Transitioning Lygus Chemical Controls to More Selective Options for Arizona Cotton Virginia Barkley & Peter C. Ellsworth University of Arizona, Department of Entomology & Arizona Pest Management Center, Maricopa Agricultural Center, Maricopa, AZ 85239 Yield (% of Standard) OCF3 100 80 40 20 • This potentially selective insecticide is very effective on Lygus hesperus & many aphid species. 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 CN F3C 0.063 0.088 Flonicamid 0 0.088 Y = Check yield ± c.v. • Control of Lygus in cotton by flonicamid (0.088 lbs ai / A) is similar to acephate (1.0 lb ai / A), our standard for Lygus control. Although mode of action is unclear, tests indicate flonicamid has a unique fast-acting mode of action. Feeding is thought to be suppressed within an hour of contact or ingestion resulting in mortality of adults and immatures within 2–5 days. • At the higher rates tested, metaflumizone shows efficacy on Lygus hesperus similar to that of acephate (1 lb ai / A), but with potentially less toxicity to beneficial insects. 0.143 0.178 0 0.214 Metaflumizone • METAFLUMIZONE, a newly developed semicarbazone by BASF, has a new mode of action and significant insecticidal activity. (lbs ai / A) Y = Check yield ± c.v. *mixed with acephate (0.5 lbs ai / A) **sprayed at 40 GPA 0.022** 0.025 0.039* 0.045** 0.05 0.058 0.091 Novaluron (lbs ai / A) (lbs ai / A) Y = Check yield ± c.v. • In our trials, metaflumizone showed residual control of nymphs for about 10–14 days. • Higher than expected nymphal counts are consistent with this compound having feeding inhibition properties. • NOVALURON, a benzoylurea, is under development by Crompton as Diamond® in the U.S. • Novaluron is a rate sensitive insect growth regulator that inhibits chitin biosynthesis, active against immmature stages only. • It has broad-spectrum activity including Lepidopteran pests. • FMC Corporation has registered the trademarks: Beleaf® as a formulation for fruits and vegetables and Carbine® as a foliar insecticide on cotton. • High rates (0.091), high spray volumes (40 GPA) and/or mixtures with lower rates of acephate (0.5 lbs ai / A) have shown efficacy on Lygus hesperus comparable to acephate (1.0 lb ai / A). Residual activity approaches 14 days under field conditions. • The high rates required to achieve control may be potentially destructive of hemipteran and other predators in our system. • The compound does not move in or on the plant and efficacy depends on direct contact or ingestion. Control of Lygus hesperus in Arizona cotton Few selective chemicals are available, but our has become an increasing challenge since the data has identified three selective compounds introduction of transgenic Bt cottons and that have efficacy on Lygus. Currently Insect Growth Regulators, which have recommended, broad-spectrum Lygus Sampling, effectively and selectively controlled organophosphates & carbamates Detection, & Plant two of our key pests, Bemisia tabaci could potentially be replaced by Monitoring and Pectinophora gossypiella. more selective & safer comEffective & Selective Chemistry Wide use of broad-spectrum Lygus pounds. Novaluron, an IGR, Resistance Action Management Thresholds insecticides on cotton has has Lygus activity, but AreaAlternate Crossbeen replaced by more high rates may be less Crop Commodity Wide Host Placement Cooperation Impact Management Exploitation of Over-Wintering selective compounds. As selective. MetaflumiNatural Enemy In-field Mortality Pest & Outbreak Pest Biology Conservation Ecology Dynamics Prediction & Ecology a result, Lygus has zone & flonicamid, Planting & Lygus x H O Tolerant / Crop Lygus X N Termination Date Resistant Management Interactions Interactions Management Varieties risen to become our both with antinumber one pest of feedant properties, cotton since 1997. show great promise. Ch Ef em fec ica tive lU se Sa mp lin g • Translaminar activity in flonicamid as a foliar spray may be limited. However, translocation following foliar application may provide some protection of untreated plant tissues. 0 100 N H N N H Yield (% of Standard) 100 O 60 • FLONICAMID is a new class of chemistry, a pyridinecarboxamide. This compound is not persistent in the environment, has low residues and is environmentally safe. Toxicity to mammals, birds and fish is low. Yield (% of Standard) Dicrotophos (0.5) Av oid an c Y = Check yield ± c.v. Naled (1.0) Inter-Crop Movement e Organophosphates • ACEPHATE, our standard, is a broad-spectrum organophosphate with excellent and dependable activity on Lygus hesperus. 