Exciton Transport and Coherence in Molecular and Nanostructured Materials y .-0, by Gleb M. Akselrod 2 RA R IES B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2007) Submitted to the Department of Physics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September 2013 C 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved // Signature of author....................... Certified by........... ...................................................... Department of Physics August 6, 2013 ......................... .. Vladimir Bulovic Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Thesis Supervisor Certified by.............................. ............ Erich Ippen Professor of Physics Thesis Co-supervisor Accepted by............... Krishna Rajagopal Professor of Physics Associate Department Head for Education 2 3 Exciton Transport and Coherence in Molecular and Nanostructured Materials by Gleb M. Akselrod Submitted to the Department of Physics on August 13, 2012, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Abstract Over the past 20 years a new classes of optically active materials have been developed that are composites of nano-engineered constituents such as molecules, polymers, and nanocrystals. These disordered materials have enabled devices such as organic light emitting diodes, color tunable lasers, and low-cost photovoltaics, and hold promise as a platform for all-optical computing. The defining optical and electronic characteristic of molecular and nanostructured materials is the exciton, a bound electron- hole pair. Excitons, which can be generated optically or electrically, are the nanoscale carriers of energy, acting as intermediates between photons and electronic excitations. The goal of this thesis is to add to the present understanding of two fundamental aspects of excitons in molecular and nanostructured materials. First we focus on the spatial transport of excitons, which is central to the operation of photovoltaics, LEDs, and potential excitonic transistors. Despite its importance, the precise dynamics of exciton transport and how it relates to disorder, the defining characteristic of molecular and nanostructured materials, remains elusive. Here we develop a technique for direct visualization of exciton transport. We reveal unambiguously that transport occurs by random walk diffusion and that it transitions to subdiffusive as energetic disorder is increased. Furthermore, we harness exciton transport in J-aggregate materials to build a platform for the enhancement of absorption and fluorescence of organic molecules and quantum dots. Second we turn to the interaction of excitons with optical microcavities. Using the thermally stable excitons in molecular materials, it is possible to create strongly coupled states of excitons and photons, known as polaritons. A longstanding research goal has been creating polaritons at high densities in order to study condensation phenomena and as a route to low threshold organic lasers. In this thesis we elucidate that a key mechanism that prevents polariton condensation is exciton-exciton annihilation. In order to circumvent annihilation, we develop a new microcavity architecture with an intra- cavity excitation scheme and demonstrate room temperature lasing through a polariton mode. Finally, we show superradiant lasing from an organic microcavity, an alternative method over strong coupling that results in a substantially reduced lasing threshold. 4 Acknowledgements As scientists we pride ourselves on our rationality, or at the very least the pursuit of it. But often the most important decisions we make about research (and life in general) are done more emotionally. This was certainly the case when I came to Vladimir BuloviP and the rest of ONE Lab more than five years ago. I didn't know anything about organic electronics or excitons, but I could tell this was a place filled with brilliant, enthusiastic, and most importantly happy people, and I knew I could thrive in this environment. My first thanks go to my adviser and mentor Vladimir Bulovic, who made ONE Lab and everything in the following pages possible. His unwavering enthusiasm, intellectual clarity, and support for his students are a rare combination in academia, and I was fortunate to be a part of it. My first on-the-ground experience in ONE Lab began humbly with Yaakov Tischler showing me how to measure a spectrum. I thank him for training me by throwing the kitchen sink at me, for introducing me to polaritons, and for his boundless energy. Thank you to Scott Bradley for being my mentor in those early years and for seemingly knowing everything. Many late night laser measurement extravaganzas happened with Liz Young. I thank Liz for being my partner-in-crime in the sometimes-dark world of polaritons and for being a great friend. Much of our amazing optics lab would not be possible without Kathy Stone, whose technical expertise on all laser matters I value greatly. To the rest of the members of ONE Lab, both past and present: thank you all for making my time at MIT a blast. I loved coming to work everyday and that was only possible because I had amazing lab mates. Monica Pegis kept ONE Lab running, and I am grateful to her for putting up with my occasional lack of organization with respect to packing slips. My time at MIT was enriched by my collaboration and friendship with Will Tisdale. I thank him for his boundless enthusiasm, clarity of thought and for calling me 5 out when I am not making any sense. I am indebted to Marc Baldo who organized the Center for Excitonics, which became my intellectual home over the past years. I thank him for his intellectual honesty, for always being constructively critical, and for being a second informal thesis adviser. The successes of the past year would not have been possible without Parag Deotare, who never had doubt that we would do great and interesting things together. The collaboration and friendship that we started this year is just the beginning. Parag and I were fortunate to be joined by Vinod Menon, forming a fun and productive collaboration that ended with the diffusion imaging work, although it was miles away from where we started. To my theory collaborators at Harvard, Semion Saikin, Stephanie Valleau, and Alan Aspuru-Guzik: I thank you to your dedication to J-aggregates and insightful conversations, and for helping to bridge the gap between experiment and theory that we often avoid. I also had the pleasure of working with Brian Walker from the Bawendi group, who taught me a lot of the chemistry knowledge I was sorely lacking. I am also grateful for my other collaborators at MIT: Dylan Arias, Raoul Correa, Moungi Bawendi, and Keith Nelson. Isaac Chuang was my research adviser during my first year at MIT, and I am thankful to him for being a brilliant leader and for being supportive in finding a new group. The wide variety of projects and ideas I was able to explore would not have been possible without the generous support of the Hertz Foundation Fellowship, endowed by Nathan Myhrvold. The Hertz Foundation not only provided financial freedom but also gave me the community of Hertz Fellows, which has enriched my graduate school experience immensely. I acknowledge additional financial support from the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. To my friends at 210 Enterprises, Greg and Ulric: this thesis is very much a product of 210 and I thank you for years of loyal friendship. To Lauren: your love and support make me a happier person, and I couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you to my family for giving me every opportunity in life and for being encouraging along the way. In particular I am thankful to my father who introduced me to research when I was still in high school and who taught me to think like a scientist from an even earlier age. Table of Contents A bstract............................................................................................................. 3 A cknow ledgem ents.............................................................................................. 4 Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 6 1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 11 Thesis organization ............................................................................... 12 1.1 2 Excitons in Molecular and Nanostructured Materials ................................ 14 2.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 14 2.2 M olecular excited states ........................................................................ 14 2.3 Singlet and triplet states ........................................................................... 16 2.4 Excitons................................................................................................... 17 2.5 Exciton transport ..................................................................................... 18 2.5.1 Singlet transport ............................................................................. 20 2.5.2 Triplet transport................................................................................ 21 2.6 Excitonic materials utilized in this thesis................................................ 22 2.6.1 M olecular crystals (tetracene).......................................................... 22 2.6.2 Small molecule amorphous solids (Alq3:DCM)............................. 23 2.6.3 J-aggregates..................................................................................... 24 3 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy ................. 29 3.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 29 3.2 Introduction............................................................................................ 29 3.3 M ethods summ ary .................................................................................. 31 3.4 Results and discussion........................................................................... 31 3.5 Conclusion............................................................................................... 38 Table of Contents 7 3.6 Sam ple fabrication.................................................................................. 38 3.7 Sample Characterization ....................................................................... 40 3.7.1 Determination of crystal axes........................................................... 40 3.7.2 Absorption and emission spectrum ................................................. 41 3.7.3 Fluorescence lifetim e ..................................................................... 43 Diffusion imaging optical setup ............................................................. 44 3.8 3.8.1 3.9 Spatial resolution of imaging setup .................................................. 47 Data analysis .......................................................................................... 47 3.9.1 The diffusion equation ..................................................................... 47 3.9.2 Extracting the singlet exciton distribution ...................................... 49 3.9.3 Inferring triplet density from singlet distribution.............. 50 3.9.4 Broadening of PSF due to dynamic redshift .................................... 3.10 52 Supplementary results and discussion.................................................. 52 3.10.1 Energy dependence of emission lifetime ...................................... 52 3.10.2 Excitation energy dependence of exciton diffusion ...................... 55 3.10.3 Diffusion near crystal edge ............................................................ 55 3.10.4 Radiative energy transfer ............................................................... 56 4 Disorder-Driven Exciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies............. 58 4 .1 Overview ............................................................................................... . . 58 4.2 Introduction ............................................................................................ . 58 4.3 M ethods Sum m ary ................................................................................. 60 4.4 R esults and D iscussion........................................................................... 61 4 .5 C onclusion ............................................................................................. 5 Harnessing Exciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna ............................. . . 66 68 5.1 O verview ............................................................................................... . . 68 5.2 Introduction ............................................................................................ . 68 5.3 Fundamentals of absorption cross-section ............................................ 69 5.4 Existing approaches for absorption enhancement .................................. 70 5.5 Concept: the excitonic antenna .............................................................. 70 5.6 Excitonic antenna continuum model...................................................... 71 5.7 A test system: J-aggregate antenna and DCM acceptors ............ 74 8 Table of Contents 5.7.1 TCJ-DCM sample preparation ............................................................ 75 5.7.2 TCJ-DCM sample characterization..................................................... 76 5.8 Optical measurement setup ...................................................................... 79 5.9 Enhancement of DCM on TCJ................................................................... 79 5.10 Time-resolved measurements of DCM emission ................. 82 5.11 M odeling the J-aggregate DCM system................................................... 84 5.12 Enhancement of Single QD fluorescence............................................. 87 5.12.1 Sample preparation........................................................................ 87 5.12.2 Experimental setup ........................................................................ 88 5.13 Results on single QD enhancement...................................................... 90 5.14 Conclusion............................................................................................. 93 6 J-aggregate Critically Coupled Resonator for Fluorescence Enhancement. 94 6.1 Overview ................................................................................................. 94 6.2 Introduction ............................................................................................ 94 6.3 M ethods summary ................................................................................... 96 6.4 Results and discussion............................................................................. 97 6 .5 C on clu sion ................................................................................................ 7 Strong Coupling in J-aggregate M icrocavities .............................................. 103 105 7 .1 O v erv iew .................................................................................................. 10 5 7.2 Introduction to polaritons ......................................................................... 105 7.2.1 The optical microcavity..................................................................... 106 7.2.2 M icrocavity polaritons ...................................................................... 108 7.2.3 Strong coupling using organic materials........................................... 109 7.2.4 Polariton lasing.................................................................................. 110 7.3 Exciton-exciton annihilation in polariton microcavities .......................... 112 7.4 M ethods summary .................................................................................... 113 7.5 Results and discussion.............................................................................. 115 7.6 C on clu sion ................................................................................................ 119 8 Lasing Through a Strongly-Coupled Mode by Intra-Cavity Pumping.......120 8.1 O verv iew .................................................................................................. 120 Table of Contents 9 8.2 Introduction .............................................................................................. 120 8.3 M ethods sum m ary .................................................................................... 122 8.4 Results and discussion.............................................................................. 125 8.5 Conclusion................................................................................................ 128 9 Superradiant Lasing from Organic Microcavity ................... 129 9.1 O verview .................................................................................................. 129 9.2 Introduction .............................................................................................. 129 9.3 M ethods sum m ary .................................................................................... 131 9.4 Results and discussion.............................................................................. 133 9.5 Conclusion................................................................................................ 139 9.6 D etailed experim ental m ethods ................................................................ 140 9.6.1 M easurem ent of pum p energy density .............................................. 140 9.6.2 Kerr shutter for time-resolved photoluminescence ........................... 140 9.6.3 Fourier space imaging of angular-resolved emission........................ 142 9.7 Threshold reduction for varying cavity lengths ....................................... 143 9.8 Sim ulation of conventional lasing............................................................ 143 10 Conclusion and O utlook ................................................................................ 148 10.1 O utlook for exciton transport ................................................................. 148 10.2 Outlook for excitons in m icrocavities .................................................... 149 R eferences ............................................................................................................ 151 C urriculum V itae ................................................................................................ 166 1 Introduction The photonics revolution of the past 60 years has given us transformative devices such as light-emitting diodes, lasers, and solar cells, imaging sensors, and photodetectors. These traditional devices rely on highly ordered and pure semiconducting materials and achieving such high order requires energy intensive and expensive fabrication techniques such as crystal growth and molecular beam epitaxy. Over the past 20 years a new class of optically active materials have been developed which are composites of nano-engineered constituents such as molecules, polymers, nanocrystals. These nanostructured materials hold a number of advantages compared to inorganic semiconductors. The optical properties are mostly determined by the properties of the constituent molecules or nanocrystals, the variety of which is limited only by the enormous repertoire of synthetic chemistry. Furthermore, these materials are amenable to low-temperature, large area, and inexpensive deposition techniques on a wide range of substrates. The defining optical and electronic feature of molecular and nanostructured materials is the exciton, a bound pair of an excited electron and a hole [1]. Excitons can be generated electrically or optically, manipulated spatially and energetically, and then be converted back to electricity or light. In this sense, excitons are nanoscale packets of energy that act as intermediates between photons and matter. Due to the weak van der Waals forces joining the material constituents, excitons tend to be highly localized, with the electron and hole located on the same molecule or nanocrystal. This confinement makes excitons stable at room temperature and insensitive to the high degree of disorder inherent to nanostructured materials. The first technological success of excitonic materials has been the development and commercialization of organic light emitting diodes [2], [3]. Current research on excitonic materials is incredibly diverse, with work on thin film photovoltaics [4], photodetectors [5], [6], lasers [7], [8], and sensors [9], among other devices . However, the application of excitonic materials is not limited to producing the next generation of existing devices. For example, all-optical switching is a long sought technology but is difficult to realize Introduction 12 because photons are non-interacting particles. The nature of the exciton as a light-matter intermediate makes them amenable to manipulation by electric fields, yet they retain the ability to be readily converted to photons. This property makes excitons ideal as the basis of all-optical or electro-optical switches. In the "excitonic transistor" [10], [11], manipulation of excitons spatially through energy gradients offers the tantalizing possibility of nanoscale transistors with a naturally built-in optical interface. Central to the operation of photonic devices based on nanostructured materials is the ability to manipulate the lifecycle of an exciton: from generation, to transport, to its eventual demise as a photon or as electrical charges. For example in solar cells, the transport of photogenerated excitons to a charge-separating interface is a key step that determines device efficiency [12]. In contrast, in light emitting diodes, diffusion of electrically generated excitons to quenching interfaces or with each other is a loss mechanism that must be managed [13]. Yet despite the importance of exciton transport, fundamental questions remain about how transport relates to nanoscale disorder, the defining characteristic of nanostructured materials. Along with device applications, the fundamental physics of collective exciton interactions is similarly rich. The interaction of light and excitons can be extended to the regime of strong coupling, resulting in coherent light-matter states known as excitonpolaritons. Polaritons forned by coupling of microcavity photons to excitons offer a rich test-bed for collective exciton physics, such polariton condensation, superfluidity, as well as possible applications such as optical parametric amplification and low-threshold lasing [14], [15]. These phenomena have been studied extensively in inorganic semiconductors at cryogenic temperatures, but molecular and nanostructured materials can reach the strong light-matter coupling regime at room temperature because localized excitons are thermally stable [16], [17]. 1.1 Thesis organization The main aim of this thesis is to add to the present understanding of the fundamental processes governing excitons and to offer a number of novel applications of excitonic materials. The thesis is organized into two parts. Chapters 2-5 will focus on the fundamental properties of exciton transport in nanostructured materials and how transport Introduction 13 can be harnessed for photonic applications. Chapter 2 will introduce the basic concepts of exciton generation, transport, and decay and review the material systems that will be studied in this thesis, including molecular crystals, amorphous molecular materials, and Jaggregates. Chapter 3 will present a direct spatial, temporal, and spectral visualization of exciton transport in tetracene, an archetype molecular material using an imaging technique that we developed for this work. Chapter 4 will extend the exciton imaging technique to the study of exciton diffusion in quantum dot thin films. In Chapter 5, we will propose and demonstrate the excitonic antenna, an approach for harnessing the large diffusion length in J-aggregate thin films for the enhancement of molecular absorption and fluorescence. Chapters 6-9 will focus on the interaction of excitons with optical resonators. Chapter 6 will extend the excitonic antenna concept by integrating J-aggregate thin films with a resonant optical structure than enhances absorption and localizes optical energy in the form of excitons with greater than 90% efficiency. Chapter 7 will present work on the strong coupling of J-aggregate excitons to optical microcavities and show the hurdles that must be overcome to achieve polariton lasing using organic materials. In Chapter 8, we will present a cavity architecture that circumvents the limitations of J-aggregates and demonstrate the first lasing through a strongly-coupled mode in a J-aggregate-based microcavity. Chapter 9 will demonstrate a superradiant organic laser, the result of collective emission from excitons at high density that are weakly coupled to a microcavity. Chapter 10 offers concluding remarks and outlook for future work. 2 Excitons in Molecular and Nanostructured Materials 2.1 Overview The goal of this chapter is to discuss general aspects of excitons-in particular their generation, transport, and decay and to summarize a subset of the excitonic materials relevant to this thesis. The discussion here will be limited to the concepts critical to this thesis, and more comprehensive reviews can be found elsewhere [1]. More detailed concepts particular to each project will be introduced in the appropriate chapter. 2.2 Molecular excited states To understand the origin and properties of an exciton, we will first consider the excited states of isolated molecules. Many of the same concepts, in particular as it relates to exciton transport, also hold true for nanocrystalline solids such as quantum dot thin films. Electronic transitions in molecules occur between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). The ground state molecule contains two electrons in the spin singlet state in the HOMO level. While orbitals and the transitions between them can be calculated directly for atoms, the complexity of the vibrational and rotational states of molecules prevents us from doing the same. As a result, the picture of molecular electronic transitions relies on the FrankCondon principle. In this approximation the heavy nuclei are considered to be fixed on the time scale of electronic transitions, which occur on the time scale of -1 fs. In contrast, the vibrational transitions occur on the scale of ~100 fs. As a result, we can consider an electronic excitation to undergo four steps in its lifetime in the most simple case, as shown in Figure 2-1: (1) Upon absorption of a photon, an electron in the HOMO state 15 Ex-citons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials (So) and in the ground vibrational state is promoted to an excited electronic and vibrational state. (2) Because of the shift in the electron density, the nuclei are no longer in the equilibrium positions and hence vibrational relaxation occurs to the ground vibrational level of the excited electronic state (Si). (3) If we consider only radiative decay of the excited state, the S, state will relax back down to the So state by emitting a photon within a typical lifetime for organic molecules of -5 ns. (4) The final step is the rearrangement of the nuclei in the ground electronic state, returning the molecule to the original state. The symmetry of the vibrational relaxation after absorption and after emission results in the mirror symmetry in the absorption and emission spectra typical of organic molecules (Figure 2-1). The redshift between absorption and emission is known as the Frank-Condon shift (or sometimes the Stokes shift), and is typically ~0.3 eV comparable to the emission linewidth, making organic molecules nearly transparent to their own radiation. Vibrational states Excited electronic state S1 0) 0 Emission 0Absorption CC Ground electronic state__ s oW avelength, X Configuration coordinate Figure 2-1 1 Molecular electronic and vibrational transitions in the Frank-Condon approximation. Typical electronic transitions are -1 eV and typical vibrational level spacing is ~0.1 eV. Right panel shows the typical absorption and emission spectra for an organic molecular material. 16 .Ex-citons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials 2.3 Singlet and triplet states The probability of transition between two states is proportional to the transition square of the dipole moment between the initial and final electronic wavefunction where P=V er Ie) (2.1) The transition probability also depends on the overlap of the vibrational states in each electronic state, S(v,v') . The absorption and emission of photons (transitions up or down in electronic energy) are both governed by this same principle. Besides wavefunction overlap, the spin state of the ground state and excited state electrons determines whether emission is possible. Due the exclusion principle, the ground state electron spin configuration is in the singlet state Co = [ [1 - (2.2) which has a total spin of S =0 . Electronic transitions between the ground and excited state change the electron orbital angular momentum state but do not affect the spin state. Therefore the excited electronic state is also (initially) in the S = 0 state. In certain materials, the spin state can be altered by spin-orbit coupling due to the presence of a heavy metal. The singlet state can then become mixed with triplet spin configuration, which has a total spin S = I and has three possible states o]= 1k[ ll)+ VP)] 'P) = (2.3) A transition from the spin singlet state to the spin triplet state, or vice versa, is known as inter-system crossing (ISC). The energetic driving force for ISC is an electron-electron interaction that breaks the degeneracy of the singlet and triplet excited state energies. The splitting occurs because the singlet spatial wavefunction is symmetric under exchange, while the triplet spatial wavefunction is antisymmetric under exchange. Consequently electrons in the triplet excited state experience less Coulomb repulsion, and this state has Excitons in Molecular andNanostructuredMaterials 17 a lower energy (Figure 2-2). The singlet-triplet splitting is a particular feature of molecular materials, which have localized excitations thus increasing the Coulomb interaction. Decay from the singlet excited state to the ground excited state, known as fluorescence, is spin allowed, occurring rapidly with a typical lifetime ofT~ 5 ns (Figure 2-2). In contrast, transition from the triplet excited state to the singlet ground state is only weakly allowed due to the spin restriction, with only second order effects contributing to the emission. This emission is known as phosphorescence, and occurs with a typical lifetime of ~ ps. Singlet S = 0Qnter-system crossing S = 1 Triplet Fluorescence Phosphorescence Singlet S = 0 Figure 2-2 1 Typical energy diagram for a molecule which has fluorescent and phosphorescent transitions. 