Cold Sto orage e Rooffing Req quirements for TPO and P PVC Co ommercia al Upd dated: 03 3/16 Qu uality You u Can Tru ust… Frrom North h America a’s La argest Ro oofing Ma anufacturrer!™ oofing COLD D STORAGE Ro Re equirem ments f for TPO O and PVC (Comm mercial)) Guarante ee Coverage FFor TPO and P PVC Adhered d Insta allations Years* TPO and PVC ((New) 20 d 80 mil TPO EvverGuard 60 and ® EvverGuard Fleece‐‐back 60 and 80 m mil TPO ® EvverGuard 60 and d 80 mil PVC ® EvverGuard Fleece‐‐back 60 and 80 m mil PVC ® EvverGuard Extreme e 60 and 80 mil T TPO and PVC XK available ® *Maximum G Guarantee Avaailable The followingg requiremen nts and restriictions apply: 1. Availableeforadheredm membraneroofingsystemss only. msonly.Not 2. Availableefornewandttear‐offsystem availableforrecoversyystems. umof2layerssofinsulationis 3. Aminimu required..Thetoplayeerofinsulation nistobe adheredaandmaybean napprovedco overboard. 4. Standard dindustryrooffingpracticesmustbe followed..Buildingenvelopespecificcations provided dbythedesign nerforsealinggofall penetratiionsandedgesmustbefollo owed. 5. EverGuarrd®TPOaccessoriesmustb beusedwith EverGuarrd®TPOsysteemsonly. 6. EverGuarrdExtreme®TPOaccessoriesmustbe usedwith hEverGuardE Extreme®TPO Osystemsonly. 7. EverGuarrd®PVCaccesssoriesmustb beusedwith EverGuarrd®PVCsysteemsonly. 8. Requiresinspectionaft fterallworkisscompleted. 9. EverGuarrd®TPO45andPVC50milmembranes arenotelligibleforcold dstorageguarrantee coverage. 10. Foraddittionalinformaationoncoldsstorage installatio ons,pleaseco onsultGAFTecchnical Services. GAFF’s guarantee d does not cover damage resultting from any tthird‐party prooducts or systeems which are attached to orr thru GAF’s EverrGuard® TPO, EEverGuard Extreme® TPO or EverGuard® PV VC membrane s. See guarantee for complette coverage an nd restrictions. N Note: EExtremes in intternal temperaature/humidityy are often asso ociated with coold storage/freeezer buildingss and food processing plants. W What makes th hese building applications unusual is that th he pronouncedd difference in vapor pressurre between thee building interior and the e exterior can cause a pronounced vapor fllow through thhe roof assemb bly. This can reesult in a signifiicant build‐up o of condensatio on within the ro oof assembly, aand severe detterioration of bboth the roof aassembly itselff and the structural deck. R Relevant design considerations include: Attention n to vapor‐tight seal between n roof and side e walls/penetraations; Utilization of closed‐cell foam insulatiion and stainle ess steel fastenners to minimizze potential forr condensation n related degradatiion of roof systtem; Limitation n of penetratio ons through ro oof deck; Avoidancce of roof syste em attachmentt through any vvapor retarderr.