JFS C: Food Chemistry C: Food Chemistry Fat Content Influences the Color, Lipid Oxidation, and Volatiles of Irradiated Ground Beef H.A. ISMAIL, E.J. LEE, K.Y. KO, AND D.U. AHN ABSTRACT: Ground beef with 10%, 15%, or 20% fat were added with none, 0.05% ascorbic acid + 0.01% αtocopherol, or 0.05% ascorbic acid + 0.01% α-tocopherol + 0.01% sesamol, and irradiated at 0 or 2.5 kGy. The meat samples were displayed under fluorescent light for 14 d at 4 ◦ C. Color, lipid oxidation, volatiles, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and carbon monoxide (CO) production were determined during storage. Irradiation increased lipid oxidation and total volatiles of ground beef regardless of fat contents. Ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol + sesamol treatment was the most effective in reducing lipid oxidation during storage. The production of ethanol in nonirradiated ground beef increased dramatically after 7 d of storage due to microbial growth. Total aldehydes and hexanal in∗ creased drastically in irradiated control over the storage period, but hexanal increased the most by irradiation. L values was decreased by irradiation, but increased in all meat regardless of fat contents as storage period increased. ∗ Irradiation reduced the redness, but fat contents had no effect on the a -value of ground beef. Sesamol lowered, but ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol maintained the redness of irradiated beef up to 2 wk of storage. The yellowness of meat was significantly decreased by irradiation. The reducing power of ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol lasted for 3 d, after which ORP values increased. Irradiation increased CO production regardless of fat content in ground beef. In conclusion, up to 20% fat had no effect on the quality change of irradiated ground beef if ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol was added. Keywords: antioxidants, fat content, ground beef, irradiation, quality parameters Introduction 100 times greater than that of metmyoglobin (Hargrove and Olson 1996). The ORP of meat determines the status of iron in heme pigments and lowering ORP favors CO-Mb complex formation, which intensifies the redness of heme pigments. The ORP of meats decreased after irradiation but increased rapidly after aerobic storage (Hannah and Simic 1985; Nam and Ahn 2002a, 2002b). The affinity of CO to heme pigments reduced by the rapid increases of ORP in irradiated meat under aerobic condition. Although the amount of CO produced and the changes in ORP in beef are not much different from those from light meat (Kim and others 2002b), the color of irradiated beef after irradiation becomes brown/gray instead of pink, especially under aerobic conditions (Nanke and others 1999; Nam and Ahn 2003b). Lipid oxidation is a major cause of quality deterioration in meat and meat products (Asghar and others 1988; Ladikos and Lougovois 1990). The 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) test is the most commonly used method to measure lipid oxidation in meat. Rancid odor was first perceived by sensory panelists when thiobarbituric acid (TBA) number was between 0.5 and 1, and this level has been serving as a guide for interpreting TBA test results (Tarladgis and others 1960). Ahn and others (1998) reported that irradiation and high-fat content accelerated the lipid oxidation in raw meat during storage. Oxygen availability during storage, however, was more important than irradiation on the lipid oxidation and color values of raw patties. Irradiated meat produced more volatiles than nonirradiated patties, and the proportion of volatiles varied by the packaging-irradiation conditions of patties. Irradiation produced characteristic off-odor in all meat species, and that odor was not related to lipid oxidation (Ahn and others 1997). Irradiation off-odor had been described by several MS 20090031 Submitted 1/13/2009, Accepted 4/13/2009. Authors are with researchers as “bloody and sweet” (Hashim and others 1995), Dept. of Animal Science, Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa 50011-3150, U.S.A. “burned oil” or “burned feather” (Heath and others 1990), and Direct inquiries to author Ahn (E-mail: duahn@iastate.edu). “barbecued corn-like” odor (Ahn and others 2000b). Patterson and C olor changes, accelerated lipid oxidation, and off-odor production are the main changes that occur in ground beef as a result of irradiation. Because these are the major quality parameters, consumer decisions to purchase irradiated meat will be affected by these changes. It was reported that 74% of consumers indicated that meat color was important in making their purchase decision where they associated bright red color with freshness (Lynch and others 1986). Over 700 million dollars per year could be lost in beef at retail level in the United States because of discoloration alone (Liu and others 1995). Color changes, caused by irradiation, are different among different meat species (Satterelee and others 1971; Luchsinger and others 1996; Ahn and others 1998). While light meat such as pork and poultry breast developed pink color when irradiated, dark meat such as beef became brown or gray color (Millar and others 1995; Ahn and others 1998; Nanke and others 1998; Kim and others 2002a; Nam and Ahn 2003a). Nam and Ahn (2002a) claimed that the formation of CO-heme pigment complex was the cause of the pink color formed in irradiated precooked turkey breast. The claim was based on the fact that irradiation decreased oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and produced carbon monoxide (CO). They supported their claim by the reflectance spectra of meat and the absorption spectra of myoglobin solution. Considerable amount of CO gas was produced as a result of radiolysis of organic component, such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amides, and esters, in irradiated frozen meat and poultry (Furuta and others 1992; Woods and Pikaev 1994). Reactivity of myoglobin toward diatomic ligands such as oxygen, nitric oxide, and CO is different. The affinity of CO to ferrous myglobin was C432 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009 R Institute of Food Technologists doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01207.x C 2009 Further reproduction without permission is prohibited Stevenson (1995) reported that dimethyl trisulfide was the main offodor compound in irradiated chicken followed by cis-3-and trans6-nonenals, cot-1-en-3-one, and bis (methylthio-) methane, while others (Jo and Ahn 2000; Ahn and Lee 2002; Fan and others 2002) reported that there are many other sulfur and nonsulfur compounds related to irradiation odor. Ahn and Lee (2002) showed that sulfur amino acids were the most susceptible to changes by irradiation. Ahn (2002) reported that sulfur compounds produced from the side chains of methionine and cysteine were the most important volatiles for off-odor production in irradiated meat. Sulfur compounds were not only produced by the radiolytic cleavage of side chains (primary reaction) of sulfur amino acids, but also by the secondary reactions of the primary sulfur compounds with other compounds around them. Among the sulfur amino acids, methionine was the major source for the sulfur volatiles, and more than 99% of sulfur compounds produced by irradiation were from methionine. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of ascorbic acid and selected antioxidants on the color, lipid oxidation, and offodor volatiles of ground beef with different fat content. Materials and Methods Sample preparation Eight blocks of beef top rounds from 8 different animals were bought from a local packing plant and used for the study. Each meat block was trimmed of any visible fat. Meat blocks from 2 animals were combined, ground through a 6-mm plate, and treated as a replication. High-fat beef trimmings were also bought from the same packing plant and used to adjust fat content of ground beef for the study. High-fat trimmings were also ground through a 6mm plate, the fat content determined, and appropriate amounts of ground fat trimmings were added to the ground beef to make ground beef containing 10%, 15%, and 20% fat. Ground meat from each of the 4 replications was divided into 6 portions and ground separately twice through a 3-mm plate. Three portions of them were used for irradiation and the other 3 portions for nonirradiation. For both irradiated and nonirradiated meat, 1 of the following antioxidant treatments was added: (1) control, (2) meat added with 0.05% (w/w) L-ascorbic acid (Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, N.J., U.S.A.) + 0.01% α-tocopherol (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A.), (3) meat added with 0.05% (w/w) L-ascorbic acid + 0.01% α-tocopherol + 0.01% sesamol (3,4-methylenedioxyphenol; Sigma, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.). The ground beef were then mixed for 2 min in a bowl mixer (Model KSM 90; Kitchen Aid Inc., St. Joseph, Mich., U.S.A.), and beef patties (approximately 50 g) were prepared. Patties were placed individually on Styrofoam trays and wrapped with clear stretch, oxygen-permeable meat film RMF-61 Hy (Borden Div., Borden Packaging and Industrial Products Inc., North Andover, Mass., U.S.A.), using a single-roll overwrapper, Model 600A (Heat Sealing Equipment Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.). A α-tocopherol was dissolved in corn oil first, and then oil emulsion (water-in-oil) was prepared using water or the aqueous solutions of ascorbate and/or sesamol before use. All the antioxidant treatments were on w/w basis and final concentrations. Prepared patties were stored overnight at 4 ◦ C, and irradiated the next morning. Ionizing radiation Wrapped beef patties were irradiated at 2.5 kGy using a linear accelerator facility (Circe IIIR; Thomson CSF Linac, St. Aubin, France) with 10 MeV of energy and 5.6 kW of power level. The average dose rate was 67.9 kGy/min. Alanine dosimeters were placed on the top and bottom surfaces of a sample and were read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Instrument (Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, Mass., U.S.A.) to check the absorbed dose. The dose range absorbed by meat samples was 2.40 to 2.92 kGy (max/min ratio 1.22). The nonirradiated control samples were exposed to ambient temperature of linear acceleration facility while other samples were being irradiated. After irradiation, the irradiated and nonirradiated meat samples were immediately returned to a 4 ◦ C cold room where they were displayed in a single layer on illuminated racks under standard fluorescent light (1000 lux, Philips, fluorescent light 40W Cool White) for 14 d. Incident light reaching the sample surface had an intensity of 2018 lux. Color, lipid oxidation, volatile analysis, ORP, and CO production were determined at 0, 3, 7, and 14 d of storage. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) measurement Lipid oxidation was determined using a TBARS method (Ahn and others 1999). Five grams of ground beef were weighed into a 50-mL test tube and homogenized with 50 μL butylated hydroxytoluene (7.2%) and 15 mL of deionized distilled water (DDW) using a Polytron homogenizer (Type PT 10/35, Brinkman Instruments Inc., Westbury, N.Y., U.S.A.) for 15 s at high speed. One milliliter of the meat homogenate was transferred to a disposable test tube (13 × 100 mm), and thiobarbituric acid/trichloroacetic acid (15 mM TBA/15% TCA, 2 mL) was added. The mixture was vortex mixed and incubated in a boiling water bath for 15 min to develop color. Then samples were cooled in the iced water for 10 min, mixed again, and centrifuged for 15 min at 2500 × g at 4 ◦ C. The absorbance of the resulting supernatant solution was determined at 531 nm against a blank containing 1 mL of DDW and 2 mL of TBA/TCA solution. The amounts of TBARS were expressed as milligram of malondialdehyde (MDA) per kilogram of meat. Volatile compounds A purge-and-trap apparatus (Solartek 72 and Concentrator 3100; Tekmar–Dohrmann, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.) connected to a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (HP 6890/HP 5973; Hewlett Packard Co., Wilmington, Del., U.S.A.) was used to analyze volatiles produced. The ground meat sample (3 g) was placed in a 40-mL sample vial, and the vial was flushed with helium gas (40 psi) for 5 s. The maximum waiting time of a sample in a refrigerated (4 ◦ C) holding tray was less than 4 h to minimize oxidative changes before analysis (Ahn and others 2001). The meat sample was purged with helium gas (40 mL/min) for 14 min at 40 ◦ C. Volatiles were trapped using a Tenax–charcoal–silica column (Tekmar–Dohrmann) and desorbed for 2 min at 225 ◦ C, focused in a cryofocusing module (−80 ◦ C), and then thermally desorbed into a capillary column for 60 s at 225 ◦ C. An HP-624 column (8.5 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 1.4 μm nominal), an HP-1 column (60 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 μm nominal; HewlettPackard), and an HP-Wax column (6.5 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 μm nominal) were connected using zero dead-volume column connectors (J&W Scientific, Folsom, Calif., U.S.A.). Ramped oven temperature was used to improve volatile separation. The initial oven temperature of 30 ◦ C was held for 6 min. After that, the oven temperature was increased to 60 ◦ C at 5 ◦ C/min, increased to 180 ◦ C at 20 ◦ C/min, increased to 210 ◦ C at 15 ◦ C/min, and then was held for 5 min at the temperature. Constant column pressure at 22.5 psi was maintained. The ionization potential of the mass selective detector (Model 5973; Hewlett Packard Co.) was 70 eV, and the scan range was 19.1 to 400 m/z. Identification of volatiles was achieved by comparing mass spectral data of samples with those of the Wiley Library (Hewlett Packard Co.). Standards were used to confirm Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C433 C: Food Chemistry Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . the identification by the mass-selective detector. The area of each peak was integrated using the ChemStation (Hewlett Packard Co.), and the total peak area (pA∗ s × 104 ) was reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from the sample. Color measurement C: Food Chemistry The color of meat was measured on the surface of meat samples using a Labscan spectrophotometer (Hunter Assoc. Labs Inc., Reston, Va., U.S.A.) that had been calibrated against white and black reference tiles covered with the same film as those used for meat samples. CIE L∗ —(lightness), a∗ —(redness), and b∗ —(yellowness) values were obtained (AMSA 1991) using an illuminant A (light source). Area view and port size were 0.64 and 1.02 cm, respectively. An average value from 2 random readings on the sample surface was used for statistical analysis. Oxidation-reduction potential The method of Moiseeve and Cornforth (1999) was used in determining the change of ORP in meat. A pH/ion meter (Accumet 25, Fisher Scientific) connected to a platinum electrode filled with a 4 M-KCl solution saturated with AgCl was tightly inserted in the center of meat sample. To minimize the effect of air, the smallest possible pore was made before inserting the electrode and recording the ORP readings (mV). into a splitless inlet of a GC (Model 6890; Hewlett Packard Co.). A Carboxen-1006 Plot column (30 m × 0.32 mm id; Supelco, Bellefonte, Pa., U.S.A.) was used. Helium was used as a carrier gas at a constant flow of 1.8 mL/min and oven conditions were set at 120 ◦ C. A FID equipped with a Nickel catalyst (Hewlett Packard Co.) was used for the methanization of CO and CO 2 , and the temperatures of inlet, detector, and Nickel catalyst were 250, 280, and 375 ◦ C, respectively. Detector (FID) air, H 2 , and make-up gas (He) flows were 350, 35, and 40 mL/min, respectively. The identification of CO was achieved using standard gas and a GC/MS, and the area of each peak was integrated using Chemstation software (Hewlett Packard Co.). To quantify the amounts of gas released, peak areas (pA∗ s) were converted to the concentrationx (ppm) of gas in the sample headspace (14 mL) using CO 2 concentration (330 ppm) in air. Statistical analysis The experiment was a complete randomized design with 4 replications. Data were analyzed by the procedures of generalized linear model of SAS (SAS Inst. 1995). Student–Newman–Keuls’ multiplerange test was used to compare the mean values of treatments. Mean values and standard error of the means (SEM) were reported. Significance was defined at P < 0.05. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the effects of fat content, irradiation, additives, and storage period on lipid oxidation, color, CO production, and ORP of ground beef. Carbon monoxide To measure CO produced by irradiation, CO gas was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. The standard gas was analyzed using a gas chromatograph (GC, Model 6890; Hewlett Packard Co.) with a flame ionization detector (FID). Meat sample (10 g) was placed in a 24-mL glass vial, and the vials were flushed with helium gas (40 psi) for 5 s to minimize experimental errors due to air incorporation, then samples were microwaved for 10 s at full power. Ten minutes after microwave heating, the headspace gas of each sample (200 μL) was withdrawn using an airtight syringe and injected Results and Discussion Lipid oxidation TBARS values of nonirradiated beef patties were not significantly different from those of irradiated ones at Day 0. As storage time increased, however, irradiated patties showed higher TBARS values than nonirradiated ones and some of the patties treated with additives showed significant differences (Table 1). Jo and others (1999) reported that TBARS values increased with increased fat content Table 1 --- TBARS values of beef added with different additives and fat contents during storage at 4 ◦ C. 10% fat Non-IR IR 15% fat SEM Non-IR IR 20% fat SEM Non-IR IR SEM mg MDA/kg meat Day 0 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 3 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 7 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 14 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM 2.17a 0.72b 0.64b 0.16 2.41a 0.9b 0.71b 0.15 0.24 0.08 0.07 1.92a 0.80b 0.64b 0.15 2.11a 0.96b 0.73b 0.18 0.24 0.13 0.09 1.98a 0.79b 0.77b 0.17 2.19a 0.98b 0.81b 0.17 0.26 0.10 0.10 3.36a 0.87b 0.66b 0.37 4.10a 1.12b 0.69b 0.25 0.52 0.14 0.07 3.20a 0.76b 0.69b 0.13 4.10a 0.90b 0.72b 0.25 0.27 0.20 0.05 3.11ay 0.93b 0.76b 0.20 4.31ax 1.33b 0.88b 0.28 0.25 0.32 0.11 6.53a 1.76by 0.71c 0.20 5.82a 2.99bx 0.69c 0.32 0.38 0.24 0.08 4.30ay 1.56b 0.67by 0.27 6.28ax 2.19b 1.10cx 0.41 0.43 0.42 0.06 5.15a 2.37b 0.85b 0.49 5.25a 1.76b 0.65c 0.27 0.62 0.27 0.11 5.62a 2.9b 0.59by 0.36 7.52a 3.79b 1.82cx 0.53 0.60 0.45 0.22 4.55ay 2.35b 0.64by 0.34 7.26ax 2.60b 1.76cx 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.19 4.98ay 2.48b 0.72cy 0.19 8.16ax 3.15b 1.46cx 0.52 0.62 0.21 0.18 with different letters within a column of each storage period are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different letters within a row of each fat percent are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; Cont. = control; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). a to c Values x and y C434 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009 in cooked pork sausages. Irradiation accelerated lipid oxidation in meat stored only under aerobic conditions (Katusin-Razem and others 1992; Ahn and others 2000a). Ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol + sesamol treatments were effective in reducing lipid oxidation of beef. Adding sesamol to ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol made them more effective in preventing oxidative changes during storage under aerobic conditions, especially at 7 and 14 d. As storage time increased, overall lipid oxidation increased, and the rate of lipid oxidation was faster in irradiated than nonirradiated beef (P < 0.05). Buckley and others (1995) and Liu and others (1995) reported that tocopherol is a major antioxidant in cells and protect cell membrane fatty acids and cholesterol from the damages caused by free radicals such as hydroxyl and superoxide radicals. Tocopherol content in meat products varies depending upon adding vitamin E to the diet or meat during product processing. Jo and others (1999) found that at 0 day, irradiated meat had higher TBARS than nonirradiated ones, but as storage time increased the difference in TBARS values disappeared. The effect of antioxidants in ground beef was more distinct after 7 d of storage than at 0 d. The antioxidant effect of ascorbic acid + tocopherol started to decrease at 7 d of storage, but that of ascorbic acid + tocopherol + sesamol still remained strong even at 14 d of storage. This indicated that adding ascorbic acid + tocopherol was not good enough to prevent oxidative changes in irradiated ground beef stored more than 3 d under aerobic conditions. Thus, addition of another antioxidant such as sesamol and other natural such as gallate, ferulic acid, and quercetine may be necessary to prevent oxidative changes in ground beef for longer than 3 d. Thayer and others (1993) and Lakritz and others (1995) reported that irradiation generates free radicals that can destroy the antioxidants in muscle and consequently will reduce storage stability and increase the production of off-flavor in meat. Nam and Ahn (2003b) also showed that addition of sesamol + αtocopherol was effective in preventing lipid oxidation in aerobically or double-packaged irradiated raw and cooked turkey breast. Storage stability of raw meat can be improved by increasing vitamin E concentration in processed products (Ajuyah and others 1993; Winne and Dirinck 1996). Volatiles production Irradiation increased the amounts of hydrocarbons, ketones, toluene, and total volatiles in ground beef at 0 d regardless of fat Table 2 --- Production of hydrocarbons, ketones, toluene, and total volatiles from beef with different additives and fat contents during storage at 4 ◦ C. A±E Control Storage/Fat (%) Compound Non-IR IR Non-IR A±E±S IR Non-IR IR SEM (Total ion counts × 104 ) 13994a 5256c 8917ab 5996bc 498a 0b 38465a 15134d 13414a 5767b 9598a 5721b 469a 0b 34468a 15190c 12937a 7351b 8635a 5869b 507b 0c 38073a 17756c 13331a 8526bc 9014 20994 213b 0c 66099ab 101189a 12410a 11917a 559a 32369b 13087a 10282a 454a 31633a 13624a 10680a 590a 34297ab 11207ab 7255 260a 31054b 5255c 5936bc 0b 15839d 5717b 5124b 0b 17961c 5900b 5416b 0c 19618c 4024d 19753 0c 57282ab 10033b 11076a 542a 32940b 10847a 9983a 529a 27712ab 10924a 9792a 567a 30224b 10607ab 6394 227b 22495b 1224 710 44 2364 1224 710 44 2364 860 671 19 1425 1119 3786 9 12370 Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles 5317c 5176c 0b 22328c 8929ab 6030b 0b 22890bc 4883b 5784b 0c 20984c 6448cd 15565 0c 98808a Day 7 15% fat Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles 8274bc 26332a 0c 109784a 14103a 6724b 1397a 48719bc 8241bc 13962ab 0c 66890abc 9417bc 7282b 1380a 32553c 5328c 22541a 0c 82163ab 11361ab 6690b 1166b 23477c 1162 3691 48 12351 Day 7 20% fat Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles 9178bc 18877 0c 86024a 15660a 7243 226b 55025b 11962ab 19448 0c 101202a 12402ab 5905 244b 26509c 6185c 23416 0c 79767a 14041ab 7552 265a 27251c 1269 5292 8 7660 Day 14 10% fat Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles Hydrocarbons Ketones Toluene Total volatiles 12581ab 39087 0c 189771ab 13639bc 15324 0b 150441 18137a 15732 0c 143248a 14999a 10978 196b 86357bc 20059a 9616 222a 72916 22413a 13734 218b 75060ab 9053b 33349 0c 168110ab 12485bc 17370 0b 172615 8611b 24393 0c 129731ab 14734a 9388 232a 56482c 16264ab 7730 208a 51344 21345a 8621 277a 59546b 10513ab 45151 0c 225566a 10565c 26302 0b 174239 8496b 27966 0c 134083ab 12653ab 8672 246a 28871c 11879bc 9985 229a 46174 18975a 9707 233b 69506ab 1075 12471 11 29459 1290 4540 7 36115 2245 7750 13 18057 Day 0 10% fat Day 0 15% fat Day 0 20% fat Day 7 10% fat Day 14 15% fat Day 14 20% fat Values with different superscripts within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). Hydrocarbons: 2-methyl-butane, pentane, 1,3-pentadiene, pentene, hexane, 1-hexene, 1-heptene, heptane, octane, 2-octene, nonane. Ketones: 2-propanone, 2,3-butanedione, 2-butanone, 2-heptanone. a and b Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C435 C: Food Chemistry Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . C: Food Chemistry contents or additive treatments. At 7 and 14 d, irradiated ground beef produced higher amount of hydrocarbons than nonirradiated ones in general, but the differences were not always significant. Unlike at 0 d, the production of ketones and total volatiles in nonirradiated ground beef at 7 and 14 d was greater than that in irradiated ones but was not significant in many cases. Toluene was produced only in irradiated meat. Additives had no effect on the production of hydrocarbons, ketones, toluene, and total volatiles in ground beef (Table 2). Among the volatiles, alcohols and aldehydes were affected the most by irradiation, additives, and storage. The amount of alcohols greatly increased at 7 d in nonirradiated beef regardless of additive treatments and increased further at 14 d (Table 3). Ethanol was mainly responsible for the increase in alcohols content in nonirradiated ground beef over the storage periods probably due to microbial growth in the meat during storage. Similar trends were found in ground beef with different aging time (Ismail and others 2008). Zhu and others (2008) showed that irradiating ready-to-eat (RTE) turkey hams and breast roll at 2 kGy greatly reduced the number of naturally occurring bacteria during refrigerated storage. The production of aldehydes increased as storage time increased, but the increase was the most significant in irradiated control meats (no additives). Addition of antioxidants, especially sesamol + ascorbic + α-tocopherol, to ground beef was effective in preventing aldehydes production during storage (Table 3). Among the aldehydes, hexanal increased the most by irradiation and storage. Hexanal is a common indicator of lipid oxidation in meat (Ahn and others 1999). Ground beef with low fat content (10%) produced greater amount of aldehydes than that with higher fat content (20%) at 14 d of storage (Table 3). In general, however, fat content had little effect on the production of volatiles in irradiated and nonirradiated ground beef during storage. Usually, sulfur volatiles such as sulfur-methyl ester ethanethioic acid, dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and dimethyl trisulfide are newly generated by irradiation. These volatiles, however, were detected at very low levels in this study. Ahn and others (2000a) reported that the amount and production of sulfur volatiles are highly dependent upon irradiation dose, meat species, and muscle types (Ahn and Lee 2002). The intensity of irradiation off-odor diminished over storage period as the sulfur volatiles disappeared during storage under aerobic conditions (Nam and Ahn 2003a). Color values The lightness (L∗ -values) of ground beef was affected by irradiation (Table 4). Initially at irradiation decreased L∗ -values of beef patties treated with no additives regardless of fat contents. At 14 d, the lightness of irradiated controls patties increased in all fat contents compared with nonirradiated controls. Fat contents Table 3 --- Production of alcohols and aldehydes of beef with different additives and fat contents during storage at 4 ◦ C. 10% fat Compound Non-IR IR 15% fat SEM Non-IR IR 20% fat SEM Non-IR IR SEM (Total ion counts × 10 ) 4 Alcohols After 0-d storage Cont. 6267 A+E 3327 A+E+S 3977 SEM 1401 After 7-d storage Cont. 61331a A+E 58820a A+E+S 31923a SEM 20814 After 14-d storage Cont. 125396a A+E 117342a A+E+S 154207a SEM 50494 Aldehydes After 0-d storage Cont. 5568x A+E 556by A+E+S 671by SEM 547 After 7-d storage Cont. 15464 A+E 12850 A+E+S 1582 SEM 6368 After 14-d storage Cont. 12706b A+E 8366 A+E+S 15695a SEM 4539 6643 5566 9258 1260 1476 696 1632 4916b 3541 6786 1955 6542a 5981 5202 922 427 928 2442 5645 4279 8099 1510 8661 7498 7377 1770 1667 1435 1813 16565bx 16460bxy 10439by 1729 11212 6021 4270 55259a 38862a 51737a 20395 13193bx 12425ax 17217ay 806 6677 5687 3021 47611a 56534a 47604a 17769 9565b 15374b 12122b 899 6952 4484 3864 33314b 33811b 39784b 2745 11959 14653 6431 115636a 136097a 130720a 53921 32422b 38812b 43373b 7186 17011 12242 22581 106083a 93581a 94059a 28026 22161b 24494b 36476b 11505 8845 21144 20943 8414x 1917ay 2030ay 769 1142 89 155 3843x 161by 644by 487 6258x 2184ay 1494ay 597 912 181 159 6102bx 597by 624by 481 9557ax 3010ay 2610ay 544 815 239 264 32329x 6312y 996y 4027 8719 3011 256 19920x 5825y 2558y 2346 19819x 8787xy 1240y 4226 5124 2919 514 10358b 13258 2563 3497 24944ax 3474y 1529y 2509 3181 4175 490 48224ax 17476y 868bz 4773 6587 3055 3515 5842b 6664 6652a 1801 26008ax 14900y 1500bz 3166 3074 2942 1341 3296b 3145 3563 464 29646ax 4524y 3908y 1679 1710 718 1053 with different superscripts within a row with the same fat content are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different superscripts within a column of the same storage time are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples, IR = irradiated samples; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). Alcohols: ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, 1-pentanol, 2-pentanol, 2-methyle-1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, hexanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol. Aldehydes: acetaldehyde, propanal, 2-methyl-propanal, 3-methyl-butanal, pentanal, hexanal, heptanal. a and b Values x to z C436 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009 influenced the lightness of both irradiated and nonirradiated beef, where L∗ -values increased as fat contents increased throughout the storage period. Adding ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol decreased the lightness of beef, but this effect was not consistent. Patties treated with sesamol + ascorbic + α-tocopherol had lower L∗ -values compared to those without sesamol. Irradiation reduced the redness (a∗ -values) of ground beef at 0 d (Table 5). As storage period increased, however, irradiation did not show any effect on beef redness. As the fat content increased, a∗ values of nonirradiated control patties decreased at both 0 and 3 d of storage. At 7 d, the influence of fat was not consistent and at 14 d, a∗ -values of nonirradiated control increased as the fat content increased. Ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol maintained the redness of irradiated patties at 0 and 3 d of storage. As storage period increased to 7 and 14 d, however, the effectiveness of the additive to keep the red color decreased. Redness values of patties treated with sesamol were lower than those treated with ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol, with very few exceptions. The yellowness (b∗ -values) of beef were decreased by irradiation, regardless of fat contents at 0 d (Table 6). As storage time increased, there was not much irradiation effect on b∗ -values. At 14 d, however, patties with higher fat content showed higher b∗ -values. Ascorbic Table 4 --- CIE color L∗ -values of beef with different additives, fat contents, and storage times at 4 ◦ C. 10% fat Non-IR Day 0 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 3 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Cont. Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 14 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM IR 15% fat SEM Non-IR IR 20% fat SEM Non-IR IR SEM 51.5w 51.8w 50.8w 0.3 48.4x 47.9x 47.3y 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.4 52.8w 52.4w 51.8w 0.6 50.1x 48.7x 48.6y 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.6 53.7uw 55.0w 53.9w 0.6 51.1x 52.1x 50.8x 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 50.7w 49.9 49.1w 0.8 49.9awx 50.5a 46.5bx 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.4 51.0a 51.4a 48.2b 0.8 50.1 50.0 50.1 1.2 0.8 0.7 0.9 50.8w 51.2 51.1 0.8 53.9aw 49.9b 49.9b 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.7 45.8 47.6 46.5 1.5 48 47.4 46.3 1.4 1.2 1.3 0.8 49.7a 51.2aw 46.6bwx 0.9 50.7a 50.5aw 45.7bx 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.6 52.0ax 52.0aw 46.1bx 0.9 53.5aw 48.3bx 48.6bwx 1.2 0.4 0.7 1.2 45.7y 45.2 44.3x 0.8 50.7aw 48.9ab 46.6bw 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.4 46.9x 49.1 45.7 0.9 52.8aw 50.4a 45.4b 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.8 50.3abx 52.6a 48.2bx 0.9 54.8w 54.4 50.9w 1.5 1.1 1.0 0.7 with different letters within a column of each storage period are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different letters within a row of each fat percent are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; Cont. = control; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). a to c Values w to z Table 5 --- CIE color a∗ -values of beef with different additives, fat contents, and storage times at 4 ◦ C. 10% fat Day 0 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 3 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 7 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 14 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM 15% fat 20% fat Non-IR IR SEM Non-IR IR SEM Non-IR IR SEM 24.8cw 28.7aw 26.7bw 0.5 14.5cx 16.8bx 18.0ax 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.3 25.5cw 29.9aw 27.4bw 0.4 14.9cy 17.5bx 18.9ax 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 26.2w 27.8w 26.5w 0.5 15.5cy 16.5bx 19.3ax 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 14.8cw 26.3aw 20.9bx 0.8 11.3bx 20.2ax 19.9ax 0.3 0.8 0.5 0.4 11.5cx 27.3aw 20.5bx 0.4 11.2cx 21.4ax 18.9by 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 10.9c 26.3aw 19bx 0.6 11.4b 21.4ax 20.2awx 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 9.8abx 9.5bz 10.4ay 0.2 9.7bx 13.6ax 14.2ax 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.3 9.4bx 9.9ay 10.3ay 0.1 9.8cwx 16.7ax 12.6bx 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.3 9.7bx 9.3by 10.7ay 0.3 9.7cx 17.1ax 14.1bx 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.4 10.8x 9.7x 11.1x 0.7 9.5bx 9.6bx 10.8ax 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.5 11.4bx 12.6ay 13.5aw 0.4 9.2by 11.2ay 9.3bx 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 13.4w 12.2x 11.9x 0.5 9.3bx 9.8by 10.6ay 0.2 0.7 0.5 0.4 with different letters within a column of each storage period are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different letters within a row of each fat percent are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; Cont. = control; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). a to c Values w to z Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C437 C: Food Chemistry Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . C: Food Chemistry acid + α-tocopherol increased the yellowness of beef patties at 0 decrease was inconsistent. The production of CO was irradiation and 3 d of storage, but had no effect on the b∗ -values of beef after dose-dependent, and similar amounts of CO were produced from meats from different animal species (Nam and Ahn 2002a; Lee 3 d of storage. and Ahn 2004). The mechanisms of color changes in irradiated dark meat are different from those in light meat. Dark meat has CO and ORP Irradiation increased the production of CO regardless of fat con- about 10 times higher pigment than light meat. The amount of CO tents (Table 7). The amount of CO decreased over storage pe- produced by irradiation, however, is similar in both meats (Kim riod, and no differences between irradiated and nonirradiated and others 2002b). So the percentages of CO-heme to total meat beef patties were found at 7 and 14 d of storage. Treating beef pigment are different. Animal species, muscle type, irradiation with antioxidants decreased the amount of CO produced, but the dose, and packaging type affect color changes in irradiated meat Table 6 --- CIE color b∗ -values of beef with different additives, fat contents, and storage times at 4 ◦ C. 10% fat Non-IR Day 0 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 3 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 7 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 14 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM 15% fat 20% fat IR SEM Non-IR IR SEM Non-IR IR SEM 21.2bw 23.5aw 22.7abw 0.6 15.9bx 16.9abx 17.9ax 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.4 22.3cw 26.1aw 24.4bw 0.5 17.7bx 18.5ax 19.1ax 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 23.8w 24.2w 24.2w 0.5 18.5aby 17.6bx 19.5ax 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 18.4cw 22.5aw 20.5bx 0.6 16.4cx 18.5by 20.6ax 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 18.9c 24.6aw 20.5bx 0.5 18.5b 21.3ax 20.4ax 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.4 19.9b 24.3aw 20.2bx 0.6 19.4b 20.7ay 21.4awx 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 18.7x 18.7x 18.7x 0.5 19.3x 18.0x 18.8x 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.3 19.5a 19.7ax 18.1bx 0.4 19.9 19.7x 18.4x 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 19.9 19.2x 19.4x 0.4 20.3 19.6x 19.2x 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.3 18.8x 17.9x 19.4w 0.7 19.7ax 17.5bx 16.5bx 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 20.7x 21.4w 20.4w 0.4 19.4ay 17.9ax 14.9by 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 22.7aw 21.1bw 20.2bw 0.3 19.9x 17.9x 18.3x 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 with different letters within a column of each storage period are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different letters within a row of each fat percent are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; Cont. = control; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). a to c Values w to z Table 7 --- CO production from beef with different additives, fat contents, and storage times at 4 ◦ C. (Unit: ppm) 10% fat Non-IR Day 0 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 3 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 7 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 14 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM IR 15% fat SEM Non-IR IR 20% fat SEM Non-IR IR SEM 86.32a 37.92by 43.85by 9.23 132.46 101.22x 110.92x 12.21 13.98 10.07 7.39 60.62y 39.64y 45.06y 7.47 144.82x 116.42x 100.40x 12.01 8.06 11.50 10.15 52.08y 42.36y 48.49y 7.59 146.03x 118.66x 143.83x 15.72 15.27 6.50 13.47 53.41y 34.50 36.84y 6.19 106.36x 87.13 84.06x 13.67 9.29 15.26 4.32 47.44ay 37.32aby 28.72by 4.65 126.57ax 87.28abx 64.57bx 13.42 14.98 8.17 3.41 38.51y 21.89y 17.67y 6.58 97.86x 83.90x 85.06x 10.68 10.25 10.36 4.87 26.69y 27.45y 34.70 5.53 58.9abx 83.73ax 40.68b 8.49 8.06 6.19 7.12 46.50y 28.1y y 26.95 5.89 78.30ax 76.99ax 34.65b 6.69 5.15 7.19 6.40 28.37 20.06y 12.14y 6.91 60.68 62.26x 63.87x 6.70 10.56 2.72 4.47 26.36 26.12y 26.98 7.77 41.07 45.58x 36.9 4.24 4.53 4.21 8.90 32.86 20.84y 23.84 5.33 54.64 65.50x 30.95 10.49 10.04 9.35 4.43 21.29y 18.45y 11.86y 2.53 52.33x 58.92x 47.41x 7.82 3.56 3.08 8.89 with different letters within a column of each storage period are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different letters within a row of each fat percent are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; Cont. = control; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). a to c Values w to y C438 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 74, Nr. 6, 2009 Fat content and irradiated beef quality . . . Table 8 --- ORP values of beef with different additives and fat contents during storage at 4 ◦ C. (Unit: mV) Non-IR Day 0 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 3 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 7 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM Day 14 Cont. A+E A+E+S SEM IR 15% fat 20% fat SEM Non-IR IR SEM Non-IR IR SEM 90.08a 22.65b 19.73b 5.21 107.20a 26.93b 20.88b 5.34 8.00 1.82 4.04 81.48a 16.93b 15.18b 5.57 97.93a 10.58b 13.98b 6.18 8.86 3.20 3.88 81.05a 9.10b 14.53b 10.07 94.65a 13.40b 18.20b 11.18 17.31 4.12 4.78 118.38a 58.68b 22.92b 11.45 121.28a 36.43b 44.03b 10.25 10.33 12.83 9.11 97.8ay 39.00by 88.73a 14.35 156.55ax 78.28bx 92.90b 4.91 16.06 6.24 6.93 84.00ay 27.58by 56.53ab 11.16 135.60ax 109.48ax 85.63b 8.59 11.63 2.15 12.55 136.03a 66.80by 97.83aby 16.02 180.55a 131.68bx 131.65x 7.14 13.63 15.79 5.13 83.33 80.55 85.25 11.15 134.03 102.60 107.20 14.77 18.27 9.45 9.46 44.40y 43.13x 33.88y 11.68 131.78ax 83.98bz 90.93bx 8.45 8.83 11.69 9.87 −6.10y 70.05y 48.33y 35.04 171.18x 168.70x 157.80x 7.63 37.26 17.03 15.81 −3.60y 22.28 11.83y 18.42 152.65x 128.85x 135.60x 10.58 15.76 15.71 13.49 −19.10y 1.05y −20.25y 21.85 160.48x 155.98x 134.68ax 13.65 28.62 5.42 12.13 with different letters within a column of each storage period are significantly different (P < 0.05). Values with different letters within a row of each fat percent are significantly different (P < 0.05). Non-IR = nonirradiated samples; IR = irradiated samples; Cont. = control; A = ascorbic acid; E = vitamin E; S = sesamol; SEM = standard error of the means (n = 4). a to c Values x and y (Satterelee and others 1971; Luchsinger and others 1996; Ahn and others 1998): CO-heme pigment represents only a small portion of pigments in irradiated dark meat such as ground beef, while it represents the majority of pigments in irradiated light meat. Thus, light meat such as poultry and pork produce pink color while dark meat produces brown or gray color after irradiation (Millar and others 1995; Ahn and others 1998; Nanke and others 1998; Kim and others 2002a). ORP values were influenced by irradiation and additives during the first 7d of storage but the change became inconsistent at 14 d of storage (Table 8). Ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol was effective in lowering ORP values regardless of fat contents. The reducing power of ascorbic acid maintained lower ORP values for 3 d after irradiation. Sesamol + ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol had similar effect to ascorbic acid alone. In nonirradiated patties, ORP values decreased as fat contents increased. In the irradiated sample, the influence of fat content on ORP was inconsistent. ORP played an important role in color change of meat, because low ORP value maintains heme pigments in ferrous form, which is stronger in color intensity than that of ferric form and enables CO-heme pigment complex formation, which intensifies the red color intensity further. Because of its reducing capability, ascorbic acid inhibited the oxidation of myoglobin, and thus prevented the development of brown color in nonirradiated meat (Wheeler and others 1996; Lee and others 1999; Sanchez-Escalante and others 2001). I Conclusions rradiation increased both lipid oxidation and total volatiles, especially aldehydes, but decreased redness of ground beef over the 14-d storage period regardless fat content. The production of alcohol greatly increased in nonirradiated ground beef during storage due to microbial growth. Adding antioxidants such as ascorbic acid + α-tocopherol was effective in minimizing lipid oxidation, volatile production and color changes in irradiated ground beef, but fat content had little effect on the quality parameters of irradiated and nonirradiated ground beef. Therefore, up to 20% fat would not affect quality changes of irradiated ground beef if ascorbic acid + α- tocopherol is added. Acknowledgment The study has been supported by the Natl. Integrated Food Safety Initiative/USDA (USDA Grant 2002-5110-01957), Washington, D.C. References Ahn DU. 2002. Production of volatiles from amino acid homopolymers by irradiation. J Food Sci 67(7):2565–70. Ahn DU, Lee EJ. 2002. 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