Freshwater Biology (1986) 16,161-173 A regression technique for the estimation of epiphytic invertebrate populations* JOHN A. DOWNING D6partement de Sciences Biologiques, University de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada SUMMARY. 1. A regression method is proposed for the estimation of populations of epiphytic invertebrates. Small samples of macrophytes and attached animals are taken by gentle enclosure. Regression analysis is used to relate the number of animals collected to the macrophyte species composition and biomass in these small samples. These rela tionships estimate the number of organisms of each taxon per unit mass of each macrophyte species. Areal population density is estimated by multiplication of macrophyte mass-specific invertebrate density by standing macrophyte biomass. 2. The regression method yields population density estimates several times greater than the best of current methods for several fauna. Differences are most pronounced for active organisms such as water mites, amphipods, cladocerans, copepods, lepidopterans, ostracods, and trichopterans. 3. Precision levels obtained using the regression method are compara ble to other techniques. The regression technique automatically pro vides estimates of macrophyte species-specific colonization density and the abundance of organisms swimming among macrophytes in littoral areas. Introduction Macrophyte dwelling invertebrates are impor Recent articles have emphasized the ecological importance of the freshwater epiphytic inverte brate fauna while pointing out the paucity of accurate, cost-effective population estimation techniques (Kajak, 1971; Downing, 1984). Widuto, 1975; Howard-Williams & Lenton, 1975; Lim & Fernando, 1978), constitute a major source of food for fish and waterfowl This is a joint publication of the Groupe d'Ecoloeie des Eaux douces of I'Universite de Montreal, and the McGill University Limnology Research Centre. tant consumers of materials and energy in lakes (Pieczyriska, 1973; Guziur, Lossow & (Gascon & Leggett, 1977; Keast & Harker, 1977; Menzie, 1979, 1980; Kiorboe, 1980; Laughlin & Werner, 1980; Baltz & Moyle, 1982), and are implicated in the management of populations of many adult terrestrial insects (e.g. Davies, 1984). Population estimates of Correspondence: Dr John A. Downing. Depart ment de Sciences Biologiques, Universite de Mon epiphytic invertebrates are notoriously variable Canada H3C 3J7. degree treal, C.P. 6128, Succursale lA\ Montreal. Quebec, 11 (Pieczynska, 1973; Downing, 1984). The high of spatial heterogeneity found in 161 162 John A. Downing macrophyte dwelling invertebrates stems from their non-uniform distribution on macrophytes which are themselves patchily distributed (Forel, 1904; Davies, 1970; Sheldon & Boylen, 1978; Wong & Clark, 1979). Sampling costs are necessarily high, because aggregated organisms yield large sampling variances, and numerous replicate samples must be taken in order to increase sampling precision to acceptable levels. Although epiphytic invertebrates are thought to be ecologically important, few attempts have been made to improve sampling techniques or lower costs. Epiphytic invertebates are usually sampled using quadrat clipping, box samplers, scoops, grabs, and nets. A problem with these sam plers is that animals can be shaken or fright ened from the macrophytes during collection (Downing & Cyr, 1985). Ideally, animals should be enclosed and collected without dis ruption and the density of organisms on plants and the density of macrophytes per unit lake bottom should be estimated separately (Menzie, 1980). Small samples of invertebrates could then be used to reveal quanitative rela tionships between animal numbers and plant weights, and large samples of macrophytes could then be used to yield low-error estimates of animal numbers per unit area. Such twostage sampling is called ratio or regression population estimation (Cochran, 1977). Cochran (1977) suggests that where a vari able (Y) such as invertebrate numbers is corre lated with a second variable (X) such as macrophyte biomass, sampling precision may be improved through the use of ratio or regression estimators. Where one wishes to estimate the population mean Y (e.g. inverte brates), and the population mean X (e.g. macrophyte biomass) can be estimated with high precision, a measure of macrophyte biomass (*,), is obtained for each small sample of invertebrates (y(). The regression method can be used to estimate Y if the relationship between y, and jc, is linear. In this case, the linear relationship between the y, and ,t, is established: y=a+bx (1) and the regression population estimate (Y) is calculated: Y=a+bX (2) where X is the macrophyte biomass estimated by separate sampling, and a