Production of Freshwater Invertebrate Populations in Lakes1 Celine Plante and John A. Downing Departement de Sciences Biologiques, University de Montreal, C.P. 6128, Succursale "A", Montreal, Que~. H3C 317 Plante, C, and J. A. Downing. 1989. Production of freshwater invertebrate populations in lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 46: 1489-1498. This research draws together data on the secondary production of 164 invertebrate populations in 51 lakes to test the hypothesis that the annual production of aquatic invertebrate populations is significantly correlated with the mean annual population biomass, individual body mass, and ambient temperature. Further analyses examine the effects of water chemistry, trophic status, and lake morphometry. Mean annual biomass, individual body mass, and the mean annual water temperature accounted for 79% of the variance in the logarithm of annual secondary production. In contrast to the findings of previous studies, the ratio of mean annual production to mean annual biomass (P/B) varied systematically with population biomass. No significant difference was found between the secondary production of littoral and open water invertebrate populations. Analyses also suggest that zoobenthic and zooplanktonic populations of similar biomass, body mass, and temperature have similar rates of secondary productivity. Analyses demonstrate that the total phosphorus concentration in the water column, and other trophic indicators were positively correlated with secondary production. The pH, lake depth, thermocline depth, drainage area, and the water turnover rate were also found to be correlated with the secondary productivity of natural populations of lentic invertebrates. Ce travail reunit des donn£es de production annuelle de 164 populations d'invert£br6s aquatiques pour tester I'hypothese que la production annuelle est significativement corr£l6e avec la biomasse moyenne annuelle des populations, la masse individuelle des animaux et la temperature de I'eau. D'autres analyses examinent I'effet des caracteiistiques chimiques de I'eau, du niveau trophique de m£me que la morphomStrie des lacs. La biomasse moyenne annuelle, la masse individuelle maximale et la temperature moyenne de I'eau de surface contribuent pour 79% de la variance du logarithme de la production secondaire annuelle. Contrairement a ce qui apparait dans les travaux antSrieurs, le rapport entre la biomasse moyenne et la production annuelle (P/B) varie systGmatiquement avec la biomasse. II n'y a pas de difference significative entre la production secondaire des popu lations du littoral et celles de la zone p£lagique. L'analyse suggere aussi que pour une biomasse, une taille individuelle et une temperature de I'eau semblables, les populations d'invert£br6s benthiques et planctoniques ont des productions et des biomasses semblables. Les analyses d£montrent que la concentration du phosphore total de la colonne d'eau et d'autres indicateurs trophiques sont positivement corrGlGs avec la production secon daire. Le pH, la profondeur des lacs, la profondeur de la thermocline, la superficie du bassin de drainage et le taux de renouvellement de I'eau sont aussi corr£l£s avec la production secondaire des populations naturelles d'invert6br6s aquatiques. Received March 22, 1988 Accepted May 16, 1989 Recu le 22 mars 1988 Accept \e 16 ma) 1989 {39650) The measurement of rates of growth and production of nat ural animal populations has been a major preoccupation of ecologists throughout this century (e.g. Boysen-Jensen 1919). Winberg (1971), for example, has suggested that the development of a general theory of biological productivity is one of the central aims of contemporary biology. Rates of sec ondary production vary widely in nature and are affected by a variety of biotic and abiotic characteristics of the environment. Although secondary production has now been measured for many different organisms in many kinds of environments, we do not yet know which factors are most closely correlated with secondary production or the normal quantitative relationship between secondary production and the characteristics of the environment. Such knowledge would find theoretical applica tion in the trophodynamic analysis of ecosystems (Lindeman 'Publication No. 358 of the Groupe d'Ecologie des Eaux douces de l'Universite de Montreal. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 46, 1989 1942) and practical application in resource management and the detection of pollution (Downing 1984a). Many factors have been hypothesized to affect the produc tivity of invertebrate populations in aquatic ecosystems (reviewed by Downing 1984a), yet quantitative tests for rela tionships between production and many of these factors are rare. Ecologists have found, however, that production is correlated with population biomass (e.g. Waters 1977), so that factors affecting the biomass of populations should also influence the rate of secondary production. Population production is there fore often expressed as the annual production to biomass ratio (P/B) in hopes of yielding standardized production values that can be compared among species or populations with differing biomasses. Early studies of respiration and more recent empir ical research on various other groups of organisms (reviewed by Dickie et al. 1987) suggest that individual body mass should influence these P/B ratios. The additional effect of temperature on secondary production can be inferred from knowledge of its 1489 influence on rates of