2.4 Excitons So far we have discussed electronic excited states when the molecules are in isolation. When the molecules are part of a solid, interactions between neighboring constituents will determine the behavior of the excited states. An exciton is the bound state of the excited electron and the ground state "hole", the absence of a ground state electron, which has a net positive charge (Figure 2-3). Due to the weak coupling between neighboring molecules, excitons are usually localized to one or a small number of molecules and are known as Frenkel excitons. Consequently the Coulomb binding energy of excitons in molecular solids is large (-200 meV), making Frenkel excitons stable at room temperature. In contrast, in inorganic semiconductors such as silicon, excitons are Excitons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials 18 highly delocalized due to the covalently bonded crystal structure, allowing large electron hole separation and easy splitting of the electron and hole at room temperature. These states are known as Wannier-Mott excitons. Exciton (bound electron-hole pair) LUMO HOMO Spin 0 singlet Spin 1 triplet Figure 2-3 I Singlet and triplet Frenkel excitons in a molecular solid. (Adapted from [18]) 2.5 Exciton transport Transfer of excitons to neighboring molecular sites can occur by two mechanisms: Dexter energy transfer and F6rster resonant energy transfer (FRET). Dexter transfer is the simultaneous exchange of two electrons (Figure 2-4), the rate of which depends on the wavefunction overlap between the donor and acceptor molecules. FRET is a near-field dipole-dipole interaction, which depends on the radiative properties of the donor, the absorption of the acceptor, and the distance between them. FRET is the dominant energy transfer mechanism for radiative singlet excitons, while Dexter transfer dominates for triplet excitons, which are spin-forbidden from radiating. Both transfer mechanisms are short range, and hence exciton transport is predicted to occur by hopping, resulting in random walk diffusion, although experimental verifications have been lacking to this point. Excitons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials 19 Dexter transfer Simultaneous exchange of electrons <1 n Donor Acceptor Forster transfer Dipole-dipole coupling -5 nm Donor Acceptor Figure 2-4 I Two types of excitonic energy transfer present in molecular solids. Following the description of Yost et al. [19], the hopping rate (for FRET or Dexter transfer) between a donor molecule and acceptor molecule can be approximated by Fermi's Golden Rule k = V (FCWD) (2.4) where VJ1 is the electronic coupling between donor and acceptor. FCWD is the FrankCondon weighted density of states, which depends on the overlap between the density of states of the donor and acceptor. The FWCD can by approximated by considering the absorption spectral shape (Id) and emission spectral shape (e) of the donor and acceptor, respectively. If both the emission and absorption spectra are approximated to be have a Gaussian width a-, then Excitons in Molecular andNanostructuredMaterials FCWD= I where Ada " = -exp_ 2a 20 A(2.5) 4(52 is the energy difference between the center of the donor emission spectrum and the acceptor absorption spectrum. The hopping rate then is seen to depend on both the relative orientations and distances between the molecules (which determines Vda ) and the energetic landscape of the material (which determines the FCWD). The differences between singlet hopping and triplet hopping are then contained in the details of the electronic coupling parameter Vda' 2.5.1 Singlet transport The dipole-dipole interaction term is given by VF N2 da (2.6) 3 where R is the center-of-mass separation between the donor and acceptor, A is the magnitude of the transition dipole moment, n is the effective refractive index of the medium, and K is a parameter that depends on the relative orientation of the donor and acceptor dipoles and ranges between 0 and 2. This expression is the familiar FRET interaction energy, which is an approximation that ignores second order effects that occur when the donor-acceptor separation is smaller than the size of the transition dipole. The FRET rate is then given by 2 2 do F 3/2 =kexpi n 4R 4 (2.7) d. 4U2 The FRET hopping rate can be related to the diffusivity D by D= (2.8) z where z = 1,2,3 is the dimensionality of diffusion. The diffusion length LD is defined as the root mean square displacement of an exciton from the point of generation within its lifetime r (2.9 LD = (2.9) LExcitons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials 21 The exciton lifetime, in turn, depends on the radiative and nonradiative recombination rates with 1 / -r = krd + k and the radiative rate is 3c 3 krad k 1 4Ep2 4E~u 2 (2.10) where Es is the exciton energy. The diffusion length as defined above only has significance in the situation where the diffusivity is not dependent on time. As will be seen in later chapters, this assumption is not valid in systems with high degrees of energetic disorder. The diffusion length of singlet excitons is ultimately limited by a trade-off, as discussed by Yost et al. [19]: The hopping rate is increased with increasing transition dipole moment p. However increasing the dipole moment decreases the radiative lifetime, which limits the exciton lifetime, and consequently diffusion. As a result the singlet diffusion length is fundamentally limited to 100-200 nm, while in most actual materials the value is 10-20 nm [12]. 2.5.2 Triplet transport Triplet excitons cannot be transferred by dipole-dipole coupling due to their weak transition dipole moment y. Instead energy transfer can occur by the simultaneous exchange of two electrons, one between the ground states of the donor and acceptor, and the other between the excited states of the donor and acceptor [20]. The Dexter coupling is given by Vd, = V, = Aexp(-tR) (2.11) where R is the center-of-mass separation of the donor and acceptor, and q is the spatial extent of the wavefunction overlap, and A is a scaling prefactor [21]. In contrast to the 1 / R' distance dependence of the FRET rate, the Dexter rate is exponentially sensitive to donor-acceptor separation. In materials where singlet excitons are prevalent, the FRET hopping rate is typically orders of magnitude larger than the Dexter hopping rate. The Dexter rate, however, is not limited by the exciton radiative lifetime, and no trade-off exists as discussed for singlet diffusion. The triplet diffusion length is consequently much larger, exceeding 1 tm is some materials [20]. Excitons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials 2.6 22 Excitonic materials utilized in this thesis Excitonic materials can be composed of a wide range of constituents, including small molecules, polymers, and nanocrystals. The work in this thesis utilizes a set of excitonic material systems, each chosen for its specific optical and excitonic properties. Here we briefly discuss each, with more details introduced in the appropriate chapters. 2.6.1 Molecular crystals (tetracene) One of the first excitonic materials to be studied were molecular crystals composed polyacene molecules such as tetracene and anthracene [1]. Interest in molecular crystals as an archetype organic solid stemmed from their high crystalline order, high luminescence quantum efficiency, and good photostability, among other properties. In Chapter 3 we use tetracene crystals to study the transport of triplet excitons. Triplet excitons are the dominant energy carrier due to the efficiency of singlet fission in tetracene, a process that splits one singlet exciton into two triplet excitons each with half of the singlet energy. The exciton transport length in tetracene is known to be long [22] compared to amorphous organic solids due to the high crystalline order and high purity. Organic crystals such as tetracene are typically grown by thermal sublimation [23] making the nanoscale control of their thickness and lateral dimensions extremely challenging. Figure 2-5 1 Tetracene crystal structure. 23 IExcitons in Molecular andNanostructuredMaterials 2.6.2 Small molecule amorphous solids (Alq3:DCM) Small molecule amorphous solids lie at the opposite side of the crystallinity spectrum. This class of materials is composed non-polymeric luminescent and absorptive molecules with little orientational order between neighboring molecules. A prototypical system from this material class is the Alq3:DCM blend in the which DCM dye molecules are doped into a host matrix of Alq 3 molecules. Excitons generated on Alq 3 and emitting at ~470 nm can be efficiently transferred via FRET onto the dopant DCM molecules which have an absorption peak centered at ~470 nm (Figure 2-6). This energy transfer scheme was utilized to achieve the first solid state organic lasing structure [24]. DCM is a robust dye with high luminescence quantum efficiency which was previously used in liquid dye lasers [25]. In this thesis we utilize DCM in isolation as an efficient exciton acceptor (Chapters 5 and 6) and as the excitonic material to achieve superradiant lasing (Chapter 9). In Chapter 8 we use DCM doped in Alq 3 as an intracavity pump source for making a cavity which lases through a strongly-coupled mode. DCM Alcq N C L [J CN N I 1I 1 H3C 0 CH H N 'CH 3 FFNET If Figure 2-6 I Molecular structures of Alq 3 and DCM and the energy diagram showing FRET from the host (Alq 3) to the guest (DCM). DCM is used either in isolation or as part of the guest-host system. Excitons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials 2.6.3 24 J-aggregates J-aggregates are self-assembled aggregates of organic dye molecules in which the interaction of the transition dipole moments causes a narrow and intense absorption feature to form [26]. J-aggregates have the properties of both classes of molecular materials discussed so far, having high crystalline order on the nanoscale yet little order on the microscale [27]. These aggregates can be deposited into a thin film having absorption coefficients of more than a = 106 cm-' [28]. This high absorption and narrow linewidth make J-aggregate materials ideal for the energy focusing schemes described in Chapters 5 and 6 and for achieving strong light-matter coupling in optical microcavities as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8. A typical absorption spectrum for a cyanine dye (TDBC) in the monomer and Jaggregate form is shown in Figure 2-7. The monomer absorption is broad (AA =50 nm ) and centered at A =520 nm , while the J-aggregate peak significantly narrowed ( AA 12 nm ) and is red shifted relative to the monomer. TDBC 1.0 CN J "0.8 0.40.2- 0.6 400 46D Soo 5SD 600 6SD \tfeength (rm) Figure 2-7 I Absorption of the cyanine dye TDBC in the monomer and J-aggregate form. (From Scott Bradley and Yaakov Tischler). The physics of J-aggregates can be understood by first considering dimerization of just two monomers (Figure 2-8). When molecules are in close proximity, their transition Excitons in Molecularand NanostructuredMaterials 25 dipoles can couple strongly enough to produce new energy states either above or below the monomer dipole energy. The energy of the new states depends on the relative orientation of the monomers as depicted in Figure 2-8. In the tip-to-tail orientation the state with the non-zero transition dipole (with in-phase oscillators) is lower in energy relative to the monomer energy. The dipole moment of the dimer state is P= po where pu 0 is the transition dipole of the monomer. This tip-to-tail interaction is what gives J-aggregates their optical properties. monomer H-dimer monomer J-dimer I 2U 2U p= mm, p"= r2, Figure 2-8 1 Two types of dimerization. The tip to tale interaction (J-type) lowers the dimer energy relative to the monomer. The dimerization picture can be extended for the case of N coupled molecules. The lowest energy excited state corresponds to all transition dipoles of the individual monomers being in phase. The J-aggregated system can be modeled as N coupled twolevel systems by considering the Hamiltonian (following [29] ) N H= h=h N o 5b n=I +h V,(Lb> +bb,) n~z=1 n ,f (2.12) Excitons in Molecular andNanostructuredMaterials 26 where (o is the transition frequency of the nh molecule, b and b are the exciton creation and annihilation operators on the n"' molecule, and Vnin is the dipole-dipole coupling rate between the n' and rnth molecule. Considering only nearest neighbor interactions, the Hamiltonian can be diagonalized to obtain the energies of the new eigenstates Q =o+2Vcos (fik k N+l1 (2.13) where o is the frequency of a monomer transition, V is the nearest-neighbor coupling rate, and k is the label for each state. The distribution of oscillator strength for each state is given by [29] p(k)= 2 N+1 1(1) Cot 2 irk [2(N+1)_ (2.14) For large N, most of the dipole moment strength is contained in the k = I state and the above expression simplifies to p(k = 0)= O.81(N+1)p 0 (2.15) This state is referred to as the J-aggregate state. The dipole strength contained in the higher-k states is what gives the J-aggregate absorption spectrum its distinctive blue tail in absorption and corresponding red tail in the emission. The typical number of coherently coupled molecules at room temperature is N ~ 15 (Figure 2-9) with higher values obtained with decreasing temperature [30]. It is important to point out that although peak dipole moment is increased, to spectrally integrated absorption per molecule remains constant upon J-aggregation. Excitons in Molecular and NanostructuredMaterials Monomer Localized exciton /10 J-aggregate 27 J-aggregate Nc coherently coupled molecules 2 =0.8 1(N +I)pY Figure 2-9 1 J-aggregation results in delocalization of the exciton and an increase in the peak transition dipole moment proportional to the number of molecules. A consequence of the delocalization of the exciton is the increased coupling to neighboring molecules, resulting in rapid incoherent exciton transport of the coherent exciton (Figure 2-10). Among organic materials J-aggregates are known to have some of the longest exciton transport distances [31] of 50-100 nm, as we will show in Chapter 7. The long transport lengths are attributed to the enhancement in FRET rate that occurs when the donor and acceptor excitonic states are coherently delocalized, according to the multichromophoric theory of energy transfer [32], [33]. I I T 1 Excitons in Molecularand NanostructuredMaterials Figure 2-10 | Schematic of exciton diffusion in J-aggregate thin films, showing that coherent exciton with a size of ~4 nm can propagate over a much larger incoherent diffusion domain of ~50-100 nm. 28 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 29 3 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 3.1 Overview Transport of excitons is at the core of photosynthesis[34], [35] and it similarly governs the operation of a wide array of nanostructured optoelectronic devices including molecular, polymeric and colloidal-quantum-dot solar cells [12], [36], light emitting diodes [37], and excitonic transistors[ 11]. Mapping and manipulating the flow of excitons in such systems can enhance device performance[36] and can lead to development of next-generation excitonic technologies. However, the precise dynamics of exciton transport and how it relates to the nano-scale disorder, the defining characteristic of molecular and nanostructured materials, remains elusive. In this chapter we present in unprecedented detail a spatial, temporal, and spectral visualization of exciton transport in molecular crystals and compare them to measurements in disordered films. Using tetracane as an archetype organic semiconductor, we image time-resolved exciton transport, showing that it follows random walk diffusion, with a clear transition from normal to sub-diffusive transport as exciton traps are filled. Observation of the timedependent exciton dynamics is uniquely enabled by our measurement technique, which maps the temporal exciton energy distribution of both mobile and trapped excitons. Our measurements can be used to screen the properties of excitonic materials and to inform their design. In particular, the effect of morphological disorder on the exciton energy landscape and exciton transport dynamics can now be directly investigated. 3.2 Introduction Energy transport in nanostructured thin films and crystals (such as those composed of molecules, polymers and colloidal quantum dots) occurs by the motion of tightly Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, andEnergy bound electron-hole pairs, known as excitons [1]. 30 For example, in molecular and polymeric solar cells, excitons are generated by absorption of sunlight, and must be moved efficiently to an interface where electron and hole are separated to produce charge buildup, leading to photovoltage and photocurrent. Likewise, the efficient transport of photogenerated excitons from the light-harvesting complex of a plant to the reaction center is at the core of photosynthesis [34]. Transport of excitons in such systems is thought to occur by hopping of the localized excitation to a neighboring molecular site, resulting in random walk diffusion[19], [38]. Two types of hopping mechanisms are possible: For excitons in the radiative spin singlet state (electronic spin of zero), hopping occurs by Frster energy transfer (FRET), a near-field dipole-dipole interaction, with interaction distance on the order of 5 nm. Excitons that are in the triplet state (electronic spin of one) are spin-forbidden from emitting, and hence triplet exciton hopping is dominated by Dexter energy transfer, the simultaneous exchange of two electrons between nearest molecular neighbors. While band transport of excitons has been studied extensively[39-41], mostly indirect methods have been utilized to measure the exciton propagation in materials with localized excitons due to their shorter propagation lengths. These techniques include optoelectronic device modeling[42], exciton quenching at a surface or an interface[12], [37], [43], [44], and exciton-density-dependent exciton-exciton annihilation[45]. Such approaches produce an average "diffusion length", LD, defined as the mean displacement of an exciton during its lifetime. However, these methods rely on assumptions about the exciton interaction distance with an interface or with other excitons. A limited number of studies have directly probed exciton transport spatially[46-48] but the nature of transport and how it evolves in time remains elusive. In the present work we spatially, temporally and spectrally visualize exciton transport in tetracene, a well-studied organic semiconductor in which triplet excitons are dominant [49], [50]. Tetracene is a valuable test bed for exciton transport both because acenes are a promising class of photovoltaic materials[5 1] and because its morphology and crystallinity can be precisely tuned. Upon optical excitation of tetracene, singlet excitons are generated and undergo rapid fission into two triplet excitons, each with one half the energy of the singlet (Figure 3-la). The triplet excitons undergo random hopping 31 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy to nearest neighbor molecular sites by Dexter energy transfer. When two diffusing triplets encounter each other, triplet fusion can occur to produce a singlet exciton. The subsequent radiative relaxation of the singlet exciton, known as delayed fluorescence, can be optically detected and used as a direct probe of the triplet exciton density. 3.3 Methods summary In our measurements of triplet exciton transport in tetracene we focus a k = 400 nm wavelength pulsed excitation to a near-diffraction-limited spot, generating an in-plane Gaussian distribution of singlet excitons within an absorption length the surface, where aab,, is the absorption coefficient l1/aas = 1.3 pIm of (Figure 3-1b). The delayed fluorescence resulting from triplet fusion is imaged with 500x magnification onto a timeresolved single photon counting detector. The detector is then scanned across the image to obtain a map of the time-dependent singlet exciton density as a function of position, convolved with the point spread function of the imaging optics (See Methods for details). Since fusion is a nonlinear process that requires the collision of two triplet excitons (see Section 3.9.3), the triplet exciton density n,(x,t) is calculated from the measured singlet exciton density ns(x,t) using n, oc n/ 2 [22], [52]. Detailed methods can be found at the end of this chapter. 3.4 Results and discussion Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy a b = 1.4 ps Delayed fluorescence r, Exiain r,= 260 ps Prompt fluorescence Tetracene crystal Objective lens Pulsed excitation A = 400 nm Fusion Triplet dIffusion 32 Dichroic Excitation spot - 300 nm r mirror Scanning APD .50pm Imaging lens Image of emission spot Fis'io Photodetector (APD) 1 6 . 5 0.8 a 4 0.6 3 0.4 02 C C~ : 106 * 0 ps 8 . 0. 5 s 2.25ps 0.6 0 0 2 0.8 0.4 2a, -t 50Ox q h Subdiffusion __ a =0.57 ±0.07 10, Normal diffusion a =1.01 ± 0.01 D, =1.35x10' cm'/s .*~~ 0.2 104 0. -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 Position (nm) 1000 1500 -1U0 -1000 -500 0 500 Position (nm) 1000 1500 0.1 10 Time (ps) Figure 3-1 1 Imaging tetracene exciton diffusion in time and space. a, Excitonic processes in tetracene that are relevant to this study. b, Schematic of the exciton diffusion imaging setup. c, Map of exciton density as it evolves in space and time as measured along the crystal a axis. The distribution at a particular time has been normalized to emphasize changes in the distribution width. d, Cross-sections of the density map at 4 time points showing broadening of the distribution. a, is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. e, Time evolution of mean square displacement of triplet excitons showing transition from normal to subdiffusive transport. Figure 3-ic shows the spatial and temporal evolution of the singlet exciton distribution along the a axis of a tetracene single crystal after pulsed excitation at t = 0. The spatial intensity distribution at each point in time has been normalized to a constant maximum value to emphasize changes in the width of the distribution. The initial nearGaussian distribution of singlet excitons has a standard deviation of as(0) = 229 nm (Figure 3-id) which rapidly broadens in the first 2 ps, with a subsequent slowing down of the expansion, reaching as = 701 nm at t = 7 ps. Due to the Gaussian shape of ns at each time, the triplet exciton distribution is also a Gaussian with (TT(t) = Vas . The observed exciton transport can be understood in the context of diffusion by considering how the mean squared displacement of the triplet excitons y (t) changes relative to the initial mean squared displacement y (0). Diffusion is typically parameterized by U (t)- 2 (0) = 2Dta (3.1) Visualization qf Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, andEnergy 33 where a is the diffusion exponent and D is a scaling factor. For normal diffusion, a = I because the particle hopping rate is independent of time, and D is the diffusivity, expressed in units of cm 2/s. In contrast, anomalous diffusion is characterized by a # 1 and a time-dependent diffusivity. Subdiffusive transport (a < 1) is often caused by a disordered landscape through which the particles diffuse, resulting in trapping and decreased hopping rates. Superdiffusive transport such as ballistic motion is characterized by a> 1. Figure 3-le shows how the triplet exciton mean square displacement evolves in time in a tetracene crystal along the a axis. For t < 2 pLs after excitation, the triplet exciton transport follows a normal diffusive process with a = 1.01 ± 0.01 and a time independent diffusion constant of Da = 1.35±0.01 x 10-3 cm 2 /s. Given the decay of the delayed fluorescence, the average distance for exciton diffusion along the a axis within the lifetime of the triplet excitons TT = 1.37 ts is L, = 2DjrT =0.61 pm . While the diffusion constant of tetracene is an intrinsic property that depends on wavefunction overlap of adjacent molecules, the triplet lifetime can be limited by nonradiative recombination at trap sites and defects. In ultra-pure tetracene crystals the lifetime has been found to be up to 58 ps , which provides an upper limit to the a axis triplet diffusion in tetracene of 4.0 .tm. At longer times t > 2 ts, we find that a = 0.57 ± 0.07, indicating a transition to a subdiffusive regime. Such anomalous diffusion is characteristic of particles diffusing in a disordered potential and is observed in a wide range of physical systems from protein diffusion in cells to charge diffusion in semiconductors [53], but to our knowledge has not previously been observed in excitonic systems. Recent thoeretical work has predicted that subdiffusive transport of excitons can occur in energy disordered systems with excitonic energy trap levels at the low energy tail of the exciton distribution [54]. In tetracene we attribute the subdiffusive transport to the excitons becoming trapped in lower energy molecular sites, which decreases the hopping rate for a subpopulation of excitons. We show below that this picture of subdiffusion is consistent with our measurements of spectral distribution of excitons. Due to the herringbone arrangement of molecules in tetracene, the 2-orbital overlap is greater in the ab plane compared to the c axis. Consequently, a large anisotropy for 34 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy Dexter transfer rate and hence diffusivity is predicted[19], but until now has only been observed experimentally in steady-state[47]. Our measurements show exciton diffusion in both space and time along the b axis and the c axis (Figure 3-2). The exciton transport in both axes follows normal diffusion with a ~1, but with a seven-fold anisotropy between the b axis, Db = 2.28±0.07x10- cm 2 /s, and the c axis, Dc = 0.31±0.02x10-3 cm 2 /s. The trend in diffusivity between the three axes follows the theoretical predictions of Yost et al. [19]. Furthermore, the observed anisotropy is a direct verification that exciton energy transfer in tetracene is dominated by triplet hopping rather than by photon emission followed by reabsorption. If the radiative energy transfer was dominant, it is expected to have the strongest anisotropy between the a and b axes due to alignment of the optical transition dipoles[55], which is in contrast to our measurements that show a small (69%) difference in the exciton diffusivity between the a and b axes . a b baxis diffusion Strong n-orbital overlap c2 0 c axis diffusion C 2 1 Weak i-orbital overlap0 d 10"6 b 1000 0 -1000 Position (nm) b axis a =1.10 ± 0.04 Db= 2.3 x10-3 cm 2/s E C 10 c axis a =0.98 ±0.13 C" 10 0.1 D, = 3x10-cm2 Time (ss) 1 s Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, andEnergy 35 Figure 3-2 1 Anisotropy of diffusion between the b axis and the c axis. a, Crystal structure of tetracene in the bc plane showing overlap of the highest occupied molecular orbitals. b and c, Normalized spacio-temporal map of exciton density as measured along the b axis (b) and c axis (c). d. Time evolution of the mean squared displacement along the b and c axes, showing large anisotropy. In addition to spatial broadening of the exciton distribution, we find that the spectrum of the delayed fluorescence also evolves in time and space. Figure 3-3a shows that the fluorescence spectrum at t = 0 has a single peak at k = 535 nm ("SDD") which decays with a concomitant appearance of lower-energy peaks at X = 570 nm and k = 615 nm ("SD,tr"). To understand the origin of the low energy emission, we visualize the spectral evolution by measuring the shift of the average energy of the emission spectrum at each position and time. Figure 3-3b shows that as exciton diffusion proceeds, the emission spectrum red-shifts faster near the center of the spatial distribution than in regions on the periphery of the distribution. This observation is consistent with the presence of exciton energy traps [56]. Namely, as the diffusion proceeds, exciton traps are filled faster in the center of the distribution, where the triplet density is higher. The remaining sub-population of non-trapped excitons can diffuse. The diffusion process will preferentially direct excitons towards lower energy sites in the exciton distribution leading to a rapid red-shifting. The higher the free exciton density, the larger red-shift will be observed. The spectral signatures can then be assigned, where the two lower energy peaks are due to the fusion of a diffusing triplet exciton and a trapped triplet exciton and subsequent emission from the vicinity of the trap. The fluorescence peak at k = 535 nm is the result of fusion of two diffusing triplet excitons (Figure 3-3a). This is also consistent with our finding that the emission from red-shifted regions has a more linear scaling with increasing triplet exciton density (adjusted by increasing the excitation light intensity), confirming that the low energy emission is due to the fusion of diffusing triplets and a fixed number of trapped excitons. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 36 a t 0 S0 ps E 0.6 gs * 2 ps 3.5 ps t 520 540 560 580 600 Wavelength (nm) 620 b 640 0 0.5 -5 0.4 -10 E w ztf 0.3-15 0) E 0.2 -20 E 0.1 - 25 w 0 -400 -200 0 200 400 30 Position (nm) Figure 3-3 I Filling of exciton traps as diffusion proceeds. a, Tetracene crystal emission spectrum at 4 time points after excitation, integrated over all space. Circles are measured values and lines are spline interpolates. b, Spatio-temporal map of the average energy of the emission spectrum showing more rapid red shifting in the center of the distribution. One of the defining features of organic and nanocrystalline materials is their high morphological and energetic disorder. Consequently understanding how exciton transport is affected by disorder is crucial for the design of new materials. To this end we measure how exciton diffusion is affected as the disorder in tetracene is increased. Figure 3-4 shows how the mean squared displacement of the exciton distribution evolves in time for a thermally evaporated film of tetracene that is polycrystalline. By atomic force microscopy the crystalline domain size is measured to be -200 nm (Figure 3-4b), small compared to the a axis diffusion length of La = 610 nm. We find that transport in the thin film sample proceeds by normal diffusion for t < 350 ns with a diffusivity Dtf = 1.4 x 10-3 cm 2 /s. This value falls between the diffusivities found for the a and b crystal axes, Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 37 consistent with the film being composed of randomly oriented crystalline domains in the ab plane. This agreement in diffusivities indicates that the trap density within the bulk of a single domain of the film is similar to that of single crystal. However, in contrast to the single crystal, transport in the film transitions to subdiffusive at t - 350 ns, much earlier than the transition for the single crystal at t ~ 2 pts. The diffusion distance of an exciton in 350 ns is -500 nm, which indicates that a large fraction of diffusing excitons have encountered a domain wall of the crystallite on which they were formed. Due to the discontinuity in crystal order at the domain wall, the exciton trap density is expected to increase[52], leading to exciton trapping and the concomitant observation of subdiffusion. a Crystal a bb 240 Thin film24 M (D Crystaline domain 00 1nm 1 Pill ----- 3 0 C Crystal (a axis) D, =1.35 x10-3 cm 2 /s Thin film E Dt 1.4 x10-3 cm 2 /s a1.00 ±0.1 0 10- Trapping wall b 0.1 1 Time (gs) Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 38 Figure 3-4 1 Diffusion in tetracene polycrystalline film. a and b, Atomic force microscopy images of a single crystal ab plane (a) and of a tetracene evaporated film (500 nm average thickness) (b). Crystalline domains in the film are ~200 nm in size. c, Time evolution of the mean squared displacement for the film and comparison to the fit of the crystal a axis data. 3.5 Conclusion In conclusion, our measurements demonstrate that transport of triplet excitons in tetracene occurs by normal diffusion with a transition to subdiffusive transport that depends on sample morphology and, consequently, trap density. These results are the first direct spatial, temporal, and spectral observation of exciton transport in a molecular system, which can be taken as an archetype for both natural and engineered, ordered and disordered systems that rely on exciton transport. The imaging technique developed for this study is a general tool that can be applied to exciton transport in a wide range of materials, including those dominated by singlet exciton diffusion, characterized by a much shorter exciton diffusion lengths of 10-50 nm[12]. Despite the relatively large diffraction-limited size of the excitation and imaging point-spread function, the ultimate spatial resolution of the measurement is limited by the precision with which the width of the exciton distribution can be determined. The precision on the width, in turn, is only limited by the number of photons collected[57] and the stability of the optical system. Therefore no fundamental limit exists on the shortest diffusion length that can be measured with this technique. 