and b are taken from equation (1). Cochran points out that the regression estimate can lower sampling costs in many cases where a correlated variable fa) is much less costly to estimate than the variable of interest (y,). The number of macrophyte dwelling inverte brates per unit lake bottom is correlated with macrophyte abundance and this relationship is approximately linear (Biochino & Biochino, 1980). In addition, the estimation of macrophyte biomass costs about one-tenth that of estimates of epiphytic invertebrate abundance (Downing & Cyr, 1985). Thus, the regression population estimation technique holds promise for use in estimating epifauna populations. The purpose of this research was to combine gentle collection of epiphytic invertebrates with a regression population estimation tech nique to produce population estimates of high precision and accuracy. This article presents this technique and compares it to methods currently in use by aquatic ecologists. Materials and Methods The regression method for epiphytic invertebrates Application of the regression population estimation technique to littoral invertebrates is simple. A rigid enclosure (Fig. 1) can be used to take small samples of macrophytes and invertebrates. These boxes enclose even mobile organisms without disruption (Down ing, 1981), and are of constant volume permit ting correction for collection of organisms swimming among the plants (cf. Campbell. Clark & Kosinski, 1982). The number of invertebrates per unit macrophyte biomass is then estimated by least squares regression analysis. Quadrat samples of macrophytes are taken to estimate macrophyte biomass per unit area, and these figures are multiplied by in vertebrate densities per unit macrophyte to yield estimated invertebrate density per unit area. In our trials, replicate samples (« = 12-21) were taken at random points along each side of a 50 m cord stretched at uniform depth in a weed-bed. The plastic box (Fig. 1) was gently closed around the macrophytes, the unen- Sampling epiphytic invertebrates 163 analysis (Draper & Smith, 1981; Prepas, 1984). Least-squares regression was chosen because error involved in jc, is small, consisting only of drying and weighing errors. •i—hinges One of these equations must be fitted for each invertebrate taxon under investigation. The coefficient a estimates the number of organisms collected when Og of macrophytes are enclosed, thus a neoprene sampling port estimates the average number of organisms of an invertebrate taxon that were unassociated with aquatic macrophytes. outlet tube The estimate of average number of epiphytic invertebrates m~2 could then be calculated: (3) Y=bX where X is the average macrophyte biomass m~2. Because macrophyte biomass error dis FIG. 1. Transparent plastic box for the enclosure and collection of macrophyte dwelling invertebrates. The chamber encloses macrophytes which are sealed from the exterior by 7x7 mm strips of closed-pore neoprene. The inside dimensions are 30 x 20 x 10 cm (6 litre volume). The box is constructed from 7 mm Plexiglas™. tributions can be asymmetrical (Davies, 1970; Sheldon & Boylen, 1978; Wong & Clark, 1979), the error distribution of Y should be reproduced directly through calculation of the products of b and each individual quadrat estimate of macrophyte density (e.g. ^-bx^. As the number of macrophyte samples be comes large, however, macrophyte biomass closed stems were cut, and the sample re frequency distributions should perform like turned to the boat. Samples were sealed in plastic bags and kept cold for transport to the laboratory. The organisms were removed from the macrophyte surface by gentle washing with a jet of 100/im filtered lake water. Sample volumes were reduced using a large (21 cm diam.) filter funnel (Likens & Gilbert, 1970) made with 100/«n nylon mesh. Samples were preserved in 80% ethanol. All organisms of major taxonomic groups in each sample were counted at 16x magnification. Macrophytes collected in these samples were sorted to species, air-dried, dried to constant weight (60°C, 48h), and weighed (±10mg). Quadrat normal distributions and skewness of error samples (991 cm2) were taken at the same time estimation might therefore function poorly by to estimate the standing biomass of macrophytes per unit lake bottom area. These samples were sorted, dried, and weighed as above to yield estimates of total biomass and biomass of relating numbers of organisms to total mac individual macrophyte species (g dry wt m~2). The regression estimate of the number of organisms per unit biomass of macrophytes was calculated as b in equation (1), where y, and Xj are the numbers of organisms and biomasses of macrophytes (sum of all species) in individual small box samples, and a and b are constants fitted by least squares regression distributions should be reduced (Scheffe\ 1959). The mean and variance of phytofaunal population densities could then be calculated as the product of two means (i.e. equation (3); see Colquhoun, 1971; p. 40). Some authors suggest that species of mac rophytes have differing amounts of habitable area per unit macrophyte biomass or are differentially colonized for other reasons (e.g. Entz, 1947; Sebestye"n, 1948; Smyly, 1952, 1957; Smirnov, 1963; Quade, 1969; Pieczynska, 1973; Biochino Soszka, & 1975a, Biochino, b; Macan, 1980). 1977; Regression rophyte biomass, alone. Thus, analyses em ploying all available information on mac rophyte species composition were performed for comparative purposes. I have fitted multi ple regression equations as: ti+b2x2i+- (4) where *,,-*,, are biomasses of / species of macrophytes in the i samples, and br-b) are j fitted regression coefficients. Regression equa tions were fitted by stepwise forward selection 164 John A. Downing (Hocking, 1976). Inclusion of variables was halted when inclusion of the next variables would have resulted in a partial F-value that was statistically insignificant (P>0.05) or an The substrate was sandy clay to clayey allu increased residual mean square. Apart from the usual assumptions of parametric statistics, this analysis made only the assumption that macrophyte species characteristics (e.g. area/ weight ratios, toxicity, leaf articulation, etc.) did not differ between macrophytes collected in boxes and by quadrats. As long as there are no strong correlations among the Xjit the re gression coefficients (bx-bj) represent esti The regression population estimation tech nique was applied by performing both bivariate (equation 1) and multiple regressions (equation 4) for each taxon of epiphytic in vertebrate as functions of total macrophyte mates of number of a taxonomic group of values were invertebrates per unit mass of each particular biomass estimates obtained through the collec species of macrophyte (Gujarati, 1978). If there are strong correlations between estimates of macrophyte abundance in invertebrate sam ples, then the analysis may ignore the effect of tion of quadrat samples, to yield estimated one of the correlated macrophyte species. The actually collected in replicate quadrat samples. intercept a estimates the number of organisms of each taxon, on average, that were collected in the 6-litre sample but were not associated with the macrophytes. The estimate of average number of epiphytic invertebrates m~2 (analo gous to equation (3)) could then be calculated: Y=blXl+b2X2~-+t>A (5) where Xj is the average biomass m"2 of vium (I-IV) and mud and clay (V). Median standing macrophyte biomass ranged from 41 to 55 g dry wt m~2. biomass or macrophyte species biomasses in box samples. This analysis yielded estimates of number of invertebrates of each taxon per unit dry weight of macrophyte multiplied by species. These the macrophyte number of organisms of each taxon for each replicate quadrat sample. These values were compared with the number of organisms Comparison with quadrat sampling The regression population estimation tech nique was compared with the quadrat harvest method of estimating phytofaunal populations (e.g. Soszka, 1975a; Mackey, 1976) on four occasions (trials I, II, IV and V). Quadrat harvest estimates were the most accurate ex macrophyte species /. Again, due to the skew- isting methods compared by Downing & Cyr ness (1985). In quadrat harvest samples, SCUBA divers clipped macrophytes from randomly of error distributions of macrophyte biomass estimates, the error distribution of invertebrate density was calculated as the sums placed quadrats using grass shears, and plant of the products of the statistically significant b, and animal material was gently placed into and the biomasses of individual species of macrophytes in quadrat samples X^ (e.g. backwashed into plastic bags using a jet of yi=biXii+b2X2i+.. ,+bjXji. AH insignificant (jP>0.05) regression coefficients (bj) were set to zero. The regression technique was evaluated five 60x50cm 100//m mesh bags. Samples were 100//m filtered lake water. Samples were kept cold for transport to the laboratory where they were separated, rinsed, reduced, preserved and counted as above. The technique yielding times (trials I-V) during the summer of 1982. the Trials I-IV (13, 22, 23 July and 5 August) were judged the most accurate because both the carried out at lm depth near Cove Island of highest population estimates should be regression and quadrat harvest methods are Lake Memphremagog (Quebec-Vermont; 45° passive O'N, 72° L7'W), while trial V (10 August) was tween regression and quadrat samples were made using the Wilcoxon test (Conover, 1980). performed at lm depth in Holbrook Bay of the same lake. The macrophyte beds were composed of Cabomba caroliniana (Gray), Elodea canadensis (Michx.), Myriophylhtm spicatum (L.), Najas sp., Potamogeton filifor- (Downing, 1984). Comparisons be Relative precision and cost The relative precision of regression popula mis (Pers.), P. gramineus (L.), P. richardsonii tion estimates were assessed by comparison ((Benn.)Rydb.), americana with variances obtained using other techniques (Michx.) (nomenclature after Fassett, 1940). at the same sites. Downing & Cyr (1986) have and Vallisneria Sampling epiphytic invertebrates found that the variance (s2; on a m2 basis) of sets of replicate samples obtained from Lake Memphremagog using quadrat clipping, or the Gerking, Macan, Minto or KUG samplers, follows the function: (6) where y is the mean density of a phytofaunal taxon (number m~2) and A is the area (cm2) covered by the phytofaunal sampler (/?2=0.94, TABLE 1. Proportion of correlation coefficients that were statistically significant (P<0.05) for bivariate conelations between total macrophyte biomass and number of invertebrates (r) and for multivariate correlations between macrophyte species biomasses and number of invertebrates (R) collected in small box samples, n indicates the number of calculable correlations. Data are presented for trials I-V. 'Misc.' gastropods are those not belonging to the other gastropod taxa, and species 'L' is a distinct yet unidentified gastropod species. Proportion of n trials significant (P<0.05) n=497). If the regression technique yields sets of estimates following the same variance func tion as other techniques (i.e. having the same precision), then the residuals in log10 form (i.e. i°gio ^-logio $2) for sets of regression popula tion estimates, should sum to zero. Significance of departures of regression population estimates from equation (6) were made using a Mest (Prepas, 1984). The three major costs in sampling the phyto- fauna are the time spent in (1) collection, (2) laboratory processing and preservation, and (3) counting of epiphytic invertebrate samples. Divers and laboratory workers measured the time spent on each stage of sampling using a waterproof chronograph. Bivariate Multiple Taxon n (r) (R) Acari Amphipoda Chironomidae Cladocera Alona sp. Camptocercus sp. Eurycercus sp. Sida crystallina (Muller) 5 5 5 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.0 2 5 1 5 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.4 Copepoda Cyclopoids Harpacticoids 5 Ephemeroptera 5 0.4 0.25 0.2 0.6 0.25 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.25 Trichoptera 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 5 4 5 2 4 5 5 2 4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.5 Total organisms 5 0.8 1.0 Gastropoda Ancylidae Bulimidae Lymnaea Results and Discussion Regression estimation The regression population estimation tech nique works well for most epiphytic taxa, especally those with highest population levels. Bivariate regressions (equation 1) of number of individuals as functions of total macrophyte biomass were statistically significant (P<0.05) in 44% of the cases examined (Table 1). The average coefficient of determination (r2) was 0.27. Correlations were much stronger when macrophyte species abundances were consi dered individually (equation 4; Table 1). This lends weight to the idea that aspects of macrophytes other than crude biomass determine the suitability of macrophyte substrates. More than 73% of multiple regressions of numerical abundance as functions of individual plant species biomasses were statistically significant (P<0.05). The average R2 nearly doubled (0.50) over that found for bivariate regres 165 Misc. Physidae Planorbidae Species 'L' Hirudinae Hydra sp. Lepidoptera Megaloptera Nematoda Oligochaeta Ostracoda Platyhelminthes 4 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.8 linear functions such as equations (1) and (4) leave no systematic lack of fit in the data. Most organisms collected by this method were associated with the macrophytes. More than 80% of intercepts of multiple regression equations (a; equation 4) were not significantly different from zero (P>0.05; Table 2), indicat ing that in most cases none of the phytofaunal organisms were found swimming among the macrophytes. Only 12% of estimated a-values sions. Analysis of the residuals from bivariate represented densities of >1 organism litre"1 and multiple linear regressions suggests that (i.e. a>6). 166 John A. Downing TABLE 2. Intercepts (a) and standard errors of intercepts of multiple regression equations fitted as in equation (4). These intercept values estimate the number of organisms of each taxon that were statistically unassociated with the macrophytes (animals 6litres"1). (-Tests show whether intercepts are significantly different from zero (*P<0.05 and **P<0.01). Dashed lines indicate that either no data were collected for the taxon, or that no statistically significant multiple regression equation could be generated. Intercepts (a) (and standard errors of intercepts) for multiple regressions Taxon Tr.II Tr.I Acari 0.1 (0.3) Amphipoda -1.9(1.0) Chironomidae 4.7 (3.5) Tr.III 5.8(3.6) -0.4 (0.3) 35.0(24.5) Tr.IV -2.2 (8.5) 0.5 (0.4) 4.0 (44.6) Tr.V 1.7 (2.8) -0.4 (2.8) -1.4(0.7) 83.1 (29.3)* -27.9(37.8) 60.3 (42.3) -24.7 (147.9) — VluUUvvi U Alona sp. Camptocercus sp. Eurycercus sp. Sida crystallina (Miiller) 0.3 (0.3) — — — 0.6 (48.4) Copepoda Cyclopoids Harpacticoids 70.0 (79.6) Ephemeroptera Gastropoda -0.1 (0.0) Ancylidae 0.9(1.0) -1.3(5.0) — 1.7(0.7)* Misc. Physidae Planorbidae Species 'L' Hirudinae Hydra sp. Lepidoptera Nematoda Oligochaeta Ostracoda Trichoptera -1.6(1.8) Total organisms 42.3 (46.9) 0.0 (0.2) 0.1 (2.5) -0.1(0.2) -1.3(1.0) 1.0(1.4) 0.0 (0.2) — 1.7(0.8)* — 4.8 (4.6) -0.3 (0.4) — -22.1 (10.6) 0.1 (0.1) — -1.7(1.1) — — 1.6(0.5)* 14.1(4.8)* — 974.0 (208.6)* 158.7 (135.7) — — -1.2(1.3) 0.4 (0.2)* 6.4 (9.6) 62.4(157.1) — 2.7(2.9) — 99.1(24.4)** 620.6(166.0)** — 0.7 (0.5) 10.5 (3.4)* 42.0 (28.8) 1.5(0.6) — -0.1 (0.5) -4.5 (6.9) -4.1 (4.5) 23.1(8.1)* -0.3(0.1 50.4(21.8)* -3.5 (7.4) -1.5(2.3) — -0.8 (0.4) -2.2 (0.9)* — — -1.0(0.9) 5.4 (4.0) — — 0.0(0.1) — 46.4(61.3) 0.0(0.1) -0.2 (0.7) 0.3 (0.4) 0.4 (0.6) — -1.3(1.8) 0.1 (0.5) 0.5 (0.6) 6.1 (6.2) — 49.0 (13.6)* * 0.9 (0.3)* -0.3 (0.2) — — — 11.9(22.9) — — — — — — — Lymnaea 10.6 (43.2) -7.7(12.4) 117.1(45.4)* — Bulimidae 0.5(1.3) 47.0 (24.9) -0.3 (0.6) 68.3 (380.9) TABLE 3. The number of invertebrate taxa for which macrophyte species yielded significant (P<0.05) partial regression coefficients for predicting the number of invertebrates collected in box samples (see equation 4). The number of taxa for which significant (P<0.05) multiple regressions were calculated were: Trial 1=16, 11=17, 111=13, IV=19, and V=18. Data on the partial significance of total macrophyte biomass are not shown. No. of significant coefficients Macrophyte species Tr.I Tr.II Tr.III Tr.IV Cabomba caroliniana (Gray) Elodea canadensis (Michx.) Myriophyllum spicatum (L.) Najas sp. Potamogeton filiformis (Pers.) P. gramineus (L.) P. richardsonii ((Benn.)Rydb.) Vallisneria americana (Michx.) 0 4 0 4 2 1 8 4 4 0 1 0 1 6 9 8 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 5 1 The importance of various macrophyte spe cies for colonization by epiphytic invertebrates, 1 Tr.V 1 5 4 0 0 1 0 6 3 1 1 macrophyte species (Table 3), varied markedly among trials. No consistent ecological pattern measured by the relative frequency of partial as significance example, in some trials, broad leaved mac- of the ft, (equation 4) for yet seems apparent in these data. For Sampling epiphytic invertebrates rophytes (e.g. Potamogeton richardsonii ((Benn.)Rydb.)) were good predictors of the abundance of many invertebrate taxa (trial I), while in other cases macrophytes with finely divided leaves (e.g. Myriophyllum spicatum (L.)) were most important (trial III). There was no significant covariation (P<0J05) be tween the estimated relative standing biomass of macrophyte species and their relative value as predictors of invertebrate abundance (Downing, unpubl.). Example application of the regression technique Although regression population estimation is simple to apply, it involves more mathematics than traditional techniques, thus I provide a worked example. The appendix contains data on the number of chironomids found in twenty-one small box samples, as well as the biomass of macrophyte of each species from which they were removed. Fig. 2(a) shows the bivariate relationship between the number of chironomids in these samples (Yc) and the summed biomass of macrophytes in these sam ples (Xb). The linear relationship (r=0.42; P=0.057), analogous to equation (1) is: Yc=S5+99Xb 500 Suich & Derringer, 1977). When biomass of all macrophyte species are considered in a stepwise fashion, the relationship is much clearer. Three species of macrophyte yielded signifi cant partial F-values (Table 4). The resulting relationship (/?=0.89; P<gO.OOl), analogous to 300 o 8 £ 200 I 100 equation (4), is: ^=35+536^+396^+1549*^ 0-5 1-0 1-5 2-0 2-5 500 h 400 Z 300 I 200 1 100 (8) where Xp, Xet Xcb are the species-specific biomasses (in box samples) of Potamogeton richardsonii ((Benn.)Rydb.), Elodea canadensis (Michx.), and Cabomba caroliniana (Gray), respectively. This equation yields a much better fit to the observed data (Fig. 2b). Macrophyle dry mass (g) £ (7) This relationship has little predictive value (see 400 S 167 TABLE 4. Analysis of variance table for regression (equation 8) of number of chironomid larvae in small box samples as a function of the dry mass (g) of Potamogeton richardsonii (Xp), Elodea canadensis (Xe) and Cabomba caroliniana (Xcb). Partial F-values (F) are calculated as the increase in model SS when the variable in question is entered into the multiple regression as the last variable. F is a measure of the variation in Yc accounted for by each independent variable. The probability of obtaining any of these For 100 200 300 400 500 Observed number of chironomids FIG. 2. (A) Relationship between the number of chironomids and the total biomass (g dry wt) of macrophytes collected in small box samples. The line is equation (7). (B) Relationship between the num ber of chironomids collected in small box samples, and the number of chironomids predicted consider ing biomasses of all species of macrophytes (equa tion 8). The line indicates a 1:1 correspondence. Data were collected in trial II. F values by chance is <0.01. 'SEb is the standard error of the estimated regression coefficient listed in equation (8). Source of variation df SS F R2 Model (equation 8) Error 3 17 20 335,920 86,946 422,866 21.9 0.79 Independent variable SEb F xf 74.5 107.4 462.2 52 Total Xcb 14 11 168 The John A. Downing regression coefficients estimate macrophyte species. These chironomid abund the average number of chironomids g~l dry wt of ance estimates are contained in column 6 of each macrophyte species. These coefficients Table 5. Also listed are the number of chirono have small standard errors (14-30%; Table 4). mids collected from these quadrat samples The regression coefficients show that chirono using the standard quadrat clipping method mids were most dense on the surface of finely articulated Cabomba caroliniana (1549 anim. (Y'c). The values are of the same order of mag nitude and although the regression population estimation technique yields higher population estimates in six out of nine possible compari sons, a Wilcoxon matched-pairs, ranked-signs test (Conover, 1980) shows that this difference g~l), and relatively less abundant on Pota mogeton richardsonii (536 anim. g"1), and Elodea canadensis (397 anim. g"1). The ba lance of macrophyte species yielded insignifi cant (P>0.05) regression coefficients and thus had little statistical effect on the number of chironomids collected. A /-test shows that the intercept (34.99) is not significantly different from zero (r=1.43; n=21; P>0.05) and thus the number of chironomids unassociated with is not statistically significant (P>0.05). Comparison with the quadrat harvest method Analogous comparison of the quadrat clip ping and regression population estimation the macrophyte was insignificant. Calculation of the number of chironomids methods were made for twenty-three taxa in per unit lake bottom can be made by multi quadrat estimates were made for the same plying the estimated number of organisms per sampling units (e.g. columns 6 and 7 of Table unit macrophyte by estimates of the standing 5), a Wilcoxon ranked-signs test could be used trials I, II, IV and V. Because regression and biomass of macrophytes per unit lake bottom to make simultaneous comparisons of all trials. (i.e. (anim. g-1)x(g m"2)=anim. m~2). Esti Table 6 shows the results of these analyses. mates of anim. g"1 for different macrophyte The regression and quadrat clipping methods species can be read from equation (8) while Table 5 shows macrophyte biomass determined yielded equal number of relatively non-motile by random sampling with «=lO square quad rats (991cm2). Regression estimates of the todes and oligochaetes. The regression popula organisms such as gastropods, leeches, nema- tion estimation method yielded significantly abundance of organisms contained within each higher estimates (P<0.05) of active organisms of these quadrats (Y3) are made: such as water mites, amphipods, chironomids, cladocerans, cyclopoid copepods, lepidopter- ans. ostracods and trichopterans (Table 6). The quadrat clipping method only yielded where XL X'e, and X'cb are areal biomasses of TABLE 5. Estimates of standing macrophyte biomass (g dry wt quadrat"1) made using ten randomly placed quadrats (991cm2). Shown are the summed biomass of all macrophyte species (X'b), the species-specific biomasses of Elodea canadensis (Michx.) (X'e), Potamogeton richardsonii ((Benn.)Rydb.) (X'p)t and Cabomba caro liniana (Gray) (X'cb), the number of chironomid larvae within the quadrat estimated using the multiple regression method (Yc; equa tion 9), and the number collected from each quadrat using the standard quadrat clipping method (Y'c). Quadrat X'b X't K X'cb Yc Y'c 6 23 29 4.30 4.05 3.39 2.99 3.39 5.03 5.29 3.82 4.44 4.14 1.51 0.60 0.22 0.33 0.56 1.73 1.51 0.19 0.50 0.22 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 741 237 86 367 291 686 598 281 200 89 466 34 40 56 60 80 97 98 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 259 187 143 184 (lost) 295 142 189 286 Sampling epiphytic invertebrates 169 TABLE 6. Results of Wiicoxon matched-pairs comparisons (Conover, 1980) of population estimates made using the regression and quadrat clipping techniques. Shown are the number of paired comparisons (n), the Wiicoxon test-statistic (Z), and the probability that the two population estimation techniques tend to yield the same estimates. '+' indicates that the regression technique yielded higher estimates,'-' indicates that quadrat clipping yielded higher estimates, while 'ns' indicates no significant difference (P<0.05). Taxon n Z P Sign. Acari Amphipoda Chironomidae 31 25 31 -2.028 -3.996 -3.351 0.043 <0.001 + 0.001 + 19 21 -3.284 -2.798 -3.942 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 + 16 -3.702 -1.348 -0.345 <0.001 0.178 0.730 Oligochaeta Ostracoda Platyhelminthes Trichoptera 31 31 9 31 31 31 21 19 31 6 22 31 12 6 -2.612 -1.225 -0.913 -1.230 -0.314 -0.137 -1.836 -2.722 -2.692 -0.447 -0.834 -4.184 -3.059 -2.201 0.009 0.221 0.361 0.129 0.754 0.891 0.066 0.006 0.007 0.655 0.404 <0.001 0.002 0.028 Total organisms 31 -3.645 <0.001 + Cladocera Alona sp. Camptocercus sp. Sida crystallina (Muller) Copepoda Cydopoids Harpacticoids Ephemeroptera 25 21 6 + + + ns ns Gastropoda Ancylidae Bulimidae Lymnaea Misc. Physidae Planorbidae Hirudinae Hydra sp. Lepidoptera Nematoda higher estimates of population density in one out of twenty-three taxa (Hydra sp.). Because regression population estimation yields higher estimates of population densities of many taxa, it also yields significantly (P<0.001) higher estimates of total numbers of organisms per unit area (Table 6). The regression population estimation estimates that method are yields substantially higher than those obtained by quadrat clip + ns ns ns ns ns ns - + ns ns + + + + mobile organisms dwelling on the surfaces of macrophytes. Precision The relative precision of regression popula tion estimates of the phytofauna was assessed by comparison to a variance function derived for other sampling devices at the same sites. The mean number of chironomids m~2 esti ping. The ratios of the median estimates for mated using the regression method can be taxa were calculated by multiplying each value in column found between techniques (Table 6) are shown in Fig. 3. The median population density estimated by the regression technique was 6 of Table 5 by 10,000/991, then averaging in which significant differences more than two-fold that estimated by quadrat clipping in 65% of these comparisons. The median ratio was 3. The quadrat clipping technique often underestimates the number of these products (mean=3608 m~2; s=2398; n=l0). The standard deviation (s) agrees quite well with that predicted from equation (6) (£=1516M=991). Overall agreement of observed and pre dicted variances can be assessed by analysis of 170 John A. Downing ® 123456789 5 f 3 2 Ralio of medians FIG. 3. Frequency histogram of ratios of median population densities estimated using the regression technique and the quadrat clipping technique. A ratio of 2 indicates that the regression technique yields a median 2 times that estimated using quadrat clipping. Ratios were only calculated where a signifi cant difference was found between techniques (Table 6). Data are taken from trials I, II, IV and V. Four observations were >9 and are not plotted (n=38 taxon-trial combinations). I 0 123456789 log,0 Observed variance FIG. 4. Relationship between the variance of repli cate regression estimates of epiphytic invertebrate populations and variances predicted from equation (6). The line indicates a 1:1 correspondence. Two observations are hidden behind plotted points. the residuals (observed s2-predicted s2). If the regression population estimation method yields similar precision to that of traditional methods, then the average departure of observed variances from predictions from equation (6) should not be significantly different from zero. Because equation (6) is fitted in logarithmic form, the residuals are calculated: log,0 ^2-logio s2. Downing & Cyr (1985) found that the mean and variance of residuals for all samplers were 0 and 0.166 (w=497), respec tively. The mean and variance of such re siduals found here for regression estimations were 0.0174 and 0.270 (n=66). A /-test for a difference between these two groups of mean residuals (Prepas, 1984) yields 7=0.95. and indicates no significant difference (P>0.05). Fig. 4 shows that observed variances using the regression technique correspond directly to predicted from equation (6). After Downing & Cyr (1985), the number of repli cate quadrat samples of macrophytes (n) needed to attain a specified precision (y?