growth (e.g. Vijverberg 1980), egg devel opment (e.g. Bottrell 1975), population increase (e.g. Armitage et al. 1973), and feeding (e.g. Zimmerman and Wissing 1978). Other variables such as food availability (e.g. Jonasson 1978) and ecosystem primary productivity (e.g. Brylinsky 1980) might further influence secondary production. No one has yet considered the combined effect of biological variables and environmental characteristics on the productivity of natural populations, and no synthesis of invertebrate sec ondary production data from lake ecosystems has been attempted. Little is known, for example, about the relationship between aquatic secondary production and eutrophication, lake morphometry, geography, and climate or whether littoral pop ulations are more or less productive than those in open water. Such knowledge would aid ecological theoreticians by identi fying the degree and form of postulated correlations between secondary production and characteristics of natural ecosystems, and improve the management of aquatic ecosystems by provid ing quantitative predictions of secondary production in natural and managed lakes. The purpose of this research is to draw together data on the secondary production of diverse populations of lentic inverte brates, to test the hypothesis that the annual production of these aquatic invertebrate populations is significantly correlated with their population biomass, body mass, and physical character istics of the environment. The results of this work permit us to test several hypotheses advanced in recent publications regard ing the effects of water chemistry, trophic status, and morphometric characteristics of lakes on the production of resident aquatic invertebrate populations. Methods Data on the annual production of freshwater invertebrate pop ulations in lakes (P, grams dry mass per square metre per year) were collected from published surveys (Table 1). Attendant data were also gathered on the mean annual population biomass 0, grams dry mass per square metre) and maximum individual body mass (Wm, milligrams dry mass) of each population, and on biological, morphometric, physical, and chemical charac teristics of the water bodies. Where data on environmental char acteristics were not published, such data were compiled through direct communication with the authors of production studies. The populations considered here consist primarily of species and genera of rotifers, crustaceans, insects, annelids, and mol luscs, but taxonomic levels depend upon the degree of detail presented by the authors of each study. A few of our populations therefore consist of families or classes. The published produc tion data were originally derived using several different esti mation procedures. Only production rates estimated as the product of general production to biomass ratios (P/B) and B Table 1. List of the lakes for which secondary production data were obtained. N is the number of population production estimates obtained for each water body. Water body Latitude Longitude N Bob Black Pond Broa Reservoir 34°19'N 22°00'S 74°04'N 45°N 42°26'N 48WN 51°17'N 42°30'N 67°N !3°40'N 38°06'S 56°99'N OW 44°59'S 36°N 32°49'N 65°N 65°N 51°N 63°15'N 45°00'N 53°N 65°22'N 0°22'S 84°52'W 49°i8'W 94°53'W 84°W 3°28'W 9°40'E 2 Char Lake Dock Lake Eglwys Nunydd Reservoir Federsee King George VI Reservoir Lac de Port-Bielh Lake Lake Lake Lake Akulkino Chad Cundare Esrom Lake George Lake Hayes Lake Kasumigaura Lake Kinneret Lake Krivoe Lake Krugloe Lake Manitoba Lake Maljpen Lake Memphremagog Lake Miko/askie Lake Mytvatn Lake Nakuru Lake Naroch Lake Norman Lake Ontario Lake Ototoa Lake Sibaya Lake Taltowisko Lake Werowrap Lake Zelenetzkoye Loch Leven Marion Lake Mirror Lake North Twin Lake 0vre Heimdalsvatn Paajarvi Pink Lake Pyramid Lake Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir Queen Mary Reservoir Red Lake Savanne Lake Shallow Lake Slotermeer South Twin Lake Texas Pond Tjeukemeer Waldsea West Lost Lake 54°52'N 35°26'N 43°45'N 36°31'S 27°20'N 53°N 38°14'S 67°N 56°10'N 49°18'N 43°57'N 42°16'N 61°27'N 61°04'N 38°06'S 52°55'N 51°17'N 51°25'N 58°02'N 48°50'N 45°N 53°N 42°16'N 33°12'N 52°50'N 52°17'N 42°16'N 0°26'E 0°10'E 33°W 14°E 143°37'E 12°14'E 30°12'E 168°49'E 140°15'E 35°22'E 35°E 35°E 98°8'W 10°26'E 72°15'W 21°22'E 6°35'E 36°05'E 26°27'E 80°30'W 78°W 174°44'E 32°24'E 22°E 143°30'E 33°W 3°3O'W 122°33'W 72°W 85°25'W 8°43'E 25°08'E 143°37'E 128°W 0°26'E 0°17'W 36°18'E 90°06'W 84°E 5°30'E 85°25'W 97°10'W 5°30'E 105°12'W 85°25'W 1 6 1 16 1 1 7 3 6 1 5 1 1 5 1 8 5 6 4 3 4 2 3 1 7 6 1 1 4 1 4 9 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 were rejected a priori since such indirect measures would include unwanted imprecision (Rigler and Downing 1984). Data on the production of stream invertebrates were not included in the analysis because of radical physical differences between lotic and lentic environments. Variable Definitions and Computation The term "production" here connotes the annual production of biomass by a population, including somatic growth and mor tality. If a publication presented production data for more than one year, or used more than one computation method, we 1490 recorded the average of available data. Likewise, if production values were reported for several stations or areas in a water body, a mean value was computed because data on variables such as temperature were seldom available for specific sites. Production values, although sometimes averages (i.e. P), are abbreviated as P for annotational simplicity. The effects of several independent variables were tested in a multivariate analysis of the annual production of invertebrate population (Table 2). Among these variables are the population biomass, individual body mass, and several biological, chemCan. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 46, 1989 Table 2. Independent variables used for correlation analysis of the annual secondary production of invertebrate populations. Chlorophyll, phosphorus, nitrogen, and calcium concentrations, secchi disc depth, pH, and temperature, are annual averages. Abbreviations in text are indicated if used. Total solar radiation is for 1 yr and the maximum is for the highest month. N, is the number of observations, and N2 the number of lakes represented. Variable Symbol Mean population biomass Maximum individual mass Chlorophyll Total phosphorus Total nitrogen Secchi disc depth Calcium B g-m"2 164 wm mg* dry mass 137 63 Chi TP TN Thermocline depth Latitude Altitude Turnover rate of water Air temperature Maximum solar radiation Total solar radiation lifi-L-1 M-g-L-1 M-g-L-1 106 mg-L-1 102 135 T °C Z m 164 160 m 148 zm Area Dra z, km2 km2 160 83 64 164 m °NorS 92 m Tair Radm Rod, yr' °C 81 kcal-cm"2-yr-' kcalcmr^yr"1 ical, and physical characteristics of lakes considered by the eco logical literature to have a significant bearing on freshwater productivity (review by Downing 1984a). The population biomass was computed as the average annual standing stock of each population. In some Polish and Soviet studies (Winberg et al. 1973; Alimov et al. 1972; Andronikova et al. 1970; Hillbricht-Ilkowska and Weglenska 1970), the mean annual biomass was estimated from growing season mean bio mass, assuming biomass values of 0 for the winter months, since it is, in reality, very small (Alimov et al. 1972). The ben thos data (e.g. insect larvae) given in these studies were not analyzed because the benthos biomass during the winter months cannot be assumed insignificant (Cablancq and Laville 1972). Individual body mass was most readily obtained as the max imum individual body mass (milligrams dry mass), usually cal culated from the largest length class using length-mass rela tions given in summary publications (e.g. Bottrell et al. 1976). Other estimates of maximum body mass were taken from growth curves. Mean values of maximum body mass of con geners were used in some cases where species-specific data could not be found. Measures of trophic conditions such as chlorophyll, nitro gen, and phosphorus concentrations in the water bodies were obtained as annual averages. Mean annual water temperature was read from figures if unavailable, per se, in the publications. Exact water temperature data were not available for all water bodies. Because of the obvious physiological importance of temperature, we used an empirical equation based on latitude (Stra§kraba 1980) to estimate the mean annual surface water temperature where otherwise unavailable. Solar radiation data were obtained from maps (Budyko 1974), and air temperatures were taken from tables of long-term averages (Wernstedt 1972). Characteristics of the water bodies were usually measured dur ing the year in which the production estimates were made. If simultaneous data were unavailable, data from the nearest avail able year were substituted. A few annual production and mean Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 46, 1989 AT, 72 71 m PH Water temperature Depth, mean maximum Area of body of water Drainage area Units 164 164 164 Range 51 50 18 16 13 36 30 39 51 47 40 49 27 19 51 31 17 51 51 51 0.0005-23.7 0.00002-582 0.225-4099 0.27-9850 0.075-20 0.09-13.7 1.29-316 5.7-10.5 1.5-26 0.5-86 1.4-244 0.009-19 684 0.1-70 448 0.9-14.3 0-74.5 -208-2285 0.09-13.5 -16.2-22.7 60-220 11.5-22 Median 0.17 0.14 35 13 0.65 2.8 13 7.8 13.8 5.3 12.5 1 40 7.6 48.5 213 1.1 8.9 110 15 annual biomass values were converted to grams dry mass employing the conversion factors given in the publications themselves or by using general conversion factors (Cummins and Wuycheck 1971; Winberg et al. 1971). Statistical Analysis Stepwise least squares multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relationship of annual population production to the characteristics of populations and environments. Loga rithmic transformation was applied to production and biomass values, chlorophyll, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations, and some morphometric factors, to eliminate heteroscedasticity and linearize the relationships. Only variables with significant (p<0.05) partial effects were retained. Not all measures of population and environmental charac teristics were available for each production estimate. No attempt to interpolate missing variables was made. Only cases where all independent variables were available could be analyzed by multiple regression, therefore multiple regression analysis was only performed to examine the relationship between secondary production, population biomass, temperature, and individual body mass in order to retain a large number of cases. The rela tionships between other variables and secondary production were subsequently examined by an analysis of correlations between the residuals of this multiple regression equation and less frequently available independent variables. The relation ship between lake zonation and secondary production was investigated using an analysis of covariance (Gujarati 1978). Results and Discussion Estimates of the annual production and biomass of 164 aquatic invertebrate populations, drawn