3.6 Sample fabrication Tetracene was purchased from Luminescence Technology Corporation and further purified three times by vacuum physical vapor transport [23]. Thin film samples were fabricated on 170 pam thick microscope cover glass with no additional cleaning. The tetracene thin films were thermally evaporated at pressures less than 3x10- 6 Torr at a rate between 2-4 A/s. The film thickness was determined in-situ through use of a quartz crystal oscillator and rotation of the substrate holder during thermal evaporation resulted in a thickness variation of ±10% across the width of the substrate holder [51]. The thermal evaporator was directly attached to the glovebox (with less than 1 ppm 02 and Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, andEnergy 39 H2 0). The tetracene films were packaged in the dry nitrogen environment using UV curing epoxy and a second cover slip. The thin film was shadowed from the UV light during epoxy exposure by a square of aluminum foil. Single crystals of tetracene are grown using the same purified tetracene by the vapor phase method in Ar [23]. Crystallites had one large facet with a typical size of 1 xI mm and a thickness of -20 micrometers. In order to avoid an air gap between the crystallite and the cover glass, the cover glass is first wetted with immersion oil (Nikon, n = 1.52). The crystallites were then placed in the oil and pressed with another cover glass to make a sealed sandwich. We find that the tetracene was completely insoluble in the immersion oil and that the oil had no effect on the fluorescence spectrum or intensity. Most optical measurements of organic crystals are performed in the plane perpendicular to the growth direction because of the difficulty in handling and orienting a thin crystallite. Here we are interested in observing the large predicted anisotropy in diffusion between the c axis and the ab plane. In order to image diffusion along the crystal c axis a crystallite was wedged between two pieces of glass and the crystallite was immersed in objective oil (Figure 3-5). From the small anisotropy in fluorescence polarization in the image plane (Figure 3-5b) it was determined that the orthogonal axis to the c axis for this crystal was the b axis. a Tetracene crystal Immersion oil b Figure 3-5 1 a, Schematic of the sample setup for measurement of diffusion along the crystal c axis. b, Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 3.7 40 Sample Characterization 3.7.1 Determination of crystal axes To determine the crystallographic axes of crystals and the thin films, we used a combination of x-ray diffraction and polarized light microscopy. X-ray diffraction: aX 104 "I - (001) Single crystal (0 )0 nm film 6 CO C 2 (002)(03 0. E 10 15 20 25 20 (deg) Figure 3-6 1 X-ray diffraction pattern of tetracene single crystal and thin film. X-ray diffraction patterns were taken of the single crystal and thin film tetracene on glass cover slides in air. The crystal was oriented so that the largest facet was in contact with the substrate. The X-ray source was copper k-alpha radiation and the scan was measured in a coupled theta-two geometry. The (001) diffraction peak and its higher orders were the only visible diffraction peaks. Scans measured to 60* 20 found no additional diffraction. Thus we conclude that both the 500 nm film and the crystal have the crystal c-axis oriented perpendicular to the substrate. Wide-field fluorescence imaging: The samples are imaged using the same inverted microscope and 1OOX oil immersion objective as used for diffusion imaging. The samples were excited with a mercury lamp at a wavelength of 470±15 nm and fluorescence was collected at all wavelengths above 500 nm. The fluorescence is imaged onto a CCD camera (Q-Imaging 41 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy QIClick). A thin film linear polarizer is placed between the objective lens and the camera in order to image selected polarization of fluorescence. b a C 0.6 0 0. 4 . 0.2 0 0 Figure 3-7 1 Polarized fluorescence images of tetracene crystal in the ab plane. (a) Polarizer is horizontally polarized and (b) polarizer is vertically polarized. (c) Image of the degree of polarization obtained by taking the normalized difference of the two polarized images. a b C 0.2 -U -0.1 -0.1 0 0 Figure 3-8 [ Polarized fluorescence images of a d = 500 nm tetracene thin film. (a) Polarizer is horizontally polarized and (b) polarizer is vertically polarized. (c) Image of the degree of polarization obtained by taking the normalized difference of the two polarized images. 3.7.2 Absorption and emission spectrum Absorption measurements of tetracene thin films are performed on a Varian Cary 5000 spectrophotometer. Figure 3-9 shows a representative normalized absorption spectrum of a thin film of tetracene. Due to the thickness of tetracene crystals (~20 pm), the optical density is extremely high (up to OD = 10), preventing direct measurements of transmission to determine absorption. The thin film absorption is representative of the typical absorption of a crystal, although peaks may be slightly shifted with redistributed intensities. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 42 The absorption coefficient at the excitation wavelength of k = 400 nm is found by measuring the transmission through a 10 pm thick crystal. It was possible to measure the transmission because at this wavelength the absorption is weaker compared to the peak at ~500 nm. The transmission light source was the same 400 nm doubled Ti:Sapphire pulsed laser used for the imaging experiments but focused through a low-divergence 5X objective onto a ~5 pm diameter spot on a flat facet of the crystal. The transmitted power was measured above the sample and related to the transmission through the same setup and substrate in the absence of the crystal. The absorption coefficient at 400 nm was found to be a 4 00 Labs = 7.5 x 10' cm-' with a corresponding absorption length of , = 1 / a = 1.3 pm. Given this absorption length and the ~I ptm depth of field of the diffusion imaging system, most of the incident light is absorbed within the detection volume. [Power and exciton density here or somewhere later?] 1 am= 7.5 X103 CM.0.8 b CO 0.8- CI o S0.6- - - - Absorption - -- Emission 400 nm excitation f I El 0C 0.4.0- 'm -v 0.2- S50 400 450 500 550 Wavelength (nm) 600 650 700 Figure 3-9 1 Absorption spectrum of tetracene thin film and emission spectrum of a tetracene crystal. The steady-state emission spectrum of a tetracene crystal is shown in Figure 3-9. Excitation and light collection is done in the same configuration as the diffusion imaging experiments, but the fluorescence is directed to a different microscope port and imaged onto a multimode fiber. The fiber output is mounted at the entrance slit of a spectrograph (Princeton Instruments Acton SP2300, f = 300 mm, 300 g/mm grating, 500 nm blaze) with a CCD imaging camera at the output port. The spectrum exhibits a main peak at 535 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 43 nm which corresponding to the fusion of diffusive triplet excitons. The two peaks at 570 nm and 615 nm are attributed to fusion of a diffusive triplet and a trapped triplet, as elucidated by our spatially, temporally, and spectrally resolved measurements. 3.7.3 Fluorescence lifetime The fluorescence lifetime for the single crystals and for the polycrystalline thin film is shown in Figure 3-10. The fluorescence decay of tetracene has two characteristic time scales. For the crystal, the fast component (inset) has a lifetime of TPF = 262 + 10 ps which corresponds to prompt fluorescence from singlet excitons before fission occurs. The singlet exciton lifetime is dominated by rapid fission into two triplets. In contrast to the short total lifetime, the radiative lifetime of the singlet state has been found to be 12 ns in tetracene thin films[55]. At t > 3 ns, the fluorescence decays with a much longer, non-exponential time-dependence resulting from triplet fusion and subsequent singlet decay. The non-exponential decay occurs because fusion is a non-linear two-body process which depends on triplet density. The decay is faster at early times because the triplet density is highest. As the contribution from fusion of diffusing triplets decreases, the decay becomes exponential. We attribute this long decay (r = 1.37 ps for the crystal) to the fusion of a trapped triplet with a diffusing triplet. Since only one of the species is mobile, the rate of this process is linearly dependent on the diffusing triplet density, resulting in a mono-exponential decay. Single Crystal 100 Prompt fluorescence 10-1 01 E0 C TPF = 10 1 -2 26 2 ±10 ps 10 To - 10 (D 10 -3 0 1 3 2 3 Time (ns) 4 5 Delayed fluorescence TDF=1. 37 ±0.01 ps 10 0 1 2 3 4 Time (gs) 5 6 7 Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 44 Polycrystalline Thin Film 10 10' Prompt fluorescence TPF =310 ± 50 ps 10 ~101 Z.C -2 110 0 10'_ 2 3 4 5 Time (ns) Delayed fluorescence 1 .6 7 ± PF 10-4[ 0 0.5 1 1.5 Time (gs) 2 0.04S 2.5 3 Figure 3-10 I Time-resolved fluorescence of tetracene single crystal, showing both prompt fluorescence and delayed fluorescence. 3.8 Diffusion imaging optical setup Exciton transport in tetracene was measured using a custom-built fluorescence microscope shown in Figure 3-11. The setup is similar to a laser scanning confocal microscope but with a key modification. The -500 nm FWHM fluorescence spot is magnified 50OX using the objective lens and a lens external to the microscope to produce a spot with a FWHM of -250 ptm. The time-resolved photodetector with an active area of 50 pm is then scanned across the magnified fluorescence spot to obtain a map of fluorescence intensity as a function of time and space on the sample. The fluorescence intensity map is then assigned to a density of excitons, depending on whether singlet or triplet excitons are the primary species in the material. The laser excitation source is a Ti:Sapphire ultrafast laser producing pulses -100 fs in duration at a repetition rate of 80 MHz at a wavelength of 800 nm. In order to observe the long (-ps) dynamics of tetracene emission, the high repetition rate pulses are passed through an electro-optic pulse picker (Conoptics Model 350-160 KDP Series ElectroOptic Modulator, with driver Model 25D, and Model 305 Synchronous Countdown System). Typical repetition rates used for measurements of tetracene diffusion are 114 kHz, corresponding to a delay between pulses of 8.8 pts. The reduced repetition rate pulses are focused with an f = 100 mm lens onto a frequency doubling BBO crystal (Crystech Inc.). The crystal is cut for collinear phase-matching between the incoming and Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 45 outgoing upconverted light. The 400 nm beam is collimated and passed through a 750 nm shortpass filter to remove the residual 800 nm laser light and then passed through a 390±20 nm bandpass filter (Semrock, Inc. FFO1-390/40-25). The beam is then sent into an f = 18.4 mm fiber coupler (Thorlabs Inc. PAF-X-l 8-PC-A) to couple into a single mode fiber with a length of 20 cm. The output of the single mode fiber is collimated with a diffraction limited compound collimator to a diameter of 10 mm. QD Excitation spot - 300 nm thin film Cover slide Electro-optic pulse picker = Objective lens f = 2 mm, NA = 1.45 Fiber collimator 100 mm Image of BBO doubling crystal Dichroic mirror A = 405 nm f = 100 mm Long pass filter A = 405 nm spot Imaging lens f = 1000 mm 750 nm short pass filter 390±15 nm bandpass filter Single mode fiber Variable ND filter Fiber coupler Figure 3-11 transport. Photon counting system Single photon APD I Schematic of fluorescence imaging microscope for imaging exciton The single mode beam is directed into the back of an inverted optical microscope (Nikon Ti-E) and reflected into the objective lens by a longpass dichroic mirror with a cutoff wavelength of k = 415 nm (Semrock Inc., DiO2-R405-25x36). The lOOX oil immersion objective lens (Nikon CFI PlanApo Lambda lOOX Oil, effective focal lengthf = 2 mm) focuses the laser beam to a near diffraction limited spot with a FWHM of 200 nm, as determined from imaging the reflection spot. The sample is mounted above the objective lens on a piezoelectric scanning stage (Physik Instrumente, P-733.3CL with controller E-710.4CL). Each measurement of tetracene crystals and thin films was done on a single spot and the piezoelectric stage was used only to move to new areas between measurements. The fluorescence from the Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 46 sample is collected by the same objective and the resulting collimated beam passes through the dichroic mirror and then through a longpass filter with a cutoff at k = 416 nm (Semrock Inc., BLPO1-405R-25) to remove any residual scattered or reflected excitation light. The fluorescence beam is then focused by an achromatic lens with a focal lengthf= 1000 mm (Thorlabs Inc., AC508-1000-A-ML) to a region outside the microscope. The focal plane of the f= 1000 mm lens is determined by scanning an imaging CCD along the optical axis to find the smallest fluorescence spot size. A single photon detecting avalanche photodiode (APD) (MPD PDM Series 50 pm) is mounted in the focal plane on a two-dimensional computer-controlled translation stage. The output of the APD is connected to a timing module with a resolution of 4 ps (PicoQuant PicoHarp 300) which detects the arrival time of each photon. This technique, known as time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) results in a histogram of photon arrival times which corresponds to the time-dependent rate of photon emission from the sample. The APD detector is scanned with a velocity of 2.5 Im/s across the excitation spot in either the vertical or horizontal direction. The time-resolved fluorescence trace is recorded at each detector position resulting in a map of fluorescence intensity along one axis of the sample as a function of time. The detector is shielded from stray light and all measurements are done with room lights turned off, resulting in a dark count rate in the presence of the excitation laser of 100 counts/s. All measurements, with the exception of the power dependence in Section 3.10.2, were done with an incident average power on the sample of 1 nW, corresponding to a pulse energy of 9 fJ. Based on the absorption coefficient at X = 400 nm a400 = 7.5xl 0 cm- 1 the estimated singlet exciton density at t = 0 is then n(0) = 1.5 x 1017 -102 and as we see in Section 3.10.2 this density is also well below the onset of cm-, cm-3. This density is well below the tetracene molecular density of exciton-exciton annihilation effects. Samples had excellent photostability under this excitation power and consequently each measurement (-30 min) was done on the same -300 nm spot on the sample. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 3.8.1 47 Spatial resolution of imaging setup FWHM = 200 nm 600 20. 0 -1000 0 Position (nm) 1000 Figure 3-12 I Cross-section of single CdSe quantum dot (A = 610 nm) measured with a 100X, NA = 1.4 objective. The FWHM of the PSF of the system is y = 200 nm. The spatial resolution of imaging setup was determined by imaging of single CdSe quantum dots immobilized on a glass substrate. The resolution is near-diffraction limited with a full-width at half-maximum of the point spread function of y = 200 nm. 3.9 3.9.1 Data analysis The diffusion equation The diffusion equation in the most general three-dimensional case is a3n(r,t) at - V r[D(n,r,t)Vn(r,t)] aJt (3.2) where n(r,t) is the spatially-dependent and time-dependent density of excitons and D(n,r,t) is the diffusion coefficient. In the simplest situation, the diffusion coefficient is a constant. In our experiments, the exciton density is low-at most a fraction 10-4 of molecular sites in tetracene are excited at t = 0 and we can therefore consider D to be independent of n. We can also make the assumption that the diffusion coefficient is not dependent on position because tetracene crystals are homogeneous on the length scale of the exciton propagation distance. For tetracene thin films we can make this assumption because the spot size averages several domains. Finally, we are left with the time dependence of D, which in general is time-dependent. Since diffusion along different Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 48 directions is uncorrelated (i.e. the particle has no memory of the direction of the last hop) we can separate the diffusion equation and only consider diffusion along one dimension, therefore giving 'n(xt) = D(t) a2' - k(t)n(x,t) (3.3) Ox Mt Here we have added an exciton decay term with a general time-dependent rate k(t) = k,, (t)+ kr, where k(t),, is the non-radiative decay rate and k, is the radiative decay rate. The exciton generation term is left out because optical excitation in the experiments in this paper is pulsed, and hence will be given as the initial condition to the equation. The general solution to the diffusion equation with a constant diffusivity, and given the general initial condition n(2,O), is n(x,t)= n(,0)exp (x 4rDt If the ns(x,0) = no exp(-x initial 2 (3.4) 4Dt, exciton singlet -4) distribution is a Gaussian / 2u2(0)), then the exciton density at time t is n(x,t)= n 4rDt = 4rDt exp -72 exp (o) exp (x4j di 4Dt (3.5) x2 2(O)+ 4Dt, where we have used the property that the convolution of two Gaussian functions with variances o and yr results in a Gaussian with variance &r + U. The variance of the singlet exciton distribution, which is also termed the mean square displacement Kx@)2) evolves as 2Dt (x(t)2) = a2(t)= a2(0) + (3.6) The relation derived for (x( t)( above is known as Fick's Law, in which the hopping rates from site to site are not dependent on time. The linear relationship between (x(t)2) and t occurs in the special case of normal diffusion. In many physical systems Visualization qf Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 49 where disorder is present, the distribution of particle hopping times has a heavy-tailed distribution [53], [54], [58]. Consequently, Fick's law in one dimension is modified to (x(t)2) = Ata (3.7) The exponent a characterizes the type of diffusion and A is an empirically observed scaling factor which has fractional time units. For a = 1, we recover normal diffusion. For a > 1, the transport is superdiffusive, in which the particles spread faster than in normal diffusion. This is situation occurs in ballistic transport where the mean scattering time is long relative to the observation time. For y < 1, the transport is said to subdiffusive. This situation occurs when some fraction of the diffusing particles experience longer waiting times between hops, thus slowing down diffusion. Subdiffusion occurs in disordered physical systems because as diffusion proceeds, particles become trapped at sites from which escape is less probable. In organic molecular materials, charge conduction is known to increase as electron or hole traps are filled [1]. This phenomenon is markedly different from what we observe with exciton transport, where trap filling reduces exciton hopping. The reason for this difference is that charge lifetimes are much longer than exciton lifetimes. As charge is injected into the material, traps are filled, and subsequent passing charges can no longer be captured by the filled traps, and hence conductivity increases. In contrast, the exciton lifetime is so short that the probability of multiple excitons sampling the same molecular site within the the exciton lifetime is very small. This situation could change in the case of higher exciton densities, although other complications will arise such as excitonexciton annihilation. 3.9.2 Extracting the singlet exciton distribution The measured image of emitted photons is actually a spatial convolution of the exciton distribution n(x,t) , the point spread function (PSF) for the emission photons f, (x) , and the APD detector fd(x) I(x,t)= n(x,t)* f f(x)fd(x) (3.8) The PSF of emitted photons is an Airy disk pattern but can be approximated by a Gaussian function. From single quantum dot imaging studies using our experimental Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 50 setup, we find that the typical FWHM of the point source image is 200 nm for quantum dots emitting at 610 nm, corresponding to a standard deviation o = 133 nm . This value agrees well with the theoretical Rayleigh resolution of 0.6 1X / NA = 265 nm , when using an NA = 1.4 objective, indicating that our optical setup is near diffraction-limited. The APD detector size is 50 tm, and when imaged in the sample plane at 50OX demagnification, the size is 100 nm, which small compared to the spot size. Using the fact the convolution of Gaussians results in a Gaussian profile having a variance which is a sum of the constituent variances, we find that (t)+ o(t)= F =O(0)OSF + 2Dt (3.9) where a (t) is the variance of the intensity distribution, o2(t) is the variance of the singlet exciton distribution, and o2SF (t) is the variance of the detection point spread function. The change in mean square displacement (also termed the change in variance of the distribution) is then AMSD = (x(t)2)(x(0)2= 2 to(t)-r (0) = 2Dt (3.10) Importantly, we can see that AMSD does not depend on convolution with the Gaussian point spread function or on the width of the initial distribution. 3.9.3 Inferring triplet density from singlet distribution The time-resolved fluorescence intensity distribution measured in our setup is proportional to the singlet density in the material. However, energy transport in tetracene is dominated by triplet excitons. Hence we must determine the triplet exciton density based on the singlet exciton density. We start by considering the simplified rate equation for the density of singlet excitons n [52]: dns = ksns +y dt T Here ks is the total singlet exciton decay rate rate, yJ, (3.11) is the triplet-triplet fusion rate constant, and nT is the triplet exciton density. The singlet decay rate is a sum of rates ks = k + knr + kISC + kic + k, (3.12) Visualization qf Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 51 where krd is the radiative decay rate, knr is the nonradiative decay rare not captured by other processes such as recombination on a defect, k.Sc is the inter-system crossing rate, k,C is the internal conversion rate, and kf is the singlet fission rate. As discussed by Burdett et al. [52], the total decay rate is dominated by the fission rate with ki ~ 1 / 250 ps in our measurements. Therefore, solving for the triplet density, we find: n, =T [lr dni YTTF dt - 1/2 (3.13) + k .5ns Y We can make the assumption that dns / dt <ksn, because the term dns / dt is obtained experimentally as the slope of the measured time-resolved fluorescence. The measured delayed fluorescence lifetime is much longer than the fission lifetime for all times after the prompt fluorescence. Therefore the triplet density is given by: n,(~) -XE ns (x,t) 12(3.14) If the distribution of singlet excitons ns(x,t) is a Gaussian at all times with variance aj(t), as is the case in this work, then the triplet distribution variance is S T= 2j(t) It follows from Eqs. (3.9) and (3.10) that AC =2Ar (t)=2D t (3.15) The rate equation from which Eq. (3.14) was derived was simplified and did not include the effect of exciton traps. In the presence of traps, the relationship between singlet exciton density and the free triplet exciton density (those not in a trap) becomes more linear as traps are filled. Therefore Eq. (3.11) is modified at longer times[52]. However, generation of a singlet still requires the fusion two triplets, regardless of whether one of them is trapped. Therefore at a particular time, the variance of the total triplet exciton distribution (both free and trapped) is still given by Eq. (3.15). In the above discussion we have ignored geminate recombination of correlated triplet pairs. As has been shown by Burdett et al.[59], correlations between pairs of triplets can persist up to ~10 ns after fission. Such correlations modify the rate equation and early times and give a linear relationship between triplet and singlet exciton density. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, andEnergy 52 However, our measurements are primarily concerned with much longer time scales (- s), and hence geminate recombination can be ignored in calculating the triplet density. 3.9.4 Broadening of PSF due to dynamic redshift As diffusion proceeds, the emission spectrum redshifts, translating into a small change in the detection point spread function (PSF). Here we estimate the size of this effect on the measurement of the exciton distribution broadening. The change in the FWHM of the PSF due to dynamic red shifting of the tetracene fluorescence is given by Ay = y (3.16) where y is the FWHM of the initial PSF, X, is the center wavelength of the initial emission spectrum, and AX is the wavelength shift in the emission spectrum. The nominal detection PSF was found by imaging a single a CdSe colloidal quantum dot (Section 3.8.1) giving y = 200 nm . For a dynamic redshift in crystalline tetracene of AX =7 nm and a center wavelength of X0 =550 nm, we find that Ay = 2.5 nm , which is much smaller than the -1000 nm observed change in the FWHM of the intensity distribution due to diffusion. Therefore we can consider spectral broadening of the PSF to be a small effect and therefore can be neglected. 3.10 Supplementary results and discussion 3.10.1 Energy dependence of emission lifetime To verify the origins of the delayed fluorescence component of the emission (t > 10 ns) and the prompt fluorescence component of the emission (t < 10 ns), we measure the time-resolved fluorescence from crystalline tetracene (not spatially resolved) at varying excitation powers (Figure 3-13a). We can quantify the type of fluorescence mechanism in two time regimes by considering how the emission intensity scales with incident pump energy. Figure 3-13b shows that the time-integrated intensity of delayed fluorescence increases nonlinearly with pump energy. The nonlinearity in the power dependence is consistent with delayed fluorescence occurring as a result of the encounter of two triplet Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 53 excitons to produce a singlet exciton, consistent with earlier work [50]. As will be discussed below, the power law exponent for the scaling with pump energy is 'y < 2 because of processes that compete with fusion. It is of note that this increase in fluorescence quantum yield with increasing pump energy is unusual among organic materials, in which destructive two-body processes (such as annihilation) dominate at high exciton densities. a b -0 10 - f 10- 0.2 1 fJ -- 16 4fJ 1 --- 6 fJ -- 60fJ 8 -- Delayed -- Prompt -- Total 2 1i0 - -- 1:1 line- 10 o 10 10 1 E2 _10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Timne (ps) 5 6 7100, 0 1010 101 Incident pulse energy (fJ) Figure 3-13 I a, Time-resolved fluorescence from tetracene crystal at varying excitation energies. The glitch at t - 100 ns is due to the stitching of two data sets, one for short time scales and the other for long time scales. b, Integrated delayed and prompt fluorescence as a function of pump energy and comparison to a 1:1 line (power law slope y = 1) as guide to the eye. In contrast, the prompt fluorescence component (t < 10 ns) has a linear scaling with pump energy at energies < 100 fJ, at which point exciton-exciton annihilation effects reduce the quantum yield of prompt fluorescence. We note here that all measurements of diffusion were done at powers below the onset of annihilation. Prompt fluorescence is the result of singlet exciton decay, which is a single-body process, consistent with the measured pump energy dependence. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy a 54 b 1.3 1.3. 1.2-1.2 1 0.9 e 0 , 20 , 40 60 Time (ns) , 80 0. $00 - ---- 400 - - 600 Time (ns) - - 800 1000 Figure 3-14 1 Power exponent y of the relationship between pump energy and fluorescence intensity at a, short time scale and b, long time scale. The small mismatch in y between the two time scales occurs because energy-dependent measurements were done separately. This was done because of the large dynamic range of fluorescence intensity in tetracene between prompt fluorescence and delayed fluorescence. We can further quantify the evolution of the fluorescence by considering how the emission intensity at a particular time after excitation scales with the initial exciton density (proportional to the pump energy) (Figure 3-14). The power law exponent is y 1I at t = 0 ns, corresponding to prompt fluorescence, and rapidly increases to y = 1.25 at t = 10 ns, corresponding to exciton fusion becoming the dominant mechanism. The power exponent is y < 2 because of processes that compete with fusion, such as triplet-triplet annihilation and triplet-singlet annihilation as has been discussed in previous works [1]. As time proceeds, the power exponent again approaches y = 1, indicating a return to a fluorescence-producing process with a rate proportional to initial exciton density. Based on this result and our measurements of spectrally resolved exciton diffusion discussed earlier, we propose the following mechanism: As exciton diffusion proceeds, lower energy molecular states are filled with diffusing triplets, saturating to a fixed density N,. The remaining diffusing excitons can encounter the trapped excitons and undergo fusion, but this process occurs with a rate proportional to nN,, where n, is the density of nontrapped excitons. Consequently, the dependence of fluorescence intensity on exciton density is expected to be linear with triplet density, since N, is fixed by the trap density, which agrees with our observation. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 55 3.10.2 Excitation energy dependence of exciton diffusion In order to assign the observed exciton distribution broadening to exciton transport, it is important to verify that the broadening is not dependent on the excitation pulse energy. Apparent distribution broadening could be observed due to destructive exciton processes such as singlet-triplet annihilation. If strong annihilation is present, the exciton lifetime will be shorter in the center of the distribution where the density is highest, relative to the periphery of the distribution. As a result, the normalized exciton distribution will broaden, a process that could contribute to the broadening due to diffusion. Figure 3-15 shows the measured singlet exciton distribution broadening for three different excitation pulse energies ranging from 2 fJ to 8 fJ. We find excellent overlap of the data indicating that at these energy densities tetracene is well below the annihilation regime. Indeed if annihilation was present, a 4-fold increase in power would result in a 16-fold increase in the annihilation rate, but no such excitation energy dependence is observed. 1000 0 2U 5 0 800240 8 fJi 600 400 'i) 2000' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (gs) Figure 3-15 1 Singlet exciton distribution standard deviation CTS as for three different pump energies, showing that the broadening is independent of excitation energy. 3.10.3 Diffusion near crystal edge As a demonstration of passive control of exciton transport, we measure diffusion near the edge of a tetracene crystal. The excitation spot is focused -500 nm from the edge Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy 56 of a crystal facet, where the crystal ab plane is in the objective lens focal plane. Figure 3-16 shows that broadening proceeds only in the direction away from the crystal boundary. This result is a clear and direct vizualozation that exciton transport can be guided by tailoring the morphology of the material. In future work, we anticipate that nano-patterning organic thin films using the nano-imprinting technique we developed will allow for more precise manipulation of exciton transport. b Crystal edge a 1 4.5 01 0 pis 1 ,1 C,0.8.- 3 -- - -15p 3-5ps S0.6X ~ E 0.40 0.2z -1000 -500 0 0 500 Position (nm) 1000 0 0 500 -1500 -1000 -500 Position (nm) 1000 1500 Figure 3-16 I Triplet exciton diffusion near the edge of a crystal. a, Two dimensional map of the normalized singlet exciton distribution. b, Singlet exciton distribution at three time intervals showing diffusion only in the direction away from the crystal edge. 3.10.4 Radiative energy transfer Along with near-field hopping, the emission and reabsorption of a photon is another mechanism that can give rise to energy transport. This radiative form of energy transport is often difficult to distinguish from exciton hopping in exciton transport measurements, as has been discussed by Powell et al.[60]. In particular, photon emission followed by reabsorption (ERA) is itself a random walk process due to the randomization of the photon direction with each emission event. In materials dominated by singlet excitons, hopping transport and ERA transport occurs along the same axes because both mechanisms rely on the interaction of two dipoles-hopping in the near-field and ERA in the far-field. Visualization of Exciton Diffusion in Space, Time, and Energy a b 57 Strong ERA Strong n-orbital overlap Strong ERA Weak n-orbital overlap Transition dipole morment Weak ERA Strong n-orbital overlap Figure 3-17 1 a, Structural formula of tetracene and orientation of the transition dipole moment. b, Structure of a tetracene crystal showing the transition dipole moments and relative strengths of emission-reabsorption and n-orbital overlap. Tetracene, in contrast, is dominated by triplet excitons, the transport of which depends on wavefunction overlap. Transition dipole alignment and wavefunction overlap do not necessarily occur most efficiently along the same axes. Unlike most conjugated organic molecules, the dipole moment of tetracene is perpendicular to the long molecular axis (Figure 3-17a). Based on the orientation of the dipole moment and the crystal structure we can see from Figure 3-17b that the strongest dipole alignment, and hence ERA rate, occurs along the b crystal axis and the c crystal axis, with the weakest ERA occurring along the a axis. Consequently, the largest anisotropy in ERA is expected to be between the a and b axes, and a much smaller anisotropy is expected between the b and c axes. Indeed, the observed anisotropy in both absorption and emission between the a and b axes is ~3-fold as measured by Tavazzi et al.