 w !0 = Z e iw(i^ z) f ( iz) dz = =^ i lim+ f (^ + ) !0 (12) ^ where = = fz = + i : = 0; 2 [ ; ^]g and =^ = fz = + i : = 0; 2 [^; ]g. Since the above conditions play a key role in the proof of Theorem 1 based on the Cauchy calculus of residues, see [3], it follows that all functions that satisfy these conditions have a Fourier series expansion f( + )+f( lim+ 2 !0 ) = +1 X c^k eik , k= 1 with the Fourier coe¢ cients (4). Furthermore, pursuing the matter in the proof of Theorem 1, one easily comes to a conclusion that conditions (12) cannot be satis…ed for Re(w) 0 but only for Re(w) > 0. This is an immediate consequence of the result presented in the following form. LEMMA 1. For w 2 C, let a single valued complex function f (w) be analytic in the w-plane with the exception of an in…nite but countable number of isolated singularities wk (k = 1; 2; :::) on the half-straight lines fw = jwj ei : jwj > 0; = ^g and fw = jwj ei : jwj > 0; = + ^g by which the w-plane is divided into two open adjacent regions R = fw = jwj ei : jwj > 0; + ^ < < ^g and L = fw = jwj ei : jwj > 0, ^ < < + ^g. If limjwj!+1 wf (w) = CR , whenever w 2 R and limjwj!+1 wf (w) = CL , whenever w 2 L, then +1 X Resw=wk f (w) = k=1 CR + CL . 2 (13) PROOF. By de…nition, the residue of f (w) at the point at in…nity is equal to the residue of the function f (1=w) =w2 at the point w = 0. In symbols, Resjwj=+1 f (w) = Resw=0 f (1=w) =w2 . 40 Since On a Generalization of the Laurent Expansion Theorem f (1=w) =w2 has no singularity at in…nity, it follows from +1 X Resw=wk f (1=w) =w2 = Resw=0 f (1=w) =w2 k=1 that +1 X Resw=wk f (w) = Resjwj=+1 f (w) . k=1 (14) For R (w) = wf (w) CR and L (w) = wf (w) CL let MR = maxfj R (w)j j w 2 Rg and ML = maxfj L (w)j j w 2 Lg, respectively. By means of an arc length parametrization for the circular arcs +^+ C R = fw = jwj ei : jwj = ; ^ ( ) ( )g and C L = fw = jwj ei : jwj = ; ^ + +^ ( ) ( )g where ( ) is an angular function, which can be made as small as one desires, such that lim !+1 ( ) = 0, we obtain Z x Z x f (w) dw + f (w) dw CR = = = i i "Z (Z i[ CL ^ ( ) i e f e i d + +^+ ( ) ^ Z +^ i e f CR + R ei e i d ^+ ( ) ( ) +^+ ( ) ( ) d + Z +^ # ( ) CL + ^+ ( ) L ei ) d g 2 ( )] (CR + CL ) + GR + GL R +^ ( ) R^ ( ) ei d , that is, ei d and GL = i ^+ ( ) where GR = i L +^+ ( ) R jGR j [ 2 ( )]MR and jGL j [ 2 ( )]ML . Therefore, the lemma conditions: limjwj!+1 wf (w) = CR (w 2 R) and limjwj!+1 wf (w) = CL (w 2 L), lead us Rx to GR ! 0 and GL ! 0, as ! +1: This implies that lim !+1 C R f (w) dw = i CR Rx and lim !+1 C L f (w) dw = i CL so that 1 2 i Z 1 f (w) dw = lim 2 i !+1 C1 "Z x CR f (w) dw + Z x CL # f (w) dw = CR + CL 2 R where C1 = fw j jwj = +1g. Since C1 f (w) dw = 2 iResjwj=+1 f (w), it follows from (14) that +1 X CR + CL Resw=wk f (w) = . 2 k=1 B. Sarić 41 REMARK: Clearly, the circular arcs C R and C L form the circular path not until at R in…nity. Thus, if the limit lim !+1 C f (w) dw; where C = fw : jwj = g is a circumference that encloses the n singularities of f (w) in its R xinterior, does not exist, then Rx it is more convenient to use the partial limits lim !+1 C R f (w) dw and lim !