Metropolitan Community College General Education Outcomes

Metropolitan Community College
General Education Outcomes
MCC has adapted Missouri’s statewide General Education goals and will monitor these for
change with institutional assessment.
Critical Thinking - The student will be able to evaluate and apply information gathered from
observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication.
The student will be able to:
1. Evaluate the validity and soundness of scientific, mathematical, logical, or other
formal disciplinary arguments.
2. Analyze and synthesize information from a variety of sources and apply the results to
resolve complex situations and solve problems.
3. Defend conclusions using relevant evidence and scientific, mathematical, logical, or
other formal disciplinary argument(s).
Information Literacy – The student will be able to access and apply information from multiple
sources, evaluating the accuracy and credibility of each, with appropriate documentation.
The student will be able to:
1. Extract information from a variety of sources, using appropriate technology to access
and manage the information efficiently.
2. Evaluate information for its currency, relevance, bias, and accuracy.
3. Document sources utilizing the correct format and articulate the legal and ethical
implications of information use.
4. Interpret and apply quantitative and/or qualitative information embedded in text,
real-life situations, tables, or graphs to analyze complex situations and/or solve
quantitative or qualitative problems.
Communications – The student will be able to use receptive and productive skills to
interpret, synthesize, and integrate ideas of their own with those of others.
Receptive skills
1. Demonstrate understanding of context of material, including cultural framework,
audience, and purpose of the communication.
2. Determine main idea and significant details.
3. Analyze and interpret the parts of a communication to comprehend the relationship
between them and to deepen understanding of the meaning.
Productive skills
1. Use knowledge of audience expectations and context to shape a communication.
2. Create and develop an effective controlling idea using appropriate details.
3. Organize material coherently into a meaningful whole.
4. Synthesize and integrate ideas of their own with those of others.
Approved 11/10/11
District Assessment Coordinating Committee