J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 2004, 23(1):114-125 © 2004 by The North American Benthological Society Relationship of declining mussel biodiversity to stream-reach and watershed characteristics in an agricultural landscape K. Elizabeth Poole1 and John A. Downing2 Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, 353 Bessey Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011 USA Abstract. Freshwater mussels are among the most rapidly declining components of global biodi versity, but causes of local species disappearances are frequently unknown. We estimated decadescale local extinction by resampling 118 stream reaches representing the best mussel habitat across a region that was once rich in species and is now mostly converted from prairies and riparian woodlands to intensive agriculture (Iowa, USA). Average species richness was reduced from >5 to <2 species, maximum richness was reduced from 22 to 15 species, and all mussel species were extirpated from 47% of the reaches since 1984 to 1985. More than half of the sites lost >75% of their species. Although 5 of the species were found at 20% to 140% more sites in 1998 than 1984 to 1985, 29 species (83%) decreased an average of 80% in geographic coverage, whereas 8 species were com pletely lost from these stream sites. Correlation analyses with reach and watershed characteristics determined using GIS and local sampling methods linked the greatest declines to rarity of streamside woodlands, high siltation, and most intensive agricultural land uses, i.e., where conditions had changed most from the historical land cover. The surveys indicated a very large extinction debt has been created by large-scale habitat modification over the last century and ongoing agricultural land uses. Key words: agriculture, biodiversity, extinction debt, GIS, habitat, land use, mussels, riparian, spe cies richness, streams. Global biodiversity is declining through ex social implications. Few studies have, however, panding and accelerating local extinctions of been able to measure rates of recent local de species. Although biodiversity is generally cline against a background of prior field surveys threatened in fresh waters (Miller et al. 1989), that would enable linkage of species-loss rates to changed environmental conditions. mussel populations have been declining for de cades (Matteson and Dexter 1966), are decreas ing precipitously in North America (Suloway 1981), and are among the most seriously im pacted aquatic animals worldwide (Bogan 1993, Williams et al. 1993). The rate of mussel extinc tion (1.2% per decade) is substantially higher than all other aquatic and terrestrial faunal groups (Ricciardi and Rasmussen 1999). Fresh protracted period because of a time lag between habitat loss and eventual population collapse (Cowlishaw 1999). For the long-lived fauna, such as freshwater mussels, a century of land scape change has likely created a major extinc water mussels have been important economical ly for cultured pearl production (Anthony and Downing 2001), are ecologically important as primary consumers, detritivores, filter feeders, and nutrient sinks (McMahon 1991), and may be among the oldest living animals on earth (Anthony et al. 2001). Their loss from aquatic systems would have economic, ecological, and 1 Present address: Office of Environmental Services, Iowa Department of Transportation, 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010 USA. E-mail: kelly.poole@dot.state. ia. us 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: downing@iastate.edu Populations of mussels and other aquatic fau na that have survived extensive loss of suitable habitat often face continued extinction over a tion debt (sensu Tilman et al. 1994, Hanski and Ovaskainen 2002). Changes in large-scale watershed character istics can affect community composition and en vironmental conditions (Frissell et al. 1986, Davies et al. 2000). Likewise, habitat degradation and fragmentation often drive declines in local and regional biodiversity. Located in the heart of the Mississippi watershed, the State of Iowa (USA) has been an historic area of high mussel diversity (Pennak 1989). Within the past centu ry, the entire state has been converted from tall grass prairie with rivers surrounded by dense riparian woodlands (Andreas 1875) to a highly 114 2004] Declining mussel biodiversity in streams 115 100 -n land surface 80 — o in farms 60 CO wetlands o SS drained 40 20 — 1840 I I I 1880 1920 1960 2000 Year Fig. 1. Changes in the Iowa landscape from the mid 1800s