3260 Thai (Syllabus Y) November 2007
Paper 3260/01
Paper 1
General comments
The majority of the candidates performed well. Many candidates demonstrated a good or elegant style of
writing with very few grammatical mistakes. However, spelling was still the main problem, with some basic
errors which could have been corrected if the answers had been double checked. In general, mistakes arose
when candidates did not read the questions carefully and so gave totally unrelated answers. The
translations, both from English into Thai and from Thai into English proved to be the most challenging
Comments on specific questions
Section A: Composition
Candidates are reminded to read the questions carefully and respond to the task which is set. For example,
a response which sets out to describe an event should not focus mainly on whether the idea of creating such
an event is right or wrong. Some candidates may find it helpful to plan their response carefully before writing
in order to avoid repetition or digression. Candidates are also advised to keep to the word length, as answers
which are too short or excessively long will not score in the top bands.
Section B: Translation
The most common mistake in the translation was made by candidates who tried to summarise the passage
and then add personal comment. In their translations, candidates are advised to follow the main points and
the details in the passages closely, because these are the criteria on which they will be assessed. In
translating Thai into English, candidates are also reminded to read their answers after they have done the
translation to check the translated version is complete and fully comprehensible.
Section C: Reading Comprehension
As previously, candidates are advised not to add their own information, to comment on or to debate the
questions. Answers which will score highly are those which refer clearly to the passage and which are
rephrased, as required, in order to demonstrate understanding of the text and the ability to communicate.