MEAT SCIENCE Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 Effects of oleoresin–tocopherol combinations on lipid oxidation, off-odor, and color of irradiated raw and cooked pork patties K.C. Nam 1, K.Y. Ko, B.R. Min, H. Ismail, E.J. Lee, J. Cordray, D.U. Ahn * Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3150, United States Received 28 February 2006; received in revised form 26 June 2006; accepted 26 June 2006 Abstract Lipid oxidation, color, and volatiles of double-packaged pork loins with various oleoresin or oleoresin–tocopherol combinations were determined to establish the best oleoresin–tocopherol conditions that can improve the quality of irradiated raw and cooked pork loins. Rosemary and a-tocopherol combination at 0.05% and 0.02% of meat weight, respectively, showed the most potent antioxidant effects in reducing both TBARS values and the amounts of volatile aldehydes in irradiated raw and cooked pork loins. The antioxidant combination, however, did not affect the production of sulfur volatiles responsible for irradiation off-odor and showed little effects on color changes in irradiated raw and cooked pork loins. Exposing double-packaged irradiated pork to aerobic conditions for 3 days during the 10-day storage was effective in controlling both lipid oxidation and irradiation off-odor, regardless of packaging sequences. 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Oleoresin; Double packaging; Irradiation; Lipid oxidation; Off-odor; Pork loin 1. Introduction Food irradiation is proven to be the best technology in eliminating disease-causing pathogens from raw meat and poultry (Murano, 1995; Thayer, 1993). The chemical changes of meat and poultry by irradiation, however, are concern to consumers, and the meat industry is having difficulties in using the technology to achieve its food safety benefits. The generations of pink color (Millar, Moss, MacDougall, & Stevenson, 1995; Nam & Ahn, 2002a) and offodor (Ahn, Nam, Du, & Jo, 2001; Patterson & Stevenson, 1995) are critical issues for irradiating pork because consumers associate the presence of pink color in cooked meat with undercooking or contamination, and off-odor with bacterial spoilage. The characteristic off-odor in irradiated meats was caused by the production of sulfur volatiles from * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 515 294 6595; fax: +1 515 294 9143. E-mail address: (D.U. Ahn). 1 Present address: Exam. Div. of Food and Biological Resources, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Daejeon 302-701, Republic of Korea. 0309-1740/$ - see front matter 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2006.06.016 sulfur-containing amino acids such as methionine and cysteine (Ahn, 2002; Jo & Ahn, 2000). The mechanism of pink color generation in irradiated pork or poultry was through the production of carbon monoxide from meat components (Lee & Ahn, 2004; Nam & Ahn, 2002b). The chemical changes in irradiated meats are initiated by the free radicals produced by irradiation, and the production of sulfur volatiles or carbon monoxide was caused by reactions between meat components and radiolytic free radicals (Ahn, 2002; Nam & Ahn, 2002b). Thus, antioxidants with free radical scavenging activities may help protect the irradiated pork from chemical changes. Various individual phenolic compounds separated from natural sources (e.g., gallate, sesamol) are proven to have very strong free radical scavenging capabilities, but are not permitted for use in foods as an antioxidant. Oleoresins extracted from various plants contain large amounts of phenolic antioxidants, however, are commercially available for use in meat products. a-Tocopherol is permitted to use in meat at 0.02% level as a vitamin supplement or antioxidants. Thus, combination of oleoresins extracted 62 K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 from various spices (dill, basil, garlic, onion, and rosemary) with a-tocopherol may increase the antioxidant effect of oleoresins. The color and odor changes in irradiated meats are highly dependent upon packaging conditions. Under aerobic packaging conditions, most of the sulfur volatiles in irradiated turkey breast disappeared and the pink color returned to normal after a few days of aerobic storage (Nam & Ahn, 2003b). On the other hand, irradiation generates hydroxyl radicals that can initiate lipid oxidation, but lipid oxidation became a potential quality problem only when the meats were exposed