Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 1, 60 (2002) T. Godoy - E. Lami Dozo - S. Paczka ∗ ON THE ANTIMAXIMUM PRINCIPLE FOR PARABOLIC PERIODIC PROBLEMS WITH WEIGHT Abstract. We prove that an antimaximum principle holds for the Neumann and Dirichlet periodic parabolic linear problems of second order with a time periodic and essentially bounded weight function. We also prove that an uniform antimaximum principle holds for the one dimensional Neumann problem which extends the corresponding elliptic case. 1. Introduction inR N with C 2+γ boundary, 0 < γ < 1 and let τ > 0. Let Let be a bounded domain ai, j (x, t) 1≤i, j ≤N b j (x, t) 1≤ j ≤N and a0 (x, t) be τ -periodic functions in t such that ai, j , b j and a0 belong to C γ ,γ /2 × R , ai, j = a j,i for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N and P P ai, j (x, t) ξi ξ j ≥ c ξi2 for some c > 0 and all (x, t) ∈ × R, (ξ1 , ..., ξ N ) ∈ R N . i, j i Let L be the periodic parabolic operator given by (1) Lu = X ∂u ∂u X ∂ 2u + bj + a0 u − ai, j ∂t ∂ xi ∂ x j ∂x j j i, j Let B (u) = 0 denote either the Dirichlet boundary condition u |∂×R = 0 or the Neumann condition ∂u/∂ν = 0 along ∂ × R. Let us consider the problem Lu = λmu + h in × R, u τ − periodic in t Pλ,h B (u) = 0 on ∂ × R where the weight function m = m (x, t) is a τ - periodic and essentially bounded function, h = h (x, t) is τ - periodic in t and h ∈ L p ( × (0, τ )) for some p > N + 2. We say that λ∗ ∈ R is a principal eigenvalue for the weight m if Pλ∗ ,h has a positive solution when h ≡ 0. The antimaximum principle can be stated as follows: D EFINITION 1. We will say that the antimaximum principle (AMP) holds to the right (respectively to the left) of a principal eigenvalue λ∗ if for each h ≥ 0, h 6= 0 (with ∗ Research partially supported by Agencia Córdoba Ciencia, Conicet and Secyt-UNC. 33 34 T. Godoy - E. Lami Dozo - S. Paczka h ∈ L p ( × (0, τ )) for some p > N + 2) there exists a δ (h) > 0 such that Pλ,h has a negative solution for each λ ∈ (λ∗ , λ∗ + δ (h)) (respectively λ ∈ (λ∗ − δ (h) , λ∗ )). We prove that, depending on m, these two possibilities happen and that in some cases the AMP holds left and right of λ∗ , similarly to the purely stationary case where all data are independent of t (but in that case the period becomes artificial) Our results are described by means of the real function µm (λ) , λ ∈ R, defined as the unique µ ∈ R such that the homogeneous problem Lu − λmu = µu in × R, u τ − periodic in t Pµ B (u) = 0 on ∂ × R has a positive solution. This function was first studied by Beltramo - Hess in [2] for Hölder continuous weight and Dirichlet boundary condition. They proved that µm is a concave and real analytic function, for Neumann the same holds ([8], Lemmas 15.1 and 15.2). A given λ ∈ R is a principal eigenvalue for the weight m iff µm has a zero at λ We will prove that if µm is non constant and if λ∗ is a principal eigenvalue for the weight m then the AMP holds to the left of λ∗ if µ0m (λ∗ ) > 0, holds to the right of λ∗ if µ0m (λ∗ ) < 0 and holds right and left of λ∗ if µ0m (λ∗ ) = 0. As a consequence of these results we will give (see section 3, Theorem 1), for the case a0 ≥ 0, conditions on m that describe completely what happens respect to the AMP, near each