Genetics 462/562 — Evolutionary Genetics — General Info — Spring 2006 ( Instructor: TA: Fredric J. Janzen 343 Bessey 294-4230 Jason Hasenstein 2254 Kildee Office Hours: Tue 11-12 AM Wed 1-3 PM Thu 11-12 AM else by appt.!! Office Hours: Mon 12-1 Wed 12-1 else by appt.!! Course Content: This 3-credit course will focus on genetic and selective processes at the population level that are responsible for the generation and maintenance of biological diversity. We will begin with a discussion of variation and move from there to basic population genetic theory and variations on that theme. Next we will briefly evaluate the role of population genetics in the burgeoning fields of molecular evolution and phylogenetics. Afterward we will extend the theory and concepts of population genetics to more complex, quantitative traits. Finally, to tie the genetic machinery firmly into adaptive evolutionary processes, we will explore and apply the statistical tools of multivariate selection theory. Course Prerequisite: BIOL 303 or equivalent evolution course! A background in statistics, particularly a STAT 401-type course or higher, would also be helpful. Recommended Text: A Primer of Ecological Genetics, by Conner & Hartl I will not follow the text directly and I will list readings to supplement particular topics. I will also provide occasional handouts as references. Classes: We will meet in W162 Lagomarcino from 09:30 sharp to ~10:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I will lecture but I also expect free discussion. There will be no overheads or Powerpoint, just me and the “chalk” board. I encourage you to ask questions even if they seem totally simple and you think you just dozed off and missed the point. Obviously, you won’t benefit if you don’t understand what we’re discussing. Not surprisingly then, I expect you to attend class regularly and promptly (plus the exams will come almost solely from my lectures). There will also be in-class quizzes on most Tuesdays and two debates to hone your skills in evolutionary genetics. Moreover, Jason and I hope to implement occasional group homework sets that will improve your skills as well. Course Requirements: 1) Quizzes Most Tuesdays 10% Each quiz will consist of a single question just like I would ask on an exam (short essay and problem solving). You will have 10 minutes to finish (09:30-09:40), so come prepared and don’t be late! An unexcused absence will earn a grade of zero. 2) Class debate/presentation #1 21/23 February 15% 3) Class debate/presentation #2 18/20 April 15% The class debates/presentations are meant to be experiences in group problem solving and discussion. One of the best ways to learn a topic is to have to argue for or against it and to listen to others’ ideas on the same topic. For the first “discussion” in late February, we will focus on the controversial debate between neutralists and selectionists on the nature of genetic variation. For the second “discussion” in mid April, we will probably focus on whether or not heritability remains a useful parameter for evolutionary geneticists to estimate. Each debate will occupy two class periods, however only half the class will be required to attend during a given class period. For each class period, the chosen graduate students will be split into two groups, one taking the neutralist side and the other taking the selectionist side for the first debate and one taking the yes side and the other taking the no side for the second debate. Undergraduates will similarly be split into two groups and will only have to attend one of the two class periods for each debate topic. Undergraduates will be required to read the selected papers and to participate actively in the discussion. For the debates, your grade will be determined by your level of participation; obviously if you don’t say anything, either as a comment or a question, you will receive no credit. 4) Midterm exam 2 March 30% The midterm exam will consist of about 10 questions. Coherent writing will be necessary to answer the questions; a calculator may be useful for some questions. Oh, and don’t cheat. I take it very seriously and do not tolerate it any form, not that I expect it to be a problem. As with the quizzes, an unexcused absence will earn a grade of zero. If you know you will miss the exam, tell me beforehand so we can make arrangements. Jason and I will hold a ~2-hour study session for you to ask questions and discuss issues the evening before the exam. The exam will cover classical population genetics, speciation genetics, and molecular evolution. 5) Final exam (take-home!) 27 April-2 May 30% Ah yes, the final exam. It will focus entirely on problem solving and interpretation, will be comprehensive but emphasize the latter portion of the course (i.e., quantitative genetics and multivariate selection), and will be take-home. And, in case you forgot, don’t cheat. You can use other resources if you feel they are necessary, but you must work on the exam questions by yourself. I intend to hand out the exam in class on 27 April. It will be due in my office by 5 PM on 2 May so that we will have time to grade it. I am hoping the take-home nature of the exam will permit you to chill out a bit during finals week. If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make arrangements to meet with me by the end of the first week of class. Please also request that a Disability Resources staff member (1076 Student Services Building, 4-6624) send a SAAR form verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need. Genetics 462/562 — Evolutionary Genetics — Course Syllabus — Spring 2006 DATE TOPIC READING 1/10 Phenotypic diversity, genetic variation, Hardy-Weinberg principle pp. 1–36 1/12 Sex-linkage and linkage disequilibrium pp. 157–160 1/17 QUIZ #1 Non-random mating--Assortation and inbreeding pp. 36–43 1/19 Random genetic drift--Effective population size pp. 52–57 1/24 QUIZ #2 Random genetic drift--F-statistics, etc. pp. 57–66 1/26 Migration--Wahlund’s principle, Wright’s island model pp. 48–51 1/31 QUIZ #3 Migration--Stepping-stone model, private alleles; Mutation pp. 47–48 2/2 Natural selection--Fitness, selection coefficient pp. 66–71 2/7 QUIZ #4 Natural selection--overdominance, underdominance, etc. pp. 71–76 RECEIVE FOCAL PAPERS & ASSIGNMENTS FOR DEBATE #1 2/9 Still more natural selection--Mutation-selection balance, genetic load, pp. 76–89 Haldane’s Sieve, Fisher’s Fundamental Theorem 2/14 QUIZ #5 Speciation--isolating mechanisms, modes, reinforcement, Haldane’s Rule 2/16 Neutral theory of molecular evolution, molecular clocks, selfish DNA 2/21 DEBATE #1 for Group 1 2/23 DEBATE #1 for Group 2 2/28 Quantitative genetic traits & statistical measures/methods--phenotypic pp. 97–107, plasticity, reaction norms, genotype-by-environment interactions 137–145 3/1 STUDY SESSION (7-9 PM in 231 Bessey) 3/2 MIDTERM EXAM 3/7 Partitioning phenotypic variation; Repeatability pp. 108–111 3/9 SPECIAL SURPRISE! 3/14 SPRING BREAK 3/16 SPRING BREAK 3/21 QUIZ #6 Heritability--broad-sense, narrow-sense pp. 112–115 3/23 Heritability--estimation pp. 115–131 3/28 QUIZ #7 Heritability--utility, interpretation pp. 131–133 3/30 Genetic covariances and correlations pp. 150–163 4/4 QUIZ #8 # of loci affecting a trait, QTL analysis pp. 170–180 4/6 Experimental methods of quantitative genetics (QG w/o tears)-pp. 145–147 common gardens, wide crosses RECEIVE FOCAL PAPERS & ASSIGNMENTS FOR DEBATE #2 4/11 QUIZ #9 More quantitative genetics without tears--transplant experiments Selection differentials, response to selection pp. 147–149, 163–170 4/13 Multivariate selection--correlated response, selection gradient, predicting/reconstructing adaptive evolution pp. 189–210, 216–223 4/18 DEBATE #2 for Group 1 4/20 DEBATE #2 for Group 2 4/25 QUIZ #10 Adaptive landscapes and evolutionary equilibria 4/27 Visualizing multivariate selection IN-CLASS STUDY SESSION; RECEIVE FINAL EXAM 5/2 FINAL EXAM DUE BY 5 PM! pp. 210–211