CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS – HOW CAN SAFER VEHICLE CHOICES BE ENCOURAGED? by Michael Keall & Stuart Newstead December, 2010 Report No.: 301 Project Sponsored By ii MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Report No. Date ISBN ISSN Pages 301 November 2010 0 7326 2371 5 1835-4815 (online) 12 + Appendices Title and sub-title: Characteristics of vehicles driven by different driver demographics – how can safer vehicle choices be encouraged? Author(s): Keall, M.D. & Newstead, S.V. Sponsoring Organisation(s): - This project was funded as contract research by the following organisations: This project was funded as contract research by the following organisations: Road Traffic Authority of NSW, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria Ltd, NRMA Motoring and Services, VicRoads, Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia Ltd, Transport Accident Commission, New Zealand Transport Agency, the New Zealand Automobile Association, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Royal Automobile Club of Queensland, Royal Automobile Association of South Australia, South Australian Department of Transport Energy and Infrastructure and by grants from the Australian Government Department of Transport, Infrastructure, Regional Development and Local Government and the Road Safety Council of Western Australia Abstract: The focus of this study was to examine the profile of vehicles driven by different driver groups in different jurisdictions of Australasia to investigate the secondary safety implications of the vehicles driven. The 2001-2005 crash fleets of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand were considered. NSW and Victoria had the newest fleets and NZ by far the oldest. Within each jurisdiction, the crash fleet of younger drivers was oldest, the fleet for drivers aged 26-59 newest, with the older drivers’ fleet in-between. Those age groups and jurisdictions with older vehicles also had less crashworthy vehicles on average. Female drivers generally drove newer vehicles than male drivers apart from very recent models, which tended to be proportionately more prevalent in the male driver fleet. Despite this, female driver’s vehicles had a consistently poorer crashworthiness distribution than the vehicles driven by males since females prefer smaller, lighter vehicles, which have generally poorer crashworthiness. Large cars dominated the fleets of all the Australian male driver age groups, but for females, only featured strongly in the 26-59-year-old drivers’ fleets. The market group constitution of the New Zealand crash fleets of most driver groups was dominated by Medium cars, a result of the widespread importation of medium-sized used cars mainly from Japan. The pattern of crash-involvement was different for different driver groups. Young drivers have been shown by previous research to be involved in a much higher proportion of rollover crashes, highlighting the importance of strengthened roof structures for this group. Older drivers and female drivers in general had higher proportions of intersection crashes for which side-impact protection features and side airbags are particularly relevant. It can be argued that both younger and older drivers require the most crashworthy vehicles: older drivers because they are more liable to be injured when involved in a crash; younger drivers because they have high rates of crash involvement. Key Words: vehicle, crashworthiness, secondary safety driver age, driver gender Disclaimer: This Report is produced for the purposes of providing information concerning the safety of vehicles involved in crashes. It is based upon information provided to the Monash University Accident Research Centre by VicRoads, the Transport Accident Commission, the New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority, NRMA Ltd, Queensland Transport, the Western Australian Department of Main Roads, South Australian Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure and Land Transport New Zealand. Any republication of the findings of the Report whether by way of summary or reproduction of the tables or otherwise is prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from the Monash University Accident Research Centre and any conditions attached to that consent are satisfied. Monash University Accident Research Centre, Reproduction of this page is authorised. Building 70, Clayton Campus, Victoria, 3800, Australia. Telephone: +61 3 9905 4371, Fax: +61 3 9905 4363 CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS iii Preface Project Manager / Team Leader: Dr Stuart Newstead Research Team: Dr Michael Keall Contributorship Statement Stuart Newstead – Project concept, management and final manuscript editing Michael Keall – Design and conduct of data analysis and manuscript preparation Ethics Statement Ethics approval was not required for this project. iv MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Contents CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS – HOW CAN SAFER VEHICLE CHOICES BE ENCOURAGED? .............................................................................................................. 1 BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................... 1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................ 1 DATA AND METHODS ........................................................................................................... 1 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................ 2 BY JURISDICTION ........................................................................................................................ 2 BY DRIVER AGE GROUP ............................................................................................................ 3 BY DRIVER SEX ........................................................................................................................... 4 MARKET GROUP CHOICE BY JURISDICTION AND DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................. 4 CRASHWORTHINESS OF FLEETS BY JURISDICTION AND DRIVER CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................. 5 Crashworthiness of fleets by driver age group ......................................................................... 7 Crashworthiness of fleets by driver sex ................................................................................... 7 Most popular crashed makes and models by age, sex and jurisdiction .................................... 7 LOCATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF CRASHES ................................................................ 8 Rollovers ................................................................................................................................ 10 Other occupant characteristics to consider ............................................................................. 10 SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS............................................................................................. 11 IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESULTS ..................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. 13 Vehicle age distributions by jurisdiction ............................................................................... 13 Crashworthiness ..................................................................................................................... 27 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 75 CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS v Characteristics of vehicles driven by different driver demographics – how can safer vehicle choices be encouraged? Background Different driver groups have different vehicle preferences reflecting income, typical vehicle usage and vehicle occupancy amongst other factors. Within the characteristic vehicle fleets arising out of these preferences, there are likely to be mixtures of wellperforming and poorly-performing vehicles with respect to occupant protection. Different driver groups also have different crash involvement patterns, so a vehicle with certain occupant protection and crash avoidance features would be more suitable for a driver group subject more frequently to crash types relevant to those features. For example, a group frequently involved in side-impact crashes would particularly benefit from features such as side impact protection and side airbags whist a group over represented in single vehicle crashes could benefit more from electronic stability control. Purpose The focus of this study was to examine the profile of vehicles driven by different driver groups in different jurisdictions to investigate the secondary safety implications of the vehicles driven. A secondary focus was to identify potential alternative vehicle choices with better safety performance that might still meet the driver group’s other needs. These needs, which may override safety considerations for many vehicle owners when choosing a vehicle, include suitability for the transportation needs, vehicle purchase cost and running expenses. Information on vehicle preferences for different driver groups in different jurisdictions, together with information on potential alternative vehicles with better crashworthiness, is important to guide policy formation and consumer advice leading to safer vehicle choices appropriate for each given driver group. Data and methods Data from New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand covering police reported crashes during the years 20012005 compiled for the Used Car Safety Ratings project (Newstead et al, 2009) were used to describe driver demographics and crash vehicle profiles. In addition, the crashworthiness and aggressivity ratings produced in Newstead et al (2009) as part of the Used Car Safety Ratings Program regular updates were used to describe secondary safety performance for vehicles involved in crashes. The analysis focused on describing the distribution of vehicle fleets for different driver groups (defined by sex, age and jurisdiction) by vehicle age, vehicle market group and crashworthiness. Also, the 50 most popular vehicle makes and models for each of the driver groups considered per jurisdiction were listed together with the vehicles’ crashworthiness rating to identify suitable safer alternative vehicle choices CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 1 from amongst the popular vehicles for that driver group. For some driver groups, there were fewer than 50 makes/models identified with adequate crash data, reflecting relatively low crash rates for that group. Vehicles were placed in crashworthiness tertiles (above, below and between the 33rd and 67th percentiles) according to their estimated crashworthiness. Results By jurisdiction 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet 6% NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 1: Distribution of the six vehicle fleets by vehicle age at time of crash (Note that older vehicles are at RHS of graph). Figure 1 shows the age distribution of the six light passenger vehicle crash fleets analysed. The maxima of the graphs (the modes of the distributions) show the most common ages of vehicles entering the fleet (whether from other countries, other states, or new vehicles), assuming that similar age distributions of vehicles enter the fleet each year. The modal ages of NZ crashed vehicles is 9-13 years. This age distribution is unusual because of the large numbers of used vehicles imported from other countries and sold in New Zealand. The modal age for the SA crash fleet is 2-5 years. The other four fleets (NSW, VIC, QLD and WA) all have modal age of 1 year, showing that most vehicles entering these fleets were new vehicles. 2 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE By driver age group 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 2: Distribution of the crashed vehicle fleets of three driver age groups by vehicle age (years since manufacture at time of crash). Figure 2 shows the age distributions of the combined jurisdictions’ crashed vehicle fleets for three different driver age groups. In general, drivers aged 26-59 crashed newer vehicles than the other age groups; young drivers had the oldest fleet; and the fleet of older drivers lay in between the other two age groups’ fleets. These patterns were also apparent when each jurisdiction was examined individually although the New Zealand fleet had a notable difference where the older drivers’ fleet had a higher proportion of newer vehicles than the fleet of drivers aged 26-59 (see the Appendix for jurisdiction-specific details). CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 3 By driver sex 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 3: Distribution of the crashed vehicle fleets of male and female drivers by vehicle age (years since manufacture at time of crash). Figure 3 shows the overall age distribution of the combined fleets by driver sex. Male drivers’ crash fleet had a slightly higher proportion of newer vehicles, but despite this, the female drivers’ fleet was generally younger. This pattern was seen for all the jurisdictions individually (see the Appendix). When looked at within driver age groups (see Appendix), the patterns did differ: the female younger drivers’ crash fleets had proportionately more later model vehicles than the younger male crash fleets; for drivers aged 26-59 the distributions for males and females were similar to those shown in Figure 3; for older drivers, there was still a tendency for the latest model vehicles to be more prevalent in the male drivers’ fleet. The older female drivers’ vehicles otherwise were generally more recent models than their male counterparts’ vehicles, but this pattern was not as pronounced as for the other driver age groups. Market group choice by jurisdiction and driver characteristics Table 1 shows key vehicle market groups featuring in the crash fleets for different jurisdictions and driver age/sex groups. The fleets are strongly dominated by a single market group when that market group has at least 30% prevalence in the fleet. Large cars dominated all Australian male driver fleets and the 26-59-year-old Australian female driver fleets. Small cars dominated the Australian female drivers’ crash fleets for both young drivers and older drivers. Light cars featured as important constituents of the fleets of older and younger female drivers for most Australian jurisdictions. New Zealand was unusual because of its used car importation program. Medium cars, which were relatively rare in the Australian fleet, were the dominant NZ market group for all the female driver groups apart from older females, who preferred Small and Light cars over Medium cars. In New Zealand, Large cars were only relatively 4 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE common (constituting between 20% and 30% of the crash fleet) for 29-59-year old male drivers. Table 1: Distribution of the dominant market groups within the crash fleets for different jurisdictions and driver age/sex groups Jurisdiction NSW VIC Proportion of fleet >=30% 20-30% 15-20% >=30% WA Small Large 15-20% >=30% Small Large 20-30% Small Small Large Large Large Large Ute Large Large Small Large Small Large 20-30% 15-20% >=30% NZ Small Large 20-30% 15-20% >=30% SA Large 60+ Large 20-30% 15-20% >=30% QLD <=25 Large Small Male 26-59 Large Small 20-30% Medium, Small 15-20% Large <=25 Small Light Large Small Large, Light Small Large, Light Female 26-59 Large Small Large 60+ Small Large Light Small Small Large Large Small Small Large Small Large Light Small Large Small Large, Light Light Large Small Small Large Small Large, Medium Medium Large, Small Light Small Large, Light Light Medium, Small Medium Small, Light Large, Small Medium Crashworthiness of fleets by jurisdiction and driver characteristics This section quantifies the distribution of the crash fleets by different jurisdictions according to the crashworthiness quintiles defined over the entire sample of crashed vehicles. By definition, a histogram of the entire fleet by quintile will consist of a horizontal line at approximately 20% (as each quintile consists of one fifth of the fleet). This is shown in Table 2, with slightly more than 200,000 vehicles in each quintile, whose range is shown in the second column of the table. The slightly larger representation of Quintile 4 is an artefact of the method for estimating crashworthiness for older vehicles. These were allocated their estimates based on year of manufacture and market group only. Such vehicles therefore had a restricted range of potential crashworthiness estimates, meaning that division of this part of the distribution precisely into quintiles was not possible. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 5 Table 2: Crashworthiness ranges for defining quintiles over the entire sample of crashed vehicles analysed. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. CWR range under 2.88% 2.88% - 3.18% 3.18% - 3.69% 3.69% - 4.26% 4.26% plus Quintile 1 2 3 4 5 n 204,382 201,867 202,204 215,410 202,658 40% 35% 30% %crash fleet 25% quintile NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 4: Comparison of distribution of the six jurisdictions’ crash fleets according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. Figure 4 compares the distributions of the six jurisdictions according to the crashworthiness quintiles described in Table 2. Clearly, the poorest performing fleet in terms of this measure of secondary safety was the New Zealand fleet. It had the highest proportion of the poorest performing vehicles (Quintile 5) and the lowest proportion of the best performing vehicles (Quintile 1). The Victorian fleet, followed by the NSW fleet were the best performing fleets. The South Australian fleet had a relatively low proportion of Quintile 1 and a high proportion of Quintile 4, although the proportion of Quintile 5 vehicles in that fleet was about average (where the average is 20% by definition of the quintiles). Western Australia had a higher proportion than average with poor crashworthiness (Quintile 5). Queensland was close to the overall average, a more-or-less horizontal distribution. 6 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Crashworthiness of fleets by driver age group 30% 25% %crash fleet 20% under 26 26-59 60 plus 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 5: Comparison of distribution of the combined crash fleets per driver age group according quintiles for the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. Figure 5 compares the crashworthiness distributions for three driver age groups across all jurisdictions. Note that the quintiles are those defined for the whole fleet, as described in Table 2. The most crashworthy fleet, with the highest proportion of quintile 1 vehicles and the lowest proportion of quintile 5 was that for drivers aged 26-59. This was followed by the fleet for older drivers, which was close to the overall average of 20% in each quintile. The poorest performing vehicles were those driven by young drivers. Within each jurisdiction these patterns are also replicated (see Appendix), although for New Zealand the older driver crash fleet rated only slightly worse than the fleet for drivers aged 26-59 and had proportionately fewer quintile 5 vehicles. Crashworthiness of fleets by driver sex For all the jurisdictions, the vehicles of female drivers had a poorer crashworthiness distribution than the vehicles driven by males. Of the six fleets studied, New Zealand had the most “equitable” fleet where vehicles driven by males and females had similar crashworthiness distributions, despite the poor performance of the NZ fleet generally. The data for all jurisdictions are presented in the Appendix. Most popular crashed makes and models by age, sex and jurisdiction The most popular makes and models of vehicles for a given driver age and sex group are likely to reflect the vehicle preferences of that driver group. A group with limited income, typically low vehicle occupancy and infrequent vehicle usage might generally prefer smaller, cheaper vehicles, for example. As the current research is seeking to identify safer vehicle choices for different groups of drivers, ideal alternative vehicle choices could be selected from those vehicles that are already CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 7 popular amongst the given driver group, as such vehicles are likely to have the attributes sought by that driver group. The most popular 50 vehicle makes and models were identified for which there were at least 40 crashed vehicles in the data analysed and a CWR rating had been estimated. For some driver groups, fewer than 50 models were identified as their crash data was relatively scarce. From this set of vehicle makes and models, a means of comparison was defined by calculating crashworthiness tertiles (the values at which 33% and 67% percent of the vehicle ratings are better). The list of these vehicle makes and models together with their classification into tertiles is shown in Table 3 in the Appendix. Note that the uncertainty in the crashworthiness estimate is not taken into account here (unlike the publication of the Used Car Safety Ratings), so this list should only be treated as indicative of the best available estimate of secondary safety performance. In general, the vehicles of each driver age/sex group within a particular jurisdiction show a range of secondary safety ratings, even within given market groups. This shows that vehicle consumers who may be considering the purchase of a car with poor crashworthiness can potentially be guided by ANCAP or the Used Car Safety Ratings to find a better-performing alternative, without necessarily compromising their choice in terms of desired functionality. There are some exceptions, however. The New Zealand fleet stands out as having only a small proportion of well-performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness, as already noted above. This is most apparent for drivers aged 60 plus, all of whose vehicles listed (with at least 40 recorded crashes) were rated with poor crashworthiness. The single exception was the Holden Commodore VT/VX, with good crashworthiness, but this vehicle will not suit many older drivers because it is much larger than most of the other popular vehicles for this group. The lack of good quality vehicles in New Zealand, which is associated with the advanced age of the fleet as noted above, creates problems for safety-focused second-hand car buyers. They are unfortunately faced with a market that is dominated by poorlyperforming vehicles with respect to crashworthiness. Consumer demand for better performing vehicles has the potential to improve the NZ fleet via better quality imported vehicles, but this is a longer-term process than faced by the Australian fleets, particularly Victoria and NSW, which have a good selection of second-hand vehicle choices with good crashworthiness. Ideally there should be a range of well-performing vehicle choices within each given market group. A notable exception is the market group Light cars, which tend to offer poor occupant protection in real-world crashes associated with their small mass. The Honda Jazz/Fit and the Toyota Yaris were rare exceptions, found to provide reasonable crashworthiness performance in the latest issue of the UCSR (Newstead et al, 2009). Location and circumstances of crashes The ideal vehicle in terms of secondary safety offers occupant protection under a range of crash types: side-impact; head-on; higher speed; moderate speed; rollovers; etc. However, both younger drivers and older drivers have crash involvement patterns that are distinctive. These groups could potentially consider selecting vehicles with occupant protection features that are most likely to be effective in the particular mix of crashes they are prone to if they are focused on maximising their own safety. Note 8 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE that the Used Car Safety Ratings procedure estimates vehicle secondary safety averaged over these various crash types, with each crash type represented in proportion to the crash types occurring in Australasia. However, different driver groups have different exposure and different injury liability to particular crash types, meaning that particular features of vehicle secondary safety will benefit some driver groups more than others. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Weekday Day Weekday Night Weekend Day Weekend Night 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% young males young females 25-59 males 25-59 females 60+males 60+females Figure 6: Distribution by day/night and weekend/weekday of crashed vehicles driven by different age and sex groups for all jurisdictions combined. Figure 6 shows the proportion of crashes by time of day (day/night) and day of week (weekend vs weekday) for each of the driver age and sex groups considered, using the entire set of crash data for the six jurisdictions combined. Although combining data like this can obscure patterns present in particular jurisdictions, the pattern shown in Figure 6 is also seen when jurisdictions are analysed individually. The most notable feature of Figure 6 is the sustained trend to reduced night time crashes both on weekends and during the week as driver age rises. Although there are no particular secondary safety issues associated with driving at night or during the day, features such as headlights and windscreen wipers play an important night-time primary safety role to prevent crashes, particularly for young drivers according to the data presented in Figure 6. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 9 70% 60% %intersection crashes 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Male Female Male Female Male Female UPTO 25 UPTO 25 26-59 26-59 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver age and sex Figure 7: Proportion of crashed vehicles that crashed at intersections when driven by different age and sex groups for all jurisdictions combined. Figure 7 shows the proportion of crashed vehicles that crashed at intersections according to the age group and sex of the driver, using all the data combined. This shows that female drivers had a higher proportion of intersection crashes than male drivers of the same age group and that the proportion of intersection crashes tended to increase with the age of the driver. Both these effects are likely to be largely exposure-related (in the sense that shorter trips in urban settings traverse intersections more frequently) (Keall and Frith, 2006). However, it is also likely that older drivers have greater cognitive problems with intersections, which may increase their liability to crash in these settings (Keall and Frith, 2004b). All jurisdictions showed a similar pattern, although New Zealand notably had a much lower proportion of intersection crashes, reflecting the driving environment there. Nevertheless, the important message is that intersection crashes, which commonly involve side impacts, are more common for older drivers and for female drivers. These groups are likely to benefit most from vehicle features that provide protection in these situations, such as side airbags and side-impact protection. Rollovers Previous research has shown that rollover risk is particularly high for young drivers (Keall and Newstead, 2009). Young drivers may therefore have particular benefit from structural features that protect the vehicle occupants from deformation of the roof when the vehicle overturns. Other occupant characteristics to consider Fragility It is well established that older people are more fragile and are more liable to suffer injury when in a crash (Evans, 2001; Keall and Frith, 2004a). It is counterproductive 10 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE for safety therefore that many older drivers choose very small vehicles with poor secondary safety performance. Older people need the protection of as many safety features as can be afforded. High crash rates Young drivers have elevated crash rates for various reasons, including their inexperience, lack of maturity with resultant tendency to take risks, and their driving patterns, which include more night driving, with inherently higher risk of crash involvement even when alcohol use is controlled for (Keall et al, 2005). It is again a perverse outcome for safety that young drivers’ vehicles perform generally poorly in terms of occupant protection. For this group, who are likely to seek cheaper vehicles because of limited income and also to conform with choices of vehicles driven by their peers, it is important that they are made aware of modestly priced vehicles that provide better occupant protection. This issue of young driver vehicle choice has been extensively examined already in Watson & Newstead (2009) and Whelan, Scully & Newstead (2009). Summary of the results The age distribution of the 2001-2005 crash fleets of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand showed that NSW and Victoria had the newest fleets and NZ by far the oldest. Within each jurisdiction, the crash fleet of younger drivers was oldest, the fleet for drivers aged 26-59 was the newest, with the older drivers’ fleet in-between. There is a strong relationship between vehicle age and its secondary safety, reflecting improvements in technology, design and regulation over time. When the fleets were studied according to their crashworthiness, similar patterns as noted above for the vehicle age distributions were also found. Female drivers generally drove newer vehicles than male drivers apart from very recent models, which tended to be proportionately more prevalent in the male driver fleet. Despite this, female driver’s vehicles had a consistently poorer crashworthiness distribution than the vehicles driven by males. This can be attributed to females preferring smaller, lighter vehicles, which have generally poorer crashworthiness than vehicles with larger mass. Large cars dominated the fleets of all the Australian male driver age groups, but for females, only featured strongly in the 26-59-year-old drivers’ fleets. The market group constitution of the New Zealand fleet was unusual, with the crash fleets of most driver groups dominated by Medium cars, a result of the widespread importation of medium-sized used cars mainly from Japan. The pattern of crash-involvement was different for different driver groups. Young drivers have been shown by previous research to be involved in a much higher proportion of rollover crashes, highlighting the importance of strengthened roof structures for this group. Older drivers and female drivers in general had higher proportions of intersection crashes for which side-impact protection features and side airbags are particularly relevant. It can be argued that both younger and older drivers require the most crashworthy vehicles: older drivers because they are more liable to be injured when involved in a crash; younger drivers because they have high rates of crash involvement. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 11 Implications of the results The analysis presented has shown that different driver groups favour different types of vehicles, reflecting choices in which safety may play a secondary role compared to considerations such as price and economy. The analysis has also shown that for safety to be maximised (that is, injury severity minimised), young and older drivers in particular need to be encouraged to choose safer vehicles. These driver groups are currently making poor choices in terms of the secondary safety performance of the vehicles they favour. Younger and older drivers suffer most from poor secondary safety because of the fragility of older people when involved in crashes and the high crash involvement rates of younger drivers. To assist drivers to make safer vehicle choices, other presentations of the Used Car Safety Ratings could be attempted. The best-performing vehicles are often also recent model vehicles outside the price range of drivers with limited funds. An enhancement to the web-based presentation of the UCSR results could be to allow the public the option to compare the secondary safety of vehicles grouped into similar aged models or even similar priced vehicles according to the market averages for second-hand vehicles. 12 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Appendix The Appendix shows figures and tables that were considered too space-consuming to be part of the main text. The figures and tables included here show data specific to the six jurisdictions studied. Vehicle age distributions by jurisdiction 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet NSW 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 8: New South Welsh crash fleet by age group of driver of vehicle and age of vehicle at time of crash. The vehicle age structure of the NSW crash fleet of drivers aged 26-59 has a steep slope with increasing vehicle age as vehicles are “lost” from the 26-59-year-old driver crash fleet more quickly, not from being scrapped, but from being sold second-hand to other driver age groups. The acquisition of vehicles from the other age group driver crash fleets is particularly apparent for younger drivers (aged 25 and under), whose vehicles aged 1-12 have a very flat distribution. As would be expected, the vehicle fleet of drivers aged 26-59 has the highest proportion of newer vehicles and the lowest proportion of older vehicles, followed by the vehicle fleet of drivers aged 60 plus, with the vehicle fleet of drivers aged 25 and under, who are most likely to be restricted in their vehicle choice by income limitations, consisting of the lowest proportion of newer vehicles and the highest proportion of older vehicles. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 13 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet VIC 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 9: Victorian crash fleet by age group of driver of vehicle and age of vehicle at time of crash. Figure 9 shows Victorian crash fleet by age group of driver and age of the crashed vehicle at the time of the crash. For this fleet, it is even clearer that a large proportion of the fleet driven by drivers aged 26-59 gets transferred via second-hand sales to other age groups, particularly younger drivers. Relatively new vehicles, aged 1-4 are likely to be bought as second-hand vehicles by drivers aged 60 plus, as evidenced by the increase in proportions of these vehicles for these drivers shown in Figure 9. Younger drivers buy second-hand vehicles aged 2-6 years old and also vehicles aged 9-13 years old. 14 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet QLD 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 10: Queensland crash fleet by age group of driver of vehicle and age of vehicle at time of crash. Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia show a similar pattern to Victoria in terms of the age distribution of the crashed vehicle fleet by driver age group (Figure 10, Figure 11 and Figure 12). Young drivers appear to buy second-hand vehicles aged 3-13 years old. For South Australia (Figure 12), the vehicle age distribution for drivers aged 26-59 is slightly unusual in that it is the two-year-old vehicles that are most common in this fleet, not the one-year-old vehicles. Perhaps this shows that the two-year-old vehicles are often driven from other states through South Australia (and crash in that state) or that there is some introduction of these vehicles to the SA fleet from other states. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 15 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet WA 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 11: Western Australian crash fleet by age group of driver of vehicle and age of vehicle at time of crash. 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet SA 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 12: South Australian crash fleet by age group of driver of vehicle and age of vehicle at time of crash. 16 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet NZ 6% 5% under 26 26-59 60 plus 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 13: New Zealand crash fleet by age group of driver of vehicle and age of vehicle at time of crash. The New Zealand crash fleet shows a small local peak at 1 year-old indicating vehicles sold new, but the vast majority of vehicles entering the fleet are those sold second-hand, sourced mainly from Japan. Another unusual feature of the NZ crash fleet is that, although the crash fleet of younger drivers is considerably older than that of the other age groups, consistent with the Australian states, vehicles of drivers aged 60 plus are slightly more recent (younger) than the vehicles of drivers aged 26-59. For the Australian fleets, the age profile of crashed vehicles driven by older drivers is considerably older than that driven by the age group 26-59. This may reflect different cultures or norms between the countries, or perhaps a relatively better economic status of older people in NZ in comparison with people aged 26-59 (or alternatively, poorer economic status of people aged 26-59 in NZ). CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 17 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet NSW 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 14: New South Welsh crash fleet of younger drivers (aged 25 and under) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. Figure 14 to Figure 31 show comparisons of the vehicle age distributions by the sex of the driver, the age groups of the driver and the jurisdiction (Australian states and New Zealand) where the crash occurred. The vehicles driven by females had an age distribution showing a generally higher proportion of more recent vehicles (aged less than 10 years) and a lower proportion of older vehicles. Exceptions included older drivers in all jurisdictions and young drivers in New Zealand, for whom the age distributions varied only slightly between the sexes. For middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59), very new vehicles – aged two years and less – constituted a larger proportion of the male drivers’ fleet than the female fleet, perhaps representing a larger prevalence of newer company-owned vehicles. 7% 6% %crash fleet VIC 5% 4% Male Female 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 Vehicle age at time of crash 18 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 15 20 Figure 15: Victorian crash fleet of younger drivers (aged 25 and under) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 7% 6% %crash fleet QLD 5% 4% Male Female 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 16: Queensland crash fleet of younger drivers (aged 25 and under) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet WA 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 17: Western Australian crash fleet of younger drivers (aged 25 and under) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 19 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet SA 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 18: South Australian crash fleet of younger drivers (aged 25 and under) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet NZ 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 19: New Zealand crash fleet of younger drivers (aged 25 and under) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 20 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 10% 9% 8% %crash fleet NSW 7% 6% Male Female 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 20: New South Welsh crash fleet of middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 10% 9% 8% %crash fleet VIC 7% 6% Male Female 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 21: Victorian crash fleet of middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 21 10% 9% 8% %crash fleet QLD 7% 6% Male Female 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 22: Queensland crash fleet of middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 10% 9% 8% %crash fleet WA 7% 6% Male Female 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 23: Western Australian crash fleet of middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 22 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet SA 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 24: South Australian crash fleet of middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 10% 9% 8% %crash fleet NZ 7% 6% Male Female 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 25: New Zealand crash fleet of middle-aged drivers (aged 26-59) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 23 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet NSW 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 26: New South Welsh crash fleet of older drivers (aged 60 plus) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 8% 7% 6% %crash fleet VIC 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 27: Victorian crash fleet of older drivers (aged 60 plus) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 24 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 8% 7% 6% %crash fleet QLD 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 28: Queensland crash fleet of older drivers (aged 60 plus) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet WA 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 29: Western Australian crash fleet of older drivers (aged 60 plus) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 25 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet SA 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 30: South Australian crash fleet of older drivers (aged 60 plus) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 9% 8% 7% %crash fleet NZ 6% 5% Male Female 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0 5 10 15 20 Vehicle age at time of crash Figure 31: New Zealand crash fleet of older drivers (aged 60 plus) by sex and age of vehicle at time of crash. 26 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Crashworthiness 40% 35% 30% %crash fleet 25% quintile NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 32: Comparison of distribution of the six jurisdictions’ crash fleets according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 40% 35% %crash fleet driver 25 and under 30% 25% NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 27 Figure 33: Comparison of distribution of the six jurisdictions’ crash fleets of drivers aged 25 and under according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. Figure 33 compares the six jurisdictions’ crash fleets for young drivers according to the distribution of these fleets over the crashworthiness quintiles. Note that the quintiles are those defined for the whole fleet, as described in Table 2. The Victorian fleet for young drivers is clearly the best performing in terms of crashworthiness, with the highest proportion of vehicles in Quintile 1 and by far the lowest in Quintile 5. NSW has the next best performing fleet, followed by Queensland, South Australia. Western Australia has about 35% of the young drivers’ crash fleet in the poorest performing quintile. Once again, New Zealand has by far the least safe fleet, approximately 40% of which are the poorest rated vehicles, and only about 3% consisting of the best performing vehicles. 35% 30% %crash fleet driver 26-59 25% NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 34: Comparison of distribution of the six jurisdictions’ crash fleets of middle-aged drivers (aged 26 to 59) according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. Generally, vehicles of drivers in the age group 26-59 have relatively good crashworthiness, as shown by a distribution sloping downwards from left to right, with larger proportions of the best performing vehicles and smaller proportions of the poorly performing vehicles. Exceptions are the South Australian fleet, Queensland and the Western Australian fleets, which are relatively flat, and the New Zealand fleet whose distribution slopes upwards from left to right. 28 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 35% 30% %crash fleet driver 60 plus 25% NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 35: Comparison of distribution of the six jurisdictions’ crash fleets of older drivers (aged 60 plus) according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. The jurisdictions’ crash fleets of older drivers shown in Figure 35 have crashworthiness distributions that follow a similar relativity to the other age groups, with the Victorian fleet the best performing, followed by NSW, then the other three Australian states, and New Zealand with the poorest performing fleet. The following figures show comparisons of the crashworthiness performance of different driver age groups within each jurisdiction. These all show quite similar patterns, with the best performing fleet driven by the middle driver age groups, the worst performing fleet driven by younger drivers, and the older driver fleet somewhere in between. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 29 35% 30% %crash fleet NSW 25% 20% under 26 26-59 60 plus 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 36: For NSW, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the three driver age groups according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 35% 30% %crash fleet VIC 25% 20% under 26 26-59 60 plus 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 Vehicle CWR quintile 30 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 4 5 Figure 37: For Victoria, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the three driver age groups according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 30% 25% %crash fleet QLD 20% under 26 26-59 60 plus 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 38: For Queensland, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the three driver age groups according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 31 40% 35% 30% %crash fleet WA 25% under 26 26-59 60 plus 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 39: For Western Australia, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the three driver age groups according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 35% 30% %crash fleet SA 25% 20% under 26 26-59 60 plus 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 Vehicle CWR quintile 32 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 4 5 Figure 40: For South Australia, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the three driver age groups according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 45% 40% 35% %crash fleet NZ 30% 25% under 26 26-59 60 plus 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 41: For New Zealand, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the three driver age groups according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 33 40% 35% %crash fleet male driver 30% 25% NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 42: For male drivers, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the six jurisdictions according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 35% 30% %crash fleet female driver 25% NSW VIC QLD WA NZ SA 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 Vehicle CWR quintile 34 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 4 5 Figure 43: For female drivers, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of the six jurisdictions according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 30% 25% %crash fleet NSW 20% Male Female 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 44: For NSW, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of male and female drivers according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 35 30% 25% %crash fleet NSW 20% Male Female 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 45: For Victoria, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of male and female drivers according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 30% 25% %crash fleet QLD 20% Male Female 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 Vehicle CWR quintile 36 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE 4 5 Figure 46: For Queensland, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of male and female drivers according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 35% 30% %crash fleet WA 25% 20% Male Female 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 47: For Western Australia, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of male and female drivers according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 37 30% 25% %crash fleet SA 20% Male Female 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 48: For South Australia, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of male and female drivers according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 35% 30% %crash fleet NZ 25% 20% Male Female 15% 10% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 Vehicle CWR quintile Figure 49: For New Zealand, comparison of distribution of the crash fleets of male and female drivers according to the estimated crashworthiness of the crashed vehicle. The poorest performing vehicles in terms of crashworthiness are in Quintile 5. 