Assessment Plan 2013-14 Office of Institutional Research and Assessment District Assessment Coordinating Committee October 10, 2013 Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools has placed emphasis on evaluation and assessment. HLC Criterion Four: Teaching and Learning – Evaluation and Improvement. The institution demonstrates responsibility for the quality of its educational programs, learning and environments, and support services, and evaluates their effectiveness for student learning through processes designed to promote continuous improvement. Classroom assessment judges the individual student. MCC is interested in assessing the institution. The purpose of assessing student learning is to help the College determine the extent to which it is fulfilling its mission of educating students. Assessment allows the College to make improvements in program structure, course content and pedagogy. MCC is currently working on the projects listed below. Each of the projects has an assessment plan associated with it, assessment tools and a timeline created. 1. General Education and Discipline Level Outcomes – All disciplines will be assessing or evaluating during the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014. Cohort #1 will complete discipline review during this year. 2. Human Diversity – The faculty teaching Human Diversity classes met to develop student learning outcomes. After reviewing peer institutions, faculty adapted the AAC&U value rubric to meet MCC’s Human Diversity outcomes. Four outcomes were determined with a corresponding rubric for measurement. Assessment was completed in Spring 2013. The group will reconvene early Fall 2013 and determine next steps. 3. Service Learning – Service Learning will meet early in Fall 2013 and review the learning outcomes that have been created. These will be shared with DACC and the classes will be assess in Spring 2014. 4. COLL 100 – This is the second year of assessing COLL 100. A group met to combine the survey from COLL 100 with the HOPE scale and the GRIT scale. There is a plan in place to administer the new instrument Fall 2013. 5. Student Satisfaction and Engagement – In the spring of 2014, MCC will administer the second Noel Levitz Satisfaction survey. The Institutional Priorities survey will be administered to all faculty at the same time. 6. Key Performance Indicators and Benchmarking – Since 2003, MCC participates with the National Community College Benchmarking Project. This information provides us with benchmarks to compare MCC’s performance with other community colleges in Missouri and across the country. The benchmarking information is available and being shared with institutional leadership. 1 Additionally, MCC is collecting Key Performance Indicators to share internal benchmarks for decision making and assessment. Out of the Strategic Enrollment Management Capacity and Persistence Teams, a model was developed that demonstrated the areas connected to student success. Performance measures have been added to these areas. 7. Graduate Follow up and Employer Follow Up – This is an on-going assessment required for Perkins funding, program level accreditation, and program improvement. Graduate follow-up surveys are mailed to students 3 times a year and collected by the IR office. Supplemental surveys required by some programs are included with the Graduate Follow-up survey. Employer Follow-up surveys are sent when employer information is received from the student. 8. Course Evaluation – This is an on-going assessment. The student experience survey will be administered to all sections of adjunct and probationary faculty classes every semester. In the fall nonprobationary faculty with the last names M-Z will have every section assessed and in the Spring nonprobationary faculty with the last names A-L will have every section assessed. 9. CTE Assessments – Each CTE Program will conduct a Program Outcomes Assessment of one student learning outcome. Forms containing enrollment for each course in which the assessment is conducted are distributed by Institutional Research. The forms and copies of each instrument are then collected and analyzed. The CTE programs at BT will review and update the Program Outcomes. The CTE programs will conduct a program outcomes assessment of one of the program outcomes. At the BT, assessment summaries, instruments, and observations will be collected by the BT assessment committee and forwarded to IR. Several CTE programs are required to perform a Technical Skills Assessment if one has been deemed appropriate. Instructors are responsible for submitting the results to Institutional Research. Upon receipt, the results are submitted to DESE. 10. Institutional research and surveys - MCC undertakes a wide variety of internal research studies addressing many different aspects of institutional functioning. 11. Regional Community College Assessment Conference – The 4th Annual conference will be held at Metropolitan Community College in Spring 2014. The keynote will be Clifford Adelman and plans are underway for the conference. 12. Culture of Assessment Survey – the pre-survey was administered in fall 2011 and the post is being assessed this fall 2013. The survey is modified from a survey developed by the National Center for Postsecondary Improvement and it examines how your institution supports student assessment at the institution level. The assessment is being given to all faculty, administrators and staff. 13. Summer Symposium – Our third summer symposium was on July 19, 2013. There was also a flash five presentation from discipline cohorts #3 and #4 on their assessment project, presentations on the HLC criteria from the criterion chairs and a World Café for discussion on the AA revision models. 2