EVALUATING ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO FINANCING MARKET RATE HOUSING: A SITE IN CENTRAL SQUARE, CAMBRIDGE by Brigid Snow Flanigan Bachelor of Arts Brown University 1978 SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN REAL-ESTATE DEVELOPMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEPTEMBER, 1985 O Brigid Snow Flanigan 1985 The Author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of the author_______________Flanigan Brigid 8now Flanigan Department of Architecture August 15, 1985 Certified by Assistant Professor of Planning and R Ly ne E. ag yn l Esta e Deve opnient Thesis Su ervisor Accepted by Lawrence S. Bacow Chairman Interdepartmental Degree Program in Real Estate Development RoM, OF TECNLOGY'T SEP 0 5 1985 LIBRARIES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS could thesis This not have been assistance and support of a few key persons. Professor Lynne Sagalyn thank to like project and the developer, proposed attention as support unwavering of process a thesis topic. and thank "real" attention. Erin Donald Tofias, I Finally, am I the summer writing has thesis this to would like to thank my Their assistance humor this summer have been invaluable. 2 both In addition, I would like most appreciative of his O'Boyle and Sarah Abrams. my to made the Donald Tofias for the opportunity project. the bringing and enjoyable and highly educational. to First, I would Her insightful comments throughout researching for the without completed analyze time a and classmates, and good Evaluating Alternative Approaches to Financing Market Housing: A Site in Central Square, Cambridge Rate by Brigid Snow Flanigan Submitted to the Department of Architecture on August 16, 1985 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Real Estate Development ABSTRACT This thesis analyzes the market, political and financial feasibility of constructing a multifamily rental housing Cambridge, Square, in Central on a site project a local Massachusetts. The site is presently owned by developer. First, the author describes the site and demographic and housing characteristics of the surrounding neighborhoods. Second, the current demand in the Cambridge housing market analyzed, and potential users and rent levels are is established. Third, the author outlines the public approval and those obstacles which must be overcome by the process developer. Fourth, the financial feasibility of the project is analyzed. When the project is found to be economically a range of public infeasible with private financing, financing alternatives are identified and described. The financial returns to the developer are analyzed and compared these to the limitations imposed on the project by developer the financing sources. The author concludes that financial achieve public financing to utilize must feasibility. Thesis Advisor: Lynne B. Sagalyn Assistant Professor of Planning and Real Estate Development 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements............................................2 Abstract.................................................... 3 Chapter One: Introduction and Description of Site and Surrounding Neighborhoods................ Chapter Two: Market Feasibility of the Proposed Project................................. -- --18 Chapter Three: Political Feasibility of the Proposed 31 Project.............................. Chapter Four: Financial Feasibility of the Proposed Project............................... .40 .. 74 Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations........ List of Exhibits and Tables ............ .......................... . . . . . . - - .. .. -. Three. Four.. Five.. Six... Eight. . . . . . Notes.............. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .. Appendix Exhibits. .. Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit Exhibit . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Table One... Table Two... Exhibit One. Exhibit Two. Table Three. Table Four.. Table Five.. Table Six... Table Seven. Table Eight. Table Nine.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . - . . . . . 11 . - 12 . ......... . . . . - .. . . . . .. . .. . -- - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . - - - . . . - 16 17 18 42 47 49 68 70 72 ....--. 82 .83 .85 .91 .97 103 -- -a.a.110 4 ... CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and political feasibility financial market, the a constructing of multifamily rental housing project on a privately owned site in Central the Massachusetts. of this The owner of the site, a local developer, is with numerous obstacles which makes confronted Cambridge, of neighborhood Square The project particularly difficult. identify these obstacles, development will thesis to as well as suggest strategies overcome them. adjacent land uses Chapter One will describe the site, and the demographic surrounding architectural Chapter Two project by and housing In neighborhoods. plans will first for the addition, project the market analyze will declining supply of privately-owned rental comparables preliminary outlined. be potential identifying the demand housing. the for generated for the project will be described, the of charactersitics by a Market as well as the perception of the site by local brokers. Chapter Three will focus on the political feasibility of the project, specifically the response of local residents and the impact of rent control laws on long term projections of financial feasibility. Lastly, Chapter Four will analyze 5 the found financing, will to be private with a range of public sector financing be identified and described. will When the project infeasible