Renormalization-Group Studies of Disordered Magnetic Systems, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, and Polymeric Systems by Gabriele Migliorini Submitted to the Department of Physics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE Doctor in Philosophy MAL23u at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOG LIBRARIES May 1999 @ Massachusetts Institute o 99 echnology 1999. All rights reserved. Author ........ Department of Physics March 18, 1999 Certified by. A. Nihat Berker Professor of Physics Thesis Supervisor Accepted by........ Prof. Patrick Lee Chairman, Department Comnitee on Graduate Students Renormalization-Group Studies of Disordered Magnetic Systems, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, and Polymeric Systems by Gabriele Migliorini Submitted to the Department of Physics on March 18, 1999, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy Abstract In the first part of this thesis, the properties of physical systems in the presence of quenched disorder are studied. The phase diagrams and the statistical mechanics of classical Ising systems that go undergo phase transitions are obtained for the case of a random external field and a random exchange (spin-glass) interaction between spins. Uniting phase diagrams, for the general case of a system that include both spin-glass exchange interaction and the external fields, are obtained via renormalization-group theory in spatial dimensions d = 2 and d = 3. The strong violation of critical phenomena universality, previously found at random-bond tricriticality in d = 3 is now seen in the case of the spin-glass in d = 2. Renormalization-group theory is again applied in the context of electronic conduction models. Specifically, we constructed the renormalization-group recursion relations for the Hubbard model, and the d = 2 and d = 3 phase diagrams are evaluated, at arbitrary filling. In particular, the problem of phase separation, a crucial concept to understand the conducting properties of the Hubbard model, are discussed in d = 2. The results are in very good agreement with numerical results found in the literature. In the rest of the thesis we consider the collapse transition for a polymer in d = 2, via renormalization-group theory. The presence of randomness and the properties of directed polymers in random media are also discussed. The problem of random self-interacting heteropolymers is considered in chapter 5, and new results are obtained in this context. Thesis Supervisor: A. Nihat Berker Title: Professor of Physics 2 Acknowledgments I would like to thank my thesis supervisor A. Nihat Berker, who introduced me to Renormalization-group theory and to the physics of quantum electronic systems. I also wish to thank him for making it clear that research and teaching are closely related matters, a lesson I will keep in mind in the future. I wish to thank Prof. Mehran Kardar, not only for the example he gives by his own figure and character, but also for fashinating discussions in the context of polymers in random media and heteropolymers in random self-interaction. I thank Prof. Yavuz Nutku and the Feza Giirsey Research Institute for the kind hospitality I received. I wish to thank also Prof. John D. Joannopoulos and Prof. Patrick Lee for their teaching ability and kindness during these years. Many thanks also to my parents and my sister Matilde, and also Sohrab, Gabor, Alkan and Dicle for all the nice moments and all the good advises they gave me during my years in Boston. This research was supported by the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), the US Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-92ER45473, and the US National Science Foundation Grant No. DMR94-00334. 3 Contents 1 2 Introduction: Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena 8 1.1 Phase Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2 Microscopic Theory and Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions . . . . 11 1.3 Critical Exponents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.4 Renormalization-Group Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The Random-Field Ising Spin-Glass 18 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.2 Global Random-Field Spin-Glass Phase Diagrams in Two and Three Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Renormalization-Group Mapping of the Quenched Probability Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 20 28 Phase Transitions in Electronic Conduction Models 42 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.2 Finite-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Hubbard Model in d = 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.3 The Recursion Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.4 Phase Separation in Two Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4 Polymers in Two Dimensions 4.1 70 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 70 4.2 Collapsing Transition of a Polymer in Two Dimensions: Grand-Canonical Renormalization-Group Theory . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 77 . . . 4.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4.4 Appendix: Polynomials in the Recursion Relations . . . . . . . . . . . 77 86 5 Heteropolymers 6 71 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 5.2 Mean-Field Theory of Heteropolymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 5.3 The Bose Formulation of Heteropolymer Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 5.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Conclusions and Future Prospects 5 103 List of Figures 2-1 Global random-field spin-glass phase diagram in d = 3. . . . . . . . . 2-2 Constant p cross-sections of the ferromagnetic phase boundary in d 2-3 The zero random-field cross-section of the phase diagram in d = 3.. 2-4 The zero temperature cross-section of the phase diagram in d 2-5 Fixed distributions of the quenched probability in d = 3. . . . . . . . 35 2-6 Spin-glass phase diagram in d = 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2-7 Fixed distributions of the quenched probability in d = 2. . . . . . . . 37 2-8 Asymmetric spin-glass phase diagram in d = 2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3-1 Calculated phase diagram of the d 3-2 Calculated phase diagram of the d 3-3 Calculated phase diagram of the d 4-1 412 local polymer configurations contributing to ii . . . . 79 4-2 439 local polymer configurations contributing to v'. . . . . 80 4-3 534 local polymer configurations contributing to i-v. . . . . 81 4-4 Calculated phase diagram for the lattice polymer. . . . . 82 4-5 Calculated bending density of successive segments. . . . . 83 4-6 Calculated bending ratio of successive segments. . . . . . 84 6 = = = 3. 31 3. 32 33 34 3 Hubbard model for U/t = 20. 64 3 Hubbard model for U/t 65 = 4.44. 3 Hubbard model for U/t = 0.8. 66 List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 The polynomials for ii, v', i. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 1.1 Critical exponents. 4.1 Polymer configurations and critical exponents 4.2 7 Chapter 1 Introduction: Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena A physical system is said to go through a phase transition if, changing some control parameters (e.g., temperature T, pressure p, or magnetic field h), it goes from one phase to another [1]. Let us consider a physical system that goes through a phase transition when temperature is changed: for T < T, the system is in phase A and in phase B for T > T,. We can distinguish between two different cases: a) in order to go from phase A to phase B the system requires a certain amount of energy or latent heat. This is manifestly the case when observing a cube of ice into a glass. About 80 calories are required indeed to melt one gram of ice; the internal energy U of the system is a discontinuous function of temperature and the phase transition is a first order phase transition; b) if instead the internal energy U is a continuous function of temperature, so that the latent heat is zero, the phase transition is not of first-order nature. Typical examples of second - order phase transitions are the ferromagnetparamagnet transition and the superconductor-conductor transitions. If the transition is governed by another parameter than temperature, consider the free energy F = U - TS, where U is the internal energy and S is the entropy of the system. In this case the derivative of the free energy F with respect to the parameter governing the transition would play the same role as the internal energy U in the 8 previous case [2]. The same system, as stated above, might be in different phases, and the number of parameters governing the transition is, in many cases, larger than one. It is always convenient to describe the mutual structure of the different phases of the system, for the possible values of the parameters, in terms of a diagram, i.e., the phase diagram. As an example one might represent the temperature on the abscissa of the diagram and one or more control parameters on the other axes. For each phase where the system might physically be, the corresponding region for the control parameters are indeed represented by the phase diagram. For example, the behavior of a conductor entering the superconducting phase of the II type can be understood in the lowtemperature region, in the temperature-magnetic field phase diagram. Three different phases are present and bordered by second-order phase transition lines. Similarly, the phase diagram of water, in the pressure-temperature plane represents the liquid to gas transition. The transition line terminates at the critical point; it is possible to go from the liquid to the gas phase without going through a phase transition, considering the system at values of pressure and temperature somewhat larger than the critical values (e.g., 200 atm and 400'C for water). The phase diagram of a typical ferromagnet is also an important example. If temperature is changed and the external magnetic field is zero, a second-order transition is observed at the critical temperature value Tc. In the region of temperature below the critical value, when the external field changes its sign, a first-order transition is seen and the magnetization changes from positive to negatives values. As in the previous case, the phase transition line terminates in a second-order phase transition. 1.1 Phase Transitions The main feature of first-order phase transitions is the presence of metastable states. Typical example of a metastable state is a mixture of oxygen (02) and hydrogen (H 2 ) at room temperature. This mixture is a dangerous one since a little perturbing spark would produce an explosion, to generate water (H 2 0). Similarly, eventhough the con- 9 sequences are somewhat safer, cooling down a very clean sample of water, the liquid state is seen to resist down to temperatures as low as -25"C. The presence of any impurities or "little icebergs" in the sample would immediately start the crystallization process. The inverse metastable state of ice resisting at temperatures just above the 00C temperature is harder to see in experiments. The presence of a little layer of liquid around the sample makes the experiment harder, eventhough superheated ice has been recently observed, using a laser heating technique, at few degrees Celsius above the zero. The perturbation that makes a metastable state into a stable one might also be produced by thermal fluctuations of the system itself. In the case of supercooled water it is essential, on the one side, to deal with very clean samples, since any single impurity would start the crystallization process. On the other side, even in absence of impurities in the sample, crystallization would start after some time, due to internal fluctuations of the system, at the molecular level. The mean life of a metastable state is in many cases very long, as in the very interesting case of real glasses. The radius of the ice crystal able to move the entire system towards the stable frozen state is, in the vicinity of the critical point, proportional to (T - Tc)-and the mean life of a metastable state is proportional to exp{-C(T - Tc)}, (1.1) where C is a positive constant. Metastable phenomena are also common in magnetic systems. In a real system the presence of long-ranged dipolar forces tends to reduce the global magnetization of the system; vice versa, the local ordering of parallel spins tends to increase the global magnetization. This results in the formation of magnetic domains, of the order of micrometers pm, separated by thin regions of the order of 100A in size, where magnetization does not have a definite sign. Inside each domain the spins are parallel to each other, while domains are oriented in different directions. 10 1.2 Microscopic Theory and Thermodynamics of Phase Transitions For a simple Ising system, neglecting fluctuations around the critical point, it is found that the free energy of N spins is given by F(p) = U(p) - TS(p), (1.2) U(p) = N(-hp - -Jp2), (1.3) 2 S~) N -k2 2 )k2 2 where the density of magnetization m is proportional to the order parameter p, T is temperature, h is the magnetic field, and J is the exchange interaction between spins. The free energy per spin, (f = F(p)/N) can be differentiated with respect to the order parameter, Of -= 0 Op (1.5) so that one obtains p = tanh(oJp + 3h), (1.6) where # = 1/kBT and kB is the Boltzmann constant. In a similar way, a simple microscopic description of the liquid-gas transition can be obtained, neglecting fluctuations around the critical point. In this case the density p plays the same role as the order parameter p and the order parameter satisfies, in this case (P + p 2 )(P- 1 - b) = RT, (1.7) where P is pressure, T is the temperature and a,b are constants that depend on the material one considers. The critical properties of this system can be characterized quantitatively. In the case of first-order phase transitions, the order parameter has a 11 discontinuity at the transition. This leads to observables, such as the latent heat, that quantify the magnitude of this jump. Differently, for second-order phase transitions, the order parameter is continuous, while its first derivatives, corresponding to second derivatives of the free energy, are discontinuous. 1.3 Critical Exponents The properties of a second-order phase transition can be characterized by introducing the critical exponents. Close to a critical point (second-order phase transition) , e.g., the one seen in the case of a simple Ising magnet, the magnetization m is continuous across the transition. Below the critical temperature, but very close to it, the magnetization grows as m (x (T, - T)", (1.8) where 3, not an integer, is one of a large class of quantities, known collectively as the critical exponents, that fully characterize the system. These quantities, along with the phase diagram, can be used to compare the theoretical predictions with the experimental results. Another important critical exponent is the one associated with the specific heat c, which is singular in the neighborhood of the critical temperature T, as c cx IT - Tc-'. (1.9) The other two major critical exponents are related to the two-point correlation function G2(r). In the case of spin models, this quantity is defined as G 2 (r) = ( (O) - (r)) - ( (0)) - ((r)). (1.10) When r is large and T = Tc, the asymptotic form of G2 (r) is given by G 2 (r) cc 12 1 (1.11) Exponent Definition Quantity in fluid (magnetic) systems a C ~ti-o Specific heat at const. volume (magnetic field) 3 PL -PG 7 x v (M) ~ (-t), Density difference (zero-field magnetization)* ~ It|-7 Isothermal compressibility (susceptibility) ~tI-" Correlation length r7 F (r) 6 M ~ H 1 /5 ~ Ir-(d-2+) Pair correlation function (t=O) Critical isotherm (t=O) *Valid only for T < T, by definition of order parameter. Table 1.1: Critical exponents and related thermodynamic quantities; t = (T - Tc)/T. Similarly, if r is large and 0 : IT - TcI/T << 1, G 2 (r) c exp(-r/ ), where (1.12) , known as the correlation length, diverges as, cx IT - Tc-". (1.13) r1 and v are the exponents that describe the long-ranged correlation within the system. The list of the exponents just given is not complete but we will return many time on the concept of critical exponents along this thesis. 