Scalable Location Management for Large Mobile Ad hoc Networks Sumesh J. Philip Contents Wireless Ad hoc networks Issue of Scalability Geographic Routing Scalable Location Update based Routing SLALoM - Scalable Location Management Grid Location Service Hierarchical Grid Location Management Simulations and Results Conclusion Wireless Ad hoc networks Infrastructure-less networks that can be easily deployed Each wireless host acts as an independent router for relaying packets Network topology changes frequently and unpredictably How to route packets? Quite a lot of protocols proposed in literature (table driven/reactive/hybrid) Dynamic source Routing (DSR) works well for small networks Issue of Scalability Increasing density increases average node degree, decreases network diameter Routing cost less Any reasonable scheme might work! To test scalability, area (playground size) must increase with nodes Average node degree constant Will present a mobility model that consolidates the above relationship Traditional Protocols Table driven incur large overheads due to routing table maintenance Delayed control as good as no control On-demand flood the entire network with discovery packets long latency for discovery Path maintenance means additional state No separation between data and control Ultimately, data suffers!! Any contenders ? Not many invariants to play with (IP address, local connectivity) Nodes physically located closer likely to be connected by a small number of radio hops Possible to obtain node location via a GPS receiver Geographic forwarding Packet header contains the destination’s location Most forward with fixed radius Geographic Forwarding C’s radio range A D C B F G E A addresses a packet to G’s latitude, longitude C only needs to know its immediate neighbors to forward packets towards G. Geographic forwarding needs location management! Desirable Properties of Location Management Spread load evenly over all nodes Degrade gracefully as nodes fail Queries for nearby nodes stay local Per-node storage and communication costs grow slowly as the network size grows Scalable Location based Routing Protocol (SLURP) Hybrid Protocol that has a deterministic manner of discovering the destination Topography divided into square grids Each node (ID) selects a home region using f(ID), and periodically registers with the HR Nodes that wish to communicate with a node query its HR using f--1(ID) Use geographic forwarding to send data, once location is known (e.g. MFR) Example [12] - Home region ID = 22; RT= 12; HR=22%12 = 10; - Update/Query [10] - Data - Location Database f(ID) - ID Mod(RT) DST = 22; RT= 12; HR=22%12 = 10; Cost of Location Management Location Registration Periodic Triggered Location Maintenance Operations for database consistency Location Discovery Query/response Data Transfer Mobility Model Each node moves independently and randomly Direction [0 2 ] , Velocity [v-c, v+c] at t New direction and velocity at destination 2 r t Node degree = N A To keep degree constant, A must grow linearly with N Location update Overhead rate of region crossing b broadcast cost u number of hops v velocity of node rt transmiss ion range 2 R side of region a area of region v 2 2 RCos d v 4R Location U pdate cost (cu ) (b u ) / sec a b 1 2 rt Location update Overhead z most forward progress n average node degree mean inter - node distance Az Area of excluded region Average nodes in a region G N Number of regions d R G R N v 2 N (R R ) R O (v N ) 1 e cu (b u ) (b f z ( z) 2 rt 2 z 2 rt d ) z z zf z ( z )dz 0 n 2 e Az Home Region Maintenance On region crossing Inform previous region of departure Inform new region of arrival Update from any node in new region cm (2b ); 1 a (2(1 2 ) ) 4R rt Maintenanc e Overhead O(v) v N Total number of nodes Average number of nodes per region Total Overhead Cost of Locating Send a Location query to Home region cl 2u 2 d O( N ) z Total Overhead = Sum of all overheads for all nodes c cu cm cl Nv N Nv N N O(vN N ) / sec ScaLAble Location Management (SLALoM) Define a hierarchy of regions : Order(3), Order(2), Order(1) Each Order(2) region consists of K2 Order(1) regions Each node assigned a HR in an Order(2) region To reduce location update overhead, define far and near HRs; near regions updated frequently Nodes that wish to communicate with another node query its HR in current Order(2) grid Queries from far HRs find way to near ones for exact location of destination Protocol Operation - Order 3 - Order 2 - Home region - Update/Query - Data - Location Database K=3 Control Overhead Location Update Maintenance Overhead cu O( 1 (9b 2 un ) 2 ( cm 1 (2b ); 1 O (v ) O(vK Cost of Locating cl O ( K K ) O( ) z z Total Overhead N2 c O(vKN v 2 ); K 4 3 O(vN ) minimized at K N 1 3 vN ) K2 Ab u f )) K2 Grid Location Service (GLS) sibling level-0 squares sibling level-1 squares sibling level-2 squares s n s s s s s s s s • s is n’s successor in that square. (Successor is the node with “least ID greater than” n ) GLS Updates ... 1 11 2 ... 9 1 9 11, 2 6 23 23, 2 Invariant (for all levels): For node n in a square, n’s successor in each sibling square “knows” about n. ... 3 ... 