PROCESSING AND PRODUCTS Volatiles, Color, and Lipid Oxidation of Broiler Breast Fillets Irradiated Before and After Cooking1 M. Du, S. J. Hur, K. C. Nam, H. Ismail, and D. U. Ahn2 Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-3150 ABSTRACT Chicken breast fillets were equally divided into three groups. One group was vacuum packaged, cooked in a water bath (cooked-in-bag) at 82 C for 25 min, and then irradiated at 0 or 3 kGy with a linear accelerator (V-C-I). The other two groups were irradiated at 0 or 3.0 kGy in vacuum packaging (V-I-C) or aerobic packaging (A-I-C). After 3 d of storage at 4 C, the irradiated meats were cooked in a water bath (cooked-in-bag) at 82 C for 25 min. After being cooked, meats were repackaged under vacuum and stored at 4 C. Breast fillets were analyzed at 0 and 21 d after cooking and analyzed for lipid oxidation, color, and volatiles. Irradiation accelerated lipid oxidation of breast fillets. Three days of storage of raw meat in aerobic conditions after irradiation had only minor influences on lipid oxidation after cooking. However, irradiation had a significant effect on the volatile production in meat. Dimethyl disulfide, related to irradiation odor, was significantly higher in irradiated fillets than in nonirradiated fillets for V-CI and V-I-C, whereas it was only slightly higher for A-IC. Other volatiles, such as 3-methyl butanal and 2-methyl butanal, were also produced in significant amounts after irradiation, especially in V-C-I and V-I-C. These results showed that irradiating cooked meat induced slightly more changes in volatiles than irradiating raw meat and then cooking. The amount of dimethyl disulfide between irradiated and nonirradiated samples for A-I-C was not different, because the dimethyl disulfide produced by irradiation disappeared during the 3 d in aerobic storage before cooking. Color a* value of irradiated fillets was higher than that of nonirradiated fillets. Irradiation also induced color L* and b* value changes. After 3 d of aerobic storage after irradiation of raw meat, the influence of irradiation on color after cooking was reduced. No significant lipid oxidation occurred during storage as shown by the low values for TBA-reactive substances. (Key words: volatile, cook, breast meat, oxidation, irradiation) 2001 Poultry Science 80:1748–1753 INTRODUCTION Irradiation is one of the most efficient methods available for ensuring microbiological food safety (Rajkowski and Thayer, 2000). However, irradiation increases lipid oxidation and forms a characteristic off-odor in meats (Ahn et al., 1998; Jo and Ahn, 2000). The off-odor induced by irradiation is characterized as sweet, barbecued corn-like, and is closely related to the sulfur compounds formed during irradiation (Jo and Ahn, 2000). There are many reports on the effect of irradiation on volatile, lipid oxidation, and color of raw meat (Luchsinger et al., 1996; Jo et al., 1999). Few published reports are available on the volatiles of cooked meat irradiated before or after cooking. Clearly, irradiation of meat before or after cooking would 2001 Poultry Science Association, Inc. Received for publication February 2, 2001. Accepted for publication August 24, 2001. 1 Journal Paper Number J-19198 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, IA 50011-3150; Project No. 6504. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed: influence the oxidation and volatiles formation in meat. Cooked meat would be more sensitive to irradiation due to denatured muscle proteins and damaged membrane structure. On the other hand, the availability of oxygen during irradiation will also make a significant difference in oxidative change and volatile production in meat. Thus, it is important to assess the influence of packaging at the time of irradiation on volatiles and lipid oxidation of meat. Irradiation induces color change in meat (Nanke et al., 1998). Many reports have suggested that the redness color (a* value) increased after irradiation (Luchsinger et al., 1996; Nanke et al., 1998; Du et al., 2000; Millar et al., 2000). Because consumers may consider the redness of cooked meat, especially that of white meat, as undercooked, it is important to have a method to prevent or reduce such color change after irradiation. The objective of this study was to assess the influence of meat condition, raw or cooked, vacuum or aerobically Abbreviation Key: GC = gas chromatograph; MS = mass spectrometry; TBA/TCA = thiobarbituric acid/trichloroacetic acid; TBARS = 2thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; V-C-I = vacuum packaged, cooked, and then irradiated; V-I-C = vacuum packaged, irradiated, and then cooked; A-I-C = aerobic packaged, irradiated, and then cooked. 