to aerobic conditions (Ahn et al., 2001). Double-packaging, which exposes the vacuum packaged meat to aerobic conditions for 2–3 days during storage, was effective in minimizing lipid oxidation, pink color defect and sulfur-volatile production in irradiated pork loin during storage (Nam, Min, Lee, Cordray, & Ahn, 2004). Double-packaging was proven to be effective in reducing both color and off-odor problems in turkey breast without adding any additives, but combination of double-packaging and antioxidants was more effective than double-packaging alone in controlling lipid oxidation and irradiation off-odor (Nam & Ahn, 2003a). The objective of this study was to select the best oleoresin–tocopherol combinations to control lipid oxidation, off-odor, and color in irradiated pork loins. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation Pork loin (Longissimus dorsi) muscles (3 days after slaughter) from 8 different animals (Berkshire, female, approximately 105 kg live weight) were purchased from the Meat Laboratory at Iowa State University (Ames, IA) and ground through a 5-mm plate. Loins from two animals were pooled, ground and used as a replication (4 replications). Oleoresin from dill, basil, garlic, onion, or rosemary (0.05% of meat wt.) singly or in combination with tocopherol (0.02%) was added to ground pork, mixed for 2 min in a kitchen mixer, and then patties were prepared. The patties were individually packaged in oxygen-permeable plastic bags (polyethylene, 4 · 6, 2 mil; Associated Bag Company, Milwaukee, WI), irradiated at 2.5 kGy using a Linear Accelerator (Circe IIIR; Thomson CSF Linac, Saint-Aubin, France) with 10 MeV of energy, 10.2 kW of power level, and 88.9 kGy/min of average dose rate. Half of the aerobically packaged patties were stored at 4 C and lipid oxidation of the patties was determined at Day 0 and Day 10 of storage. The other half of the patties were cooked in a 176 C electric oven to an internal temperature of 75 C at Day 0, stored in oxygen-permeable plastic bags at 4 C, and analyzed for lipid oxidation after 0 and 3 days of storage. Irradiated and nonirradiated ground pork patties with none added were used as controls. Two oleoresin or oleoresin–tocopherol combinations that provide the best control for lipid oxidation in irradi- ated raw and cooked meat were selected and used for the next study, which determines the effect of antioxidant (oleoresin–tocopherol)/double-packaging combinations on the quality changes in irradiated raw and cooked ground pork loins during storage. Pork loins were ground through a 5-mm plate, mixed with selected oleoresin– tocopherol combinations, and then patties were prepared. The patties were packaged, irradiated (2.5 kGy), and stored at 4 C according to two double-packaging models: for double-packaging model A3/V7, patties were individually packaged in oxygen-permeable bags (polyethylene, 4 · 6, 2 mil), irradiated at 2.5 kGy, and then stored at 4 C. After 3 days of storage, the aerobically packaged patties were packaged again with oxygen impermeable vacuum bags (nylon/polyethylene, 9.3 mL O2/m2/24 h at 0 C; Koch, Kansas City, MO), and then stored at 4 C for another 7 days. For V7/A3 double-packaging model, patties were individually packaged in oxygen-permeable bags first, and then vacuum-packaged in oxygen-impermeable bags (nylon/polyethylene, 9.3 mL O2/m2/24 h at 0 C). The doubly packaged patties were irradiated and then stored at 4 C. After 7 days of storage, the outer vacuum bags of the patties were removed and then patties were exposed to aerobic conditions for 3 days. Nonirradiated and irradiated vacuum-packaged patties were used as controls. The patties were cooked immediately after irradiation in a 176 C electric oven to an internal temperature of 75 C. Lipid oxidation, color, and volatiles of the cooked patties were determined at 0 day and 10 days of storage. 2.2. 