economically and utilizing identified, be and participation financing. conventional is project the of rewards risks The feasibility of the project. financial alternatives The financial returns to the developer will be compared to the limitations imposed on the Chapter financing. project by utilizing public sector Five concludes by recommending that the developer undertake the project if he is willing to assume the risks inherent in the process of competing for scarce public finnacing. EXISTING CONDITION OF SITE site of the proposed rental housing project is The 25,000 square foot parcel located in neighborhood of Cambridge, of block Massachussetts Central Square Massachussetts. It is within one intersection the the a of Avenue and is bounded Prospect by and Street Prospect, Bishop Allen and Essex Streets. The site is presently used as a parking lot for tenants of three buildings comprise Square. provided office contain buildings located nearby. apporximately 176,000 These square office feet and the largest cluster of office buildings in Central Additional parking for the office buildings is also on a lot located on the western edge 6 of Prospect (see Exhibit 1). Street These lots presently accomodate 300 cars. [1] cluster The Street on the east and west side of Prospect lots located were recently purchased as a package by a local Central Plaza Realty Trust (CPRT). developer, of The development plan is to convert the parking lot located on the west side CPRT of parking two of office buildings and the Street into a three story Prospect covered provide locates nearby. buildings for office the of the tenants economic In order to ensure the intends to a total of 80,000 square feet of office space on the developer also of the garage, feasibility construct parking will which garage The construction of the garage two floors above the garage. would subsequently make the subject parcel, located directly to adjacent the garage on the east side Prospect, of available for development. developer The the site is actively considering development into rental housing or condominiums. of local The government as well as community groups would like to see the In exchange for providing rental site developed as housing. housing which fulfills a community need, the developer would like to western three space. western parcel secure a zoning amendment for the on the side of Prospect in order to construct the proposed story garage and two additional At the present time, side of of office a portion of the parcel on the Prospect is located in 7 stories a Residence C-1 District , Zoning residential the which generally limits permitted uses to zoning designation from Residence C-1 to a Designation, parking and the developer proposed the proposed office structure. of The site Residence B and permitted Residential housing is a A-1 District. B Business can proceed with the housing project is located in a Business A, Business change If the municipality agrees to housing. use in all three of those Districts.[2] As closely percieved by the developer, interrelated in and, all the two projects are will not likelihood, proceed independently from one another. SITE CONTEXT Central provides well as Square services is area a retail and shopping to adjacent residential result of the proximity of the site to Central land uses are predominately as communities MIT. the student population of Harvard and surrounding which As Square, commercial a the in nature. Prospect and is Street borders the eastern edge of heavily trafficked, Massachusetts Turnpike at as numerous trucks the edge of the the exit site the adjacent neighborhood, Cambridgeport, and travel down Prospect Street towards Somerville. Structures on Prospect Street within one block of the subject site include a Bread and Circus grocery 8 ADD Inc.; and the offices of an architectural firm, store; facilities. The edge of the site faces Bishop Allen Drive and the neighborhood-oriented small, southern commercial The entrance rear entrance to Woolworth's Department Store. appears and be used primarily for loading purposes to is poorly maintained. A cluster of townhouses is located at the of intersection and Stree t Essex These adjacent to the eastern edge of the site. townhouses been renovated into small offices and contain numerous have The houses. two-and-three is street essentailly and is dominated by two-and-three residential in character, family The Essex Street. by bounded backyards and rear ent rances of houses family site The eastern edge of the not-for-profit organizations. is Drive, Allen Bishop on Essex these the form St reet northern edge of the site. (see Exhibit 1.) Although that are there indic ates physical inspection of the site surroundings its nature, a are several commercial predominately in site the features which make appropiate for residential. It is within one block of an MTA station, which is presently being extensively renovated. The site travel is also within one block of numerous bus routes to facilities conveniently Square and downtown Boston such as grocery, Harvard are addition, the inexpensive, In ethnic which serve the students of MIT and Harvard. 9 Shopping drug and clothing stores located in Central Square. contains numerous Square. which restaurants DESCRIPTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD The is, of a rental or condominium marketability subject to the image of the surrounding in large part, The common perception of Central Square is a neighborhoods. dominated neighborhood substandard project housing. The by for the task and persons income lower is developer to understand how this perception is formulated and whether the perception is an accurate reflection of the demographics the Square and adjacent neighborhoods. can economic A marketing strategy be developed which acknowledges subsequently of existing conditions while emphasizing those aspects of the neighborhood which appeal to upper-income groups. As housing by the site indicates, 2 Exhibit project is surrounded by two neighborhoods the Cambridge Planning Department as Five. Neighborhood and Neighborhood Four, The defined located Four in which is the eastern section of the area Massachusetts Avenue, That proposed Neighborhood site is actually commonly known as Mid-Cambridge. Five. the of The site is one block from Neighborhood the nothern boundary of neighborhood is city known to residents as Cambridgeport. Using data from the 1980 Census, a profile of neighborhoods. the In households addition, the the city has compiled residing city has in these two analyzed the existing housing stock. The demographic picture of these two neighborhoods is outlined below. Family and Income Characteristics The following table summarizes the family and characteristics of Neighborhoods Four and Five, income as well as the city of Cambridge. Table 1:Demographic Characteristics of Project Market Area City Area #4 Area #5 6,532 8,670 Number of minorities as a % of pop. 50% 22% 18% Percentage of persons under 15 years 22% 13% 13% 9.6% 13% 11% Characteristic Number of Persons 95,322 Percentage of persons over 65 years Median Family Income $11,073 $15,474 Percentage of Persons Below Poverty Level 27% 17% 11% Percentage of Families headed by single women 46% 32% 24% Average size of Families 3.21 w/children under 18 3.07 3.03 Source: Cambridge Department of Housing and Community Development As the Neighborhood clearly indicate, Four contains a greater number of minorities, demographics 11 above young persons and large families headed by single women than either Neighborhood result, the significantly or the city as Five median lower than the income level Neighborhood Four whole. As family income of Neighborhood Four In addition, Five or the city as a whole. of a is 59% of is Neighborhood the poverty rate than higher a the adjacent Neighborhood Five. Housing Characteristics The the following chart summarizes the characteristics housing stock for these two neighborhoods, as well for the city overall. Table 2: Housing Characteristics of Project Market Area CHARACTERISTIC Number of Occupied Units Area #4 2,447 Area #5 City 4,012 38,836 Percentage Owner Occupied 15% 19% 23% Percentage Renter Occupied 85% 81% 77% Percentage Constructed prior to 1940 81% 72% 68% Percentage of Subsidized Units 20% 15% 11% Source: Cambridge Department of Housing and Community Development 12 of as The percentage of owner occupied units in Neighborhood Four is only half of the city-wide average. In addition, the overall of subsidized units is almost twice the percentage rate for the city. Not suprisingly, these housing statistics mirror In above. the family and income demographics described Neighborhood summary, Four more and poorer is deteriorated than the majority of neighborhoods in the city. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT successful A neighborhoods. for must site the two these The site is not buffered from the impact neighborhoods, these plan social and physical profile of the acknowledge development The Four. particularly Neighborhood range of development alternatives must be narrowed, of and the who will feel comfortable with the social environment users must be identified. rental predominance of lower-income persons and older addition, of housing. In the developer determined that the predominance of uses commercial size the given condominium project is not feasible, or luxury a developer has therefore concluded that The the developement on adjacent parcels and parcel makes the unattractive.[3] alternative The alternative remaining is a multi-family, condominium project. 13 relatively only of small townhouse residential mid-rise rental or rental four stories. is Street Essex and the building which borders on stories, five a by joined buildings the for The building directly adjacent to Propect Street courtyard. is residential two of construction calls The plan project. condomimium or a for has developed a preliminary design who ADD, firm, architectural the developer retained an a result, As the of The gross square footage building, as presently designed, is 47,400 square feet. The exterior of brick fireproof be will building the construction and from a design perspective, will emulate the brick townhouses which face Essex Street to the east.[4] The laid for the buildings has individual units plan out along a single corridor in each building, with elevators 36 two-bedroom units of approximately 905 square feet and nine one-bedroom in both The buildings contain buildings. units of approximately 660 square feet. to Specifically, kitchens with cabinets and door. the commomnly is what create the a defined The developer plans floors, units will contain wood dishwasher, access disposal and to balconies through a unit. "b+" a as modern high-quality glass double The two- bedroom units will include two bathrooms. At present time, the developer plans to meter all of to the tenants. the the Finally, utilities individually architect has also designed one level of parking underneath the foot building, ramp which will be accessible by car from and by elevator from the 14 residential a units. six A total of 45 parking spaces will be provided. While architect has developed preliminary plans, the developer has not determined whether the project should be the developed identified for the rental or condominium market, appropiate rent levels or sale prices. or The next chapter will discuss current trends in the Cambridge housing market, for as well identify an appropiate user and rent the project, as presently. Chapter Four level will subsequently anaylze the economic feasibility of building rental housing project on the subject site, recommended rent levels and cost of construction. 