2 16 29 ... 7 6 ... ... 17 ... 26 ... 21 5 ... 25 ... 4 ... location table content 8 ... 19 location update GLS Query ... 1 11 2 ... 9 1 9 11, 2 6 23 23, 2 ... 3 ... 2 16 29 ... 7 6 ... ... 17 ... 26 ... 21 5 ... 25 ... 4 location table content ... 8 ... 19 query from 23 for 1 HIEARCHICAL GRID LOCATION MGMT Motivations Current solutions do not scale well or not robust with node mobility Do not consider localized mobility or local communication needs Although there are grid based solutions, they use a single layer for location management, and hence can be improved Contributions Proposed a multi-layer Grid scheme which uses hierarchical location management, suitable for large networks Analyzed cost for location management overhead Show that the proposed scheme performs better in large, dense systems LOCATION REGISTRATION Mobile Node Movement Update msg Nodes in unit grid aware of each other by periodic broadcast Nodes located in a region act as location servers Hierarchy of a server decided by its position as well as the locale of the region Nodes update servers as they cross grid boundaries Number of updates, and distance traversed by the updates depends upon boundary hierarchy Localized movement results in few updates that traverse short distances LOCATION MAINTENANCE Location database to store ? A (A_loc) B (B_loc) … Mobile Node Movement On entry into a grid, a node announces its presence If the unit grid is a server region, a node already present in the region replies with location information that the newly arrived node has to store Use of timers to avoid a broadcast storm LOCATION DISCOVERY & DATA TRANSFER Query msg Response msg Data If source, destination located in the same unit grid, they can talk directly If not, source initiates a query message to discover the location of the destination Query visits leaders until the approximate location of the destination is known Data forwarded to the approximate location Data continues to be forwarded to leaders that have more accurate information of the destination or until it reaches the destination PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: Location Management Overhead Observations Cost of location management consists of registration, maintenance and discovery The number of transmissions required per message proportional to distance traversed by the message An update that resulted from an ith boundary crossing visits at most (i +1) leader grids for (0 i k ) A query visits at most i leader grids, if source and destination located in the same ith grid Notations: N - Number of Nodes d - side of a unit grid - average nodes/unit grid di - average distance for update k - levels of hierarchy ( b - broadcast cost log 2 N ) 2 for i th boundary crossing - rate of grid crossing z - average forward progress LOCATION REGISTRATION COST Pr[ ith server is updated] = Pi 1 2 (1 2k )( 2i 1) k (1 i k ) Average distance traversed by update = D Pi Di 2 2 k i 1 2d ( )( 1) O(k ) for large k k 4 k 1 2 Average number of broadcasts = b iPi k i 1 2 k O(1) for large k 2 1 D c ( b) Average location update cost = u z D k ( O(1)) O( ) z z O( log 2 N ) O(v log 2 N ) packets/se c/node LOCATION MAINTENANCE COST When a node enters a new grid, it broadcasts its presence A server node will respond with location information to store In the worst case, all the nodes in the grid will broadcast back the location maintenance message 1 Pr[node enters a server grid] = 4 Average location maintenance cost = cm b 4 (1 ) (1 ) O(v) packets/se c/node LOCATION DISCOVERY COST Location query visits at most k leaders Average distance for query in the kth grid = d k 3 k (4 d1 4 2 d 2 ... 4 k 1 d k 1 ) 4 24 32 k 31 4 k 7 42k Assuming worst case distance in the ith grid, 3 2 k 1 dk (2 k ) O(2 k ) 7 4 dk 2k cd ( ) O( ) Average location discovery cost = z z O(v N ) packets/se c/node PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: Simulations (GloMoSim) Compared against SLURP, a well known protocol in literature Parameter values Topography size varied from 1000x1000m – 4000x4000m Node density 80 nodes/km2 (unit grid side 250 m) Transmission range 350 m, speed 2Mbps IEEE 802.11 MAC Random Waypoint mobility (Maximum speed 25 m/s, Minimum speed 0 m/s, Pause Time 0s) Random, Constant Bit Rate traffic 1024 bit payload Performance Metrics Registration overhead, registration delay, data delivery ratio, data delay Results shown for increasing number of nodes RESULTS Registration Overhead Registration Delay Data Delivery Ratio Data Delay CONCLUSIONS Cost of location management is important in geographic forwarding based protocols Designed a multi-level grid ordering scheme for hierarchical location management Average location registration cost increases only logarithmically in number of nodes for our scheme; hence scales well for large ad hoc networks Simulations show that our scheme outperforms SLURP For dense networks, simulations indicate that the protocol is robust with node mobility For localized movements and local communication needs, hierarchical grid location management should perform even better References C. 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