Available online at www.tjnsa.com J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 5 (2012), 412–417 Research Article Volterra composition operators from generally weighted Bloch spaces to Bloch-type spaces on the unit ball Haiying Li∗, Haixia Zhang College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, P.R. China. Dedicated to George A Anastassiou on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday Communicated by Professor R. Saadati Abstract Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of the open unit ball B, g ∈ H(B). In this paper, the boundedness and compactness of the Volterra composition operator Tgϕ from generally weighted Bloch spaces to Bloch-type c spaces are investigated.2012 NGA. All rights reserved. Keywords: Volterra composition operator; generally weighted Bloch space; boundedness; compactness. 2010 MSC: Primary 47B38. 1. Introduction and preliminaries Let B be the unit ball in Cn and H(B) the class Let z = (z1 , z2 , · · · , zn ), w = P of all holomorphic functions P on B. ∂f (w1 , w2 , · · · , wn ) be points in Cn and hz, wi = nj=1 zj wj . Let Rf (z) = nj=1 zj ∂z (z) be the radial derivaj tive of f ∈ H(B), see for more details in [14]. α of holomorphic functions such For any 0 < α < ∞, we define the generally weighted Bloch space Blog that 4 2 α α = |f (0)| + sup(1 − |z| ) |Rf (z)| log kf kBlog < ∞. 1 − |z|2 z∈B ∗ Corresponding author Email address: tslhy2001@yahoo.com.cn (Haiying Li) Received 2011-6-4 H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 5 (2012), 412–417 413 When α = 1, for the case of the unit disk the logarithmic Bloch space has appeared for the first time in characterizing of the multipliers of the Bloch space in [1], for more details in [12] and [13]. In [3], [4] and [5], we studied composition operator on generally weighted Bloch spaces. A positive continuous function µ on the interval [0,1) is called normal ([8]) if there are δ ∈[0,1) and a and b, 0 < a < b such that µ(r) µ(r) is decreasing on [0,1) and lim = 0; r→1 (1 − r)a (1 − r)a µ(r) µ(r) is increasing on [0,1) and lim = 0. b r→1 (1 − r) (1 − r)b If we say that a function µ : B → [0, ∞) is normal, then we will also assume that µ(z) = µ(|z|), z ∈ B. The Bloch-type space Bµ (B) consists of analytic functions f : B → C such that kf kµ = sup µ(z)|Rf (z)| < ∞, z∈B where µ is normal. In [9] and [10], it was shown that Bµ (B) is a Banach space with the norm kf kBµ = |f (0)| + kf kµ . The little Bloch-type space Bµ,0 (B) consists of analytic functions f : B → C such that lim µ(z)|Rf (z)| = 0. |z|→1 Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of B. The composition operator Cϕ as usual is defined by (Cϕ f )(z) = (f ◦ ϕ)(z), f ∈ H(B), z ∈ B. For some results on composition operators, see [2] or [7]. Suppose that g : B → C is a holomorphic map, define Z Tg f (z) = 1 f (tz) 0 dg(tz) = dt Z 1 f (tz)Rg(tz) 0 dt , f ∈ H(B), z ∈ B. t (1.1) This operator is called the Riemann-Stieltjes operator or extended Cesàro operator, see for example [11]. The Volterra composition operator is defined by Z 1 Z 1 dg(tz) dt ϕ = (1.2) Tg f (z) = f (ϕ(tz)) f (ϕ(tz))Rg(tz) , f ∈ H(B), z ∈ B. dt t 0 0 When ϕ(z) = z, by (1.1) and (1.2), then Tgϕ f (z) = Tg f (z). The Volterra composition operator is a natural extension of the Riemann-Stieltjes or extended Cesàro operator. The Volterra composition operator on the unit disk is considered in [6]. The Volterra composition operators on logarithmic Bloch spaces