from 51 lakes, reser voirs, and ponds were obtained, covering a wide geographical range (Table 1). The range of ecological conditions in the sur1491 2C9 3 1 Q UJ 0 01 -1 LJ CO GO O -2 -3 -3-2-1 0 PREDICTED I 2 LOG P Fig. 1. Relationship between the logarithm of annual production (log P) predicted by equation 1 and the observed logarithm of P for aquatic invertebrate populations. P is expressed in grams dry mass per square metre per year. The line represents a 1:1 relationship. veyed water bodies brackets much of the range existing in known lakes (Table 2). A full listing of the data and data sources is available at a nominal charge from the Depository of Unpub lished Data, CISTI, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0S2. The secondary production of freshwater invertebrate popu lations (P) was significantly correlated with the annual mean population biomass (B; grams dry mass per square metre), max imum individual body mass (Wm; milligrams), and the surface temperature (T, °C) by the equation: (1) log (P) = 0.06 + 0.79 log (B)-0.16 log (WJ + 0.05 T, N= 137; /?2 = 0.79; F= 165; p<0.001. The partial F-values of all independent variables indicate that each accounts for a significant (p<0.001) portion of the vari ability in log(P). Several other good multiple regression equa tions were also found (Plante 1987) but this one had normally distributed residuals and the highest coefficient of determina tion (R2). This equation shows that the logarithm of production can be predicted with 79% precision (Fig. 1). The absolute value of the residuals of equation 1 ranged from 0.004 to 0.96 (median 0.28), indicating that prediction errors, in untransformed form, are as little as 0.9% but in some cases as great as an order of magnitude. Median prediction errors of P are around -50% and +100%. Although annual biomass is the most important variable, a further significant degree of variability in log P was accounted for by the body mass of the organisms and the tem perature of the water. Biomass As has been found for other faunae, we found that B was the most important correlate of population production and had a strong positive effect on P. A regression using only log B as a predictor explains 63% of the variance in log P (Fig. 2). This is not surprising because for short intervals of time P = gB, where g is the instantaneous growth rate (Rigler and Downing 1984). Thus, unless g varies as Bx, where x< — \, P should 1492 -3 3 -2-1012 LOG B (g-m-2) Fig. 2. Relationship between the logarithm of annual production (log P; grams dry mass per square metre per year) and the logarithm of mean annual biomass (log B; grams dry mass per square metre) of aquatic invertebrate populations. />=5.33 B073, /?2=0.63, A'=164, p<0.001. increase with B. Such severe density dependence of growth should rarely be encountered in natural systems. The way in which P varies with B is therefore of greater interest than the simple existence of a correlation between P andB. Several authors have suggested, for example, that annual secondary production of different populations can be estimated employing an average production to biomass ratio (P/B) as a constant (see Rigler and Downing 1984 for a review). Such a procedure would be invalid if P/B were to vary systematically with B. The regression coefficient for log B in equation 1 is significantly smaller than 1 (p<0.05) indicating a nonlinear relationship between P andB. We therefore found P/B to decline with B on average. This finding contradicts the analysis of Banse and Mosher (1980) who found no correlation between P/B and B after the use of body mass as a covariable. An expla nation for this discrepancy could be that Banse and Mosher (1980) excluded the part of the year spent in resting eggs or in stages with reduced growth rates in computing their mean pop ulation B. Because periods of relative dormancy are shorter at low latitudes and high temperature, their computation method may have yielded B that were lower than mean annual biomasses at low P, thus overestimating the slope of the log annual P to log B relationship. We used annual mean biomass meas urements in our research because the "growing season" length is difficult to define and determine, and because we wished to account for environmental characteristics rather than to attempt to correct for them. The part of the year suitable for population growth is, of course, influenced by the environment. Also in contrast to our results, Humphreys (1981) found that the slope of the log P:logB relationship for aquatic invertebrates was not different from 1 when body mass was included as a covariable. He assumed an exponent of —0.25 associated with Wm. Both the research of Humphreys and Banse and Mosher are based on relatively few observations (31 and 28 cases, respectively). Our more extensive data collection indicates that the exponent of the relationship between P and B is significantly less than 1 and therefore annual P/B ratios in aquatic invertebrates are inconstant with B. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. ScL, Vol. 46, 1989 -2 -2024 LOG W Fig. 3. Relationship between the log maximum body mass (Wm) and the log average body mass (HO of 15 populations that were common to our study and that of Banse and Mosher (1980). m, molluscs; a, annelids; d, Diptera; h, Hirudinae; c, copepods, and cl, Cladocera. The line represents the least squares regression (Wm = 102 42 Wim, r = 0.97) where the exponent 1.06 is not significantly different from 1. It is possible that cohort PIB or PIB values calculated over the interval of active growth of a population do not vary sys tematically with B, but even if this were true, application of such knowledge would require detailed, population-specific data on the fraction of the year spent in active growth, data which are sufficient for the direct calculation of P. The predic tion of annual P using annual B avoids this difficulty. Body Mass Equation 1 shows that P of lentic invertebrate populations declines as Wm~° 16 where B is entered as a covariate. This exponent is significantly greater (p<0.05) than the value sug gested by general allometric theory. Allometric arguments sug gest that the production rate of invertebrate populations should decline as Wm~025 if the biomass is used as a covariate (Hum phreys 1981; Lavigne 1982; Peters 1983; Calder 1984). In con trast, Banse and Mosher (1980) found that PIB varied as W~°37 (W=log mean adult body mass) for invertebrates, an exponent significantly lower than both our results and the theoretical value of W~02S. Banse and Mosher attempted to exclude the effect of the environment by restricting their analysis to environments with average annual temperatures between 5 and 20°C. Their results should therefore be comparable with ours, because we have removed the temperature effect by including it as an inde pendent variable. They used log mean adult body mass (W) as an independent variable which is related to our Wm as Wm « Wl (Fig. 3). The difference cannot therefore be explained by the body-size measurements used. Peters (1983) has demonstrated, however, that a range of - 0.06 to - 0.39 can be obtained for the exponent for the effect of body mass on secondary production, depending on the taxonomic grouping used in the regression analysis. Recomputing the PIB: W regression for all the data of Banse and Mosher, Peters (1983) obtained a body mass exponent of —0.17, equiv alent to the exponent that we found. Dickie et al. (1987) reanCan. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., Vol. 46, 1989 LOG Wm (g Dry Mass) Fig. 4. PIB (annual production to mean biomass ratio; per year) of aquatic invertebrate populations predicted from equation 1, as related to the mean annual biomass (J5; grams dry mass per square metre per year) and maximum body mass (log Wm; grams dry mass) at a mean annual surface temperature (T) of 15°C. alyzed the data of Banse and Mosher (1980), adding the data on fish from Humphreys (1979) and marine benthos from Schwinghamer et al. (1986). Dickie et al. concluded that expo nents fitted over many orders of magnitude of W, that pool several types of organisms, are around -0.25, and thus reflect the general physiological scaling of production. They also con clude, however, that such exponents are often < — 0.25 when fitted within groups of similar sized animals (e.g. marine meiofauna, fish or terrestrial mammals). Dickie et al. (1987) believe that this difference is due to additional ecological scaling fac tors that are relevant within particular environments. Using the reasoning of Dickie et al. (1987), the significantly greater expo nent that we obtained (PIB^Wm~° 16) might suggest that pop ulations of freshwater lentic invertebrates might have different biomass, home range, or spatial distribution allometry than the communities that Dickie et al. (1987) examined. Such an anal ysis is highly speculative, however, and is based on the inter pretation of differences among exponents of allometric rela tionships which have often been based upon small sample sizes. Whatever the reason, the larger number of cases in our study (137) shows that PIB of aquatic invertebrate populations declines as Wh where b> -0.25. Figure 4 shows a predicted response surface of PIB as a func tion of B and Wm for temperate water bodies (T= 15°C). PIB can be as great as 100 for small animals with low population biomass. PIB decelerates rapidly with increased B and Wm, such that large animals with high biomass have PIB approaching 1, and are just capable of annual biomass replacement. Annual PIB in lentic invertebrate populations is thus clearly inconstant with B and Wm. Temperature Our analyses show that the production of aquatic invertebrate populations is positively correlated with temperature. The lit erature suggests that temperature should have a positive effect on secondary production because growth rates (Vijverberg 1980), development rate (e.g. Vijverberg 1980), and feeding 1493 Table 3. Pearson correlations between the characteristics of the water bodies and the residuals of equation (1). The variables are those of Table 2. *indicates p<0.05, **indicates p<0.01 and ns indicates p>0.05. Variable Turnover rate 0.31** Z, 0.26** 0.23* 0.21* logTP log Chi PH Radm Zm Rod, Z Log area 12 T 16 20 24 CO Fig. 5. Annual secondary production (P; grams dry mass per square metre per year) of aquatic invertebrate populations predicted from equation 1, as related to the maximum body mass (Wm; grams dry mass) and mean annual surface temperature (T; °C) for a population with a mean annual population biomass of 300 mg-m"2. rates (see Peters 1984) increase with temperature and may com bine to allow organisms in warmer climates to form increased numbers of cohorts annually. In contrast, Banse and Mosher (1980) suggest no temperature dependence of annual inverte brate PIB within the range of 5 to 20°C. Again, this may be due to differences in biomass computation employed by these authors in an attempt to correct for the effect of environment on secondary productivity. Winberg (1972) has suggested that comparisons of annual PIB values may be difficult because they vary with the length of the growing season. Water temperature is correlated with growing season length and its use as a covariate in our equations avoids the estimation of growing season length, per se, providing an unbiased evaluation of the statis tical correlation of temperature and annual secondary production. Figure 5 suggests that changes in temperature, working through the intermediaries of growth rate, development rate and voltinism, may have a profound effect on production rates. Our analysis shows that an increase in temperature from around 0 to 24°C is correlated with an increase in P of more than an order of magnitude. As suggested by many authors (e.g. Johnson 1974; Jonasson 1978; Humpesch 1979; Vijverberg 1980; Marchant and Hynes 1981; Sutcliffe et al. 1981), in situ growth rates of freshwater invertebrate populations are generally cor related with temperature conditions. The dependence of inver tebrate secondary production on temperature has been antici pated by the physiological literature, but has never before been demonstrated empirically. Other Factors Correlated with Freshwater Secondary Production Data on several important environmental characteristics were not available frequently enough in the literature to permit their entry into multiple regression analyses, but are of great enough theoretical importance to merit individual analysis. The effect of these factors was therefore evaluated by examining their cor relations with the residuals of equation 1 (Table 3). This pro1494 r and significance Ca log 77V Altitude log Dra Latitude Secchi T 1 air 0.20* -0.20** 0.14* -0.14ns 0.13ns o.i 1™ 0.09ns 0.08ns -0.08"5 0.07"5 0.05ns -0.04"5 -o.oor cedure is conceptually equivalent to the next step beyond equa tion 1 in a stepwise multiple regression analysis, employing forward selection variable entry (Hocking 1976). Secondary production must ultimately be limited by the pri mary productivity of an ecosystem (Edmondson 1974). Varia bles correlated with the trophic status of ecosystems should therefore show positive correlations with secondary produc tion. Some analyses based on limited data (Kajak and Dusoge 1970; Dermott et al. 1977; Makarewicz and Likens 1979; Brylinsky 1980) have suggested such correlations, but evidence has been contradictory (c.f. Pederson et al. 1976). Our analyses show that the residuals of equation 1 were positively correlated with the annual average chlorophyll concentration of the water column (Table 3), a commonly used indicator of aquatic eco system primary productivity. This result is echoed by analysis of correlations between residuals and annual mean total phos phorus concentration, probably because phosphorus is the pri mary element limiting to algae growth in lakes (Dillon and Rigler 1974; Smith 1982) and primary production (e.g. Brylinsky 1980). The residuals were also positively related to the water renewal rate (Table 3), another correlate of the lake trophic status (Vollenweider and Dillon 1974), and with the amount of solar radiation received at the water surface, probably due to direct reliance of aquatic invertebrate populations on phytoplankton productivity. Correlations with these trophic indices uphold the theoretical view that aquatic secondary production is ultimately limited by rates of primary productivity. The residuals of equation 1 were positively correlated with the pH. This result agrees with Brylinsky's (1980) work on phytoplankton, and upholds the negative effect of low pH on benthic invertebrate biomass suggested by the work of Roff and Kwiatkowski (1977). Our analysis detected a significant cor relation of secondary production with pH, even though our observations were made in lakes that varied only within the relatively benign pH range of 5.7 to 10.5. This result may explain the observation that certain species of fish in acidified lakes appear to starve to death even though the pH is within physiologically tolerable limits (e.g. Mills et al. 1987). We found that low pH was generally associated with decreased sec ondary production of their major food source. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. ScL, Vol. 46, 1989 Table 4. Analysis of the residuals for the effect of habitat (benthic versus planktonic) on aquatic invertebrate population production. The covariates were mean annual biomass, mean annual surface tempera ture, and maximum body mass. Analysis of variance was performed using the residuals of equation 1 as the dependent variable. Group Mean residuals N 0.144 59 77 Plankton Benthos -0.008 F=5.21 p=0.024 The theoretical literature suggests that several morphological characteristics of lakes might have indirect effects on rates of secondary production of invertebrate populations. For exam ple, several authors (e.g. Johnson 1974; Matuszek 1978; Brylinsky 1980) have suggested that benthos production in shallow lakes is greater than that of deep lakes. In spite of this, Table 3 shows that the residuals of equation 1 were positively cor related with maximum depth of the lakes. This effect is prob ably correct for planktonic populations, but when we analyzed the benthic populations alone (not shown) our data show the expected significant (p<0.05) negative relationship between the residuals and Zm. Table 3 shows that thermal stratification, which is related to morphometry, also affects the production of invertebrate populations. The residuals of equation 1 were pos itively correlated