38 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Table 3: Most popular crashed vehicles for each age/sex driver group and jurisdiction. The number of crashed vehicles (n), estimated vehicle crashworthiness (CWR), market group and approximate protection rating (crashworthiness tertile – poor/medium/good) are also indicated. Vehicles are ranked according to popularity with the most popular appearing first. jurisdiction driver age driver sex 1 2 NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 3 NSW UPTO 25 Male 4 NSW UPTO 25 Male 5 6 7 8 NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 9 10 11 NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 12 NSW UPTO 25 Male 13 14 NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 15 NSW UPTO 25 Male 16 17 NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 18 NSW UPTO 25 Male 19 NSW UPTO 25 Male 20 NSW UPTO 25 Male 21 22 NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 32 33 34 NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 35 NSW UPTO 25 Male 36 NSW UPTO 25 Male 37 38 39 NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 40 NSW UPTO 25 Male rank make/model HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMM VN/VP HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 FORD FALCON EF/EL HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE FORD FALCON X SERIES SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 FORD FALCON AU MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ NISSAN PULSAR >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 CHARADE 93-00 HONDA CIVIC >=96 HONDA CIVIC 92-95 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 HOLDEN ASTRA TS FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA CORONA HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 n CWR market group 2128 2123 0.041 0.043 Large Large 1505 0.043 Large 1149 0.042 Small 1083 1053 1011 970 0.052 0.054 0.041 0.049 Small Small Large Light 850 803 791 0.045 0.052 0.036 Large Small Large 717 0.039 Large 668 637 0.039 0.04 Ute Large 590 0.054 Light 574 570 0.047 0.032 Small Large 543 0.041 Large 533 0.038 Ute 526 0.04 515 471 0.037 0.042 Large Small 471 436 401 398 384 370 362 351 334 0.047 0.036 0.042 0.038 0.037 0.043 0.058 0.036 0.038 Small Small Small Large Large Small Light Small Small 328 314 278 0.042 0.042 0.039 Small Small Ute 278 0.03 Van 270 0.027 Ute 268 266 262 0.071 0.043 0.046 Light Large Medium 247 0.07 poor Medium Light CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 39 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 41 42 43 NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 44 45 46 47 48 49 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male 1 2 3 NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 4 NSW UPTO 25 Female 5 NSW UPTO 25 Female 6 NSW UPTO 25 Female 7 NSW UPTO 25 Female 8 NSW UPTO 25 Female 9 10 11 12 NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female 13 NSW UPTO 25 Female 14 15 16 17 NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female 18 NSW UPTO 25 Female 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 27 28 29 30 31 32 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female 33 34 NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 35 NSW UPTO 25 Female 36 NSW UPTO 25 Female 37 NSW UPTO 25 Female rank make/model NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 NISSAN 200SX CHARADE 88-92 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 FORD COMMERCIALS MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 FORD LASER/MET 90 BMW 3 92-98 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 HOLDEN ASTRA TS HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 CHARADE 93-00 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 FORD FALCON EF/EL HYUNDAI ACCENT HONDA CIVIC >=96 TOYOTA ECHO CHARADE 88-92 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA STARLET MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS DAEWOO LANOS TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ 40 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 243 230 224 0.047 0.031 0.059 Small Sports Light 223 221 213 213 211 203 0.047 0.042 0.042 0.032 0.034 0.031 Small Small 1398 1264 925 0.042 0.049 0.054 Small Light Small 810 0.047 Small 736 0.054 Light 660 0.041 Large 639 0.056 Light 619 0.052 Small 587 570 512 470 0.04 0.041 0.052 0.042 Large Large Small Small 460 0.071 Light 447 430 424 413 0.039 0.042 0.058 0.042 Large Small Light Small 401 0.047 Small 368 361 306 305 304 302 301 300 0.042 0.038 0.044 0.036 0.064 0.059 0.036 0.048 Medium Large Light Small Light Light Large Light 299 272 270 264 258 246 0.033 0.046 0.028 0.032 0.032 0.039 Large Light Small Small Large Small 244 237 0.042 0.041 Small Large 236 0.042 Small 228 0.071 Light 228 0.03 Large Small Medium poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 46 47 48 49 50 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female 1 2 3 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 4 5 6 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 7 NSW 26-59 Male 8 9 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 10 NSW 26-59 Male 11 NSW 26-59 Male 12 NSW 26-59 Male 13 14 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 15 16 17 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 18 19 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 20 NSW 26-59 Male 21 22 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 23 24 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 25 26 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 27 28 29 30 31 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male 32 33 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male rank make/model HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 FORD FALCON X SERIES HONDA CIVIC 92-95 DAEWOO CIELO NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 MAZDA 121 94-96 HOLDEN BARINA XC FORD LASER/MET 90 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 FORD LASER/MET 95-98 MAZDA 323 95-98 TOYOTA CORONA HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD FALCON AU FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS FORD FALCON X SERIES FORD FALCON BA TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD COMMERCIALS HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 90-95 TOYOTA COMMERCIALS HOLDEN ASTRA TS HOLDEN RODEO 99-02 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 n CWR market group 199 185 183 175 175 164 163 157 0.054 0.04 0.038 0.049 0.036 0.044 0.046 0.034 Light Large Small Light Small Light Light 154 150 147 146 145 0.045 0.033 0.043 0.041 0.046 Large Large Small Small Medium 4636 4556 3915 0.038 0.038 0.044 Large Large Large 2633 2110 1957 0.041 0.041 0.038 Large Large Large 1865 0.044 Medium 1680 1634 0.041 0.036 Large Large 1633 0.037 Large 1258 0.03 Van 1200 0.03 Large 1180 1139 0.038 0.049 Ute Light 1123 1062 1046 0.044 0.04 0.038 Large Large Large 942 825 0.047 0.054 Small Small 815 0.048 Small 808 794 0.027 0.04 Ute Large 788 712 0.046 0.042 Small 653 611 0.039 0.052 Ute Small 610 556 537 531 520 0.043 0.042 0.029 0.03 0.042 Van Small Ute Small 481 475 0.045 0.039 Large Ute poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 41 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 34 35 36 37 NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 38 NSW 26-59 Male 39 40 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 41 42 43 44 45 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male 46 47 48 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 49 50 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Male Male 1 NSW 26-59 Female 2 3 4 5 NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 6 NSW 26-59 Female 7 8 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Female Female 9 10 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Female Female 11 NSW 26-59 Female 12 NSW 26-59 Female 13 14 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Female Female 15 16 17 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 18 19 20 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 21 NSW 26-59 Female 22 23 24 25 NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 26 27 28 29 NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female rank make/model TOYOTA CORONA MAZDA COMMERCIALS FORD FALCON UTE AU HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 BMW 3 92-98 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 BMW 3 99-04 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY 99-03 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 ISUZU NPR SERIES MITSUBISHI STARWAGON 87-94 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR FORD FALCON EF/EL TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN COMM VN/VP MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD FALCON AU MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS HOLDEN ASTRA TS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 TOYOTA ECHO TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 42 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 456 443 437 430 0.046 0.042 0.024 0.041 Medium Ute Ute 430 0.046 Small 428 418 0.054 0.031 Light Medium 413 409 407 401 395 0.056 0.023 0.039 0.042 0.039 Light Medium Small Small Small 393 391 388 0.024 0.043 0.039 Medium Small 382 372 0.047 0.043 People Mover Large 2717 0.038 Large 2037 1807 1657 1629 0.04 0.039 0.037 0.057 Large Large Large Light 1597 0.037 Medium 1495 1301 0.048 0.041 Small Large 1284 1244 0.042 0.038 Small Large 1231 0.03 Large 1160 0.048 Small 1115 1016 0.039 0.036 Large Large 990 920 805 0.039 0.048 0.054 Large Small Small 795 770 689 0.057 0.046 0.042 Light Small Small 622 0.054 Light 619 603 594 576 0.042 0.035 0.032 0.042 Small Large Small Small 542 540 489 482 0.03 0.042 0.041 0.054 Large Small Light Small poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 30 31 32 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 33 NSW 26-59 Female 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 41 NSW 26-59 Female 42 43 44 NSW NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 45 46 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Female Female 47 48 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 Female Female 49 50 NSW NSW 26-59 26-59 1 NSW 2 NSW 3 NSW 4 NSW 5 NSW 6 NSW 7 NSW 8 NSW 9 NSW 10 NSW 11 NSW 12 NSW 13 NSW 14 NSW 15 NSW 16 NSW 17 NSW 18 NSW 19 20 NSW NSW rank 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & make/model n CWR market group HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 FORD FALCON X SERIES HYUNDAI ACCENT HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 446 444 394 0.039 0.04 0.048 Small Large Light 393 0.054 379 378 366 356 349 339 333 0.042 0.032 0.031 0.036 0.041 0.043 0.037 333 0.024 Medium 317 311 302 0.033 0.052 0.058 Medium Light Light 297 281 0.035 0.023 Medium Medium 276 272 0.047 0.028 Small Large Female Female TOYOTA TARAGO 91-99 HOLDEN VECTRA BMW 3 92-98 HONDA CIVIC >=96 MAZDA 323 95-98 FORD LASER/MET 95-98 FORD FALCON BA SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY 99-03 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 TOYOTA STARLET CHARADE 93-00 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 BMW 3 99-04 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 TOYOTA CAMRY XK36 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF 99 on Light People Mover Medium Medium Small Small Small Large 271 269 0.041 0.042 Small Small Male FORD FALCON EF/EL 704 0.043 Large Male TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 618 0.038 Large Male 612 0.04 Large 560 0.038 Large 526 0.037 Large 505 0.039 Large Male FORD FALCON AU HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 494 0.037 Medium Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP 444 0.04 Large Male FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on 382 0.036 Large 327 0.042 Small 318 0.04 Large 308 0.03 Large 285 0.033 Large Male FORD FALCON X SERIES MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 262 0.043 Small Male MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 209 0.054 Small Male FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 188 0.038 Large Male 188 0.049 Light Male HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 171 0.042 Small Male Male MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 154 148 0.043 0.042 Large Small Male Male Male Male Male Male Male poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 43 med good rank jurisdiction 21 NSW 22 NSW 23 NSW 24 NSW 25 NSW 26 NSW 27 NSW 28 NSW 29 NSW 30 NSW 31 NSW 32 NSW 33 NSW 34 NSW 35 NSW 36 NSW 37 NSW 38 NSW 39 NSW 40 NSW 41 NSW 42 NSW 43 NSW 44 NSW 45 NSW 46 NSW 47 NSW 48 NSW 49 NSW 50 NSW 1 NSW 2 NSW 3 NSW 4 NSW 5 NSW driver age ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex Male make/model n CWR market group 145 0.042 Small Male FORD LASER/MET 91-94 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 144 0.038 Ute Male NISSAN PULSAR >=96 126 0.042 Small Male 118 0.043 Small 115 0.03 Large Male NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL 114 0.045 Large Male TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 113 0.052 Small Male 111 0.046 Medium Male TOYOTA CORONA TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES 102 0.042 Small Male MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 101 0.032 Small Male 100 0.032 Large 96 0.056 Light Male FORD FALCON BA FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY 99-03 95 0.024 Medium Male TOYOTA CAMRY XK36 93 0.037 Large Male FORD COMMERCIALS 91 0.042 Male TOYOTA AVALON XH10 91 0.028 Large Male HOLDEN ASTRA TS 88 0.04 Small Male FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 86 0.029 Luxury Male 80 0.045 Medium Male NISSAN PINTARA >=89 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 80 0.047 Small Male FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 79 0.039 Ute Male HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 79 0.039 Small 79 0.033 Medium 78 0.044 Light 77 0.035 Medium 76 0.03 Van Male HYUNDAI ACCENT SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY 95-98 75 0.03 Medium Male SUBARU 1800/LEONE 74 0.045 Medium Male HOLDEN VECTRA STATESMAN/CAPRICE 9498 73 0.026 Medium 71 0.037 Large 410 0.049 Small 330 0.047 Small 261 0.043 Large 233 0.03 Large 226 0.032 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 44 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Medium poor med good rank jurisdiction driver age 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex Female make/model HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR Female 6 NSW 7 NSW 8 NSW 9 NSW 10 NSW 11 NSW 12 NSW 13 NSW 14 NSW 15 NSW 16 NSW 17 NSW 18 NSW 19 NSW 20 NSW 21 NSW 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 1 VIC UPTO 25 Male 2 3 4 5 VIC VIC VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 6 7 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 8 VIC UPTO 25 Male 9 VIC UPTO 25 Male 10 VIC UPTO 25 Male 11 12 13 14 VIC VIC VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 15 16 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 17 18 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 19 VIC UPTO 25 Male 20 21 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 22 23 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male n CWR market group 199 0.032 Large TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 185 0.046 Small Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 183 0.057 Light Female FORD FALCON EF/EL 162 0.03 Large Female FORD LASER/MET 91-94 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 159 0.042 Small 152 0.037 Large 151 0.056 Light Female Female Female 150 0.054 Small 147 0.042 Small Female MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX 134 0.03 Large Female HOLDEN COMM VN/VP 128 0.039 Large Female MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 121 0.032 Small Female 110 0.042 Small 107 0.038 Large Female NISSAN PULSAR >=96 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES 107 0.038 Small Female TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 106 0.054 Small 378 0.039 Large 360 318 248 219 0.037 0.039 0.037 0.037 Large Large Large Large 124 118 0.042 0.036 Small Large 92 0.039 Ute 90 0.039 Large 88 0.03 Large 78 74 72 72 0.038 0.04 0.033 0.049 Ute Large Large Light 62 59 0.045 0.03 Large Large 59 53 0.039 0.029 Large Large 52 0.043 Small 50 49 0.027 0.039 Ute 46 43 0.037 0.029 Medium 4WDL Female Female HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMM VN/VP FORD FALCON AU FORD FALCON EF/EL MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 FORD FALCON X SERIES FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL FORD FALCON BA TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 MAZDA COMMERCIALS TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 90- poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 45 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 24 VIC UPTO 25 Male 1 2 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 3 VIC UPTO 25 Female 4 5 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 6 7 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 8 VIC UPTO 25 Female 9 VIC UPTO 25 Female 10 11 12 VIC VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 22 VIC UPTO 25 Female 23 VIC UPTO 25 Female 24 VIC UPTO 25 Female 25 26 27 VIC VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 28 29 VIC VIC UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 30 VIC UPTO 25 Female 1 VIC 26-59 Male 2 3 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 4 5 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 6 7 8 VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 9 10 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 11 12 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male rank make/model 97 FORD FALCON UTE AU MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN ASTRA TS FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on FORD FALCON EF/EL MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 HYUNDAI ACCENT DAEWOO LANOS NISSAN PULSAR >=96 TOYOTA ECHO FORD FALCON AU FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES FORD FALCON