1.4 Renormalization-Group Theory The main difficulty in dealing with second-order phase transitions might be explained as follows. In the case of ferromagnetic systems, as explained above, large regions where the spins are parallel are formed. A careful analysis shows that each region can be decomposed in subregions with similar characteristics. The argument can 13 be iterated down to scales comparable with the lattice spacing and the radius of the larger region ( ) diverges at the critical temperature. The number of degrees of freedom tends also to infinity at the transition point making the description of the system more difficult. Renormalization-group theory avoids this difficulty in a natural way. If Ising spins are considered on a cubic lattice of spacing a, we can introduce a second lattice of spacing L (L/a is an integer). The local order parameter, relative to the scale L being PL, is defined on this new lattice and proportional to the sum of the spins in a box of size L, where the proportionality constant is fixed by the condition (P2)=1 (1.14) For L = a, PL coincides with a single spin and in the limit of L becoming infinite, PL corresponds to the usual global order parameter. In the high-temperature region, p', is the sum of an infinite number of independent variables and its distribution will be gaussian; indeed there is no spontaneous magnetization and spins at distances larger are not correlated. In the low-temperature region p. is simply going to be 1 than according to the sign of the spontaneous magnetization), since no fluctuation is present around the mean value of the magnetization. If the probability distribution (or -1 of the variables PL is, for large enough values of L, the same as that of the variables P2L, the system is said to be invariant under a scale transformation and, if PL is the probability distribution for the variables PL, P2L = R(PL). (1-15) where R is a non-linear operator. The transformation above is the scale transformation, while R is the operator of the renormalization-group transformation. Indeed the R, operators obtained applying the R operator n times (P2nL = Rn(PL) ) form a group, usually referred as renormalizationgroup [3]. The hypothesis of scale invariance translates in this language into the existence of the probability distribution of the variables PL in the limit of L going to infinity, satisfying the non-linear equation 14 (1.16) Po= R(Po). In the next chapter of this thesis we consider renormalization-group theory to study the properties of two models: the random-field Ising model and the EdwardsAnderson model for a spin-glass in a magnetic field. The random-field random-bond model, that naturally connect these two models within renormalization-group theory is also introduced. The Ising model including field randomness and +J randomness is studied by renormalization-group theory in spatial dimensions d = 2 and d = 3. With field randomness but no ±J randomness, in d = 3 ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases occur with no intervening spin-glass phase. Also in d = 3, at sufficient +J randomness, a spin-glass phase occurs, but is replaced by the paramagnetic phase for any nonzero random field, also implying its disappearance for any nonzero uniform field. In d = 2, no ferromagnetic phase under random fields and no spin-glass phase occur. Global phase diagrams uniting the random-field and spin-glass problems are evaluated. The strong violation of universality, previously found adjoining randombond tricriticality in d = 3 is seen here in d = 2. In the third chapter of the thesis we consider renormalization-group theory to investigate the properties of the Hubbard model, the simplest model to describe strongly interacting electronic systems. We obtained, we believe for the first time, the finite-temperature phase diagram of the Hubbard model of electronic conduction in spatial dimension d = 3. This phase diagram exhibits, around half filling, an antiferromagnetic phase that is completely due to electron hopping and, between 30 - 40 percent electron or hole doping from half filling, a new T phase in which the electron hopping strength t asymptotically becomes infinite under repeated rescalings; electron hopping asymptotically vanishes under rescaling in all other regions of the phase diagram. Next to the T phase, a first-order phase boundary with a very narrow phase separation (2 percent jump in electron density) occurs. Depending on the strength of the on-site Coulomb repulsion U, this narrow phase separation can be on the low electron density side of the T phase (for strong U), directly abutting the 15 T boundary (for intermediate U), or on the high density side of the T phase (for weak U). At temperatures above the r phase, an incommensurate frozen spin density phase occurs. In d = 2, we find that the Hubbard model has no phase separation (or other phase transition) at finite temperature. In the fourth chapter of the thesis the collapsing transition of a polymer is considered in two dimensions, by constructing a renormalization-group theory by an exhaustive enumeration of polymeric paths on a lattice. The phase diagram of a linear polymer is obtained by application of renormalization-group theory to a lattice model. The phase diagram is in the variables of bending energy, monomer-unit chemical potential, and temperature. At low chemical potential and favorable bending energy, a collapsed phase occurs in which the end-to-end separation R grows as the power v = 0.5 of the chain length N. At high chemical potential and unfavorable bending energy, a rod phase occurs in which the long-range behavior is v = 1, but the local behavior changes in different regions, from thick rod (bending energy even higher than in the collapsed phase) to thin rod (negligible bending density). A second-order phase boundary, where v = 0.817, separates the two phases. In the fifth chapter of the thesis we consider the problem of a random heteropolymer chain and the statistical properties of this system are studied. In particular, the independent interaction model for a random heteropolymer chain is considered in detail. Conclusions are given in the last chapter. 16 References [1] E. Stanley, Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, (Oxford University Press, New York, 1971). [2] K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics (Wiley, New York, 1963). [3] K.G. Wilson, Phys. Rev. B 4, 3174, 3184 (1971). 17 Chapter 2 The Random-Field Ising Spin-Glass 2.1 Introduction The random-field Ising model and the spin-glass Edwards Anderson model, where randomness is present in the exchange interaction between neighboring spins, are two central problems in the physics of systems with quenched randomness. Indeed the two problems are closely related and it has been recently suggested that in the random-field problem a spin-glass phase might occur between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. Considering this two problems from the point of view of renormalization-group theory naturally yields to consider a uniting random-field random-bond model. Under scale transformation it is seen in the present chapter that randomness in the fields generates randomness in the bonds, and the close connection between the two original problems becomes manifest in our approach. The effect of weak bond randomness in the random-field model, and similarly, the effect of a random field in the EdwardsAnderson model for an Ising spin-glass are carefully studied, writing the recursion relations that govern the renormalization-group trajectories under scale transformation for the system. A highly detailed renormalization-group study is done, with analysis of the renormalization-group flows of over than 10' quantities that determine the 18 quenched probability distribution. Both the zero random-field and the zero antiferromagnetic bond concentration cross sections of the global phase diagram are discussed in the first part of the next section, and the intermediate uniting phase diagrams that connect the two problems are discussed in detail afterwards. The unstable fixed distributions attracting, in d = 3, the phase transition between the ferromagnetic and the spin-glass phases, the multicritical distribution where all the three phases meet, and the phase transition between the spin-glass and the paramagnetic phases are obtained and discussed in detail. Finally, in d = 2 the strong violation of critical phenomena universality, previously seen in the presence of random-bond tricriticality, is observed and discussed. 19 2.2 Global Random-Field Spin-Glass Phase Diagrams in Two and Three Dimensions Gabriele Migliorini and A. Nihat Berker Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A. Abstract An Ising model including field randomness and ±J bond randomness is studied by renormalization-group theory in spatial dimensions d = 2 and 3. In d = 3, with field randomness but no tJ randomness, ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases occur with no intervening spin-glass phase. Also in d = 3, at sufficient ±J randomness, a spin-glass phase occurs, but is replaced by the paramagnetic phase for any nonzero random field, also implying its disappearance for any nonzero uniform field. In d = 2, no ferromagnetic phase under random fields and no spin-glass phase occur. Global phase diagrams uniting the random-field and spinglass problems are evaluated. The strong violation of critical phenomena universality, previously found adjoining randombond tricriticality in d = 3, is seen here in d = 2. PACS Numbers: 75.10.Nr, 05.70.Fh, 64.70.Pf, 81.05.Rm Two central problems of the statistical mechanics of systems with quenched randomness have been (1) the survival of conventional (e.g., ferromagnetic) order under the disruption of frozen random fields locally coupling to the order parameter [1] and (2) the onset of unconventional (spin-glass) order in systems dominated by random competing (frustrated) interactions [2]. These two problems are in fact connected. Firstly, recent work [3] on the random-field problem has suggested that a spin-glass phase may occur between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. Secondly, the application of random fields on a spin-glass system can simply be shown (see below) to be equivalent to the application of a uniform field; the survival of the spin-glass phase under the latter condition has been discussed [4, 5]. We have addressed and connected the random-field and spin-glass problems in a global renormalization-group study of a system that incorporates both types of randomness, with Hamiltonian Z=[Pij sisj + Hij(si + sj) + Ht(si - si) , (2.1) <ii> where si = ±1 at each site i of a hypercubic lattice, < ij > indicates summmation over nearest-neighbor pairs of sites, with j > i along each hypercubic axis. The fields Hij and H1. are independently and randomly +H or -H (i.e., with equal probability of 0.5). The interactions Jij are +J or -J with respective probabilities of I-p and p, the elementary squares of the lattice with odd numbers of each sign being frustrated [6]. The limits p = 1 or H = 0 respectively correspond to the purely random-field or purely spin-glass problems. The renormalization-group study of a quenched random system is via the recursion of the quenched probability distribution, [7, 8] given by P1 [ii IKlt t(y3 diiP(ij - R({ Ki 1)), (2.2) where Kij = (Jjj, Hij, Hh ) represents the set of interactions at locality ij, the primes refer to the renormalized system, R({Kij}) is a local recursion relation, and the prod- 21 uct index ij runs through the localities of the unrenormalized system that effectively influence the renormalized interactions at the renormalized locality i'j'. Our basic premise [8, 9, 10, 11] has been that the crux of the quenched randomness problem lies in the convolution in Eq.(2.2), whereas the recursion relation is a smooth local relation that can straigthforwardly be approximated. The smoothness, locality, and approximability are related characteristics of recursion relations that underpin the general success of the renormalization-group approach. We used the Migdal-Kadanoff approximation [12, 13], due to its proven effectiveness and simplicity, yielding the recursion relations from the "decimation" j,,, = ln[R(+1, +1)R(-1, -1)/R(+1, -1)R(-1, +1)]/4, Hj,j,= ln[R(+1, +1)/R(-1, -1)]/4, H ~ilj,= ln[R(+1, -1)/R(-1, +1)]/4, R(si, 84) = (2.3) where exp[J 1 2 ss 2 + J 2 3 s 2s 3 + J 34 3s 4 S2 83=±1 +H 12 (s1 + s 2 ) + H 23 (s 2 + 83) + H 34 (s 3 + 84) +t (81 - 82) + Ht3 (s2 - 83) + H34 (s 3 - 84)], where the "bond-moved" interactions are 3 d-1 = E SijJinin (2.4) n=1 and similarly for lij and Ht. factor of b = These are recursion relations for a length rescaling 3. An odd number is necessary for b, in order to treat the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic correlations of the spin-glass problem on equal footing. These local recursion relations are approximate for the hypercubic lattices and exact for d-dimensional hierarchical lattices [14]. Equation (2.2) complicates, after a few rescalings, even a simple initial quenched 22 probability distribution. The initial distribution has a double symmetry, P(Jij, Hi, Hg) P(Ji,, Hij, -HY) = P(Jij, -Hij, HY ), which is preserved under the renormalization- group transformation and which is calculationally exploited in the steps described below. The distribution P(Jjj, Hjj, H/j) is represented by histograms. Each his- togram is characterized by four quantities, Ji, Hij, H1, and p, where the latter is the associated probability. Equation (2.2) is the convolution of b distributions. This is numerically constructed from pairwise convolutions of distributions. To achieve the overall convolution of Eq.(2.2), for d = 2 and 3, respectively, three and five pairwise convolutions are needed. A pairwise convolution is achieved as follows: (1) The histograms are placed on a grid in the space of interactions Jij, Hij, Ht. All histograms that fall within the same grid cell are combined in such a way as to preserve the averages of the interactions. The histograms that fall outside the grid, representing a very small probability, are similarly combined into a single histogram. In this procedure, a histogram that falls within a narrow band of a grid boundary is proportionately shared by each side of this boundary. This gridding is done separately for J > 0 and J < 0. (2) Two gridded distributions are convoluted as in Eq.(2.2) with a bond-moving R(Ki,j, Ki2 j 2 ) = Kj1 j1 + Ki 2 j 2 or with the decimation R of Eq.(2.3), regenerating the original number of histograms. The convolution of 3d distributions is achieved, from pairwise convolutions, as follows: (1) The pairwise bond-moving convolution is cycled, once in d = 2 and three times in d = 3. (2) The resulting distribution is bond-moving convoluted with the beginning distribution, which completes the implementation of bond-moving of 3 d-1 quenched random interactions, as prescribed in Eq.