Honors Contract Proposal (Section to be completed by the student) Student ______________________________________________ Term ____________________ Did you attend an Honors Contract Meeting? Enter semester attended: _____________________ Description of Honors Contract Please type and use additional space and pages as necessary Proposed Title (Please limit to 60 characters): This title will appear on your transcript___________________________________________ Does this project involve the use of surveys, interviews or photos (or direct contact with people)? Yes__ No__ Honors Contract Objective/Goal (100-200 words): What are you going to study and accomplish or what product/design/invention are you going to make? How will this contribute to your education? Convince us that this is a substantive project that is important to your education. Evaluation Criteria: How will you know that you have achieved your goals? How will your mentor determine that your work is of high quality? What will the final project be? Estimation of Time and Completion Date: How many hours per week or per semester will you spend on this? You’re expected to spend at least 60 hours on a contract. Good completion dates are at the end of a semester, Winterm, or summer, for example. Plans for meeting with your mentor: Part of the benefit of a contract is interacting with your mentor. How many times will you meet, and what will you talk about? How will you communicate (email, in person, Skype, etc…)? **Work on your contract can begin when it has been submitted. You will be contacted if there are any questions about your proposal. (Section to be completed by mentor) Please answer realistically and feel free to contact us with any questions Is this project significantly different, or does this project go significantly above and beyond the scope of a course offered at UW Stout? Yes__ No__ Does this project require Internal Review Board (IRB) Human Subject approval? Yes__ No__ Not sure__ Have you agreed on a final product/evaluation criteria with the student? Yes__ No__ We thank you for your help and dedication in working with us on this contract; please let us know if we can be of any assistance – UW Stout Honors College Contract Mentor: _____________________Mentor Signature: _________________________ Honors Contract Proposal Department Chair: Approve _________________ Disapprove ________________________ Signature: _________________________________________ Date_____________________ Honors Librarian Signature: __________________________Date _____________________ Honors librarians are Ann Vogl (voglan@uwstout.edu) and Jessy Polzer (polzerj@uwstout.edu) HC OFFICE HC Director: Approve _________________ Disapprove __________________ Signature __________________________________________ Date ____________________ Please print out and give the original signed contract to the Honors College (HC) office. Upon completion of the project, turn in a copy of your work to the HC office. Give your mentor an evaluation form to complete. You will receive credit for your contract when the evaluation form is approved and received by the HC office. Please direct any questions or concerns to the HC office.