with thermocline depth, agreeing with the less comprehensive work of Brylinsky (1980). Similarity of Production Patterns among Lake Zones The planktonic and benthic habitats are quite different and these differences have long been thought to influence the rel ative production of zooplanktonic and benthic invertebrates. Empirical test of this idea has heretofore been impossible due to a lack of knowledge regarding the quantitative effect of the covariables B and Wm on the secondary production of lentic invertebrate populations. Analysis of the residuals of equation 1 indicates that zooplanktonic populations may be slightly more productive than zoobenthic populations of equivalent biomass, body mass, and temperature (Table 4). Although zoobenthic populations are subject to frequent anoxic conditions that could have a negative effect on their productivity, the best explanation for this difference may be that T does not always estimate the temperature experienced directly by the populations for which production is estimated. T was most often available as the mean surface temperature, and because water temperature usually decreases with depth in lakes, benthic populations are generally colder than planktonic animals. This difference could cause the benthic populations to appear less productive for a given T. The residuals indicate that zooplanktonic P is about 40% higher than zoobenthic P for given B, Wm and T, a difference easily explained by the effect of temperature gradients. Benthic invertebrates in the littoral zone have long been thought to be more productive (Kajak and Dusoge 1975a,b, 1976) and have higher PIB ratios (Holopainen 1979) than inver tebrates found in other zones, although some conflicting evi dence exists (e.g. J6nsson 1985; Eaton 1983). We therefore used analysis of covariance to test the hypothesis that the zone in which invertebrate populations were collected had a signif icant effect on the rate of secondary production. The data were sorted into three categories: data which appeared to represent the entire water body, data collected only from the littoral zone, and those collected only in the pelagic zone. There were 17 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. ScL, Vol. 46, 1989 Table 5. Analyses of covariance for the effect of zonation on aquatic invertebrate population production. The covariates were mean annual biomass, mean annual surface temperature, and maximum body mass for benthos, and mean annual biomass, mean annual surface temper ature, for plankton. N here is the number of secondary production estimates included in the analyses. Zone of the water body Coefficients /-significance Planktonic populations Littoral Pelagic -0.08 -0.033 0.16 0.51 N=19 Benthic populations Littoral Pelagic 0.09 0.17 0.74 -0.02 N=ll pelagic populations and 24 littoral populations. An analysis of covariance on P using B, T, and Wm as covariates was employed to test for the effect of zonation on secondary productivity. Table 5 shows that no significant effect of zonation on secondary pro ductivity of either planktonic or benthic invertebrates could be demonstrated. The surprisingly high rates of production often observed in the littoral zone (e.g. Kajak and Dusoge 1975a,b) probably result only from higher invertebrate biomasses and temperatures in littoral regions, and not from higher propor tional rates of productivity. This finding explains the anomalous results of Eaton (1983) who found that production rates of Chaoborus were nearly six times higher in the profundal than in the littoral zone. B of Eaton's Chaoborus in the littoral zone was much lower than in deep water, while PIB was equivalent in the two zones. General Discussion Ecological research throughout this century has provided much information on the production of various invertebrate populations in aquatic ecosystems. Published empirical gen eralizations thus far have shown that cohort (Waters 1977) and annual (Banse and Mosher 1980) production rates rise with pop ulation biomass, and that body size (e.g. Banse and Mosher 1980), voltinism, and life span (Waters 1977) may influence the relationship between P and B. No multivariate synthesis of the mass of data available on lentic invertebrates has previously been attempted. Previous production analyses have only been bivariate, an approach which has oversimplified the complexity of production processes. Our analyses uphold the results of other researchers working with other groups of organisms (e.g. Banse and Mosher 1980; Dickie et al. 1987) in demonstrating a very strong general rela tionship between annual production, annual mean biomass, and individual body mass of aquatic invertebrate populations. We have also identified several additional covariates, including water temperature, and correlates of ecosystem productivity that account for ecologically important variation in P. Log fl, for example, explains 63% of the variation in log P in equation 1, but half of the remaining variance in P in equation 1 is explained by Wm and T. More than 80% of the variation in log P could be explained by simple characteristics of the population and habitat (Tables 3 and 4). This is especially encouraging given the imprecision of the variables entering into production cal culations (Rigler and Downing 1984; Downing 1984b), and 1495 with unknown age structure (e.g. almost all planktonic popu lations) is even more costly, because growth rates must be meas ured directly. Consequently, a quantitative model that links pro duction rates to