Meat Science 71 (2005) 300–305 Quality characteristics of irradiated turkey breast rolls formulated with plum extract E.J. Lee, D.U. Ahn ¤ Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, 2276 Kildee, Ames, IA 50011-3150, United States Received 3 November 2004; received in revised form 22 March 2005; accepted 22 March 2005 Abstract The eVects of adding 1%, 2% and 3% plum extract on the quality characteristics of vacuum-packaged, irradiated ready-to-eat turkey breast rolls were determined. Turkey breast rolls were sliced, packaged and irradiated at 0 or 3 kGy using a Linear Accelerator. Lipid oxidation, volatile proWles, color, texture, proximate analysis and sensory characteristics of sliced turkey breast rolls were determined at 0 and 7 days of storage. Addition of plum extract had no detectable eVect on the proximate analysis of turkey breast rolls. Plum extract increased a* and b* values, and decreased L* value of turkey breast rolls due to the original color of plum extract. Addition of >2% plum extract to turkey breast rolls was eVective in controlling lipid oxidation of irradiated meat and the production of aldehydes (hexanal, heptanal, octanal, and nonanal) in non-irradiated meat at Day 0. Texture of turkey breast rolls was not inXuenced, but juiciness was increased by plum extract. Therefore, addition of 3% or higher of plum extract is recommended to improve mouth-feel and antioxidant eVect in irradiated turkey breast rolls. However, the color of turkey breast rolls with 3% plum extract was dark and might not be appealing to consumers. 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ready-to-eat turkey rolls; Color; Flavor; Volatiles; Irradiation; Lipid oxidation 1. Introduction Ready-to-eat (RTE) cooked meat products such as turkey breast rolls and turkey hams have been the subject of large product recalls and multistate outbreaks linked to Listeria monocytogenes. The 1999 multistate listeriosis outbreak was linked to »100 cases and 21 deaths and resulted in the recall of »20 million pounds of RTE product (CDC, 2002). The Food Safety and Inspection Service conducted a 10-year microbial prevalence study for ready-to-eat meat and poultry products produced from approximately 1800 federally inspected establishments (Levine, Rose, Green, Ransom, & Hill, 2001). These reports clearly show the seriousness of food safety problem in ready-to-eat meat products, especially ¤ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 515 294 6595; fax: +1 515 294 9143. E-mail address: (D.U. Ahn). 0309-1740/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.meatsci.2005.03.017 for sliced ham. Considering a series of recent outbreaks and product recalls due to pathogenic bacteria in meat, the expanded application of irradiation technology in meat products becomes especially important. Irradiation is an eVective way to eliminate pathogens, including L. monocytogenes, Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, and others (Patterson, Damoglou, & Buick, 1993; Sommers, Niemira, Tunick, & Boyd, 2002; Tarte, Murano, & Olson, 1996; Thayer, 1995; Thayer & Boyd, 2001), but its application to meat is limited partially because irradiation produces a characteristic aroma, and changes color, Xavor and taste of meat that signiWcantly impact upon consumer acceptance (Ahn, Jo, Du, Olson, & Nam, 2000a; Du, Ahn, Mendonca, & Wesley, 2002; Jo & Ahn, 2000; Patterson & Stevenson, 1995). Therefore, enhanced quality characteristics of irradiated RTE turkey breast roll are critical to increase its acceptability to consumers. E.J. Lee, D.U. Ahn / Meat Science 71 (2005) 300–305 Unlike turkey ham (5–7% fat), RTE turkey breast roll generally has a “dry” mouth-feel due to its relatively low fat content (1–2% fat). Plum extract contains sorbitol, a known humectant, which naturally binds moisture and thus has the potential to alleviate the “dry” mouth-feel in low fat