2+1 Transfer Plan 2 YEARS AT MCC: 1 YEAR AT MNU: A.A.S. Professional Nursing Bachelor of Science in Nursing COLL 100 First Year Seminar 1 Specialized Education Requirements Prerequisite Courses NURS 3103 Pharmacology 3 BIOL 100 Intro to Cell Biology or NURS 3203 Nursing Theories & Concepts 3 NURS 3303 Pathophysiology 3 CHEM 105 Introductory Chemistry 3-5 BIOL 109 Anatomy and Physiology or NURS 3403 Wellness and Spirituality in Nursing 3 BIOL 110 Human Anatomy and NURS 3503 Probability and Statistics 3 NURS 3803 Biblical Perspectives 3 BIOL 210 Human Physiology 6-10 PSYC 140 General Psychology 3 General Education Requirements NURS 4193 Health Promotion for the Individual/Family/Community 3 BIOL 208 Microbiology 5 NURS 4203 Health Care Economics 3 ENGL 101 Composition and Reading I 3 NURS 4293 Role Development 3 HIST 120 United States History to 1865 or NURS 4303 Ethical Issues in Healthcare 3 HIST 121 United States History Since 1865 or NURS 4603 Health Assessment for Nurses 3 POLS 135 Introduction to Political Science or NURS 4703 Nursing Research/Informatics 3 POLS 136 Intro. to American National Politics or NURS 4903 Special Topics in Nursing X 2 6 3 TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED 42 PSYC 234 Human Lifespan Development 4 SOCI 160 Sociology 3 Admission requirements: Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA. (Provisional acceptance offered for GPA’s lower than 2.5 on a case by case basis) POLS 137 Intro. to State and Local Politics Additional (Possible) Core Hours SPDR 100 Fundamentals of Speech or SPDR 102 Fundamentals of Human Comm. 3 Specific Program Requirements Course in Statistics or Math (not developmental 3 Any Course in Literature, Music, Fine Arts, RNUR 126 Fund. of Professional Nursing 6 Humanities, or Creative Arts 3 RNUR 131 Essential Nursing Concepts 2 Aesthetic Literacy Course 3 RNUR 134 Mental Health Nursing 4 Additional Elective Courses (If Required) RNUR 138 Nursing Care of Women and Neo. 4 Total Additional Core Hours (As Needed) RNUR 141 Adult Nursing I 3 (courses only required if not previously completed) RNUR 230 Leadership/Management/Trends 2 TOTAL HOURS REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION RNUR 234 Child-Centered Nursing 4 RNUR 238 Adult Nursing II 5 RNUR 244 Adult Nursing III 7 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS REQUIRED 71-77 13 FIND OUT MORE MNU GRADUATE & ADULT OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS 2030 E. College Way | Olathe, KS 66062 913.971.3277 | admissions@mnu.edu www.mnu.edu/learning METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE 810.604.1000 | www.mcc.edu 126 2 + 1 Transfer Plan A BACHELOR’S DEGREE FROM ZERO TO COMPLETED IN 3 YEARS. How it works → Upon completing one of MCC’s 10 approved associate’s degrees, students transfer to MNU’s Applied Organizational Leadership bachelor’s degree completion program. → Through a combination of on-site courses and assessment of prior learning, students complete a bachelor’s degree in as little as one year. Classes meet one night a week from 6 – 10 p.m. → Personal advisors assist students with an individualized plan to meet graduation requirements. Up to 30 semester hours may be earned through the assessment of prior learning. MNU also offers additional evening and weekend courses to supplement students’ programs. BA in Applied Organizational Leadership MNU's uniquely relevant Applied Organizational Leadership program (formerly, MHR) lets students complete a degree while learning organizational best practices. Innovative leadership courses teach more than just concepts—students apply what is learned in class at work the very next day. The program is available in two metro locations—Olathe and Liberty. What Distinguishes MNU from Others? → Complete in one year → Credit for life or work experience → Classes one night a week → Multiple start dates per year → High success rate in accelerated programs since 1987 Benefits of Applied Organizational Leadership Degree → Skills that include analytical thinking, collaborative planning and organizing, and problem resolution. → Effective communication through writing, interpersonal relations, group facilitation, and presentation skills. → Competence in management through contemporary leadership skills, supervisory and coaching skills. → Ethical responsibility through self awareness of a personal value. → Adaptability within a team environment. Admission Requirements → Minimum 60 transferable semester credit hours* → Minimum 2.0 GPA * Hours must be regionally accredited, attained through regular classroom coursework (not assessment of prior learning or continuing education). Applicants for whom English is a second language must furnish a score of 550 or greater on the TOEFL examination taken within the last five years.