2-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) Lipid oxidation was determined by a modified TBARS method of Buege and Aust (1978). Minced sample (5 g) was placed in a 50-mL test tube and homogenized with 15 mL deionized distilled water (DDW) using a Brinkman Polytron (Type PT 10/35; Brinkman Instrument, Inc., Westbury, NY) for 15 s at high speed. The meat homogenate (1 mL) was transferred to a disposable test tube (13 · 100 mm), and 50 lL butylated hydroxytoluene (7.2% in ethanol) and 2 mL of thiobarbituric acid/trichloroacetic acid (20 mM TBA and 15%, w/v, TCA) solution were added. The mixture was vortex-mixed and then incubated in a 90 C water bath for 15 min. After cooling, the samples were vortex-mixed and centrifuged at 3000g for 15 min. The absorbance of the resulting upper layer was read at 532 nm against a blank (1 mL DDW + 2 mL TBA/TCA). The amounts of TBARS were expressed as mg of malondialdehyde (MDA) per kg of meat. 2.3. Color values CIE color values were measured on the sample surface using a LabScan colorimeter (Hunter Associate Labs, Inc., Reston, VA) that had been calibrated against black K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 and white reference tiles covered with the same packaging materials as used for samples. The CIE L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values were obtained by an 63 illuminant A (light source). Two random readings from both top and bottom locations on a sample surface were used for statistical analysis. Table 1 TBARS values of raw pork loin affected by irradiation, oleoresins, and tocopherol during refrigerated storage Irradiation 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Oleoresina Control Control Dill Basil Garlic Onion Rosemary Dill Basil Garlic Onion Rosemary a-Tocopherol 0 day 10 day SEM – – – – – – – 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% (mg MDA/kg meat) 0.24bx 0.21bx 0.19bx 0.45ax 0.39ax 0.22bx 0.18bx 0.16bx 0.21bx 0.30bx 0.19bx 0.18bx 0.03 1.50cy 1.78cy 0.68dy 2.74by 4.19ay 1.32cy 0.29dy 0.36dy 0.71dy 2.50by 0.37dy 0.36dy 0.14 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.23 0.06 0.13 0.02 0.04 0.12 0.08 0.02 0.02 Mean values with different letters (a–d) within a column are significantly different (P < 0.05). Mean values with different letters (x, y) within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). n = 4. a Added at 0.05%. Table 2 TBARS values of cooked pork loin affected by irradiation, oleoresins, and tocopherol during refrigerated storage Irradiation Oleoresina a-Tocopherol 0 day 3 day SEM 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Dill Basil Garlic Onion Rosemary Dill Basil Garlic Onion Rosemary – – – – – – – 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% 0.02% (mg MDA/kg meat) 1.13ax 1.11ax 1.03ax 1.15ax 1.08ax 0.93abx 0.52dx 0.59dx 0.70cdx 0.79bcx 0.62cdx 0.56dx 0.05 3.19ay 3.19ay 2.72bcy 3.18ay 2.85aby 2.48cy 1.43dey 1.49dey 1.59dy 1.71dy 1.19efy 1.02fy 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.14 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 Mean values with different letters (a–f) within a column are significantly different (P < 0.05). Mean values with different letters (x, y) within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). n = 4. a Added at 0.05%. Table 3 TBARS values of irradiated raw pork patties affected by oleoresin + tocopherol and packaging during refrigerated storage Irradiation 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Antioxidanta Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Packaging 0 day 10 day SEM Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 (mg MDA/kg meat) 0.20 0.21 0.15 0.15 0.17 0.15 0.02 0.21a 0.22a 0.16b 0.16b 0.18b 0.16b 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Mean values with different letters (a, b) within a column are significantly different (P < 0.05). Mean values with different letters (x, y) within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). n = 4. a Oleoresin–tocopherol combination added at 0.05–0.02% of meat wt. b Aerobically packaged for 3 days first and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. c Vacuum-packaged for 7 days first and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. 64 K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 2.4. Volatile compounds (volatiles) A dynamic headspace analysis was performed using a Solartek 72 Multimatrix-Vial Autosampler/Sample Concentrator 3100 (Tekmar-Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH) connected to a GC/MS (HP 6890/HP 5973, Hewlett-Packard Co.) according to the method of Ahn et al. (2001). Minced sample (3 g) was placed in a 40-mL vial, He (40 psi) was flushed for 3 s, and a Teflon fluorocarbon resin/silicone septum (I-Chem Co.) was capped airtight. The maximum waiting time in a loading tray (4 C) was less than 2 h to minimize oxidative changes before analysis. The meat sample was purged with He (40 mL/min) for 14 min at 40 C. Volatiles were trapped using a Tenax/charcoal/silica column (Tekmar-Dohrmann) and desorbed for 2 min at 225 C, focused