to present. The % of the total land area in farms, including only farms in actual use (i.e., "improved land in farms"), was taken from the United States Agricul tural census data (http://fisher.lib.virgmia.edu/census/) through 1950. More recent data on land use were taken from historical census figures (1987, 1992, and 1997 reports) from United States Department of Agriculture's Census of Agriculture (http://govmfo.kerr.orst.edu/php/agri/index.php) and United States Bureau of the Census (1964, 1987). Wetland drainage data were taken from Shaw and Fredine (1956). degraded agricultural landscape (Thompson 1992) with widespread riparian deforestation. Iowa is among the most agriculturally produc The extinction effect of large-scale landuse change of the last century has not yet been fully were already locally extinct or in danger of local realized; thus, the least-changed landscapes are likely to harbor faunal remnants that are declin ing more slowly and are more protected from the continued impacts of agricultural perturba tion. Therefore, our goal was to estimate the re lationship of local extinction rates to the char acteristics of the changed landscapes. We resampled 118 historic reference sites to document changes in mussel species richness over the last decade. Our specific objectives were 1) to quan tify change in species richness between 1984 to 1985 and 1998; 2) to determine the relationships between site-specific, stream-reach characteris tics (e.g., current instream habitat and riparian conditions) and changes in species richness; and 3) to analyze the relationships between current watershed characteristics (e.g., land use and ge ology) and rates of change in species richness at extirpation. the whole-watershed scale. tive of the Mississippi River watershed states with ~90% of its 14.5 million hectares in agri cultural production. Conversion of natural landscapes to agricul tural lands is driving a great deal of habitat deg radation and reduced biodiversity. In Iowa, for example, >95% of the land area had been con verted to farms by 1925 and >90% of the wet lands had been drained by 1956 (Fig. 1). Be cause such profound landscape modification can lead to declining biodiversity, an extensive assessment of Iowa's mussel fauna was under taken from 1984 to 1985 to estimate species rich ness in the highest-quality habitats. At that time, nearly half of the 55 historically known species (Drew 1890, Frest 1987) of Iowa stream mussels 116 K. E. Poole and J. A. Downing Methods [Volume 23 sign (Hayek and Buzas 1997) and extensive vi sual and tactile surveys over several hours of Changes in species richness searching of epibenthic and endobenthic habi tats, stream banks, and shores. Sampling was Mussel species richness was surveyed by the continued until long after no new species could Iowa Department of Natural Resources at 171 be located within the stream reach, so the 1998 sites throughout the state in 1984 to 1985 (Frest sampling was nearly exhaustive. Identifications 1987). More than 1000 sites were initially visu were verified by comparing specimens with ally assessed. Many entire streams were com photos of voucher shells held at the Illinois Nat pletely devoid of mussels, but the 171 sites cho ural History Survey (Champaign, Illinois). sen had the best remaining mussel habitat in the Every effort was made to access the same state. Mussels were becoming rare, even in 1984 sites sampled in 1984 to 1985. If access to the to 1985, so they were sought by searching sites previously surveyed stream segment was pre that appeared to be "least impacted" (Frest vented, surveys were done as close as possible 1987), considering riparian and water-quality to each original site, in the most favorable mus characteristics. Least-degraded sites were locat sel habitat. The same access points were used ed by examining most large streams in the state in both 1984 to 1985 and 1998 for 104 of the 118 every 8 km along their length, medium streams sites resurveyed. However, surveys were done every 5 km, and small streams every 3.5 km. in a different direction at 14 of these sites (e.g., Road or bridge access points were usually used upstream versus downstream), most commonly to examine streams, but offroad travel and boat at sites where grazing and instream fencing pre access were sometimes used. Most of the road vented access to the same segment. It is there or bridge access points in the state were exam fore possible that declines in species richness at ined and mapped (Frest 1987). Stream condition these 14 alternative