on B are studied in [15]. In this paper, we give the characterization of the boundedness and compactness of Volterra composition operator Tgϕ from generally weighted Bloch spaces to Bloch-type spaces. Throughout the remainder of this paper C will denote a positive constant, the exact value of which will vary from one appearance to the next. α → B 2. The boundedness and compactness of Tgϕ : Blog µ In the beginning, we introduce some auxiliary results which will be needed in our proofs of the theorems. H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 5 (2012), 412–417 414 α (B) and z ∈ B, then we have Lemma 2.1. Let f ∈ Blog 1 α , when 0 < α < 1; )kf kBlog (1 − α) log 4 4 kf kB1 , when α = 1; (b) |f (z)| ≤ C log log log 1 − |z|2 α , when α > 1, (c) |f (z)| ≤ (1 + A(|z|))kf kBlog Z |z| dt where A(|z|) = 4 . (1 − s2 )α log 1−s 0 2 (a) |f (z)| ≤ (1 + Proof. Using the integral representation for R differential operator, we have |f (z)| = ≤ ≤ ≤ Z 1 Rf (tz)dt f (0) + t 0 Z 1 |z|dt α |f (0)| + · kf kBlog 4 2 α 0 (1 − |tz| ) log 1−|tz|2 Z |z| ds α · kf kBlog |f (0)| + 4 2 (1 − s )α log 1−s 0 2 Z |z| ds α α . · kf kBlog kf kBlog + 4 2 (1 − s )α log 1−s 0 2 For 0 < α < 1, α > 1, then (a) and (c) hold. For α = 1, Z |z| ds 1 4 · kf kBlog log (1 − s)α log 1−s 0 4 ≤ 2 log(2 log ) + 1 − 2 log log 4 kf kB1 log 1 − |z|2 4 ≤ 2 log log + log 4 + 1 − 2 log log 4 kf kB1 log 1 − |z|2 4 )kf kB1 . ≤ C(log log log 1 − |z|2 |f (z)| ≤ kf kB1 + 2 Proposition 2.2. Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of the open unit ball B, g ∈ H(B), and α > 0. Then α (B) → B (B) is compact if and only if for any bounded sequence (f ) α Tgϕ : Blog µ j j∈N in Blog (B) which converges ϕ to zero uniformly on compact subsets of B as j → ∞, kTg fj kBµ → 0 as j → ∞. α with f → 0 uniformly on Proof. Assume that Tgϕ is compact and that (fj )j∈N is a bounded sequence in Blog j ϕ ϕ compact subsets of B. By the compactness of Tg , we have that the sequence (Tg fj )j∈N has a subsequence α , then for any compact K ⊂ B, (Tgϕ fjm )m∈N which converges to f in Bµ . By Lemma 2.1 and |f (0)| ≤ kf kBlog there is a C ≥ 0 such that |Tgϕ fjm (z) − f (z)| ≤ CkTgϕ fjm − f kBµ , ∀ z ∈ K. H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 5 (2012), 412–417 415 This implies that Tgϕ fjm (z) − f (z) → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of B as m → ∞. Since fjm → 0 on compact subsets of B, by the definition of the operator Tgϕ , it is easy to see that for each z ∈ B, limm→∞ Tgϕ fjm (z) = 0. Hence f = 0. By the arbitrary of (fj )j∈N , we obtain that Tgϕ fj → 0 in Bµ as j → ∞. α (0, M ) (at the center of zero with the radius Conversely, let {hj } be any sequence in the ball KM = BBlog α α M ) of the space Blog . Since khj kBlog ≤ M < ∞, by Lemma 2.1, {hj } is uniformly bounded on compact subsets of B and hence normal by Montel’s theorem. Hence we may extract a subsequence {hjm } which α , moreover h ∈ B α and khk α ≤ M . It converges uniformly on compact subsets of B to some h ∈ Blog Blog log α follows that (hjm − h) is that khjm − hkBlog ≤ 2M < ∞ and converges to zero on compact subsets of B, by the hypothesis, we have that Tgϕ hjm → Tgϕ h in Bµ . Thus the set Tgϕ (K) is relatively compact. Hence α → B is compact. Tgϕ : Blog µ Here we only consider respectively the following two cases: 0 < α < 1; α > 1. Obviously, R(Tgϕ f )(z) = f (ϕ(z))Rg(z). Theorem 2.3. Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of the open unit ball B, g ∈ H(B), 0 < α < 1. Then the following statements are equivalent. α (B) → B (B) is bounded; (i) Tgϕ : Blog µ α (B) → B (B) is compact; (ii) Tgϕ : Blog µ (iii) g ∈ Bµ . α (B) → B (B), then (i) holds. Proof. (ii)⇒(i) By (ii) and the compactness of Tgϕ : Blog µ α . By taking the (i)⇒(iii) By (i), then there exists a positive constant C such that kTgϕ f kBµ ≤ Ckf kBlog α test function f = 1 which is in Blog , then sup µ(z)|Rg(z)| ≤ C. z∈B Then (iii) holds. α and f → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of B, (iii)⇒(i) For any bounded sequence (fk )k∈N in Blog k kTgϕ fk k = sup µ(z)|R(Tgϕ fk )(z)| z∈B = sup µ(z)|fk (ϕ(z))||Rg(z)| z∈B 1 α )|Rg(z)|kfk kBlog (1 − α) log 4 z∈B 1 α }. = sup µ(z)|Rg(z)| · {(1 + )kfk kBlog (1 − α) log 4 z∈B ≤ sup µ(z)(1 + α , then (i) holds. By (iii), g ∈ Bµ , moreover, fk ∈ Blog Theorem 2.4. Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of the open unit ball B, g ∈ H(B), α > 1. Then the following statements are equivalent. α (B) → B (B) is bounded; (i) Tgϕ : Blog µ (ii) g ∈ Bµ (B) and sup µ(z)A(|ϕ(z)|)|Rg(z)| < ∞. z∈B (2.1) H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 5 (2012), 412–417 416 α Proof. (ii)⇒(i) Assume that (ii) holds. Then for f ∈ Blog kTgϕ f k = sup µ(z)|R(Tgϕ f )(z)| z∈B = sup µ(z)|f (ϕ(z))||Rg(z)| z∈B α < ∞. ≤ sup µ(z)(1 + A(|ϕ(z)|))|Rg(z)|kf kBlog z∈B α (B) → B (B) is bounded. By (ii), then we have Tgϕ : Blog µ Conversely, let hz,ϕ(zk )i Z fk (z) = 0 dt α 4 , k ∈ N, then fk ∈ Blog . (1 − t)α log 1−t ∞ > kTgϕ fk k = sup µ(z)|fk (ϕ(z))||Rg(z)| z∈B ≥ µ(zk )|fk (ϕ(zk ))||Rg(zk )| ≥ Cµ(zk )A(|ϕ(zk )|)|Rg(zk )|. α , then g ∈ B . Then (2.1) holds. By taking the test function f = 1 which is in Blog µ Theorem 2.5. Let ϕ be a holomorphic self-map of the open unit ball B, g ∈ H(B), α > 1. Then the following statements are equivalent. α (B) → B (B) is compact; (i) Tgϕ : Blog µ (ii) g ∈ Bµ (B) and lim µ(z)A(|ϕ(z)|)|Rg(z)| = 0. (2.2) |ϕ(z)|→1 α → B is compact. Let (ϕ(z )) Proof. Assume that Tgϕ : Blog µ k k∈N be a sequence in B such that |ϕ(zk )| → 1 as k → ∞. Let Z hz,ϕ(zk )i 2 Z |ϕ(zk )|2 −1 dt dt fk (z) = , z ∈ B. 4 4 (1 − t)α log 1−t (1 − t)α log 1−t 0 0 α and f → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of B, Then (fk )k∈N is a bounded sequence in Blog k kTgϕ fk k ≥ µ(zk )|fk (ϕ(zk ))||Rg(zk )| ≥ Cµ(zk )A(|ϕ(zk )|)|Rg(zk )|. α , then g ∈ B . Then (2.2) holds by letting k → ∞. By taking the test function f = 1 which is in Blog µ Conversely, by (2.2), for any given ε > 0 there exists a positive number δ (δ < 1) such that µ(z)A(|ϕ(z)|)|Rg(zk )| < ε wheneverδ < |ϕ(z)| < 1. α and f → 0 uniformly on compact subsets of B, For any bounded sequence (fk )k∈N in Blog k kTgϕ fk kBµ = sup µ(z)|fk (ϕ(z))||Rg(z)| z∈B ≤ sup µ(z)|fk (ϕ(z))||Rg(z)| |ϕ(z)|≤δ + sup µ(z)|fk (ϕ(z))||Rg(z)| |ϕ(z)|>δ ≤ sup µ(z)|Rg(z)| · sup |fk (ϕ(z))| |ϕ(z)|≤δ +Ckfk k |ϕ(z)|≤δ α Blog sup µ(z)|Rg(z)|(1 + A(|ϕ(z)|)). |ϕ(z)|>δ Then kTgϕ fk kBµ → 0 as k → ∞. H. Li, H. Zhang, J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 5 (2012), 412–417 417 Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Young Core Teachers Program of Henan Province (No.2011GGJS-062) and the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province(No.122300410110; 2010A110009). References [1] L. Brown, A. L. Shields. Multipliers and cyclic vectors in the Bloch space, Michigan Math. J. 38(1991), 141-146. 1 [2] C. C. Cowen and B. D. MacCluer. 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