1748 QUALITY OF BROILER BREAST FILLETS IRRADIATED BEFORE AND AFTER COOKING 1749 and sampled again at 21 d of storage at 4 C, and analyzed for 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), Hunter color, and volatiles. Volatile analysis FIGURE 1. Preparation of cooked chicken breast fillets in different irradiation conditions. 1V-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in vacuum packaging, and then cooked. 2A-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in aerobic packaging, and then cooked. 3V-C-I = raw meat was cooked in vacuum packaging, and the cooked meat was then irradiated. packaged, at the time of irradiation on the volatiles, color, and lipid oxidation of cooked breast fillets. MATERIALS AND METHODS A purge-and-trap apparatus connected to a gas chromatograph3 (GC) was used to analyze the volatiles from breast fillets. A Precept II and Purge-and-Trap Concentrator 30004 were used to trap volatiles, and GC mass spectrometry (MS) was used to identify and quantify the volatile compounds. One gram of sliced meat was placed in a sample vial (40 mL), and then one pack of oxygen absorber5 was added (Ageless type Z-100). The vials were flushed with helium gas (99.999%) for 5 s at 40 psi and capped tightly. Vials were placed in a refrigerated (4 C) sample tray. The maximum holding time before volatile analysis was less than 10 h to minimize oxidative changes during the sample holding period (Ahn et al., 1999). The meat sample was purged with helium gas (40 mL/ min) for 15 min. Volatiles were trapped at 20 C using a Tenax/Silica gel/Charcoal column4 and desorbed for 2 min at 220 C. The desorbed volatiles were concentrated at -100 C using a cryofocusing unit, and then thermally desorbed, and injected (30 s) into a capillary GC column by increasing the temperature to 220 C. Ramped oven temperature was used. The initial oven temperature was 0 C and was held for 2.50 min. Then the oven temperature was increased to 10 C at 5 C/min, to 45 C at 10 C/min, to 110 C at 20 C/min, to 210 C at 10 C/min, and held for 0.25 min. The column pressure was 20.5 psi. A mass selective detector (HP 5973)3 was used to identify and quantify volatile components. The ionization potential of the MS was 70 eV, and scan range was 18.1 to 350. Identification of volatiles was achieved by comparing mass spectral data of samples with those of the Wiley Library3 and also with the standards when available. The area of each peak was integrated by using ChemStation software,3 and total ion counts × 104 were reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from meat samples. Sample Preparation TBARS Analysis Breast fillets were divided into three groups. Group 1 (V-C-I) was cooked in a water bath at 82 C for 25 min, vacuum packaged, and then irradiated at 0 or 3 kGy with a linear accelerator. The other two groups were vacuum packaged (V-I-C) or aerobically packaged (A-I-C) directly without cooking, and then irradiated as raw meat at 0 or 3.0 kGy. These two groups were then stored at 4 C for 3 d before cooking in a water bath at 82 C for 25 min in package, and then changed to vacuum packaging (Figure 1). After cooking, fillets were further stored at 4 C. Breast fillets were sampled 2 h after cooking at 0 d of storage 3 Hewlett Packard Co., Wilmington, DE 16808-1610. Tekmar-Dorham, Cincinnati, OH 45249. 5 Mitsubishi Gas Chemical America, Inc., White Plains, NY 10601. 6 Brinkman Instruments, Inc., Westbury, NY 11590-0207. 4 Five grams of meat was weighed into a 50-mL test tube and homogenized with 15 mL of deionized distilled water using a Polytron homogenizer (Type PT 10/35)6 for 10 s at the highest speed. One milliliter of meat homogenate was transferred to a disposable test tube (3 × 100 mm), and butylated hydroxyanisole (50 µL, 7.2%) and TBA/ trichloroacetic acid (TCA) (2 mL) were added. The mixture was vortexed and then incubated in a boiling-water bath for 15 min to develop color. The sample then was cooled in cold water for 10 min, vortexed again, and centrifuged for 15 min at 2,000 × g. The absorbance of the resulting supernatant solution was determined at 531 nm against a blank containing 1 mL of deionized distilled water and 2 mL of TBA/TCA solution. The amounts of TBARS were expressed as milligrams of malondialdehyde per kilogram of meat. 1750 DU ET AL. TABLE 1. TBA-reative substance values (mg/kg) of cooked chicken breast fillets at different storage times 0 day Treatment1 0 kGy 3 kGy V-C-I V-I-C A-I-C SEM 0.29a,y 0.34a 0.31a,y 0.01 0.36b,x 0.39b 0.46a,x 0.01 21 days SEM Malonaldehyde 0.01 0.02 0.01 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM (mg/kg) 0.34b,y 0.41a 0.39a,b,y 0.02 0.41b,x 0.40b 0.46a,x 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 Means within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. Means within a row of same storage time with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. 1 V-C-I = raw meat was cooked in vacuum packaging, and the cooked meat was then irradiated; V-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in vacuum packaging, and then cooked; A-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in aerobic packaging, and then cooked. a-c x,y Color Measurement The color of breast fillets was measured using a Hunter LabScan Colorimeter7 and expressed as color L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values. Fillet surface color was measured in the packages. In doing this, the same package materials were used to cover the white standard plate in order to eliminate the influence of packaging materials on meat color. To measure the internal color of the breast fillets, they were transversely cut in the center, and the color of new cutting surface was measured immediately. Statistical Analysis The effect of irradiation and condition of meat at irradiation on the volatiles, color, and TBARS of chicken breast were analyzed statistically by general linear models with SAS威 software (SAS Institute, 1989). Student-NewmanKeuls’ multiple-range test was used to compare differences among mean values (P < 0.05). Mean values and SEM were reported. Tukey grouping analysis compares the differences of irradiated vs. nonirradiated samples and samples of 0 d of storage vs. 21 d of storage. This analysis was used to analyze the significance of irradiation and storage effects on TBARS values, color, and volatiles. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION TBARS Values Table 1 shows the TBARS values of breast fillets. The overall TBARS values were quite low. Comparison of the TBARS values of 3 kGy irradiated and nonirradiated samples showed irradiated samples to have slightly higher TBARS values. Tukey grouping analysis showed that there was no increase in TBARS values after 21 d of storage under vacuum packaging, indicating that breast fillets were stable when oxygen was not available (Katusin-Razem et al., 1992). This result was similar to that with chicken meat patties (Du et al., 2000). When the TBARS values of 7 Hunter Laboratory, Inc., Reston, VA 22090-5280. cooked meat fillets irradiated at three different conditions were compared, A-I-C had significantly higher TBARS than the other two conditions (V-C-I and V-I-C). The main reason for the higher TBARS value in A-I-C meat was that the raw meat irradiated and stored in aerobic conditions had higher lipid oxidation than that in vacuum packaging. Color Changes Different meat conditions at the time of irradiation significantly influenced color (Table 2). When cooked meat was irradiated under vacuum packaging, a significant increase the color a* value of V-C-I fillets was observed. V-I-C, in which raw meat was irradiated under vacuum packaging and then cooked, also had significant increase in a* value. When raw meat was irradiated in aerobic conditions and then stored 3 d in aerobic conditions before cooking (A-I-C), color a* value was not different from that of the nonirradiated control. This result showed that irradiation in aerobic conditions and 3 d of storage under aerobic conditions eliminated the influence of irradiation on the redness of cooked meat color (surface). Significant differences in b* and L* values were observed among irradiated and nonirradiated V-C-I and V-I-C fillets but not for A-I-C. Overall, there was no difference in the surface color of irradiated and nonirradiated A-I-C samples, but those of the V-C-I and V-I-C were different. After 21 d of storage at 4 C, the surface color of meat was fading, and the color a* value decreased (Table 2). Even so, the color a* values of V-C-I and V-I-C were higher than that of the A-I-C. The color a* value of A-I-C was about the same as the nonirradiated fillets. When the inside color was analyzed, however, there was still a significant difference between irradiated and nonirradiated samples for A-I-C (Table 3). The color a* value of irradiated samples for A-I-C was higher than that of the nonirradiated samples. This higher value suggested that the effect of irradiation on color could be due to irradiation-induced changes, which disappeared on the surface of fillets after aerobic display, but not inside. The redness of irradiated meat was suggested to be associated with carbon monoxide production during irradiation (Millar et al., 2000). The change in reduction potential of meat after irradiation also might be related to the irradiation-induced color change QUALITY OF BROILER BREAST FILLETS IRRADIATED BEFORE AND AFTER COOKING 1751 TABLE 2. Color of cooked chicken breast fillets at different storage times 0 day 21 days Treatment1 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM V-C-I V-I-C A-I-C SEM 9.29a,y 8.92a,y 7.35b 0.20 11.56a,x 10.05b,x 7.40c 0.30 Hunter a* value 0.28 6.89a,y 0.26 6.77a,y 0.23 5.79b 0.14 7.62a,x 7.66a,x 5.98b 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.14 17.85a,y 17.70a 17.68a 0.30 0.26 0.29 0.30 79.54b 82.00a 80.80a,y 0.43 0.43 0.47 0.44 V-C-I V-I-C A-I-C SEM 22.2a,y 21.10b 19.21c 0.37 20.74a,x 20.50a 19.83a 0.45 V-C-I V-I-C A-I-C SEM 80.46b,y 83.37a,y 83.63a 0.42 82.32b,x 85.42a,x 84.01a 0.59 Hunter b* value 0.42 18.82a,x 0.47 17.86b 0.34 17.85b 0.27 Hunter L* value 0.51 79.85b 0.58 81.02b 0.44 82.66a,x 0.46 Means within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. Means within a row of same storage time with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. 1 V-C-I = raw meat was cooked in vacuum packaging, and the cooked meat was then irradiated; V-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in vacuum packaging, and then cooked; A-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in aerobic packaging, and then cooked. a-c x,y (Nam and Ahn, 2001). If the above two factors correspond to irradiation-induced color change, then these two factors might be removed on the surface of fillets during aerobic display by carbon monoxide evaporation and oxidation. Irradiation effects (red color) in the inside of fillets stored aerobically, however, partially remained after storage. aging. Dimethyl disulfide increased significantly by irradiation for V-C-I and V-I-C fillets, and its content in V-C-I was significantly higher than that of the V-I-C. Other volatiles related to irradiation, 2-methyl propanal, and 3-methyl butanal also increased significantly after irradiation. This result indicated that irradiating raw meat and then cooking induced less irradiation-related volatiles formation compared with irradiating cooked meat. V-C-I had significantly higher aldehyde contents compared with those of V-I-C and A-I-C in nonirradiated fillets. The reason is not quite clear. After irradiation, the aldehyde content in V-IC and A-I-C increased greatly, illustrating that irradiating raw meat can accelerate the oxidation and influence the volatiles of cooked meat. Table 5 shows the volatiles from breast fillets after 21 d of storage. The content of dimethyl disulfide was reduced significantly after 21 d of storage. For irradiated fillets of V-C-I, the content of dimethyl disulfide decreased from 483 × 104 ion counts to 7 × 104. For V-I-C it decreased from 259 × 104 ion counts to 58 × 104 ion counts; for A-I-C, it decreased from 11 × 104 ion counts to 5 × 104 ion counts. Volatile Profiles Table 4 shows the