2 Methidathion (1.0) Methyl Parathion (0.625) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Yield (% of Standard) • Over many years of testing, pyrethroids, most neonicotinoids, and many organophosphates have failed to control Lygus hesperus in our cotton system. • Control was not possible even when tested at higher rates, higher frequencies (than the standard, acephate), nor in mixtures. • Even mixtures with proven performers failed to enhance control. Yield (% of Standard) Neonicotinoids 100 thiamethoxam (0.094) 80 Yield (% of Standard) thiamethoxam (0.089) thiamethoxam (0.089) 100 thiamethoxam (0.086) 60 thiamethoxam (0.067) 80 thiamethoxam (0.067) 60 20 thiacloprid (0.094) 40 0 imidacloprid (0.047)* 20 thiamethoxam (0.05) imidacloprid (0.047) 0 imidacloprid (0.047) imidacloprid (0.047) imidacloprid (0.047) dinotefuran (0.132) dinotefuran (0.044) acetamiprid (0.10) acetamiprid (0.10) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Yield (% of Standard) *mixed withyield cyfluthrin Y = Check ± c.v. (0.03 lbs ai / A) z-cypermethrin (0.05)* z-cypermethrin (0.05) Y = Check yield ± c.v. lambda cyhalothrin (0.04) lambda cyhalothrin (0.04) 0.05 0.05 Fipronil 0.05 0.05 • FIPRONIL, a phenlypyrazole, has a novel mode of action, with both contact and ingestion activity on a broad spectrum of pests. dinotefuran (0.088) z-cypermethrin (0.05)* 0.038 • It has shown good efficacy on Lygus hesperus in our tests, comparable to our standard. • This compound is not being developed for foliar use in cotton. cyfluthrin (0.03)* • CLOTHIANIDIN is the only neonicotinoid tested that shows significant efficacy on Lygus hesperus in cotton. • It is not marketed (foliar) in cotton. Yield (% of Standard) 100 80 60 40 Y = Check yield ± c.v. 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Yield (% of Standard) 0.055 (lbs ai / A) Y = Check yield ± c.v. 3 Sprays 0 Sprays Note height & yield difference • Yields in the untreated checks ± c.v. are also plotted for each trial. • Max. yields: ca. 1.5–4.5 bales / A. 1 1 1 Oxamyl 1 1 • • • • • • • OXAMYL is a carbamate that has proven to be very effective against Lygus hesperus over many years of trials, comparable to acephate. • As a broad-spectrum insecticide, oxamyl can be damaging to natural enemy populations. • ENDOSULFAN is an old cyclodiene organochlorine with variable ability to control Lygus hesperus. • Without better, more selective options at this time, our current guidelines for Lygus control in Arizona cotton are ACEPHATE or OXAMYL in a rotation. ENDOSULFAN is a less effective alternative. Yield (% of Standard) 100 80 Y = Check yield ± c.v. 60 *mixed with methomyl (0.5), bifenthrin (0.08), or zcypermethrin (0.05 lbs ai / A) 40 20 Clothianidin • For each trial (1997–2004), yields for each treatment are expressed as a percentage of the yields achieved in the experiment’s standard and plotted ± the coefficient of variation (N = 4). 1 Y = Check yield ± c.v. *mixed with endosulfan (1.0 or 0.75), or imidacloprid (0.047 lbs ai / A) lambda cyhalothrin (0.03) deltamethrin (0.03) 40 (lbs ai / A) (lbs ai / A) dinotefuran (0.176) Pyrethroids Y = Check yield ± c.v. Plot sizes: ca. 12 rows x 40 ft RCBDs with four replications Sprays at 35 psi, ca. 20 GPA 4 rows machine harvested Bollgard® cottons Orthene (acephate) at 1 lb ai / A as standard in all trials • Insect data (not shown) from sweepnet counts of all stages, 25–50 sweeps / plot 0 0.75 0.75 0.75* 0.75* 0.75* 1 1.0* 1.5 1.5 Endosulfan (lbs ai / A) Barkley, V. & P.C. Ellsworth. 2004. Search for effective chemical controls for Lygus bugs and whiteflies in Arizona cotton. In R. Tronstad [ed.], Cotton, A College of Agriculture Report. Series P-138. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Tucson, AZ. pp. 187-197. Ellsworth, P.C. 1998. Integrated Lygus management in Arizona. In J.C. Silvertooth [ed.], Cotton, A College of Agriculture Report. Series P-112. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Tucson, AZ. pp. 403-407. Ellsworth, P.C. 1999. Evaluation of chemical controls of Lygus hesperus in Arizona. In J.C. Silvertooth [ed.], Cotton, A College of Agriculture Report. Series P-116. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Tucson, AZ. pp. 428-447. Arizona Cotton Information Site (ACIS). URL: