UC Irvine Office of Technology Alliances

UC Irvine Office of Technology Alliances
5141 California Avenue, Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92697-7700
Tel: (949) 824-2683; Fax: (949) 824-3880
Email inquiries to: MaterialTransfer@uci.edu
Incoming Material Transfer Request Form
This document is for internal use only – please do not provide it to outside organizations.
UCI Investigator:
Primary Contact, other than UCI Investigator
Name & Title:
Outside Organization:
Scientist Contact:
MTA Negotiator of Outside Organization
Name & Title:
1. Date the Material(s) will be needed: ____/_____/______
2. Dates of the research period using Material(s): ____/_____/______ to ____/_____/______
3. Describe the Material(s) to be transferred, including if of human or animal origin:
IRB Compliance:
4. Will your research use human subjects – a living individual about whom an investigator conducting
research obtains data through intervention or interaction with the individual?
5. Will your research use identifiable, private information about living individuals?
6. Is your research designed to test the efficacy of a medical device (i.e. in vitro diagnostic device)?
If you answered yes to any of Questions #4-6, attach the appropriate IRB approval letter. If you do not
have an IRB approval letter, please contact your IRB administrator to obtain IRB approval for your
project with the Materials. Once you receive your IRB approval letter, please submit it to the person
working with you on this MTA.
7. Are the Material(s) pluripotent human stem cells (adult, embryonic, fetal, iPS, etc.)?
8. Are the Material(s) being used with the intent to derive pluripotent human stem cells?
If you answered yes to either Question #7 or Question #8, attach the appropriate hSCRO approval
letter. If you do not have an hSCRO approval letter, please contact Cathryn Lucas at
cathryn.lucas@research.uci.edu to obtain hSCRO approval for your stem cell related work. Once you
receive your hSCRO approval letter, please submit it to the person working with you on this MTA.
9. Are the Material(s) on the Federal Select Agent list? See list at http://www.selectagents.gov/
10. What is the Source of Funding (current or anticipated) supporting your research with requested
Material(s) (e.g., NIH- non-profit or industry sponsor); Include the name of sponsor/funding agency and
award number if any:
11. Are the Material(s) necessary in order to complete the research funded by the sponsor/funding agency
listed above?
12. Describe in 2 or 3 sentences your research plans using the Material(s) including whether you will make
derivatives or modifications of the Material(s).
13. The proposed transfer represents:
formal research collaboration or
transfer of Material(s)
14. Do you plan to use third party materials that were brought into UCI under a different MTA in your
research with the Material(s)?
not sure
If yes, identify other material(s) and their provider(s):
15. Can the Material(s) be purchased from the providing organization or obtained from another source?
not sure
16. Do you have a financial interest in the outside institution providing the Material(s) (income, consulting,
gift, stock ownership, sponsored/reimbursed travel or management position)?
17. Was the decision to undertake this research based on receiving access to the Material(s) by the
organization providing the requested Material(s)?
18. Will the materials be provided to UCI at no cost other than shipping fees?
19. Please list collaborators on this project if any:
20. Any additional information that would be useful, please provide it here:
PI Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________________________
 If PI submits this document via email, PI’s signature is not required.
Instructions for Incoming Material Transfer Request Form
Instructions for completing the Incoming Material Transfer Request Form:
Questions 4-6: If you are conducting “human subjects” research, please provide your IRB approval or exemption
letter. Visit http://www.research.uci.edu/ora/hrpp/index.htm for additional information about the IRB.
Questions 7&8: hSCRO approval must be obtained prior to the MTA being signed. For information and forms, visit
Question 9: Please visit http://www.ehs.uci.edu/programs/biosafety/ibc/index.html for additional information on UCI’s
Select Agents Program and how to obtain authorization to use select agents.
Questions 10 & 11: Source of Funding is needed to determine if there are any conflicts between MTA language and
funding source (such as IP, licensing obligations, etc.). If the funding source already has certain licensing or other
obligations, UCI cannot agree to conflicting terms in the MTA.
Question 12: The Scope of Work provided should be the specific research to be performed with the requested
Materials. This Scope will tie in with the authorized use of the requested Materials, the definition of inventions made
with the Materials, and the licensing rights to such inventions, etc. Also, some MTAs place restrictions on creating
modifications or derivatives of the requested Materials.
Question 13: If there will be any unfunded collaborative research between UCI and the Provider, it is important to set
out the rights to ownership of any creations or inventions resulting from the research.
Question 14: Many MTAs place restrictions on research involving other Materials resulting in obligations to another
third party. It is important to abide by the terms of any existing agreements and to make sure the MTA language will
not conflict with existing obligations.
Question 15: This is used in assessing whether the Material is proprietary and helps in determining if restrictions in
the agreement are reasonable. It is also good to know if there are options other than the Provider for obtaining the
Material should that be a better choice.
Questions 16-18: For MTAs with for-profit or certain non-profit entities, UCI needs to check for any potential conflicts
of interest for the UCI Investigator.
Question 19: Collaborators requiring access to the Material may require a separate MTA with the Provider.