+1 C L f (w) dw; as was done above. So, if the limits (12) do not exist on the straight-line Re(w) = 0, but only strongly in the open right half-plane Re(w) > 0, then the in…nite sum of all residues of g(w; ^) = R ^ e iw(i z) f ( iz) dz=(1 e 2 w ), which is a meromorphic function with countably = in…nite set of isolated simple poles wk = ik (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) in the w-plane, does exist in some sense more general than the Cauchy one. In symbols, for any ^ 2 ( ; ), for which the conditions (12) are satis…ed in the half plane Re(w) > 0, +1 X k= 1 Z 1 2 i ek(i ^ z) f ( iz) dz = lim+ !0 = f (^ + ) + f (^ 2 ) . (15) Clearly, if f ( ) satis…es the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma condition, more precisely if the Fourier coe¢ cients (3) for k ! +1 tend to 0, the region of convergence of (12) extends to Re(w) 0. Now, to answer a¢ rmatively the question from the introductory part of the paper, it is su¢ cient to prove the result in the following form. LEMMA2. For z = + i let a single valued complex function f (z) be analytic in the z-plane with the exception of a …nite number of isolated poles z1 ; z2 ; :::; zn inside is not a singular point of f (z), then for Re(w) > 0 there holds = . If ^ 2 int= " Z # iw(i^ z) lim w vt e f (z) dz = if (i^) jwj!+1 where = ^ = fz : = = 0; 2 [ ^ ; ^]g. PROOF. Suppose, without loss of generality, that ^ > 0 and all poles z1 ; :::; zn of f (z) lie in the interval ( i ; i^). Chose > 0 to be small enough so that the ^ endpoints of = and the semi-circumferences + = fz : jz z j = ; > 0g and = fz : jz z j = ; < 0g ( = 1; 2; :::; n) are disjoint. If we apply the rule R ^ for integration by parts to the integrals l eiw(i z) df (z), where l0 = [ i ; z1 i ], l = [z + i ; z +1 i ] ( = 1; 2; :::; n 1) and ln = [zn + i ; i^], as well as to the R y iw(i^ z) Rx ^ integrals e df (z) and + eiw(i z) df (z), then (5) yields lim+ !0 = " [f (i^) n Z X =0 e x e iw(i^ z) l w(^+ ) df (z) + n X " =1 f ( i )] + iw vt ( Ry Rx + Z = ^ ^ z) df (z) ^ z) df (z) # eiw(i eiw(i eiw(i ^ z) # f (z) dz . (16) 42 On a Generalization of the Laurent Expansion Theorem It is easy to prove, by the complex mean value theorem [1], that lim jwj!+1 n Z X =0 x eiw(i ^ z) df (z) = 0 l whenever Re(w) > 0, and lim jwj!+1 n X =1 ( Rx Rx + ^ z) df (z) iw(i^ z) df (z) eiw(i e =0 in the region of w-plane in which Re(w) 6= 0 and Re[iw(i^ ei )] = Re(w) (^ sin ) Im(w) cos Re(w) < 0. In view of the fact that ^ > > 0 there exists a positive real number k such that ^ = (1 + k) . Hence, the previous condition reduces to the condition Re(w)[(1 sin ) + k tan ' cos ] > 0 where tan ' = Im (w)=Re (w). As jsin j 1 and jcos j 1, then Re(w)[(1 sin ) + k tan ' cos ] > 0, whenever ' 2 ( =2; arctan k). Since k tends to +1 (arctan k tends to =2) as tends to 0+ , it follows …nally that both sums of integrals converge to zero in the region Re(w) > 0 of the w-plane. This last result combined with (16) implies that for Re(w) > 0 there holds " Z # ^ lim w vt eiw(i z) f (z) dz = if (i^). jwj!+1 = ^ By using the results of Lemmas 1 and 2 we are now able to extend an existing class of functions which can be represented by a Fourier series, as follows. THEOREM 3. For z 2 C, let a single valued complex function f (z) be analytic in the strip D = fz = + i : 2 ( 1; +1) ; 2 [ ; ]g of the z-plane, with the exception of a …nite number of isolated poles inside = . If ^ 2 int= is not a singular P+1 ^ point of f (z), then its Fourier series k= 1 c^k eik , with the coe¢ cients 8 R ^+i Z 1 1 < ^ i f (z) e kz dz for any ^ < 0 c^k = vt f (z) e kz dz = (17) R 2 i 2 i : ~+i f (z) e kz dz for any ~ > 0 = ~ i for k = 0; 1; 2; :::, is summable and has a sum equal to the function value at the point ^. In symbols, +1 X ^ c^k eik = f (^). k= 1 B. Sarić 