sites may have been under was assessed at each access point based on sub estimated. strate, water clarity, aquatic vegetation, other bottom fauna, and flow. A site was designated Locations of sites and species assemblages are not revealed here to protect the species against for sampling if evidence of living mussels or re illegal collection. These data have been depos cently dead shell material was found along ited with the Iowa Department of Natural Re stream banks and in the shallow waters. Living sources and are legally protected under the US mussels were censused by hand collection at Endangered Species Act. each sampling site. Medium and large streams were visited during periods of seasonal low wa ter. One person searched for live, recently dead, and juvenile mussels for several hours at each Characteristics of sampling sites The 1998 survey assessed stream-reach char site. On large streams, the length of the stream acteristics at each of 5 cross-stream transect reach searched sometimes extended for 1.6 km. points located along the survey segment at each Species richness at each site was determined as sampling site. Transects were positioned at the the sum of all species represented by all live upstream and downstream ends of the survey mussels found. segment, and at Va, Vi, and % of the distance The 1998 resurvey was designed to be more from the downstream and upstream ends. Two thorough and lengthy at each of the 171 sites water samples were collected at each site and sampled in the 1984 to 1985 study (see Arbuckle analyzed for total N (TN), total P (TP), total sus and Downing 2002 for a full account of sam pended pling methods). Only 118 of the 1984 to 1985 (APHA 1998). Water chemical analyses charac solids (TSS), and alkalinity (ALK) sites could be resampled because of high water terize and access problems. These 118 sites were sys streams and reaches because daily variations in tematically surveyed by only large-scale differences among 3 people searching water chemistry can be large. Stream shading while moving upstream along a survey segment was estimated using a concave spherical den- at each site. Species richness at a site was in siometer. Sediments were characterized at each ferred from all the species catalogued in 60 site, following Brim Box and Mossa (1999), by quadrat samples (Downing and Downing 1992) visually estimating % substrate type (fine sedi arranged in a restricted random sampling de ment: <0.0625 mm, sand: 0.0625-2 mm, gravel: 2004] Declining mussel biodiversity in streams 117 2—4 mm, and cobble: >64 mm) at each of the 5 Tools; Environmental Systems Research Insti points across the stream (right and left banks, tute: http://www.esri.com). midpoint, and 2 quarter points) at each of the 5 transects for a total of 25 sampling points per site. Stream depth was measured across the Statistical analysis channel at 3 points (mid-channel and 2 quarter Species-specific patterns of appearance and points) on each transect. Stream width was also disappearance were analyzed by coding each measured at each transect. Riparian composi species-site combination as -1, 0, or +1 indi tion was visually estimated and recorded as % cating that species went from presence to ab cropland, grassland, pasture, woodland, urban, sence, stayed present, or went from absent to and bluff. The entire state was composed of tall present, grass prairie with dense riparian woodlands in 1984-1985 to 1998. We felt that trends in biodi 1850 (Andreas 1875; Fig. 1), so current condi versity would be most robustly analyzed as tions at sampling sites are a good indictor of changes in overall species richness because pres habitat change over a scale relevant to the lon ence-absence dynamics were frequently posi gevity of mussels (Anthony et al. 2001). Current watershed characteristics likely to in of species were quantified to relate changes in species richness to geology and altered land use. The watershed boundaries (Hydrologic Unit Code 11; Seaber et al. 1987) used in the analyses were obtained from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Des Moines, Iowa), and are Geological Survey hydrologic units, a nationwide hierarchical system for de fining watersheds. Geographic Information Sys tems (GIS) analysis was used to prepare de scriptions (including alluvial deposits, average relief, geologic formations, and land use) for each watershed surveyed. Land scape features were selected because of their po tential to influence water quality. GIS data for geology and land use allowed classification by % area. There were 