(2.4). (3) The resulting distribution is pairwise decimation convoluted. This completes the entire renormalizationgroup transformation, yielding the histograms for the renormalized quenched probability distribution P'(J,,,, Hj,, H/,'j,). Most of our calculations have used 63,504 independent (Hij, H!. > 0) histograms, corresponding to the renormalization-group flows of 254,016 quantities. The flows of the probability distribution P, under renormalization-group trans23 = formations, determine the phase diagram of the system. Stability analysis of the unstable fixed distribution onto which a phase boundary collapses determines the order of the corresponding phase transitions and the values of the critical exponents in the case of second-order phase transitions. The calculated global phase diagram of this random-field spin-glass system in d = 3 is shown in Fig. 2.1, in the variables of temperature 1/J, random-field strength H/J, and antiferromagnetic bond concentration p. All of the phase boundaries seen in this figure are second order. The phase diagram is of course symmetric about p = 1/2, with a mapping between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. At low temperature, low random-field strength, and p in the neighborhood of 0 (1), a ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) phase occurs. At low temperature, p in the neighborhood of 2' and zero random field, a spin-glass phase occurs. The remainder of the phase diagram is taken by the disordered, namely paramagnetic, phase. We now analyze different aspects of this global phase diagram for d = 3. Constant p cross-sections of the ferromagnetic phase boundary are shown in Fig. 2.2. The outermost curve is the phase boundary of the purely random-field problem (p = 0) in d = 3 [8, 10, 15]. Each point on these curves is a second-order phase transition point, for the corresponding value of p, between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. The arrow drawn on the axis indicates the multicritical point, occurring at p = 0.378 and zero random field, between the paramagnetic, ferromag- netic, and spin-glass phases. The zero random-field cross-section of the phase diagram, corresponding to the purely spin- glass problem, is shown in Fig. 2.3. The boundary between the spin-glass and paramagnetic phases agrees with a previous renormalization-group calculation, also using the Migdal-Kadanoff procedure, on the purely spin-glass system [5]. The phase boundary between the ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases is second order (as in fact are all phase boundaries of the global phase diagram) and has curvature, as seen in the inset of Fig. 2.3. Thus, the so-called "reentrant" [16] spin-glass phase is obtained, in the sense that in a given quenched random system characterized by a fixed p, as temperature is lowered, ferromagnetic disorder reappears at the lowest 24 temperatures. The multicritical point where the three phase boundaries meet occurs essentially on the Nishimori [17, 18, 19, 5] symmetry line: 1 J = - ln(p2 1 (2.5) - 1). In the numerical procedure, this multicritical point moves more precisely onto the Nishimori line as our binning of the quenched probability distribution is made more detailed. The zero-temperature cross-section of the phase diagram is shown in Fig. 2.4. As seen in this figure and in the global phase diagram at finite temperature (Fig. 2.1), even an infinitesimal random field destroys spin-glass ordering. In fact, let us suppose that this result is also valid for the random- field problem where Hi i. Redefine the spins (a local gauge transformation) as si -+ = ±H at each site -si at all sites i where the random field is originally Hi = -H. This flips the sign of these fields Hi, so that the transformed system is under a uniform field. Each local gauge transformation at i also flips the signs of all bonds Jij connected to site i. At p = 2' the latter sign flips clearly leave the bond randomness invariant, so we conclude that an infinitesimal uniform field as well as an infinitesimal random field destroys spin-glass order. For general p, only one of the two connected sites is gauge transformed for a random half of the total number of bonds, so that the bond flips sign. Thus, the transformed system has j = (I)p + (}) (1 - p) = 1, but with the frustration of the original system, namely of a fraction 4p(l -p) 3 +4p 3 (1 -p) of the number of elementary squares, since the gauge transformation flips two bonds in an elementary square, leaving the oddnumbered antiferromagnetic-bond squares as such. Accordingly, a statement cannot be made directly on the effect of a uniform field for p 0 1, although continuity from would suggest the disappearance of the spin-glass phase under any uniform field or any random field. This result, for the uniform-field case, was deduced in the P= previous renormalization-group study, [5] from the instability of the spin-glass phase sink to a small uniform field. The singly unstable fixed distributions corresponding to the phase transitions be- 25 tween the ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases and between the spin-glass and paramagnetic phases are shown in Fig. 2.5(a,c). The former is a strong coupling distribution: at each renormalization-group iteration, the average bond strength increases by ' bo 4 5 J, but the scaled distribution remains fixed. The eigenvalue exponent = y for the deviation of the scaled standard deviation from its fixed-distribution value, [(u/i)' (a/j)*] = b[(a/J) - (o/J)*], being y - = 0.756 different from d, shows [20] that the phase transitions between the ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases are second order. This is consistent with the general arguments [21, 22] indicating that symmetry-breaking occurs as a second-order phase transition, rather than a firstorder phase transition, under strong randomness in d = 3. The doubly unstable fixed distribution for the multicritical point is shown in Fig. 2.5(b). At d = 2, an infinitesimal random field destroys the ferromagnetic and antiferro- magnetic phases [1, 8]. Thus, the phase diagram occurs at H/J = 0, as shown in Fig. 2.6. This phase diagram also has no spin-glass phase [5]. However, a multicritical point on the Nishimori line divides [18, 5] into two segments the phase boundary between the ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) and paramagnetic phases. These segments are attracted to different unstable fixed points. The facts that these segments are both second order (again y 5 d) and have different critical exponents indicate a strong violation of the universality principle of critical phenomena [23]. The lowtemperature segment of second-order transitions is attracted to a strong-coupling, strong-randomnes (both J and a renormalize to infinity) fixed distribution, shown in Fig. 2.7(a). The high-temperature segment of second-order transitions is not attracted to strong coupling. This signifies that the critical exponents of the phase transitions between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases, under bond randomness, are the same within each segment, but differ from one segment to the other. (In fact, the low-temperature segment, but not the high-temperature segment, flowing to strong-coupling, has critical exponents that violate hyperscaling [24, 25].) This amounts to the strong violation [11, 26] of the empirical principle of critical phenomena universality which states that identical critical exponents should occur along the entire second-order phase boundary between two given phases [27]. This phenomenon 26 was first seen [11] under the effect of bond randomness on tricritical phase diagrams in d = 3, where no symmetry line such as the Nishimori line is apparent. For the current system, we have also studied the asymmetric spin-glass case, with different ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic bond strengths, where there is no Nishimori symmetry line. The same strong violation of critical phenomena universality is seen, as shown in Fig. 2.8. This research was supported by the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), by the US Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-92ER45473, and by the US National Science Foundation Grant No. DMR-94-00334. 27 2.3 Renormalizat ion-Group Mapping of the Quenched Probability Distributions The local recursion relations for a length rescaling factor of b = 3 have been given in the previous section. The distribution P(Jij, Hij, H) is represented by properly normalized histograms for given values of the three variables Jij, Hij, H!t. After each binary operation, which is either a pairwise bond moving convolution or a pairwise decimation convolution, the overall probability is conserved. The binning grid, after each binary operation, is constructed according to the symmetry properties of the probability distribution: the overall symmetry of the probability distribution under reflections on the (Hij, Hh ) plane suggested to focus our binning procedure into one of the four quadrants. The entire domain of the probability distribution is then reproduced by unfolding the bins into the four quadrants, after each binary operation. Along the third interaction direction Jij, the grid is constructed by placing two independent grids in the positive and negative regions for the exchange interaction Jij. It is very important to note that the local recursion relations will generate bins in the positive and negative region for the exchange interaction. Indeed, the general case in which the two grids, constructed in the positive and negative regions for Jij, are coupled, has been investigated carefully. Within each grid the probability of histograms located near a intrabin boundary are proportionally shared between neighboring bins. Similarly, one should couple the two grids in the positive J > 0 and negative J < 0 regions, so that bins falling in the vicinity of J = 0 would be proportionally shared between the two grids. Indeed it has been shown that, from the numerical point of view, the proper sharing of the probability between bins is important in order to obtain correct results and smooth probability distribution profiles. On the other hand, sharing the probabilities between the two grids in the positive and negative regions for J does not affect the renormalization-group trajectories. This is also understood by considering the analytical form of the recursion relations for the renormalized bond variables derived in the previous section. 28 L j Fig. 2.9: A 3 x 3 binning grid with a given treshold for common probability sharing within neighboring bins. Any histogram falling within the dashed boundaries in the previous figure will contribute also to neighboring bins. The probability contribution to neighboring bins is proportional to the distance from the intra-bin boundary. The fractional size of the regions of common sharing probabilities has been fixed to the optimal value of 0.05L, where L is the size of the bin. A fractional threshold exceeding this value would make the numerical effort increase without gaining any accuracy in the calculation, while values below this threshold would cause the mentioned problem of probabilities profiles and, consequently, phase boundaries being non smooth. The convolution of 3 d-- distributions is achieved, from pairwise convolutions, cycling, once in d = 2 and thrice in d = 3, the pairwise bond-moving convolution. After this binary operation, the probability distribution is again a properly normalized one. Presence of bins that might fall outside the grid, are properly included considering a weighted average, to be included in the distribution itself. The resulting distribution is bond-moving convoluted with the beginning distribution, and finally pairwise decimation convoluted, to complete the entire renormalization-group transformation. As noticed in the previous section, most of our calculation have used 63, 504 independent (Hi, H'. > 0) bins. The number of bins obviously depends on the grid one decides to use. In particular, for the phase diagram calculations in the non-zero external fields region (Hi, H! 0), the grids for the negative and positive regions J > 0, J < 0 were each chosen of size 53. On the other side, calculation of the pure spin-glass problem, where 29 no external field is included, has simple one-dimensional grids, and the number of bins along the J direction can be increased up to 49 bins, symmetrically, for both the negative and positive region. It is also important to notice that for the case in which one is computing the exact location of the multicritical point and of the second-order boundaries, together with numerical estimates of the critical exponents, as reported in the previous section, the number of bins has been increased. Specifically, the number of bins is increased, typically considering grids of size 7 x 7 x 7 and 9 x 9 x 9 . The phase diagram shown above, both in the d = 2 and d = 3 case, are computed considering a grid of size 5 x 5 x 5, for both positive and negative J regions, corresponding to the renormalization-group flows of 254, 016 quantities. 30 1.5 Paramagnet 20 0: 0 30 F'erromiagiwl e-,, 20 *i110 0.5 0 Figure 2-1: Global phase diagram of the random-field spin-glass in d = 3, calculated with 254,016 renormalization-group flow variables. All of the phase transitions are second order. A mirror image of the portion shown here occurs at p = 0.5 to 1, with the antiferromagnetic phase replacing the ferromagnetic phase. 31 5i 1 0-D Paramagnet 1 .- ' "0 p=() 0.51 0.12 0.24 36 0 I 10 20 30 Temperature 1/A Figure 2-2: Constant p cross-sections of the ferromagnetic phase boundary in d = 3. The outermost curve is the phase boundary of the purely random-field problem (p = 0, no antiferromagnetic bonds). The other curves are, consecutively, for equally spaced values of p up to 0.36. Each point on all of these curves is a second-order phase transition point between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. The arrow on the axis indicates the multicritical point, occurring at p = 0.378 and H = 0, between the paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and spin-glass phases. 32 V%. Para 4 30 -z 2 Ferro 0.36 - SI 0 8 20 3.- Paramagnet C) '-4 C) 10 Ferromnagnet . Spl 01 C A ntiferromnagnct Glss 0.5 1 Antiferromagnetic Bond Concentration p Figure 2-3: The zero random-field cross-section of the phase diagram, corresponding to the purely spin-glass problem. The inset shows the curvature of the phase boundary between the ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases and, thus, the "reentrance" of the spin-glass phase. All of the phase boundaries (full curves) are second order. The Nishimori symmetry lines [Eq.(2.5)] are shown with the dotted curves. 33 1.5 I Zero-Tem perature Ph ise Diagram 1 Paramagnet 0.5 C -o Arntiferromagnet Ferromagnet Spin Glass 01 0 1 -- 7 * 0.5 1 Antiferromagnetic Bond Concentration p Figure 2-4: The zero temperature cross-section of the phase diagram. As seen in this figure and in the global phase diagram at finite temperature (Fig. 2.1), even an infinitesimal random field destroys spin-glass ordering. It is argued that an infinitesimal uniform field has the same effect. 34 I I I I 0 0r- 0.0 5 T I I I - - - - I I (c) SG-Para (b) Multicritical (a) Ferro-SG - B Z3- 0S 0.0003 - 0.0006 Of -1 0 0.00015 I -1 0 W- 9.000t1 -3 U 1 1 Exchange Interaction Figure 2-5: Histograms (lower figures) of the unstable fixed distributions attracting, in d = 3, (a) the phase transitions between the ferromagnetic and spin-glass phases, (b) the multicritical points where all three phases meet, (c) the phase transitions between the spin-glass and paramagnetic phases. Respectively 6,724, 2,500, and 14,884 histograms are shown in these lower figures. In the corresponding upper figures, these histograms are shown combined for better visibility in the figure. The circles and crosses are probabilities before and after a renormalization-group transformation; by directly falling on top of each other, they exhibit the fixed-point character of the distributions. Note that (a) is a strong coupling distribution: at each renormalizationgroup iteration, the average bond strength increases by ' = b0 4 5 J, but the scaled distribution remains fixed. All fixed distributions in this figure occur at zero field and are singly (a,c) or doubly (b) unstable, with eigenvalue exponents y less than d, which indicates all second-order phase transitions. The fixed distributions (b,c) were also found in the previous renormalization-group study (Ref. 5). 35 4 C d=2 4 2 C11 0 p 0.5 2 Paramagnet Ferro 0 Antiferro I 0.5 1 Antiferronagnetic Bond Concentration p Figure 2-6: Phase diagram in d = 2, at H = 0 (only the paramagnetic phase occurs at H 0 0). This phase diagram was calculated with 26,896 renormalization-group flow variables. All phase transitions are second order and are shown with the full curves. The Nishimori symmetry lines are shown with the dotted curves. The inset shows the projections of renormalization-group flows (here using 18,496 variables) and, thereby, the mechanism for the strong violation of critical phenomena universality: Shown are actual renormalization-group trajectories that are all initiated very close to each other within the open circle in the inset. The horizontal axis of the inset is the total weight of antiferromagnetic bonds (which acquire a distribution of magnitudes as a trajectory progresses) and the vertical axis is the inverse average bond strength. A double crossover is exhibited by the thick curves, with flows going first to the multicritical fixed point M, then crossing over to different critical fixed points C and C', then crossing over to the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phase sinks. Thus, two segments of the same phase boundary renormalize respectively to second-order fixed points C and C' with different critical exponents. The thin curves are trajectories from initial conditions further away from the phase boundary (still within the initial open circle in the inset), so that the close neighborhoods of C and C' are not accessed. 36 (a) Ferro-Para 0 (b) Multicritical 0.1 A-- os C0 r.. 0.05 OA] 411 I 1W T I T Be 0.0006- 0.0009 0.0004 - 0.0003 0.0002- 0.0003 0 -4 0 4 -L U z 0 Ji/ Exchange Interaction Figure 2-7: Histograms (lower figures) of the unstable fixed distributions attracting, in d = 2, (a) the low- temperature segment of the phase boundary between the ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases, C' in Fig. 2.6, (b) the multicritical point between the two segments of this phase boundary, M in Fig. 2.6. Respectively 6,724 and 4,624 histograms are shown in these lower figures. In the corresponding upper figures, these histograms are shown combined for better visibility in the figure. The circles and crosses are probabilities before and after a renormalization-group transformation; by directly falling on top of each other, they exhibit the fixed-point character of the distributions. (a) is a strong coupling distribution: at each renormalizationgroup iteration, the average bond strength increases by ' = b0 4 7 J, but the scaled distribution remains fixed. These fixed distributions are singly (a) or doubly (b) unstable, with eigenvalue exponents y less than d, which indicates all second-order phase transitions. Specifically, y = 0.541 < d at C'. 37 d=2 2 M 4 Sf a 0.3 0.1 L 2- Paramagnet a Ferro AF 0.51 0 Antiferromagnetic Bond Concentration p Figure 2-8: Phase diagram in d = 2 for the asymmetric system, where the ferromag- netic and antiferromagnetic bond strengths are respectively J and -J/2.4, at H = 0 (only the paramagnetic phase occurs at H # 0). This phase diagram was calculated with 26,896 renormalization-group flow variables. All phase transitions are second order and are shown with the full curves. For this asymmetric system, there is no Nishimori symmetry line. The inset (using 18,496 flow variables) shows the strong violation of critical phenomena universality for asymmetric as well as symmetric systems: At each of f (0) and a (K), referring to the main (asymmetric system) Fig. 2.8 here, and at s (0) referring to the multicritical region of (symmetric system) Fig. 2.6, a pair of renormalization-group trajectories are started very close to each other, both on the phase boundary. Projections of these renormalization-group trajectories are shown [in the case of the trajectory from a (0), the horizontal axis is the total weight of ferromagnetic bonds]. It is seen that all trajectories flow to the multicritical fixed point M as predicted in Refs. 18 and 19, then the two trajectories in each pair, which were indistinguishable at the resolution of the inset until M, split to cross over to the second-order fixed points C and C', which have different critical exponents. This shows that both the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic and antiferromagneticparamagnetic phase boundaries, both for symmetric and asymmetric systems, have the strong violation of critical phenomena universality. (For visibility, every fifth renormalization-group iteration is shown in the crossovers from M.) 38 References [1] Y. Imry and S.-k. Ma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1399 (1975). [2] S.F. Edwards and P.W. Anderson, J. Phys. F 5, 965 (1975). [3] C. de Dominicis, H. Orland, and T. Temesvari, J. Phys. I 5, 987 (1995). [4] A.J. Bray and M.A. Moore, J. Phys. C 17, L613 (1984). [5] E.J. Hartford and S.R. McKay, J. Appl. Phys. 70, 6068 (1991). [6] G. Toulouse, Commun. 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B 48, 3177 (1993). 39 [16] The terminology of "reentrant" spin-glass phase used in the literature is, strictly speaking, a misnomer, since on each side of the ferromagnetic phase, the hightemperature (paramagnetic) and low-temperature (spin-glass) phases are different, themselves being separated by a phase transition elsewhere in the global phase diagram, unlike the case of the true reentrant phases [P. Cladis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 48 (1975); Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 165, 85 (1988)]. However, reentrant correlations, that increase but do eventually weaken as temperature is decreased, because of frustration effects, have been shown [S.R. McKay, A.N. Berker, and S. Kirkpatrick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 48, 767 (1982)] to be essential to the chaotic rescaling behavior characteristic of the spin-glass phase. [17] H. Nishimori, Prog. Theor. Phys. 66, 1169 (1981). [18] P. Le Doussal and A. Georges, Yale University Report No. YCTP-P1-88 (1988). [19] P. Le Doussal and A.B. Harris, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 625 (1988). [20] B. Nienhuis and M. Nauenberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 477 (1975). [21] A.N. Berker, J. Appl. Phys. 70, 5941 (1991). [22] A.N. Berker, Physica A 194, 72 (1993). [23] The flow structure imposed by the unstable fixed point at the Nishimori line, per se, does not imply a violation of universality until the terminus fixed points of the outgoing flows are calculated, as done here. Thus, a standard tricritical phase boundary (first- and second-order segments meeting at the unstable fixed point) or a redundant crossover phenomenon (two second-order segments with the same exponents meeting at the unstable fixed point that also has the same exponents), with no violation of universality, are also a priori possible with this flow structure. [24] A.J. Bray and M.A. Moore, J. Phys. C 18, L927 (1985). [25] A.N. Berker and S.R. McKay, Phys. Rev. B 33, 4712 (1986). 40 [26] A. Falicov and A.N. Berker, Tr. J. Phys. 21, 59 (1997). [27] We qualified this phenomenon (Ref. 11), where along a single critical line, segmentwise uniform critical exponents change from one value to another at a multicritical point, as the "strong" violation of universality, to distinguish it from the previously known phenomenon of continuously varying critical exponents along a critical line, as occurs in certain models in d = 2 [e.g., R.J. Baxter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 26, 832 (1971)]. 41 Chapter 3 Phase Transitions in Electronic Conduction Models 3.1 Introduction Motion of "holes" in an antiferromagnet is of crucial importance for the theory of hightemperature superconductors. Insulating materials, like the La 2 CuO 4 and Nd 2 CuO 4 present antiferromagnetic order (AF) at half-filling. In the high-Tc superconductors AF order is rapidly suppressed both in electron and hole doped materials. For example in La 2 -,SrCuO 4 [1] the Neel temperature is reduced from 300K at half-filling to 10K for a hole doping fraction x ~ 0.02 while for the electron-doped materials Nd2 _xCexCuO4_y [2] the antiferromagnetic order disappears at an electronic doping of x ~_0.14. The recent discovery of electron-doped superconductors is an important challenge for the theory of high-temperature superconductors. We have performed the finite-temperature statistical mechanics of the Hubbard model of electronic conduction in d dimensions, obtaining the phase diagrams and electron densities using the Migdal-Kadanoff renormalization-group procedure. No finite-temperature phase transition in d = 1 is seen. In d = 2 no phase separation is seen [3]. In d = 3 dimension a remarkably complex phase diagram, with a new phase and multiple reentrances at different temperature scales and the overall electronhole doping symmetry is found. Our renormalization-group calculation automatically 42 yields the global finite-temperature phase diagram and statistical mechanics of a generalized Hubbard model, in which each site i of the lattice has one spherically symmetric orbital and can be occupied by one or two electrons of opposite spin. The Hubbard hamiltonian = E(c!,,c, -t -U ni,fn, 4 + IIZEni, a i reduces, in the strong coupling limit U/t (3.1) + c ci,a) >> 1, to the tJ model where each site can be occupied by at most one electron, -p3+ =P[-t (cac, + ct cia) - Si S J (i,j) (i,j),a +V 1: nini + /-t (i,j) nil P, z (3.2) where # = 1/kBT, c, and ci,a are the creation and annihilation operators for an electron in a Wannier state at the ith site of the lattice with spin o- =T, 4; ni, at site i. The Ci,,,Ci,, is the occupation number at site i and Si is the spin operator projection operator P = rHi(1 - niinit) projects out all states with doubly occupied sites. The traditional tJ hamiltonian is a special case of eq.(3.2), obtained for V/J = 0.25. Similarly, the traditional Hubbard model can be obtained from the generalized Hubbard hamiltonian we will introduce in the next section. On bipartite lattices (i.e., lattices that can be separated into two sublattices such that any two nearestneighbors are on different sublattices), the sign of the hopping term t can be reversed by a simple redefinition of the Wannier states on one sublattice. Thus, with no loss of generality, we restrict to t > 0. 43 While zero-temperature properties of both the tJ and Hubbard models have been studied by mean-field theory [4, 5], small-cluster calculation [6] and the Bethe ansatz [7], the finite-temperature behavior of the Hubbard model is largely unexplored [8], especially in d = 3 where we now obtain a rich structure. The position-space renormalization-group method is well suited for the latter task. Our approach starts with an approximate decimation in d = 1, which is then developed onto higher dimensions by the Migdal-Kadanoff procedure. Determination of the global connectivity of the flows also determines the global phase diagram, cross-sections of which apply to the traditional tJ and Hubbard models. Summation over entire renormalization-group trajectories yields the finite-temperature electronic densities. The starting point of our study is the dimensionless Hubbard hamiltonian [9]. tij = t represents the hopping integral between neighboring sites, p and U are the chemical potential and intrasite electron-electron interaction. The following symmetry properties, for the hamiltonian (3.1) have been discussed in the past [10]: 1) The grand partition function associated with (3.1) is invariant under a phase change of the Wannier representation #i(Y) - #i(z) exp(ixi) ZI,(t) = Tre~-P(H-ILN) -Z _t 2) The hamiltonian is invariant under the particle-hole exchange, ct 33 * ci-, so that 3H(t) - pN transforms into ,3H(-t) - (U - p)N + (U - 2p)Ns, where N and Ns are the number of electrons and number of sites respectively in the system and 3H(t) includes the hopping and interaction terms of the hamiltonian, Z,(t) = exp{-3(U - 21 )Ns} Zu-, (t). (3.4) The particle-hole symmetry line is given by p = U/2; this condition will be extended to the case of the closed renormalization-group hamiltonian, introduced at the end of this section. 3) The charge and spin operators are defined in terms of the creation and annihilation operators according to the following relations: 44 p ni, + niT p pgi - 1 Si 4,ct, - St Ct~, cic S ciC,, ci, Cif,1 S (3.5) , - i ci,T. The charge operators are nonzero only when acting on nonmagnetic sites while the spin operators are nonzero when acting on magnetic sites (o), t)) (I t), I 4)). Magnetic and nonmagnetic sites are described in analogy with the Blume-EmeryGriffiths model of He3 - He4 mixtures along the A line and near the critical mixing point [11, 12]; the He3 concentration of the BEG model is analogous in this case to the nonmagnetic impurities that compete with the magnetic ordering due to single occupied states; the fermionic constraint for the c's operators also imply: (Sf)2 + (p4')2 = 1, v, v' = x,y,z, Sp = 0, SZ = St + SZ-, (3.6) S=-i(S pA = p + A , Pi = -i" P - S), - Ag) The two terms in Eq. (3.1) corresponding to the chemical potential and the intrasite repulsion in the hamiltonian are invariant under a local rotation in "spin space" and "charge space"; magnetic (non-magnetic) sites can be locally affected changing the quantization axis of the spin (charge) operators of an angle ac ('yi) where i is the lattice index via Us = flexp(iaiKi - Si), U, = fexp(iyiq - pj), 45 (3.7) where Ki and ji are arbitrary unit vectors and ai,-yj the local parameters of the transformation. The hopping term in (3.1) is instead globally invariant. 46 3.2 Finite-Temperature Phase Diagram of the Hubbard Model in d = 3 1 2 Gabriele Migliorini', and A. Nihat Berker ,2,3 'Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A. 2 Feza Giirsey Research Center for Basic Sciences Qengelk6y, Istanbul 81220, TURKEY 3 Department of Physics, Istanbul Technical University Maslak, Istanbul 80626, TURKEY Abstract The finite-temperature phase diagram of the Hubbard model in d = 3 is obtained from renormalization-group analysis. It exhibits, around half filling, an antiferromagnetic phase and, between 30%-40% electron or hole doping from half-filling, a new T phase in which the electron hopping strength t asymp- totically becomes infinite under repeated rescalings. Next to the r phase, a first-order phase boundary with very narrow phase separation (less than 2% jump in electron density) occurs. At temperatures above the T phase, an incommen- surate spin modulation phase is indicated. In d = 2, we find that the Hubbard model has no phase transition at finite temperature. PACS Numbers: 82.70.Gg, 64.70.Fx, 36.20.-r, 5.70.Ln The Hubbard model [9] is the bare-essentials realistic model of electronic conduction, yet essentially no knowledge has existed even phenomenologically on its most frontal macroscopic feature, namely its phase diagram at finite temperatures. In this research, we obtain a finite-temperature phase diagram for the Hubbard model in spatial dimension d = 3, from an approximate renormalization-group calculation with flows in a 10-dimensional hamiltonian space. This rich phase diagram, in the variables of temperature, electron density, and on-site repulsion, exhibits, around half-filling, an antiferromagnetic phase completely due to electron hopping. At 30-40% electron or hole doping from half-filling, a new property. In the neighborhood of the T T phase occurs with distinctive conduction phase, a phase separation so narrow that the jump in electron density is less than 2% occurs. At temperatures above the ir phase, an incommensurate frozen spin modulation phase is indicated. In d = 2, no phase separation or other phase transition occurs at finite temperature in the Hubbard model, in contrast[13, 14] to the closely related, but less realistic, tJ model of electronic conduction. The Hubbard model is defined by the hamiltonian -t YWc, +c ci (3.8) where ct and ci, are the electron creation and annihilation operators with spin or 4 at site i of a cubic lattice, < ij > indicates summation over all nearest-neighbor pairs of sites, and ni, = c.,cij. and ni = nit + ni (3.9) are the electron number operators. The terms in the hamiltonian of (3.8) are, respectively, the kinetic energy term, the on-site repulsion (U > 0) term, and the chemical potential term included in order to study the system over its entire density range 48 from zero to two electrons per site. The renormalization-group transformation is formulated [14, 15] by first considering a d = 1 system. An exact renormalization group transformation can be formally written, I v 1 v 3 v 5 ... < uiu3 u 5 ... 2 W4W = I v 1 w2 v 3w 4v 5 w 6 ... < uiw2u 3w 4 U5 W6 ... I E W > 6 > (3.10) , ... where U1, w 2, v 3 , etc. represent the single-site states. Primes indicate the renormalized system. The transformation given in equation (3.10) conserves the partition function, Z = Z', but cannot be implemented due to the non-commutativity of the operators in the hamiltonian. An approximation is used: Treven sites exp (-- 3) - 1, i) - OW(i, i + 1) = Treven sites exp (i/n(i even ~ fi Tr, exp (-,3h(i - 1, i) - 37(i, i + 1)) even = ( fi exp (-3'W'(i - 1,+i 1)) even exp -'3"h'(i - 1, i + 1)) exp(-#'$t') (3.11) , where -#7 (i, j) -(U/2d) = -t (c%0cy, + c"ci) 5 (nitnq + njtnj ) + (p/2d) (3.12) 5 (ni + nj) . Thus, the approximation consists in neglecting the commutation relations beyond segments of three consecutive unrenormalized sites. This approximation is effected twice (~-) in (3.11), in opposing directions, hopefully with compensatory effect. 49 The crux of the calculation is extracted from the third step in (3.11), Tr R-p1,2)- W(2,3) =e-O'W'(1,3) -J~we (3.13) .