in a cryofocusing module ( 80 C), and then thermally desorbed into a column for 60 s at 225 C. An HP-624 column (7.5 m, 0.25 mm i.d., 1.4 lm nominal), Table 4 TBARS values of irradiated cooked pork patties affected by oleoresin + tocopherol and packaging during refrigerated storage Irradiation 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Antioxidanta Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Packaging 0 day 10 day SEM Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 (mg MDA/kg meat) 1.60ay 1.57ay 0.57cy 0.41cy 0.36by 0.30cy 0.04 2.26ax 2.33ax 1.96bx 1.78bx 1.18cx 0.99cx 0.08 0.05 0.12 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.02 10 day SEM 57.2 57.5x 58.4 59.8x 58.8 59.1x 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 12.9abx 14.4ax 10.3c 13.4ax 11.9by 14.4a 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.5 15.1d 16.4dx 16.5d 20.1bx 18.5c 21.9ax 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 Mean values with different letters (a–c) within a column are significantly different (P < 0.05). Mean values with different letters (x, y) within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). n = 4. a Oleoresin–tocopherol combination added at 0.05–0.02% of meat wt. b Aerobically packaged for 3 days first and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. c Vacuum-packaged for 7 days first and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. Table 5 Color values of irradiated raw pork patties affected by oleoresin + tocopherol and packaging during refrigerated storage Irradiation Antioxidanta Packaging 0 day L* 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 value 58.1a 54.5aby 56.3ab 53.4by 57.5a 55.3aby 1.0 a* value 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 11.6by 13.4ay 11.4b 11.2by 13.3ax 12.8ab 0.4 b* value 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 Mean values with different letters (a–d) within a column are significantly different (P < 0.05). Mean values with different letters (x, y) within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). n = 4. a Oleoresin–tocopherol combination added at 0.05–0.02% of meat wt. b Aerobically packaged for 3 days first and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. c Vacuum-packaged for 7 days first and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. 16.1b 14.6cy 16.7b 13.9cy 19.0a 16.0by 0.3 K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 an HP-1 column (52.5 m, 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 lm nominal), and an HP-Wax column (7.5 m, 0.250 mm i.d., 0.25 lm nominal) were connected. Ramped oven temperature was used to improve volatile separation. The initial oven temperature of 0 C was held for 1.5 min. After that, the oven temperature was increased to 15 C at 2.5 C per min, increased to 45 C at 5 C per min, increased to 110 C at 20 C per min, and then increased to 170 C at 10 C per min and held for 2.25 min at that temperature. Constant column pressure at 20.5 psi was maintained. The ionization potential of MS was 70 eV, and the scan range was 19.1– 350 m/z. Identification of volatiles was achieved by the Wiley library (Hewlett-Packard Co.). The area of each peak was integrated using ChemStation software (Hewlett-Packard Co.) and the total peak area (total ion counts · 104) was reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from the samples. 2.5. Statistical analysis The experiment was a completely randomized design with four replications. Data were analyzed by the procedure of generalized linear model using SAS software (SAS Institute, 1995): Student–Newman–Keuls’ multiple range test was used to compare the mean values of treat- 65 ments. Mean values and standard error of the means (SEM) were reported (P < 0.05). 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Screening of oleoresin or oleoresin–tocopherol combinations To screen two best oleoresins or oleoresin–tocopherol combinations in preventing lipid oxidation of irradiated ground pork, the TBARS values of irradiated pork patties added with oleoresins or oleoresin + a-tocopherol combinations were determined during the 10 days of storage under aerobic conditions. The TBARS values between nonirradiated and irradiated raw ground pork were not different, but increased significantly during the 10-day storage under aerobic conditions (Table 1). Rosemary, onion, and dill oleoresins were effective in decreasing TBARS values in irradiated ground raw pork, whereas basil and garlic