8 geologic formations, in cluding 2 formations associated with major aquifers (Mississippian, Silurian-Devonian), and 6 landuse types: agricultural, urban, range land, forest, water, and wetland. Watershed to pography was calculated as average % slope for each watershed. Watershed alluvium was cal culated as % of total watershed area. GIS data used in this analysis were acquired from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Natural Resource GIS library. GIS work was done fol lowing the methods described by Arbuckle and Downing (2002), using GIS software to prepare the watershed descriptions sions, Spatial X-Tools, the period from tively correlated among several species, and fluence either susceptibility or resistance to loss topographic over preliminary multivariate analyses (e.g., cluster analysis, principal components analysis) indi Waterslwd chamcteiistics based on US respectively, (ArcView exten Analyst, and Spatial cated that several species declined in concert under various combinations of environmental conditions. Changes in species richness (AR) from 19841985 to 1998 conditions were calculated as a proportional change [AR = (RI998 - R1984.19S5)/ R1984-1985] at each sampling site. Relationships be tween rates of change in species richness and characteristics at sampling sites were deter mined using multiple regression analysis. Initial candidate variables in these regressions includ ed mean stream width, mean stream depth, % stream shading, % substrate composition, % ri parian composition, TN, TP, TSS, and ALK. Candidate variables were eliminated from the regression by partial significance level (p > 0.05) using variable selection by backwards elimina tion. In watershed analyses, the dependent variable was arcsine transformed mean proportional change in average watershed species richness (AR) calculated as the proportional change of mean species richness of all sites within a wa tershed [AR = (Rm& - R1984_iy85)//W1985]. The AR values were transformed using an arcsine transformation (Snedecor and Cochran 1989) to the distributional problems associated avoid with percentages and proportions. Graphical analysis (Draper and Smith 1998) indicated im provement in the distribution of the residuals after transformation. The influence of watershed characteristics on changes in species richness was also determined using multiple regression analysis. The large number of candidate vari ables in the watershed analyses (geologic for- K. E. Poole and J. A. Downing 118 [Volume 23 mations, landuse GIS data) necessitated identi sels in the past, or that many populations were fication of a subset of independent variables, on their way toward extinction triggered by which was done with backward elimination massive landuse change early in the 20th cen multiple regression methods in 2 analyses: one tury. Of the 118 sites surveyed, only 26 (22%) to identify the most significant of the*8 geologic had equal or greater species richness in 1998 than in 1984 to 1985, but 58% of the sites lost formations and a second to identify the most significant of the 6 landuse types. Candidate >75% of the species richness that had been ob variables were eliminated from the initial mul served only slightly more than a decade before tiple regressions based on partial significance (p (Fig. 3A). > 0.05). Having reduced the independent vari The rates of loss of species (Table 1) bore no ables to a statistically manageable subset, a final evident relationship with characteristics of the backward elimination multiple regression anal species themselves (e.g., size, fish hosts, host ysis was performed to determine the concurrent specificity, etc.)- For example, Strophitus undu- influence of watershed characteristics on AR. latus was found at 33 fewer sites in 1998 than previously, yet is likely to require no host fish Results Changes in species richness (Parmalee and Bogan 1998). Amblema plicata and Pyganodon grandis have a wide variety of potential and available host fish, yet declined widely (Table 1). Species of mussels increasing Overall species richness in the 1998 survey their distributions have between 2 and 20 was low compared to historic records (Drew known hosts, belonging to 1 to 10 families of fish. Instead, the sharp decline in species rich 1890, Frest 1987). We found a total of 27 mussel species in 1998 (Table 1), which represents a loss ness found in our study suggests that habitat of 8 species from the state since 1984 to 1985. conditions in Iowa have declined precipitously The loss is a 22% decline in the total number