Wave Propagation Fundamentals -3 Ultrasonic Attenuation Learning Objectives Attenuation definitions Simple method for measuring average attenuation Model-based approach for determining attenuation as a function of frequency Ultrasonic Attenuation A1 plane wave amplitudes: A2 attenuating medium d A2 = exp ⎡⎣ −α ( f ) d ⎤⎦ A1 attenuation (Np/unit length) Example: water α w ( f ) = 25.3 ×10−15 f 2 Np / m Attenuation is affected by many variables so that generally it is not possible to give generic values that are useful for quantitative analyses. Thus, attenuation generally must be obtained experimentally for the material in question When attenuation values are quoted they are often given as average values in decibels/unit length α dB / l = 8.686α Np / l plane wave pulse traveling in an attenuative medium: A2 A1 d average attenuation (Np/l) A2 = exp ⎡⎣ −α Np / l d ⎤⎦ A1 average attenuation (dB/l) α dB / l ⎛A ⎞ 20log10 ⎜ 2 ⎟ A1 ⎠ ⎝ =− d = ( 20log10 e )α Np / l = 8.686 α Np / l Simple method to determine average attenuation To model the effects of attenuation on the characteristics of a signal, we must be able to find the attenuation of a material as a function of frequency. However, in some applications we may be content to obtain an average attenuation value which describes the overall behavior of the amplitude of the signal. We can obtain such the average attenuation of a solid sample, for example, by using the pulse-echo setup shown. D On the oscilloscope screen we will see a series of evenly spaced pulses that are decreasing in amplitude. These are the waves that have been reflected from the back surface of the block one or more times. A1 A2 A3 A4 Let the measured amplitudes of these signals be A1, A2, … etc. as shown If the back surface of the block is in the far-field of the transducer, the incident and reflected waves will behave like attenuated spherical waves so we could express the voltage of these signals, v(t), in the form: v (t ) = + g (t − 2D / c ) 2D g (t − 6D / c ) 6D exp ( −2α Np / l D ) + g (t − 4D / c ) 4D exp ( −4α Np / l D ) exp ( −6α Np / l D ) + ... where the waveform shape is given by the g(t) function and α Np / l average attenuation of the block (in Np/l) is the If we let gmax be the maximum amplitude of the g function then the amplitudes shown are given by g max A1 = exp ( −2α Np / l D ) 2D g max A2 = exp ( −4α Np / l D ) 4D g max A3 = exp ( −6α Np / l D ) 6D g A4 = max exp ( −8α Np / l D ) 8D etc. If we take the ratio of the first two reflections we have A1 = 2 exp ( 2α Np / l D ) A2 Now ⎛A ⎞ 20 log10 ⎜ 1 ⎟ = 20 log10 ( 2 ) + 20 log10 ⎡⎣ exp ( 2α Np / l D ) ⎤⎦ ⎝ A2 ⎠ = 6 dB + ( 2 D ) 20 log10 ( e ) α Np / l = 6 dB + ( 2 D ) α dB / l which gives α dB / l ⎛ A1 ⎞ 20log10 ⎜ ⎟ − 6 dB A2 ⎠ ⎝ = 2D Measurement of attenuation as a function of frequency ρ1 , c p1 ρ 2 , c p 2 , cs 2 v0 a voltages received from front, back surface reflections material to be measured D2 D1 V f s (ω ) = s (ω ) t Afs (ω ) Vb s (ω ) = s (ω ) t Abs (ω ) system function acoustic/elastic transfer functions that describe the waves received from the front and back surface reflections front surface transfer function t Afs (ω ) = t%Afs (ω ) exp ⎡⎣ −2α w (ω ) D1 ⎤⎦ ideal transfer function model t%Afs (ω ) = D% p ( k p1a 2 / 2 D1 ) R12 exp ( 2ik p1 D1 ) plane wave reflection coefficient back surface transfer function t Abs (ω ) = t%Abs (ω ) exp ⎡⎣ −2α w (ω ) D1 − 2α p 2 (ω ) D2 ⎤⎦ ideal transfer function model t%Abs (ω ) = D% p ( k p1a 2 / 2 D ) T12 R21T21 exp ( 2ik p1 D1 + 2ik p 2 D2 ) plane wave reflection, transmission coefficients (normal incidence) D% p ( u ) = 2 ⎡⎣1 − exp ( iu ) { J 0 ( u ) − i J1 ( u )}⎤⎦ diffraction coefficient In the back surface signal, the distance D appearing in the diffraction correction is: D = D1 + cp2 c p1 D2 Vb s (ω ) t%Abs (ω ) exp ⎡⎣ 2α p 2 (ω ) D2 ⎤⎦ = fs V f s (ω ) t%A (ω ) measure model usually fit to a simple polynomial function of frequency over the bandwidth of the system Vbs (ω ) exp ⎡⎣ 2α s (ω ) D2 ⎤⎦ = V fs (ω ) t%Afs (ω ) t%Abs (ω ) Remarks: To measure attenuation, it is not necessary to measure the system function (it cancels out). Setup shown is for measurement of P-wave attenuation. S-wave attenuation measurements must be done in a different setup. This approach is ad-hoc. Actual mechanisms of attenuation are rather complex. For high attenuation, wave speed as well as amplitude is affected (material dispersion).