principal eigenvalue. The notion of AMP is due to Ph. Clement and L. A. Peletier [3]. They proved an AMP to the right of the first eigenvalue for m = 1, with all data independent of t and a0 (x) ≥ 0, i.e. the elliptic case. Hess [7] proves the same, in the Dirichlet case, for m ∈ C . Our aim is to extend these results to periodic parabolic problems covering both cases, Neumann and Dirichlet. In section 2 we give a version of the AMP for a compact family of positive operators adapted to our problem and in section 3 we state the main results. 2. Preliminaries Let Y be an ordered real Banach space with a total positive cone PY with norm preserving order, i.e. u, v ∈ Y, 0 < u ≤ v implies kuk ≤ kvk . Let PY◦ denote the interior of PY in Y. We will assume, from now on, that PY◦ 6= ∅. Its dual Y 0 is an ordered Banach space with positive cone P 0 = y 0 ∈ Y 0 : y 0 , y ≥ 0 for all y ∈ P For y 0 ∈ Y 0 we set y 0⊥ = y ∈ Y : y 0 , y = 0 and for r > 0, BrY (y) will denote the open ball in Y centered at y with radius r. For v, w ∈ Y with v < w we put (v, w) and [u, v] for the order intervals {y ∈ Y : v < y < w} and {y ∈ Y : v ≤ y ≤ w} On the antimaximum principle 35 respectively. B (Y ) will denote the space of the bounded linear operators on Y and for T ∈ B (Y ) , T ∗ will be denote its adjoint T ∗ : Y 0 → Y 0 . Let us recall that if T is a compact and strongly positive operator on Y and if ρ is its spectral radius, then, from Krein - Rutman Theorem, (as stated, e.g., in [1], Theorem 3.1), ρ is a positive algebraically simple eigenvalue with positive eigenvectors associated for T and for its adjoint T ∗ . We will also need the following result due to Crandall - Rabinowitz ([4], Lemma 1.3) about perturbation of simple eigenvalues: L EMMA 1. If T0 is a bounded operator on Y and if r0 is an algebraically simple eigenvalue for T0 , then there exists δ > 0 such that kT − T0 k < δ implies that there exists a unique r (T ) ∈ R satisfying |r (T ) − r0 | < δ for which r (T ) I − T is singular. Moreover, the map T → r (T ) is analytic and r (T ) is an algebraically simple eigenvalue for T . Finally, an associated eigenvector v (T ) can be chosen such that the map T → v (T ) is also analytic. We start with an abstract formulation of the AMP for a compact family of operators. The proof is an adaptation, to our setting, of those in [3] and [7]. L EMMA 2. Let {Tλ }λ∈3 be a compact family of compact and strongly positive operators on Y . Denote by ρ (λ) the spectral radius of Tλ and σ (λ) its spectrum. Then for all 0 < u ≤ v in Y there exists δu,v > 0 in R such that ρ (λ) − δu,v , ρ (λ) ∩ σ (λ) = ∅ and (θ I − Tλ )−1 h < 0 uniformly in h ∈ [u, v] ⊂ Y and θ ∈ ρ (λ) − δu,v , ρ (λ) ⊂ R. Proof. We have that (1) ρ (λ) is an algebraically simple eigenvalue for Tλ with a positive eigenvector 8λ (2) Tλ∗ has an eigenvector 9λ associated to the eigenvalue ρ (λ) such that h9λ , xi > 0 for all x ∈ P − {0} . 