of over the century of change from tall grass prai species observed in the 1984 to 1985 survey, and rie with wooded bottom lands to intensive ag is ~Vi the number of species estimated from his toric museum collections to occur on inland riculture with little riparian buffer. streams (Frest 1987). Five of the species were ence or absence of species at the 118 sites in found at between 1 and 17 more sites in 1998 dicated that most species responded similarly than 1984 to 1985 (+20% to +140%), but 29 spe to cies (83%) decreased an average of 80% (from sites. Correlation analyses among species pres -29% to -100%) in geographic coverage (Table 1). Mussel species richness at individual sites in ence-absence scores (-1, 0, +1 indicating di rection of change) across the 118 sites revealed Correlations among rates of change in pres environmental degradation at individual 1984 to 1985 ranged from 0 to 22, averaging 5.4, all but 2 of the 29 statistically significant cor but in 1998 ranged from 0 to 12, averaging 1.9. relations (p < 0.05; unadjusted for multiple The average mussel species richness declined by comparisons) >50% over this period. Multivariate analyses of species-specific rates The most noticeable change in species rich among species were positive. of change using cluster analysis or principal ness occurred in the % of sites with no living components led to no clear conclusions, in part species (i.e., sites where all species had become extinct). In 1984 to 1985, living mussels were because of the number of empty species-site combinations. Most mussel species appeared to absent from only 6% of the minimally degrad respond similarly to degradation, and limita ed sites surveyed (Fig. 2A), whereas in 1998 tions of the data set made analyses based on 47% had no living mussels (Fig. 2B). This mag species-specific trends unclear. Thus, analysis nitude of change in species richness over that time period is alarming, especially because of conditions associated with lost biodiversity was subsequently done on rates of change in these sites were originally chosen to represent species richness rather than species-specific the region's least degraded mussel habitat. This changes in presence at sites. result may indicate that the intensification of Effects were greatest at the sites that had the agricultural production over the last century in highest species richness during the original this region has removed a considerable number 1984 to 1985 sampling. The most speciose sites of habitat patches that were suitable for mus in 1984 to 1985 lost the most species by 1998 2004] Declining mussel biodiversity in streams 119 Table 1. Occurrence of mussel species at 118 resurveyed stream sites, arranged in decreasing order of number of sites from which each species was lost. "EX" indicates that the species was no longer found at any of the sampled sites, "New" indicates that the species was not found during the initial 1984 to 1985 survey but was found in 1998. No. of sites Species 1984- Common name 1985 % 1998 Change change -49 Lampsilis cardium Rafinesque Plain pocketbook 90 46 -44 Fusconaia flava Rafinesque Wabash pigtoe 52 13 -39 Lampsilis siliquoidea Barnes -75 Fatmucket 43 6 Amblema plicata Say -37 -86 Threeridge 42 8 -34 Strophitus undulatus Say -81 Squawfoot 35 2 -33 Lasmigona complanata Barnes -94 White heelsplitter 51 20 -31 Pyganodon grandis Say -61 Giant floater 45 15 Anodontoides ferussacianus Lea -30 -67 Cylinder 26 2 -24 Lasmigona compressa Lea -92 Creek heelsplitter 22 0 -22 Venustaconcha ellipsiformis Conrad EX Ellipse 24 2 Leptodea fragilis Rafinesque -22 -92 Fragile papershell 25 5 -20 Obovaria olivaria Rafinesque -80 Hickorynut 17 1 Quadrula pustubsa Lea -16 -94 Pimpleback 30 15 -15 Toxolasma parous Barnes -50 Lilliput 14 0 -14 Truncilla tnincata Rafinesque EX Deertoe 14 2 -12 -86 Truncilla donaciformis Lea Fawnsfoot 14 3 -11 PotamihiS alatus Say -79 Pink heelsplitter 11 3 Obliquaria reflexa Rafinesque -8 -73 Threehorn warty- 10 3 -7 -70 back Potamilus ohiensis Rafinesque Pink papershell 12 5 Quadrula metanerva Rafinesque -7 -58 Monkeyface 5 1 -4 -80 -4 -67 Utterbackia imbecillis Say Paper pondshell 6 2 Lampsilis teres Rafinesque Yellow sandshell 5 2 Quadrula quadrula Rafinesque Mapleleaf 3 0 -3 Alasmidonta viridis Rafinesque EX Slippershell 2 0 -2 Ligumia recta Lamarck EX Black sandshell 7 5 Pleurobema coccineum Conrad -2 -29 Round pigtoe 2 0 -2 Anodonta suborbiculata Say EX Flat floater 1 0 -1 EX EX -60 Fusconaia ozarkensis Call Ozark pigtoe 1 0 -1 Pletliobasus cyphus Rafinesque Sheepnose 1 0 -1 