oleoresins had no antioxidant effects. Rosemary oleoresin had the most potent antioxidant effects among the oleoresins, and all the oleoresins except for garlic oleoresin showed strong antioxidant effects when they were combined with a-tocopherol. Rosemary, rosemary–tocopherol, onion– tocopherol, and dill–tocopherol reduced the TBARS values Table 6 Color values of irradiated cooked pork patties affected by oleoresin + tocopherol and packaging during refrigerated storage Irradiation Antioxidanta Packaging 0 day L* 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 10 day SEM 76.9a 76.9a 72.8by 77.9ax 73.0by 78.4ax 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.3 8.5a 8.6ay 7.4bc 8.0aby 7.0cy 8.1aby 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 23.1b 23.0b 22.8b 23.8abx 23.8abx 24.3ax 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 value 76.9ab 76.7ab 77.7ax 74.8by 77.5ax 74.5by 0.6 a* value 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 8.2b 10.9ax 7.9b 10.9ax 8.4bx 11.2ax 0.3 b* value 0 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy 2.5 kGy SEM Control Control Onion + tocopherol Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum A3/V7b V7/A3c A3/V7 V7/A3 Mean values with different letters (a–c) within a column are significantly different (P < 0.05). Mean values with different letters (x, y) within a row are significantly different (P < 0.05). n = 4. a Oleoresin–tocopherol combination added at 0.05–0.02% of meat wt. b Aerobically packaged for 3 days first and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. c Vacuum-packaged for 7 days first and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. 22.6a 22.3a 22.5a 21.6aby 22.4ay 20.8by 0.3 66 K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 method of choice because Nam et al. (2004) reported that double-packaging was better than aerobic- or vacuumpackaging in controlling both lipid oxidation and off-odor of irradiated meat. Irradiated raw pork patties with oleoresin–tocopherol/ double-packaging combinations developed significantly lower TBARS than those of irradiated and nonirradiated controls with vacuum-packaging (Table 3). However, the differences were very small and would not have any practical meanings. Nam and Ahn (2003b) reported that the TBARS increase in turkey meat was proportional to the exposure time to aerobic conditions: the TBARS of meat was the highest with aerobic-packaging, lowest with vacuum-packaging, and in the middle with double-packaging. However, the irradiated meat with antioxidants and double-packaging combinations had lower TBARS than nonirradiated vacuum-packaged meat after 10 days of storage. The antioxidant effects of oleoresin–tocopherol combinations in irradiated cooked pork were distinct (Tables 2–4). The double-packaging conditions exposed patties to aerobic conditions for 3 days during the 10-day storage period, but the added oleoresin–tocopherol combinations of irradiated raw ground pork by 80% after 10 days of aerobic storage. The use of oleoresin alone was not much effective in preventing oxidative changes in cooked pork except for rosemary and onion. However, combinations of oleoresin and tocopherol produced strong antioxidant effects in cooked pork (Table 2). Among the oleoresin–tocopherol combinations, rosemary–tocopherol and onion–tocopherol produced the most potent antioxidant effects in irradiated cooked pork loins. 3.2. Oleoresin–tocopherol/packaging combinations on lipid oxidation of irradiated pork From the previous screening result, two oleoresin– tocopherol combinations (onion + tocopherol and rosemary + tocopherol) that provided the best control for lipid oxidation in irradiated raw and cooked pork were selected, and the effects of oleoresin–tocopherol combinations on antioxidant and off-odor reducing effects of irradiated raw and cooked pork with double-packaging were determined. Double-packaging was selected as a packaging Table 7 Tentative identification of volatile compounds produced in irradiated raw pork patties treated by oleoresin–tocopherol combination and packaging at 0 day Compound NonIR Irradiated (2.5 kGy) Onion + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum a Rosemary + tocopherol b A3/V7 V7/A3 A3/V7a V7/A3b SEMc 4 Acetaldehyde Methanethiol 1-Pentene Pentane 2-Propanone Carbon disulfide Ethanol 1-Hexene 2-Propanol Hexane 2-Butanone 3-Methyl butanal 1-Propanol 1-Heptene Heptane 2-Heptene 1-Methylthio propane S-Methyl esterd Dimethyl disulfide