(.3 When written in terms of three-site (on the left) and two-site (on the right) matrix elements, this equation amounts to contracting a 64 x 64 matrix into a 16 x 16 matrix. This operation is facilitated by block diagonalization of the matrices, using the conservations of particles, total spin magnitude, total spin z-component, and parity, so that the largest blocks are 4 x 4 and 2 x 2 for the unrenormalized and renormalized is extracted. The systems, respectively. Thus, a renormalized hamiltonian -O'7R' is more general than equation (3.8), namely closed form of -#'7-' = S - [tohihj, + t1 (n_,hj_, + hi- nj._,)+ t 2 ni-onj_,] (cIOcy, + fcCi,) <ij>,el + + cjtcitc> c+i) (C -tX 5: [J - U - 5 mtnj 1 + p1 (3.14) ri + V2 riinj + V3 (nmtnj~nj + njnjtnj ) + V4rnrlj~tnJj, <ii> where the hole operator is hi, = 1 - ni, and the electron spin operator at site i is i= where 7 5 c ,--,O'ci&, (3.15) , is the vector of Pauli spin matrices. The four hopping terms in the flow hamiltonian (3.14) correspond to one electron hopping with or without the opposite spin electron present at the initial and final sites (two of these processes are related by hermitivity and therefore have the same hopping strength tj) and to two electrons simultaneously hopping from one site to a neighboring site. These four processes can be called vacancy hopping (to), pair breaking (ti), pair hopping (t 2 ), and vacancy-pair interchange (tx). For to = t = t 2 tx=J=V 50 2 =V 3 =V 4 =0 , (3.16) the flow hamiltonian (3.14), reduces to the Hubbard hamiltonian (3.8). Thus, equations (3.16) are the initial conditions of our renormalization-group flows. However, in general, the hopping strengths renormalize differently and the new interactions are generated under rescaling, so that the renormalization-group flows are in the 10-dimensional, ) = (to, t 1, t 2 , tG, U, P, J,V2 , V3, V4), hamiltonian space. The transformation is implemented in d > 1 by using the Migdal-Kadanoff procedure, so that = (bd1/f)7(fA) where b = 2 is the length-rescaling factor, the function 7l is the contraction process specified in the previous paragraph, and f is an arbitrary bond-moving factor, set to yield the correct transition temperature of the Ising model (f = 1.2279 and 1.4024 in d = 3 and 2). This renormalization-group transformation yields known information about quantum systems, such as, in d = 1, the absence finite-temperature phase transitions; in d = 2, a conventional phase transition for the Ising model, a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition for the XY model[16, 17], no phase transition for the Heisenberg model; in d = 3, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phase transitions for the Heisenberg model, the antiferromagnetic transition occurring at a 22% higher temperature than the ferromagnetic transition, a purely quantum mechanical effect[18]. The 10-dimensional renormalization-group flows also conserve the particle-hole symmetry, given by the map: o ~ V2 (3.17) =J , = t2 , = -p = V2 - 2V 3 +V 4 , V 3 =-V+V 4 , V 4 =14. = ti , i2 = to , i il U + 2dV- = t , 2dV4 , U=U+4dV- 2dV4 , The global analysis of the renormalization-group flows yields the phase diagram of the system. We have thus obtained the global phase diagram of Hubbard model, presented here in Figures (3.1),(3.2),(3.3), where first- and second-order phase boundaries are respectively shown by dotted and full curves. The particle-hole symmetry (3.17) dictates that the Hubbard model [Eq. (3.8)] phase diagrams be symmetric about p/U = 0.5, which is seen in all of our results. Figures (3.1) are for U/t = 20. Figure (3.1, right panel) shows the full phase 51 diagram in temperature versus chemical potential. Figures (3.1, left, middle panels) show the details in temperature versus electron density and chemical potential, respectively. It is seen that an antiferromagnetic phase occurs around half-filling, purely due to electron hopping, since the Hubbard hamiltonian (3.8) does not contain an explicit antiferromagnetic coupling. In fact, we traced the occurrence of this antiferromagnetic phase to the non-zero value of the pair-breaking strength ti. The antiferromagnetic phase is unstable to at most 10% hole or electron doping from halffilling. Between 30 to 40% hole or electron doping, a T phase occurs in which the vacancy hopping strength to or the pair hopping strength t 2 [see equation (3.14)], respectively, renormalizes to infinity under repeated renormalization-group transformations. Thus, for hole doping, under repeated renormalization-group transformations, to -+ oo, J/to = 2, V2 /to = 3/2, p/to = 6, tipo = 0, U - oo, ti/U = 0, V/U = 0. Sym- metrically, for electron doping, the overbarred variables of (3.17) have this behavior. In all other regions of the phase diagram, all hopping strengths renormalize to zero under repeated renormalization-group transformations. Near the r phase, a first-order phase transition (dotted curves) occurs, seen as a single curve in Fig. (3.1 center) in terms of electron chemical potential and opening up into a coexistence region in Fig. (3.1, left) in terms of electron density. The latter shows the distinctive feature of this first-order transition, namely that it involves a very narrow phase separation, e.g., a discontinuity in electron density of less than 2%. This is similar to what is seen experimentally in lanthanide compounds.[19] At temperatures above the T phase, a sequence of antiferromagnetic and disordered phases is seen, at many temperature scales Figs. (3.1, 3.2, center). We interpret this as the presence of an incommensurate spin modulation phase, with a temperature- and (less strongly, by the alignment of the sequencing) density-dependent periodicity. Our renormalization-group transformation, with a commensurate rescaling factor and a built-in approximation, acts as a spurious substrate potential which, at small incommensuration, registers the incommensurate phase and, at large incommensuration, disorders it. The incommensurate phase that we thus deduce is indicated in Figs. (3.1, 3.2, left). The features described above were also seen in the simpler, less realistic, tJ model.[14, 15] 52 As U/t is decreased, the first-order phase boundary moves with respect to the T phase. It is seen that, for U/t = 4.44 [Figs. (3.2)], it actually abuts the boundary of the T phase and, for U/t = 0.8 [Figs. (3.3)], it is on the other side of the T phase. We have thus calculated a finite-temperature phase diagram for the d = 3 Hubbard model that is rich in phase transition phenomena. We have also repeated the same calculation for d = 2. We find that no phase separation (in contrast to the tJ model [14, 15]) or other phase transition occurs at finite temperature for the Hubbard model (3.8) in d = 2. This research was supported by the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-92ER45473, and by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). We gratefully acknowledge the hospitality of the Feza Girsey Research Center for Basic Sciences and of the Istanbul Technical University. 53 3.3 The Recursion Relations In the first part of the work we derived closed-form recursion relations for the Hubbard model, by constructing the properly symmetrized wavefunctions in order to reduce the algebraic difficulty of the original problem. It is shown that the proper form of the wavefunctions, that satisfies the requirements of conserving parity, total spin, and total spin along the z direction, reduces the problem to analytical recursion relations. Indeed the hamiltonian is block diagonal and the size of the largest block is 4 x 4. The statistical trace of the Boltzmann factor is then computed, neglecting commutation relations beyond blocks of three sites, consistent with the algebra of the relativistic -y matrices. In the tJ limit, sites of the lattice can only be occupied by single electrons; this is reminiscent of the non-relativistic limit in the Dirac theory of electrons and positrons. In this limit, blocks of the hamiltonian reduce their size, and the largest block size is 2 x 2. In this case the trace is simply related to the algebra of the Pauli - matrices and the recursion relations for the tJ model [14] are recovered. As seen in the equation (3.11) of the previous section, the crux of the calculation can be performed. Indeed Trw2 e "((1,2)-N 7-t(2) = - ''(3.18) traces and eliminates the degrees of freedom of one sublattice, once the proper choice of eigenfunctions is made. In this case, e--O'W'('k) -- A -r , - OW(ij) --OW(j,k),(. ) (3.19) where i, j, k are consecutive sites, or in terms of the matrix elements, Wi where ui, ii, Wj, Vk, Vk are states of the sites, lead to the recursion relations. This equation amounts to contracting a 64 x 64 matrix into a 16 x 16 matrix. 54 This operation is facilitated by block diagonalization of the matrices, using, as mentioned above, the conservations of particles, total spin magnitude, total spin z-component, and parity. In the two-site system, this corresponds to the following choice, for the wavefunctions, indicated below with the corresponding set of particle number, total spin, and spin z-component, and parity quantum numbers (n, s, in, p): (0,0, 0, +) : (3.21) q$1) =-oo, o) - 1o)}, (1,1/2,1/2, -) : 102) = 1 11 1 {111 0) + 10 M), 16) = {W 0 ) - 10 W}, 107) = {11. (1, 1/2, 1/2, +) : 104) = (2, 0, 0, -) : 108 (2, 0, 0, +) 1 109) -TT?), (2, 1, 1, +) 1 10 (2, 1, 0, +) : 10) = {|1 (3, 1/2,1/2, -) : t1i) T) }, t)+ | t)}, (3, 1/2, 1/2, +) 1014) = (4, 0, 0, +) : |11) -- | $$ 1 | (3.22) The wavefunctions 10 2 ), 1 4 ) ,q 9 ), 112) 10 3 ), 1$ 5 ), ,114), q11), 10 13 ), 015) are obtained by a spin-flip operation of respectively. The hamiltonian is indeed symmetric under an up-down transformations of all spins. The unrenormalized block-diagonalizing wavefunctions for the three sites are (0, 0, 0, +) : IV5i) = 1000), 55 (3.23) (1,1/2,1/2,-) 1'2) = t 1f oo) - 100 T)} (1,1/2,1/2, +) : 144) = 11 t oo) + 1oo t)} 105) = 10 (2,0 0, , -) : L'8) = 2 0), )+ ) -1 { lo td) - lo4T)}, 1 00) - =10 (2, 0, 0,+) : (2, 1, 1, -) (2, 1,, -): (2, 1, 1, +) loo W, 111) = o1 o), 1012) = 21{lTto) 1013 ) = 113 v_ 101l4) = 105) IV)18) 101) 1 1 I4o) - o o1) + lo ), S00) + loo W, TT 0) - 0) + | {11 = - o t)}, o) - 1o T) - o t)}, {tt), =I 2 ft =/ T) + 10 M17, (211, 07±): 1/20) = (3,1/2,1/2, -) : LP23) 1{1t 0) + = t) - 0) + ot W + 1ot)} IlTt)}, 24102 4 ) V 11 V OI 0 ) -o 1ot} T tol1025) 1 fl 56 1~j o) 10~/26) = (3, 1/2, 1/2, +) :031) = 1032) = (3, 3/2, 1/2, +) : 040) Again, 13), 106),L07), 1'16), f{ IT 0 ) + I o ), f V o) + 1o T), | tt), { ItT) + I T) + I Tf) }, = k121), o) + 10 t)} ftI 34)= 1039) = 10 MI,} {21 T4t) - I tiT) - I 4tt,) 033) = (3, 3/2, 3/2, +): - 10 22), V)27-30), kb35 - 38 ), 4141), 1042) are obtained by spin-flip operation. Finally all unrenormalized wavefunction with four, five, or six electrons are obtained in terms of 11)...022) under a particle-hole symmetry operation. This yields all wavefunctions through 1064) = I " ), (3.24) which is indeed the particle-hole symmetric counterpart of 11) = 1ooo). Let us define (Ti 1 ex r (- (3.25) 7)1 I T;) ai = (0iI exp(-'7V)I) (#iI0). (3.26) The quantum numbers above define the blocks of the renormalized and unrenormalized hamiltonians. The blocks are 2 x 2 for the unrenormalized matrix elements corresponding to wavefunctions with at most one electron per site and 4 x 4 for 57 the matrix elements of wavefunctions with two electron per site. The mapping of Eq. (3.20) is indeed expressed in terms of matrix elements of the renormalized and unrenormalized system, according to the following relations: ai = (01|1H1) + 2( '|k H5 )+ (01111011), 3 2 3 a2 = (041104) + - (b181101 8) 1 2 1 + -(013101 (3.27) 3 )+ (b 3 2 110 3 2), a4 = (451105) + - (41411014) + -(91109) + (02411024), 2 2 a5 = (1011H0o) + 2(02611 $26) + ( 56 110 56), a6 ('6111061) + 31 2(0r4311043) -±-1 ( 3 1 + -(053110 53) + (0 3 3 110 a7 = (46211K62) + - (0 47 110 2 47) 49 110 49) + (025110 25), 2 a8 = a9 = (41211012) + 2(02311023) - (0 5o110 5o), 33 )- a3, (054 1154) - 2(0631163) + (0/ 64 1064 ), aio= (01611016) + 2(03411034) + (V)52||b 52 ). In the previous equations (3.27), the different terms corresponding to matrix elements of the block-diagonal unrenormalized exponentiated hamiltonian are explicitly computed in terms of the parameters appearing in the three-site hamiltonian. The diagonal elements from the block of the unrenormalized exponentiated hamiltonian are obtained by diagonalization of the unrenormalized hamiltonian. For example, in the (0 2 1 ..24 110 2 1 ..24 ) block, (02111021) Z vf |2exp(Ai) (3.28) i=1,4 where the Ai are the eigenvalues of the subblock and v29 is the 21st component of the corresponding normalized eigenstate. The eigenvalues are computed directly considering the quartic solution of the fourth order polynomial relative to the 4 x 4 hamiltonian subblock. Once the different polynomials are computed, one can immediately get the renor58 malized values for the ten parameters entering the closed-form Hubbard hamiltonian introduced in the previous section, t' = 2 log(a4 a2 log(), 2 1+Ig~s , 1 2s t2 = JL'=ILlog(I - Ig~s, a214), A =pL+ log( al2),U J'=log(-), V a3 ( 1 , 70 (3.29) a3 =I18( a5 tI'-log(2 ) all a Ul=2lgala5, 2g( , a 2 a4 2 log( aa 2 asr ), a a= a 5a 1 0 a 2 a 4 3 a2a4 1 , 74' = -lo( 2 aia8 a 5a 10 - The recursion relation for the hopping parameter t 2 , corresponding to the breaking of a singlet state, depends, via IgI and s on the off-diagonal polynomial a 6 _7 (#0 6 exp(-#'H')1# 7 ) according to g = 2a-7 a 5 + a6 s= 1 +m 2, m = a5 - a. 2a 6 _7 (3.30) A helpful discussion about the symmetry properites of the wavefunctions in the regime of sites with two electrons of opposite spin and in the regime of where at most one electron can be found on a site of the lattice, according to general group theory, is given below. The largest blocks are 4 x 4 and 2 x 2 then, for the unrenormalized and renormalized systems, respectively. For the latter one we can easily trace the exponential matrix using the algebra of Pauli spin a- matrices, while for the former we recall the fundamental commutation relations between matrices in the two spinor representations of the relativistic group SU(3), [#wl S] = 2M, (3.31) where M has two non-diagonal 2 x 2, equal to t1 and where I is the identity matrix. 59 In expression (3.31), 0' and Os correspond to the same spinor in the Standard and Weyl representations. according to [aw, as] = [Ow/7s] (3.32) and [ax Is 1 ] = 0. (3.33) In the Standard representation the non-relativistic limit reduces to two independent Pauli submatrices, while in the non-inertial Weyl representation the two Pauli representations remain coupled in the non-relativistic limit, corresponding in our case, to the limit of singly occupied states that dominate the partition function. Indeed, the hamiltonian, up to a constant value, can be expressed as -dI + H = e/w + fdw + h6s + gS + kZ, (3.34) where the matrices Ei couple the two representations and as in the previous expression (3.33), aw, s are the three spinors along the three cartesian directions ax, a , a. Both the spectrum of the hamiltonian as a function of the initial condition values in the renormalization-group transformations, and the single components of its eigenvectors are expressed in terms of the coefficients appearing in the expression (3.34). This can be done because the quartic equation corresponding to the regime where doubly occupied states are present, can be analytically solved. The equations admit an explicit solution, that also reduces to quadratic equations in the limit where sites of the lattice are occupied by single electrons. It is also important to remark that, in order to construct the phase diagram for the Hubbard model, in different regimes for the initial Hubbard condition U/t = const., we had to follow the trajectories dictated by the recursion relations in a numerical renormalization-group study. The previous expression for the hamiltonian is indeed conserved when the trace has to be numerically inferred. Simply enough, any power of the hamiltonian, and the entire Taylor series still preserve the same form of eq.(3.34), so that we consider it, together with the commutation relations (3.31), as an operative method to compute exponentials of 60 a matrix, once one notes that simple recursion relations for the coefficients of integer powers of any order take the form d'= fi(e, f, , g,), ... k=fio(ef,hg,k), (3.35) where fi,..,fio are simple linear combinations of the single coefficients, and are uniquely dictated by the commutation relations (3.31). The method can be extended to the case of larger matrices, even tough beyond blocks of size 4 x 4 the analytical solution one obtains in the current case and uses as a crucial operative check, would not be available. In the current case instead we check carefully that our numerical flows correspond to the ones dictated by the quartic solution for the three-body hamiltonian in the proper wavefunction representation. This method has been carefully checked and compared with several standard algorithms for tracing matrices, e.g., the Jacobi method, and turn out to be the most effective one, as one would expect since all the symmetries of the original Hubbard hamiltonian are reflected in expression (3.34). 