characteristics of the organisms and environment could be of great practical value. It is tempting to suggest that equation 1 might serve to estimate P, a posteriori, for continuously reproducing populations, for which B can be estimated and for which body mass is known or can be esti mated. Such an approach might be useful and sufficiently pre cise for many purposes. Extrapolation of our equation 1 also predicts systematic trends in life history strategies. The frequency of cohort formation is of interest in ecology both for its importance to life-history theory and for the correction of production calculations based on the size-frequency method (Benke 1984). Waters (1979) has found that cohort PIB is approximately 5, therefore equation 1 can be rearranged to yield the number of nonoverlapping gen erations per year (G): (2) log (G) = -0.21 log (B)+0.05 (T) -0.16 log 00 + 0.06-log (5). Equation 2 suggests that the number of generations per year should increase with temperature and decrease with body mass 7 1 10 13 16 19 22 25 TEMPERATURE (DEGREES C) Fig. 6. Number of nonovcrlapping generations per year (G), as related to the maximum body mass (H7,,,; grams dry mass) and mean annual surface temperature (T; °C) for an hypothetical benthic population with a mean annual population biomass (B) of 0.1 g-m " \ The number of generations is estimated using equation 2. indicates new directions for future freshwater secondary pro duction research. Some variables, although well represented in the available data (Table 2), could account for no further significant variation in secondary production (Table 3). For example, nitrogen con centration, suggested by many (e.g. Smith 1982) to have a sig nificant effect on the primary production of aquatic ecosystems, was uncorrelated with the residuals of equation 1, underlining the importance of phosphorus as the primary limiting nutrient in lakes. Neither the mean depth nor the lake area were signif icantly correlated with the residuals, reiterating the suggestion that littoral zones yield secondary production rates similarly proportional to biomass, body mass, and temperature as in other zones (Table 5). Finally, the correlations of residuals to both latitude and altitude were insignificant, suggesting that tem perature is a very important component of geographic location for the secondary production of aquatic invertebrate populations. Equation 1 offers a pragmatic solution to secondary produc tion estimation for populations that are too costly to investigate using traditional methods. Production measurements of cohort forming populations are conceptually simple but require repeated measures of density and body size over time (Edmond- son and Winberg 1971; Benke 1984; Rigler and Downing 1984), variables that are costly to measure (Downing 1984b; de Bernardi 1984; Peckarsky 1984). The estimation of secondary pro duction for populations not forming cohorts, or for populations 1496 (Fig. 6). In spite of the indirect derivation of equation 2, it predicts correctly that populations of small chironomids and Ephemeropterans in a warm Texas pond (Benson et at. 1980) should be multivoltine and that chironomids in a high arctic lake like Char Lake (Welch 1976) should have very long life cycles. In addition, Fig. 6 suggests that in any environment, populations of small organisms should form more generations per year than larger ones. This suggestion is upheld by the data of Jonsson (1985) who studied the life history and production of eleven taxa of chironomids at one site in Lake Esrom. The number of generations formed per year varied between 1 and 3, among species. The species with the greatest maximum body size, Stictochironomus histrio, formed the smallest number of generations per year, while the smallest taxon, Cladotanytarsus spp., formed the largest number of generations. Jonsson's (1985) data show a significant (/j<0.05) negative correlation between the size of an organism and the number of cohorts formed annually, precisely as predicted by equation 2. Further investigations of this phenomenon would be a promising area for future research. Because the estimation of secondary production is important in both theoretical and applied ecology, it is important to know what variables affect rates of secondary production. Further more, under some conditions, predicted secondary production might be sufficiently accurate and precise, eliminating the high cost of direct measurement. Several variables have a simulta neous effect on secondary production and a large fraction of the variation in the logarithm of annual production of aquatic populations can be predicted from the mean annual biomass, mean water temperature, and maximum adult body mass alone. Future studies promise to show that systematic analysis of chemical, physical, and morphological characteristics of the environment could improve our understanding of factors lim iting secondary productivity in freshwaters, as well as our capacity to predict it. Acknowledgments Financial support for this research was provided by an operating grant to J. A. Downing from the National Sciences and Engineering Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Set, Vol. 46, 1989 Research Council of Canada, and a team grant from the Ministry of Education of the Province of Quebec (FCAR). We thank the many members of the Groupe d'Ecologie des Eaux douces, and R. H. Peters and A. Morin for their comments and criticisms. We also thank J. A. Mathias, E. 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