Toluene 1-Octene Octane 1-Butanal Methyl propyl disulfide (Total ion counts · 10 ) 787 1364 0c 2136a 0b 220a 273c 1110a 4696 3664 0c 7177a 2981 4180 0b 285a 436 366 92b 550a 0b 0b 233 454 0c 197a 163 109 0 494 0b 788a 56 62 0c 117c 0b 81b 124 63 0b 3482a 121 791 490 93 0b 0b 1867 233b 179a 666b 3279 572c 2924 261a 445 489a 242a 393 47bc 171 306 627a 0 24 238b 210a 0 4158a 517 93 581ab 1540 2183a 207a 658b 4381 1947c 3702 266a 422 495a 86ab 457 82b 180 399 703a 0 28 320a 348a 0 5470a 577 247 1052a 345 307b 203a 719b 4069 1061c 3435 219a 501 472a 0b 422 41bc 405 377 695a 0 303c 85b 0 2277a 436 322 0b 236 1306ab 182a 633b 3309 4019b 3256 195a 293 427a 0b 340 68bc 140 329 560a 0 1305c 114ab 0 2471a 544 110 0b 540 132 22 65 660 619 889 37 87 51 55 41 19 98 47 52 15 1180 45 13 864 98 107 168 Total 10 519c 42769a 53 503a 16 763bc 19 970bc 3738 28 238b Different letters (a–c) within a row are significantly different (p 6 0.05); n = 4. a Aerobically packaged for 3 days and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. b Vacuum-packaged for 7 days and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. c Standard error of the means. d Sulfur–methyl ester ethanethioic acid. K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 were effective in preventing oxidative changes in irradiated cooked pork. Rosemary–tocopherol combination was more effective than onion–tocopherol in reducing the TBARS of irradiated cooked pork. However, the sequence of double-packaging method (A3/V7 vs V3/A7) did not affect the TBARS values of irradiated cooked pork significantly. Nam and Ahn (2003a) showed similar results with turkey meat: the antioxidant effect was more distinct in cooked meat than raw meat. Therefore, the problem of lipid oxidation in double-packaged irradiated cooked pork could be prevented by the addition of rosemary–tocopherol combination. 3.3. Oleoresin–tocopherol/packaging combinations on color of irradiated pork Irradiation changed the color of raw pork patties redder, as indicated by the increased a* values in Table 5. Nam and Ahn (2002a) reported that the color of irradiated turkey breast became pinker due to carbon monoxide– myoglobin complex formation, which was induced by the production of carbon monoxide and reducing conditions by irradiation. Lee and Ahn (2004) reported that asparagine, glyceraldehydes, and phospholipids were the major sources of irradiation-dependent CO production from meat 67 components. The amounts of CO produced from these sources were large enough to react with most of the heme pigments present in light meats, and the production of CO was via the radiolytic degradation and was closely related to the chemical structure of molecules. The mechanism of color changes in irradiated turkey breast can be similarly applied to that of irradiated pork loin because the contents of heme pigments in those muscles are relatively low. Onion–tocopherol combination was effective in reducing a*-values of irradiated raw pork patties but rosemary–tocopherol was not because of the characteristic red color of rosemary oleoresin. The increased red color in the control pork by irradiation was maintained during the storage under vacuum conditions, but A3/V7 doublepackaging mode reduced a*-values after 10 days of storage. The color of cooked pork was also changed to red by irradiation as in irradiated raw pork, but the red color was not stable as in irradiated raw meat (Table 6). It can be considered that the aerobic conditions during irradiation and early storage periods were helpful in minimizing the formation of carbon monoxide-myoglobin complex. Nam et al. (2004) reported that the packaging conditions during irradiation process were important in determining color changes in pork loin. Table 8 Tentative identification of volatile compounds produced in irradiated raw pork patties treated by oleoresin–tocopherol combination and packaging at 10 days Compound NonIR Irradiated (2.5 kGy) Vacuum Vacuum Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol A3/V7a V7/A3b A3/V7a V7/A3b SEMc Acetaldehyde Methanethiol 1-Pentene Pentane 2-Propanone Carbon disulfide Ethanol 1-Hexene 2-Propanol Hexane 2-Butanone Benzene 1-Heptene Heptane Pentanal 1-Methylthio propane Dimethyl disulfide Toluene 1-Octene Octane 1-butanal Methyl propyl disulfide (Total ion counts · 104) 1575c 2728b 0b 590a 0b 184a 306c 1122a 6778 5245 0c 9829a 1512 2206 0c 206a 343 261 80b 470a 356b 577a 0b 258a 0c 491a 0c 762a 113a 125a 0b 0b 0b 149a 0c 262a 0c 