43 Furthermore, this still holds for all points ^ 2 intD on either the right or the left of = , in addition to the fact that if ^ lies to the right of = , then c^k = Z ~+i f (z) e and if ^ lies to the left of = c^k = kz dz (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) for any ~ > 0, (18) dz (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) for any ^ < 0. (19) ~ i Z , then ^+i f (z) e kz ^ i The theorem proof, see [4], is omitted because it is an immediate consequence of Lemmas 1 and 2 as well as a formula for the expansion of functions into an in…nite series derived from the Cauchy calculus of residues, see [3]. In view of the non-univalent conformal mapping ez = s the result of the preceding theorem implies the result in the form of the following theorem representing the extended Laurent expansion theorem. THEOREM 4. Suppose that a single valued complex function f (s) is analytic in the s-plane with the exception of a …nite number of isolated poles on the unit circumference C1 . Then f (s) has a Laurent series expansion f (s) = +1 X c^k sk , k= 1 at all regular points of f (s) lying on the unit circumference with the coe¢ cients 1 vt c^k = 2 i Z C1 1 f (s) ds = sk+1 2 i ( R RCR f (s) ds sk+1 f (s) ds Cr sk+1 for any R > 1 (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) (20) for any r < 1 where Cr and CR are circumferences with center at the origin and radius r and R, respectively. Furthermore, this still holds for all points s inside and outside the unit circle, in addition to the fact that if s lies inside C1 , then c^k = 1 2 i Z Cr f (s) ds (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) for any r < 1, sk+1 (21) f (s) ds (k = 0; 1; 2; :::) for any R > 1. sk+1 (22) and if s lies outside C1 , then 1 c^k = 2 i Z CR 44 3 On a Generalization of the Laurent Expansion Theorem Examples We consider an expansion of sin = (1 cos ) in a Fourier trigonometric series on the interval [ ; ]. R As f ( ) = sin = (1 cos ) is an odd function, the Cauchy principal value of f ( ) cos (k ) d is equal to 0, for each k 2 @0 , where @0 is the set of natural numbers plus the number zero. R R In addition, since 0 [sin [(k + 1=2) ] = sin ( =2)]d = and cos (k ) d = 0, as well as limz!0 zf (z) cos (kz) = 2, for each k 2 @0 , it follows that ( Rx Z Z 1 1 1 i + f (z) dz Ry vt f ( )d = vp f ( )d + lim = (23) a0 = + i f (z) dz 2 2 2 !0 and ak = = 1 1 vt vp Z f ( ) cos (k ) d Z f ( ) cos (k ) d + 1 ( Rx + f (z) cos (kz) dz Ry lim+ = f (z) cos (kz) dz !0 2i (24) 2i for k 2 @ where + and are semi-circumferences centered at the origin and of a small enough radius in the right and the left half plane of the z-plane, respectively, as well as that Z Z 1 1 sin sin (k ) d = sin (k ) d = 2 (k 2 @). (25) bk = vt cot 1 cos 2 Accordingly, a Fourier trigonometric series of f ( ) can be expressed by the following functional form # " +1 +1 X X sin cos (k ) sin (k ) i 1 + 2 =2 1 cos k=1 k=1 for every 2 [ ; ] and 6= 0. Separating the real and imaginary parts in the preceding equation, we …nally obtain that for every 2 [ ; ] and 6= 0 sin 1 cos =2 +1 X sin (k ) and +1 X cos (k ) = 0. (26) k= 1 k=1 In the complex form, for every At the endpoints of [ 2 [ ; ] and 6= 0, P+1 ei + 1 1 + 2 k=1 e ik P+1 ik = i . e 1 1 2 k=1 e P+1 ; ] there holds k= 1 cos (k ) = 0. This implies that +1 X k=1 k ( 1) = 1=2. (27) B. Sarić 45 The complex form (27) points out the fact that we may use the Laurent expansion of the single valued complex function