[61]. In contrast, the largest a-orbital overlap anisotropy, and hence the triplet exciton hopping anisotropy, is between the b and c axes, as seen in Figure 2 in the main text. Based on the observed anisotropy, we can conclude that the observed distribution broadening is due to triplet exciton hopping and not ERA. Disorder-DrivenExciton Transportin Quantum Dot Assemblies 58 4 Disorder-Driven Exciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies 4.1 Overview Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) are promising materials for use in solar cells, light emitting diodes, lasers, and photodetectors, but the mechanism and length of exciton diffusion in QD materials is not well understood. In this chapter we use time-resolved optical microscopy to directly visualize exciton transport in CdSe/ZnCdS core/shell QD assemblies. Contrary to expectations, we find that energetic disorder is the principle driving force for exciton diffusion in these materials, resulting in an exciton diffusion length exceeding 30 nm. Moreover, the diffusion length can be tuned by adjusting the inorganic shell thickness and organic ligand length, offering a powerful strategy for controlling exciton transport. These findings reveal new insights into exciton dynamics in QD assemblies and provide strategies for rationally designing QD materials and devices. Introduction 4.2 Introduction Colloidal quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor nanocrystals with size-tunable optical properties [62]. QDs are promising components of next-generation optoelectronic technologies due to solution processability, [63] narrow and size-tunable emission spectrum, [64] and the possibility for novel physics at the nanoscale that might enable enhanced power conversion efficiency [65], [66]. Indeed, a number of device architectures now employ QDs as the active optical material with great success: QDbased light emitting diodes have recently been demonstrated with external quantum efficiency as high as 18%,[67], and solar cells based on QDs have obtained overall power conversion efficiencies exceeding 7% [68], QD photodetectors have been fabricated that Disorder-DrivenExciton Transportin Quantum Dot Assemblies 59 surpass the performance of epitaxial devices [69], and lasers based on QD materials have shown tunable emission across the entire visible range [70]. Central to the operation of these devices is the formation, transport, and decay of bound electron-hole pairs, known as excitons. For instance, in excitonic solar cells, the efficient diffusion of excitons to charge-separating interfaces is an essential step in photocurrent generation [63]. On the other hand, exciton diffusion to quenching interfaces in QD light emitting diodes is a process that limits luminescence efficiency [67]. While considerable effort has been dedicated to the investigation and manipulation of charge transport in QD assemblies [71-74], comparatively little is known about exciton transport. Kagan et al. first showed that the ensemble photoluminescence spectrum of a close-packed QD solid is red-shifted due to resonant energy transfer within the sample inhomogeneous distribution [75]. Later, Crooker et al. used spectrallyresolved transient photoluminescence to monitor downhill excitonic energy migration in the time domain [76]. More recent studies have continued to focus on the dynamics of QD energy transfer [77] [78] [79]. The distance of exciton propagation, however, has remained elusive. Furthenore, it is unclear what effect downhill energy migration has on exciton transport in inhomogeneously broadened QD assemblies, and what strategies may be employed to control exciton diffusion length. We report the direct visualization of exciton transport in colloidal QD assemblies using time-resolved optical microscopy, as described in Chapter 3. By combining direct spatial imaging experiments with measurements of spectral dynamics we reveal the details of exciton transport in space, time, and energy, and furthermore show that the exciton diffusion length can be controlled by modification of QD surface properties. Disorder-DrivenExciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies A Exciton distribution 60 B 40 30 20 0.5 20 =0 -500 D C 3500 ,1.5x0 0 m 0 x (nm) 5000 E d, 8.05nm sbdIffuslon CIS C 1000 - 6' ,'' e ,d 10 .0.5 20 Time (ns) 12.6 nm 30 40 00 10 20 Time (ns) 30 40 Figure 4-1 1 a, Concept for exciton transport measurement, showing initial exciton distribution spreading spatially. b, Map of normalized exciton density in the place of the sample as a function of time. c, Change in the mean square displacement of the exciton distribution as a function of time for three QD samples. d, Schematic of the three different QD samples used with different average center-to-center QD spacing in each. e, Time-dependent diffusivity calculated from the mean square displacement data in part c. 4.3 Methods Summary To measure exciton transport spatially, a pulsed laser (k = 405 nm) focused to a near-diffraction-limited spot excites an initial distribution of excitons in the plane of a z 70 nm thick QD film. The initial distribution broadens in time as excitons diffuse from areas of higher exciton density to areas of lower exciton density (Figure 4-la). By measuring photoluminescence emission intensity as a function of position and time, the time-dependent exciton distribution can be reconstructed. Results from one of these experiments are shown in Figure 4-lb. The exciton distribution at time t = 0 has a standard deviation of a(0) = 204 nm, which broadens to a(t) = 214 nm at t = 40 ns. Although the initial size of the exciton distribution is limited by the smallest focal spot possible with far-field optics, the large signal-to-noise ratio in our measurement makes it possible to observe even small changes in the exciton distribution. Disorder-DrivenExciton Transportin Quantum Dot Assemblies 61 Results and Discussion 4.4 We compare exciton transport in three QD materials, which differ in inter-QD spacing (Figure 4-id). All three samples are based on CdSe cores of nearly identical size (diameter ~ 4.2 nm, X ~ 600 nm) with photoluminescence quantum efficiency exceeding 60%. Inter-QD spacing is tuned by varying the molecular ligand length and inorganic shell thickness. As measured by electron microscopy, the average center-to-center spacing in each sample is d, = 8.0 ± 0.3 nm, d2 = 8.5 ± 0.3 nm, and d3 = 12.6 ± 0.8 nm. To quantitatively analyze the time-dependent broadening of the exciton distribution, we plot the change in variance a 2 versus time for the three samples (Figure 4-1c). Broadening of the exciton distribution is slower for samples with larger QD center-tocenter separation, consistent with theories of excitonic energy transfer based on electromagnetic coupling [60], [80]. For a simple random walk, or normal diffusion, the variance grows linearly with time, C2 (t)where C 2 (t) is the variance at time t, 2 (4.1) (0)= 2Dt is the variance of the initial distribution, and y 2 (0) D is the diffusivity. However, in all three QD samples the variance is observed to grow sub-linearly (see Figure 4-1c). The measured change in variance can in this case be parameterized by, a 2 (t)- 2 (4.2) (0)= Ata where A is a proportionality factor with fractional time units and a is the diffusion exponent. For a = I, we recover Eq. (4.1) for normal diffusion. If a <1, the transport is said to be subdiffusive [58] with a time-dependent diffusivity D(t) = 1 / 2A- 1. D(t) for each of the three samples is shown in Figure 4-le. In each case, rapid initial diffusion is followed by an approach toward a slower, quasi-static diffusivity. Disorder-DrivenExciton Transportin Quantum Dot Assemblies 62 A kBT Time B 580 0 600 -5 620 - -10_ E 580 d (* -15- :r>600 C - -) >620 -20 -- 600 - -25 dW 25 620 -.30 640 0 - . ) --- 0.1 0 -Distance 5 0 1020 Time (ns) 6 10 14 (nm) 10 15 Time (ns) 20 25 Figure 4-2 1 a, Schematic showing how the exciton energy distribution evolves as diffusion proceeds, with fast initial diffusion and slow diffusion at later times. b, Evolution of the emission spectrum in time for the three QD samples with white lines showing the mean emission wavelength at each time. c, Shift in the mean emission energy vs. time for each sample with a fit to a decaying and offset exponential function with decay rate k, . Inset shows the decay rate as a function of QD separation distance. The dashed line shows a 1/d 6 FRET rate scaling for comparison. Disorder-DrivenExciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies 63 Subdiffusive transport can result from variable site-to-site hopping rates in a disordered energy landscape [58]. In our system, excitons are generated with equal probability at any site in the QD ensemble (Figure 4-2a). Over time, the exciton moves energetically downhill due to energy transfer from higher-energy sites to lower-energy sites. The thermalized exciton reaches a final average energy that is determined by site energy disorder and the available thermal energy (Figure 4-2a) [81], [82]. QD materials are known to have energetic disorder arising from size polydispersity [75], [76]. To characterize this aspect of our material system, we performed spectrallyresolved transient photoluminescence measurements of exciton dynamics. The temporal evolution of the photoluminescence spectrum and intensity for the three QD samples is shown in Figure 4-2b. In all three samples the median emission energy red-shifts with time. This transient red-shift is absent in solution, where QDs are spaced too far apart for exciton diffusion to occur. The time-dependent shift of the peak relative to its initial position is plotted in Figure 4-2c. Solid lines are fits to the form AE = AE [I - exp(-kat)]. The dynamic red-shift is direct evidence of energetic disorder in our system. Bassler [81] showed that, for a Gaussian distribution of site energies, the median occupied energy saturates at long time to a value, AE= '.kBT (4.3) where ai is the width of the inhomogeneous distribution of site energies, and kB T = 25 meV is the thermal energy per degree of freedom at room temperature. The energy shift is determined by a balance between the width of the density of states and thermal excitation out of the lowest energy states. To quantify the energetic disorder in our system, we use Eq. (4.3) to calculate the inhomogeneous broadening. For samples dj, d2, and cA, we find that the inhomogeneous broadening (reported as FWHM = 2N2 n 2 -ah ) is 54 meV, 54 meV, and 47 meV, respectively. From knowledge of the inhomogeneous broadening and the total photoluminescence linewidth, the homogeneous photoluminescence linewidth can be determined from o" = +lorn h. We find that the homogeneous linewidth (FWHM) is Disorder-DrivenExciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies 64 70 meV, 68 meV, and 63 meV for samples dl, d2 , and d 3, respectively, in agreement with recent measurements of similar materials [83]. The similarity in homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening for all three samples allows us to make comparisons based primarily on inter-QD spacing. The rate at which the exciton population approaches a thermalized energy distribution is determined by the site sampling frequency, which is directly proportional to the average energy transfer rate between neighboring nanocrystals. The exponential decay constant kAE obtained from analysis of the data in Figure 4-2c is plotted in the inset as a function of QD center-to-center distance. The dotted line shows l/d 6 scaling, as expected for energy transfer dominated by dipole-dipole interactions [60], [80], although higher-order multipoles may play a role [84]. If energetic disorder is the origin of subdiffusive transport, then excitons of different energy should have different diffusivities. In Figure 4-3a we show spectrallyresolved measurements of exciton transport. Diffusion is faster for excitons in the higher energy portion of the inhomogeneous distribution than excitons near the bottom of the distribution. Excitons at high energy sites within the sample have larger cumulative hopping rates due to greater probability of finding a lower-energy acceptor nearby. This is confirmed by measuring the exciton lifetime as a function of exciton energy (Figure 4-3b). The highest-energy excitons have the shortest lifetime (fastest energy transfer rate), whereas the lifetime of low-energy excitons approaches the lifetime of isolated QDs, as measured in solution. A B 2500 12 2000E 1500 622 588 Wavelength (nm) 6 1000 -C S - 500- 2 5 10 Time (ns) 15 $75 600 625 Wavelength (nm) 650 Disorder-DrivenExciton Transportin Quantum Dot Assemblies 65 Figure 4-3 1 a, Evolution of the mean square displacement for three spectral regions of the QD emission. The spectral regions are shown in the inset. b, QD emission lifetime as a function of emission wavelength. The lifetime approaches the lifetime of QDs in solution for lower energy excitons. Energetic disorder is typically regarded as detrimental to diffusive transport [81]. Our results indicate, however, that in QD assemblies energetic disorder can provide an additional driving force for exciton transport. Due to a limited exciton lifetime (10-20 ns in these materials), an exciton spends the majority of its time in the transient approach to thermal equilibrium (see Figure 4-2c). Consequently, transport occurs mainly during the first few nanoseconds following photoexcitation, when the exciton population is large and the downhill energetic driving force is greatest. The beneficial effect of this initial rapid diffusion on the overall exciton diffusion length, LD, is demonstrated in Figure 4-4. Here, we plot the fraction of excitons surviving to some time t vs. the net spatial displacement (in one dimension) during that time. The solid curves shown in Figure 4-4 are generated directly from measurements of the exciton spatial distribution and the ensemble population decay. By convention, we define the exciton diffusion length, LD, as the minimum net displacement in one dimension achieved by 37% (i.e. Ile) of the exciton population. Exciton diffusion lengths for samples dl, d 2, and d3 are found to be 32 nm, 25 nm, and 21 nm, respectively. These values are 2-5 times larger than typical singlet exciton diffusion lengths in organic molecular thin films [12]. The dashed curve in Figure 4-4 is a hypothetical case of normal diffusion for sample d, assuming a constant limiting diffusivity of D(t-coo) = x 10-4 cm 2/s. Comparing it to the measured (solid) curve for dl, we see that the initial rapid disorder-driven phase of transport leads to an exciton diffusion length that is more than twice as large as one would expect assuming thermalized exciton diffusivity. This shows that the initial phase of transient approach to a thermalized population should not be neglected when modeling hopping-type exciton transport in disordered materials. Disorder-DrivenExciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies 66 1d 0.8 d2 d - -O -dD(t-yo 0.6 .0 0 C 0 10 20 30 40 50 Propagation distance (nm) Figure 4-4 I Distribution of exciton propagation lengths for the three QD samples obtained from measurements of the mean square displacement and the exciton lifetime. Dashed line shows the hypothetical case in which the diffusivity is constant and has a value of D = 10~4 cm 2/s. While it is evident that energetic disorder provides an additional driving force for exciton transport in these QD samples, it is not clear what the optimum amount of disorder would be for maximizing exciton diffusion length. Increasing inhomogeneous broadening would augment the initial rapid phase, but also slow transport at later times. The effect of energetic disorder is expected to be system-specific, and a function of exciton lifetime, hopping rate, homogeneous linewidth, and Stokes shift. Additionally, we note that not all energetic disorder is good. For instance, heavy-tailed distributions with very deep energetic traps have deleterious effects on exciton transport [54]. 4.5 Conclusion We have showed that energetic disorder, QD center-to-center distance, and photoluminescence quantum efficiency are important factors in determining exciton diffusion length in QD materials. Additionally, emission wavelength (i.e. band gap) is expected to strongly influence exciton diffusion length. For a random walk of dipolemediated energy transfer events, LD scales as L 5' 2 [36]. In a film of near-infrared (? z 1200 nm) emitting QDs with similar polydispersity, size, and photoluminescence quantum efficiency to our sample d1 , exciton diffusion lengths exceeding 150 nm could Disorder-DrivenExciton Transport in Quantum Dot Assemblies 67 be expected. The flexibility in tuning exciton transport allows QD materials to be engineered for a particular device application. For example, in excitonic solar cells where a long diffusion length is desired, QDs with a thin shell, short ligand, and long exciton lifetime are desirable. For light-emitting devices and lasers where isolated, noninteracting excitons are desired, QDs with thick shells and little inhomogeneous broadening are ideal. 5 Harnessing Exciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 5.1 Overview In this chapter we show how exciton transport in molecular materials can be harnessed for addressing a fundamental limitation: the small optical absorption crosssection of nanoscale items such as molecules and quantum dots. This limitation is relevant to a number of applications including single-molecule sensing, single photon generation, and down-conversion for lighting applications. Here we develop the concept of the excitonic antenna, which relies on the strong excitonic absorption and exciton transport of J-aggregates to funnel excitons to acceptor molecules and quantum dots, thus increasing their absorption cross-section. We show that on a per-molecule basis, the absorption cross-section, and the subsequent fluorescence, of DCM molecules coupled to the excitonic antenna is enhanced by a factor of ~1000. Furthermore, we demonstrate how fluorescence enhancement occurs on the single quantum dot level. 5.2 Introduction Nature presents us with a fundamental size mismatch in photonics. While the size of the smallest optical mode in free space is a microscopic A/2 ~ 250 nm, the size of the optical absorption cross-section of a typical organic molecule is ~ 0.1 nm . Consequently, the probability that a single photon will be absorbed by a single molecule is ~10-7. The small absorption probability then leads to low external quantum efficiency (EQE) of molecular fluorescence, where EQE is defined as the fraction of incident photons that are reemitted. harnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 69 A number of technological applications would benefit by increasing the absorption performance and fluorescence of organic and nanostructured materials. These include chemical sensing, lasers, solar concentrators, photodetectors, single-photon generation, and optical frequency down shifting. These applications in the context of our system are discussed at the end of Chapter 6. 5.3 Fundamentals of absorption cross-section Several factors contribute to the low absorption probability. First, the absorption features in most organic and nanostructured materials are spectrally broad, with the transition dipole moment of the transition distributed over this spectral bandwidth. For an optical transition with Einstein spontaneous emission cross-section A, and lineshape function g(v) where v is the frequency, is [85]: or,,9 ab()= 1X 2 (5.1) g(X) The broadening of an optical transition has three components: (1) the natural linewidth AE determined by the transition dipole moment, (2) the homogeneous linewidth AEh, and (3) the inhomogeneous linewidth AElh, with the total linewidth given by AE = AE + AEh AEih (5.2) Inhomogeneous broadening is caused by site-specific disorder in the material, with each molecular site experiencing a different environment causing energy shifts. The main source of homogeneous broadening in solid-state systems is due to molecular vibrations. Even in a perfectly ordered system with no inhomogeneous broadening, the linewidth at room temperature will still be dominated by the homogeneous broadening AE=~kT = 25 meV. This broadening then sets a limit on the absorption. For a two-level transition Eq. (5.1) can be rewritten as [86], [87] =' 3X2 abs AEh 2AE (5.3) We see that while fundamentally the absorption cross-section is ~A2 , the cross-section is reduced by a factor of AEh / AE 0 due to homogeneous broadening. HarnessingExciton Transport: The ExcitonicAntenna 5.4 70 Existing approaches for absorption enhancement Over the past decade, work on the control of radiative properties of luminescent materials has led to the development of strategies for enhancement of fluorescence by near-field coupling of constituent lumophores to optical fields associated with metal nanostructures [88-91]. Plasmonic metal nanostructures can increase the fluorescence of lumophores by locally enhancing the incident optical field, by modifying the lumophore radiative rate, and by increasing the outcoupling of light. For example, fluorescence enhancements of up to 1340-fold have been demonstrated in bowtie nano-antennas,[90] in the vicinity of scanning probe tips,[92-95] and even in large-area structures.[91], [96] While providing high local fields and large enhancement factors, such schemes are highly sensitive to the nano-scale geometry of the plasmonic structures, resulting in either large enhancement or effective quenching.[89], [94] 5.5 Concept: the excitonic antenna Here we propose and demonstrate a purely excitonic approach to absorption enhancement by harnessing the absorption and exciton transport properties of organic thin films. Figure 5-1 shows the schematic of the excitonic antenna. Molecules or other absorbers to be enhanced such as quantum dots are deposited on a material (the antenna material) with a large absorption cross-section and having a long exciton diffusion length. The antenna material is optically excited generating excitons. The excitons diffuse and eventually encounter an acceptor molecule or quantum dot. The emission of the antenna material and the absorption of the acceptor are chosen to overlap in order to produce efficient FRET to the acceptor. The exciton on the acceptor can now be emitted radiatively or the energy can be further transferred as needed. HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 71 71 HarnessingExciton Transport. The Excitonic Antenna O X=600 emission nm excitation A=400nm 1 J-aggregate film (5 nm) IR- T A~k~d& single acceptors exciton diffusion by random walk Figure 5-1 | Schematic of the excitonic antenna for absorption and fluorescence enhancement In this scheme, the dimensionality of the incident photon energy is reduced in several steps. The incident three-dimensional microscopic photon mode is first localized in a quasi two-dimensional film in the form of excitons. Exciton diffusion and energy transfer to the acceptor further localize the energy onto a zero-dimensional acceptor. The absorption cross-section of the acceptor is effectively increased by a factor corresponding to the number of molecular sites that can be sampled by the diffusing exciton within its lifetime. In this work we will generally refer to the enhancement in fluorescence because fluorescence is the experimental observable, while recognizing that in the absence of saturation of the excited state, fluorescence is proportional to the absorption crosssection. 5.6 Excitonic antenna continuum model In this section we quantitatively consider the dynamics of the excitonic antenna to determine the acceptor fluorescence enhancement. The rate equations describing the twodimensional densities of antenna excitons n,(t) and acceptor excitons n,(t) are dn pjklS= - knJ-y(NA - nA)nj dn dnA = PA - kAnA +y(NA - nA)nj dt (5.4) harnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna where /, and PA 72 are the excitation rates per unit area, kj and kA are the total exciton decay rates (including radiative and nonradiative components), NA is the density of acceptors. The parameter il is the fraction of donor excitons that are mobile and can couple to the acceptors. It is reasonable to expect that many generated donor excitons are not mobile due to the many unknowns of the morphology of the J-aggregate antenna material, which will be discussed below. Hence, q is the only fit parameter used in the model. The last term in the rate equations represents the total energy transfer rate to the acceptors due to diffusion and FRET. The parameter y is the donor-acceptor FRET rate constant in units of cm 2 /s which is given by [1] y = 4rDRF / dj (5.5) where D is the diffusivity of the donor excitons, dj is the thickness of the donor film. The capture radius RF is the distance between donor and acceptor below which energy transfer happens instantaneously. This is a common approximation made for two-body reactions such as this [1]. Here we make the approximation that the capture radius is equal to the FRET radius. We solve our system in the two-dimensional case where the donor film thickness dj is on the order of the FRET radius, dj ~ RF. Hence to obtain the twodimensional FRET rate constant y, we reduce Eq. (5.5) by di. In two dimensions, the diffusivity of the donor excitons D can be related to the diffusion length LD by [1], [19] LD = D 4D k (5.6) where 1 / k. is the lifetime of the donor excitons. The FRET rate constant is then given by iL2D kJ RF ff= (5.7) d, which can be regarded as the surface area sampled by a diffusing exciton within the exciton lifetime. HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 73 The rate equations can be solved in steady-state to yield the total density of excited acceptor molecules. The total rate of emission from the acceptor molecules is given by IA= k'k A(ki PA + #P A + yN A (5.8) where kAx is the radiative rate of the acceptors. Here we have made the assumption that saturation of the acceptor transitions is negligible, which is a reasonable approximation in the limit of low-intensity, continuous-wave excitation that is used in our experiments. The first term, 3A,, is the direct pumping rate of the acceptors by the incident excitation light. This occurs because of spectral overlap between donor and acceptor absorption, which can be large or small depending on the choice of donor and acceptor materials, as we will see below. The second term in Eq. (5.8) is the acceptor excitation due to the FRET from diffusing donor excitons. The rate of emission per molecule is given by A= ' kA AJ+ N AN J+ 'Na Ak,+ yN A (5.9) The enhancement in fluorescence intensity from the acceptors is then given by the ratio of the excitonic pumping term and the direct pumping term of Eq. (5.9) EF = excitonic pump + optical pump optical pump fl yNA =1+11 PA k + yNA The pump rates #, and #A can be rewritten (5.10) as fP= ICJNJ P, I (5.11) NA A where I is the pump rate in photons/cm 2, and uT and o A are the absorption crosssections of the donor and acceptor materials, respectively, at the excitation wavelength. The enhancement rate is then EF = 1+ 77 yNj A kJ+yNA (5.12) HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 74 This expression is further simplified by noting that k N NF =(5.13) where 1/ N F is the surface area sampled by a diffusing exciton given by N F= (5.14) 7(L\JRF Therefore the final expression for the enhancement factor is EF=1+ a A N N Nj (5.15) NF +NA A surprising feature of Eq. (5.15) is that EF is a function of the acceptor concentration N A. As we will see in subsequent sections, this dependence is a consequence of the ability of a single acceptor to scavenge donor excitons from an area much larger than the FRET radius due to the mobility of the donor excitons. 5.7 A test system: J-aggregate antenna and DCM acceptors The key criteria to increasing this enhancement factor are the ratio between the recombination of donor excitons, k. and the rate at which donor excitons diffuse and energy transfer to acceptors, YNA , as well the ratio between the absorption of the antenna material and the acceptor material. For these reasons J-aggregate thin films are ideal candidates as donors for large enhancement factors. As discussed in Section 2.6.3, Jaggregates are characterized by a narrow and intense absorption feature and are known to have long (~50 nm) exciton diffusion lengths. As the acceptors, we use will consider molecules of DCM, a stable organic laser dye discussed in Section 2.6.2. The J-aggregate thin films are composed of aggregated thiocyanine molecules, with the J-peak absorption resonance centered at k = 465 nm (Figure 5-2). Due to the small Frank-Condon shift in J-aggregates, the emission is centered at k = 467 nm. The DCM molecules are deposited on the thiacyanine J-aggregate (TCJ) film with varying concentrations. DCM is chosen because its absorption spectrum, center at X = 460 nm, has excellent overlap with the J-aggregate emission spectrum, resulting in efficient FRET. The emission of DCM is measured to be centered at ~600 nm in the dielectric HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 75 environment of the underlying TCJ film and the surrounding air [97]. The DCM emission is therefore well spectrally separated from the peak of the J-aggregate emission, making it possible to discriminate acceptor enhancement from background antenna material emission. antenna: thiocyanine J-aggregate 0. absJ acceptor: DCM dye abs % ~ Forster e ' energy -- transfer (FRET) em OCM "C CN 350 400 450 500 550 Wavelength (nm) 600 650 700 Figure 5-2 1 The TCJ-DCM system in which TCJ acts as the excitonic antenna and DCM molecules as acceptors. 5.7.1 TCJ-DCM sample preparation TCJ thin films are prepared via layer-by-layer dip coating using the technique described by Bradley et al [28]. The 4.5-bilayer films are deposited on glass slides having a 1 mm thickness. The thickness of the J-aggregate films is estimated to be -5 nm, based on AFM measurements of similar cyanine-based layer-by-layer thin films [28]. DCM (4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran) is prepared by dissolving DCM powder (Exciton Inc.) in chloroform at a range of concentrations from 10- mg/mL to 10- mg/mL. The DCM solutions are deposited onto TCJ films by spin coating at a rotational speed of 1500 RPM and with an acceleration of 1500 RPM/s. All depositions of DCM were done in an N2 inert atmosphere glovebox to minimize degradation of the DCM dye. We verified that TCJ samples are insoluble in chloroform with now measurable change in the optical properties after immersion in chloroform. The samples are encapsulated by first depositing a bead of Torr Seal two-part solvent free vacuum epoxy on the perimeter of the sample. The film is then sealed in the 76 HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna glovebox by placing a glass coverslip on the epoxy bead, thereby creating a sealed N2 pocket around the central region of the film. A set of control samples is fabricated by spin-coating the same DCM solutions on glass slides that had been coated with a single layer of PDAC, the positive polyelectrolyte constituent of the layer-by-layer J-aggregate thin films. The PDAC layer is used in order to make the surface of the control sample similar in hydrophilicity to the top surface of the J-aggregate films, which also has PDAC as the top layer. This ensures that a particular DCM concentration in solution will result in the same DCM surface density after spin coating on both TCJ and the control samples. 