125a 155b 504a 477a 159ab 0b 0b 3734a 0b 198a 665b 4106 549c 1931 225a 393 444a 403b 21b 276b 683ab 0b 25 740a 0b 159b 114a 400a 138ab 356a 3081b 0b 174a 685b 5681 1930bc 2041 181ab 263 419a 463ab 51b 300b 679ab 0b 23 390a 0b 146b 81b 267b 132ab 183ab 691d 0b 141a 695b 4894 938c 1345 146ab 264 388a 367b 0b 263b 621ab 0b 150b 0b 146b 65b 242b 0b 0b 472d 0b 136a 592b 4659 2828b 861 120b 100 344a 336b 25b 228b 541b 0b 115b 0b 129b 55b 152b 0b 0b 202 19 16 84 278 484 343 19 50 65 37 17 25 41 7 1221 10 17 9 35 86 61 Total 11 698c 40 540a 40 155a 11 359c 11 699c 2014 26 396b Different letters (a–c) within a row are significantly different (p 6 0.05); n = 4. a Aerobically packaged for 3 days and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. b Vacuum-packaged for 7 days and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. c Standard error of the means. 68 K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 3.4. Oleoresin–tocopherol/packaging combinations on volatiles of irradiated pork Irradiation increased the amounts of many volatile compounds or newly generated a few volatiles not found in nonirradiated raw pork: almost 3 times higher amounts of volatiles were found in irradiated raw pork compared with the nonirradiated meats (Table 7). Newly generated compounds by irradiation were mainly sulfur-containing compounds such as methanethiol, carbon disulfide, and dimethyl disulfide. Ahn, Jo, and Olson (2000) reported that sulfur volatiles produced by the radiolytic degradation of sulfur amino acids were responsible for the off-odor in irradiated pork and their amounts were highly dependent upon irradiation dose. Added oleoresin–tocopherol combinations for the purpose of preventing lipid oxidation had little effects on the production of sulfur-volatiles by irradiation. The onion– tocopherol combination added new sulfur volatile compounds such as sulfur methyl ester ethanethioic acid and methyl propyl disulfide not found in other irradiated pork, indicating that these compounds were derived from onion. Sulfur compounds such as methanethiol, carbon disulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and dimethyl trisulfide are responsible for irradiation off-odor (Ahn et al., 2000; Patterson & Stevenson, 1995), but some other sulfur compounds such as 2-pentylthiophene are important for freshly cooked meat flavor (Tang, Jin, Ho, & Chang, 1983). The contribution of sulfur compounds to irradiation off-odor, however, has not been studied. The amount of sulfur volatiles in irradiated pork loin was highly dependent upon packaging conditions. More amounts of methanethiol and carbon disulfide were found in vacuum-packaged meat. The effects of packaging conditions on the sulfur volatiles were clearer after 10 days of storage (Table 8). Double-packaged irradiated pork patties (exposed to aerobic conditions for 3 days during the 10 days of storage) had no methanethiol and dimethyl disulfide and lower amount of carbon disulfide than the vacuum-packaged control. Both double-packaging modes Table 9 Tentative identification of volatile compounds produced in irradiated cooked pork patties treated by oleoresin–tocopherol combination and packaging at 0 day Compound NonIR Irradiated (2.5 kGy) Vacuum Vacuum Onion + tocopherol Rosemary + tocopherol A3/V7a V7/A3b A3/V7a V7/A3b SEMc Acetaldehyde 1-Pentene Pentane Propanal 2-Propanone Carbon disulfide 2-Methyl propanal Ethanol 1-Hexene 2-Propanol Hexane Butanal 2-Butanone 3-Methyl butanal 2-Methyl butanal Benzene 1-Heptene Heptane Pentanal 1-Methylthio propane Dimethyl disulfide Toluene 1-Octene Octane 1-Butanal Hexanal Heptanal Methyl propyl disulfide (Total ion counts · 104) 16 831 32 105 0b 559a 18 855b 26 869a 3144b 4571a 4018 5620 0 120 862 894 1103 5931 0b 590a 375b 752a 1578a 1516a 546b 1039a 609c 1122ab 1100a 1037ab 959a 648b 0b 212a 144b 1392a 1153b 3411a 9293b 13 879a 0b 0b 136 2974 0c 732b 0c 556a 1832b 2728a 250 277 57 081b 82 731a 228b 748a 0b 0b 34 234 440a 2846c 3196b 6707 122 1062 4157 615a 661a 1222ab 320c 1449a 1264a 902a 186a 1323a 2180b 1900c 13 449a 3374 918a 482a 1580bc 100 8607c 100b 396a 23 144 370a 2713c 2085c 4330 362 867 2575 572a 428b 1267ab 245c 1248a 1030ab 744ab 221a 1182a 1895b 1556c 12761a 3078 678b 396ab 1255bc 35 7047c 30b 295a 37 085 403a 4067c 1334d 5187 268 989 4995a 697a 920a 1352ab 390bc 1142ab 1121ab 733ab 200a 1392a 2209b 2739c 196b 3720 952a 557a 1875b 306 8712c 69b 0b 29 099 376a 3823c 903d 4834 258 736 5333 463a 912a 962b 270c 803bc 939b 