Metropolitan Community College 1. Meaningful Structures Assessment Project Sustainability Plan

Metropolitan Community College
Assessment Project Sustainability Plan
June 26, 2014
1. Meaningful Structures
Already Established:
• Cohort system is in place and working well.
• District Assessment Coordinating Committee (DACC) was revised and operating well. It contains
representation from all the different disciplines,
• Assessment is tied to curriculum (DICC) and policy processes
• Added assessment to the program/discipline review process
• Revitalized Discipline Review process
• Increased visibility with the Summer Symposiums and Assessment Conference.
• Awareness and buy in from the general education faculty
Goals for sustainability
1. Work on building a strong tie to campus assessment committees (AY 2015)
2. Work to connect strategic plan and budgeting to assessment in stronger ways (AY 2015)
3. Find a new process to continue to evaluate general education outcome results. Plan to summarize
the data, bring to the DACC for feedback and then to the DICC (Fall 2014)
4. Create an assessment blog for sharing information (Fall 2014)
5. Have a standing agenda item for assessment on the Chancellor's Cabinet (Fall 2014)
6. Document time and resources spent on assessment (Fall 2014)
7. Involve a dean and lead faculty for each discipline to assist in collection of the assessment data (AY
8. Find a way to attached assessment data to the student record for additional analysis (AY 2016)
9. Add participation in assessment activities to faculty performance evaluations. It is part of the
faculty job description already (AY 2015)
10. Think about onboarding process of new leadership. Make sure they are informed and understand
the project (Fall 2014)
2. Meaningful Uses of Assessment - MCC is doing a good job with this area through discipline review,
flash five, regular discipline meetings, intense discussion at the DACC, and updates at the DICC.
3. Reasonable Workload - MCC has managed this throughout the project with embedded assignments,
rotation plans for assessment committees, and champions in the majority of disciplines. We have
moved beyond the pilot phase.
4. Committed Culture
Already established:
• Regular conversation about assessment happening within the disciplines.
• Established champions of assessment but need to continue to support and encourage them.
• Strong tie established between assessment and curriculum committees.
• Learning Communities currently have integrative assessment and this work will continue with
the team going to the Evergreen Learning Communities workshop in two weeks.
Peer support has been strong and increased over the project. It occurs multidisciplinary and
within the discipline.
Goals for sustainability
1. Find a book or author to further our work for professional development and community of learners
(Spring 2015)
2. Need to encourage multidisciplinary conversations that can begin with examining general education
results (AY 2015)
3. Need to get advisors and counselors excited and informed about assessment projects (Spring 2015)
4. Continue training and growth of peer consultants from faculty and staff (AY 2015)
5. Create curriculum mapping using the newly revised Associate in Arts degree (AY 2015-16)
6. Data systems are antiquated and being refreshed. There has been a large workload on the IR office
and the entire project was completed without financial assistance at any level. Other intrinsic
motivation sources continue to move the project forward (AY 2015-16)
7. Celebrations need to be more systematic and include recognitions on the blog, certificates of
achievement, and continued opportunities to present to other faculty (AY 2015)
Next Steps Include:
1. Increase the number of adjuncts and dual credit faculty participating in assessment (continuing)
2. Include more sections, different outcomes and more variety of classes (continuing)
3. Extend the work from our Culture of Assessment Survey (continuing)
4. Revitalize the Diversity assessment work, look for a champion in this area, and think about adding it
as a general education outcome (AY 2015)
5. Continue all of our opportunities for sharing assessment results (continuing)