volatiles from breast fillets at 0 d of storage. Tukey grouping analysis showed that dimethyl disulfide was significantly higher in the irradiated fillets from V-C-I and V-I-C than the nonirradiated fillets, but no difference was found between irradiated and nonirradiated samples from A-I-C. Dimethyl disulfide and other sulfur compounds are derived from degradation of amino acids and are suggested to be the major volatiles related to irradiation odor (Ahn et al., 2000a,b). The absence of a high level of dimethyl disulfide in irradiated fillets from A-I-C indicated that the sulfur compound had disappeared from the raw meat during the 3-d storage in aerobic pack- TABLE 3. Internal color of cooked chicken breast fillets irradiated under different conditions and after 21 d of storage Color a* value Color b* value Color L* value Treatment1 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM 0 kGy 3 kGy SEM V-C-I V-I-C A-I-C SEM 5.67a,y 5.19b,y 4.58c,y 0.10 8.11a,x 7.57b,x 6.43c,x 0.11 0.08 0.11 0.12 16.32b,x 17.11a,x 16.81a,b 0.17 14.83c,y 16.00b,y 16.74a 0.16 0.17 0.20 0.13 81.83a,b,x 81.44b 82.49a,x 0.28 79.73b,y 80.79a 80.09b,y 0.24 0.29 0.25 0.21 Means within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. Means within a row of same storage time with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. 1 V-C-I = raw meat was cooked in vacuum packaging, and the cooked meat was then irradiated; V-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in vacuum packaging, and then cooked; A-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in aerobic packaging, and then cooked. a-c x,y 1752 DU ET AL. Tukey grouping analysis indicated that there was significant irradiation effect for the dimethyl disulfide content of V-C-I and V-I-C. The reason for decreasing dimethyl disulfide content in volatiles was not clear. One possible reason might be due to the reaction with other components to form nonvolatile products. Another reason could be due to evaporation. Dimethyl disulfide might escape through packaging materials slowly during 21 d of refrigerated storage. The content of pentane also was significantly reduced, which was statistically significant by Tukey group analysis. At 0 d of storage, its content was higher than 10,000 × 104 ion counts for samples of all three irradiation conditions. But after storage, all were reduced to near 2,000 × 104 ion counts. The content of hexane, heptane, and octane was also significantly reduced. Because those alkanes are chemically inert, the reduction of those compounds in volatiles after storage should be due to evaporation, or dissolved into fats inside meat. The content of 3methyl butanal and 2-methyl butanal were also reduced after storage. After 21 d of storage, a low amount of hexanal was detected in volatiles. Low hexanal content in volatiles was in agreement with the low TBARS values of breast fillets (Table 1), as hexanal content in volatiles was suggested to be a good indicator of lipid oxidation (Shahidi and Pegg, 1994; Ahn et al., 1998). Besides hexanal, the contents of other aldehydes decreased after 21 d of storage. This decrease might be due mainly to chemical reactions, as aldehydes are highly reactive. The content of propanone in volatiles, however, increased more than tenfold during storage. The reason is not clear. The total volatile content after 21 d of storage was reduced, especially for irradiated samples (Tables 4 and 5). In conclusion, results showed that TBARS values for chicken breast fillets from all treatments were very low. Thus, irradiating raw meat under aerobic packaging followed by 3 d of aerobic packaging did not induce significant oxidation in meat. Irradiating raw breast fillets increased the redness color of fillets after cooking, and 3-d display of raw fillets in aerobic conditions after irradiation could remove the color change on the surface of cooked fillets that were induced by irradiation. Irradiation induced production of alkanes, aldehydes, and dimethyl disulfide. Those volatiles might be the breakdown products of fatty acids and amino acids. The total volatile content lowered after 21 d of storage. For raw meats that were irradiated under aerobic conditions and then kept in aerobic conditions and storage at 4 C for 3 d before cooking, irradiation effect on the volatiles of cooked meat seemed to disappear. This result illustrated that aerobic display after irradiation was effective for eliminating irradiation odor. TABLE 4. The effect of irradiation conditions on the volatiles of cooked chicken breast meat at 0 d of storage1 0 kGy Volatiles 1 V-C-I 2 V-I-C 3 kGy 3 A-I-C SEM (total ion counts × 10 ) 809a 1,119a 1,435b 3,738a 5,930b 5,837b 0b 37b 0b 67b 424a 474a 269a 36b 21c 228b 590a 604a 0b 0b 0b 2b 0b 2b 156b 195b 134a 26b 24c 80b 563b 603b 0b 11b 46ab 0b 219a 14b 229a 66b 7b 18b 0b 3b 466a 16b 1,979ab 920b 38ab 0b 395a 4b 77ab 0b 13,811b 14,100b V-C-I 4 1-Butene Acetaldehyde Pentane 2,5-Dihydrofuran Propanal Propanone 2-Propanol 2-Methyl propanal Hexane Butanal Methyl cyclopentane 2-Methyl 1-propanol 3-Methyl butanal Tetramethyl butane 2-Methyl butanol Heptane Pentanal 2,4-Dimethyl hexane 2,3,4-Trimethyl pentane 2,3,3-Trimethyl pentane Dimethyl disulfide Methyl benzene 1-Octene Octane 2-Octene 3-Methyl 2-heptane 4-Octene Total 1,026a 1,734b 11,885a 266a 462a 332a 106b 446a 828a 90a 33a 21a 399a 128a 219a 1,025a 111a 63a 181a 257a 87a 25a 523a 2,640a 123a 451a 136a 23,597a V-I-C A-I-C SEM (total ion counts × 10 ) 1,331a 1,499a 3,646a 4,080a a 13,602 11,698a 12b 208a 351a 68b 300a 322a 184a 0c 656b 643b 792a 859a 127a 84a 14a 4a 6b 5b 1,075b 1,118b 69a 0b 727b 638b 1,037a 1,093a 144a 442a 30a 9a 98a 0b 314a 6a 259b 11c 76b 16c 265a 25b 1,435a 1,174a 80a 22a 205a 4b 59a 0b 26,894a 24,028a 4 151 441 870 16 59 246 34 49 72 9 7 4 30 29 15 74 26 16 36 41 13 4 102 376 34 87 31 1,804 1,383a 5,271a 12,630a 301a 555a 281a 73b 1,075a 837a 148a 24a 70a 1,910a 51a 1,091a 1,201a 162a 44a 93a 129a 483a 204a 255a 1,537a 56a 193a 59a 30,116a 134 595 1,758 65 95 103 18 54 129 49 6 5 113 14 66 146 204 11 14 107 33 13 39 210 24 33 13 3,005 a-c Means within a row of same irradiation dosage with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. 1 V-C-I = raw meat was cooked in vacuum packaging, and the cooked meat was then irradiated; V-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in vacuum packaging, and then cooked; A-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in aerobic packaging, and then cooked. QUALITY OF BROILER BREAST FILLETS IRRADIATED BEFORE AND AFTER COOKING 1753 TABLE 5. The effect of irradiation conditions on the volatiles of cooked chicken breast meat after 21 d of storage1 0 kGy Volatiles 1 V-C-I 2 V-I-C 3 kGy 3 A-I-C SEM V-C-I (total ion counts × 10 ) 1-Butene Acetaldehyde Pentane 2,5-Dihydrofuran Propanal Propanone 2-Propanol 2-Methyl propanal 2-Methyl propenal Hexane Butanal Methyl-cyclopentane 2-Butanone 2-Methyl 1-propanol 3-Methyl butanal 2,2,3-Trimethyl butane 2-Methyl butanal Heptane Pentanal 2,4-Dimethyl hexane 2,3,4-Trimethyl pentane 2,3,3-Trimethyl pentane Dimethyl disulfide 1-Octene Octane 2-Octene Hexanal Total 186a 6,620a 2,596a 434a 504a 4,107a 39a 259a 31a 134ab 124a 1,412a 290a 8a 950a 0a 992a 341a 571a 0a 15a 20a 11a 12a 57a 3a 81a 19,797a 189a 6,680a 1,793b 280a 423a 5,864a 63a 252a 12b 166a 89a 23b 125b 2a 425ab 0a 323b 187ab 56b 0a 4b 9ab 4b 1a 2a 0a 1a 16,972ab 108b 3,356b 955c 5a 112a 5,225a 27a 44b 0b 79b 15b 2b 36b 0a 12b 0a 7b 33b 2b 0a 0b 4b 0b 0a 0a 0a 1a 10,023b V-I-C A-I-C SEM (total ion counts × 10 ) 4 4 17 662 218 173 257 810 24 37 6 22 19 224 35 4 237 0 162 69 126 0 3 4 2 3 20 1 38 2,466 173a 6,511a 2,184a 530a 843a 6,283a 69a 258a 13a 217a 89a 268a 266a 18a 1,245a 6b 485a 210a 168a 0b 19b 39a 7b 34a 76a 26a 157a 20,194a 228a 4,384b 1,741a 11b 310a 7,005a 47a 268a 21a 236a 59ab 16b 137b 17a 516b 42ab 518a 197a 3a 38a 74a 99a 58a 9a 20a 4a 0a 16,058ab 156a 2,057c 1,762a 13b 230a 4,674a 8b 29b 0b 101a 34b 0b 48b 2a 37b 67a 29b 129b 4a 17ab 65a 87a 5b 11a 22a 2a 0a 9,589b 19 531 235 133 355 812 12 24 3 43 11 71 43 7 236 13 60 23 58 8 13 18 7 18 43 14 86 2,802 a-c Means within a row of same irradiation dosage with different superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05); n = 4. 1 V-C-I = raw meat was cooked in vacuum packaging, and the cooked meat was then irradiated; V-I-C = raw meat was irradiated and stored in vacuum packaging, and then cooked. 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