Lasmigona costata Rafinesque Fluted-shell 5 6 1 EX +20 Tritogonia verrucosa Rafinesque Pistolgrip 5 6 1 Alasmidonta marginata Say +20 Elktoe 7 9 Elliptio dilatala Rafinesque 2 +29 Spike 3 5 2 Quadrula nodulata Rafinesque +67 Wartyback 0 6 6 Actinonaias ligamentina Lamarck New Mucket 12 29 17 +142 (Fig. 3B). Communities with low richness in Site changes and habitat quality 1984 to 1985 may therefore have already been affected by the more radical changes in land use and water quality in these areas since the early 1900s. Communities with the highest richness in 1984 to 1985 may have been able to survive the most severe degradation before 1984 to 1985, and were simply slower to de cline following generalized landuse change. Stream sites often had riparian zones domi nated by agricultural use and were generally characterized by poor water quality (Table 2). Multiple regression showed that the fraction of remaining woodland in the riparian zone, and the fractions of fine sediment, sand, gravel, and cobble substrate were significantly (p < 0.05) [Volume 23 K. E. Poole and J. A. Downing 120 2% (11-15 spp) 1984-85 species richness Fig. 2. 1998 species richness Comparison of the % of 118 stream reaches surveyed in 1984 to 1985 (A) and 1998 (B) that had various levels of mussel species richness. positively related to AR (Table 3). Positive vari gravel, and cobble substrates had the least se able loadings in this context indicated smaller vere rates of decline in mussel richness. declines or improvements in biodiversity, so ar Riparian woodlands had the strongest posi tive partial effect on change in mussel species nearly equal fractions of fine sediment, sand, richness (Table 3) in multiple regressions. The 4 B u\5 18\mwUn-r—■^OCDo* 60 GLos ain ies A 4_-CQD 0M- 40.Q >, o c 1998) eas with more riparian woodlands and more 20- o ex 9> u. -100 0 100 200 % change in species richness (AR) 1984-85 to 1998 Fig. 3. 0 5 10 15 20 25 Species richness 1984-85 Mussel species losses from 1984-1985 to 1998. A.—The frequency of sites having various levels of % change in species richness between 1984 to 1985 and 1998. B.—Relationship between the average change in species richness between 1984 to 1985 and 1998 and species richness levels at sites in 1984 to 1985. Numbers plotted on panel B indicate the number of sites used to calculate each average. The solid line is a least-squares regression describing loss of species richness (r2 = 0.89, p < 0.001, n = 118). 2004] Declining mussel biodiversity in streams Table 2. 121 Stream diaracteristics at the 118 resampled sites in Iowa, USA. Variable Minimum Median Maximum Morphology and shading Average depth (m) 0.12 Mean width (m) 4.5 28.4 Shading (%) 0 20 0.52 1.21 171 67 Substrate (%) Fine 0 16 Sand 100 0 50 Gravel 100 0 7 Cobble 69 0 4 100 Riparian land use (%) Cropland 0 0 Grassland 100 0 30 Pasture 100 0 0 Woodland 80 0 50 Urban 100 0 0 Bluff 100 0 0 40 103 203 305 Water diemistry Alkalinity (mg/L) Total N (mg/L) Total P (|i.g/L) Total suspended solids (mg/L) 1.7 5.2 17.8 <10 236 1128 1 25 285 effect is illustrated as a bivariate plot (Fig. 4A) showing that only sites with >50% woodlands in the riparian zone occasionally lost no species or increased in species richness. The median rate of species loss only approached 0 in stream reaches with >80% wooded riparian zone. Ri parian woodlands, previously the rule across this landscape (Andreas 1875), are of immense water-quality and biological benefit to stream animals (Karr and Schlosser 1978, Allan 1995), providing shading as well as water-quality pro tection. Stream segments with the highest sub strate diversity (i.e., including most equal frac tions of fine sediment, sand, gravel, and cobble) also showed smaller declines in mussel species, suggesting that substrate heterogeneity is im portant to mussels. use, presence of alluvial deposits, and preva lence of the Mississippian geologic formation (Table 3). Intensive agriculture can adversely in fluence water quality, so the negative partial ef fect on change in species richness is not sur prising. A bivariate plot of this partial effect (Fig. 4B) shows that species richness increased or was unchanged in watersheds where agri cultural practices accounted for <25% of land use. Both alluvial deposits and the Mississippian formation enhance groundwater quantity and quality (Anderson 1998) and were associated with lowest rates of decline probably because they stabilize the hydrologic regime. The alter ation of drainage in this agricultural area through channelization and subsurface drain til ing