Goals: 1.! Determine the association between Lygus abundance in cotton fields and distribution / abundance of crops and non-cultivated vegetation 2.! Determine constancy of these associations a)! Between years in same region (2007 and 2008) b)! Across regions (AZ, CA, TX) 4.! Predict Lygus density in cotton fields in 2009 with statistical models developed from 2007 and 2008 data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ield Type Effect Scale (meters) Cotton Sink 750 Fallow fields with weeds Forage Alfalfa Source 500 Source 375 Seed Alfalfa Source 1500 @0((3W(-%-;%0?X%FKKY% Progress: We produced and analyzed GIS maps of Lygus crops and non-cultivated vegetation around focal cotton fields for AZ 2007, CA 2007 and 2008, and TX 2007 and 2008 Progress: 1.! Produced software to conduct parametric and non-parametric analyses: a) Multiple regression / partial correlation for separate rings as in Carrière et al. 2004, 2006 b) Multiple regression / partial correlation analyses on all rings c) Stepwise regression / partial correlation d) Path analyses 2.! Programs and associated documentation will be posted on the Web 3.! A manuscript is planned to explain how method a to d can be used to analyze landscape data Progress: 1.! Several strategies for data analyses have been evaluated. We have made significant progress but have not yet developed a final strategy… 3.! Two of the main statistical problems encountered: A)! Statistical power is low when many crops are considered and data are spatially autocorrelated Stepwise regression is used to reduce number of explanatory variables considered B)! The sign of the coefficients of the associations between crops and Lygus density can change in the same analysis There are statistical reasons for this instability and we have not yet solved this problem entirely Last strategy evaluated to analyze Total Lygus, Adults and Nymphs: California data sets: four analyses conducted with 2 rings of a width of 750, 1000, 1250 or 1500 m !;-1Q3:-%(-/(-::3)5% ")%3*-5869%:3/53H,05;%-C-,;:% 0,()::%0??%:,0?-:%)6%050?9:-:% G+?81?-%(-/(-::3)5%R%,)((-?08)5% )5%0??%(35/:% ")%0::-::%,)5:;05,9%)6%;2-% ,)-Z,3-5;:%?35B35/%,()1:[%% 5)5E,+?8A0;-*%A-/-;08)5[% 05*%);2-(%A0(30N?-:%;)% !"#$%%*-5:3;9% $03(Q3:-%,)((-?08)5%N-;Q--5%\*+?;:[%D9712:[%05*%");0?%!"#$%& ]-0(% #C-,;% (%S% FKK^% ");0?%A:X%\*+?;:% KX_L% ");0?%A:X%D9712:% KX`F% \*+?;:%A:X%D9712:% KXa_% ");0?%A:X%\*+?;:% KX__% ");0?%A:X%D9712:% KXYL% \*+?;:%A:X%D9712:% KXaa% FKK`% S%%%\??%,)((-?08)5%,)-Z,3-5;:%0(-%:3/53H,05;%0;%$%b%KXKKK&% !3/53H,05;%60,;)(:%(-;035-*%35%:;-1Q3:-%050?9:-:%Q3;2%;Q)%(35/:%% 0;%6)+(%:,0?-:%%<(35/%Q3*;2%)6%^aK[%&KKK[%&FaK[%)(%&aKK%7=% D9712:% FKK^% \*+?;:% FKK`% FKK^% ,)V)5% ,)V)5% c09%0?60?60% c09%0?60?60% c09%0?60?60% c09%0?60?60% c09%0?60?60% !0d)Q-(% !0d)Q-(% !0d)Q-(% !0d)Q-(% !0d)Q-(% !--*%0?60?60% !+/0(%N--;% ");0?% FKK`% FKK^% FKK`% ,)V)5% !--*%0?60?60% !--*%0?60?60% !--*%0?60?60% !--*%0?60?60% ")70;)% ")70;)% !+/0(%N--;% ")70;)% D)5E,+?8A0;-*% >3(:;%e?))7% ")70;)% D)5E,+?8A0;-*% >3(:;%N?))7% >3(:;%N?))7% @)-Z,3-5;%)6%*-;-(73508)5%<OF=%6)(%7)*-?:%H;%0;%6)+(%*3C-(-5;%:,0?-:X%% %G)*-?:%)5?9%,)5;035-*%A0(30N?-:%(-;035-*%35%:;-1Q3:-%1(),-::X% !,0?-% FKK^% FKK`% \*+?;:% D9712:% ");0?% \*+?;:% D9712:% ");0?% F%f%^aK% KXaL% KXL_% KXYL% KXa_% KXLa% KXJK% F%f%&KKK% KXYK% KXJF% KX^F% KXJ&% KXL^% KXJ_% F%f%&FaK% KXY^% KXL_% KXY_% KXJ^% KXFF% KXaJ% F%f%&aKK% KXYF% KXK`% KXYJ% KXJF% KXLF% KXJY% M+0?3;08A-%(-:+?;:%6)(%5)5E10(07-;(3,[%7+?81?-%(-/(-::3)5%050?9:-:%)6%");0?%!"#$%X% >)+(%050?9:-:%Q-(-%1-(6)(7-*%Q3;2%;Q)%(35/:[%+:35/%Q3*;2:%)6%^aK[%&KKK[%&FaK[%% 05*%&aKK%7X%%!3/5%)6%0??%:3/53H,05;%0::),308)5:%0(-%:2)Q5X%% FKK^% FKK`% #C-,;% \::),308)5% G0T37+7% #C-,;% :,0?-% \::),308)5% G0T37+7% :,0?-% @)V)5% E%%g% LKKK% c09%0?60?60% g%%E% FaKK% c09%0?60?60% g%%g%%g% LKKK% !0d)Q-(% g%%g% &FaK% !0d)Q-(% g%%g%%g% &aKK% !--*%0?60?60% E% &aKK% !--*%0?60?60% ")70;)% g% FKKK% ")70;)% g% LKKK% D)5E,+?8A0;-*% E% &aKK% !+/0(%N--;% E% ^aK% >3(:;%N?))7% g% !;0N3?3;9%)6%,)-Z,3-5;:%Q0:%:373?0(%35%050?9:-:%)6%D9712:h%N+;%:;0N3?3;9%Q0:%?-::%6)(%\*+?;:%% >+;+(-%:;(0;-/3-:%)6%050?9:-:'% \% D)5E10(07-;(3,%:;-1Q3:-%(-/(-::3)5% <");0?%!"#$%[%\*+?;:%05*%D9712:=% D)5E10(07-;(3,%10(80?%,)((-?08)5%% <");0?%!"#$%=% e% D)5E10(07-;(3,%10;2%050?9:-:% <\*+?;:%05*%D9712:=% D)5E10(07-;(3,%:;-1Q3:-%(-/(-::3)5% <");0?%!"#$%[%\*+?;:%05*%D9712:=% D)5E10(07-;(3,%10(80?%,)((-?08)5% +:35/%)5?9%)5-%(35/X% <");0?%!"#$%[%\*+?;:%05*%D9712:=%