AU HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR FORD FALCON BA MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 46 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 42 0.024 Ute 261 257 0.042 0.049 Small Light 166 0.039 Large 139 125 0.038 0.029 Large Small 111 106 0.056 0.039 Light Large 87 0.048 Small 85 0.033 Large 81 77 75 0.042 0.03 0.054 Small Large Small 75 68 65 65 64 62 60 59 59 0.054 0.032 0.042 0.044 0.046 0.042 0.041 0.027 0.036 Light Small Small Light Light Small Light Large Large 58 0.054 Light 58 0.03 Large 50 0.037 Medium 49 49 47 0.047 0.028 0.039 Small Small Small 47 46 0.038 0.035 Large Large 44 0.035 Small 1320 0.03 Large 1203 780 0.03 0.035 Large Large 516 403 0.038 0.03 Large Large 384 348 320 0.03 0.039 0.03 Large Large Large 305 304 0.03 0.036 Large Large 272 260 0.03 0.038 Van Ute poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 13 VIC 26-59 Male 14 VIC 26-59 Male 15 16 17 18 VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 19 VIC 26-59 Male 20 VIC 26-59 Male 21 22 23 24 25 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male 26 27 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 28 29 30 VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 31 32 33 34 VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 35 36 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 37 38 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 39 40 41 42 43 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male 44 45 46 47 VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 48 49 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Male Male 50 VIC 26-59 Male 1 2 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Female Female 3 VIC 26-59 Female 4 5 6 7 VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female rank make/model 89-97 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 FORD FALCON UTE AU MAZDA COMMERCIALS FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 NISSAN PATROL 88-97 FORD FALCON X SERIES HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 NISSAN PATROL 98 on MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD COMMERCIALS HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE HOLDEN RODEO 99-02 ISUZU NPR SERIES TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 MITSUBISHI COMMERCIALS HOLDEN ASTRA TS LAND ROVER DISCOVERY to 2002 TOYOTA AVALON XH10 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 90-95 BMW 3 92-98 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN RODEO 96-98 HOLDEN VECTRA BMW 3 99-04 FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ UTE HONDA CR-V 97-01 MITSUBISHI PAJERO >=92 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 HOLDEN STATESMAN/CAPRICE WH MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY 99-03 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP n CWR market group 242 0.029 4WDL 238 0.033 Large 214 202 191 183 0.032 0.024 0.039 0.033 Medium Ute Large 173 0.025 4WDL 164 0.027 Ute 158 156 152 147 147 0.039 0.026 0.04 0.049 0.03 Large 4WDL Large Light 4WDL 146 141 0.042 0.039 Small 137 136 115 0.039 0.03 0.039 Ute Ute 104 102 102 99 0.043 0.039 0.039 0.039 Small Ute Small 93 90 0.021 0.026 4WDM Large 89 81 0.043 0.031 Van Medium 79 77 77 76 75 0.052 0.032 0.026 0.023 0.029 Small Ute Medium Medium Luxury 73 70 70 70 0.025 0.021 0.025 0.039 Ute 4WDC 4WDM Small 69 68 0.019 0.032 Luxury Small 68 0.024 Medium 849 609 0.03 0.037 Large Large 518 0.032 Large 414 406 346 340 0.03 0.03 0.029 0.039 Large Large Large Large poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 47 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 8 9 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Female Female 10 VIC 26-59 Female 11 12 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Female Female 13 14 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Female Female 15 VIC 26-59 Female 16 VIC 26-59 Female 17 VIC 26-59 Female 18 19 20 VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 36 37 VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 Female Female 38 39 40 41 42 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female 43 VIC 26-59 Female 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC VIC 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female make/model MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 HOLDEN ASTRA TS TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 FORD FALCON BA TOYOTA ECHO HOLDEN VECTRA NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 HONDA CIVIC >=96 HONDA CR-V 97-01 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 BMW 3 92-98 DAEWOO LANOS HYUNDAI ACCENT TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 FORD LASER/MET 95-98 HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 MAZDA 323 95-98 MITSUBISHI PAJERO >=92 NISSAN PATROL 98 on BMW 3 99-04 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY 99-03 NISSAN PATROL 88-97 DAEWOO NUBIRA MAZDA 626/MX6 98-02 FORD FALCON X SERIES MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA RAV4 94-00 1 VIC Male 2 VIC Male 3 VIC rank 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE Male n CWR market group 333 331 0.033 0.049 Large Light 324 0.042 Small 294 249 0.032 0.029 Medium Small 248 245 0.042 0.036 Small Large 192 0.043 Small 175 0.056 Light 173 0.039 Large 162 160 141 0.027 0.032 0.048 Large Small Small 139 137 123 116 108 104 101 0.042 0.033 0.042 0.035 0.041 0.026 0.046 Small Large Small Large Light Medium Small 101 100 100 99 99 97 96 96 0.029 0.036 0.021 0.042 0.039 0.031 0.046 0.044 4WDL Small 4WDC Small Small Medium Light Light 96 83 0.025 0.043 4WDL Small 81 81 81 77 76 0.064 0.041 0.025 0.021 0.023 Light Small 4WDM 4WDL Medium 75 0.035 Medium 75 73 69 69 68 68 68 0.024 0.027 0.035 0.031 0.04 0.043 0.03 Medium 4WDL Small Medium Large Large 4WDC FORD FALCON AU 201 0.028 Large FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX 192 0.03 Large 147 0.029 Large 48 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE poor med good rank jurisdiction 4 VIC 5 VIC 6 VIC 7 VIC 8 VIC 9 VIC 10 VIC 11 VIC 12 VIC 13 VIC 14 VIC 1 VIC 2 VIC 3 VIC 4 VIC 5 driver age 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex Male make/model HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR n CWR market group 115 0.032 Large 106 0.035 Large Male TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 101 0.032 Medium Male FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 96 0.036 Large Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ 94 0.039 Large 84 0.033 Large 82 0.03 Large FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 58 0.033 Large 57 0.038 Large 43 0.028 Large Male FORD FALCON BA TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 41 0.043 Small Female TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on 73 0.042 Small Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 61 0.047 Light Female 58 0.029 Large 55 0.043 Small 54 0.03 Large 1420 0.039 Large 1067 712 0.032 0.04 Large Large 596 0.045 Large 553 490 457 0.029 0.036 0.035 Large Large Large 440 439 0.039 0.054 Ute Small 386 0.038 Ute 351 0.039 Large 301 0.043 Small 266 252 249 237 216 178 0.042 0.052 0.039 0.054 0.027 0.033 Small Small Ute Light Large Large 173 0.054 Light 170 0.037 Medium 166 0.047 Small 158 144 0.027 0.046 Ute Medium Male Male Male Male Male Male Female TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 VIC 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE Female FORD FALCON EF/EL 1 QLD UPTO 25 Male 2 3 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 4 QLD UPTO 25 Male 5 6 7 QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 8 9 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 10 QLD UPTO 25 Male 11 QLD UPTO 25 Male 12 QLD UPTO 25 Male 13 14 15 16 17 18 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male 19 QLD UPTO 25 Male 20 QLD UPTO 25 Male 21 QLD UPTO 25 Male 22 23 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR FORD FALCON X SERIES HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 FORD FALCON AU FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 TOYOTA CORONA poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 49 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 24 25 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 26 QLD UPTO 25 Male 27 28 29 30 QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 31 QLD UPTO 25 Male 32 33 34 35 QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 36 37 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 45 QLD UPTO 25 Male 46 47 48 49 50 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male 1 2 3 QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 4 QLD UPTO 25 Female 5 QLD UPTO 25 Female 6 QLD UPTO 25 Female 7 QLD UPTO 25 Female 8 9 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 10 QLD UPTO 25 Female 11 QLD UPTO 25 Female 12 13 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 14 15 16 QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 17 18 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female rank make/model FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS NISSAN PULSAR >=96 FORD COMMERCIALS HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 MAZDA COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 HOLDEN COMMODORE UTE VU HOLDEN RODEO 99-02 NISSAN PINTARA >=89 FORD FALCON UTE AU FORD LASER/MET 90 TOYOTA COROLLA 82-84 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 MITSUBISHI COMMERCIALS NISSAN BLUEBIRD <=88 HOLDEN ASTRA TS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 DAEWOO LANOS TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on NISSAN PULSAR >=96 50 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 138 137 0.056 0.042 Light Small 137 0.037 Large 137 133 132 127 0.037 0.042 0.042 0.041 Large Small 125 0.029 4WDL 116 111 110 108 0.042 0.043 0.029 0.042 Large Large 105 97 0.041 0.036 Small Small 95 95 95 94 89 89 87 0.031 0.03 0.045 0.024 0.034 0.051 0.032 Ute Ute Medium Ute Small Small 85 0.042 Small 82 82 81 81 80 0.049 0.043 0.039 0.051 0.029 Light Small 527 455 400 0.054 0.049 0.039 Small Light Large 386 0.056 Light 356 0.043 Small 323 0.042 Small 316 0.032 Large 299 280 0.054 0.052 Light Small 263 0.029 Large 254 0.039 Large 210 187 0.047 0.03 Small Large 181 178 174 0.049 0.036 0.046 Light Large Light 171 168 0.042 0.042 Small Small Ute Medium Small poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 19 QLD UPTO 25 Female 20 21 22 QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 23 QLD UPTO 25 Female 24 25 26 27 28 29 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female 30 QLD UPTO 25 Female 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 42 43 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 44 45 QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 46 QLD UPTO 25 Female 47 48 49 50 QLD QLD QLD QLD UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female 1 2 3 QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 4 5 6 QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 7 8 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 9 10 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 11 12 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 13 QLD 26-59 Male 14 15 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male rank make/model FORD FALCON X SERIES MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA FORD LASER/MET 91-94 HOLDEN ASTRA TS TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 TOYOTA ECHO HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 FORD FALCON AU MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 DAEWOO CIELO TOYOTA STARLET MAZDA 121 94-96 FORD LASER/MET 90 NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 TOYOTA COROLLA 82-84 HYUNDAI ACCENT CHARADE 93-00 CHARADE 88-92 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE NISSAN PINTARA >=89 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 83-86 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 FORD LASER/MET 95-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD FALCON AU FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMM VN/VP FORD FALCON X SERIES TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 FORD COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 HOLDEN COMMODORE n CWR market group 166 0.04 Large 165 159 148 0.06 0.042 0.029 Light Small Small 144 0.037 Medium 138 123 121 120 117 115 0.045 0.034 0.041 0.054 0.032 0.027 Large Small Light Light Small Large 111 0.041 Small 104 100 99 91 89 88 86 84 80 79 77 0.033 0.039 0.049 0.048 0.044 0.034 0.036 0.051 0.044 0.058 0.059 Large Small Light Light Light 76 76 0.039 0.045 Ute Medium 74 72 0.042 0.043 Large 71 0.032 Small 70 69 69 68 0.042 0.033 0.029 0.043 Medium Large Large Small 1695 1527 1266 0.029 0.027 0.03 Large Large Large 1076 991 918 0.032 0.039 0.04 Large Large Large 872 777 0.038 0.036 Ute Large 585 447 0.027 0.029 Ute Large 447 413 0.044 0.042 Large 412 0.03 Large 397 385 0.037 0.023 poor Small Small Light Light Light Medium Large CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 51 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 23 24 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 25 QLD 26-59 Male 26 27 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 28 QLD 26-59 Male 29 30 31 32 33 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male 34 QLD 26-59 Male 35 QLD 26-59 Male 36 37 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 38 39 40 41 QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 42 43 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Male Male 44 45 46 QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 47 QLD 26-59 Male 48 49 50 QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 1 QLD 26-59 Female 2 3 4 5 QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 6 QLD 26-59 Female 7 8 9 10 QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female rank make/model VY/VZ HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 FORD FALCON BA MAZDA COMMERCIALS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL FORD FALCON UTE AU TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 HOLDEN RODEO 99-02 HOLDEN RODEO 96-98 MITSUBISHI COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on TOYOTA CORONA TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ UTE HOLDEN ASTRA TS MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 90-95 MAZDA BRAVO / FORD COURIER 98-02 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 NISSAN NAVARA 97-05 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMM VN/VP FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 52 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 356 351 334 323 311 309 308 0.039 0.033 0.039 0.023 0.042 0.054 0.041 Ute Large Ute Large Small Ute 293 289 0.045 0.024 Large Ute 285 0.03 271 261 0.029 0.049 4WDL Light 261 0.033 Large 256 251 230 229 186 0.043 0.03 0.032 0.042 0.043 Small Ute Ute 173 0.042 Small 172 0.056 Light 161 157 0.025 0.042 4WDL Small 153 153 147 146 0.042 0.046 0.052 0.039 Small Medium Small Small 142 141 0.054 0.029 Light Luxury 139 138 132 0.025 0.029 0.032 Ute Small Small 132 0.043 Van 131 130 126 0.029 0.028 0.022 Ute Small Ute 1153 0.029 Large 954 885 839 626 0.032 0.03 0.039 0.027 Large Large Large Large 601 0.039 Large 580 574 573 538 0.037 0.036 0.049 0.029 Medium Large Light Large Van Large poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 11 QLD 26-59 Female 12 QLD 26-59 Female 13 QLD 26-59 Female 14 15 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Female Female 16 QLD 26-59 Female 17 18 19 QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 20 21 22 23 QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 31 QLD 26-59 Female 32 QLD 26-59 Female 33 QLD 26-59 Female 34 35 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Female Female 36 QLD 26-59 Female 37 QLD 26-59 Female 38 QLD 26-59 Female 39 40 41 42 43 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female 44 45 QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 Female Female 46 47 48 49 50 QLD QLD QLD QLD QLD 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female FORD FALCON X SERIES TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 HOLDEN ASTRA TS MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP DAEWOO LANOS TOYOTA ECHO HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 DAEWOO NUBIRA HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 FORD LASER/MET 95-98 FORD FALCON BA NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 DAEWOO CIELO MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 TOYOTA CORONA MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 MAZDA 121 94-96 HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 1 QLD Male 2 QLD Male 3 QLD 4 QLD rank 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE Male Male make/model n CWR market group 503 0.04 Large 473 0.043 Small 443 0.056 Light 415 410 0.033 0.054 Large Small 