that accompanied wetland drainage has led Watershed geology, land use, and cftanges in species richness Watersheds varied in average land use and geology (Table 4). Multiple regression analysis, done on the watershed-averaged changes in richness showed that changes in richness were most closely associated with agricultural land to flashy hydrology that can decimate the stream biota. Further, agriculture was most prevalent in the watersheds where the area of Mississippian formations were found in <10% of the landscape. The combination of intense ag ricultural land use and low potential for water recharge (inferred by low fractions of Mississip pian formations) results in suboptimal water 122 K. E. Poole and J. A. Downing Table 3. [Volume 23 Multiple regression analyses of changes in site- and watershed-specific species richness related to stream reach and watershed characteristics. Change in stream-site mussel biodiversity was analyzed as the change in species richness from 1984-1985 to 1998 (arcsine AR). Change in watershed mussel biodiversity was measured as the change in average watershed biodiversity (arcsine AR). Positive regression coefficients indicate that variables were positively correlated with the maintenance of biodiversity and negative coefficients indicate a negative relationship with biodiversity. Partial ^-values indicate the size of statistical effects of the independent variables when all other independent variables are considered, p indicates the probability that a partial f-value of equal or greater magnitude would be obtained through chance alone. The regression analysis of stream reach characteristics had R2 = 0.23, F = 6.39, p < 0.001, and n = 118. The regression analysis of watershed charac teristics had R2 = 0.51, F = 9.52, p = 0.001, and n = 36. For stream reach regressions, sediment data were entered as the fraction (i.e., 100% = 1.0) of the total sediment area in the stream reach, and riparian woodlands were entered as the fraction of the total riparian area. For watershed regressions, geologic formations and agricultural land use were entered as the fraction of the total watershed area. Regression coefficient Independent variable Partial t V Stream reach regression -24.7 Intercept 1.1 4.98 <0.001 Gravel 23.9 2.33 0.022 Sand 23.2 2.26 0.026 Fine sediment 23.0 2.24 0.027 Cobble 23.1 2.24 0.027 Riparian woodland Watershed regression -0.85 Intercept Mississippian geologic formation Agricultural land use Alluvial deposits 1.46 3.12 0.004 -2.21 -2.64 0.013 1.94 2.58 0.016 The results of the watershed analysis under- quality and hydrologic conditions for mussels, complete. This finding echoes the results of terrestrial studies of biodiversity in both long- scored the positive influence of site-specific, nonagricultural, geomorphic features like (Cowlishaw 1999) and short-lived (Brooks et al. 1997) organisms. Land use has been fairly static wooded riparian zones (Table 3). Both results in this region for several decades (Fig. 1) and are consistent with other recent analyses (Hog- we observed the lowest rates of species loss in garth et al. 1995) in indicating that agricultural areas most similar to historic conditions. It thus practices degrade mussel richness. appears that biodiversity may decline for de cades following habitat alteration. These find- Discussion in8s a8ree with current theories suggesting that previously abundant organisms with low dis- Our results illustrate a severe decline in the persal potential like freshwater mussels may local biodiversity of freshwater mussels (cf. Ric- pay a long-term extinction debt through local ciardi and Rasmussen 1999), and suggest the extinction (Tilman et al. 1994, Hanski and Ovas- importance of proper management of surround- kainen ing terrestrial landscapes when planning con- changes have been made. Increased mortality, servation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems decreased potential for recolonization, or in- (Page et al. 1997). The significant relationships creased fragmentation of the metapopulation between changes in mussel biodiversity and re- will likely accelerate widespread species losses, sidual streamside woodlands, and between Our 2002) results that also continues suggest long after the that landscape changes in mean species richness of mussels changes may be having more severe effects than and most intensive agricultural land use indi- biotic changes linked to species biology, at least cate that the extinction debt is most severe at this stage of retraction of regional biodiver- where habitat destruction has been the most sity. For example, the relative rate of decline in 2004] Declining mussel biodiversity in streams i 20 40 60 80 100 ■ 20 123 i ■ 40 % agriculture in watershed % woodland in riparian zone r 60 Fig. 4. Relationships between rates of mussel species losses and stream reach and watershed characteristics. A.