contents meat. The addition of plum extract to ground beef resulted in the production of hamburgers with a mouth-feel and texture that closely simulated the presence of fat in the cooked meat (Anon., 2000). Decker (1999) reported that moisture retention of hamburgers added with plum puree was improved by 15.8% in precooked patties reheated to 102 °C and held warm for up to 4 h. More importantly, plum extract contains antioxidants (Keeton, Rhee, Boleman, & Nunez, 2001); therefore, it can reduce the development of oV-odors from lipid oxidation in this meat product during irradiation. The objective of this study was to determine the eVect of plum extract on quality characteristics of vacuumpackaged, irradiated RTE turkey breast rolls. Lipid oxidation, sensory characteristics, volatiles, color, texture and proximate analysis of RTE turkey breast rolls formulated with plum extract during storage were evaluated. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample preparation Oven-roasted turkey breast rolls with diVerent plum concentration were freshly processed in the Meat Laboratory at Iowa State University. Raw turkey breasts were purchased from a local turkey processing plant. Plum extract puree was obtained from the California Plum Board (Sunsweet Growers Inc., Yuba City, CA). Plum extract was dissolved in distilled water before use. The amount of water added was adjusted to make the total amount of water plus plum extract the same for all the treatments. Four plum concentrations were prepared, which included basic formula without plum extract (control), and with 1%, 2% and 3% plum extract. The basic formula for turkey breast rolls was 90% meat, 6.5% ice water, 1.25% sodium chloride, 1% transglutaminase, 0.5% sodium caseinate, 0.5% dextrose, and 0.25% sodium tripolyphosphate. Four batches of each plum treatments were prepared. Each plum extracts treatment and the basic meat ingredients were mixed with ground turkey breast for 3 min using a 3-mm plate and stuVed into large cellulose casings (10.5 cm in diameter), which were clipped and stored overnight at 4 °C to facilitate cross-link formation by transglutaminase. Next morning, the rolls were heat-processed in a smoke house to an internal temperature of 75 °C, immediately chilled with a cold water shower for 10 min, and stored at 4 °C for 4 h. The cooked, chilled rolls were sliced (2.0-cm thick slices for texture measurement and 1.0-cm thick slices for other quality analyses) and vacuum-pack- 301 aged. The vacuum-packaged breast slices from each additive treatment were randomly divided into two groups and irradiated at 0 or 3 kGy using Linear Accelerator (Surebeam; Chicago, IL, USA). Samples were transported to the irradiation facility in ice boxes containing ice to maintain the temperature of samples close to 0 C in the dark. The energy and power level used were 10 MeV and 10 kW, respectively, and the conveyer speed was 25 ft/min. To conWrm the target dose, two alanine dosimeters per cart were attached to the top and bottom surfaces of a sample. The alanine dosimeters were read using a 104 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Instrument (Bruker Instruments Inc., Billerica, MA, USA). The max/min ratio was approximately 1.18 (avg.). After irradiation, turkey hams were stored at 4 °C. Color, volatiles, texture and TBARS were analyzed at 0 and 7 day, and sensory characteristics were determined after 5 days of storage. 2.2. Chemical analyses A purge-and-trap apparatus (Solatek 72 and Concentrator 3100; Tekmar–Dohrmann, Cincinnati, OH, USA) connected to a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS; Hewlett–Packard Co., Wilmington, DE, USA) was used to analyze volatiles produced. The conditions of the purge-and-trap apparatus and GC/MS were described by Lee and Ahn (2003a). The area of each peak was integrated using the ChemStation (Hewlett– Packard) software, and the total peak area (pA¤s £ 104) was reported as an indicator of volatiles generated from the sample. Lipid oxidation was determined by the 2-thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) method described by Ahn et al. (1998). The amounts of TBARS were expressed as milligrams of malondialdehyde (MDA) per kilogram of meat. The color of meat was measured on the surface of packaged samples using a Labscan spectrophotometer (Hunter Associated Labs Inc., Reston, VA, USA) that had been calibrated against white and black reference tiles packaged in the same bags as those used for meat packaging. CIE L* – (lightness), a* – (redness), and b* – (yellowness) values were obtained using an illuminant A. Area view and port size were 0.25 and 0.40 in., respectively. An average value from two random locations on each sample surface was used for statistical analysis. The texture of turkey breast roll was determined at room temperature by the Texture ProWle Analysis (TPA) method using a TA-XT2i® Texture Analyzer (Texture Technology Corp., New York, NY, USA). Turkey breast roll was immobilized between specially constructed stainless steel plates and a star-shaped, cherry-pitter probe was used to penetrate the slices perpendicularly. Each sample underwent two cycles of 50% compression using the above probe Wtted to a TA-XT2i® Texture Analyzer. Two separate TPA were done per slice, and four slices were used for each treatment. Five textural 302 E.J. Lee, D.U. Ahn / Meat Science 71 (2005) 300–305 parameters, hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, chewiness, and resilience, were obtained from the force-time curve and calculated as described by Bourne (1994). diVerences in the mean values were compared by the SNK (Student–Newman–Keuls) multiple range test, and mean values and standard error of the means (SEM) were reported (P < 0.05). 2.3. Sensory evaluation Ten trained sensory panelists characterized overall odor characteristics, color and texture of the samples. Panelists were selected based on interest, availability, and performance in screening tests conducted with samples similar to those to be tested. During training, a lexicon of aroma terms to be used on the ballot was developed and references to anchor the rating scale were identiWed. Sensory panelists were asked to rate the intensity of oV-aroma (irradiated), color, and texture included hardness, springiness, and juiciness on 9-unit linear scales (from 1: none to 9: extremely). Both irradiated and non-irradiated samples were presented to panelists. Panelists distinguished the diVerences in Xavor characteristics between irradiated and non-irradiated meat, and references to anchor the rating scale were identiWed. Samples were warmed in a microwave oven to 60 °C before serving. Each slice of turkey rolls was cut into quarters and a single piece was served in a covered 4 oz polyfoam container labeled with a random three-digit code. Each panelist evaluated eight samples per session and four test sessions were conducted. Heating was randomized and the samples were presented simultaneously. Panelists were instructed to evaluate the samples in the randomized order presented on the computer screen. Water and unsalted crackers were available to the panelists. Participants were instructed to rinse their mouths with water before starting to taste, and also between samples. Testing was conducted in partitioned booths and under red Xuorescent lights. Data were collected by using a computerized sensory scoring system (COMPUSENSE Wve, v 4.4, Compusense, Inc., Guelph, Ont., Canada N1H3N4). A complete block design was used for each of the tests. 2.4. Statistical analysis Data were processed by the General Linear Model (GLM) of Statistical Analysis System (SAS, 2000). The 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Chemical analyses Table 1 shows the proximate analysis of RTE turkey breast rolls with plum extract added at Day 0. All composition, especially moisture and lipid contents, of RTE turkey breast rolls with plum extract-added was similar to that of control. The TBARS values of irradiated samples immediately after irradiation were lower than those of non-irradiated samples (Table 2). After 7 d of storage at 4 °C, irradiated samples did not developed lipid oxidation because turkey breast meat had low lipid contents and all samples were vacuum-packaged. Plum extract signiWcantly reduced the TBARS of irradiated turkey breast rolls at Day 7. Our previous studies also indicated that irradiation accelerated lipid oxidation of meat only under aerobic conditions, and irradiation had no correlation with TBARS under vacuum packaging conditions (Ahn et al., 1997; Ahn, Jo, & Olson, 2000b). Also, decrease of TBARS after irradiation was observed in fatty acid or oil emulsion samples (Lee & Ahn, 2003b). Addition of 1% plum extract to turkey breast roll had no eVect, but >2% plum extract was eVective in controlling lipid oxidation, especially in irradiated meat. Diehl (1995) indicated that irradiation of aqueous systems produced hydrogen peroxide, particularly in the presence of oxygen. During post-irradiation storage, hydrogen peroxide gradually disappears while other constituents of the system are oxidized. Obviously, some oxidized compounds not present, or present at lower concentrations immediately after irradiation, can increase after hours or days after irradiation. Irradiation increased the amounts of hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds, which are known to cause irradiation oV-odor (Ahn et al., 2000a) in turkey breast rolls (Table 3). The amounts of hydrocarbons also increased during storage. Plum extract decreased the amounts of aldehydes at Day 0, and hydrocarbons and cyclo Table 1 Proximate analysis of RTE turkey breast roll with plum extract added Control (%) Moisture Protein Ash Lipid Carbohydrate 1% Plum (%) 2% Plum (%) 72.06a 72.27a 72.38a 72.09a 0.27 a a a a 0.17 0.05 0.07 0.10 23.91 1.64a 1.61a 0.78a 23.45 1.67a 1.63a 0.98a 23.48 1.65a 1.64a 0.85a SEM is standard error of the means. n D 4. a Values with the same superscript within a row within the same storage time are not diVerent (P < 0.05). 3% Plum (%) 23.92 1.71a 1.57a 0.71a SEM (%) E.J. Lee, D.U. Ahn / Meat Science 71 (2005) 300–305 303 Table 2 TBARS of RTE turkey breast roll with plum extract added 0 Day Non-IR IR SEM 7 day Non-IR IR SEM Control (mg MDA/kg meat) 1% Plum (mg MDA/kg meat) 2% Plum (mg MDA/kg meat) 3% Plum (mg MDA/kg meat) SEM (mg MDA/kg meat) 1.59ax 1.10ay 0.04 1.50abx 1.01aby 0.06 1.58ax 0.94by 0.04 1.36bx 0.81cy 0.03 0.06 0.03 1.14abx 0.89by 0.01 1.22ax 0.91by 0.02 1.09bx 0.84cy 0.02 0.03 0.02 1.19abx 0.95ay 0.03 SEM is standard error of the means, n = 4. a–c Values with diVerent superscripts within a row are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). x–y Values with diVerent superscripts within a column with the same storage time are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). Table 3 Volatile compounds of turkey breast rolls with plum extract Total ion counts £ 104 Non-IR Control 0 Day Alcohols Aldehydes Cyclo compounds Hydrocarbons Ketones Sulfur compounds 34817a 29146ab 447a 2078a 11753a 908a 7 Day Alcohols Aldehydes Cyclo compounds Hydrocarbons Ketones Sulfur compounds 44266a 32882a 1304a 18374a 10846a 631a IR 1% Plum 2% Plum 3% Plum SEM Control 1% Plum 2% Plum 3% Plum SEM 35733a 37318a 395a 1716a 21791a 1153a 32074a 22172b 411a 1782a 15031a 900a 34906a 18544b 540a 1691a 15144a 724a 1900 3763 43 150 3235 233 90561a 27056a 1552a 10711a 14457b 24291a 74835a 28032a 1397a 10916a 16194b 20562a 66168a 23183a 1370a 8776a 16756b 21048a 70866a 20761a 1734a 7010a 20200a 21339a 7344 2776 109 954 995 903 42074a 30602a 1109a 15291ab 12615a 577a 42417a 22338a 754b 12873b 8686a 466a 38700a 19895a 764b 10574b 13355a 525a 1506 3466 66 1331 