408 0.03 Large 398 362 346 0.042 0.035 0.029 Small Large Small 341 295 285 283 0.042 0.042 0.032 0.028 Small Small Small Small 270 246 231 189 187 184 182 0.054 0.042 0.039 0.052 0.043 0.046 0.041 Light Small Small Small Large Light Light 180 0.023 Large 172 0.032 Small 161 0.045 Large 155 154 0.035 0.035 Medium Small 154 0.049 Light 150 0.047 Small 140 0.071 Light 140 138 136 136 132 0.038 0.043 0.023 0.036 0.049 Ute Small Large Small Light 123 122 0.033 0.046 Medium Medium 120 119 117 111 109 0.041 0.044 0.054 0.029 0.039 Small Light Light Luxury Small FORD FALCON EF/EL 349 0.03 Large FORD FALCON AU HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 298 0.027 Large 223 0.032 Large 218 0.039 Large poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 53 med good rank jurisdiction 5 QLD 6 QLD 7 QLD 8 QLD 9 QLD 10 QLD 11 QLD 12 QLD 13 QLD 14 QLD 15 QLD 16 QLD 17 QLD 18 QLD 19 QLD 20 QLD 21 QLD 22 QLD 23 QLD 24 QLD 25 QLD 26 QLD 27 QLD 28 QLD 29 QLD 30 QLD 31 QLD 32 QLD 33 QLD 34 QLD 35 QLD 1 QLD 2 QLD 3 QLD 4 5 QLD QLD driver age 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & driver sex Male make/model n CWR market group 196 0.029 Large Male TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX 172 0.029 Large Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP 167 0.039 Large Male FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 165 0.036 Large Male FORD FALCON X SERIES TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS 160 0.04 Large 160 0.037 Medium 139 0.038 Ute 110 0.033 Large 100 0.033 Large 96 0.043 Small Male FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ 90 0.03 Large Male MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 76 0.054 Small Male 72 0.043 Large Male MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on 67 0.042 Small Male FORD COMMERCIALS 66 0.041 Male NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 62 0.039 Small Male 58 0.042 Small 57 0.056 Light Male NISSAN PULSAR >=96 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 55 0.027 Ute Male MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 52 0.032 Small Male 52 0.041 Male MAZDA COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 50 0.042 Small Male TOYOTA CORONA 47 0.046 Medium Male FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 46 0.039 Ute Male HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 45 0.049 Light Male NISSAN PINTARA >=89 45 0.045 Medium Male FORD FALCON BA 44 0.023 Large Male FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 42 0.029 Luxury Male 42 0.041 Ute Male HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 42 0.033 Medium Male TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 41 0.028 Small 145 0.039 Large 139 0.043 Small 104 0.042 Small 95 95 0.032 0.029 Large Large Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 54 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE poor med good rank jurisdiction driver age ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex make/model Female TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 6 QLD 7 QLD 8 QLD 9 QLD 10 QLD 11 QLD 12 QLD 13 QLD 14 QLD 15 QLD 16 QLD 17 QLD 18 QLD 19 QLD 20 QLD 21 QLD 22 QLD 23 QLD 24 QLD 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 1 2 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 3 WA UPTO 25 Male 4 WA UPTO 25 Male 5 6 7 8 9 10 WA WA WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male 11 WA UPTO 25 Male 12 13 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 14 WA UPTO 25 Male 15 WA UPTO 25 Male 16 WA UPTO 25 Male 17 18 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Female n CWR 93 0.032 market group Medium 91 0.03 Large Female FORD FALCON EF/EL FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 91 0.056 Light Female HOLDEN COMM VN/VP 84 0.039 Large Female 71 0.054 Small Female MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX 67 0.029 Large Female FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 66 0.036 Large Female NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 63 0.039 Small Female MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 61 0.032 Small Female FORD LASER/MET 91-94 55 0.042 Small Female TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 55 0.028 Small Female 54 0.049 Light Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS 53 0.033 Large Female NISSAN PULSAR >=96 51 0.042 Small Female 50 0.027 Large 49 0.06 Light 49 0.035 Medium Female FORD FALCON AU MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 45 0.042 Small Female FORD FALCON X SERIES 41 0.04 Large 1917 1690 0.045 0.039 Large Large 1688 0.032 Large 1054 0.029 Large 919 918 906 648 604 576 0.042 0.03 0.036 0.04 0.054 0.049 Small Large Large Large Small Light 546 0.038 Ute 477 465 0.04 0.033 Medium Large 458 0.033 Large 417 0.039 Ute 416 0.03 Large 385 373 0.043 0.027 Small Large Female Female HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL HOLDEN COMM VN/VP HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD FALCON EF/EL FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 FORD FALCON X SERIES MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 FORD FALCON AU poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 55 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 19 WA UPTO 25 Male 20 WA UPTO 25 Male 21 22 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 23 24 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 25 26 27 28 WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 29 WA UPTO 25 Male 30 31 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 32 WA UPTO 25 Male 33 34 35 WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 36 37 38 39 40 WA WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male 41 WA UPTO 25 Male 42 43 44 WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 45 46 47 48 49 50 WA WA WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male 1 WA UPTO 25 Female 2 3 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 4 WA UPTO 25 Female 5 WA UPTO 25 Female 6 7 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 8 WA UPTO 25 Female 9 10 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 11 WA UPTO 25 Female 12 13 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female rank make/model MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 TOYOTA CORONA FORD LASER/MET 91-94 NISSAN SKYLINE TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER <=89 HOLDEN COMMODORE UTE VU HYUNDAI ACCENT HONDA CIVIC >=96 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 NISSAN PATROL 88-97 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 82-84 MITSUBISHI COLT FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR / ASTRA 82-86 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HONDA CIVIC 92-95 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ NISSAN PINTARA >=89 HOLDEN CAMIRA HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 FORD COMMERCIALS HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD LASER/MET 91-94 56 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 346 0.043 Large 328 0.054 Light 314 298 0.039 0.052 Large Small 292 286 0.029 0.054 4WDL Light 282 272 233 233 0.047 0.046 0.042 0.043 Small Medium Small Large 230 0.042 Small 225 222 0.027 0.039 Ute Ute 222 0.04 4WDL 206 205 203 0.031 0.044 0.036 Ute Light Small 203 201 190 189 187 0.041 0.026 0.042 0.051 0.056 Small 4WDL Small Small Light 183 0.056 Light 177 175 173 0.057 0.029 0.038 Small Large Small 167 165 160 160 160 157 0.023 0.045 0.051 0.041 0.043 0.039 Large Medium Medium Ute Small 1554 0.064 Light 1472 848 0.042 0.054 Small Small 688 0.054 Light 653 0.043 Small 603 589 0.056 0.054 Light Light 493 0.045 Large 488 484 0.032 0.039 Large Large 473 0.042 Small 455 434 0.029 0.042 Large Small poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 14 15 16 WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 17 18 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 19 WA UPTO 25 Female 20 21 22 WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 23 24 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 25 26 27 28 29 30 WA WA WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female 31 WA UPTO 25 Female 32 33 WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 34 35 36 WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 46 47 48 49 50 WA WA WA WA WA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female 1 2 3 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 4 WA 26-59 Male 5 WA 26-59 Male 6 7 WA WA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 8 9 10 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male rank make/model HYUNDAI ACCENT TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 HOLDEN ASTRA TS NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 FORD FALCON EF/EL TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS NISSAN PULSAR >=96 DAEWOO LANOS TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 TOYOTA ECHO MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP MITSUBISHI COLT TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ CHARADE 93-00 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 CHARADE 88-92 TOYOTA COROLLA 82-84 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR / ASTRA 82-86 TOYOTA CORONA NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 TOYOTA STARLET FORD FALCON X SERIES HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 FORD FALCON AU MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 NISSAN PINTARA >=89 HONDA CIVIC >=96 FORD LASER/MET 90 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX FORD FALCON EF/EL FORD FALCON AU HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 n CWR market group 411 406 376 0.044 0.052 0.029 Light Small Small 369 353 0.047 0.03 Small Large 347 0.04 329 317 316 0.037 0.042 0.046 Large Small Light 312 306 0.039 0.036 Large Large 304 259 258 252 248 243 0.049 0.041 0.043 0.056 0.028 0.039 Light Light Large Light Small Small 238 0.071 Light 237 212 0.03 0.058 Large Light 204 202 186 0.041 0.059 0.051 Small Light Small 185 181 176 176 164 163 161 161 160 0.057 0.046 0.036 0.048 0.04 0.039 0.027 0.032 0.029 Small Medium Small Light Large Small Large Small Large 160 159 149 144 141 0.032 0.033 0.045 0.036 0.034 Small Large Medium Small 3162 2193 2034 0.029 0.03 0.027 Large Large Large 1585 0.037 Large 1282 0.03 Large 1258 1202 0.029 0.036 4WDL Large 1149 1112 986 0.038 0.039 0.029 Ute Large Large poor Medium CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 57 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 11 WA 26-59 Male 12 WA 26-59 Male 13 14 15 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 16 WA 26-59 Male 17 WA 26-59 Male 18 19 WA WA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 20 WA 26-59 Male 21 WA 26-59 Male 22 23 24 25 26 27 WA WA WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male Male 28 29 30 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 31 32 33 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 34 35 36 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 37 WA 26-59 Male 38 39 40 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 41 WA 26-59 Male 42 43 44 45 WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 46 47 WA WA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 48 49 50 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 1 2 3 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 4 WA 26-59 Female rank make/model HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 FORD FALCON X SERIES HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER <=89 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 FORD COMMERCIALS NISSAN PATROL 88-97 FORD FALCON BA NISSAN PATROL 98 on MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MAZDA COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN RODEO 99-02 HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 HYUNDAI ACCENT HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE MAZDA BRAVO / FORD COURIER 98-02 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 TOYOTA CORONA SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES HOLDEN RODEO 96-98 HOLDEN ASTRA TS HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 FORD FALCON UTE AU HOLDEN COMMODORE UTE VU MITSUBISHI COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI PAJERO >=92 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR 58 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 957 0.023 Large 922 0.025 4WDL 899 876 816 0.04 0.049 0.04 Medium Light Large 811 0.045 Large 767 0.033 Large 731 663 0.027 0.033 Ute Large 653 0.042 Small 637 0.04 4WDL 633 627 627 612 554 499 0.039 0.042 0.026 0.023 0.023 0.054 Large 481 473 442 0.043 0.042 0.043 Large 442 428 426 0.042 0.03 0.041 Small Ute Ute 416 405 400 0.03 0.039 0.044 Van Ute Light 392 0.039 Ute 354 343 340 0.029 0.028 0.046 Ute Small Medium 328 0.054 Light 325 319 315 315 0.032 0.032 0.029 0.054 Small Ute Small Light 313 302 0.056 0.024 Light Ute 280 278 277 0.031 0.042 0.025 Ute 4WDM 1925 1813 1775 0.029 0.049 0.03 Large Light Large 1504 0.041 Large 4WDL Large 4WDL Small Small poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 5 WA 26-59 Female 6 WA 26-59 Female 7 8 9 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 10 WA 26-59 Female 11 12 13 WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 14 WA 26-59 Female 15 16 WA WA 26-59 26-59 Female Female 17 18 19 20 21 22 WA WA WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female 23 WA 26-59 Female 24 25 WA WA 26-59 26-59 Female Female 26 27 28 29 WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 30 31 32 33 34 WA WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female 35 36 WA WA 26-59 26-59 Female Female 37 38 39 40 WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 41 42 43 44 45 46 WA WA WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female 47 48 49 50 WA WA WA WA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female make/model TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 FORD FALCON AU MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HOLDEN ASTRA TS FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 HYUNDAI ACCENT HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP DAEWOO LANOS FORD FALCON X SERIES TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 TOYOTA CORONA HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ TOYOTA ECHO MAZDA 323 95-98 TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 HONDA CR-V 97-01 TOYOTA RAV4 94-00 HONDA CIVIC >=96 FORD FALCON BA FORD LASER/MET 95-98 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 NISSAN PATROL 88-97 DAEWOO NUBIRA HYUNDAI ELANTRA 1 WA 60 & Male FORD FALCON EF/EL rank n CWR market group 1242 0.04 Medium 1202 0.03 Large 1145 1121 1069 0.042 0.029 0.027 Small Large Large 1042 0.033 Large 1013 1009 945 0.042 0.036 0.039 Small Large Large 906 0.039 Large 888 760 0.043 0.028 Small Small 746 692 668 596 575 555 0.056 0.054 0.029 0.033 0.042 0.044 Light Small Small Large Small Light 554 0.045 Large 549 540 0.054 0.042 Light Small 522 513 493 477 0.029 0.039 0.039 0.054 4WDL Small Small Light 465 450 447 444 425 0.032 0.032 0.043 0.046 0.04 Small Small Large Light Large 401 390 0.025 0.046 4WDL Medium 386 336 322 318 0.023 0.041 0.041 0.052 Large Light Small Small 316 315 313 309 307 292 0.049 0.021 0.03 0.036 0.023 0.043 Light 4WDC 4WDC Small Large Small 286 277 275 270 0.047 0.026 0.035 0.036 Small 4WDL Small Small 460 0.03 Large poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 59 med good rank jurisdiction 2 WA 3 WA 4 WA 5 WA 6 WA 7 WA 8 WA 9 WA 10 WA 11 WA 12 WA 13 WA 14 WA 15 WA 16 WA 17 WA 18 WA 19 WA 20 WA 21 WA 22 WA 23 WA 24 WA 25 WA 26 WA 27 WA 28 WA 29 WA 30 WA 31 WA 32 WA 33 WA 34 WA 35 WA 36 37 WA WA driver age ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & driver sex Male make/model n CWR market group FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR 331 0.027 321 0.04 316 0.037 Large TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX 302 0.029 Large 301 0.029 Large 274 0.036 Large 242 0.039 Large 229 0.033 Large 224 0.03 Large Male FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on 220 0.042 Small Male FORD FALCON X SERIES 213 0.04 Large Male 212 0.039 Large Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 205 0.029 4WDL Male MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP 191 0.043 Large Male HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 190 0.049 Light Male FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 189 0.033 Large 183 0.038 Ute NISSAN PATROL 88-97 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 175 0.026 4WDL 174 0.045 Large 169 0.043 Small TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER <=89 125 0.028 Small 122 0.04 4WDL 116 0.054 Small 114 0.042 Small Male MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 110 0.025 4WDL Male TOYOTA CORONA 106 0.046 Medium Male FORD LASER/MET 91-94 100 0.042 Small Male HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 99 0.054 Light Male 98 0.021 4WDL Male NISSAN PATROL 98 on FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 93 0.056 Light Male FORD COMMERCIALS 92 0.041 Male NISSAN PULSAR >=96 92 0.042 Small Male HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 90 0.041 Ute Male HYUNDAI ACCENT 87 0.044 Light Male Male MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 FAIRLANE Z&LTD F 85 83 0.032 0.039 Small Large Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 60 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Large Medium poor med good rank jurisdiction 38 WA 39 WA 40 WA 41 WA 42 WA 43 WA 44 WA 45 WA 46 WA 47 WA 48 WA 49 WA 50 WA 1 WA 2 WA 3 WA 4 WA 5 WA 6 WA 7 WA 8 WA 9 WA 10 WA 11 WA 12 WA 13 WA 14 WA 15 WA 16 WA 17 WA 18 WA 19 WA 20 WA 21 WA 22 WA driver age ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex make/model Male NISSAN PINTARA >=89 79 0.045 Male MAZDA COMMERCIALS 76 0.039 Male 76 0.039 Small 75 0.032 Small Male NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 73 0.054 Light Male FORD FALCON BA 71 0.023 Large Male HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 69 0.039 Small Male HOLDEN ASTRA TS 67 0.029 Small Male HYUNDAI SONATA <=97 66 0.034 Large Male 65 0.036 Small Male HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 65 0.027 Ute Male TOYOTA CAMRY XK36 65 0.022 Large Male HOLDEN CAMIRA 64 0.051 Medium Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 284 0.049 Light 271 0.042 Small 244 0.043 Small 206 0.04 180 0.039 Large 168 0.054 Small Female MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 160 0.056 Light Female TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 151 0.029 Large Female TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 144 0.028 Small Female 138 0.03 Large Female FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR 134 0.032 Large Female FORD LASER/MET 91-94 130 0.042 Small Female MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 129 0.032 Small 128 0.054 Light 125 0.054 Light 108 0.042 Small 107 0.033 Large Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ 106 0.03 Large Female NISSAN PULSAR >=96 106 0.042 Small Female HYUNDAI ACCENT 103 0.044 Light Female MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP 93 0.043 Large Female FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 90 0.036 Large Male Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female n CWR market group poor Medium Medium CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 61 med good rank jurisdiction 23 WA 24 WA 25 WA 26 WA 27 WA 28 WA 29 WA 30 WA 31 WA 32 WA 33 WA 34 WA 35 WA 36 WA 37 WA 38 WA 39 WA 40 WA 41 WA 42 WA 43 WA 44 WA 45 WA 46 WA 47 WA 48 WA 49 WA 50 WA driver age 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 1 2 NZ NZ 3 driver sex Female Female Female Female make/model NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX n CWR market group 85 0.047 Small 85 0.032 Small 83 0.029 Large 76 0.027 Large Female FORD FALCON AU HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL 76 0.045 Large Female TOYOTA ECHO 73 0.041 Light Female 72 0.039 Large Female HOLDEN COMM VN/VP HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 66 0.049 Light Female TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 66 0.052 Small Female NISSAN PINTARA >=89 65 0.045 Medium Female MAZDA 121 97-98 64 0.04 Light Female HONDA CIVIC >=96 63 0.036 Small Female NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 63 0.039 Small Female 62 0.043 Small Female FORD LASER/MET 95-98 MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA 60 0.06 Light Female HOLDEN ASTRA TS 58 0.029 Small Female TOYOTA CORONA 57 0.046 Medium Female 56 0.039 Small Female HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 56 0.035 Medium Female DAEWOO LANOS 54 0.046 Light Female MAZDA 323 95-98 49 0.041 Small Female TOYOTA STARLET 48 0.048 Light Female CHARADE 93-00 46 0.058 Light Female FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 46 0.033 Large Female 46 0.036 Small Female HYUNDAI ELANTRA MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 46 0.041 Small Female NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 46 0.036 Small Female MITSUBISHI COLT 43 0.056 Light UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 545 396 0.057 0.057 NZ UPTO 25 Male 347 0.043 4 5 6 NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 343 316 286 0.057 0.054 0.051 7 8 NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 267 252 0.057 0.043 9 NZ UPTO 25 Male 244 0.057 10 NZ UPTO 25 Male MAZDA 323 89 HONDA CIVIC OTHERS SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY OTHERS MITSUBISHI LANCER OTHERS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HONDA INTEGRA 89 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 87 NISSAN SKYLINE MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL 215 0.045 62 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Large Large poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 11 NZ UPTO 25 Male 12 13 14 15 NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 16 NZ UPTO 25 Male 17 18 19 20 21 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male 22 23 NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 31 NZ UPTO 25 Male 32 33 34 NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 35 36 37 38 NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male 39 NZ UPTO 25 Male 40 NZ UPTO 25 Male 41 42 43 44 45 46 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male 47 NZ UPTO 25 Male 48 NZ UPTO 25 Male 49 50 NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 1 2 NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 3 NZ UPTO 25 Female 4 5 6 7 NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female rank make/model HONDA ACCORD OTHERS MITSUBISHI GALANT OTHERS HONDA PRELUDE OTHERS TOYOTA COROLLA 85 FORD LASER/MET 90 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX OTHERS NISSAN MAXIMA OTHERS SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 HONDA PRELUDE 83-91 MITSUBISHI COLT TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE OTHERS MAZDA 323 90-93 MITSUBISHI SIGMA/SCORPION HOLDEN COMM VN/VP NISSAN PINTARA >=89 NISSAN PINTARA OTHERS TOYOTA CELICA OTHERS FORD LASER/MET OTHERS FORD FALCON OTHERS MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MITSUBISHI STARWAGON OTHERS NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 TOYOTA CORONA MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 83-86 HONDA ACCORD 86-90 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP NISSAN GAZELLE TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 HONDA CIVIC 88-91 HONDA CIVIC 84-87 NISSAN PATHFINDER <=94 HONDA CIVIC 92-95 HONDA CRX OTHERS NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 TOYOTA STARLET MAZDA 323 89 HONDA CIVIC OTHERS NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 87 MITSUBISHI LANCER OTHERS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 TOYOTA COROLLA 85 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR n CWR market group 214 0.052 202 190 183 177 0.057 0.052 0.057 0.057 155 0.035 Medium 154 139 136 129 120 0.057 0.044 0.043 0.042 0.06 Luxury Small Sports Light 119 117 0.067 0.039 Van 111 104 102 95 89 88 81 0.045 0.039 0.045 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.046 Medium Large Medium 78 0.039 77 70 68 0.084 0.039 0.046 65 63 61 61 0.045 0.032 0.052 0.055 Sports 59 0.038 Ute 58 0.035 Medium 57 54 51 51 49 46 0.041 0.045 0.057 0.046 0.038 0.071 46 0.047 42 0.032 Large 42 41 0.033 0.071 Light 410 291 0.057 0.057 255 0.057 224 200 159 151 0.057 0.054 0.057 0.057 poor Luxury People Mover Medium 4WDM Light CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 63 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 8 9 10 11 NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female 12 NZ UPTO 25 Female 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 24 25 NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 26 NZ UPTO 25 Female 27 28 29 NZ NZ NZ UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 1 NZ 26-59 Male 2 NZ 26-59 Male 3 NZ 26-59 Male 4 5 6 NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 7 NZ 26-59 Male 8 NZ 26-59 Male 9 NZ 26-59 Male 10 11 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 12 13 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 14 15 16 17 18 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male 19 NZ 26-59 Male 20 21 22 NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 23 NZ 26-59 Male rank make/model 82 FORD LASER/MET 90 HONDA ACCORD OTHERS MITSUBISHI COLT HONDA INTEGRA 89 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY OTHERS MITSUBISHI GALANT OTHERS HONDA PRELUDE OTHERS MAZDA 323 90-93 NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 NISSAN PINTARA >=89 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 HONDA CIVIC 84-87 HONDA PRELUDE 83-91 NISSAN PINTARA OTHERS NISSAN SKYLINE HONDA CIVIC 88-91 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 TOYOTA CELICA OTHERS TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX OTHERS MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 NISSAN MAXIMA OTHERS FORD LASER/MET OTHERS TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX OTHERS TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE OTHERS SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY OTHERS MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 MAZDA 323 89 HONDA ACCORD OTHERS HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 MITSUBISHI GALANT OTHERS MITSUBISHI LANCER OTHERS NISSAN MAXIMA OTHERS MITSUBISHI STARWAGON OTHERS HONDA CIVIC OTHERS HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL HOLDEN COMM VN/VP NISSAN PATHFINDER <=94 NISSAN PINTARA OTHERS FORD FALCON EF/EL NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 87 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA COROLLA 85 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 64 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 137 136 121 110 0.052 0.057 0.06 0.051 Luxury Light 106 0.044 Medium 91 79 79 75 64 58 56 56 56 49 47 0.052 0.052 0.039 0.039 0.045 0.043 0.057 0.042 0.052 0.043 0.045 46 45 0.035 0.051 Medium 44 0.049 Ute 42 42 41 0.035 0.045 0.057 469 0.052 361 0.067 350 0.043 334 303 267 0.057 0.057 0.052 260 0.029 Large 241 0.038 Ute 240 0.052 224 224 0.057 0.051 219 215 0.084 0.057 208 202 199 198 182 0.045 0.039 0.046 0.057 0.03 180 0.052 179 175 172 0.039 0.027 0.057 168 0.03 Sports Medium Small Sports Large Van People Mover Large Large 4WDM Large Large Van poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 24 25 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 26 27 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 28 NZ 26-59 Male 29 30 31 32 NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 33 34 35 NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 36 37 38 39 40 41 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male Male 42 NZ 26-59 Male 43 44 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 45 NZ 26-59 Male 46 47 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 48 NZ 26-59 Male 49 50 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Male Male 1 NZ 26-59 Female 2 3 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Female Female 4 NZ 26-59 Female 5 6 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Female Female 7 NZ 26-59 Female 8 9 10 11 12 13 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female 14 NZ 26-59 Female 15 16 17 18 19 NZ NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female rank make/model NISSAN PINTARA >=89 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 FORD FALCON OTHERS FORD LASER/MET 90 FORD MONDEO MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 HONDA PRELUDE OTHERS NISSAN SKYLINE MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 NISSAN NAVARA OTHERS HOLDEN JACKAROO HONDA INTEGRA 89 MITSUBISHI PAJERO 91 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 86-88 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 90-95 TOYOTA CORONA MITSUBISHI SIGMA/SCORPION TOYOTA LANDCRUISER OTHERS MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 83-86 NISSAN BLUEBIRD NEW MAZDA 323 89 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 HONDA CIVIC OTHERS NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 87 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY OTHERS HONDA ACCORD OTHERS MITSUBISHI LANCER OTHERS MITSUBISHI GALANT OTHERS TOYOTA COROLLA 85 NISSAN MAXIMA OTHERS MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 NISSAN PINTARA OTHERS NISSAN PINTARA >=89 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS FORD LASER/MET 90 HONDA INTEGRA 89 TOYOTA RAV4 94-00 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP n CWR market group 163 160 0.045 0.054 Medium 143 138 0.032 0.034 Large 126 0.023 Large 123 119 117 116 0.035 0.046 0.057 0.04 Medium 115 114 113 0.035 0.052 0.043 110 106 104 104 100 99 0.033 0.051 0.057 0.051 0.052 0.043 99 0.051 99 93 0.043 0.046 Van Medium 91 0.045 Medium 89 83 0.052 0.047 83 0.037 82 82 0.045 0.031 389 0.057 295 273 0.052 0.057 235 0.057 226 220 0.043 0.057 217 0.057 207 185 160 157 151 134 0.047 0.051 0.044 0.054 0.052 0.045 126 0.029 Large 125 122 117 114 111 0.039 0.057 0.051 0.03 0.039 4WDC Large poor Medium Sports Large Medium Small Medium Luxury Luxury Medium CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 65 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 20 NZ 26-59 Female 21 22 23 NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 24 25 26 27 NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 28 29 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Female Female 30 31 32 NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 33 34 35 36 NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 37 NZ 26-59 Female 38 39 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Female Female 40 41 42 NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 43 44 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Female Female 45 46 47 48 NZ NZ NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female make/model MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX OTHERS MAZDA 323 90-93 MITSUBISHI COLT MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 FORD FALCON EF/EL NISSAN PATHFINDER <=94 NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 FORD MONDEO TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 FORD FALCON AU FORD LASER/MET OTHERS TOYOTA CORONA MITSUBISHI NIMBUS OTHERS TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 BMW 3 92-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HONDA PRELUDE OTHERS TOYOTA TARAGO 90 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE OTHERS NISSAN PULSAR >=96 MITSUBISHI SIGMA/SCORPION MITSUBISHI PAJERO 91 HONDA ACCORD 86-90 NISSAN SKYLINE 49 50 NZ NZ 26-59 26-59 Female Female 1 NZ Male 2 NZ 3 NZ 4 NZ 5 NZ 6 NZ 7 NZ 8 NZ 9 NZ 10 NZ 11 NZ 12 NZ rank 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE n CWR market group 109 0.035 109 99 95 0.051 0.039 0.06 94 92 92 91 0.033 0.03 0.034 0.039 Medium Large 88 87 0.045 0.043 Large Small 83 83 79 0.035 0.034 0.036 Medium 79 78 78 78 0.038 0.027 0.051 0.046 Ute Large 77 0.062 Medium People Mover 77 76 0.037 0.031 Medium 76 76 76 0.032 0.052 0.039 Large Sports 72 71 0.059 0.042 Van Small 70 69 67 67 0.045 0.046 0.032 0.043 Medium HONDA ODYSSEY 95-99 HOLDEN VECTRA 65 64 0.021 0.034 97 0.052 96 0.051 Male MAZDA 323 89 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 87 69 0.047 Male HONDA ACCORD OTHERS 63 0.052 Luxury Male HONDA CIVIC OTHERS MITSUBISHI GALANT OTHERS 63 0.052 Small 58 0.044 TOYOTA COROLLA 85 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX OTHERS 58 0.051 56 0.051 53 0.044 Male NISSAN MAXIMA OTHERS MITSUBISHI LANCER OTHERS 52 0.057 Male FORD LASER/MET 90 47 0.057 Male MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 47 0.054 Male Male Male Male Male 66 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Light Medium Large People Mover Luxury poor med good rank jurisdiction driver age 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 13 NZ 14 NZ 15 NZ 1 NZ 2 NZ 3 NZ 4 NZ 5 NZ 6 NZ 7 NZ 8 NZ 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 1 SA 2 driver sex Male make/model TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE OTHERS HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX Male NISSAN PINTARA OTHERS Female MAZDA 323 89 MITSUBISHI LANCER OTHERS Male n CWR market group 46 0.067 Van 41 0.029 Large 41 0.051 115 0.057 97 0.057 79 0.057 Female HONDA CIVIC OTHERS NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 87 69 0.057 Female TOYOTA COROLLA 85 66 0.051 Female 56 0.057 Female FORD LASER/MET 90 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 82 52 0.057 Female MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 47 0.054 UPTO 25 Male 2438 0.041 