5.7.2 TCJ-DCM sample characterization The absorption of TCJ films was determined by measuring the thin film transmission (Figure 5-3). The reflection of the film is ignored here because only an approximate value of absorption is required for the subsequent analysis. Based on the peak absorption of the film (A = 49% at X = 466 nm), the film thickness of -5 nm, and the peak absorption coefficient of TCJ is a= 1.4 x 106 cm-'. The typical molecular density for organic small molecules such as cyanine dyes is n ~ 2 nm-3 . The absorption cross-section is related to the molecular density n and the absorption coefficient a by a, For TCJ we find that the absorption cross-section per molecule is the peak of absorption. (5.16) n cabs = 7 x 10-16 cm 2 at HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 77 400 30 0 0 2010- 0- Figure 5-3 = 466 nm. I Absorption 400 450 500 Wavelength (nm) 550 600 of 4.5 bilayer TCJ thin film, showing a 49% peak absorption at X To compare the experimental results to the above model, it is necessary to obtain the density of DCM acceptors on the TCJ film. This quantity cannot be obtained directly because at low surface densities the absorption is very difficult to measure by transmission methods. Instead two solutions with higher DCM concentrations 1 ( ' mg/mL and 102 mg/mL) were prepared and spin coated onto PDAC coated glass slides. The absorption of these samples is shown in Figure 5-4. From the peak absorption of 1.9% at k = 461 nm for the 10-' mg/mL solution concentration, and a previously obtained peak absorption cross-section for DCM of aUDCA =1.3x 10-16 cm 2 , we find that the surface density of DCM molecules is NDC =1.4x 1014 cm 2 . This value is obtained using the relationship NDCM A (5.17) DCM where A is the absorption. The surface density corresponding to a particular solution concentration can now be extrapolated based on the value obtained for the 10' mg/mL solution. To ensure that the surface density scales linearly with solution concentration we measure the PL intensity from the control samples. Figure 5-5a shows the emission spectra from DCM control samples fabricated from a range of solution concentrations. Figure 5-5b near-linear relationship between solution concentration and the integrated harnessing Exciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 78 PL, with a power law exponent of y = 0.9. This result confirms that extrapolating the DCM surface density based on solution concentration is a valid assumption. 10-1 mg/mL 10-2 mg/mL - 1.5- 0 0 CO) 0.5 0 350 400 - ---450 500 550 Wavelength (nm) 600 650 Figure 5-4 I Absorption of DCM on glass (control samples), at two DCM concentrations in solution. a X 10,b 10 10_ -10- 3 mg/mL -- 10' mg/ML 10- . -- 10-5 mg/mL -0mg/mL- 42 8 86 - ' - 10 9 Power law fit y= 0.9 "R 10, 406 10 6 2 -- -i- 500 550 600 650 Wavelength (nm) - 700 -4o2 100 10- 10 10DCM concentration (mg/mL) Figure 5-5 I Analysis of the PL from DCM control samples. a, PL of DCM control samples at three solution concentrations. b, Integrated PL counts as a function of solution concentration, showing a near-linear power law dependence with a power exponent of y = 0.9. HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 5.8 79 Optical measurement setup Spectrally resolved measurements are carried out on an inverted optical microscope (Nikon Ti-U). Samples were excited with a mercury lamp in an epifluorescence configuration, with the excitation bandpass filter of k = 390 ± 10 nm. The excitation light is focused to 100 pm diameter spot with a 20X objective and the sample was continuously scanned during measurement in order to avoid photobleaching. The excitation power density as measured at the sample is 1 W/cm 2 . A k = 405 nm longpass dichroic filter and emission filter were used to select the fluorescence, which was coupled into a CCD spectrograph. Time-resolved measurements are carried out on the same microscope, but with pulsed excitation from a supercontinuum white light source (NKT Photonics SuperK Blue). The supercontinuum laser produces pulses with ~100 ps duration at a repetition rate of 40 MHz. The laser output is fiber coupled to an acouso-optic tunable filter (AOTF) (NKT Photonics), which is used to select the excitation wavelength, exc = 475 nm. The excitation light is focused to 100 ptm diameter spot with a 20X objective. The fluorescence is collected and filtered as above, and then focused onto a single photon detecting avalanche photodiode (APD) (MPD PDM Series 50 tm). The output of the APD is connected to a timing module with a resolution of 4 ps (PicoQuant PicoHarp 300), which detects the arrival time of each photon to build a time-resolved trace of the PL emission. 5.9 Enhancement of DCM on TCJ Figure 5-6 shows the spectrally resolved emission from the TCJ-DCM system for samples having a range of DCM surface densities under CW excitation. A range of DCM surface densities is used in order to probe the ability of a single acceptor to scavenge excitons from a large area of the antenna material. The spectra show two emission regions. At wavelengths k < 505 nm, the PL is dominated by the J-aggregate peak. For k < 505 nm the PL consists of a superposition of the tail emission states from TCJ and the PL of the DCM layer. We see that as the DCM surface density is reduced over two orders HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 80 of magnitude, the reduction in the DCM component is significantly less. The J-aggregate PL tail is a ubiquitous feature of J-aggregates in both solution and thin film form. J-aggregate peak emission DCM + J-aggregate tail emission I.' 12 CM-2 101 cM-2 -10" 0CM -2 NoDCM I- 3.5 3- IR2.5- 450 500 550 600 650 Wavelength (nm) 700 Figure 5-6 I PL of the TCJ-DCM system showing two spectral regions corresponding to Jaggregate peak emission and the DCM emission. The DCM component is quantified by subtracting the TCJ component from the total PL spectrum. To reduce the contribution of the TCJ emission, we use = 575 nm as the cutoff wavelength at which the DCM component is normalized to zero. This approach will slightly underestimate the DCM emission because the DCM emission is centered at = 600 nm, as can be seen in Figure 5-6. We found that this analysis step was necessary because of the variation in the J-aggregate peak intensity between TCJ samples that were otherwise prepared in identical conditions and in the same layer-by-layer growth. However, despite the peak height variation, the normalized shape of the TCJ tail spectrum (when normalized at k = 575 nm) was identical across samples, making any changes in that shape attributable to the DCM contribution. HarnessingExciton Transport:The Excitonic Antenna 81 Figure 5-7 shows the DCM component of the emission for both the TCJ-DCM system and the DCM control samples. As was seen in Figure 5-6, the reduction in the DCM component is not proportional with the reduction in acceptor surface density. In contrast, Figure 5-6b shows that the control DCM samples show a decrease PL intensity that is proportional to surface density. The integrated DCM PL intensity as a function of surface density for both sets of samples is shown in Figure 5-8a, quantifying the observations in Figure 5-7. At a surface density of N A =1012 Cm- 2 the PL from the TCJ- DCM sample is a factor of 6 higher than the corresponding control sample. Therefore the enhancement factor at NA =1012 cM- 2 is EF = 6. The enhancement factors at other surface densities are calculated similarly and are shown in Figure 5-8b. At a concentration of N A=109 cM- 2 the enhancement factor per DCM molecule is EF 2000. DCM on J-aggregates DCM on glass DCM density 2 30 -1'c cm- -)- 10 cm -25 10 20 10 30 25 m --- 10 cm~ cm~ cm2'-1 -2 15 10 10 0 -0 -2 15 5 DCM2 density 35 5 600 650 Wavelength (nm) 700 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) Figure 5-7 I DCM component of the total emission for the TCJ-DCM system (left panel) and the DCM control samples (right panel). 82 HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna a 10 1000 Mean DCM spacing (nm) 100 10 b Mean DCM spacing (nm) 41000 1000101 100 10 D1000-fold 100 C 10 J-aggregate enhancement 10 0110 10-21 DCM on glass 10 10-1 10 r 10 12 10 DCM surface density (cm 2) 10 10O 10 0' 1010 DCM surface density (cm- 2) 10 22 Figure 5-8 1 a, Total DCM emission as a function of DCM surface density for the TCJDCM system and the DCM control samples. b, Enhancement factor per molecule with varying DCm surface density, showing > 1000-fold enhancement for low DCM densities. 5.10 Time-resolved measurements of DCM emission The same enhancement effect can be seen by measuring the time-resolved fluorescence from the TCJ-DCM samples. Figure 5-9a shows the emission for k > 565 nm for a range of DCM concentrations. The PL is dominated by TCJ emission at early times, while the DCM contribution is significant at longer times (t > 1 ns). The TCJ lifetime in the absence of DCM is ~1 ns in this spectral range, with the more paid decay exciton decay occurring at wavelengths corresponding to the J-aggregate peak. After decay of the TCJ excitons by radiative recombination, nonradiative recombination, or FRET to DCM, the longer DCM exciton lifetime (T = 5 ns) is dominant in the emission. The DCM component is obtained by subtracting the normalized PL decay for the sample with DCM from the normalized PL decay curves obtained from the DCM coated samples (Figure 5-9). Figure 5-10 shows the time-resolved DCM PL component for DCM coated on glass and for DCM coated on TCJ with the same surface density. The peak of the emission from the TCJ-DCM sample is delayed relative to the PL trace from the control sample. This delay could be attributed to the time required for TCJ excitons to diffuse after excitation and subsequently FRET to the acceptors. However, this interpretation is complicated by the fact that the DCM emission is obtained by subtraction of one semi- HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 83 exponential decay trace from another, a mathematical procedure which naturally results in a peak delayed from t = 0. To further elucidate the origin of the delay, samples with thinner TCJ layers and fewer "fixed" excitons are needed (as discussed in Section 5.13). a b Total emission > 565 nm 100 DCM component 10-1 -i10 mg/mL 5 mg/mL -10- increasing - IT increasing DCM density No DOM - DCM density 1 0 8 0. 0. 10-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 I . .. 1. 10 -3 2 Time (ns) 4 , 6 8 Time (ns) 10 Figure 5-9 1 a, Time-resolved PL from TCJ-DCM samples, filtered for wavelengths A > 565 nm. b, The DCM PL component. -1 ns delay due to exciton diffusion and FRET time 100 DCM on TCJ 1012 CM-2 C 10- II DCM 1012 cm- 2 I 10-21 J I 0 2 I 4 I 6 8 Time (ns) I R 10 12 Ii Figure 5-10 1 Time-resolved PL from a DCM control sample (on glass) and from DCM on TCJ, at the same acceptor surface density. TI 12 HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 84 5.11 Modeling the J-aggregate DCM system In this section we return to the model developed in Section 5.6 in order to interpret the enhancement factors and the dependence on acceptor density that is found experimentally. The model is evaluated using the optical parameters for TCJ thin films and for DCM, which are shown in Table 5-1. Parameter Value Notes 41 1.4 x 10-" cm 2 TCJ absorption cross-section at 390 nm 9D 3.9 x 10- NJ 5 x 10" cm- 2 Density of TCJ donor molecules d 5 nm TCJ film thickness RF 5 nm TCJ to DCM FRET radius '1 0.02 Fraction of excitons which are mobile cm 2 DCM absorption cross-section at 390 nm Table 5-11 Parameters used in model of DCM enhancement. Figure 5-11 shows the fluorescence enhancement factor per DCM molecule, as obtained from Eq. (5.15), as a function of the acceptor density NA and for a range of exciton diffusion lengths LD. The enhancement factor dependence on acceptor density has three clear regimes. For NA >> 1012 cm- 2 (corresponding to a mean acceptor spacing of dA <10 nm), EF approaches 1 independent of the diffusion length. This occurs because a smaller area on TCJ acceptors is available to each DCM acceptor and therefore the direct optical excitation rate of the acceptors exceeds the pump rate due to FRET. In the second regime, the acceptor spacing becomes comparable with the diffusion length dA ~ LD . In this regime, each DCM acceptor can "see" an increasing area of the TCJ film as the acceptor density is decreased. At these densities, the largest increase in enhancement factor is observed. In the third regime, the acceptor separation exceeds the diffusion length, dA > LD . The enhancement factor hence saturates because a single harnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 85 acceptor cannot access TCJ excitons that were created at a distance farther than the diffusion length. Mean acceptor spacing (nm) 100 10 1000 1 _> 10 o E nm L=100 0 L =0n 10 CO) LD L 10 ED nm L=> 0 -C C r LD L 10 lnm 108 101 101 101 DCM density (cm-) LD <sacengo D spacing LD > accetor D spacingJ pJ <lOD D Figure 5-11 I Simulated enhancement factor per DCM acceptor as a function of DCM density for a range of J-aggregate exciton diffusion lengths. J-aggregates are known to have long diffusion lengths, which motivated our choice of this material as the excitonic antenna. In similar layer-by-layer thin films, we have measured the exciton diffusion length to be 50-100 nm (see Chapter Error! Reference source not found.). Figure 5-12 shows a comparison between the simulated enhancement factor for a diffusion length of LD = 100 nm and the experimental data. The data shows good agreement with the simulation, indicating that the range of DCM densities chosen for this experiment puts the system in the second regime described above, with dA ~ LD. The only fit parameter in the model is j7 = 0.02, the fraction of TCJ excitons that can diffuse and FRET to DCM. If this parameter was set to a higher value, the predicted enhancement factors are significantly larger, in disagreement with the 86 Harnessing Exciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna experiment. This result suggests that most of the excitons generated in the TCJ film are not mobile. The consequence of these "fixed" excitons is that despite the large enhancement factors, the J-aggregate emission spectrum remains dominant and largely unaffected in the presence of DCM due to the large mismatch between the number of donors and acceptors. This is in contrast to other "superquenching" systems that have been studied [98] [99], in which the donors can be heavily quenched. In our system the majority of donor excitons appear to not participate in the diffusion and FRET process. A more complete understanding of the morphology of J-aggregate films and how it relates to exciton transport is needed. Indeed the exciton transport techniques developed in the previous chapters offer a path for future studies of J-aggregate exciton diffusion. With better control of film morphology and the potential to embed the acceptors directly into the antenna material could significantly increased the fraction of coupled excitons and hence further increase the fluorescence enhancement factor. 7 10 _ ___ Sim with L - Measured = 100 nm 0 E 2 10 0 CL 2 10 L CO, a) E 10 C)J 10- c 108 10 101 101 DCM surface density (cm-2) Figure 5-12 1 Simulated and measured DCM enhancement factor. A diffusion length of 100 nm is used in the calculation. HaJrnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 87 5.12 Enhancement of Single QD fluorescence One of the ultimate functions of the excitonic antenna is the ability to enhance the absorption and fluorescence of individual emitters for sensing and single-photon generation applications. To this end, we show in this section the ability to enhance the fluorescence of individual quantum dots (QDs) coupled to a J-aggregate thin film. 5.12.1 Sample preparation TCJ samples are prepared by the same technique described in Section 5.7.1, but on #1.5 glass microscope cover slides with a thickness of 170 tm. The TCJ samples are prepared with only 1.5 bilayers in order to minimize the TCJ PL background. The QDs were synthesized by the Bawendi group at MIT and are composed of CdSe core with a CdS shell, having a total diameter of 6.8 nm and a peak PL wavelength of X = 624 nm. The solution absorption spectrum of the CdSe QDs is shown in Figure 5-13. The stock QD solution with an unknown starting concentration was sequentially diluted in loX steps to the desired surface density after spin coating. QDs were deposited on the TCJ surface by spin coating the solution at 1500 RPM with an acceleration of 1500 RPM/s in an inert glovebox environment. The samples are encapsulated by first depositing a bead of Torr Seal two-part solvent free vacuum epoxy on the perimeter of the sample. The film is then sealed in the glovebox by placing a glass coverslip on the epoxy bead, thereby creating a sealed N2 pocket around the central region of the film. HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna A,,c F1xc =485 nm =465 nm I 6 88 '1 F. I I II I I 0 __ 0 C I 0 I - S2I 01 450 I 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 700 Figure 5-13 1 Absorption of CdSe QDs in chloroform solution. 5.12.2 Experimental setup The TCJ-QD samples were imaged on a custom-built confocal microscope shown in Figure 5-14. Output from a supercontinuum white light source (NKT Photonics SuperK Blue) is fiber coupled to an acouso-optic tunable filter (AOTF) (NKT Photonics). The supercontinuum laser produces pulses with -100 ps duration at a repetition rate of 40 MHz. The AOTF output, which has a bandwidth of -1 nm, is coupled into a multi-mode fiber that output of which is collimated to produce a near-diffraction-limited beam with -10 mm diameter. The beam is passed through a neutral density filter (OD = 2.0), a vertically oriented polarizer and a 50:50 non-polarizing beamsplitter, with reflected beam aligned onto a power meter for real time monitoring of power. The transmitted beam is directed into the microscope (Nikon Ti-U) and reflected into the objective by a dichroic beamsplitter (longpass k = 488 nm, Semrock Di02-R488). The 100X oil immersion objective (Nikon CFI PlanApo Lambda 100X Oil, effective focal length f = 2 mm) focuses the excitation light on the surface of the sample. All measurements were done at an excitation power (as measured at the sample) of 50 nW. HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 89 The sample is mounted above the objective lens on a piezoelectric scanning stage (Physik Instrumente, P-733.3CL with controller E-710.4CL). The fluorescence is collected by the same objective and is focused by the microscope tube lens (f= 200 mm) to a region outside the microscope body. Two filters are mounted before the detector: a longpass filter at k = 561 nm and bandpass filter k = 612±34 nm. A single photon detecting avalanche photodiode (APD) (MPD PDM Series 50 tm) is mounted in the focal plane of the tube lens. The output of the APD is connected to a timing module with a resolution of 4 ps (PicoQuant PicoHarp 300) which detects the arrival time of each photon. This technique, known as time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) results in a histogram of photon arrival times which corresponds to the time-dependent rate of photon emission from the sample. The detector is shielded from stray light and all measurements are done with room lights turned off, resulting in a dark count rate in the presence of the excitation laser of~100 counts/s. microscope sample on XYZ piezo objective lens, Plan Apo Nanocoat 10OX 1.4S NA ND 2.0 polarizer (V) SuperK 5050 10DM: 488 nm dichroic f=200mm Newport power meter sgepoo APD 561 LP Semrock 612-69 Semrock Figure 5-14 TCJ. I Optical diagram of experimental setup for imaging single quantum dots on harnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 90 5.13 Results on single QD enhancement Images of the sample are obtained by raster scanning the piezo stage and collecting the time-resolved PL at each location. Figure 5-15 shows the same region of the sample under excitation at ex = 485 nm and keXe = 465 nm. Excitation at exc = 485 nm is at an energy below the J-aggregate absorption and hence only the QDs are excited directly. Hot spots corresponding to QD emission are visible under direct excitation, but with poor signal to noise. Upon shifting the excitation by only 20 nm to x.c = 465 nm, the TCJ film is excited, generating excitons which can pump the QD absorption. The same region under Xexc = 465 nm excitation shows much better contrast, suggesting enhancement of the QD fluorescence. The increase in QD fluorescence intensity is not due to the shift in excitation wavelength because the change in QD absorption over this wavelength range is small (Figure 5-13). Some of the bright regions which are present under ke = 465 nm excitation are due to inhomogeneous regions of the TCJ film and are hence not present under direct QD pumping. a J-aggregate + QD excitation Direct OD excitation km = 485 nm 45C J-aggregate film (5 nm) b Direct QD excitation c J-aggregate + QD excitation 250 200 150 100 50 0 HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna 91 Figure 5-15 1 a, Diagram of QD situated on J-aggregate thin film, showing direct excitation and indirect excitation of QDs via the excitonic antenna. b, PL image under direct excitation. c, Same region under excitonic pumping. Blinking of single QD: 200 1 1 . 1 3-fold fluo escence enhancement 150 4 +- E J-aggregate + QD excitation b 100 0 direct QD excitation 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (s) 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 5-16 I Blinking of a single QD under direct and excitonic pumping, showing a 3fold enhancement in fluorescence. Figure 5-16 shows the PL time trace of a single QD under the two types of excitation. Under direct excitation the QD shows typical blinking behavior with an ON/OFF amplitude of 20 counts/50 ms (Figure 5-17a). Under excitonic pumping at Xexc = 465 nm, the blinking amplitude increases to 60 counts/50 ms, representing a 3-fold enhancement in fluorescence (Figure 5-16 and Figure 5-17b). The remaining PL in the QD OFF state under excitonic pumping is a result of the TCJ emission tail, as seen in the TCJ-DCM system. The bimodal intensity distribution in Figure 5-17 indicates that a single QD is present in the laser focal spot. Figure 5-18 shows the time-resolved PL from the same QD. Under direct excitation, the emission is nearly monoexponential with a lifetime of ~20 ns, typical for core-shell CdSe QDs with good quantum yield. Under excitonic pumping, the PL has distinct temporal components. At t < 2 ns the PL is dominated by TCJ emission which is not quenched by the QD. After decay of the TCJ excitons, the PL is dominated by the excited QDs with a lifetime at long times matching the lifetime observed under direct excitation. The 3-fold QD fluorescence enhancement is significantly smaller than the ~2000fold enhancement seen for DCM. This is likely due to the much larger physical size of the core-shell QD (-2 nn shell and -5 nm core) relative to a DCM molecule (- nm 92 HarnessingExciton Transport: The Excitonic Antenna size), which significantly reduces the maximum FRET rate that can obtained. Due to the three-dimensional nature of the QD system (QD size is larger than TCJ film thickness) the continuum model developed in the previous sections is not applicable to this system. With the use of QDs with thinner shells and by embedding the QDs in the TCJ film during growth, we anticipate larger enhancement factors should be achievable. a LXexc = 485 nm 40 0 I I I OFF |ON 300 C 200 0) U- 100 0u 0 50 b 100 Counts/50 ms 150 200 150 200 Xexc =465nm :ON OFFi 400F I 300 0 2 200 U_ 100F 0 50 100 Counts/50 ms Figure 5-17 1 Histogram of emission intensities for a, direct QD excitation and b, excitonic pumping. 93 HarnessingExciton Transport:The Excitonic Antenna ex, - exc = 465 nm -- TCJ PL = 485 nm CO, 0.102 Enhanced OD PL 0 10 1 0 1 1 10 5 15 Time (ns) Figure 5-18 1 Time-resolved PL for a single QD under two types of excitation. 5.14 Conclusion In this chapter we have demonstrated a new excitonic approach to absorption and fluorescence enhancement. The observed enhancement factors of -2000 in molecular fluorescence compare well with the best plasmonic enhancements which have been observed [90]. The excitonic antenna approach was also shown to operate on the single acceptor level by imaging the fluorescence enhancement of single QDs. As will be discussed in the following chapter, this work can be extended by incorporating optical resonator structures to further increase light absorption in J-aggregate thin films. J-aggregateCritically CoupledResonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 94 6 J-aggregate Critically Coupled Resonator for Fluorescence Enhancement 6.1 Overview In this chapter we extend the excitonic antenna approach by coupling J-aggregate thin films to optical resonator. The resulting structure, known as a J-aggregate critically coupled resonator (JCCR), can absorb > 90% of the incident light in a 5 nm J-aggregate film. We show here that the absorption of the JCCR is surprisingly insensitive to the incident optical wavelength and angle. Using DCM as the acceptor material, we show that this structure functions as the excitonic antenna described in Chapter 5 but with increased absorption efficiency. The JCCR-DCM system represents a method for localizing highly-delocalized three-dimensional optical energy onto a zero-dimensional molecule in the form of an exciton. Finally we discuss the excitonic antenna and the JCCR in the context of technological applications. 6.2 Introduction The absorption and fluorescence enhancement structure in this chapter contains a thin film of strongly absorbing molecular J-aggregates [27] placed at the anti-node of the electric field at a distance 10/4 away from a mirror, where Ao is the wavelength of incident light. The resulting structure, referred to as a J-aggregate critically coupled resonator (JCCR), absorbs nearly all the incident light due to destructive interference between light reflected by the mirror and light reflected by the J-aggregate. Earlier work demonstrated 97% absorption in 3 molecular layers, corresponding to a 5-nm thick film of J-aggregates in a JCCR structure [100] and the same principle has been used to enhance the signal in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy [101]. The optical energy incident and absorbed in the JCCR structure is localized in the form of J-aggregate excitons. Target lumophores J-aggregate CriticallyCoupledResonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 95 placed on the surface of the JCCR are coupled to these localized excitons by Fbrster resonant energy transfer (FRET) (Figure 6-la). As a result, the JCCR acts as a platform for strongly enhancing the effective optical absorption cross-section of the target lumophores, increasing their emission under fixed optical excitation. The presence of the mirror in this structure increases the absorption of the J-aggregate film but does not modify the rate of FRET between J-aggregate excitons and donor lumophores, which is a near-field interaction. Likewise, the emission rate of the donor lumophores is unaffected because the target lumophore emission is not resonant with the critically coupled resonator. The presence of the mirror does however increase the forward outcoupling of the lumophore emission by a factor of -2. The absorption and emission spectrum of J-aggregated films of different molecules can be tuned across the entire visible spectrum and into the near infrared [27], thus enabling broad tunability in the spectral response of JCCRs. With this broad spectral coverage, the fluorescence of a wide range of target lumophores, such as organic molecules or inorganic quantum dots, can be enhanced by simply choosing the appropriate J-aggregate material for the JCCR. Furthermore, due to the small Stokes shift of J-aggregates (-5 nm), the fluorescence of the target lumophores is enhanced by increasing the absorption at the spectral peak of their uncoupled absorption. The study presented in this paper demonstrates a 20-fold enhancement in the emission of the laser dye DCM (4-dicyanmethylene-2-methyl-6-(p-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H utilizing the JCCR excitonic enhancement structure. -pyran) by J-aggregateCritically Coupled Resonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement (a) 96 (b) Alq3 :DCM (2.5 nm) 100 80 SIO2 spacer (49 nm) -0 0 60 0. 40 0 Substrate 20 ---------------------J-aggregate critically coupled resonator (JCCR) (C) ' J-aggregate on CCR 80 1 11 0.8 0 C 0 60 0.6 0 40 'r 0 J-aggregate 500 550 Wavelength (nm) 0.6 E J-aggregate: PL 0 0.4 J-aggregate ~0.2 450 Alq3:DC abs. 0.4 I o 20 V 400 50 100 SiO 2 spacer thickness (nm) E 0.8 0 0 O' 0 (d) 100 '00'0 0 abs. 400 :A q3:DC 500 600 Wavelength (nm) a. PL 0.2 0 700 Figure 6-1 1 a, J-aggregate critically coupled resonator (JCCR) fluorescence enhancement structure with 2.5 nm of DCM:Alq 3 (2.5% w/w) deposited on top as the exciton acceptor layer. b, Calculated absorption of the JCCR as a function of SiO 2 spacer layer thickness, showing a maximum at 50 nm, corresponding to a resonant condition. c, Absorption of the 15-nm thick J-aggregate thin film on quartz and increased absorption of the same film when placed on the critically coupled resonator and excited at 70 relative to normal incidence. d, Normalized absorption (solid lines) and emission (dashed lines) spectra of the J-aggregate and DCM:Alq 3 layers. 6.3 Methods summary The key feature of the enhancement scheme is the localization of optical energy in a thin nanocrystalline film of J-aggregates with a thickness comparable to the FRET radius for energy transfer from J-aggregates to DCM molecules. The J-aggregates used in this study are characterized by a narrow and intense absorption band centered at A = 465 nm (Figure 6-lb), red-shifted relative to the monomer absorption, which is a result of coherent transition-dipole coupling between molecules within the aggregate.[27] J-aggregateCriticallyCoupled Resonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 97 The J-aggregate solution is prepared by dissolving a thiacyanine dye [102] in 2,2,2trifluoroethanol at a concentration of 1.5 mg/mL. The solution is then spin deposited either on a cleaned quartz substrate or on previously prepared critically coupled resonator (CCR) substrates rotated at 2000 RPM for 60 s. The resulting J-aggregate film is 15 nm thick, as measured by atomic force microscopy step height analysis, and has a 20 nm FWHM absorption line with a peak absorption of 36%, corresponding to the absorption coefficient of a = 3 x 10 cm-. To form the CCRs, a 300 nm thick Ag mirror is thermally evaporated on a 1 mm thick quartz substrate at a pressure of 3x 10-6 Torr and a growth rate of 0.5 nm/s, producing a mirror with 97% reflectivity. The spacer layer, which separates the overlying J-aggregate film from the mirror, is formed by sputter depositing 50 nm of SiO 2 on the Ag mirror. The 15 nm J-aggregate film is subsequently spin deposited on the SiO 2 spacer layer. The spacer layer thickness is chosen such that the sum of the optical path length in SiO 2 and the 30 nm optical penetration of the A = 465 nm light incident onto the Ag mirror [103] results in the J-aggregate film being positioned at the anti-node of the electric field. Transfer matrix simulations [104], plotted in Figure 6-lb, show that maximum absorption of the JCCR is achieved when the SiO 2 spacer layer thickness is 50 nm, corresponding to the resonant condition. 6.4 Results and discussion At the resonant condition, the peak absorption of the JCCR is 86% (Figure 6-1c), measured by probing the reflectivity of the structure with unpolarized light at nearnormal incidence (70 away from the normal). The linewidth of the J-aggregate film absorption in the JCCR geometry is increased from 17 to 25 nm due to the broad absorption tail to the blue of the main peak. Figure 2 shows that the absorption of the JCCR is largely independent of angle for TE polarized excitation and falls off only slightly under TM polarized excitation. These measurements are in agreement with the transfer matrix simulations of the JCCR, as plotted in the insets of Figure 6-2. J-aggregateCritically CoupledResonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 100- 80 (Angle 100100 (o) TM 600 4 (a 80 4,4 S60 20 ) 98 40 60 20 Angle (0) 20 20 0 400 450 500 550 Wavelength (nm) 600 100 (b) 80 c 0 100 Angle (o) TE *eO60 080 60 40 .