1530 69 35305a 28842a 2237a 14319a 13277a 15369a 31813a 32151a 2455a 16653a 13366a 13823a 36997a 24062a 2207a 12476a 6479b 16130a 44120a 24890a 1907a 12370a 14608a 10358a 8768 5180 232 1798 956 2329 Non-IR means non-irradiated and IR means irradiated samples. Cyclo compounds: toluene, cyclodecene. p-xylene; Hydrocarbons: 1-heptene, 3-methyl undecane, decane heptane, hexane, octane, pentane; Ketones: 2-heptanone, 3-octanone, 2-octanone, 2-butanone, 2-propanone; Alcohols: ethanol, 1-octen-3-ol, 1-pentanol, 2-propanol, 2-butanol; Aldehydes: 2-methyl butanal, 2-methyl propanal, 3-methyl butanal, heptanal, hexanal, nonanal, pentanal, octanal; Sulfur compounds: dimethyl disulWde, dimethyl trisulWde. SEM is standard error of the means. n D 4. a–c Values with diVerent superscripts within a row with the same storage time and irradiation dose are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). compounds at Day 7 of non-irradiated turkey roll, but had no eVect in reducing the sulfur compounds. Aldehydes are known to contribute to oxidation Xavor (rancidity) of cooked meat, and hexanal is the predominant aldehyde in cooked meat (Shahidi & Pegg, 1994). Our results indicated that plum extract treatment showed reducing trends in lipid oxidation-dependent volatiles in turkey breast rolls, which agreed with the TBARS values. Irradiation and storage had no eVects on color L*, a* and b* values, but plum extract increased redness (a* value) and yellowness (b* value) and decreased lightness (L* value) in turkey breast rolls at 0 and 7 days (Table 4). However, the color change of turkey breast rolls added with plum extract was caused by the original dark purple color of plum extract. Irradiation and storage had no eVect on the texture proWle of turkey breast rolls (Table 5). Plum extract slightly inXuenced the springiness, cohesiveness and resilience of irradiated and non-irradiated turkey breast rolls but the diVerences were very small and not consistent. Lavelle and Foegeding (1993) reported that salt was important for the turkey breast and thigh myoWbrils to form good gelation with heating, and Zhu et al. (2004) reported that the cross linking of amino acid was also important for the texture proWle of turkey breast roll. 3.2. Sensory evaluation Table 6 shows the sensory evaluation of non-irradiated and irradiated turkey breast rolls with plum extract. According to the panel discussion, oV-odor or 304 E.J. Lee, D.U. Ahn / Meat Science 71 (2005) 300–305 Table 4 CIE color values of non-irradiated and irradiated turkey breast rolls with plum extract Non-IR IR Control 1% Plum 2% Plum 3% Plum SEM Control 1% Plum 2% Plum 3% Plum SEM 0 Day L a b 77.81a 6.09d 12.88d 74.67b 8.04c 18.02c 71.01c 9.14b 21.37b 68.10d 10.34a 23.39a 0.28 0.13 0.28 77.01a 7.87d 11.43d 74.03b 9.39c 17.26c 70.70c 10.84b 21.23b 68.37d 11.61a 23.17a 0.32 0.20 0.34 7 Day L a b 77.12a 6.17d 14.35d 73.33b 8.01c 19.31c 70.96c 8.83b 21.56b 67.97d 10.23a 24.18a 0.42 0.17 0.29 77.51a 7.30d 13.28d 74.26b 8.92c 18.34c 71.38c 10.00b 21.35b 68.23d 10.76a 23.46a 0.57 0.20 0.36 3% Plum SEM Non-IR means non-irradiated and IR means irradiated samples. SEM is standard error of the means, n = 16. a–c Values with diVerent superscripts within a row with the same irradiation dose are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). Table 5 Texture data of non-irradiated and irradiated turkey breast rolls with plum extract Non-IR Control IR 1% Plum 2% Plum 0 Day Hardness Springiness Cohesiveness Chewiness Resilience 3.87a 0.74b 0.56a 1.61a 0.18a 4.13a 0.78a 0.54a 1.74a 0.17a 4.06a 0.74b 0.53a 1.59a 0.17a 7 Day Hardness Springiness Cohesiveness Chewiness Resilience 4.10a 0.75ab 0.55ab 1.69a 0.18a 4.08a 0.76a 0.56a 1.73a 0.17a 4.18a 0.72b 0.51b 1.52a 0.15a 3% Plum SEM Control 1% Plum 2% Plum 3.74a 0.74b 0.55a 1.51a 0.17a 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.01 3.99a 0.74a 0.57a 1.70a 0.18a 4.08a 