Large SA UPTO 25 Male 2018 0.038 Large 3 SA UPTO 25 Male 1072 0.044 Large 4 5 6 SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 981 756 648 0.045 0.036 0.037 Large Large Large 7 SA UPTO 25 Male 572 0.042 Small 8 9 10 SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 453 390 360 0.04 0.043 0.051 Large Large Light 11 SA UPTO 25 Male 354 0.039 Ute 12 13 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 340 328 0.039 0.054 Large Small 14 SA UPTO 25 Male 322 0.03 Large 15 SA UPTO 25 Male 270 0.054 Light 16 17 18 SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male 269 258 255 0.052 0.04 0.038 Small Large Large 19 20 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 245 237 0.047 0.044 Small Large 21 SA UPTO 25 Male 227 0.038 Ute 22 23 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 193 191 0.047 0.042 Small Small 24 SA UPTO 25 Male 188 0.057 Light 25 SA UPTO 25 Male 181 0.042 Medium 26 27 28 SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 FORD FALCON EF/EL MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 FORD FALCON X SERIES FORD FALCON AU NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 STATESMAN/CAPRICE 9498 FORD COMMERCIALS NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 176 175 154 0.037 0.039 0.036 Large Female Female poor Small CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 67 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 29 30 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 41 SA UPTO 25 Male 42 43 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 44 45 46 47 48 SA SA SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male Male Male Male 49 50 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Male Male 1 SA UPTO 25 Female 2 3 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 4 SA UPTO 25 Female 5 SA UPTO 25 Female 6 7 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 8 SA UPTO 25 Female 9 10 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 11 12 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 13 SA UPTO 25 Female 14 15 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 16 SA UPTO 25 Female 17 18 19 SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female 20 SA UPTO 25 Female 21 22 23 SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female rank make/model TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 NISSAN PINTARA >=89 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 83-86 NISSAN PINTARA <=88 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 CHARADE 93-00 HOLDEN ASTRA TS NISSAN SKYLINE TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on DAEWOO LANOS MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 MITSUBISHI COLT MAZDA COMMERCIALS HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 FORD LASER/MET 90 MITSUBISHI CA LANCER 8292 CHARADE 88-92 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HOLDEN COMM VN/VP HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on DAEWOO LANOS CHARADE 93-00 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL FORD FALCON EF/EL MITSUBISHI MAGNA 68 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 152 151 0.027 0.045 Ute Medium 148 145 136 136 130 129 125 119 118 117 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.043 0.039 0.058 0.029 0.043 0.052 0.032 Medium Medium Small Small Ute Light Small Large Small Large 111 0.026 Large 111 106 0.048 0.046 Small Light 104 104 102 99 95 0.035 0.06 0.042 0.054 0.034 Medium Light 94 93 0.042 0.059 Small Light 977 0.057 Light 833 605 0.047 0.039 Small Large 575 0.032 Large 574 0.071 Light 552 506 0.054 0.054 Light Small 423 0.038 Large 399 335 0.047 0.043 Small Large 321 302 0.051 0.042 Light Small 294 0.033 Large 268 257 0.047 0.036 Small Large 245 0.039 Large 230 228 226 0.052 0.051 0.058 Small Light Light 224 0.041 Small 221 218 204 0.045 0.043 0.038 Large Large Large Light poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 34 35 36 37 38 SA SA SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 SA SA SA SA SA SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female 46 47 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 48 SA UPTO 25 Female 49 50 SA SA UPTO 25 UPTO 25 Female Female 1 SA 26-59 Male 2 3 4 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 5 6 7 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 8 SA 26-59 Male 9 SA 26-59 Male 10 11 12 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 13 SA 26-59 Male 14 15 SA SA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 16 SA 26-59 Male 17 18 19 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male rank make/model VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA HOLDEN ASTRA TS CHARADE 88-92 MITSUBISHI COLT NISSAN PULSAR >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 86-88 HYUNDAI ACCENT HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 FORD LASER/MET 90 DAEWOO CIELO TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 HOLDEN BARINA XC TOYOTA STARLET NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 TOYOTA ECHO MITSUBISHI CA LANCER 8292 NISSAN PINTARA >=89 MAZDA 121 94-96 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 FORD FALCON AU MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 FORD LASER/MET 95-98 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 83-86 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR / ASTRA 82-86 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 HONDA CIVIC >=96 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMM VN/VP FORD FALCON EF/EL MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 FORD FALCON AU MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ FORD COMMERCIALS MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 98-02 HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 n CWR market group 198 177 173 164 154 152 144 142 138 137 0.071 0.029 0.059 0.06 0.042 0.052 0.044 0.054 0.034 0.049 Light Small Light Light Small Small Light Light 136 128 128 123 121 0.037 0.051 0.06 0.036 0.041 Medium Light Light Small Light 120 114 104 103 102 102 100 0.042 0.045 0.044 0.028 0.03 0.032 0.043 Small Medium Light Small Large Small Small 95 91 0.042 0.033 Medium Large 90 0.057 Small 89 85 0.035 0.036 Medium Small 3749 0.039 Large 2514 2200 1786 0.041 0.044 0.044 Large Large Large 1503 1473 1369 0.043 0.036 0.03 Large Large Large 1083 0.043 Large 733 0.038 Ute 727 704 694 0.03 0.041 0.043 Large 624 0.044 Large 621 593 0.037 0.033 Medium Large 580 0.029 4WDL 547 540 539 0.027 0.054 0.029 Ute Light Large poor Light Large CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 69 med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 20 SA 26-59 Male 21 22 SA SA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 23 SA 26-59 Male 24 25 SA SA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 26 SA 26-59 Male 27 28 29 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 30 31 SA SA 26-59 26-59 Male Male 32 SA 26-59 Male 33 SA 26-59 Male 34 SA 26-59 Male 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 43 44 45 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male 46 SA 26-59 Male 47 48 49 50 SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Male Male Male Male 1 SA 26-59 Female 2 3 4 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 5 SA 26-59 Female 6 7 8 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female 9 SA 26-59 Female 10 SA 26-59 Female 11 12 13 SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female rank make/model HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 96-04 FORD FALCON X SERIES MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR UTE MAZDA COMMERCIALS TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 FORD FALCON BA NISSAN PATROL 88-97 MITSUBISHI STARWAGON 87-94 FORD FALCON UTE 82-95 STATESMAN/CAPRICE 9498 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 90-95 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on HOLDEN ASTRA TS FORD FALCON UTE AU MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 FORD LASER/MET 91-94 NISSAN PATROL 98 on HOLDEN RODEO 99-02 MITSUBISHI COMMERCIALS SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 HOLDEN RODEO 89-95 FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 MAZDA BRAVO / FORD COURIER 98-02 HOLDEN COMMODORE UTE VU MITSUBISHI TRITON MK TOYOTA COMMERCIALS SUBARU IMPREZA 93-00 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR HOLDEN COMM VN/VP FORD FALCON EF/EL MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 70 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE n CWR market group 501 0.045 Large 475 474 0.03 0.04 Van Large 454 0.042 Small 452 442 0.039 0.041 Ute 392 0.043 Small 382 379 356 0.025 0.023 0.045 344 340 0.047 0.039 4WDL Large 4WDL People Mover Ute 333 0.037 Large 317 0.06 Light 310 0.043 Van 304 303 297 289 282 277 269 250 0.042 0.029 0.024 0.054 0.042 0.026 0.03 0.042 Small Small Ute Small Small 4WDL Ute 245 235 233 0.054 0.041 0.029 Light Ute Large 223 0.029 Ute 220 220 217 214 0.031 0.022 0.042 0.043 Ute Ute Small 2218 0.04 Large 2048 1478 1371 0.041 0.044 0.038 Large Large Large 1337 0.038 Large 1290 1071 1048 0.037 0.057 0.036 Large Light Large 891 0.06 Light 865 0.043 Small 857 841 829 0.047 0.035 0.039 Small Large Large poor med good jurisdiction driver age driver sex 14 SA 26-59 Female 15 16 17 18 19 20 SA SA SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female 21 22 23 24 25 SA SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female 26 SA 26-59 Female 27 28 29 30 SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 31 SA 26-59 Female 32 SA 26-59 Female 33 SA 26-59 Female 34 SA 26-59 Female 35 SA 26-59 Female 36 37 SA SA 26-59 26-59 Female Female 38 39 40 41 SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 26-59 Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female make/model 93-97 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 HOLDEN ASTRA TS FORD LASER/MET 91-94 FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 NISSAN PULSAR >=96 TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ MAZDA 323 95-98 DAEWOO LANOS FORD LASER/MET 95-98 HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 HOLDEN COMMODORE VBVL NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES TOYOTA ECHO TOYOTA RAV4 94-00 FORD LASER/MET 90 MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA HYUNDAI ACCENT NISSAN PINTARA >=89 FORD FALCON X SERIES HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 HYUNDAI LANTRA 96-00 NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 DAEWOO NUBIRA HONDA CR-V 97-01 1 SA Male 2 SA 3 SA 4 SA 5 SA 6 7 SA SA rank 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & n CWR market group 778 0.037 Medium 767 704 642 540 503 488 0.042 0.043 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.038 Small Large Large Small Small Large 452 410 390 375 360 0.054 0.032 0.054 0.042 0.034 Light Small Small Small Small 309 0.052 Small 308 301 294 282 0.023 0.041 0.046 0.043 Large Small Light Small 255 0.049 Light 253 0.029 4WDL 251 0.045 Large 250 0.047 Small 242 0.033 Medium 232 230 0.035 0.039 Medium Small 219 219 218 209 0.032 0.054 0.03 0.034 Small Light 4WDC 209 205 205 203 201 198 194 193 191 0.071 0.044 0.045 0.04 0.054 0.039 0.036 0.035 0.021 Light Light Medium Large Light Small Small Small 4WDC HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR 612 0.04 Large Male HOLDEN COMM VN/VP 500 0.044 Large Male 483 0.037 Large 435 0.038 Large Male FORD FALCON EF/EL HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS 401 0.043 Large Male Male FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 MITSUBISHI MAGNA 375 348 0.036 0.03 Large Large Male poor CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 71 med good rank jurisdiction 8 SA 9 SA 10 SA 11 SA 12 SA 13 SA 14 SA 15 SA 16 SA 17 SA 18 SA 19 SA 20 SA 21 SA 22 SA 23 SA 24 SA 25 SA 26 SA 27 SA 28 SA 29 SA 30 SA 31 SA 32 SA 33 SA 34 SA 35 SA 36 SA 37 SA 38 SA 39 SA 40 SA 41 SA 42 SA 43 SA driver age ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex Male make/model VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 Male Male n CWR market group 315 0.039 Large MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP 296 0.043 Large FORD FALCON AU TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 268 0.028 Large 253 0.037 Medium TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 237 0.032 Large 221 0.043 Small FORD FALCON ED/EB S2 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on 174 0.033 Large 167 0.042 Small 148 0.042 Small 143 0.056 Light Male FORD LASER/MET 91-94 FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 112 0.042 Small Male NISSAN PINTARA >=89 100 0.045 Medium Male HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 98 0.049 Light Male 91 0.032 Small 89 0.029 4WDL Male MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER 9097 TOYOTA 4RUNNER/HILUX 89-97 83 0.038 Ute Male FORD FALCON X SERIES 82 0.04 Male FORD COMMERCIALS 81 0.041 Male FAIRLANE N&LTD D 88-94 80 0.029 Large Male NISSAN PATROL 88-97 78 0.026 4WDL Male MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 73 0.054 Small Male 73 0.042 Small 72 0.041 Small Male NISSAN PULSAR >=96 MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 66 0.035 Medium Male NISSAN PULSAR N16 00-05 65 0.039 Small Male FAIRLANE N&LTD D 95-98 64 0.03 Large Male HOLDEN ASTRA TS TOYOTA LANDCRUISER >=98 63 0.029 Small 61 0.025 4WDL MAZDA 323 95-98 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY/VZ 60 0.041 Small 59 0.023 Large 57 0.039 Male MAZDA COMMERCIALS SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 57 0.054 Light Male TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 57 0.028 Small Male DAEWOO NUBIRA 56 0.035 Small Male NISSAN PINTARA <=88 NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 55 0.041 Medium 54 0.047 Small Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male 72 MONASH UNIVERSITY ACCIDENT RESEARCH CENTRE Large poor med good rank jurisdiction 44 SA 45 SA 46 SA 47 SA 48 SA 49 SA 50 SA 1 SA 2 SA 3 SA 4 SA 5 SA 6 SA 7 SA 8 SA 9 SA 10 SA 11 SA 12 SA 13 SA 14 SA 15 SA 16 SA 17 SA 18 SA 19 SA 20 SA 21 SA 22 SA 23 SA 24 SA 25 SA 26 SA 27 SA 28 29 SA SA driver age 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & driver sex Male make/model n CWR market group 53 0.036 Small 52 0.035 Medium 51 0.033 Medium 51 0.043 Van Male NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 92-97 TOYOTA HIACE/LITEACE 90-95 STATESMAN/CAPRICE 9498 50 0.037 Large Male NISSAN PATROL 98 on 49 0.023 4WDL Male DAEWOO LANOS 47 0.054 Light 307 0.043 Small 267 0.042 Small 208 0.056 Light 181 0.039 Large 167 0.042 Small 167 0.033 Large Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female TOYOTA COROLLA 90-93 / NOVA 88-93 TOYOTA COROLLA 94-98 / NOVA 95 on FORD FESTIVA WB/WD/WH/WF 94-2000 TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 93-97 165 0.032 Large Female FORD LASER/MET 91-94 MITSUBISHI MAGNA/VERADA TR-TS/KRKS HOLDEN COMMODORE VS/VR MITSUBISHI MAGNA VERADA TE-TJ/KE-KJ 148 0.03 Large Female MITSUBISHI MAGNA TN-TP 140 0.043 Large Female HOLDEN COMM VN/VP TOYOTA CAMRY/APOLLO 88-92 132 0.039 Large 132 0.032 Medium 126 0.03 Large 120 0.042 Small Female FORD FALCON EF/EL MITSUBISHI CE LANCER/MIRAGE >=96 HOLDEN COMMODORE VT/VX 113 0.029 Large Female TOYOTA CAMRY >=98 113 0.029 Large Female MAZDA 323 / LASER 99-03 111 0.032 Small Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 95-98 107 0.049 Light Female FORD FALCON EA/EB S1 94 0.036 Large Female 90 0.028 Small 88 0.054 Light Female TOYOTA COROLLA 98-00 SUZUKI SWIFT/BARINA >= 89 HOLDEN BARINA COMBO & EURO >=95 72 0.049 Light Female MAZDA 323 /LASER 82-88 66 0.054 Small Female NISSAN PULSAR >=96 66 0.042 Small Female FORD FALCON AU 64 0.027 Large Female HOLDEN ASTRA TS 60 0.029 Small Female FORD LASER/MET 95-98 59 0.043 Small Female MAZDA 121 97-98 59 0.04 Light Female Female NISSAN PINTARA >=89 TOYOTA STARLET 59 57 0.045 0.048 Female Female Female Female Female Female poor Medium Light CHARACTERISTICS OF VEHICLES DRIVEN BY DIFFERENT DRIVER DEMOGRAPHICS 73 med good rank jurisdiction 30 SA 31 SA 32 SA 33 SA 34 SA 35 SA 36 SA 37 SA 38 SA 39 SA 40 SA 41 SA 42 SA 43 SA 44 SA 45 SA 46 SA driver age ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE 60 & ABOVE driver sex make/model Female NISSAN PULSAR/VECTOR 88-90 n CWR market group 56 0.047 Small 55 0.041 Light Female TOYOTA ECHO MITSUBISHI CC LANCER 9495 54 0.041 Small Female FORD LASER/MET 90 52 0.034 Female CHARADE 88-92 51 0.059 Light Female DAEWOO CIELO 50 0.049 Light Female DAEWOO LANOS 50 0.046 Light Female 49 0.036 Small 49 0.035 Medium 48 0.06 Light Female HONDA CIVIC >=96 MAZDA 626/MX6 / TELSTAR 88-91 MAZDA 121 82-93 / FORD FESTIVA WA TOYOTA COROLLA 120 SERIES 48 0.032 Small Female MITSUBISHI COLT 46 0.06 Light Female HYUNDAI EXCEL 90-94 43 0.054 Light Female NISSAN PULSAR 92-95 SUBARU LIBERTY/LEGACY <=94 42 0.036 Small 42 0.035 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