61 3.4 Phase Separation in Two Dimensions During the last years particular attention has been devoted to the properties of strongly correlated electronic systems. It has recently been suggested that electronic correlation effects in narrow energy band materials [21], the metal-insulator transition [22], metallic magnetism [23], and high-Tc superconductivity can be understood in terms of a single orbital level approximation [4], even though intense debate has been generated concerning the choice of the appropriate microscopic hamiltonian. In the Hubbard model the energy levels of each ion are described via a single s band in a tight-binding basis; competition arises, due to the localizing effect of the repulsive on-site Coulomb potential and the delocalizing effect of the hopping term between neighboring sites of the lattice. In the strong coupling limit (U/t > 1), doubly occupied states become energetically unfavorable and an effective antiferromagnetic interaction is generated [24]; this corresponds to the tJ model, where the hopping strength value is simply determined by the canonical relation t/J = 2U/t > 1 . According to the theory of magnetic insulators [25], Zhang and Rice [23] recently derived a single-band effective hamiltonian from a two-band hamiltonian that is shown to correspond, approximately, to the strongly interacting two-dimensional Hubbard model; values of t/J somewhat larger than the canonical value 2U/t are found, suggesting that one should consider the two-dimensional tJ model in the entire range of the hopping strength values. Similarly, an effective Hubbard hamiltonian, with a specific coupling value U/t has been shown to reproduce the spectrum of a more involved CuO hamiltonian [26], so that both the two-dimensional Hubbard model and the tJ model have recently attracted attention as simple phenomenological models for the description of CuO 2 planes of high-temperature superconductors, e.g., in La 2 Cu0 4±3 [19]. The question of phase separation is also matter of recent discus- sion [27] [28]. It is important to establish whether or not simple single band models, such as the two-dimensional Hubbard model and the tJ model present such behavior, i.e., whether or not "holes" have a uniform density or separate into two phases of differing densities. Evidence for phase separation has been established in the range 62 of low t/J values at nonzero doping, for the two-dimensional tJ model, but discussion continues as to whether phase separation occurs at any value of the hopping strength [20] [29] or vanishes instead above a critical hopping strength [14, 30]; far from the strong coupling limit, in the two-dimensional Hubbard model, the situation is also unclear; it has been recently claimed that phase separation is not present in the two-dimensional Hubbard model on a square lattice [31] and similar conclusions were recently obtained by Monte Carlo results [27]. In this note the problem of phase separation for the two-dimensional Hubbard model is analyzed, using a quantum position-space renormalization group calculation. The two-dimensional Hubbard model and the tJ model, at any value of t/J are considered in the context of a closed renormalization-group Hubbard hamiltonian. The renormalization group theory of the tJ model has also been formulated by Falicov and Berker [14] in two and three dimensions, using the Migdal-Kadanoff technique; it has been shown that phase separation occurs only for low values of the hopping strength t/J and disappears at a critical hopping strength value (t/J)c ~ 0.23. At the same time, numerical results, obtained by quantum Monte Carlo methods [34] , high-temperature expansion [35], and exact-diagonalization technique for small 4x4 small size clusters [30] suggest the presence of phase separation below a critical value of the hopping strength t/J ~ 1. A recent calculation for the two-dimensional Hubbard model, limited to the half-filling case, has also been proposed, using a position-space renormalization-group technique [8]; it was argued that, in the half-filling case, phase separation would not be present. 63 C=;u C) CO 00 CDQ 66 j/j,;a~ijnja Figre -1 Firs- ad repetiey.(Fg abot hss In~~~~I T the phse 31,rgh lU h 6oxsec oundrie a] 6ein 64 wth hae dsodeed[D, rt teght shon ul te pnl)shw -_0.. ntferoagetc opn ar eomlzst orUl-20 moel 3Hubar hed iaramof phse Caculte seondordr uiaV dtte an ful i igrmwic cuves ym niiy eti sen haesar ndT o oeo "IL CD . 0.81 a 0.3 SU/t =4.44 U/t =4.44 U/ 4.4 D D zt 0.21 J '-1 P CD 0.1 \ 0. 60.2 4 D0. 4- Incomm spin mod 0o.1 .. aa-- a a a S0. 2! -D n 0.55 D I I 0.6 0.9 Electron density, <ni> 1 -0.1 0 Chemical potential, pU 0.5 1 0 Chemical potential, pAU xl 0~r x10-2 x1 G-xl, 0 I U/t = 0.8 U/t = 0.8 a 0.81- a- 0.8F D D -0.6 0.6 -0.4 0.4 -C 0.2 0.2 6 0.65 0.8 0.9 1- 1.2 -1.1 Chemical potential, p/U Electron density, <ni> Figure 3-3: Calculated phase diagram of the d = 3 Hubbard model for U/t = 0.8. 66 References [1] G.M. 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The collapsed/extended phase diagram of a linear polymer is studied considering renormalization-group theory for a lattice model in two dimensions. In order to construct the recursion relations, we consider an exhaustive enumeration of polymeric paths on the square lattice for different values of the rescaling factor b. We obtain the phase diagram, in the variables of bending energy, monomer-unit chemical potential, and temperature. At low chemical potential and favorable bending energy, we observe a collapsed phase, where the end-to-end separation R grows as the power v = 0.5 of the chain lenght N. The results are rapidly converging when considering increasing values of the rescaling factor b, suggesting that our approach is convergent. 70 Collapsing Transition of a Polymer 4.2 in Two Dimensions: Grand-Canonical Renormalization- Group Theory 2 3 Gabriele Migliorini1 and A. Nihat Berker1 , , 'Department of Physics and Center for Materials Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A. 2 Department of Physics, Istanbul Technical University Maslak, Istanbul 80626, Turkey 3 Feza Giirsey Research Center for Basic Sciences, Qengelk6y, Istanbul 81220, Turkey Abstract The collapsed/extended phase diagram of a linear polymer is obtained by application of renormalization-group theory to a two-dimensional lattice model under a grandcanonical ensemble. The phase diagram is in the variables of bending energy, monomerunit chemical potential, and temperature. At low chemical potential and favorable bending energy, a collapsed phase occurs in which the polymer fills space compactly and the end-to-end separation scales, with respect to the chain length, with the exponent v = 1/d = 0.5. At high chemical potential and unfavorable bending energy, an extended phase occurs in which the end-to-end separation scales as the chain length, * = 1. The phase boundary in-between is second order, giving, with v = 0.817 ± 0.005, a new lattice-walk exponent in two dimensions. Within the extended phase, the local behavior changes in different regions, from thick rod (high bending ratio) to thin rod (negligible bending ratio). The latter could be a precursor, in the absence of attraction, to the globule (necklace) phase. Results obtained in successive levels of approximations, including the enumeration of over 500 polymer configurations for the recursion relations, suggest that the phase diagram and critical exponent in our results are convergent. Bridging the microscopic and macroscopic characteristics of macromolecules is an important current challenge of statistical physics and materials science. Semiflexible polymeric chains[1] have been studied for arbitrary stiffness and a collapse transition has been predicted, with the chain stiffness being the major driving force.[2, 3, 4] In this context, we have studied a polymer on a two-dimensional (d = 2) lattice[5] by the renormalization-group method in a new, grand-canonical formulation: On a square lattice, a linear infinite polymer is forced to enter and to exit the system through opposite sides of a lattice, with a chemical potential p associated with each monomer unit within the lattice and with an energy B associated with each bent configuration of a pair of consecutive bonds. The phase diagram is obtained in the variables of bending energy and monomer-unit chemical potential, divided by temperature. Our calculation yields both the long-range property of the scaling of end-to-end separation as a function of chain length and the local property of the density of segmental bends. We find two phases that are analogous to the phases of real polymers, and possibly the precursor for a third such polymeric phase. In one of the two found phases, occurring at low monomer-unit chemical potential and low bending energy, the polymer fills the lattice compactly, with the end-to-end separation R scaling as the power v = 1/d = 0.5 of the number of monomer units N. This phase is analogous to the collapsed phase of physical polymers. In the other phase, occurring at high chemical potential and high bending energy, the polymer extends linearly at large scales, v = 1. This phase is analogous to the rod phase of physical polymers. The phase boundary between the collapsed and rod phases is second order, with v = 0.817 ± 0.005, which thus provides a new lattice-walk exponent in two dimensions. The rod phase comprises two regimes, thick rod and thin rod, which have the same large-scale property (v = 1), but which are distinguished by a characteristic of the local scale: The thick-rod phase, occurring close to the phase boundary, has a segmental bending density (93%) even higher than that of the collapsed phase (89%). The thin-rod phase, occurring away from the phase boundary, has negligible segmental bending density. With the addition of monomer attraction, the thick-rod phase could yield a globule (necklace) phase, by a microsegragation of the monomers constrained along the chain. 72 In the lattice, consider the various ways in which the polymer can occur on a given elementary square: The polymer could cross the square along a single edge only, with Boltzmann weight u - e"/kT; it could cross along two consecutive edges, effectively crossing the square diagonally, with weight v = 2 e(2 +B)/kT, where the factor of 2 reflects the two ways of achieving this diagonal crossing; it could cross along one edge, wander outside the square, and cross the given square along the opposite edge, thus double-crossing the square, with weight w = e(2p+W)/kT, where W is the monomer-monomer interaction energy. Even for W = 0 in the original (unrenormalized) system, this interaction acquires an entropy-induced non-zero value under renormalization-group transformations. Finally, the polymer could cross the square along three consecutive edges, a U-turn, but this is taken to be sterically forbidden. The renormalization-group transformation with a length-rescaling factor of b is constructed by considering a bxb block and calculating, by summation of local configurations, the renormalized Boltzmann weights u' for single-crossing, v' for diagonal-crossing, and w' for double-crossing this bxb block. Fig. 4.1 shows the 412 local configurations of the unrenormalized polymer that contribute to a single-crossing while wandering into one 4x4 cell. The sum of the Boltzmann weights of these configurations, called ii, is a polynomial in (u, v, w). For 6 example, the first configuration in this figure contributes u8 v w' to this polynomial. This renormalized single-crossing is also accomplished by the polymer wandering into the cell on the other side of the direct path. Thus, u' = ub + 2ii, where the first term comes from the linear single-crossing, is an approximate recursion relation for the weight of single-crossing in the renormalized system, containing the weights of 825 local configurations of the unrenormalized system. Similarly, Fig. 4.2 shows the 439 local configurations within a 4x4 cell that contribute to the diagonal-crossing in the renormalized system. Summing the weights of these diagrams gives a polynomial for v'. Finally, Fig. 4.3 shows the 534 local configurations taking place within a single 4x4 cell that contribute to the renormalized double-crossing. Calling the sum of these weights i, and also taking into account each segment wandering into an adjoining cell, the approximate recursion relation w' = @ + 2ubii + 3 73 2 is obtained, containing the weights of 510, 590 local configurations of the unrenormalized system. For b = 2, 3, w does not affect u' and v' and thus need not to be recurred. The global connectivity of the renormalization-group flows given by these recursion relations yields the phase diagram of the system.[2] Furthermore, let (n,, no, nw) be the total numbers single-crossings, diagonal-crossings, and double-crossings divided by the end-to-end distance R, which is the distance between the entry and exit points. Then the total chain length is (4.1) N = (nu + 2n, + 2nr)R/2, where the division by 2 comes from the fact that each monomer segment participates into two elementary squares. The densities of the unrenormalized and renormalized (primed) systems are related by (nu , nv, nw) = (I1/b)(n' , n' , n') T, (4.2) where T is the derivative of the renormalized dimensionless interactions (log u',log v', log(w') with respect to the unrenormalized dimensionless interactions (log u,log v, log w). These recursion relations for the densities are iterated until R' = 1 in the multiply renormalized system, where (n' , n' , n',) are dictated by the boundary conditions. We use (n', n'4, n',) = (2, 0, 0) for this multiply renormalized system (all boundary conditions yield the same scaling behavior), corresponding to an Rx2R rectangular system with the polymer entry and exit points at the centers of the long sides. Thus, the densities of the original system are calculated. The calculated phase diagram is shown in Fig. 4.4, in terms of the monomer-unit chemical potential p and the bending energy B, divided by temperature kT. It is seen that the phase boundaries obtained with successive calculations using b = 2, 3, and 4 are almost identical, indicating that the calculations are convergent. The numbers of local configurations entering the successive calculations are given in Table I. At p < 0 and at lower values of B for / > 0, a phase occurs in which, under repeated rescalings, all three generalized fugacities (u, v, w) renormalize to +oo, as 74 2log u = 2log v = log w, while Eq.(4.2) reduces to (nu, n, nw) = (A/b)(n' , n', n' ), where A calculates within our approximations to be only weakly dependent on b. Thus, at large length scales, the linear polymer coils around to cover the two-dimensional lattice such that R N"', with v = log b/ log A, calculated to be 0.5, 0.519, 0.5 for b = 2, 3, 4, respectively. We believe that this is an indication, within our approximate scheme, that v = 1/2 = 1/d, the compact filling of space by the collapsed polymer. Thus, for a favorable chemical potential (pu < 0), coiling in order to achieve maximal coverage at large length scales takes place for any non-prohibitive bending energy (B < +oo). An unfavorable chemical potential (p > 0), on the other hand, is overcome by a sufficiently favorable bending energy (B < 0), to achieve the largescale collapse. The sliver of this collapsed phase reaching to p~>50 and B > 0 is entropy-driven. In the phase at higher values of B for p > 0, all three generalized fugacities (U,v, w) renormalize to zero under repeated rescalings and Eq.(4.2) reduces to (nu, nro, 0) = (ni, I', 0). At large length scales, the chain length scales as the end-to-end distance, v = 1. The polymer covers space minimally, i.e., rectilinearly, between the entry and exit boundary points. This is the extended (rod) phase. The phase boundary between the two phases is second order. It is governed by a fixed point, for example for b = 4 at (u*, v*, w*) = (0.573, 0.253, 0.300), with one relevant eigenvalue exponent y = 1.253,1.232, 1.223 for b = 2, 3, 4, respectively, which reflects v: The end-to-end distance R rescales as b- 1 . From their normalization given before Eq.(4.1), the densities (nu, no, r) b-. conjugate to (logu, logy, logw) rescale as From Eq.(4.1), the chain length N rescales as b-Y. identify the critical exponent at the phase boundary, v = Thus, R - N/Y, and we 1/y = 0.798, 0.812, 0.817 as calculated for b=2,3,4, respectively, leading us to deduce v = 0.817 ± 0.005. Figs. 4.5 and 4.6 gives the fraction of bent articulations, nr/(nu/2 + nv + nw), calculated, via the renormalization-group transformations and Eq.(4.2), for the original (unrenormalized) system. For a scan at fixed pI/kT = 0.1, the fraction of bent articulations is large and constant (89%) in the collapsed phase, remarkably peaks (93%) just inside the rod phase, and precipitously disappears further into the rod 75 phase. The latter two regimes correspond to the thick-rod regime (local behavior of bending ratio even higher than in the collapsed phase, but long-range behavior of v = 1) and thin-rod regime (negligible bending ratio, v = 1). In Figs. 4.5 and 4.6, the scan at p/kT = -0.1 occurs entirely within the collapsed phase. This curve for the bending ratio is monotonic, being large and constant at favorable bending energies and precipitously dropping at unfavorable bending energies. With the addition of attraction between consecutive monomers, the thick-rod phase could yield a globule (necklace) phase, by a microsegragation of the monomers constrained along the chain. Further interesting results can be expected in the application of this method to branched and cross-linked polymers, heteropolymers, polymers with quenched randomness [7] in themselves or in their environment [8], and three-dimensional systems. We thank A.R. Atilgan, I. Bahar, B. Erman, and A. Kabakgioglu for inspiring and instructive interactions. ANB gratefully acknowledges the hospitality of the Polymer Research Center of Bosphorous University. This research was supported by the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-92ER45473, by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR-94-00334, and by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). 