f (s) = (s + 1) = (s 1) to get the same result. Namely, since 8 2 > > ; if k < 0 > > 0 > > Z < 1 s + 1 ds 1 = vt ; if k = 0 , k+1 1 > 2 i 1s C1 s > > > 0 > > ; if k > 0 : 2 where C1 is the unit circumference in the s-plane, it follows from Theorem 4 that for every jsj = 1 and s 6= 1 P+1 s+1 1 + 2 k=1 s k P+1 . = s 1 1 2 k=1 sk P+1 Clearly, this is the same as (27). Furthermore, k=1 s k = 1= (s 1) for jsj > 1 and P+1 k s) for jsj < 1. k=1 s = s= (1 An expansion of 1= (1 cos ) in a Fourier trigonometric series on the interval [ ; ]. On the one hand, Z d a0 = vt 1 cos ( Rx Z Z dz + d d 0 (1 cos z) Ry + + ] = lim+ [ dz 1 cos 1 cos !0 (1 cos z) 0 = sin lim+ [ cos !0 1 2 sin 1 cos + 1 sin ]=0 cos (28) i where + : jzj = and 2 [ ; 0]g and 0 = fz = jzj ei : jzj = and 0 = fz = jzj e 2 [0; ]g are circular arcs bypassing the second order pole at the point z = 0 as a singularity of f (z) = 1= (1 cos z). On the other hand, for each k 2 @ the function f (s) = sk = (s 1) is a meromorphic function having at the point s = 1 a simple pole as singularity. Since lims!1 (s 1) f (s) = 1, it follows from the Jordan lemmas that for any k 2 @ Z Z 2 sk 2 ieik vp ds = vp d i 1 i 1 e i C1 s Z Z cos (k ) cos [(k + 1) ] 1 vp[ d d ] = 1 cos 1 cos = 2 where C1 is a unit circumference in the s-plane. Similarly, as the functions z cos (kz) and z sin (kz) sin z= (1 cos z) tend to 0 as z ! 0, then for any k 2 @ ( R x cos(kz) cos[(k+1)z] ( Rx sin(kz) sin z dz + + [cos (kz) 1 1 1 cos z 1 cos z ]dz 0 0 R y cos(kz) cos[(k+1)z] Ry lim+ = lim+ =0 sin(kz) sin z 2 i !0 2 i !0 dz [cos (kz) 1 cos z 1 cos z ]dz 0 0 46 On a Generalization of the Laurent Expansion Theorem From the preceding two results it follows further that Z Z 1 cos [(k + 1) ] cos (k ) vt[ d d ]= 1 cos 1 cos Since 1 vt Z cos d = 1 cos 2+ 1 vt Z d 1 cos 2. = 2, we obtain …nally that ak = 1 Z vt cos (k ) d = 1 cos 2k (k 2 @) . (29) As sin (k ) = (1R cos ) is an odd function, the Cauchy principal value (vp) of the improper integral [sin (k ) = (1 cos )]dt vanishes, so that for each k 2 @; vt Z sin (k ) d = lim+ 1 cos !0 ( Rx + 0 Ry 0 Since limz!0 sin (kz) = (1 sin(kz) 1 cos z dz sin(kz) 1 cos z dz . cos z) = k for each k 2 @, it follows …nally that Z 1 sin (k ) ik d = (k 2 @) . bk = vt ik 1 cos [ Therefore, a Fourier trigonometric series expansion of 1= (1 ; ] ( 6= 0) is as follows 1 1 cos = +1 X 2 k cos (k ) k=1 i +1 X (30) cos ) on the segment k sin (k ) . (31) k=1 Separating the real and imaginary parts in the preceding equation, we …nally obtain that for each 2 [ ; ] and 6= 0 1 1 cos = 2 +1 X k cos (k ) and 2[ +1 X ; ] and ke ik = k=1 At the endpoints of [ k sin (k ) = 0. k= 1 k=1 In the complex form, for each +1 X ; ] there holds +1 X k=1 ei . (1 ei )2 P+1 k=1 k ( 1) 6= 0, k cos (k ) = k+1 = 1=4. 1=4. Therefore, (32) B. Sarić 47 As in the previous examples, the Laurent expansion of the single valued complex func2 tion s= (1 s) comes to the same result. Namely, since 8 k > > ; if k < 0 > > Z 0 < ds 1 1 0; if k = 0 = vt , 2 > 2 i s) sk C1 (1 > 0 > > ; if k > 0 : k where C1 is the unit circumference in the s-plane, it follows from Theorem 4 that for every jsj = 1 and s 6= 1 +1 X s ks k = 2. (1 s) k=1 P+1 P+1 k 2 2 k Furthermore, = s= (1 s) for jsj > 1 and s) for k=1 ks k=1 ks = s= (1 jsj < 1. 