=SE/ y) can be predicted: these /i=67.76)7,1-0.360,4-(1.435..-2 (10) where all other variables are as in equation (6). This equation shows that the requisite number of replicate samples increases with decreased population density, decreased sam pler area, and increased precision (i.e. de creased p). Improvement of precision levels can be made by increasing the number of quadrat samples of macrophytes. This is most efficiently done by taking large numbers of small (<500cm2) macrophyte biomass samples (e.g. Green, 1979; John el «/., 1980). Relative sampling cost Unfortunately, regression estimation was more costly than quadrat clipping (Table 7). The cost saving suggested by Cochran (1977) was not realized simply because macrophyte spatial variability was too great. On the other hand, the regression technique loses fewer organisms, and yields valuable information on macrophyte species-specific colonization by in vertebrates. Precision levels of regression esti mates could be improved very inexpensively by increasing the number of quadrat samples of macrophytes. A regression method employing gentle entrapment of invertebrates should be used where mobile phytofauna are being stu died. The quadrat clipping method leads to biased population estimates for many taxa. Sampling epiphytic invertebrates 171 TABLE 7. Time (min) required for collection, processing, and counting of samples taken with the regression and quadrat clipping techniques in trials I-V. Collection time for regression samples includes time needed for the collection of both box samples and quadrat macrophyte samples. Processing time is the time needed to rinse animals from plants and preserve samples. 'nr' and 'n ' are the number of box samples and quadrat samples taken in each trial. Collection Trial T II III IV V nr 17 7,1 13 12 12 10 9 8 6 6 Processing Counting Reg. Quad. Reg. Quad. Reg. Quad. 145 134 98 103 107 64 73 31 41 55 127 137 155 126 92 98 471 2158 1323 304 1097 1217 537 654 177 101 107 85 615 1298 Acknowledgments Downing J.A. (1981) In situ foraging responses of three species of littoral cladocerans. Ecological I gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Canadian National Sportsmen's Fund, the National Science and Engineering Re Downing J.A. (1984) Sampling the benthos of stand ing waters. A Manual on Methods for the Assess ment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters search Council of Canada, and the Minister of Education of the Province of Quebec (FCAR). Thanks especially to H61ene Cyr for patient field and microscope work, and T. Briza, M. Downing and L. L'Heureux for help in the Monographs, 51, 85-103. (Eds J. A. Downing and F. H. Rigler), IBP of Cladocera associated with shallow water mac- Handbook No. 17, 2nd edn, pp. 87-130. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. Downing J.A. & Cyr H. (1985) The quantitative estimation of epiphytic invertebrate populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Scien ces, 42,1568-1578. Draper N. & Smith H. (1981) Applied Regression Analysis. Wiley, New York. Entz B. (1947) Qualitative and quantitative studies in the coatings of Potamogeton perfoliatus and Myriophyllum spicatum in Lake Balaton. Archiva Biologica Hungarica, Series II, 17, 17-37. Fassett N.C. (1940) A Manual of Aquatic Plants. McGraw-Hill, New York. 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A dry mass of 0.005g indicates that the species was present but below the limit of detection of our balance. Sample Yc xb Xcb xe xm xn Xpg *p xv 0.16 0.77 0.63 0.65 0.36 0.00 1.16 0.24 0.07 0.10 129 2.41 76 0.63 1.12 0.79 1.51 0.99 0.22 0.35 0.02 0.09 0.06 0.18 0.05 0.14 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.005 0.24 0.08 0.06 0.20 0.00 0.04 0.43 0.00 0.15 69 73 75 83 86 88 89 0.00 0.26 0.01 0.61 0.005 0.01 0.11 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.06 0.32 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.00 0.30 0.01 0.005 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 51 54 62 18 365 391 287 181 501 121 232 9 18 119 137 115 0.18 1.64 1.54 1.51 0.66 0.60 1.58 0.67 0.07 0.16 0.60 0.49 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.005 0.00 0.11 0.10 0.01 0.00 no. 2 13 14 16 19 25 30 32 43 47 452 71 174 173 45 58 1.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.29 0.02 0.16 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.13 0.17 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.13 0.21 0.05 0.005 0.00 0.83 0.00 0.24 0.32 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.10 0.14 0.61 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.08 0.00 0.11 0.09 0.84 1.45 0.47 0.26 0.24 0.91 0.51 0.14 0.11 173