1 and (3) 8 λ normalized by k8λ k = 9λ normalized by h9λ , 8λ i = 1 imply that (8λ , 9λ , ρ (λ)) ∈ Y × Y 0 × R is compact. (4) There exists r > 0 such that BrY (0) ⊂ (−8λ , 8λ ) for all λ ∈ 3. (1) and (2) follow from Krein - Rutman Theorem. For (3) {ρ (λ) , λ ∈ 3} is compact in (0, ∞) because given ρ (λn ) , the sequence Tλn has a subsequence (still denoted) Tλn → Tλ∞ ∈ {Tλ }λ∈3 in B (Y ) . Taking into account (1), Lemma 1 provides an r > 0 such that T ∈ B (Y ) , kT − T∞ k < r imply that 0 ∈ / (ρ (λ∞ ) − r, ρ (λ∞ ) + r ) ∩ σ (T ) = {ρ (T )} , so ρ (λn ) → ρ (λ∞ ) > 0. This lemma also gives {8λ : λ ∈ 3} and {9λ : λ ∈ 3} compact in Y and Y 0 respectively. (4) follows remarking that {8λ , λ ∈ 3} has a lower bound v ≤ 8λ , v ∈ PY◦ . Indeed, 21 8λ ∈ PY◦ so w − 21 8λ = 21 8λ + w − 8λ ∈ PY◦ for w ∈ Br(λ) (8λ ) with 36 T. Godoy - E. Lami Dozo - S. Paczka rn (λ) > 0. The open covering oBr(λ) (8λ ) of {8λ : λ ∈ 3} admits a finite subcovering Br (λ j ) 8λ j , j = 1, 2, ..., l and it is simple to obtain r j ∈ (0, 1) such that 8λ j > r j 21 8λ1 j = 1, 2, ..., l, so v = r 8λ1 ≤ 21 8λ j < 8λ for all λ ∈ 3 and some j ( j depending on λ). We prove now the Lemma for each λ and h ∈ [u, v] , i.e. we find δu,v (λ) and we finish by a compactness argument thanks to (1)-(4). 9λ⊥ is a closed subspace of Y and then, endowed with the norm induced from Y, it is a Banach space. It is clear that 9λ⊥ is Tλ invariant. and that Tλ|9 ⊥ : 9λ⊥ → 9λ⊥ is λ a compact operator. Now, ρ (λ) is a simple eigenvalue for Tλ with eigenvector 8λ and ⊥ 8λ ∈ / 9λ , but ρ (λ) > 0 and Tλ is a compact operator, thus ρ (λ) ∈ / σ Tλ|9 ⊥ . λ L ⊥ We have also Y = R8λ 9λ , a direct sum decomposition with bounded projections P8λ , P9 ⊥ given by P8λ y = h9λ , yi 8λ and P9 ⊥ y = y − h9λ , yi 8λ respecλ λ eλ is a compact operator. eλ : Y → Y be defined by T eλ = Tλ P ⊥ Thus T tively. Let T 9λ Moreover, ρ (λ) does not belongs to its spectrum. (Indeed, suppose that ρ (λ) is an eλ , let v be an associated eigenvector. We write v = P8λ v + P ⊥ v. eigenvalue for T 9λ ⊥ e / σ Tλ|9 ⊥ . ContradicThen ρ (λ) v = Tλ (v) = Tλ P9 ⊥ v and so v ∈ 9λ , but ρ (λ) ∈ λ λ eλ has a bounded inverse. tion). Thus, for each λ, ρ (λ) I − T Hence, from the compactness of the set {ρ (λ) : λ ∈ 3} it follows that there exists eλ has a bounded inverse for (θ, λ) ∈ D where ε > 0 such that θ I − T D = {(θ, λ) : λ ∈ 3, ρ (λ) − ε ≤ θ ≤ ρ (λ) + ε} eλ −1 remains bounded as (λ, θ ) runs on D. and that θ I − T B(Y ) −1 = But θ I − Tλ|9 ⊥ : 9λ⊥ → 9λ⊥ has a bounded inverse given by θ I − Tλ|9 ⊥ λ λ −1 eλ −1 θI − T and so θ I − Tλ|9 ⊥ remains bounded as (λ, θ ) runs ⊥ |9λ λ B 9λ⊥ on D. For h ∈ [u, v] we set wλ,h = h − h9λ , hi 8λ . As θ ∈ / σ (Tλ ) we have −1 h9λ , hi θ − ρ (λ) −1 wh,λ 8λ + (2) (θ I − Tλ )|9 ⊥ (θ I − Tλ ) h = λ h9λ , hi θ − ρ (λ) and u − h9λ , vi 8λ ≤ wh,λ ≤ v − h9λ , ui 8λ that is wh,λ ≤ cu,v for some con −1 wh,λ remains bounded in Y, unistant cu,v independent of h. Hence (θ I − Tλ )|9 ⊥ λ formly on (θ, λ) ∈ D and h ∈ [u, v] . Also, h9λ , hi ≥ h9λ , ui and since {h9λ , ui} is compact in (0, ∞) it follows that h9λ , hi ≥ c for some positive constant c and all λ ∈ 3 and all h ∈ [u, v] . Thus the lemma follows from (4). R EMARK 1. The conclusion of Lemma 2 holds if (1)-(4) are fulfilled. 37 On the antimaximum principle We will use the following C OROLLARY 1. Let λ → Tλ be continuous map from [a, b] ⊂ R into B (Y ). If each Tλ is a compact and strongly positive operator then the conclusion of Lemma 2 holds. 3. The AMP for periodic parabolic problems p For 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, denote X = L τ ( × R) the space of the τ - periodic functions u : × R → R (i.e. u (x, t) = u (x, t + τ ) a.e.