629b 213a 842a 1292b 1589c 101b 2144 654b 324b 1073c 521 6588c 112b 0b 4846 51 1151 211 2821 47 80 644 49 66 110 51 91 68 45 19 124 253 611 337 1170 55 41 172 214 214 49 37 Total 120 043b 93 799bc 72 424c 83 642bc 65 799c 7528 193 002a Different letters (a–c) within a row are significantly different (p 6 0.05); n = 4. a Aerobically packaged for 3 days and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. b Vacuum-packaged for 7 days and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. c Standard error of the means. K.C. Nam et al. / Meat Science 75 (2007) 61–70 69 Table 10 Tentative identification of volatile compounds produced in irradiated cooked pork patties treated by oleoresin–tocopherol combination and packaging at 10 day Compound NonIR Irradiated (2.5 kGy) Onion + tocopherol Vacuum Vacuum a Rosemary + tocopherol b A3/V7 V7/A3 A3/V7a V7/A3b SEMc 4 Acetaldehyde 1-Pentene Pentane Propanal 2-Propanone 2-Methyl propanal Ethanol 1-Hexene 2-Propanol Hexane Butanal 2-Butanone 3-Methyl butanal 2-Methyl butanal Benzene 1-Heptene Heptane Pentanal 1-Methylthio propane Dimethyl disulfide Toluene 1-Octene Octane 1-Butanal Hexanal Heptanal Methyl propyl disulfide (Total ion counts · 10 ) 11 938b 15 455b 0b 385a 14 508 14 789 31 234a 32 816a 1125 4549 990 878 5085a 2138c 0b 545a 300 213 1386 1646 889b 752bc 844b 889b 1001b 1087b 999a 715b 0b 241a 101b 1310a 1107b 3465a 15 466a 14 982a 0b 0b 0b 919a 0b 574a 0c 399b 2408 2152 0c 0c 99 435a 102 857a 300 398 0c 0c 29 120ab 357a 6640 22 498b 7101 1097 3377bc 479a 515 1463 904b 1341a 1459a 956a 170a 1142a 3485a 10 315bc 8187a 0b 693a 522ab 2385 272b 70 892b 899 293b 27 829ab 332a 5143 18 418b 6861 889 5135ab 475a 720 1071 623c 1157ab 1164ab 759ab 170a 964a 2307ab 7314c 7724a 0b 601a 459ab 1688 375a 71 978b 750 316a 23 276a 357a 6237 8673c 6804 1100 5728a 408a 602 1309 1177a 1280ab 1337ab 789ab 180a 982a 2885a 10 426bc 0b 74b 732a 564ab 2599 0c 46 658c 791 0c 20 055ab 389a 4211 6492d 5924 953 4828ab 485a 753 1500 945b 1105ab 1013b 659b 202a 1206a 3488a 7895c 0b 0b 690a 597a 2940 0c 16 659d 972 0c Total 200 767d 176 441bc 165 229bc 124 976a 83 972b 204 160c 3344 97 4317 480 495 68 557 49 156 190 64 97 86 54 16 125 412 918 295 102 52 43 309 31 7259 190 11 15 886 Different letters (a–d) within a row are significantly different (P 6 0.05); n = 4. a Aerobically packaged for 3 days and then vacuum-packaged for 7 days. b Vacuum-packaged for 7 days and then aerobically packaged for 3 days. c Standard error of the means. were very effective in eliminating sulfur volatiles, but A3/ V7 double-packaging showed less carbon disulfide than V7/A3 mode, indicating that considerable amounts of sulfur compounds were evaporated under aerobic conditions during irradiation. Onion oleoresin-added pork patties had still considerable amounts of 1-methylthio propane after 10 days of storage. The profile of volatile compounds in irradiated cooked pork was more complex than that in irradiated raw meat because more lipid oxidation products (hydrocarbons, aldheydes) were generated (Table 9). Hexanal was the most predominant aldehyde in irradiated cooked pork but the amount was reduced to about 10% of the control by the oleoresin–tocopherol combinations after 10 days of storage. This indicated that oleoresin–tocopherol combinations were effective in controlling hexanal content in cooked pork (Table 10). Rosemary–tocopherol combination was more effective than onion–tocopherol in reducing hexanal production as in TBARS (Table 3). Little dimethyl disulfide was detected in double-packaged irradiated pork patties at Day 10 (Table 10), indicat- ing that regardless of double-packaging modes, exposing meats for 3 days in aerobic conditions was effective in removing sulfur volatiles responsible for irradiation offodor. The onion-added pork patties, however, still had other sulfur volatiles (1-methylthio propane, methyl propyl disulfide) derive from onion. 4. Conclusion Rosemary and onion showed antioxidant effects in both raw and cooked irradiated pork loins. When these oleoresins were used in combination with a-tocopherol, the antioxidant activity was more distinct in irradiated cooked pork. Rosemary oleoresin–tocopherol (0.02–0.05% of meat wt.) had stronger antioxidant effect than onion–tocopherol, but none of the oleoresin–tocopherol combinations showed any effects on the production of sulfur volatiles responsible for the characteristic irradiation off-odor. 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