76 Rescaling factor Number of configurations Calculated exponent v collapsed critical rod i ' ii b =2 2 3 0.500 0.798 1 b =3 20 19 0.519 0.812 1 4 412 439 0.500 0.817 1 b = 534 Table 4.1: Number of local polymer configurations contributing to the recursion relations and calculated exponents for R ~ N", for different values of the length rescaling factor b of the renormalization-group transformation. 4.3 Conclusion It is seen that renormalization-group theory can be used to link the microscopic and macroscopic properties of polymers. For the case of a lattice polymer in two dimensions, a phase diagram, critical properties, full scaling curves, and densities are calculated. The model and calculation could be further developed for branched and/or crossed-linked polymers. For heteropolymers, two distinct chemical potentials and three distinct bending energies have to be used. For the latter system, and for polymers adsorbed on a irregular substrate, renormalization-group for quenched disorder has to be performed. Generalizations to three-dimensional lattices are also possible. Finally, with the inclusion of polymer-solvent and polymer-polymer interactions, a true phase transition between the globule and rod regimes can be expected. 4.4 Appendix: Polynomials in the Recursion Relations The polynomials for ii, v', iv- are composed of the following terms, where (c, x, y, z) represents cuxvywz, listed in Table 4.2: 77 Table 4.2: The polynomials for ii, v', iv-. iiV__ c x y z 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 24 20 24 12 2 40 64 8 62 4 40 12 22 4 4 12 12 20 4 2 32 20 26 8 2 4 4 1 2 8 8 6 4 c x y z c x y z 2 0 6 0 1 4 6 6 0 8 2 0 3 12 2 4 24 2 5 28 2 6 16 2 7 2 2 8 24 2 9 8 2 16 2 10 2 12 4 3 20 4 4 6 4 6 36 4 7 28 4 8 48 4 8 20 4 8 2 4 9 16 4 9 4 4 2 4 10 1 2 6 4 4 6 5 8 6 6 20 6 6 20 6 7 20 6 7 16 6 8 4 6 4 2 8 5 4 8 4 8 5 6 2 8 4 6 6 7 12 37 40 23 10 4 2 2 1 8 22 50 4 43 4 16 16 14 2 2 1 10 13 2 4 8 20 2 4 8 0 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 2 2 10 2 11 4 0 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 6 4 6 4 7 4 4 8 4 9 9 4 4 10 2 6 3 6 4 6 4 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 8 6 _ _ ___~v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 2 2 10 4 4 5 4 5 2 6 4 6 2 7 4 7 2 8 4 8 2 9 4 2 6 3 6 4 6 4 4 4 2 5 6 5 4 6 6 6 4 6 2 7 6 9 2 0 8 2 8 3 8 3 6 8 4 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 6 8 8 8 1 2 0 5 0 4 4 2 4 6 6 4 7 2 2 8 6 0 4 6 6 2 2 8 6 1 78 a) 2s K3(e Figure 4-1: Local configurations of the unrenormalized polymer contributing to the recursion relations for the calculation with length rescaling factor b = 4: 412 local configurations contributing to ii. 79 Q 6R)z /d(,S 5! S S9Sk f% i57, z rJ (S§V S P2 S vJ '1 -v 5)j'5' N J2 S;9 fv~~l s z5 5 Z 8 000 0 R-2! 6S\) r 0F6 5S5 z7 /1 . F0 c -D iq0 I ZY) S, , Y I 0 (I I~jIc~~ZS 'i~8 I I 4F- rod phase 'N 2F OF -2F- -4' collapsed phase Ii 0 II 0.5 I 1 Monomer-Unit Chemical Potential, p/kT Figure 4-4: Calculated phase diagram for the lattice polymer. The phase boundary between the collapsed and rod phases is second order. Calculations with b = 2, 3, 4, shown here, give almost identical phase boundary curves. The scaling exponents are v = 0.5 = 1/d, 0.817, 1, respectively in the collapsed phase, on the phase boundary, and in the rod phase. 82 1.5 1.0 0.8- S0.6 - 0.4- 01 -4 -2 2 0 4 6 Bending Energy, B/kT Figure 4-5: Calculated density of the number of successive segments that are bent, with respect to the total number of segments: (a) This scan is for p/kT = 0.1. The arrow indicates the position of the phase transition between the collapsed and rod phases. The bending density is large and constant (89%) in the coil phase, actually increases as this second-order phase transition is approached, and goes through a maximum (93%) and abruptly drops in the rod phase, the latter two indicating thickrod and thin-rod regimes. (b) This scan, for pu/kT = -0.1, occurs entirely within the collapsed phase. The bending density is monotonic, being large and constant for favorable bending energies, and abruptly dropping for unfavorable bending energies. 83 8 20 I I I .I .I I -2 0 2 4 6 ,I S 10- -4 Bending Energy, B/kT Figure 4-6: Calculated ratio of bent and unbent successive segments: (a) This scan is for [/kT = 0.1. The arrow indicates the position of the phase transition between the collapsed and rod phases.(b) This scan, for p/kT = -0.1, occurs entirely within the collapsed phase. 84 8 References [1] P.J. Flory, Proc. Royal Soc. 234, 60 (1956). [2] C.B. Post and B.H. Zimm, Biopolymers 18, 1487 (1079). [3] M. Muthukumar, J. Chem. Phys. 81, 6272 (1984). [4] A.L. Kholodenko and K.F. Freed, J. Phys. A 17, 2703 (1984). [5] For previous studies of lattice polymers, see J. Bascle, T. Garel, and H. Orland, J. Phys. A 25, L1323 (1992); S. Doniach, T. Garel, and H. Orland, J. Chem. Phys. 105, 1601 (1996). [6] A.N. Berker and M. Wortis, Phys. Rev. B 14, 4946 (1978). [7] G. Migliorini and A.N. Berker, Phys. Rev. B 57, 426 (1998). [8] A. Lopatnikova and A.N. Berker, Phys. Rev. B 56, 11865 (1998). 85 Chapter 5 Heteropolymers 5.1 Introduction Heteropolymeric chains are composed by hundreds of monomers [1]. Each monomer can be of one of the 20 possibles types due to the different types of residues found in nature. The chain is in self-interaction, meaning that the different monomers interact between themselves with an interaction which depends on the chemical nature of the monomers themselves. The minimization of the free energy of an heteropolymer chain is a very difficult problem, both in numerical and analytic approaches, and it is a direct consequence of the metastable nature of the folding process. During the folding time of a protein, a typical example of a heteropolymer chain, only a very small fraction of the configuration space can be visited. This phenomenon is known as Levinthal paradox. Indeed proteins are well-known to fold reversibly into a unique (or few) structures. This led directly to the hypothesis that proteins are a very special kind of heteropolymers selected during the natural evolution for their particular folding properties. On the other hand, if the folding properties were too atypical amongst the huge set of ~ 20100 possible heteropolymers, one should end up with a paradoxical situation: according to Levinthal's hypothesis only a few of all possible polymeric chains have been visited during evolution. To explain this apparent paradox, the hypothesis is made that the folding properties are shared by real proteins with a large set of possible heteropolymers, with some kind of randomness set in. 86 To investigate this possibility many models of disordered heteropolymers have been proposed [2, 3, 4]. A mean-field theory has been formulated by Shaknovich and Gutin [5]. It has been shown that under a replica symmetric hypothesis, in meanfield theory, the model is equivalent to a directed polymer in a random field. This suggests the application of the knowledge about this subject [6, 7, 8, 9], to study the frozen phase of random heteropolymers. It is important to notice, that differently from spin-glass models, where many metastable states dominate the thermodynamic behavior, for random heteropolymers a unique folded structure dominates in the partition function. In the next section of this chapter I will review some of the mean-field properties of heteropolymer models, showing how to relate the difficult problem of random heteropolymers in self-interaction with the problem of a directed polymer in a random medium. The usual approach introduced for a directed polymer in random media, in the presence of a 6-correlated external potential is then generalized to the case of a hierarchical 6-correlated potential. The two problems are considered in the variational approach of Garel and Orland [3], showing how the Hartree-Fock approximation involved produces the same set of equations for the order parameter, for both problems. 87 5.2 Mean-Field Theory of Heteropolymers Gabriele Migliorini Department of Physics and Center for Material Science and Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, U.S.A. Abstract We review recent results obtained in the mean-field theory of random heteropolymers. The mean-field variational approach is considered and is related to the problem of a directed polymer in random media. Indeed, it is shown in details how, in the case of replica symmetric potential, the two problems are equivalent. The problem of how to properly break the replica symmetry in the case of the heteropolymer model of Shaknovich and Gutin is also considered and results obtained in the past are critically reviewed. The problem of heteropolymer chains in self-interaction has been recently studied both in the phenomenological approach [2] and the microscopic field theory approach [3, 5, 6]. Despite many efforts to study this problem, a full description of the freezing transition, which is expected to characterize the low-temperature behavior of the heteropolymer chain, is still missing. At the phenomenological level it was shown [2, 6] how a "Random Energy Model-like" freezing transition occurs. Assuming that the homopolymeric interaction term is negative, so that the system is in the collapsed phase, the freezing behavior can be understood in the following way. In the collapsed phase the monomer density p is finite and constant in space. For a given number of monomers N we will also assume that the ratio N/p is fixed. It is then clear that the self-interaction term in the energy will be the only term in the hamiltonian that depends explicitly on the conformation of the chain, once we assume to neglect the elastic energy of the chain. In this case, the correlation E 1 E 2 between the energies E 1 and E 2 of two different conformations r 1 (t), r 2 (t) of the collapsed chain is given by E 1E 2 = C2 2 (5.1) p2, where C is the three-body interaction energy between monomers along the chain and p is the constant density of the globule. Similarly C 2 (5.2) Np, E2 =12 where N is the number of monomers. These phenomenological expressions are easy This also imply that the joint to derive. A clear derivation is found in Ref. [6]. probability of having two energies E1, E 2 is given by lim P(E1 , E 2 ) ~ exp{- (E+2 N- oo E2) 2 NC2 P , (5.3) which is nothing but the Random Energy Model behavior of Ref. [10]. Let us consider the model for a random heteropolymer of Refs. [2, 3, 6, 5, 4], which is defined according to the following rules. The hamiltonian for a polymer chain made of N 89 monomers, labeled by t = 1, ... , N , in position x(t) in a d dimensional space, is given by H[x(t)] Ho[x(t)] + H1[x(t)], = (5.4) where the first term lets all the monomers interact with the same energies B 0 and C. Ho[x(t)] = - 2 0 - Bo + C dtx(t) dt dt'5(x(t) - x(t')) dt dt' dt"6(x(t) - x(t'))6(x(t) - x(t")), (5.5) and H1[x(t)] f dt dtB(t,t')6(x(t) - x(t')). (5.6) The hamiltonian Ho corresponds to the homopolymer problem [11]. For B 0 > 0, C < 0, without the term H 1 , the system is in a dense phase, characterized by a constant density po = Bo/2C. In this phase the polymer is in a liquid-like phase and all the configurations with equilibrium density are equally likely, and are visited during temporal evolution. In H1 the interactions B(t, t') are independent gaussian variables with zero mean and variance given by B(t, t')B(s, s') = 6(t - s)6(t' - s')B 2 /2. (5.7) The effect of H1 to the original problem Ho can be understood as follows. Let us express the original problem Ho = HoJ + H02 + H3 in discrete spin notation. Let si = 27 exp(-ini), q (5.8) where now s'i is a Potts variable ranging along the possible q roots of unity on the complex plane. One then has H02 = -Bo E 6,gi,, ij 90 (5.9) where now 6 a,b is a discrete Kronecker 6-function. The effect of the original term H2 is then a mean-field like interaction between the Potts spins along the one-dimensional backbone of the polymer chain. The actual value of each Potts variable corresponds to the actual Cartesian position of each monomer on a lattice, where i=1...N =Ln , where L is the monomer to monomer distance and ni = 1, .., q is an integer, introduced in equation (5.8). The three-body term in HO can be obviously expressed in term of Ising-Potts variables as well. In a similar fashion one can regularize the elastic energy term HOJ according to H1 Z(ni 2 2 N q-1 (5.10) A,+. 'EE i=1 nA=1 This is rather interesting because in these terms the original problem of a homopolymer chain is not only in discrete (lattice) notation, but can be analyzed using the tools of Ising spin models. The partition function is as a convolution of a one-dimensional "Potts-like" chain and a mean-field Potts model, where all pairs of monomers interact, along the backbone of the chain, with the same energy BO. A careful investigation of the simple homopolymer problem, once the model is regularized on the lattice according to (5.8), is under current investigation, using a transfer matrix technique [12]. It is also important to notice that, in the case of Ising models, where the exchange interaction between spins naturally decay with the distance, the homopolymer problem is, according to equation (5.9) a mean-field problem in nature. This physically means that the 6 contact interaction between monomers is the same for any pair of chain subunits. This is also clear considering that the index i is a lattice index in the case of Ising spin models, directly connected to the Cartesian position of spins in real space, while, in the context of homopolymers the index i is the monomer index, while the information about the Cartesian position of the monomers is coded by the Potts spin directions in the complex plain. In this notation, the original homopolymer partition function reads ZH = E exp{9i 3 i B0 E i,j nA 91 6 gs }. (5.11) The second term H1 in the hamiltonian (5.5) can eventually lead to a freezing transition. To understand this, consider again the discrete formulation of the original hamiltonian, now including the self-interaction term H1 [x(t), x(t')]. In terms of Potts variables this gives H1[x(t), x(t')] = ZB(x(t),x(t')),s . (5.12) i~j This problem, where one neglects entirely the homopolymer term Ho, has been carefully investigated in the past and correspond to the usual mean-field Potts glass [13, 14, 15, 16], once one assumes that the exchange interaction between the spins 2 is a quenched variable, of zero mean and given variance B /2, according to equation (5.7). Indeed, the mean-field Potts glass, in the limit of q becoming large, for a fixed number of lattice sites N, behaves like the one-step replica-symmetry broken Random Energy Model of Derrida [10], which is the bare essential model characterized by the freezing behavior, that we now naturally interpret, in the language of heteropolymers, in terms of a frozen conformation of monomers in space. Let us assume now that the system is in a dense phase, and let us consider the continuous notation that naturally apply in the polymer context. Consider the Hamiltonian H= dt[x~t)2 + 1 /H' 02 2 V(z(t))],5.3 with V an external potential, so that the system is at a given density. The hamiltonian describes a polymer in d + 1 dimensions, directed in the direction labeled by t. Two monomers interact if they are at the same transverse height x. Because of the mean-field nature of the heteropolymer self-interacting problem it is natural to attack the problem in the replica approach [13]. The n-th moment of the partition function is now, (T = 1),[5] Zn = = (JDx(t) exp-H(x(t)) f7JjDQab(xy)exp a,b -B2Q) Q2 a<b 92 (5.14) where [Q] = f{~a=1 'D H,[xa(t)] + B 2 -: (t)} exp (a=1 afb dtQab(Xa(t), Xb(t)) . (5.15) In mean-field theory, the functional integral over the field Qab(X, y) is evaluated by the saddle-point method [3]. The self-consistency equation for Qab(X, y) now reads Qab(X, y) = J dt (6(x - x,(t))6(y - xb(t))), (5.16) where the mean is taken integrating over the variables x(t)a with the Boltzmann measure (5.15). As usual with the replica method the quantities that have a direct physical meaning are the moments Mk = Mn - 1 S Qe(x, y). (5.17) a~b For example the first moment (k = 1) represents M1 = -P(y,t), dt-PB (x , t)? (5.18) where PB(x, t)) is the probability, for a given realization of the {B(t, t')}, that x(t) = x. Similarly the second moment is M2= (5.19) dtds PB(x, t; x, s))PB(y, t; y, s)), where PB(X, t; Y, s)) is the probability for a given sample that x(t) = x, x(s) = y Considering for simplicity the polymer with ring boundary conditions, ([Q] is the partition function at temperature 1/N of n quantum particles with Hamiltonian = 1 5a -a + E V(Xa) - B 2 a 5 Qab(Xa, a<b 93 Xb). (5.20) For N -+ oc, C is dominated by the ground-state of ft, and is given by (5.21) ([Q] ~ e-N<Vl/IlV> where 4 is the ground-state wave function of H. The interaction potential Qab(X, y) is to be determined self consistently through: dx...dx|b(x1...x")|26(x-xa)6(x-xb), Qab(X, Y) = N < 4|6(x-xa)6(x-xb)|1 >= N (5.22) and the free energy density of the heteropolymer is given by F N =< B2 I@ +2 +> f 2. L Qab(X, y).