(x, t) ∈ × R) such whose restrictions 1+γ ,γ to × (0, τ ) belong to L p ( × (0, τ )) . We write also Cτ,B × R for the space of the τ - periodic Hölder continuous functions u on × R satisfying the boundary condition B (u) = 0 and Cτ × R for the space of τ - periodic continuous functions on × R. We set 1+γ ,γ (3) ×R Y = Cτ,B and Y = Cτ × R if B (u) = u |∂×R if B (u) = ∂u/∂ν. In each case, X and Y, equipped with their natural orders and norms are ordered Banach spaces, and in the first one, Y has compact inclusion into X and the cone PY of the positive elements in Y has non empty interior. Fix s0 > ka0 k∞ . If s ∈ (s0 , ∞), the solution operator S of the problem Lu + su = f on × R, B (u) = 0, u τ − periodic, f ∈Y defined by S f = u, can be extended to an injective and bounded operator, that we still denote by S, from X into Y (see [9], Lemma 3.1). This provides an extension of the original differential operator L, which is a closed operator from a dense subspace D ⊂ Y into X (see [9], p. 12). From now on L will denote this extension of the original differential operator. If a ∈ L ∞ δ2 , τ ( × R) and δ1 ≤ a + a0 ≤ δ2 for some positive constants δ1 and 1+γ ,γ then L+a I : X → Y has a bounded inverse (L + a I )−1 : X → C B × R ⊂ Y, i.e. (4) (L + a I )−1 f 1+γ ,γ ≤ c k f k L τp (×R) C ×R for some positive constant c and all f ([9], Lemma 3.1). So (L + a I )−1 : X → X and −1 its restriction (L + a I )−1 |Y : Y → Y are compact operators. Moreover, (L + a I )|Y : Y → Y is a strongly positive operator ([9], Lemma 3.7). p If ∂ai, j /∂ x j ∈ C × R for 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N, we recall that for f ∈ L τ ( × R) , 38 T. Godoy - E. Lami Dozo - S. Paczka (L + a I )−1 f is a weak solution of the periodic problem ! X ∂ai, j ∂u X ∂u bj + − di v (A∇u) + + (a + a0 ) u = f on × R, ∂t ∂ xi ∂x j j i B (u) = 0 on ∂ × R u (x, t) = u (x, t + τ ) where A is the N × N matrix whose i, j entry is ai, j (weak solutions defined as, e.g., in [10], taking there, the test functions space adapted to the periodicity and to the respective boundary condition) In fact, this is true for a Hölder continuous f (classical solutions are weak solutions) and then an approximation process, using that L is closed and (4), gives the assertion for a general f. R EMARK 2. Let m ∈ L ∞ τ ( × R) and let M : X → X be the operator multiplication by m. Then for each λ ∈ R there exists a unique µ ∈ R such that the problem Pµ from the introduction has a positive solution. This is shown for λ > 0, a0 ≥ 0 in [9] (see Remark 3.9 and Lemma 3.10). A slight modification of the argument used there shows that this is true for λ ∈ R, a0 ∈ L∞ τ ( × R) (start with L + r instead of L, with r ∈ R large enough). Thus µm (λ) is well defined for all λ ∈ R, µm is a concave function, µm (λ) is real analytic in λ, µm (λ) is an M simple eigenvalue for L and µm (λ) = 0 if and only if λ is a principal eigenvalue for the weight m. Moreover, the positive solution u λ of Pµm (λ) can be chosen real analytic in λ (as a map from R into Y ). As in the case m Hölder continuous we have µm (−λ) = µ−m (λ) , λ ∈ R. We recall also that for the Dirichlet problem with a0 ≥ 0 (and also for the Neumann problem with a0 ≥ 