—Relationship between the proportional change in mussel species richness (AR) and % riparian woodland area surrounding each stream-reach site. Points above and below the horizontal line of no change indicate an increase and decrease in mussel species richness, respectively. The solid line is the least-squares regression fit to the data (r2 = 0.24, p < 0.01, n = 93). The gray line indicates trends in median rates of species loss for stream reaches with various fractions of riparian woodlands. B.—Relationship between the proportional change in mean watershed mussel species richness (AR) and % agricultural land use in the watersheds. Numbers in circles indicate the number of sites included in each watershed mean. The vertical dashed line indicates 25% agricultural area. The horizontal dashed line indicates no change in species richness. Points above and below the horizontal line of no change indicate an increase and decrease in A/?, respectively. The solid line is the least-squares regression fit to the data (r2 - 0.26, p < 0.01, n = 32). geographic coverage of species seems to bear little relationship with the number or specificity rarely been examined explicitly, completely dif ferent aspects of streams may be associated of required host fishes (Table 1). Further, even with mussel success at small and large scales species normally thought to be ubiquitous and (e.g., Strayer 1993, Strayer and Ralley 1993). It resistant to decline (e.g., Uimpsilis siliquoiden, Py- seems reasonable, however, that the character ganodon grandis) showed great rates of decrease. istics of whole watersheds should influence Although we do not have enough data on fish long-term resistance of mussel communities to perturbation when viewed at the small scale. distributions and abundances to do specific analyses, there is little doubt that reproductive problems related to glochidial attachment to fish have also become more acute in this altered landscape. A major framework in stream ecology is the Our analyses uphold this concept because wa tersheds with the most habitat converted to farmland had the greatest levels of decline in richness. This effect is echoed at the smallest scale by the association of deforested riparian concept that small-scale characteristics are driv zones in agricultural watersheds with declining en by a hierarchy of nested effects deriving from richness. Also at the smallest scale, the lowest rates of declining biodiversity were associated with diversity of substrata. Again, parallel ef fects were detected on the watershed scale as sociated with the Mississippian geologic system and alluvial sediments that give rise to sub strates less prone to siltation (Table 3). Our anal yses uphold the hierarchical view of stream the large-scale watershed (e.g., Frissell et al. 1986). This concept has been used to understand species composition of undegraded systems (e.g., Poff 1997), and to provide a framework for assessing impacts (e.g., Davies et al. 2000). Al though the effect of scale on the detection of relationships between mussels and habitat has Tabu-: 4. [Volume 23 K. E. Poole and J. A. Downing 124 Characteristics of the watersheds ana lyzed in Iowa, USA. All variables are expressed as percentages of watershed area except the % slope of the watershed. also thank James Anthony, Jennifer Coshland, Ben Dodd, and Laurie Meythaler for help in the field, Marion Conover and Daryl Howell for support of this project, Kevin Cummings for Minimum Median Maximum Land use taxonomic help, and Richard Norris and 3 anon ymous reviewers for constructive comments on earlier drafts. Agricultural 12.9 62.4 88.1 Forest 0.0 0.6 2.0 Range land 8.6 26.9 50.7 Urban 0.2 0.7 8.3 Water 0.0 0.3 3.3 Wetland 0.7 7.1 40.0 Literature Cited Allan, J. D. 1995. Stream ecology: structure and func tion of running waters. Chapman and Hall, New York. Topography Alluvium 6.2 15.9 50.0 Slope 9.0 29.0 48.0 Anderson, W. 1.1998. Iowa's geological past: 3 billion years of change. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa. Andreas, A. T. 1875. Illustrated historical atlas of the Geology Cambrian 0.0 0.0 20.9 Cretaceous 0.0 0.0 75.8 State of Iowa. Andreas Atlas Co., Chicago. 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