0.73a 0.56a 1.68a 0.18a 3.77a 0.72a 0.55a 1.51a 0.17a 4.03a 0.72a 0.56a 1.62a 0.17a 0.14 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.01 3.93a 0.73ab 0.54ab 1.55a 0.16a 0.15 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.01 4.01a 0.75a 0.57b 1.72a 0.17b 4.10a 0.75a 0.59a 1.83a 0.21a 3.91a 0.73a 0.57b 1.61a 0.18b 3.86a 0.75a 0.54c 1.56a 0.16b 0.18 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.01 Non-IR means non-irradiated and IR means irradiated samples. SEM is standard error of the means, n D 8. * Unit: hardness (N, the peak force during the Wrst compression cycle); springiness (the ratio of length between the Wrst compression (L1) and second compression (L2): L2/L1); cohesiveness (the ratio of the area of work during the second (A2) compression divided by the area of work during the Wrst (A1) compression: A2/A1); chewiness (hardness £ cohesiveness £ springiness); resilience (the ratio of the area during the withdrawal of the Wrst compression divided by the area of the Wrst compression). a–c Values with diVerent superscripts within a row with the same irradiation dose are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). Table 6 Sensory evaluation of non-irradiated and irradiated turkey breast rolls with plum extract Non-IR IR oV-odor Color Texture Hardness Springiness Juiciness IR Control 1% Plum 2% Plum 3% Plum SEM Control a 2.4 2.6d a 2.7 4.8c a 2.6 6.2b a 1% Plum 2% Plum 3% Plum a a a 4.2 5.9b a 2.2 7.6a 0.5 0.4 4.3 2.6d 4.3 4.6c 5.8a 5.1a 3.6a 4.8a 4.9a 4.1a 4.7a 4.8a 4.4a 4.1a 4.4a 4.8a 0.5 0.4 0.5 5.7a 4.3a 3.6b 5.0ab 5.2a 4.0b SEM 4.3 7.3a 0.8 0.3 4.2bc 4.9a 4.7ab 3.8c 5.1a 5.3a 0.3 0.5 0.4 Non-IR means non-irradiated and IR means irradiated samples. 1 D none, 9 D extremely. SEM is standard error of the means, n D 10. a–c Values with diVerent superscripts within a row with the same irradiation dose are signiWcantly diVerent (P < 0.05). oV-Xavor associated with irradiation was metal-like, oxidized, sulfur and sweet. Ahn et al. (2000b) described the irradiation odor from irradiated pork as “barbecued corn-like” and Hashim, Resurreccion, and MaWatters (1995) found that irradiated raw chicken had higher bloody and sweet aroma intensities than non-irradiated refrigerated and frozen chicken. In this study, the intensity of irradiation odor in irradiated E.J. Lee, D.U. Ahn / Meat Science 71 (2005) 300–305 samples was two times higher than those of non-irradiated samples, but plum extract had no eVect in reducing the irradiation odor. This result agrees with the data for volatiles, in which plum extract had no eVect in reducing the sulfur compounds in turkey breast rolls (Table 3). Plum extract increased color intensity of turkey breast rolls in sensory evaluation. The dark color in plum extract-added turkey rolls was caused by the original color of plum extract, which was dark purple. Irradiation had no eVect to color change in turkey breast rolls and sensory evaluation also agreed with those of CIE color analysis (Table 4). Sensory panels found that irradiation had no eVect on the texture of turkey breast rolls, but plum extract decreased hardness at >2% level and increased juiciness at 3% level in irradiated samples. This indicates that plum extracts work as humectant, which naturally binds moisture and thus improves the texture of turkey breast roll from “dry” mouth-feel in low fat contents meat. It is concluded that addition of 3% of plum extract is recommended to improve mouth-feel and antioxidant eVect in irradiated turkey breast rolls. However, the color of turkey rolls with 3% plum extract was dark and might not be appealing to consumers. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the California Plum Board (Sunsweet Growers Inc., Yuba City, CA), and the NASA Food Technology Commercial Space Center at Iowa State University (Ames, IA). References Ahn, D. 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