0, a0 6= 0) we have µm (0) > 0 (see [8], also [5] and [6]). Given λ ∈ R, we will say that the maximum principle (in brief MP) holds for λ if λ is not an eigenvalue for the weight m and if h ∈ X with h ≥ 0, h 6= 0 implies that the solution u λ of the problem Pλ,h belongs to PY◦ . The function µm describes what happens, with respect to the MP, at a given λ ∈ R (for the case m Hölder continuous see [8], Theorem 16.6): µm (λ) > 0 if and only if λ is not an eigenvalue and M P holds for λ Indeed, for h ∈ X with h ≥ 0, h 6= 0, for r ∈ R large enough such that − ka0 k∞ − kλmk∞ + r > 0, problem Pλ,h is equivalent to r −1 I − Sλ u = Hλ with Sλ = (L + r − λM)−1 and Hλ = r −1 Sλ h. Now Hλ > 0. Also µm (λ) > 0 if and only if ρ e(λ) < r −1 , where e ρ (λ) is the spectral radius of Sλ so Krein - Rutman Theorem ensures, for such a u, that µm (λ) > 0 is equivalent to u ∈ PY◦ . Moreover, µm (λ) > 0 implies also that λ is not an eigenvalue for the weight m, since, if λ would be an eigenvalue with an associated eigenfunction 8 and if u λ is a positive solution of Lu = 39 On the antimaximum principle λmu + µm (λ) u, B (u) = 0, then, for a suitable constant c, v = u λ + c8 would be a solution negative somewhere for the problem Lv = λmv + µm (λ) u λ , B (v) = 0. Next theorem shows that µm also describes what happens, with respect to the AMP, near to a principal eigenvalue. T HEOREM 1. Let L be the periodic parabolic operator given by (1) with coefficients satisfying the conditions stated there, let B (u) = 0 be either the Dirichlet condition or the Neumann condition, consider Y given by (3), let m be a function ∗ in L ∞ τ ( × R) and let λ be a principal eigenvalue for the weight m. Finally, let p u, v ∈ L τ ( × R) for some p > N + 2, with 0 < u ≤ v. Then (a) If λ → µm (λ) vanishes identically, then for all λ ∈ R and all h ≥ 0, h 6= 0 in p L τ ( × R), problem Pλ,h has no solution. (b) If µ0m (λ∗ ) < 0 (respectively µ0m (λ∗ ) > 0), then the AMP holds to the right of λ∗ (respectivley to the left) and its holds uniformly on h ∈ [u, v] , i.e. ∗ ∗ there exists δu,v > 0 such that for each λ ∈ λ , λ + δu,v (respectively ∗ ∗ λ ∈ λ − δu,v , λ ) and for each h ∈ [u, v] , the solution u λ,h of Pλ,h satisfies u λ,h ∈ −PY◦ . (c) If µ0m (λ∗ ) = 0 and if µm does not vanishes identically, then the AMP holds uniformly on h for h ∈ [u, v] right and left of λ∗ , i.e. there exists δu,v > 0 such that for 0 < |λ − λ∗ | < δu,v , h ∈ [u, v] , the solution u λ,h of Pλ,h is in −PY◦ . Proof. Let M : X → X be the operator multiplication by m. Given a closed interval I around λ∗ we choose r ∈ (0, ∞) such that r > λ∗ µ0m (λ∗ ) and r −kλmk∞ −ka0 k∞ > 0 for all λ ∈ I. For a such r and for λ ∈ I, let Tλ : Y → Y defined by Tλ = (L + r I )−1 (λM + r I ) so each Tλ is a strongly positive and compact operator on Y with a positive spectral radius ρ (λ) that is an algebraically simple eigenvalue for Tλ and Tλ∗ . Let 8λ , 9λ be the corresponding positive eigenvectors normalized by k8λ k = 1 and h9λ , 8λ i = 1. By Lemma 1, ρ (λ) is real analytic in λ and 8λ , 9λ are continuous in λ. As a consequence of Krein - Rutman, we have that ρ (λ) = 1 iff λ is a principal eigenvalue for the weight m. So ρ (λ∗ ) = 1. Since Tλ is strongly positive we have 8λ ∈ PY◦ , so there exists s > 0 such that BsY (0) ⊂ (−8λ , 8λ ) for all λ ∈ I. Let H = (L + r )−1 h, U = (L + r )−1 u and V = (L + r )−1 v. The problem Lu λ = λmu λ + h on × R, B (u λ ) = 0 on ∂ × R is equivalent to (5) u λ = (I − Tλ )−1 H and u ≤ h ≤ v implies U ≤ H ≤ V. So, we are in the hypothesis of our Lemma 2 and −1 remains bounded for λ near to λ∗ from its proof we get that ρ (λ) I − Tλ|9λ⊥ ∗ and from (2) with θ = ρ (λ ) = 1 we obtain −1 h9λ , H i 1 − ρ (λ) w H,λ 8λ + (6) uλ = (I − Tλ )|9 ⊥ λ h9λ , H i 1 − ρ (λ) 40 T. Godoy - E. Lami Dozo - S. Paczka where w H,λ = H − h9λ , H i 8λ . λ m8λ + r Tλ 8λ = ρ (λ) 8λ is equivalent to L8λ = ρ(λ) 8λ > 0 this implies λ 1 (7) µm =r −1 . ρ (λ) ρ (λ) 1 ρ(λ) − 1 8λ and, since If µm vanishes identically then ρ (λ) = 1 for all λ and (5) has no solution for all h ≥ 0, h 6= 0. This gives assertion (a) of the theorem. For (b) suppose that µ0m (λ∗ ) 6= 0. Taking the derivative in (7) at λ = λ∗ and recalling that ρ (λ∗ ) = 1 we obtain µ0m λ∗ 1 − λ∗ ρ 0 λ∗ = −rρ 0 λ∗ so ρ 0 (λ∗ ) = µ0m (λ∗ ) / λ∗ µ0m (λ∗ ) − r . We have chosen r > λ∗ µ0m (λ∗ ) , thus µ0m (λ∗ ) > 0 implies ρ 0 (λ∗ ) < 0 and µ0m (λ∗ ) < 0 implies ρ 0 (λ∗ ) > 0 and then, proceeding as at the end of the proof of Lemma 2, assertion (b) of the theorem follows from (6). If µ0m (λ∗ ) = 0, since µm is concave and analytic we have µm (λ) < 0 for λ 6= λ∗ . Then 1/ρ has a local maximum at λ∗ and (c) follows from (6) as above. To formulate conditions on m to fulfill the assumptions of Theorem 1 we recall the quantities Z τ Z τ P (m) = ess supx∈m (x, t) dt, N (m) = ess i n f x∈ m (x, t) dt. 0 0 The following two theorems describe completely the possibilities, with respect to the AMP, in Neumann and Dirichlet cases with a0 ≥ 0. T HEOREM 2. Let L be given by (1). Assume that either B (u) = 0 is the Neumann condition and a0 ≥ 0, a0 6= 0 or that B (u) = 0 is the Dirichlet condition and a0 ≥ 0. Assume in addition that ∂ai, j /∂ x j ∈ C × R , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N. Then (1) If P (m) > 0 (P (m) ≤ 0) , N (m) ≥ 0 (N (m) < 0) then there exists a unique principal eigenvalue λ∗ that is positive (negative) and the AMP holds to the right (to the left) of λ∗ (2) If P (m) > 0, N (m) < 0 then there exist two principal eigenvalues λ−1 < 0 and λ1 > 0 and the AMP holds to the right of λ1 and to the left of λ−1 . (3) If P (m) = then N (m) = 0 then there are no principal eigenvalues. p Moreover if u, v ∈ L τ ( × R) satisfy 0 < u < v, then in (1) and (2) the AMP holds uniformly on h for h ∈ [u, v] . On the antimaximum principle 41 Proof. We consider first the Dirichlet problem. If P (m) > 0 and N (m) ≥ 0 then there exists a unique principal eigenvalue λ1 that is positive ([9]). Since µm (0) > 0, µm (λ1 ) = 0 and µ is concave, we have µ0m (λ1 ) < 0 and (b) of Theorem 1 applies. If P (m) > 0 and N (m) < 0 then there exist two eigenvalues λ−1 < 0 and λ1 > 0 because µ−m (−λ) = µm (λ) and in this case (µm is concave) we have µ0m (λ−1 ) > 0 and µ0m (λ1 ) < 0, so Theorem 1 applies. In each case Theorem 1 gives the required uniformity. The other cases are similar. If P (m) = N (m) = 0 then m = m (t) and µm (λ) ≡ µm (0) > 0 ([9]). So (3) holds. Results in [9] for the Dirichlet problem remain valid for the Neumann condition with a0 ≥ 0, a0 6= 0, so the above proof holds. R