= 406 20 0400 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) Figure 6-2 1 Absorption spectrum of the JCCR structure as a function of angle of the incident a TM and b TE polarized light. Insets show the measured peak absorption at each angle (blue dots) and the absorption calculated using the transfer matrix formalism (black lines). The JCCR structure can be used as a general platform for enhancing the absorption and fluorescence of luminescent nanostructures, such as organic molecules or quantum dots, deposited on top of the JCCR. The greatest fluorescence enhancement will occur when the overlap between the J-aggregate emission and the absorption of the overlying material is maximized, as this condition maximizes the rate of FRET. To that end, in the present work the J-aggregate emission spectrum (centered at A = 470 nm) overlaps with the absorption spectrum (centered at A = 495 nm) of the overlying DCM molecules, that will act as energy acceptors (Figure 6-1d), resulting in a calculated FRET radius, RF, for J-aggregate to DCM energy transfer of 2.75 nm [105]. Furthermore, the J-aggregateCritically Coupled Resonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 99 DCM emission is centered at A = 610 nm, ensuring that the J-aggregate and DCM luminescence are spectrally separated, and is hence easy to resolve in optical measurements. DCM molecules are coated on top of the JCCR as a dilute thin film of DCM doped at 2.5% w/w into Alq 3 (tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminum) molecular host material. Alq 3 molecules are optically transparent at the J-aggregate and DCM emission wavelengths. The DCM:Alq 3 film is 2.5 nm thick and is deposited on the JCCR structure by simultaneous thermal vacuum evaporation of Alq 3 and DCM at rates of 4 A/s and 0.1 A/s, respectively, and at a pressure of 3 x 10- Torr. The resulting effective thickness of the deposited DCM molecules is 0.06 nm, which is much thinner than a single molecular layer, and implies an incomplete DCM monolayer with an average separation between DCM molecules of 4 nm (as sketched in Figure 6-la). Figure 6-3 shows the surface morphology of the JCCR samples, characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) at various points in the fabrication process, with surface roughness of (1.7 ± 0.4) nm for the completed structures. The low roughness allows the JCCR to be approximated as a onedimensional structure, making it more conducive to modeling of FRET, exciton diffusion, and other dynamics in the system. The layered geometry is advantageous because it allows for the fluorescence enhancement of a range of materials that can be deposited by vacuum or solution methods directly onto the JCCR. To prevent degradation of the organic layers under atmospheric exposure, the samples are encapsulated in a nitrogen glovebox using a ring of UV-curing air-impermeable epoxy and a quartz cover slip (Figure 6-4b). (a) J-aggregate on CCR (b) 9.4 nm -47 nm AIq3: DCM on CCR (c) 10.9 nm -58 nm Alq3:DCM on J-agg., atop CCR 5.0 nm -6.4 nm J-aggregateCriticallyCoupled Resonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 100 Figure 6-3 1 AFM images of a J-aggregate on the CCR structure (RMS roughness 1.2 ± 0.2 nm), b DCM:Alq 3 on the CCR structure (RMS roughness 1.2 ± 0.1 nm) and, c DCM:Alq3 on the J-aggregate layer atop the CCR (RMS roughness 1.7 ± 0.4 nm). The enhancement of DCM fluorescence when on top of the JCCR is characterized by measuring both the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the structures in an integrating sphere following the technique of de Mello et al [106]. In this measurement the samples are situated at the center of the integrating sphere and illuminated with the output of a grating monochromator and a tungsten halogen lamp at an intensity of 60 ptW/cm 2 at A = 465 nm and a spectral bandwidth of 6 nm. The PL is collected with an optical fiber and imaged on a CCD spectrograph. All collected spectra are corrected by calibrating the system using a halogen light source with a known spectrum. As a control sample, the 2.5 nm film of DCM:Alq 3 is also simultaneously deposited on a quartz substrate and encapsulated in the nitrogen glove box. The absorption of the control film is measured to be 0.5%, with an IQE of 20%, and hence an EQE of 0.1%. Due to the low intensity of emission from the 2.5-nm film, the IQE of DCM:Alq 3 was determined by measuring the absorption and PL of a thick, 140-nm film deposited on quartz. The PL spectrum of the 2.5-nm DCM:Alq 3 control film is shown in Figure 4a. An optical image of this sample under the same 60 pW/cm 2 illumination taken with a digital SLR camera at 0.1 s exposure and a A = 550 nm longpass filter shows almost no visible emission (Figure 6-4c). Upon deposition of the same DCM:Alq 3 film on the JCCR structure, the DCM emission is dramatically enhanced. Figure 6-4a shows the emission spectrum from the DCM-on-JCCR structure, which is a sum of the enhanced DCM emission and the red tail of the J-aggregate emission. Subtraction of the J-aggregate tail from the total PL spectrum isolates the DCM contribution. This wavelength-integrated JCCR-enhanced DCM emission is 20 times greater than the wavelength-integrated emission from the control DCM sample. The optical image of the enhanced DCM sample (Figure 6-4d), taken under the same conditions as the control sample (Figure 6-4c), shows visual verification of the dramatic enhancement in fluorescence from a sub-monolayer equivalent of DCM molecules. The EQE of the DCM is enhanced to 2.2%, while the J-aggregateCritically Coupled Resonatorfor Fluorescence Enhancement 101 IQE remains unchanged at 20%. In other words, the effect of the FRET coupling to the JCCR is to increase the effective absorption cross-section of the DCM molecules (and hence absorption coefficient of the film). The original cross-section of the DCM molecules is c-D = 1.3x10- 6 cm 2 (aD = 2x10 cm') for the control DCM film. When coupled to the JCCR the DCM cross-section is effectively enhanced to aD,JccR 2.6x 10 15 cm 2 (aDJCCR= 4x 105 cm'1). The enhancement factors produced in this study can be increased by decreasing the DCM molecule separation, as discussed in Chapter 5. (a) , _ _ , _ _(b) 2 +- DCM on JCCR 1.5 DCM contribution 1 a0.5 DCM on quartz (C) DCM on quartz 0 0 500 700 600 Wavelength (nm) (e) 1 CM- 100 80 .80 20 _ D15 - i 6O0C - (d) DCM oni JCCR 10 .40c0 CI (5 20 0 440 cm - -1 460 480 Excitation wavelength 500 Figure 6-4 I a Emission spectra of isolated DCM film, DCM film on JCCR, and the DCM contribution when atop the JCCR showing a 20-fold enhancement in the spectrally integrated DCM emission. b Ambient light image of the DCM film deposited on the JCCR, and encapsulated with UV curing epoxy and a quartz cover slip. c-d Images of DCM emission on quartz substrate (c) and on JCCR (d) under A = 465 nm excitation. Images taken with 0.1 s exposure and a A = 550 nm longpass filter. e Enhancement factor of DCM emission as a function of excitation wavelength and comparison to the absorption spectrum of the JCCR. J-aggregateCritically Coupled Resonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 102 The fluorescence enhancement factor is maximized when the excitation is resonant with the J-aggregate absorption and the CCR spacing (A = 465 nm). Figure 6-4e shows the enhancement factor for a range of excitation wavelengths, and is observed to follow the absorption spectrum of the JCCR. Significant enhancement (> 7 fold) occurs over a 40 nm range, making this excitonic approach to fluorescence enhancement suitable for applications where the incident illumination has appreciable spectral bandwidth. It is instructive to compare the fluorescence enhancement provided by the JCCR structure to the enhancement achieved when the DCM is excited by FRET from the Alq 3 host material. Enhancement in DCM emission is expected because a large number of Alq 3 molecules within the FRET radius can excite the DCM molecule. Such a guest-host excitation scheme has previously been used in the excitation of organic LEDs [2] and organic solid state lasers [24]. A DCM:Alq 3 film (140 nm thick) was prepared on a quartz substrate and excited at two wavelengths: at A = 400 nm, where Alq 3 absorption dominates, and at A = 490 nm, the peak of the DCM absoprtion. The integrated intensity of the DCM emission when pumping the DCM indirectly by energy transfer from Alq 3 is found to be only a factor of 2 higher than when exciting the DCM directly (Figure 6-5) 10 times less enhancement than achieved with the JCCR structure. 400 nm 100 $ -0f\exc. 1xc 3 80' I\2 8 60 0 I 490 nm exc. n ~ 040 20 0' 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) 0 800 Figure 6-5 | A factor of 2 enhancement in DCM emission is observed due to energy transfer from Alq 3 in a 140 nm thick film of DCM:Alq 3, significantly less than the 20-fold enhancement observed when using the JCCR. The DCM was excited directly at A = 490 nm, while the Alq 3 is excited at A = 400 nm at the same intensity. J-aggregateCriticallyCoupled ResonatorJbr FluorescenceEnhancement 6.5 103 Conclusion The presented JCCR structure is a general platform for absorption (and hence fluorescence) enhancement of a wide range of nanostructured materials, including organic molecules and semiconductor quantum dots. In this work, a model system is studied showing a 20-fold enhancement in the absorption cross-section of the organic dye DCM measured through the enhancement of the molecular fluorescence. The enhancement is obtained due to FRET coupling of the DCM molecules to the strongly absorbing JCCR structure. The absorption of the JCCR is found to be over 80% for incidence angles from 7' to 70' and the fluorescence enhancement greater than a factor of 7 was observed over a 40 nm excitation bandwidth, making this approach appropriate for applications where the incident light is spectrally broad and not directional. The fluorescence enhancement factor can be improved by optimizing the J-aggregate material for increased exciton diffusion length in the direction transverse to the plane of the film, thus transferring a larger fraction of the generated excitons to the acceptor layer. The JCCR system shows promise as a platform for a number of applications where efficient absorption and reemission of light is critical. For example (with acknowledgement to William Tisdale): High efficiency lighting: In novel quantum dot (QD) LEDs, for instance, the material cost of the QDs themselves may constitute a significant fraction of the total product price. By using the luminescence enhancement scheme shown here, 20 times fewer QDs are needed to achieve the desired brightness, decreasing manufacturing costs. The exact reduction of the QD use would vary depending on the specific design. Chemical sensing: Some chemical sensors rely on luminescence or luminescence quenching of a thin film when exposed to an explosive or a toxic substance. By enhancing the brightness of the luminescent thin film using the scheme disclosed here, detection of analytes at lower concentrations will be possible, increasing the overall sensitivity and efficacy of the chemical sensor. Lasers: The heterojunction device discussed here may be a highly effective gain medium for monolithically integrated lasers. The absorptive layer acts as an exciton reservoir constantly supplying excitations to the lumophores in the luminescent layer and facilitating population inversion. J-aggregateCritically CoupledResonatorfor FluorescenceEnhancement 104 Solar concentrators: Many photovoltaic devices are known to operate at higher power conversion efficiencies when irradiated with sunlight at levels higher than those found at the Earth's surface. The excitonic antenna could act as a type of solar concentrator, funneling incident sunlight in the form of excitons and delivering that energy efficiently to small photovoltaic devices, enabling higher power conversion efficiencies and reducing the overall material cost of the solar cell. Photodetectors: The device provides a means for efficient light absorption and subsequent transfer of that energy to another medium for detection. Such a scheme might be advantageous for the efficient detection of low intensity light. Near-field microscopy: The strategy discussed here is an effective way to focus incident radiation that is originally dispersed over a large area down to a single lumophore. This lumophore could then act as a nano-scale "beacon of light" for imaging analytes dispersed on a surface. Quantum computing and quantum cryptography: Quantum computers and quantum encryption algorithms rely on single photons to carry information. Single lumophores supported on an absorptive layer as described here could serve as ultrabright singlephoton sources for quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Optical down-conversion: The device could be a method for converting light of a given color to a lower-frequency (i.e. longer wavelength) color with the potential for near-unity quantum efficiencies. In summary, the JCCR-DCM system represents a method for localizing highlydelocalized three-dimensional optical energy onto a zero-dimensional molecule in the form of an exciton. At present the J-aggregate material produces losses in the system, with most excitons never reaching an acceptor. The goal of future work is to optimize Jaggregate exciton transport, quantum yield, and to tailor the exciton energy landscape in order to guide excitons to acceptors instead of relying on diffusion. 7 Strong Coupling in J-aggregate Microcavities 7.1 Overview In this chapter we further utilize the unique absorption properties of J-aggregate materials to achieve the regime of strong light-matter coupling. When excitons are coupled to an optical microcavity, coherent photon-exciton states known as polaritons can form. Polaritons in planar microcavities enable the study of polariton condensation, superfluidity and related condensed matter phenomena, and opens a path to a radically new class of optoelectronic devices based on the macroscopic coherence of light and matter [14], [107-110]. Notably, strong coupling in molecular organic materials [16], [17] could enable lasing and condensation to be achieved at room temperature, as the high absorption constant of many molecular films and crystals can lead to strong coupling even for low quality microcavity structures. In this chapter we show that a critical obstacle to achieving polariton condensation in J-aggregate microcavities is exciton-exciton annihilation, a competing process with the buildup of a polariton population in the polariton trap. 7.2 Introduction to polaritons Here we briefly review how the regime of strong coupling and the main features of organic polariton microcavities. More complete reviews of polaritons in inorganic [14], [15] and organic [17] systems can be found elsewhere. When molecules with optical transition moments are situated in an optical resonator, the absorption and emission rates under most conditions are perturbed only weakly by the modification of the density of photonic states. The situation is markedly different when the decay rate of the exciton y, and the decay rate of the cavity mode y, Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 106 are both smaller than the rate of interaction between the dipoles and the cavity mode, g". The interaction rate Q = 2g 0 , which is known as the Rabi splitting, is large when the resonance of the exciton is matched to the resonance of the cavity. The Rabi splitting represents the rate of coherent energy exchange between the excitons and the cavity mode. In this regime of strong exciton-photon coupling, the initially matched cavity resonance and exciton resonance are split into two new modes, one above and one below the energy of the uncoupled states. These eigenstates of the coupled cavity-exciton system are known as polaritons (Figure 7-1). Light: Microcavity Matter: Exciton 6 We x 100 90- 50- 1100. 40- 90. C 0 S80 0 80 C a 30- @70 ~20 060. 10 50 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) Light and Matter: Strona Coupling 70 0- 50 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) ! I - " 500 550 600 650 700 Wavelength (nm) Figure 7-1 | Strong coupling is obtained by matching the resonance of a cavity to the resonance of an excitonic material. If the interaction is stronger than the decay rates of the cavity and exciton, then two new modes in the reflectivity are seen. (Reproduced from [17]) 7.2.1 The optical microcavity Here we review the quantitative model of polariton microcavities following the notation of Deng et al. [14]. We begin by considering the planar microcavity, the optical Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 107 structure most commonly employed in studies of polaritons due to its experimental advantages in accessing the moment and energy of the polariton states. A planar microcavity consists of two parallel mirrors separated by a distance L. The mirrors can be composed of metal or of dielectric Bragg reflectors (DBRs), which are stacks of alternating high and low index dielectrics. Metal mirrors have a maximum reflectivity of ~98%, while DBRs can reach reflectivities of >99.9999%, depending on the number of layers in the stack and the quality of the materials. In the case of a cavity composed of two DBRs, the transmission depends on the reflectivities of the two mirrors, RJ and R2, and the optical phase acquired by a photon round trip in the cavity, 0. The transmission T is given by T= (1- R1 )(1-R2) (1- RR 2 (7.1) R2R sin (0 /2) )2+4) 2 where 0 is the round-trip phase (7.2) L= AO The cavity quality factor Q is a measure of the sharpness of the resonance defined as 2zcnL kO (RR21 ) 4 / -O 2 l-(RR 2 )1/ A. (7.3) where n is the refractive index of the medium between the mirrors, Ak is the cavity resonance wavelength, and A/1 is the width of the resonance. The distance between the mirrors quantizes the optical field in the direction perpendicular to the mirrors (z), but the photon momentum is continuously variable in the xy plane. The energy of a cavity photon with in-plane momentum k,, and z momentum k, is E = nCc +k (7.4) The perpendicular component is determined by the resonance wavelength k = f AO (7.5) 108 Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities while the in-plane component is the related to the angle of incidence & relative to normal 2nn( . ki = 27ntan sin'sm _i (sin6 (7.6) Therefore the cavity resonance energy as a function of angle is E= E I- si (7.7) 2 n, In the limit of small incidence angles, the microcavity dispersion has a parabolic dispersion. 7.2.2 Microcavity polaritons When an excitonic material is placed at the anti-nodes of the microcavity electric field, and the interaction rate between the excitons and cavity is faster than the decay rates, the system must be described by a combined Hamiltonian. In the second quantization notation the total system Hamiltonian is H0 = HC + He + H1 A(7.8) + : E b'b + I hgo (55 1b+a^ b' = E(k ,k )6&{, In this expression a and a are the creation and annihilation operators for a photon with in-plane momentum k11 and kt and b are the creation and annihilation operators for an exciton. Unlike in inorganic semiconductors, the excitons in molecular materials are localized and hence do not posses a well-defined momentum. Consequently, we consider the uncoupled exciton to have a fixed energy. The last term in Eq. (7.8) represents the exciton-photon coupling, with the interaction rate go given by [111] g = _ 2h2 oV, oc n 1/2 (7.9) In this expression N is the number of participating dipoles on which an exciton can be generated, y is the transition dipole moment, and V is the mode volume. As we can see interaction rate scales as the square root of the dipole volume density, n. Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 109 The above Hamiltonian can be diagonalized using the transformation described by Deng et al., giving the form H where P and Q =XELP(k)P +X E,,(k)Qp (7.10) are the operators for the lower polariton and the upper polariton, the new eigenstates of the system that composites of photons and excitons. The eigenstate energies of the polariton states are given by E + Ee± ELP,P 4g +(E -E (7.11) )2 The difference between the exciton cavity resonance and the exciton resonance is known as the detuning, and is defined as A = E(6 = 0)- E (7.12) A typical dispersion for the upper polariton and lower polariton states is shown schematically at zero detuning in Figure 7-2, demonstrating the characteristic anticrossing of the two modes. The contribution to each polariton state from the exciton or photon uncoupled eigenstates is expressed as the exciton fraction X(&) and photon fraction C(6) [112]: 2 AE(6) 1 X(O) C2 C()=- AE()2+4g 1, 2 I- AE(O) AE(6) 2 ( !(7.13) +4g2 where AE = E - E (0) is the energy difference between the uncoupled states. 7.2.3 Strong coupling using organic materials The basic requirement for strong coupling in the system described above is that the linewidth of the cavity AEC and the linewidth of the exciton resonance AEe be larger than the Rabi splitting hQ = 2hgo. Semiconductor quantum well excitons have been the traditional medium for achieving strong coupling due to their narrow excitonic peaks. However, due to the weak binding energy of Wannier-Mott excitons, these systems do Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 110 not have excitonic absorption at room temperature. Frenkel excitons in molecular materials, on the other hand, have binding energies of hundreds of meV [1], making them highly stable at room temperature. Thin films of J-aggregates were the first molecular materials to show strong coupling in a cavity at room temperature [16]. The optical properties of J-aggregates proved to be ideal for studies of polaritons, possessing narrow exciton linewidths (AEe - 50 meV) and high absorption coefficients of up to 106 cm-' [28]. This remarkable absorption coefficient allows for Rabi splittings of up to 200 meV to be obtained [113]. For these reasons, the work in the following two chapters will focus on J-aggregates as the excitonic material for strong coupling. UP Ene rgy Cavity --------------- ff -2--------- Exciton LP k-vector (angle) Figure 7-2 1 Dispersion diagram showing the uncoupled cavity and exciton modes as well as the upper and lower polariton branch. This schematic represents zero excitonphoton detuning (A = 0 ). The Rabi splitting is hQ . 7.2.4 Polariton lasing Polaritons are bosonic particles, and owing to the shape of the lower polariton dispersion, these particles can collect at the bottom of the energy trap (Figure 7-3). At Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities III high polariton densities condensation can occur creating a new coherent state, known as a polariton condensate. The coherent photon emission from the condensate is sometimes referred to as polariton lasing. Polariton lasers have been demonstrated in semiconductor systems [114], [115], but only a single organic system has been shown to undergo lasing in the conditions of strong coupling [116]. Achieving polariton lasing in organic materials is a worthwhile goal, as it allows for the study of coherent polariton physics at room temperatures and promises to be a route towards low-threshold lasing [15] [117]. The physics of a polaritonic device can best be visualized by considering the dispersion (i.e. the relationship between energy and k-vector) of a J-aggregate thin film strongly coupled to its surrounding cavity. Figure Figure 7-3 shows how the polariton modes (solid curves) are the result of splitting between exciton mode (flat dashed line) and the cavity mode (parabolic dashed curve). The system is pumped, either optically or electrically, far above the shared resonance of the cavity and exciton. These excitations can exist either as upper-branch polaritons or simply as uncoupled excitons. These excitations quickly relax via emission of photons to the "exciton reservoir," which consists of uncoupled or only slightly coupled, large wavevector excitons. From this reservoir, excitons relax into the lower polariton branch and relax via phonon emission or polariton-polariton scattering to the k = 0 state. When the occupation of the k = 0 state becomes populated on average with at least one excitation for all time, final-state stimulated scattering of polaritons into the lower branch massively populate the k = 0 state, creating a coherent exciton-polariton condensate. The coherent light that is emitted is actually spontaneous emission of the polaritons, which are all coherent. This emission is known as polariton lasing. This is in contrast to a regular "photon laser" where the coherent emission is due to stimulation. The threshold for this kind of lasing is inherently low because no population inversion has to be created [118]. For a more complete comparison of polariton lasing to photon lasing see [117] 112 112 Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavides Below threshold Pump emg Enel rgy hQ Polariton-polariton scattering or Polariton-phonon scattering -------- M k-vector (angle) Above threshold Pump Enei rgy -h--- - -Sg ........................ k-vector (angle) Coherent PL ="Polariton lasing" Figure 7-3 1 Polariton population along the lower branch below and above threshold. 7.3 Exciton-exciton annihilation in polariton microcavities Previous work has demonstrated strong coupling in J-aggregate microcavities [16], [119], as well as polariton electroluminescence [120] and ultra-fast relaxation between polariton branches [121]. However, J-aggregate polariton lasing remains elusive. In this Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 1 13 chapter we study exciton dynamics in highly absorbing J-aggregated organic films in polariton microcavities [17]. We show that the J-aggregate excitonic material exhibits significant exciton-exciton annihilation, which competes with the build up of a threshold polariton population necessary for lasing action. The annihilation process is attributed to the large incoherent diffusion radius of excitons in the J-aggregated film. 7.4 Methods summary The J-aggregate material is studied both as an isolated thin film and as the excitonic layer of a polaritonic cavity. The isolated thin film is grown by sequential immersion of a glass substrate in solutions of the J-aggregating cyanine dye TDBC (5,6-dichloro-2-[3[5,6-dichloro- 1-ethyl-3-(3-sulfopropyl)- 2(3H)-benzimidazolidene]-1 -propenyl]- I-ethyl3-(3-sulfopropyl) benzimidazolium hydroxide, inner salt, sodium salt, N. K. Dye Chem) and a solution of PDAC (polydialylldimethylammonium chloride) following Bradley et al [28]. This layer-by layer growth produces a (5.1±0.1) nm thick films with an absorption linewidth of 46 meV (13 nm), peaked at the exciton resonant energy of Ev = 2.10 eV (591 nm), with a peak absorption of a = 106 cm' 114 Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 100 (a) (b) 80 r 60 A/2 L $40 - 0 20, 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.3 1.0 _(c) (d) Detuning: - 2.2 160 meV- - 2.1 40 meV -- 40 meV exciton - - ,c C/ * W2.0 - 1.9 0- - 0.0 ' -100 0 100 Detuning (meV) -120 meV - ' ' 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 Energy (eV) Figure 7-4 1 a, DBR-metal microcavity with a J-aggregate excitonic layer and a total optical path length of A/2 where /I = 591nm. b, The reflectivity of devices having different cavity-exciton detunings achieved by varying the TAZ thickness. c, The corresponding photoluminescence. d, Energies of the upper and lower polaritons as a function of exciton-cavity detuning extracted from the reflection plots of part b. The bare exciton and cavity dispersions are shown as dashed lines. The microcavity samples (Figure 7-4a) are formed by sputter-depositing a 4.5 pair distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) on a quartz substrate, followed by a A / 4n SiO 2 spacer layer, where n is the index of refraction and A = 591 nm . The J-aggregate film is then deposited, followed by a 100 nm thick spin-coated layer of PVA (polyvinyl alcohol, 99.8% hydrolized, Sigma Aldrich). The PVA layer acts as the top spacer layer of the cavity and enhances the PL external quantum yield of the film from 7% to 42%. A thermally evaporated TAZ [3-(Biphenyl-4-yl)-4-phenyl-5-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-1,2,4- triazole] layer forms the remainder of the cavity spacer. The structure is capped with a 300 nm thick thermally evaporated silver mirror, resulting in a cavity Q of 60. The total thickness of the cavity region is tuned by varying the thickness of the TAZ layer, thereby 11 5 Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities changing the detuning between the J-aggregate exciton (E , = 2.10 eV ) and the cavity mode. 7.5 Results and discussion Figure 7-4b shows the mode splitting observed in the reflectivity of devices with different cavity-exciton detunings. The peak energy of the lower polariton branch photoluminescence (PL) is observed to follow the lower polariton reflectivity (Figure 7-4c), indicating that the observed emission originates from the decay of polaritons. The reflectivity and PL data are collected at normal incidence to the cavity. The polaritonic dispersion relation for these devices is shown in Figure 7-4d, demonstrating characteristic polaritonic anti-crossing at zero detuning with a Rabi splitting of 160 meV. The polariton dynamics are investigated by pumping the cavities non-resonantly with TM polarized light at A = 535 nm though the DBR at 60' relative to normal. The polariton PL is collected at normal incidence to the sample and imaged on a CCD spectrometer. To fully characterize the behavior of the devices in a wide range of excitation power regimes, three pump sources are utilized: a continuous wave (CW) laser at A = 532 nm, a 10 ns pulsed laser at A = 535 nm (10 Hz repetition rate), and a 150 fs pulsed laser at A =535 nm (1 kHz repetition rate). With CW excitation, the devices show a linear increase in PL intensity with increasing excitation power. With 10 ns excitation pulses, the PL begins to show a sublinear power law dependence as a function of the pump intensity ( PL oc JO.54) with the effect becoming more pronounced with 150 fs excitation pulses (PL oc 1.35 ) (Figure 7-5a and b). Devices with a range of cavity-exciton tunings as well as cavities with higher Q of 115 were tested and all show qualitatively similar sublinear behavior. To elucidate the role of the microcavity versus the excitonic layer in the sublinear PL dependence, we tested J-aggregate thin films grown on glass substrates (i.e. the active layer without the cavity). A similar, but less pronounced, sublinear dependence is observed for the thin film (PL C JO.68 with 10 ns excitation, and PL c> jO.48 with 150 fs excitation), indicating that the excitonic component of the device is responsible for the sublinear response of the microcavity (Figure 7-5c and d). We rule out the sublinear 116 Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities power dependence as being due to absorption saturation, as only 1% of the molecules are excited at the highest powers. Furthermore, the films show no PL or absorption degradation under 10 ns excitation (4 mW/cm 2 maximum average power density) and only slight degradation under 150 fs excitation (40 mW/cm 2 maximum average power density) that is insufficient to account for the sharp roll off in PL quantum yield. .....- (a) (b) PL OC IO.-54 PL oc - *..-. C Microcavity pumped with: 150 fs pulses Microcavity pumped with: 10 ns pulses S I * * I * I (d) 0 PL ocI 0 PL oc I'0.6" 48 . y Thin film pumped with: ni 0 10 Incident . j dit Thin film pumped with: 150 fs pulses p' 10 ns pulses JWm 40 20 30 power density (kW/cm2) 0 10 20 30 Incident energy density (pJ/cm 2 ) Figure 7-5 | PL intensity dependence for: a microcavity pumped with A = 535 nm a, 10 ns pulses and b, 150 fs pulses; and a J-aggregate thin film pumped with c, 10 ns pulses and d, 150 fs pulses. The solid lines are fits to Eq. (7.15) (parts a and c), while dashed lines are fits to a power law. Fits overlap in parts a and c. The sublinear behavior of the J-aggregate thin films and the microcavities is well modeled by exciton-exciton annihilation, a procees in which excitons at high densities can be nonradiatively destroyed via exciton-exciton interactions[29], [122], [123]. The kinetics of excitons in organic materials are modeled by the two-body rate equation pln at = -Fn- -yn2 2 Ia + I '""n (7.14) Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 117 where n is exciton density in Cm 3 , a is the absorption cross-section at the pump wavelength in cm 2 , In is the pump intensity in photons/cm 2, F is the single exciton decay rate (radiative and nonradiative components), nMOI is the three-dimensional density of dye molecules in cm 3 , and y is the annihilation rate constant in cm 3/s. Under 10 ns pulsed excitation the material can be considered in quasi steady state (rpuse >> 1/ F), and the solution to Eq. (7.14) is F n 1+ 27 2nn (7.15) -11 The observed power dependence shows a good fit to Eq. (7.15) (Figure 7-5a and c), suggesting that exciton-exciton annihilation is present in the excitonic material. The absorption cross-section of a single dye molecule at A = 535 nm is found to be a = 6.25 x 10-17 cm 2 and the in-plane density is n2D =-201 cm 2 given a 5 nm film thickness and a molecular density 2 nm 3 . The single exciton decay rate is determined from time-resolved PL measurements to be 45 ps. Based on the fit of Eq. (7.15), the annihilation rate constant is y=5.2x 10-6 cm 3 / s in the microcavity and y = 1.1 x 10-6 cm 3 / s in the isolated J-aggregate thin film. The annihilation rate constant can be related to the exciton diffusion constant D using [124] y = 47rDRC (7.16) where R is the maximum distance between two excitons at which annihilation occurs. Annihilation of singlet excitons is dominated by dipole-dipole interactions; hence, RC is approximated to be the F~rster radius which we calculate to be 4 nm in these J-aggregate thin films . If the diffusion in the 5 nm thin film is taken to be two-dimensional, then the in-plane diffusion length, in the absence of annihilation is L= 4D (7.17) For the quasi steady state excitation of the isolated thin films, we find L = 44 nm, which is substantially longer than the < 20 nm singlet exciton diffusion lengths typically Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 118 found in amorphous organic materials [12]. In the microcavity, the annihilation rate constant is significantly larger than in the thin film, giving a diffusion length of L = 115 nm in the absence of annihilation. The increased annihilation rate in the cavity is attributed to coupling of the excitons to the cavity mode [125], which increases the effective diffusion length of the excitons due to the oscillatory exchange of energy characteristic of strong coupling. The time dependence of the exciton population also shows that annihilation is a valid model for exciton dynamics in the film. We investigate the exciton population relaxation by exciting the thin films with 5 ps pulses at A = 532 nm at varying incident energy densities (Figure 7-6) and collecting the time-dependent PL. The PL is imaged by a streak camera and a CCD spectrometer, having a Gaussian instrument response function with a full-width at half maximum of 6 ps. In this regime of short pulse excitation (,r,, <1 / F ), the pumping term in Eq. (7.14) is set to zero, and the solution is 1,= '"(718 er' 1+ 2 n(O) 2 n(O) where n(0) is the number of excitons per unit volume at t = 0. The time-dependent PL fits to a convolution of Eq. (7.18) with the instrument response function (Figure 7-6), which again shows that exciton-exciton annihilation is a valid model for exciton dynamics in the film. Fitted values of y vary from 3.9 x 10-5 cm 3 /s at low intensity excitation (0.147 pJ/cm 2 ) to 8.1 x 10-6 cm 3 /s at high intensity excitation (1.30 pJ/cm 2 ) while the single exciton decay rate is 1/ F = 45 ps, independent of excitation energy. Using Eqs. (7.16) and (7.17) the diffusion length is found to be 245 nm at low intensity excitation and 135 nm at high intensity excitation. This incoherent delocalization size is much larger than the coherent size of a J-aggregate exciton which is typically - 16 molecules (radius of 3 nm) [30]. The apparent reduction in the annihilation-free diffusion length at higher intensities can be attributed to rapid annihilation of non-relaxed excitons at times < 100 fs after excitation [126], [127], which cannot be resolved with our measurement setup. 