University of Wisconsin-Stout University Staff Senate Bylaws Article I:

University of Wisconsin-Stout
University Staff Senate
Article I:
Mission Statement
The UW-Stout University Staff Senate mission is to engage university staff by
developing and promoting professional development and recognition activities,
providing input on issues that affect university staff, and facilitating communication
among university staff and administration.
Article II:
The name of the organization is the UW-Stout University Staff Senate (USS).
Article III:
Roles and
Coordinate university staff professional development opportunities.
Coordinate the University Staff Employee Appreciation Award.
Provide input on the development of processes and programs that affect university
Provide recommendations for university staff representation on university
Provide university staff with recommendations and opportunities for communication.
Ex-officio Member: Serve as a Human Resources representative providing expertise.
Article IV:
USS is a 15-member body representing all UW-Stout university staff (permanent,
project, and LTE) with representation as follows: Chancellor’s Division (2),
Administrative and Student Life Services Division (8), Academic and Student Affairs
Division (4), At-large (1).
One Human Resources representative also serves as a non-voting, ex-officio member.
New membership terms start on June 1st.
Membership includes an executive board that consists of the chair, vice chair,
secretary, and immediate past chair of the USS.
Due to the time commitment required, senators must be a permanent employee or
project employee with an appointment duration that includes the full term of the USS
A senator who leaves or transfers from a division, either individually or as part of a
university mandated change, that they were elected to represent shall be ineligible to
continue as a senator and the position will be declared vacant.
A senator may be removed for justifiable cause. Any senator may bring concerns
accompanied with supporting documentation to one or all of the executive board
members. The executive board will collectively make a recommendation to the USS.
Senators may be removed by an affirmative vote of at least eight (8) senators. The
executive board will facilitate the vote and paper ballots will be used.
Article V:
Terms of Service
Each senator will serve a three-year term with a maximum of two consecutive terms.
Terms will be staggered permitting 2/3 of standing membership at all times. Terms
will start at the beginning of June. New senators are encouraged to attend meetings
held between their appointment announcement and the start of their term.
All resignations shall be made in writing to the USS chair.
If the seat of an elected senator becomes vacant, the nominee who received the next
highest number of votes in the previous election and who meets the qualifications of
the position shall be appointed by the USS to fill the vacant position for the
remainder of the term. In the absence of a qualified candidate from the previous
election, the election committee shall appoint a replacement to fill the vacant position
until the next election. The person elected will serve until the expiration of the term
of the original senator.
Article VI:
The Election Committee in coordination with the Senate Office will conduct elections
for USS membership and at-large university staff vacancies on university committees
in the spring of each year and serve as final arbitrator in all election disputes. The
Senate Office will prepare, distribute and collect all nominations and election ballots
to determine official results which will be relayed to the Election Committee for
formal announcement to candidates and all university staff within seven days of
determination. Elections to the standing committees of the USS will occur at the first
USS meeting in June with the same notification period. All candidates will be
notified to confirm their appointment prior to the public university staff
University staff may nominate other university staff and/or self-nominate. All
nominees will be reviewed for eligibility and then contacted for consent to be
included on the ballot.
Ballots for the university staff senators and university committees will be distributed
to all eligible university staff. Voting will be conducted by secure electronic ballot
which ensures confidentiality of the voter and allows only one submission per voter.
Candidates receiving the most votes will be appointed to fill vacant seats. In the
event of a tie between two or more nominees, a coin toss will determine the winner.
Article VII:
Executive Board
Executive board members are current USS senators and will serve a term of one year
with a maximum of two consecutive terms in that role. A one year break in service in
that role is required. Board members will be elected annually by the USS, by paper
ballot. The chair of the Election Committee will conduct the election for executive
board members, during a senate meeting in June. Terms will be effective following
the election. In the event that the chair of the Election Committee is a candidate for
an executive board position, another member of the Election Committee who is not a
candidate for an executive board position will conduct the election.
Duties of Executive Board:
 Chair: Schedules and presides over meetings of USS; prepares and distributes
agendas; attends campus meetings as requested; serves as liaison to the UWStout Faculty Senate, Senate of Academic Staff, Stout Student Association, and
administration including the chancellor and provost and serve as UW-Stout
university staff representative on system governance bodies. The chair may
appoint a designee from the USS executive board to serve in these positions if
 Vice Chair: Serves as acting chair and performs all of those duties when the
chair is absent or unable to perform those duties; attends campus meetings as
 Secretary: Takes minutes of USS meetings and posts approved minutes;
maintains minutes, attendance and membership records; attends campus meetings
as requested.
 Immediate Past Chair: Assists with mentoring of new senators and serves as a
resource for USS. In the event that the immediate past chair’s USS term has
expired, they will serve as a non-voting executive board member.
Article VIII:
Members of all meetings related to USS will be allowed to attend in paid status.
Employees who are assigned to work the second or third shift will be allowed to use
flex work hours to attend these meetings. Flex work hours should be discussed with
the appropriate supervisor prior to the scheduled meeting.
Regular meetings of USS will be held monthly, with additional meetings scheduled
as needed.
Senators are expected to attend each scheduled meeting. Senators failing to meet
75% attendance may be removed from USS by an affirmative, paper ballot vote of at
least eight (8) senators.
A quorum of USS shall be eight (8) senators.
Abstention votes will be counted and noted, but will not count as a yes or a no.
If a senator is unable to attend meetings for a period exceeding eight (8) weeks,
he/she may request a leave of absence for up to one year. The Election Committee
will work to fill the position during the absence. The replacement senator will have
full voting rights and privileges. Senators must resign if a leave is needed for more
than one year.
Article IX:
Committees are accountable to USS. Membership is open to all university staff
employees; two members of each committee must be current USS senators and each
committee will select a chair. Committee chairs will schedule meetings as needed,
report on committee activities at the monthly USS meetings, and provide other
communications to the senate as needed. A one year break in service is required.
Committee members will serve a term of one year, with no term limits. Nominations
for Standing Committees will be gathered during spring elections by the Senate
Office with voting to be done at the June meeting. Committee members may be
required to attend other meetings as requested.
Each standing committee will be required to establish a set of guidelines and
processes specific to their responsibilities. Any significant changes should be
communicated by the committee chair to the USS.
Election Committee: This committee has three members, and is responsible for
conducting elections and maintaining official results, verifying that the senator
representation proportion by division is correct prior to each spring election, filling
vacant USS and university committee seats, and other assignments charged by USS
and/or its chair.
Awards & Development Committee: This committee has three members, and is
responsible for creating and advancing opportunities that recognize university staff
and to provide professional development activities. This committee maintains the
University Staff Employee Appreciation Award and coordinates the annual
corresponding reception, and other assignments charged by USS and/or its chair.
Bylaws Committee: This committee has three members, and is responsible for an
annual review of the bylaws and proposing changes to USS as needed, and other
assignments charged by USS and/or its chair.
Personnel & Compensation Committee: This committee has five members, and is
responsible for making recommendations on personnel and compensation matters
related to university staff, including but not limited to University Personnel Systems
rules and regulations, salaries and wages, employee work related issues, employee
performance related issues, and other assignments charged by USS and/or its chair.
Article X:
Changing the
USS bylaws may be changed by an affirmative vote of at least eight current senators
and held during a monthly USS meeting. All proposed revisions must be discussed at
least one month prior to the vote, and final proposed revisions posted and available
for review by all university staff a minimum 14 days prior to the USS vote.
Revised 4/12/16
Revised 10/13/15
Revised 1/9/15
Revised 8/15/14
Revised 5/13/14
Developed 4/9/13