EMARK 3. If a0 = 0 in the Neumann problem then λ0 = 0 is a principal eigenvalue and µm (0) = 0. To study this case we recall that (L + 1)−1∗ has a positive eigenvector 9 ∈ X 0 ⊂ Y 0 provided by the KreinR - Rutman Theorem and (4). Then µ0m (0) = − h9, mi / h9, 1i where h9, mi = ×(0,τ ) ψm makes sense 0 because 9 ∈ L p ( × (0, τ )) ([9], remark 3.8). Indeed, let u λ be a positive τ periodic solution of Lu λ = λmu λ + µm (λ) u λ on × R, B (u λ ) = 0 with u λ real analytic in λ and with u 0 = 1. Since 9 vanishes on the range of L we have 0 = λ h9, mu λ i + µm (λ) h9, u λ i . Taking the derivative at λ = 0 and using that u 0 = 1 we get the above expression for µ0m (0) . T HEOREM 3. Let L be given by (1). Assume that B (u) = 0 is the Neumann condition and that a0 = 0. Assume in addition that ∂ai, j /∂ x j ∈ C × R , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N. Let 9 be as in Remark 3. Then, if m is not a function of t alone, we have (1) If h9, mi < 0 (h9, mi > 0), P (m) ≤ 0 (N (m) ≥ 0) , then 0 is the unique principal eigenvalue and the AMP holds to the left (to the right) of 0. (2) If h9, mi < 0 (h9, mi > 0) , P (m) > 0 (N (m) < 0) , then there exists two principal eigenvalues, 0 and λ∗ wich is positive (negative) and the AMP holds to the left (to the right) of 0 and to the right (to the left) of λ∗ . (3) If h9, mi = 0,hen 0 is the unique principal eigenvalue and the AMP holds left and right of 0. If m = m (t) is a function of t alone, then we have Rτ (1’) If 0 m (t) dt = 0 then for all λ ∈ R the above problem Lu = λmu + h has no solution. Rτ (2’) If 0 m (t) dt 6= 0 and h9, mi > 0 (h9, mi < 0) then 0 is the unique principal eigenvalue and the AMP holds to the right (to the left) of 0. Moreover, if u, v ∈ X satisfy 0 < u < v, then in each case (except (1’)) the AMP holds uniformly on h for h ∈ [u, v] . 42 T. Godoy - E. Lami Dozo - S. Paczka Proof. Suppose that m is not a function of t alone. If h9, mi < 0, P (m) ≤ 0 then 0 is the unique principal eigenvalue and µ0m (0) > 0. If h9, mi < 0, P (m) > 0 then there exist two principal eigenvalues: 0 and some λ1 > 0 and since µm is concave we have µ0m (0) > 0 and µ0m (λ1 ) < 0. If h9, mi = 0 and if m is not funtion of t alone, then µm is not a constant and µ0m (0) = 0 and 0 is the unique principal eigenvalue. In each case, the theorem follows from Theorem 1. The other cases are similar. P(m) If m is a function of t alone then µm (λ) = − P(m) = τ λ, this implies τ Rτ h9, mi / h9, 1i . If 0 m (t) dt = 0 then µm = 0 and (a) of Theorem 1 applies. If Rτ 0 m (t) dt 6 = 0 and h9, mi > 0 then P (m) = N (m) > 0 so 0 is the unique principal eigenvalue and µ0m (0) < 0, in Rthis case Theorem 1 applies also. The case h9, mi < 0 τ is similar. The remaining case 0 m (t) dt 6= 0 and h9, mi = 0 is impossible because P(m) = h9, mi / h9, 1i. τ For one dimensional Neumann problems, similarly to the elliptic case, a uniform AMP holds. T HEOREM 4. Suppose N = 1, = (α, β) and the Neumann condition. Let L be γ ,γ /2 given by Lu = u t − au x x + bu x + a0 u, where a0 , b ∈ Cτ × R , a0 ≥ 0 and with a ∈ Cτ1 × R , min a (x, t) > 0. Then the AMP holds uniformly in h (i.e. x∈×R holds on an interval independent of h) in each situation considered in Theorem 3. Proof. Let λ∗ be a principal eigenvalue