(5.23) dxdy a<b As a first operative approximation let us consider the replica-symmetric case, i.e., Qab(X, Y) = Q(x, y), (5.24) a f b. ([Q] reduces in this case to the replicated partition function of a directed polymer with Hamiltonian h = where #t(x(t)) (5.25) dt [ , + V(x(t)) + #t(x(t))], is a quenched Gaussian random potential [8], with correlations given by #tW(x)O't(y) = 6tt B 2 Q(x, y). (5.26) This formula can be easily interpreted in terms of a mean-field theory. A meanfield theory can be built considering a (small) section of the polymer in the selfconsistent field due to the rest of the chain. The self-consistent field #t(x(t)) itself will be a random variable, because of the random nature of the monomer to monomer interaction and depends on the transverse and longitudinal position of the monomer. Within the replica symmetric hypothesis for Qab(X, y), replica symmetry breaking effects are not to be expected at the level of the ground-state wave function [8]. This 94 suggests that this hypothesis is self-consistent. The crucial point to understand is if it leads to a stable solution of the saddle point equations. An operative possibility is to simulate directed polymers for various forms of the correlations of the random potential, to solve the saddle point equation (5.16) at the numerical level. This should is clearly possible in dimension d = 1 where the polymer can be simulated by transfer-matrix techniques. This research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant. No. DMR-94-00334 and by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). The author wish to acknowledge his gratitude to Prof. A.N. Berker, A.Y. Grosberg, and M. Kardar for very interesting discussions while this work was done. 95 5.3 The Bose Formulation of Heteropolymer Chains One of the most interesting topics is the physics of disordered systems [9] is the behavior of directed polymers in random media and random heteropolymers in selfinteraction. A relatively recent method for examining properties of quenched random systems is the replica method [9]. Many observables can be obtained in the n -+ 0 limit of an n times replicated original system, when the proper coupling between replicas is introduced. In this note the model of a two-dimensional heteropolymer in a 6-correlated hierarchical potential is considered. After a brief review of the replica symmetric case, that has been shown to correspond to the well-known problem of a directed polymer in random media, and where a Bethe ansatz solution has been recently given [9], we start breaking the replica-symmetry within the Bethe ansatz scheme. A generalized wave function with no symmetry restriction is proposed, and the problem of constructing the proper eigenstates for the system is shown to correspond to the original Yang matrix problem [17, 18], where a new set of recursive relations for the coefficients entering the wave function is given. We consider n identical particles interacting via a 6-function potential that is hierarchical in nature. The information required for such an operation is to extend the usual non-linear Schroedinger model to the case of multicomponents. The different components have an extra "color" label, that would code the hierarchical nature of the potential and of the related hierarchical boundary conditions, so that the terms involving 6's coming from kinetic energy derivatives cancel against terms from the interaction Hamiltonian V applied to the state. In the first section connection between this model and the usual heteropolymer models, e.g., the Independent Interaction Model [3, 5], is reviewed in light of this findings. In the second section a Bethe ansatz solution is proposed. In section three conclusions are made. Let us consider then the following problem: H= -1 a a + AZ 6(Xa - xb)qab. (5.27) a,b It has been shown that for the Independent Interaction Model, in mean-field theory, the saddle point analysis leads to consider an "effective" replicated hamiltonian, 96 where a general hierarchical potential Uab has to be considered. The main point of the previous section was indeed that the very nature of heteropolymers in self-interaction is the hierarchical nature of the potential. Any replica-symmetric potential would reduce the problem to another problem, mainly the problem of a polymer in a random medium. A careful analysis shows that the equations obtained by Shaknovich and Gutin [5] are mutatis mutandis nothing but the equations obtained by Mezard and Parisi [8, 19, 20] in the general case of an interface in a random medium. Now just consider the usual Hubbard - Stratonovich transformation, in order to deduce the microscopic heteropolymer model that correspond to the original hamiltonian. We simply have = exp{ dt 1 (_t))2 + A dt E 6(Xa(t) - Xb(t))qab}, (5.28) where, using the notation introduced by Shaknovich and Gutin, qab = drQab(r,r), Qab(r, r') = f dtdt'6(Xa(t) - Xa) 6 (Xb(t) - Xb), (5.29) and where Zeff corresponds to the effective problem introduced in the previous sec- tion. A few simple algebraic steps show how the original problem corresponds to the original problem of Ref. [5], where now the self-interaction Btt, (x, y) between the monomers has naturally a spatial dependence (x, y). Indeed, the previous expression now becomes = exp{J dtdt' dxdx'Bt,t (x, y)6(x-x(t))6(y-x(t'))} = exp{J dtdt'B t')x (t )] }. (5.30) The simple choice of a 6-correlated hierarchical potential has a direct meaning in the language of heteropolymers and corresponds to a problem that can now be faced in the two-dimensional case, using the machinery of Bethe ansatz. For the simple case of a replica-symmetric potential we have a simple non-linear 97 Schroedinger model [21], i.e., (5.31) H = f dx{8O * 00 + cO * 0 * #0}. It has been extensively shown that this is indeed, in second quantization, the problem corresponding to a gas of particles interacting with a 6 contact potential. We will restrict our analysis to the case of c < 0 eventhough the other case c > 0 is similarly tractable. [22] The eigenfunctions are simply <d,(ki,7.., kn) >in= fdx1..dXn($ n kixi) sImiH { ic ki - k. E(xi-xj)}#*(x1)..#*(Xn)10 > 3 i<j<N i=1 (5.32) where E represents a sum of two step functions according to the two possible replica coordinates. Now consider the creation operators #' where the extra index a is a "color" index and runs from a = 1...Nc, the total number of colors. In the replica symmetry-breaking scheme, we will construct blocks of size m in the nxn interaction matrix, and consider different couplings between and within blocks. This suggests to consider H = JdZxqx2a (5.33) * * O+ca a ab where, for the very simple case of n = 2 one considers eigenfunctions in the form Ik1, k2 >= Jdxidx2 #(Xi, x 2 )q*l(xl)q*, (x 2 ) o > . (5.34) The Bethe ansatz for this problem is a generalization of the identical boson wave function considered above, 4(X 1 , x 2 ) = 1 [P, Q]O(xQ1 < xQ2 ) exp(i[kpixQ1 + kp 2xQ 2 )]). (5.35) [P,Q] The state above will be an eigenstate, provided that the 6-function terms from the kinetic energy and interaction Hamiltonians are made to cancel. This is equivalent to the condition of the first derivative of the wave function having a discontinuity 98 at x, = Xb. The pure bosonic case, where replica-symmetry breaking is not present, reads 21 = Yl 2k 12 , (5.36) where properties of the operator Yj have been summarized in Ref.[21] [22]. The pure bosonic case with n particles is a simple generalization of the previous matrix equation and gives +', n i= where tp is a column vector of the n! x n! matrix of the coefficients (5.37) [Q, P]. A matrix structure for the boundary conditions of the hierarchical potential case have been considered and analyzed in detail for the simple case of a four-particle system where particles are divided in two subblocks, and numerically for the eight-particle problem, where two subblocks of four particles is under current study. Whether or not the problem can be formulated in a compact way, as in the case of n identical particles, according to equation (5.37) is not clear yet, but will be one of my main priorities in the next future. 99 5.4 Conclusion The wave function form to possibly solve the two-dimensional heteropolymer model introduced at the beginning of this section is proposed, considering a hierarchical boundary matrix set of equations for the generalized Bethe ansatz. The usual "kstring" solution for the bound state in the pure bosonic case, made of equispaced imaginary values for the momentum, yielding the simple result EG - -n3 (5.38) could possibly be generalized to a hierarchical "k-string" in terms of replica-symmetry breaking parameters n, m. The result, for n/m = 2 could be confirmed by previous results, obtained with perturbative technique [23], considering one step of replica symmetry breaking and introducing one coupling between replicas of the same block and a second one for replicas within blocks. This is extremely encouraging and suggests that both the spectra of the replica symmetric and replica symmetry-broken models should be studied in deep detail. The crucial difference with respect to to the theory of Shaknovich and Gutin [5] is that the two spectra are well distinguished and no ambiguous or superuniversal result is found. Differently, as stated above, the variational method of Ref.[5] reduce the difficult problem of heteropolymers and proteins to the still interesting but very different in nature problem of a directed polymer in random medium. 100 References [1] T.E. Creighton, Proteins: Their Structure and Molecular Properties (Freeman, San Francisco, 1984). [2] S. Bringelson and P. Wolynes, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 82, 3670 (1985). [3] T. Garel and H. Orland, Europhys. Lett. 6, 307 (1988). [4] G. Iori, E. Marinari, and G. Parisi, J. Phys. A 24, 5349 (1991). [5] E.I. Shaknovich and A.M. Gutin, J. Phys. A 22, 1647 (1989); E.I. Shaknovich and A.M. Gutin, Europhys. Lett. 8, 327 (1989); E.I. Shaknovich and A.M. Gutin, preprint (1989). [6] T. Garel, H. Orland, and E. Pitard, "Spin-glasses and Random Fields", A.P. Young (editor) (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997). [7] M. Kardar and Y. C. Zangh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2087 (1987). [8] M. Mezard and G. Parisi, J. Physique 53, 809 (1991). [9] M. 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We show how the close connection between these two problems becomes manifest in the language of renormalization-group theory. In this language, several conclusions are obtained for both the random-field and spin-glass Ising model in d = 2 and d = 3. The probability distribution for the bond variables J and the site variables H is obtained explicitly, iterating the recursion relations that relate renormalized and unrenormalized quantities. It is crucial to note that the form of the recursions obtained at the level of the Migdal-Kadanoff approximations do not predict in the phase diagram a spin-glass phase when a uniform external field is applied to the system. A crossover regime is observed in the whole p E [0.33, 0.5] region, when a small magnetic field is included in the initial conditions for the renormalization-group trajectories. The trajectory in103 deed flows towards the spin-glass fixed distribution, where the distributions of the J+ and J_ are centered around ±oo respectively, but eventually flows back to the paramagnetic fixed distribution after a certain amount of renormalization group steps. It is also important to mention that the techniques developed here for the representation of the probability distributions can have wide applications. These techniques can indeed be crucial to study any pure system where a renormalization-group theory is present to probe and detect the effects of quenched randomness in the phase diagram. In this direction a renormalization-group study for the Potts model in the presence of bond and field randomness is going to be attacked in the near future. A position-space renormalization-group study of both the Hubbard and the tJ model has been presented, at arbitrary filling. The presence/absence of phase separation, a crucial aspect to understand the conducting properties of strongly correlated electronic models is also studied for a general model that include both the Hubbard and tJ models at arbitrary antiferromagnetic coupling, for any value of the on-site repulsive term U. From the physical point of view, new features and multiple reentrances are observed in the phase diagram, when exploring the new region of small on-site repulsion to t hopping strength ratio, in three dimensions. The particle-hole symmetry appears naturally in our generalized phase diagram and two new phases in the low-temperature region are seen, for large enough electron (hole) density doping percentage. At half filling, still in three dimensions, antiferromagnetic ordering is seen below a critical temperature value. The correct behavior of the critical N el point that one expects when the on-site repulsion to hopping strength ratio U/t changes is seen to agree with the results that one can obtain from elementary quantum mechanics considerations and represents one of the many preliminary tests we performed before exploring the arbitrary filling region in the phase diagram. In two dimensions phase separation, as mentioned above, is studied and a three-dimensional phase diagram, where temperature, on-site repulsion to hopping strength and antiferromagnetic to hopping strength ratios are considered simultaneously. It is crucial to note that, differently from classical spin systems, the method we used is approximate even in one dimension because of the commutation relations that are neglected beyond site blocks 104 of a certain size. It would be essential to check and improve the one-dimensional recursion relations we obtained, considering the results that one can infer about the one-dimensional Hubbard model by Bethe ansatz and field theory. In this sense, a simple but operative starting point would be to analyze the properties of the quantum anisotropic Heisenberg model. Simple recursion relations are obtained for this problem, at different values of the scaling factor b. In particular recursion relations have been obtained up to b = 3 and b = 4 by the present author. Numerical recursion relations can be obtained for arbitrary values of the scaling factor b. It is seen that renormalization-group theory can be used to link the microscopic and macroscopic properties of polymers. For the case of a lattice polymer in two dimensions, a phase diagram, critical properties, full scaling curves, and densities have been calculated. The model and calculation could be further developed for branched and/or crossed-linked polymers. For heteropolymers, two distinct chemical potentials and three distinct bending energies have to be used. For the latter system, and for polymers adsorbed on a irregular substrate, renormalization-group for quenched disorder has to be performed. Generalizations to three dimensional lattices are also possible. Finally, with the inclusion of polymer-solvent and polymer-polymer interactions, a true phase transition between the globule and rod regimes can be expected. The close connection between self-interacting heteropolymer chains and directed polymers in random media has been investigated at the mean-field level. In particular it has been shown that, in the case of a replica symmetric external field, the two problems are closely related. Connections and discrepancies with the variational Hartree-Fock-like method of Shaknovich and Gutin have been carefully analyzed. This suggests that the exactly solvable model of directed polymers in random media, where the external random potential is 6 correlated, can be generalized to a simple heteropolymer folding model, where the potential would couple different replicas of the system via a 6 potential that is now hierarchical in form. The exact integrability of a the directed polymer problem in 1 + 1 dimensions via Bethe ansatz is closely related to the quantum inverse method, and the exact solution is indeed obtained, for the multicomponent non-linear Schroedinger model, via a transfer matrix approach. 105 Future investigations for both the directed polymer problem and the self-interacting heteropolymer chains are also one of my priorities in my future research. 106