1 19 Strong Coupling in J-aggregateMicrocavities 600 _400 S10- 0.0 05 1.0 1.5 Enrgy cnsity (jim 7 Eio IRF 2 0 0. 147 p/cm0 0.455 W/cm 10 % E 1.302 0 IS0 /acm, 100 150 200 -Trme pa) Figure 7-6 |Time-dependent PL at A = 591nm from a J-aggregate thin film excited with 5 ps pulses at /1 = 535 nm with varying energy densities. The data is fit to the convolution of the nonexponential population decay (Eq. 5) and the instrument response function (IRF). The inset shows the in-plane diffusion length in the absence of annihilation. 7.6 Conclusion The sublinear PL power dependence and the nonexponential PL time-dependence support exciton-exciton annihilation as the nonlinear mechanism in the J-aggregate thin film active layer of the microcavities. This result has important implications for achieving polariton lasing using J-aggregate materials. Annihilation processes decrease the exciton lifetime, and hence the polariton lifetime, which increases the polariton lasing threshold density. Furthermore, annihilation competes with polariton-polariton scattering, which is one of the possible mechanisms for populating the k =0 state of the polartion dispersion (the polariton trap) [125], [128] Our results show that achieving low threshold polariton lasing in organic materials will require materials that do not exhibit exciton-exciton annihilation and still posses the necessary properties for strong coupling to a cavity, such as high oscillator strength, narrow linewidth and small Stokes shift. Exciton-exciton interactions can also be minimized by either nanopatterning the excitonic layer of the microcavity to reduce the diffusion length, or by doping the excitonic material into a wider gap host matrix. In the next chapter we will present another approach to overcoming annihilation by introducing a new cavity pumping scheme and cavity design. 8 Lasing Through a Strongly-Coupled Mode by Intra-Cavity Pumping 8.1 Overview Previous work has shown the first polariton laser based on organic materials using crystalline anthracene[129], [130]. However, the anthracene laser, as well as other attempts at achieving polariton lasing using J-aggregates as the strong-coupling material, have all encountered the phenomenon of exciton-exciton annihilation as a significant loss mechanism [131], as was seen in the last chapter. Exciton-exciton annihilation [1], [123] in polariton microcavities is a competing process with the buildup of a threshold population of polaritons at the k = 0 point of the dispersion. Furthermore, due to the slow exciton-phonon scattering rate and the short polariton lifetime, only a small fraction (103) of the photogenerated excitons become cavity polaritons[132], [133]. Here we demonstrate a new approach to populating the lower polariton (LP) branch of a microcavity that circumvents losses due to exciton-exciton annihilation [134] and the small polariton fraction, and provides a flexible design architecture for organic and hybrid organic-inorganic polariton devices. 8.2 Introduction The traditional non-resonant pumping scheme for populating the LP branch involves off-normal-angle excitation of the polariton microcavity with incident light of photon energy well above the LP energy (Figure 8-la) [135]. The photogenerated hot excitons then relax to the exciton reservoir and subsequently relax to the bottom of the LP branch by polariton-polariton scattering or phonon-polariton scattering. In contrast, in the intra-cavity pumping scheme (Figure 8-1b), described in this work, a second, emissive material inside the cavity acts as the LP pump [134]. The broadband emission 121 Lasing Through a Strongly-Coupled Mode by Intra-CavityPumping spectrum of the pump material is chosen to overlap with the entire dispersion of the LP branch. Therefore, any cavity emission from the pump material, either spontaneous or stimulated, occurs through the strongly-coupled LP mode. By utilizing this intra-cavity pump scheme, scattering from the exciton reservoir can be avoided, hence reducing the amount of exciton-exciton annihilation. Furthermore, if the intra-cavity pump material has a large stimulated emission cross-section, lasing of the pump material will occur through the strongly coupled mode, thus not requiring LP-LP scattering to create lasing from a polaritonic cavity. In particular, the four-level structure of organic materials is responsible for low (-10 pJ/cm 2 ) lasing thresholds [8][136], which suggests that similarly low thresholds should be possible from a cavity in strong coupling. Lasing through the strongly coupled mode has been suggested to explain the room temperature polariton [137]. Regardless of the mechanism of amplification-LP-LP lasing in anthracene scattering or stimulated emission-the result is coherent emission through a stronglycoupled mode with a single nonlinear threshold. In the case of organic microcavities, the use of two optically active materials creates a cavity architecture that relaxes the stringent material requirements to achieve organic lasing in a strongly coupled mode by employing one strongly coupled material to create the polariton mode and another material to populate the LP branch and creating lasing. Non-resonant pumping (a) Energy Intra-cavity pumping Pump (b) Energy Intra-cavity hR h- pump Lower polariton Exciton-exciton annihilation k-vector V* E mission k-vector n E mission Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping 122 Figure 8-1 1 a, Non-resonant excitation scheme for polariton microcavities showing exciton-exciton annihilation as a lossy process. b, Intra-cavity pumping scheme utilizing broadband emission from a second organic material in the cavity to pump the entire LP branch thereby removing the need for polariton-polariton scattering to populate the bottom of the LP dispersion. 8.3 Methods summary In this work, the strongly coupled material is a highly optically absorbing 5-nm thick J-aggregate thin film with an absorption line centered at energy E = 2.100 eV (corresponding to the wavelength A = 591 nm), with a linewidth of 87 meV, and a peak absorption coefficient of 4x 105 cm'. The intra-cavity pump material is the laser dye DCM (4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-methyl-6-(4-dimethylaminostyryl)-4H-pyran), with broadband emission centered at E = 2.03 eV (A = 612 nm), which overlaps well with the entire LP branch (Figure 8-2b). The absorption of DCM is negligible at the LP energy (Figure 8-2b). The cavity is fabricated on a quartz substrate by first depositing a 7.5 bilayer SiO 2 /TiO 2 distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) by RF magnetron sputtering. A LO/4 SiO 2 spacer layer is deposited on the DBR (where A0 = 605 nm is the average position of the lower polariton branch across the sample) in order to position the subsequently deposited J-aggregate layer at the anti-node of the cavity electric field. The J-aggregate thin film is grown by sequential immersion of the sample into solutions containing the anionic cyanine dye TDBC (5,6-dichloro-2- [3-[5,6-dichloro-I-ethyl-3-(3-sulfopropyl)2(3H)- benzimidazolidene]-1-propenyl]-1-ethyl-3-(3-sulfopropyl) benzimidazolium hydroxide)) and the cationic polyelectrolyte PDAC (poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)) [28]. The remainder of the A-thick cavity is filled with DCM doped at 2.5% w/w in Alq 3 (aluminum tris(8-hydroxyquinoline))[138] deposited by thermal co- evaporation. In addition, a 15 nm spacer layer of Alq 3 containing no DCM is deposited on the J-aggregate film to avoid Fbrster resonant energy transfer (FRET) between the TDBC and the DCM. The top mirror is a thermally evaporated film of Ag with a thickness of 300 nm. The 30 nm effective optical path length at the Ag mirror due to phase shift upon reflection is taken into account in the cavity design. The Alq 3 :DCM layer is grown with a spatial gradient to achieve a variable cavity thickness, and hence Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping 123 cavity-exciton detuning, across the sample, with a detuning of 0 meV at the center of the sample. The complete microcavity structure is shown in Figure 8-2a. The cavity is excited with near transform-limited k = 400 nm, 100 fs pulses with a repetition rate of I kHz focused through a 0.7 NA microscope objective to a spot size of 20 im in diameter. The excitation is linearly polarized. The X = 400 nm excitation creates Alq 3 excitons which undergo an efficient Fdrster-resonant-energy-transfer (FRET) to the DCM molecules [138]. Photoluminescence (PL) is collected from the sample through the same objective with the Fourier plane of the objective imaged onto a fiber coupled to a spectrograph. The fiber is scanned across the momentum space image to obtain the PL dispersion of the cavity with 0.50 angular resolution. Alternatively, an imaging CCD is positioned at the same image plane to obtain the momentum space image [139]. All experiments are performed at room temperature in ambient atmosphere. Angle-resolved PL is shown in (Figure 8-2c) for three cavity-exciton detunings (A = 10, -50, -90 meV) corresponding to three points on the surface of the sample. A fit of the dispersion to the polariton two-level model results in a Rabi splitting of 60±5 meV and demonstrates that the cavity is in strong coupling. Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping (a) E-fled Ag DCM:Alq%- -OW Ak6-L TDBC J-aggregate DBRQuartzMaterial to Romo Dolariton mode and orovide gain: DCM (thin film emission) (b) MeIa otooping: TDBC J-aggregate (thin film absorption) - - 20.8 0.6 Lower I DCM:A% absorption E 0.4 4W nm _ Pu ~0.2 I 1.5 (C) 2.1 0I 2 - - - -- 3 2.5 Energy (eV) --- -- - ----- -- - 2.08 2.06 0 A = -50 meV 2.04 2.02 A = -90 meV 2 -20 Figure 8-2 0 Angle (deg) 20 1 a, Schematic of the cavity structure along with an approximate representation of the cavity electric field with the TDBC J-aggregate film at one of the cavity antinodes. b, Absorption spectrum of TDBC J-aggregates and the emission spectrum of DCM showing overlap with the LP energy. The DCM:Alq 3 absorption is negligible at the LP energy. c, PL of the LP branch as a function of angle for three cavityexciton detunings, showing a fit to the LP dispersion, demonstrating that the cavity is in strong coupling. 124 Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping 8.4 125 Results and discussion Figure 8-3a shows the two-dimensional PL dispersion of the polariton cavity with negative cavity-exciton detuning (A = -43 meV) under low excitation pulse energy (3.5 At this detuning, the exciton and photon fractions are 0.15 and 0.85, respectively. The LP linewidth is 17 meV corresponding to a polariton lifetime of 40 fs. pJ/cm 2 ). The LP linewidth is determined primarily by the J-aggregate homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening and is not further broadened by the minimal residual absorption of DCM at the cavity resonance energy. The momentum space distribution of the PL shows a wide ±20' cone emission profile with no observed linear polarization. 2.14 > (a) 2.12near below E, scale) UP2.14 E E 2.1 >, 2.08 2) 2.06 (b) 2.2(log > 2.1 >%2.08 ~LP 2 2. 2.04 2.04 2.02 2.02 -20 0 above E scale) 20 -20 Angle (deg) 0 10 7 (C (d) Below Et ,Above Eh 6-6 CuC -D 20 Angle (deg) 5 -0 -10 -11 -5 0 X angle (deg) 5 -40 -20 0 Angle (deg) 20 40 Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping 126 Figure 8-3 1 a, Photoluminescence dispersion from a cavity with -43 meV detuning pumped below the lasing threshold, Eth (shown in linear scale). The plot shows the LP emission maximum at each angle (black circles) and a fit to the LP and UP energy (white solid lines), as well as the energy dispersion of the uncoupled cavity, Ecv, and the uncoupled exciton energy, Eex (white dashed lines). b, Dispersion of same cavity above the lasing threshold, with the intensity shown in logarithmic scale to emphasize that cavity remains in strong coupling above threshold based on the median energies of emission that is not part of the lasing lines (black dots). c, Emission in momentum space above threshold. d, Degree of polarization of the emission as a function of angle above and below threshold. Under increasing pump energy (7 ptJ/cm 2 ), a collapse in the spectral energy width and momentum dispersion of the polariton emission is observed for the cavity with -43 meV detuning (0.15 exciton fraction) (Figure 8-3b). Appearance of multiple narrow linewidth modes with a flat dispersion is indicative of the multimode lasing. The nonlasing emission follows the same polariton dispersion as below threshold, with the lasing lines superimposed in energy onto this polariton mode, indicating that the cavity remains in strong coupling above the lasing threshold. The relative intensity of the multiple lasing modes varies with power, but the energy spacing is nearly uniform at ~2.5 meV. Above the lasing threshold, the momentum space distribution shows a narrow +5' emission cone angle. The multiple emission spots produce interference fringes in the overlapping regions in momentum space, indicating that the regions in momentum space are coherent with each other (Figure 8-3c). A weak coupling cavity with only the DCM gain layer and no J-aggregate layer showed only a single lasing mode. In the strongly coupled cavity, the emission above threshold shows a high degree of linear polarization (ratio of 6) along the direction of the pump laser polarization, despite the FRET that occurs between Alq 3 and DCM molecules, behavior which is also observed in DCM microcavity lasers in weak coupling [140]. Due to the amorphous nature of the organic materials, a preferred emission polarization is expected to be set by the pump polarization and not by the cavity structure. The emission in the center of the lasing cone is the most polarized, with spontaneous non-lasing emission at higher angles showing no linear polarization (Figure 8-3d). 127 Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping (b) (a) 103 8 300- 30. 250- 8 Eth 1.8E, - c 200- E 102 0E -4 00 0 150 - 100 10- 101 5020 30 40 50 Pulse energy (pJ/cm2) 60 0 or 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 Wavelength (nm) 2.07 Figure 8-4 | a, Dependence of PL emission intensity at k = 0 as a function of the excitation pulse energy showing a lasing threshold at 6 pJ/cm 2 . A reduction in the emission linewidth from 7 meV to 0.5 meV is observed at the lasing threshold. b, Emission spectrum below (0.8Eth excitation energy) and above (1.8Eth excitation energy) the lasing threshold. The threshold of nonlinear emission occurs at an absorbed excitation energy density of 6 pJ/cm 2 , accompanied by a narrowing of the emission line from 17 meV (below threshold) to 0.5 meV (above threshold) (Figure 8-4). Saturation of the emission occurs at 8 pJ/cm 2 . We note that the threshold occurs at an energy density below the onset of exciton-exciton annihilation [131], which we found to be -10 pJ/cm 2 . This input-output dependence is similar to what is observed in DCM VCSELs in weak coupling but the threshold for the polariton cavity at -43 meV detuning is -2-fold higher than the threshold we find for a DCM VCSEL due to losses in the polariton mode. A nonlinear lasing threshold occurs for polariton cavities with detunings ranging from -35 meV (0.15 exciton fraction at k = 0) to -110 meV (0.04 exciton fraction at k = 0), with a lower lasing energy threshold for more negative detunings. No threshold was observed for detunings of less than -35 meV due to J-aggregate photobleaching on the time scale of measurement time (-30 s). In addition, for detunings of less than -35 meV, an increased exciton fraction results in higher nonradiative loses due to the increasing J-aggregate exciton portion of the exciton-polariton, which was measured to have a PL quantum yield at room temperature of (1 0±2)%. The multiple spectral lasing modes were only observed Lasing Through a Strongly-CoupledMode by Intra-CavityPumping 128 for cavities containing J-aggregates, at all detunings, and not for weak coupling cavities containing DCM. The relative intensity of the multiple spectral peaks varies with increasing excitation energy, with a single mode dominating at higher power. The multiple modes can likely be attributed to disorder in the J-aggregate film across the excitation spot, an effect that is also observed in GaN polariton lasing[ 110]. 8.5 Conclusion In conclusion, we demonstrate lasing through a strongly coupled mode, achieved by intra-cavity pumping of a J-aggregate organic microcavity at room temperature. The laser shows spectral and momentum space collapse of the emission above threshold while the cavity remains in strong coupling. The laser employs a new architecture in which the strong coupling material is separated from the material that populates the lower polariton branch and creates gain in the cavity. This architecture opens the possibility for building lasers operating through a strongly-coupled mode at a wide range of wavelengths (from UV to NIR) simply by choosing a J-aggregating molecule with the appropriate absorption line and a corresponding, spectrally overlapping organic pump material. Furthermore, organic materials such as DCM could be incorporated with inorganic quantum wells to create hybrid polariton structures with intra-cavity pumping [141]. SuperradiantLasingfrom OrganicMicrocavity 129 9 Superradiant Lasing from Organic Microcavity 9.1 Overview Coherent exciton interactions in organic materials are responsible for a number of optical phenomena including enhanced energy-transfer[142], exciton-polariton condensation [143], anomalous second order phase transitions [144], and more recently photon BoseEinstein condensation [145]. However, until now, exciton coherence has not been harnessed to improve organic optoelectronic device performance, with organic polariton lasers showing a higher threshold than their photonic counterparts, as was seen in the previous chapter. In this chapter we demonstrate that cooperative interaction between excitons in a microcavity containing a solid-state organic gain layer leads to superradiant emission, manifested as a 10-fold reduction in lasing threshold, resulting in a record low threshold for an organic microcavity of 400 nJ/cm 2 . While great emphasis has been placed on polariton lasers as a route to low-threshold coherent emission [14], including the work on J-aggregates in the previous chapter, this system shows that coherent interactions between excitons, rather than strong coupling with the photon field, is a route towards low-threshold lasing. 9.2 Introduction In conventional lasing, threshold occurs when the rate of stimulated emission into the cavity mode is equal to the rate of energy flow out of the cavity given by [146] nthSEC (9.1) SuperradiantLasingfrom OrganicMicrocavity 130 where n1 h is the inversion density of excitons at threshold, USE is the stimulated emission cross-section, c is the speed of light, and TC is the photon lifetime in the cavity. In this expression, the time scale on which the inversion density is created relative to the dephasing time is not considered, because the conventional lasing action does not rely on coherence between the excited states of matter, which in our study are excitons in a molecular organic solid-state gain layer (Figure 9-1b). However, if the excitons are created at sufficient density and in a time rm spontaneous emission lifetime of the exciton r, can result in superradiant emission which is much shorter than the coherent interactions between excitons , [147], [148]'[149]. Superradiance (SR) is characterized by a fast, intense, and directional emission pulse with a characteristic timescale VR r, where r, is the spontaneous emission lifetime of the excitons. Furthermore, the presence of an optical cavity can increase the SR rate by a factor proportional to the finesse of the cavity, by creating a longer effective sample length [147], [150]. Below we demonstrate that under conditions of SR lasing in which both the matter and photon components are coherent (Figure 9-1c), the effective stimulated emission cross-section is enhanced by a factor I e, resulting in a substantial reduction rR in threshold density. At the same time, the emission pulses from the cavity above threshold are governed by the SR time rR rather than by the cavity photon lifetime r,, as expected from conventional lasing. The observed lasing threshold energy density is a record low for an organic vertical microcavity [151], surpassing the performance of higher-Q microcavities [152] and organic polariton microcavities[116]. The low threshold was achieved by tailoring the optical excitation to create SR conditions, rather than by engineering the cavity to have a higher quality factor or to have a polariton dispersion. We show here that SR lasing is a general phenomenon and method for ultralow thresholds that should be attainable with other 4-level organic lasing materials and in geometries beyond microcavities, such as microring resonators and distributed feedback lasers [8], [151]. SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 131 A = 532 nm (a) Conventional lasing (b) 8 ns or 80 fs USE small excitons not in phase Superradiant lasing (c) DBR pulse width photons in phase USE enhanced Ag (low-0) DBR (hig-) I excitons in phase pulse width photons In phase Figure 9-1 1 Conventional and superradiant lasing. a, Architecture and cross-sectional transmission electron microscope image of organic microcavity with DCM gain material. Bottom mirror consists of Ag (low-Q cavity) or a DBR (high-Q cavity). b, Schematic representation of regular lasing illustrates that photons in the microcavity are in phase while the radiating excitons are not, and under pulsed excitation, the emission pulse is determined by the cavity lifetime T. . c, In superradiant lasing, the excitons are also coherently coupled to one another and hence radiate with an effective cross-section enhanced by TR / T. and the emission pulse is determined by the SR time TRJ resulting in a dramatically reduced lasing threshold excitation density. 9.3 Methods summary The microcavities measured in this study are comprised of an organic thin film gain layer sandwiched between a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) and an Ag or DBR mirror, as shown in Figure 9-la. For the low-Q cavity the DBR mirror is formed from 6.5 pairs of sputter-coated TiO 2 and SiO 2 thin films that serve as the high and low refractive index layers (qT1 02 = 2.41 and qsio2 = 1.46) of thickness 62 nm and 102 nm, respectively. The organic gain layer is a thin film of laser dye DCM (4-Dicyanmethylene-2-methyl-6-(pdimethylaminostyryl)-4H -pyran) doped at 2.8% by weight into aluminum tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) (Alq 3) host material, where the mixed DCM:Alq 3 film is deposited by thermal co-evaporation onto the DBR mirror. DCM is a 4-level laser dye with a stimulated emission cross-section of USE = 1.1XIO cm 2 [146], a spontaneous emission lifetime of r,= 3 ns, and a broad (AADcM = 80 nm) luminescence emission SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 132 spectrum centered at ADCA = 620 nm. The gain layer thickness is varied across the sample to allow for probing at the desired cavity tuning of A = 600 ± 5 nm. The 500-nm thick Ag mirror is deposited by thermal evaporation onto the gain layer. Photon lifetimes low-Q cavity is 100 fs, derived from the relation c = QA / 21fc , where the cavity quality factor Q was obtained from emission spectra (AX = 2 nm) and confirmed by transfer matrix modeling [104]. Due to the difficulty of sputtering dielectric mirrors on organic thin films, the high- Q cavity is fabricated by a stamping technique. DBRs with 14.5 pairs of SiO 2 and Ta 20 5 are commercially grown on flat substrates and on substrates with 10 m radius of curvature. DCM was deposited on the flat substrate as described above and the curved DBR mirror was aligned, pressed, and sealed onto the flat substrate, forming the kthickness microcavity. Photon lifetimes high-Q cavity is 100 fs (AX = 2 nm). The microcavities are optically excited through the substrate with a TM polarized pump, incident at 6= 600 from normal, with the excitation focused to a spot size of 300 pim in diameter. To vary the duration of the excitation pulses, three pump lasers are used: frequency doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers emitting 0.9-ns or 8-ns pulses at 1'ex = 532 nm and a mode-locked regeneratively amplified laser system that pumps an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) to deliver -80 fs duration pulses at A = 532 nm. The duration of the 80-fs pulses is varied using a grating based pulse stretcher with spectral windowing [153]. Cavity emission spectra are collected via an optical fiber coupled into a spectrograph and imaged onto a CCD camera. Angle-resolved measurements were obtained using Fourier space imaging [154]. Time-resolved measurements of cavity emission were obtained by Kerr optical gating [155] with a temporal resolution of 250 fs. The excitation wavelength in all cases was 1ex = 532 nm in order to pump DCM molecules and to avoid excitation of Alq 3 , with on average 25% of the incident light absorbed in the 2/2 cavity. Due to fast, sub-picosecond Frank-Condon relaxation of excited DCM molecules to the meta-stable excited state [156], the instantaneous hot exciton density can be considered equal to the emissive state exciton density. SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 9.4 133 Results and discussion Microcavities of k-thickness with two different Q-factors were excited in regimes of slow excitation with ,p- 2,, , and fast excitation with r,,wn,, - T2 < SI) where T2 = 50-200 fs is the optical dephasing time of typical organic dyes at room temperature [157159]. Under slow excitation (r,,ntp = 8 ns ), the absorbed energy density at threshold is 80± 4 gJ/cm 2 for the Q = 300 cavity and 4.0 ± 0.5 pJ/cm 2 for the Q = 4000 cavity (Figure 9-2). From Eq. (9.1) the expected threshold exciton densities are nth= 3.Ox 1018 cm- 3 and nth = 2.3 x 1017 Cm- 3 corresponding to absorbed energy densities of 39 pj/Cm 2 and 2.9 pJ/cm 2 for the low-Q and high-Q cavities, respectively. These value agree well with the measured thresholds when we consider that the slow excitation duration r,,in, is ~2 times longer than r , which reduces the energy absorbed per spontaneous emission lifetime. When the same cavities are tested under fast excitation (,r,,,n = 80 fs ), the low-Q and high-Q cavities exhibit absorbed energy thresholds of 4 ± 0.2 j/cm2 (nh = 3x 1017 cm~3) and 0.4 ± 0.02 pJ/cm 2 (nth= 3x 1016 cm-3), a remarkable 10-20 fold reduction in lasing threshold as compared to slow excitation (Figure 9-2). These thresholds are -10 times below what is expected from the lasing threshold condition (Eq. (9.1)), which depends only on the exciton density created within the exciton lifetime and therefore should be independent of the excitation rate as long as < T, <,,,,,, . The 400 nJ/cm 2 threshold observed for the high-Q cavity represents a record low threshold for organic microcavity lasers. SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 134 134 SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity Excitation density (cm- 3) 1016 10 1017 101 p 104 (a) Q = 300 . 0V E 10 I- pump 0 C C, E C 0 80 fs 0 8 ns 0 0 0 Sof 12 10 1 80 w pJ/CM2 40 AA Inrr p1m a 2 10 (b) Q =4000 10 Spump 0 104 10 0 C, 10 E w 10 o 80 fs e 8 ns 0 1 + -4 pJ/cm 2 10 0.4 pJ/cm 9d 10~ 100 10 2 102 Absorbed energy density (pJ/cm2) Figure 9-2 1 Threshold reduction under fast (80-fs) excitation. Comparison of emission intensity in the surface normal direction as a function of absorbed excitation energy density for a, low-Q cavity, and b, high-Q cavity, upon excitation at Lex = 532 nm with fast 80-fs pulses (open data points) and slow 8-ns pulses (filled data points). Under fast excitation both cavities show a 10-20 fold reduction in threshold energy compared to slow excitation. The markedly reduced thresholds cannot be attributed to pump-induced coherence because the cavities are excited far away from resonance, nor to circumventing polaron losses [160] or losses due to inter-system crossing since the DCM is being excited directly and there is good agreement between the measured 8-ns pump threshold and predicted values from Eq. (9.1). In addition, the reduction in threshold cannot be SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 135 attributed to small microcavity effects [144] because the reduction was observed to be independent of cavity length. .1 4 0 (a) (b) _ O.6E, E 1. 2 Eth - ' 0.5 N -1 .0 EM 103 - - -0. 8 Eth 0 th CZ 1. 2 Eh 0 -0.2Eth 0 -20 -10 0 Angle (deg) 10 20 1 (C) 10 2 N 0.5 CL a.