Fall 2009 Math 151 (a) Week in Review XII (b) ourtesy: David J. Manuel () (overing 5.5, 5.7, and 6.1) 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 1. (d) Setion 5.5 (e) A farmer has 1200 feet of fening to enlose a retangular eld bordered by a river on one side. If no fene is needed along the river, nd the dimensions of the eld whih give the largest area. 2. A retangular box with a square base and no top has volume V . Find the dimensions of the box whih minimize surfae area. 3 A right irular ylinder in insribed in a right irular one of radius R and height H . Find the volume of the largest possible ylinder. 1. √ f ′ (x) = x − 4 x + 10 1+x f ′ (x) = √ , f (1) = 0 x 1 f ′ (x) = ex − , f (1) = 0 x ′′ f (x) = 1 + 2 sin x − cos x, f (0) = 3, f ′ (0) = 1 √ 3 2 f ′ (x) = x + √ + √ x 1 − x2 A fore with magnitude 20 N ats in the positive y diretion on an objet with a mass of 4 kg. The objet starts at the origin with initial veloity v(0) = i − j. Find its position funtion and speed at any time t. Setion 6.1 Compute 5 X i2 . i=1 Find the shortest distane from the point (0, 4) to the line 2x + 5y = −3. 2. Compute 20 X i=1 A movie sreen is 24 feet tall and hangs 6 feet above eye-level. How far away from the sreen should a person stand in order to maximize their viewing angle? 3. Use of the your" i ! 1 2− 2 formulas on p367 text to # ompute 2 n 2i 2X 9− 1+ lim .. n→∞ n n i=1 If a projetile is red from the ground at an angle θ with initial speed v0 , the position of the projetile is given by r(t) = ((v0 cos θ) t)i + (− 12 gt2 + (v0 sin θ)t)j. Find the angle whih maximizes the horizontal range of the projetile. Setion 5.7 Find f (x) for eah of the following: 1