4 Remark Fourier expansions of real-valued functions sin 1 cos ; if 0; if j j < f (t) = 8 < b; if 0 0; if j j < and g (t) = : a; if j j 0 0 0 where 0 > 0, satisfying Dirichlet’s conditions in the closed interval [ follows. For every j j 2 ( 0 ; ) ; Z +1 X 1 f( )=2 [ k=1 0 sin 1 cos , 0 ; ], are as sin (k ) d ] sin (k ) and g( ) = 1 2 + Z Z 0 ad + b sin (k ) d 0 Z bd 0 + +1 X 1 Z k=1 sin (k ) + Z 0 a sin (k ) d 0 a cos (k ) d + Z b cos (k ) d cos (k ) . 0 Using of the fundamental trigonometric identities we obtain the following recurrent formula for the Fourier coe¢ cients of f ( ) Z Z sin sin [(k + 1) ] 1 sin sin [(k 1) ] 2 sin (k 0 ) 1 d = d 1 cos 1 cos k 0 0 sin [(k + 1) 0 ] sin [(k 1) 0 ] (k 2 @) . (k + 1) (k 1) 48 On a Generalization of the Laurent Expansion Theorem Since 1 Z Z 2 (sin ) 1 d = 1 cos 0 sin 0 (1 + cos ) d = 1 0 0 and 1 Z 0 Z sin (2 ) sin 2 d = 1 cos 0 (1 + cos ) cos d = 1 2 sin sin (2 0 ) 2 0 0 it follows …nally that for every j j 2 ( 0 ; ) " +1 k X X1 sin ( 0 f( )=2 1+ 2 sin (k k 0) =0 k=1 0) # sin (k ) and g( ) = " +1 a + b 1 X sin (k 0 ) + cos (k )] 2 2 k 0 k=1 # +1 aX k sin (k ) [cos (k 0 ) ( 1) : k a+b 2 + b 0 (33) k=1 Based on the expansion of g ( ) if a = b, then for every j j 2 ( 0 ; ) and +1 X sin (k k=1 Thus, for every 2 ( 0 ; ) and +1 X 0 ) cos (k ) = k 0 [cos (k k 0) ( 1) ] P+1 k=1 +1 X cos (k k ( 1) sin (k ) =k = " lim k!+1 (34) sin (k ) = . k 2 (35) 2 ( 0; ) 0) k=1 since >0 >0 0 k=1 This implies that for every 1 . 2 0 1+ it follows …nally that for every sin (k ) = k 2 =2 for every 0 2 k X1 sin ( 2( 0) =0 0 2 (36) ; ). In view of the fact that # sin (k 0 ) = 0, k 2 (0; ) +1 X sin (k k=0 k 0) = 2 + 0 2 . (37) B. Sarić 49 Since 0 2 (0; ), it would be natural to ask whether functional expressions (34), (35) and (36), hold in the limit as 0 ! 0+ ? In other words, is the limit of a sum equal to a sum of the limit, as 0 ! 0+ . Based on the results ofPthe previous examples, as well as +1 on the well-known result of the series theory =4 = k=1 sin [(2k 1) ] = (2k 1) for 2 (0; ), we may give an a¢ rmative answer to the former questions. However, the problem of generalization of the preceding conclusion stays open and can be a subject of a separate analysis. Similarly, if we already know that d [sin = (1 cos )] =d = 1= (1 cos ) and d ln (1 cos ) =d = sin = (1 cos ) for j j 2 (0; ), then closely related to results (26) and (32) of the P paper, as well as to the well-known result of the series theory +1 ln (1 cos ) =2 = k=1 cos (k ) =k for j j 2 (0; 2 ) [7], is the following question, is the derivative of a sum of Fourier series equal to a sum of the derivative of series members, separately. This question also stays open for a separate analysis. Some of the paper results have been predictable. So, the alternative numerical series P+1 k k=0 ( 1) has a sum, more precisely it is (C; 1) summable and its sum is equal to 1=2 [2], just as it has been assumed yet by Euler and Leibniz. By using this assumption they obtained absolutely exact results. It is nothing other to be left than to prove the validity of this assumption. As for result (32) from ExampleP 2, one can say that it is causality +1 related to result (26) from Example 1. Namely, since k=1 k sin (k ) = 0 for = =2, it P+1 P P+1 k +1 k k follows from k=0 (2k + 1) ( 1) = 0 that 2 k=0 k ( 1) = 1=2. k=0 ( 1) = Acknowledgment. The author’s research is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development, Republic of Serbia (Project 174024). References [1] J. Evard and F. Jafari, A complex Rolle’s theorem, Amer. Math. Monthly, 99(9)(1992), 858–861. [2] J. Marcinkiewicz and A. 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