~ 10 4 590 '. ' - ' 595 600 605 Wavelength (nm) 610 :.Oth 1.OE . -- 100 10 102 Absorbed energy density (pJ/cm2) Figure 9-3 I Signatures of lasing. Cavity emission under fast (80 fs) excitation. a, Emission spectra collected over angles -20* to 20* for the low-Q cavity at various excitation densities, showing spectral line narrowing to 1 nm above threshold, where Eth is the threshold energy density. b, Wide emission cone below threshold narrows to a width of 8* above threshold. c, Degree of polarization of the emission (TM - TE) /(TM +E) as a function of excitation density shows highly polarized emission above threshold. In addition to the threshold behavior, the emission of the cavities under fast excitation exhibits characteristic features of lasing. Spectrally-resolved emission from the low-Q cavity is peaked at the resonance of A = 605 nm, with a linewidth of 2.5 nm below threshold and a long 15 nm blue tail corresponding to off-angle emission (Figure 9-3a and b). Above threshold, the spectral linewidth narrows to 1 nm and the angular width narrows from ±300 to ±40. Furthermore, at threshold the emission becomes highly polarized in the TM direction, along the pump polarization, a signature of lasing in solidstate organic microcavity lasers [138] (Figure 9-3c). This behavior indicates that, although the cavity is far below the threshold density for conventional lasing, the SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 136 observed transition exhibits the spectral, angular and polarization features characteristic of coherence. The unexpectedly low lasing threshold density can be understood in the context of cooperative emission. As known from the Dicke SR model [149], the collective system radiates at an enhanced rate given by [148] 1 _1 -- SR nA 2 L - nA(9.2) , 8 7r sVP where n is the volume density of excitons, L is the length of the sample, and A = A0 / 77 is the emission wavelength A0 reduced by the refractive index '1 of the material. It has been shown that in an optical cavity the effective length of the material is increased, which enhances the SR rate in proportion to the finesse of the cavity [147]. Bj~rk et al. [150] have calculated the overlap between SR emission and a microcavity mode to show that the enhancement factor is given by (I+ R -R) , where Re is the geometric average of the microcavity mirror reflectivities. For the low-Q cavity, which will be the focus of the remainder of the paper, Rff= 0.98 and the enhancement factor is 190. Furthermore, the SR rate is modified by the mismatch between the cavity spectral linewidth and the inhomogeneous linewidth of DCM emission. This mismatch results in only a fraction of the excitons, T* /r , being coupled to the cavity-enhanced SR mode, where T* = 2.8 fs is the inhomogeneous dephasing time of DCM obtained from the emission spectral width, and rC = 86 fs is the photon lifetime of the low-Q cavity. Finally, the expression for the cavity-enhanced SR rate in the A-thickness cavity is 1 TR I nA2L t SP 1+ TR9 87c 1-T2 (9.3) f Therefore, at the threshold exciton density with fast excitation of n = nlh = 3x 1017 cm~3, the SR time is ZR = 620 ± 50 fs. Using Eq. 3 and the expression for the stimulated emission cross-section, the lasing threshold condition from Eq. (9.1) is reduced to 1/ TC = nthc(TR / conditions of SR. )SE , where (rR / , )CrSE= 7 is the enhanced cross-section under 137 SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity The condition for "strong SR", in which all light is emitted coherently, requires that the optical dephasing time is longer than the SR time, T2 > ZR , which our system does not satisfy. However SR can still occur in the "limited SR" regime, as discussed by MacGillivray et al. [148], in which T2 < ZR and only a fraction of emission occurs coherently. Temnov et al. [161] have shown that a substantial fraction is emitted superradiantly as long as T2 / R > 0.1. Due to the cavity, the inhomogeneous broadening T*2 is removed and the SR dynamics are determined only by the DCM homogeneous dephasing time T2 as long as T2~ Zc. Typical 12 values for organic laser dyes at room temperature have been measured to be in the range of 50 fs to 200 fs [157-159]. This value of T2 and the SR time of rR= 620 ± 50 fs puts the system in the limited SR regime under fast excitation at the observed threshold density of n,h = 3x 1017 cm 3 . We further explored the onset of SR lasing by varying the excitation time rp. FFigure 9-4 shows that the threshold energy density for lasing decreases dramatically from n~h = 4x10 18 cm~3 when r,,U,, = 900 ps to n = 3x 10 7 cm-3 when rpunp = 1 ps . Consistent with SR, the threshold is constant as the excitation pulse width is reduced to below 1 ps because the excitations are created in a time shorter than the SR time, pump R * 1019 2 10 Conventional lasing simulation E E CD a) (D 75 - a C &-1 -Fn 0 18 '18 10 1 10 10 Superradiant lasing experiment nX 101 100 101 Pulse width r 102 (ps) 10 SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 138 Figure 9-4 1 Threshold energy density vs. excitation pulse width. Experiment shows dramatic reduction in threshold energy density for shorter pulses, while simulation of the conventional lasing threshold does not show same dependence, indicating that phenomena beyond conventional lasing are responsible for the reduced threshold. To contrast the observed threshold behavior with a conventional lasing mechanism, the DCM microcavity is modeled using the rate equation formalism described by Koschorreck et al. [136] (see Section 9.8). As expected, Figure 9-4 shows that the simulated lasing threshold is independent of excitation pulse width for T,,M, <100 ps and is equal to nh = 2.7x 10 threshold density 18 cm-3. The modest increase in the simulated for r,,, > 100 ps occurs because approaches the radiative lifetime of the excitons rS. the excitation pulse length Using 80-fs pulsed excitation, the ratio of the simulated to the observed threshold densities is 7, which agrees well with the enhancement of the effective stimulated emission cross-section (rR / T,)cSE ~ 7USE * Superradiant Lasing Experiment 10 0 (a) ** * 10-2 . Conventional Lasing Simulation . (C) hE 2 Eth z=110 fs = 200 fs 0 * .0 . 10-4 N 10 0 (b) (d) 3Eth 0 0 z 10-2 ~ 3Eth t r=690 fs = 110 fs .* 10- 4 .0 0 2 4 6 Time (ps) 8 10 0 2 4 6 Time (ps) 8 10 SuperradiantLasingfrom OrganicMicrocavity 139 Figure 9-5 1 Temporal dynamics of cavity emission. Measured and simulated emission following the 80-fs pulsed excitation for the low-Q cavity. Above threshold, the pulse decay time is a, 1100 fs for excitation density 2 Eth and b, 690 fs for excitation density 3 Eth. The observed pulse decay times are ~2 rR, in agreement with SR regime of operation. The pulse decay times predicted from a conventional laser model are c, 200 fs for excitation density 2Eth and d, 110 fs for excitation density 3Eth, approaching rc = 95 fs for high excitation densities. To further confirm our interpretation of threshold reduction as SR, we measured the temporal dynamics of the emitted pulses using a Kerr gating technique with 250 fs resolution. At a density of 2 nth = 6x 10 cm 3 (Figure 9-5a), the emitted pulse is peaked at 4 ps after excitation and has a decay time constant of 1100 fs, which is 2rR, as expected from the typical hyperbolic secant shape of SR pulses [150]. As the excitation density is increased to 3 nth (Figure 9-5b), the decay time constant is reduced to 690 fs, proportional with the decrease in rR * The modeled microcavity emission under the same excitation conditions (Fig. 5c and d) shows decay time constants of 200 fs and 110 fs for the two excitation densities, respectively. These decay times approach the cavity photon lifetime TC with increasing density, in stark contrast to the measured pulses. 9.5 Conclusion In conclusion, we demonstrated that an organic microcavity shows a pronounced ~10 fold decrease in threshold density under short pulsed excitation as compared to a conventional lasing threshold. The record low threshold for an organic microcavity is attributed to limited cavity-enhanced SR based on the predicted SR time and the homogeneous dephasing time of DCM. SR is further supported by the observed temporal dynamics of the emission, which agrees with SR pulse dynamics, and differs substantially from the predictions of a conventional lasing model. This work demonstrates that cooperative exciton emission can be a dominant effect even at room temperature that can be utilized to control and improve the performance of optoelectronic devices that rely on large exciton densities. SuperradiantLasingfrom OrganicMicrocavity 9.6 9.6.1 140 Detailed experimental methods Measurement of pump energy density For all measurements other than the time-resolved data, the excitation spot size is determined by scanning a knife-edge across the focused excitation beam at the position of the sample. The obtained spot diameter is 300 pm at the Ile intensity points. To obtain the incident energy density per pulse on the sample, the average power of the incident beam was measured using a calibrated Si photodetector (Ophir-1Z0241.3 with power meter Ophir-lZ01803). The measurement range of the power meter was chosen such that the detector was not saturated due to the pulsed excitation. To verify the accuracy of the power measurements, we measured the power with a calibrated thermopile detector (Newport 818P-0 10-12 with power meter 1918-C), which in contrast to a photo-diode is not susceptible to pulsed excitation saturation. The observed agreement between the two types of measurements allowed us to use the Ophir Si photodetector for the low excitation powers needed for cavity experiments. For the lower-Q, metal-DBR microcavities, the fraction of incident light that is absorbed in the gain medium is obtained by measuring the power of the excitation light reflected by the sample compared with the power incident on the sample. For the lower-Q cavities the back mirror of the cavity is a 500-nm thick Ag layer, and the bottom DBR mirror has low optical losses. Hence any light not reflected by the sample is absorbed by the gain layer. At an angle of incidence of 60' relative to normal, the typical absorption of the Q = 300 cavity at the excitation wavelength of 532 nm is 25%. By combining the measurements of spot size, incident power, and reflected power, we obtain the absorbed energy densities and subsequently exciton densities reported in this work. For the high-Q double-DBR cavity, a similar procedure was followed but transmission through the sample was also measured to obtain the absorption. 9.6.2 Kerr shutter for time-resolved photoluminescence Time-resolved measurements of cavity emission were performed using a Kerr shutter gating technique following the method of Kinoshita et al.[155] (Figure 9-6). The detailed optical diagram of our setup is shown in Figure 9-7. The output of the optical SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 141 parametric amplifier (k = 532 nm, 1kHz repetition rate) is sent through an optical delay line and then focused onto the surface of the sample with a 50X objective lens to a spot diameter of 20 pm. The photoluminescence (PL) emission is collected with the same objective lens, passes through a dichroic mirror, and is imaged onto a SrTiO 3 crystal. In the absence of the gate beam, the PL is cross-polarized between two polarizers, one before and one after the SrTiO 3 crystal, with an attenuation of ~10-6. The PL image spot is spatially overlapped in the crystal with a gate beam of wavelength k = 800 nm, polarized at 450 relative to the PL. In the presence of the gate beam, the polarization of the PL signal in that time slice is rotated, passed through the crossed polarizer, and then imaged onto the slit of a CCD spectrograph. The delay of the excitation beam is scanned to obtain a time-resolved and spectrally-resolved PL trace. The rise time of the Kerr medium response was found to be 250 fs by performing a time-resolved measurement of the 80 fs excitation pulses directly. gate pulse, width = 150 fs A= 800 nm PL vertical polarizer Kerr material to spectrometer vertical polarizer Figure 9-6 | Conceptual diagram of Kerr shutter setup for measuring time-resolved photoluminescence. SuperradiantLasingfrom OrganicMicrocavity 142 spectrograph real space f = 100 mm (ach.) FES700 polarizer delay line f= 100 inm (ach.) I SriO, crystal real space microscope in rotation mount r--microcavity to Kerr shutter sample d = 50mm I 50X laser power controller OPA HWP polak 100 fs pladize I 5 0.45 NA, 17 mm % f,= 150 mm(ach.) m 7DM: 800 nm Ti:sapph Regen d = 150mm objective lens 564 nm dichroic and emitter d=-200mm 800 nm from NDfilter OPA dumo n n HWP @22.S deg f =200 m polarizer k-spacef realspace periscope 32 mm f =200 mm d=200mm d=200mm d=200mm Figure 9-7 | Diagram of Kerr shutter experimental setup. 9.6.3 Fourier space imaging of angular-resolved emission Angle-resolved emission from the cavities was measured following the method of Richard et al.[154] (Figure 9-8). Emission from the cavity is collected with a 20X (0.45 NA) objective and the Fourier plane of the objective is imaged onto the slit of a CCD spectrograph to obtain a two-dimensional dispersion (energy vs. angle). real space (image of sample) k-space k-space Sample spectrograph k-space toy after spectrograph slit tI9 after spectrograph grating on CCD e SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 143 Figure 9-8 1 Dispersion imaging setup for obtaining angle-resolved emission data. 9.7 Threshold reduction for varying cavity lengths The superradiant reduction in threshold was observed to be independent of cavity length, and hence cannot be attributed alternatively to microcavity effects such as those described by de Martini et al.[162] . The same low-Q microcavity as described in the Methods section was fabricated with lengths of k/2, X, and 312. Figure 9-9 shows that for the X and 3X/2 cavities, we observe a similar 20-fold reduction in lasing threshold under fast excitation. The A/2-thickness cavity does not exhibit a lasing threshold under slow pumping because the required threshold exciton density of 6x 1018 cm-3 would be close to the DCM molecule density nDCM = 2.5x1019 cm- 3 , thus requiring almost complete saturation and because a larger fraction of DCM excitons are quenched by the metal mirror compared to longer cavities. Excitation density (cm-3 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 (a) V/2 cavity 10 10 1 101 (b) X cavity 010 10 10 10 10 (c) 3/2 cavity 106 C 10 0 U 5 0 00 4 0 0 0 80 pJ/cm 2 * 100 pJ/cm 2 10 0000 0. 102 10 10 mt 10 p 0 3 pJcm 10 10 p 5 pj/cm2 4 [pJ/cm 2 100 10 10 10 100 01 10 Absorbed energy density (gJ/cm2) Figure 9-91 Threshold reduction under fast excitation for 3 cavity lengths. a, X/2 cavity. b, A cavity. c, 3 X/2 cavity. Open circles are data for slow (8 ns) excitation and filled circles are fast (80 fs) excitation. 9.8 Simulation of conventional lasing The experimental results for time-resolved cavity emission and the lasing threshold were compared with simulations of conventional lasing dynamics. The dynamics of the DCM microcavities are modeled by considering the 4-level structure of DCM, which in SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 144 our experiments is optically pumped directly, without Fbrster energy transfer from the Alq 3 host matrix. The energy level diagram of DCM is shown Figure 9-10, in which m is the population of the pump state, n is the population of the relaxed excited state, and q is the number of photons in the cavity mode. To model the dynamics of this system, we consider the coupled differential equations describing the three species following the notation of Bruckner et al.[163]: dm S= dt dn p(M,- 2m)- kbm A= kvbm - (I- 0) A n - PA, (I+qn n- Fn (9.4) dt dq = A, (1+q)n-yq dt where p is the normalized pump rate, m,0 , is the total number of DCM molecules in the volume of one cavity mode, kvib is the vibrational relaxation rate, p is the spontaneous emission coupling factor into the cavity, At is spontaneous emission rate into free space, Af is the cavity-enhanced spontaneous emission rate into the cavity mode, F is the decay rate of the relaxed excited state n, and y is the leakage rate of photons from the cavity. The populations, m, n, and p, are per mode volume. kvib In p 4,,3AJ1+q) r Figure 9-10 j Energy level diagram of DCM. The pump state is m and the fluorescent state is n. The equation for the pump state population m includes a saturation term determined by the total number of molecules within the volume of the cavity mode, V. The mode volume is V = r where L = 350 nm is the thickness of the cavity gain layer for a k- SuperradiantLasingfrom OrganicMicrocavity 145 thickness cavity, and ret is the effective transverse mode radius. The effective mode radius is given by[164] -1/2 - r =(9.5) qf 8n( - R ) where A = 600 nm is the cavity resonance free space wavelength, n = 1.62 is the cavity refractive index, L = 350 nm is the cavity length, and Reg= 0.98 is the geometric mean of the cavity mirror reflectivities. From these values we find rej = 1.5 pm. Based on the 2.5% doping of DCM in Alq 3 and the molecular weights of each molecule, the estimated two-dimensional density of DCM molecules is ND = number of molecules per mode volume is m,, = ir'N 1 x 1015 cm 2 . Consequently, the = 7 x 107. The vibrational relaxation rate from the pump state to the relaxed excited state is assumed to be rapid with kvib = 1/(500 fs)[138], [163], although changes in this parameter did not affect the results significantly. The spontaneous emission coupling factor is estimated to be l = 0.002 following the results of Bjbrk et al.[165], using the linewidths of the cavity (Akcav = 2 nm) and DCM emission (AXD= 80 nm). For the total exciton decay rate we use F = 1/(2 ns), the spontaneous emission rate into free space is Af = 1/(3 ns). The cavity-enhanced spontaneous emission rate is A = FAA , where FP is the Purcell factor given by [15]: = 3Q(A 0 / n) 3 (9.6) 41r2 V Using the parameters for the Q = 300 cavity, we find Fp = 1.9 and consequently A, = 1/(1.6 ns). The cavity photon escape rate y is determined from the cavity lifetime which is given by rc = QAO / 21rc, where c is the speed of light. For the low-Q cavity, y = 1/(95 fs). The dynamics of the cavity emission are simulated by numerically solving Eqs. (9.4) in MATLAB. The initial conditions for the simulation are that the DCM molecules are in the ground state with no intra-cavity photons, m = 0, n = 0, q = 0. The excitation is a time-dependent pump term SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity p(t)= po exp - 146 ( t2 (9.7) 2 2a P/2 The full width of the pulse at Ile intensity is ri, = 2Jha, and this is the value referred to as the pulse width. The total energy delivered by one pulse per unit area is then calculated from hc/lX E -h where hc / , L p(t)(m 0,, -2m)dt (9.8) is the energy of one pump photon. The simulated dynamics of cavity emission are shown below and above the nonlinear threshold in the two excitation regimes, ru, = 100 fs (fast) and rm = 1 ns (slow). Under both kinds of excitation, the lifetime of the emission pulse is determined by the pump pulse width. Under even shorter excitation, the emission pulse width becomes limited by the cavity photon lifetime. As described in the manuscript, due to SR, the pulse duration above threshold under fast excitation is ~5 times longer than conventional lasing simulation predicts. a _b 10 0- Below Eth -Above (n E y,,,, =10 fs c 10 Below E h7 r 0 U) Et =1n E 15 15 CO 0 -Above 1 2 cc 6 Time (ps) 4 8 10 110- 0 1000 2000 3000 Time (ps) 4000 5000 Figure 9-11 I Comparison of cavity dynamics for fast and slow pumping. a, 100 fs excitation pulse width. b, 1 ns excitation pulse width. The emission pulse is offset from t = 0 because the excitation pulse has a positive offset to avoid negative time values in the simulation. The oscillations above threshold are due to repumping of state n from state m due to vibrational relaxation. SuperradiantLasingfrom Organic Microcavity 147 Figure 9-12a shows the simulated cavity emission as a function of absorbed energy density. The regimes of spontaneous emission, lasing, and saturation are seen for all the simulated pump pulse widths. The lasing threshold is defined by the inflection point of the input-output dependence, as shown with the dashed line in Figure 9-12a. Despite the widely varying duration of the excitation and subsequent emission pulses, the inputoutput curves are insensitive to changes in pump pulse width. Figure 9-12b shows how the lasing threshold depends on rmn. density for The modest increase in the simulated threshold ,, > 100 ps occurs because the excitation pulse length approaches the radiative lifetime of the excitons rS. The simulated dependence stands in stark contrast to the observed experimental values due to the presence of SR. a b 102 --- 700 fs 4.8 ps 340 ps -- 230 ps 1ns 10 1019 2 102 0fs - E E 1 C 2) -10 0101 a)) F- 101 102 2 Absorbed energy density (pJ/cm ) 10~1 100 101 102 Pulse width (ps) 103 Figure 9-12 1 Simulation of cavity emission vs. pump energy. a, Simulated cavity emission as a function of pump energy density for a range of pump pulse widths. Dashed line indicates level at which the threshold was determined. b, Lasing threshold as a function of pump pulse width and comparison to experimental results. Conclusion and Outlook Conclusion and Outlook 148 148 10 Conclusion and Outlook In this thesis we have demonstrated the rich variety of physical phenomena in excitonic materials. We have learned a great deal about the fundamentals of exciton transport and how it relates to disorder, knowledge that will aid the design of existing devices such as photovoltaics that rely on moving excitons. We demonstrated a new application for excitonic materials that takes advantage of exciton transport to make the interaction of molecules with light more efficient. Finally, we studied two approaches to coherent emission from excitons in a microcavity. Using J-aggregates as a strongly coupled material, and DCM as the gain material, we demonstrated lasing through a strongly coupled mode. In a complimentary approach, the spontaneous emission of excitons in the weak coupling regime was synchronized to produce superradiant lasing at room temperature with a significantly reduced lasing threshold. 10.1 Outlook for exciton transport The lessons learned about exciton transport in tetracene and QD thin films are just the beginning. The direct imaging technique is a versatile approach to extracting many parameters about exciton diffusion and can be applied to materials dominated by triplet and singlet transport. As we showed with QD thin films, the resolution of the measurement is only limited by the signal-to-noise ratio. At present our measurements were limited to about 30 min in duration due to focus drift on the microscope. This is a technical limitation that can easily be overcome. Having multiple photodetectors imaging along one or two spatial dimensions in parallel will greatly enhance the data collection efficiency. In the future, we envision our imaging technique to be used as a high throughput method for quickly screening exciton transport in the large library of materials currently used in photovoltaic research and as new materials are synthesized. Conclusion and Outlook 149 Many questions about the role of disorder, whether structural or energetic, still remain. Is the observation of disorder-driven exciton transport in QD films a general, yet counterintuitive, phenomenon that could be applied to other materials? What other strategies could be used to enhance exciton diffusion length? These are rich areas for further exploration. While our imaging technique is powerful in providing a spatial average of exciton transport in time, visualization of transport in nanopatterned structures is not possible due to the diffraction limit. For this reason, the future belongs to near-field microscopy. While a challenging and often-signal limited technique, near-field imaging is the most direct method for looking at excitons near nano-scale interfaces, the regions most critical to excitonic device performance. The J-aggregate antenna produced dramatic fluorescence enhancement values, previously only obtained with plasmonic structures. However, the losses inherent to Jaggregates make the overall efficiency of the system, from photons to photons out, quite low. The ultimate goal of the excitonic antenna is for one input photon to result in one generated exciton on the desired acceptor. While the absorption efficiency can approach 100% using the JCCR, the transport and FRET to the acceptor is the limiting step. Most excitons are either not mobile or decay before reaching an acceptor. Improving the fluorescence quantum yield of J-aggregates and exploring materials other than Jaggregates is a worthwhile goal. However, the most promising approach is to tailor the energy landscape in which the excitons diffuse, moving from the regime of diffusion to the regime of drift. Applying nanoscale pressure or nanopatteming the materials to confine and guide excitons are just two methods to molding the flow of excitons that we are currently exploring. 10.2 Outlook for excitons in microcavities In this thesis we showed two complimentary approaches to generating coherent excitons and coherent emission that fundamentally differ from traditional lasing. While much has been made of polaritonic structures as a way to low-threshold lasing, material losses have so far prevented this from becoming a reality. Indeed in the anthracene polariton laser [129] and in our J-aggregate-DCM laser, the lasing threshold is higher in Conclusion and Outlook 1 50 the strongly-coupled system relative to the equivalent photon laser. In the case of Jaggregates, the higher threshold arises most likely as a result of the short exciton lifetime, making interaction of photons with the polariton mode very lossy. To our initial surprise, the route to low threshold came not through modifying the cavity mode but by changing the rate of excitation, thus putting the system in the regime of superradiance. Thus the same DCM laser, though in weak coupling showed a dramatically lower threshold. Superradiance in organic microcavities must be explored in other resonator geometries and with other excitonic materials in order to determine if the observed behavior is a general phenomenon or is specific to DCM in planar microcavities. The studies presented here are part of an explosion in work in recent years on coherent exciton states such as superradiance [166], polariton lasing [167], and photon Bose-Einstein condensation [168], to name a few. Understanding the connection and mapping the transition between these coherent regimes is a rich avenue for future research. 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AKSELROD akselrod@mit.edu EDUCATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) August 2007 - August 2013 Ph.D. in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics Department of Physics Thesis: "Exciton Transport and Coherence in Molecular and Nanostructured Materials" University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (U. of Illinois) B.S. with Honors in Engineering Physics Department of Physics Thesis: "Numerical Simulation of Type-I Entangled Photon Sources" August 2003 - May 2007 AWARDS Hertz Graduate Fellowship (Endowed by Nathan Myhrvold) National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Lester Wolfe Fellowship, MIT American Physical Society Best Student Paper Award, Quantum Info. Theory Outstanding Physics Senior Thesis Award, U. of Illinois Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Lorella M. Jones Research Fellowship, U. of Illinois Rensselaer Mathematics and Science Medal RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Duke University Metamaterials and Plasmonics Advisors: Professor David Smith and Professor Maiken Mikkelsen 2007-2012 2007-2012 2007-2008 2007 2007 2006 2006 2003 September 2013 - present Massachusetts Institute of Technology Organic and Nanostructured Electronics Laboratory Advisor: Professor Vladimir Bulovic Graduate Research Assistant May 2008 - August 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Quantum Computing Group Advisor: Professor Isaac Chuang Graduate Research Assistant August 2007 - May 2008 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Group Advisor: Professor Paul Kwiat Undergraduate Research Assistant University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Biophysics and Photonics Group Advisor: Professor Gregory Timp Undergraduate Research Assistant April 2006 - May 2007 August 2004 - April 2006 Landauer, Inc., Stillwater, OK April 2002 - August 2003, May 2004 - August 2004 Optical and Radiation Physics Research Group Supervisor: R. Craig Yoder Research Associate Curriculum Vitae PUBLICATIO NS 167 [18] W. Chang, G. M. Akselrod, V. Bulovic, "Mechanical Pressure-Induced Solid State Solvation and Forster Mediated Spectral Diffusion Effects in Organics Thin Films." Manuscript in preparation. [17] G. M. Akselrod*, F. Prins*, L. Poulikakos, V. Bulovic, W. Tisdale, "Exciton diffusion in CdSe quantum dot thin films probed spectrally, temporally and spatially." Manuscript in preparation. [16] C. H. Lui, A. J. Frenzel, D. V. Pilon, Y.-H. Lee, G. M. Akselrod, J. Kong, N. Gedik, "Trion induced negative photoconductivity in monolayer MoS 2 ." Submitted. [15] G. M. Akselrod, P. Deatore, V. Menon, N. Thompson, M. A. Baldo, and V. Bulovic, "Direction observation of exciton diffusion in tetracene." Manuscript in preparation. [14] G. M. Akselrod and V. Bulovic, "Excitonic Antenna for Fluorescence Enhancement of Single Quantum Dots." Manuscript in preparation. [13] G. M. Akselrod, E. R. Young, K. W. Stone, A. Palatnik, V. Bulovic, and J. R. Tischler, "Superradiant Lasing from Organic Microcavities." Submitted (2013). [12] G. M. Akselrod, E. R. Young, M. S. Bradley, and V. Bulovic, "Lasing Through a StronglyCoupled Mode by Intra-Cavity Pumping." Optics Express, 21: 12122-12128 (2013). [11] A. M. Eltony, S. X. Wang, G. M. Akselrod, P. F. Herskind, and I. L. Chuang, "Transparent ion trap with integrated photodetector." Applied Physics Letters, 102: 054106 (2013). [10] T. P. Osedach, A. lacchetti, R. R. Lunt, T. L. Andrew, P. R. Brown, G. M. Akselrod, and V. Bulovic, "Near-Infrared Photodetector Consisting of J-Aggregating Cyanine Dye and Metal Oxide Thin Films." Applied Physics Letters, 101: 113303 (2012). [9] G.M. Akselrod, B. J. Walker, W. Tisdale, M. Baewendi, and V. Bulovic, "20-fold Enhancement of Molecular Fluorescence by Coupling to a J-aggregate Critically Coupled Resonator." ACS Nano, 6: 467-471 (2011). [8] G. M. Akselrod, J. R. Tischler, E. R. Young, D. G. Nocera, and V. Bulovic, "Exciton-exciton annihilation in organic polariton microcavities." Physical Review B, 82: 113106 (2010). [7] P. B. Antohi, J. Labaziewicz, D. Schuster, Y. Ge, G. M. Akselrod, Z. Lin, W. S. Bakr, and I. L. Chuang, "Cryogenic ion trapping systems with surface-electrode traps." Review of Scientific Instruments, 80: 013103 (2009). [6] M. A. Wayne, E. R. Jeffrey, G. M. Akselrod, and P. G. Kwiat, "Photon arrival time quantum random number generation." Journal of Modern Optics, 56: 516-522 (2009). [5] G. M. Akselrod, J. B. Altepeter, E. R. Jeffrey and P. G. Kwiat, "Phase-Compensated UltraBright Source of Polarization Entangled Photons: Erratum." Optics Express, 15: 5260-5261 (2007). [4] G. M. Akselrod, W. Timp, Q. Zhao, P. Matsudaira, R. Timp, K. Timp, and G. Timp, "LaserGuided Assembly of Heterotypic Three-Dimensional Living Cell Microarrays." Biophysical Journal, 91: 3465-3473 (2006). [3] G. M. Akselrod, M. S. Akselrod, E. R. Benton, and N. Yasuda, "A Novel A12 0 3 Fluorescent Nuclear Track Detector for Heavy Charged Particles and Neutrons." Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, 247: 295-306 (2006). Curriculum Vitae 168 [2] M. S. Akselrod, R. C. Yoder, and G. M. Akselrod, "Confocal Fluorescent Imaging of Tracks and 3D Dose Distribution From Heavy Charged Particles Utilizing New A12O3:C,Mg Crystals." Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 119: 357-362 (2006). [1] M. S. Akselrod, S. S. Orlov, and G. M. Akselrod, "Bit-Wise Volumetric Optical Memory Utilizing Two-Photon Absorption in Aluminum Oxide Medium." Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 43: 4908-4911 (2004). PATENTS G. M. Akselrod, M. G. Bawendi, V. Bulovic, J. R. Tischler, W. A. Tisdale, and B. J. Walker, "Device and method for luminescence enhancement by resonant energy transfer from an organic thin film." U.S. patent application 20120188633 (2012). V. Bulovic, C. E. Packard, V. C. Wood, A. Murarka, and G. M. Akselrod, "Method and Apparatus for Forming MEMS Device." U.S. patent application 2010018879 (2010). M. S. Akselrod, R. C. Yoder, and G. M. Akselrod, "Detection of Neutrons and Heavy Charged Particles." U.S. Patent 7,141,804 (2006). INVITED TALKS AND G. M. Akselrod, W. Tisdale, B. J. Walker, and V. Bulovic, "Excitonic Antenna for Large Fluorescence Enhancement of Single Molecules and Quantum Dots." Invited talk presented at ES MIT Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar, Cambridge, MA (2013). G. M. Akselrod, W. Tisdale, B. J. Walker, and V. Bulovic, "Excitonic Antenna for Large Fluorescence Enhancement of Single Molecules and Quantum Dots." Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA (2013). G. M. Akselrod, E. R. Young, M. S. Bradley, V. Bulovic, "Room Temperature Organic Polariton Lasing by Intra-Cavity Pumping." Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems (OECS12), Paris, France (2011). G. M. Akselrod, E. R. Young, M. S. Bradley, V. Bulovic, "Room Temperature Organic Polariton Lasing by Intra-Cavity Pumping." Workshop on Spontaneous Coherence and Collective Dynamics, Telluride, CO (2011). G. M. Akselrod, E. R. Young, and V. Bulovic, "Ultra-fast Laser Modulation Mediated by Strong Light-Matter Coupling." 8th International Conference on Electroluminescence and Organic Optoelectronics, Ann Arbor, MI (2010). G. M. Akselrod, J. R. Tischler, E. R. Young, M. S. Bradley, D. G. Nocera, and V. Bulovic, "Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in Organic Polariton Microcavities." International Quantum Electronics Conference, Baltimore, MD (2009). G. M. Akselrod, D. Schuster, P. Antohi, Z. Lin, R. Schoelkopf, and I. L. Chuang, "Trapping and Detecting Polar Molecular Ions in a Closed-Cycle 4 K Ion Trap." American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2008). G. M. Akselrod, J. Altepeter, M. Goggin, J. Valle, J. Yasi, and P. G. Kwiat, "Numerical Modeling and Optimization of Type-I Entangled-Photon Sources." American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO (2007).