for Lu = λmu. Without loss of generality we can assume that khk p = 1 and that the AMP holds to the right of λ∗ . Denote M the operator multiplication by m. Let Iλ∗ be a finite closed interval around λ∗ and, for λ ∈ Iλ∗ , let Tλ , 8λ and 9λ be as in the proof of Theorem 1. Each 8λ belongs to the interior of the positive cone in C and λ → 8λ is a continuous map from Iλ∗ into C , thus there exist positive constants c1 , c2 such that c1 ≤ 8λ (x) ≤ c2 (8) for all λ ∈ Iλ∗ and x ∈ . As in the proof of Lemma 2 we obtain (6). Taking into −1 ∗ account (8) and that (I − Tλ )|9 ⊥ remains bounded for λ near λ , in order to λ prove our theorem, to see that there exist a positive constant c independent it is enough −1 w H,λ of h, such that / h9λ , H i < c for λ ∈ Iλ∗ . Since I − Tλ|9λ⊥ ∞ I − Tλ|9 ⊥ λ −1 h9λ , H i w H,λ −1 = I − Tλ|9 ⊥ λ H − 8λ , h9λ , H i it suffices to prove that there exists a positive constant c such that (9) kH k∞ ≤ c h9λ , H i 43 On the antimaximum principle for all h ≥ 0 with khk p = 1. To show (9) we proceed by contradiction. If (9) does not p holds, we would have for all j ∈ N, h j ∈ L τ ( × R) with h j ≥ 0, h j p = 1 and λ j ∈ Iλ∗ such that E 1 9λ j , (L + r I )−1 h j < ( L + r I )−1 h j . ∞ j Thus lim j →∞ 9λ j , (L + r I )−1 h j = 0. We claim that (11) (L + r I )−1 h / min (L + r I )−1 h ≤ c (10) D ∞ ×[0,τ ] p for some positive constant c and all nonnegative and non zero h ∈ L τ ( × R) . If (11) holds, then E D 9λ j , (L + r I )−1 h j ≥ 9λ j , 1 min (L + r I )−1 h j ≥ ×[0,τ ] ≥ c0 c ( L + r I )−1 h j 9λ j , 8λ j = cc0 ( L + r I )−1 h j ∞ ∞ for some positive constant c0 independent of j, contradicting (10). It remains to prove (11) which looks like an elliptic Harnack inequality. We may suppose α = 0. Extending u := (L + r I )−1 h by parity to [−β, β] we obtain a function e u with e u (−β, t) = e u (β, t) , so we can assume that e u is 2β - periodic in x and τ periodic in t. e u solves weakly the equation e u t −e ae uxx +e be u x + (a0 + r )e u =e h in R × R e where e a, e a0 , h are extensions to R × R like e u , but b is extended to an odd function e b e in (−β, β) then 2β periodically. In spite of discontinuities of b, a parabolic Harnack inequality holds for e u =e u e h ([10], Th. 1.1) and using the periodicity of e u in t, we obtain (11). References [1] A MANN H., Fixed point equations and nonlinear eigenvalue problems in ordered Banach spaces, SIAM Review 18 (4) (1976), 620–709. [2] B ELTRAMO A. AND H ESS P. Uber den Haupteigenwert von peridiosh parabolischen Differenialoperatoren, Ph. D. Thesis, Univ of Zurich (1984) [3] C LEMENT P H . AND P ELETIER L. A., An anti maximum principle for second order elliptic problems, J. Diff. Equat. 34 (2) (1979), 218–229. 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AMS Subject Classification: 35K20, 35P05, 47N20. Tomas GODOY, Sofia PACZKA Facultad de Matemática, Astronomı́a y Fı́sica and CIEM-Conicet Medina Allende y Haya de la Torre, Ciudad Universitaria 5000 Córdoba, ARGENTINA e-mail: e-mail: Enrique LAMI DOZO IAM, Conicet - Universidad de Buenos Aires and Université libre de Bruxelles Département de Mathématique Campus Plaine CP 214 1050 Bruxelles, BELGIQUE e-mail: Lavoro pervenuto in redazione il 03.05.2001 e, in forma definitiva, il 25.02.2002.