15 given a the cC)3 ___________C CA dPOGL tdAA&ACM.JUTT8 CENTP-4&PLAZA REALTY Y1RAT OVWt. CE NT R AL fOAAI COOAM P LAZA E AL. [SATE SLEvE&5 EXHIBIT DEVELOPERAOV UM~ ONE III__________ NeighborhoodsH 'oA r~ i. Community Development Department 1976 CHAPTER TWO CURRENT TRENDS IN THE CAMBRIDGE HOUSING MARKET In order to identify the appropiate condominium market for the subject site, or rental the overall trends in the Cambridge rental and homeownership markets must first be analyzed. The table below summarizes the changes that have occured in these markets between 1970 and 1980. Table 3: Changes in the Cambridge Market 1970 to 1980 1970 1980 Number of Occupied Units 36,411 38,836 Number of Privately Owned Renter-Occupied Units 27,143 25,484 Housing Characteristics (6%) Percentage Change from 1970 to 1980 Number of Subsidized Units 2278 4463 97% Percentage Change from 1970 to 1980 Number of Owner Occupied Units 6990 8889 27% Percentage Change from 1907 to 1980 Number of Conversions from Private Rental to Condominium 1983 7.3% Number of Conversions as a Percentage of Private Rental Units Source: Cambridge Department of Housing and Community Development 18 privately These figures indicate that the growth in the housing market has occured exclusively in the owned occupied , the as opposed to renter-occupied, number sector. Although during occupied units increased by 7% of owner- the the number of privately owned rental units decreased 1970s, This decline can be attributed, by 6.1%. in part, to the significant number of conversions during the decade. A total of 1983 units, or 7.3% of the existing rental units in 1970, were converted into condominiums. a As result throughout the 1970s. equal to 3.3%. the increase, a variety of factors have precipitated this existence of rent stringent addition, In and additional subsidized units were vacant undergoing renovation.[5] In light of these city officals revise the figure of 6% downward, that a vacancy a priced units for rent or sale were inaccurately for the market, while control has encouraged some landlords to keep their rental units off the market. of six the vacancy rate had risen to regulations during the decade number low remained the city's vacancy rate was In 1970, In 1980, While percent. the vacancy rate has stock, rental private city's the of the absolute decrease in rate of between 1.5 and accurately reflects the housing market.[6] 19 3 factors, and suggest percent more FACTORS AFFECTING MARKET TRENDS A the in of factors have caused the decline variety number of privately owned rental units. From the perspective decline is attributable the officals, local of to the economic infeasibility of constructing new rental housing in a with increasing densely settled urban area such Cambridge.[7] as have rents kept not They suggest that the pace with the land values increase in cost of increasing residential construction. They also suggest that alternative such as opportunities, construction of condominiums or office buildings, housing. Cambridge, combined yield are more and yield a higher return to the developer profitable rental or conversion development They point out that, the with tax advantages the potential of of than in a market such homeownership, substantial as when appreciation, a much higher return to the purchaser than a "high- end" or luxury rental unit. From number perspective of brokers, of rental units is, factors stringent the the in part, the decline in attributable to the on the rent control laws as the primary explanation for discussed decline in above. the However, number of they focus renter-occupied housing units.[8] The city's Rent and Eviction Control Enabling of and 1969 places strict limits on the rent levels, the the increases scope of improvements which can implemented 20 Act by a or 15,000 units are under the 58% units, rental of a total of 25,484 privately-owner Out landlord. jurisdiction of rent control.[9] conversions brokers also point to the number of These negative occured during the 1970s as evidence of the which impact of rent control laws on the city's housing market. As was 7.3% of the privately owner rental units stated above, were converted to condominiums during the 1970s. As a result of the moratorium on conversions passed by the City in August 1979, of number the recent Coucil has conversions declined dramatically. NEWLY CONSTRUCTED RENTAL HOUSING the early seventies, Since undertaken projects have Cambridge been project located Composed exempt Agency, at city of variety of by the private sector in the heavily subsidized by government housing programs. rental construction the only new that a The most recently contains any market rate constructed units 808 Memorial Drive and was completed of 301 units, in 1976. in the project was financed with financing through the Massachusetts Housing with conjunction low- interest financing provided through HUD's Section 236 is tax- Finance permanent program. Only 81 units in the building are defined as "market rate", in so far as the tenants of these units are not subject to income restrictions under the Section 236 program. 21 The rents for $750 these market rate units are $615 for a two-bedroom and for bedroom, three a hot and water. the equity return to other MHFA projects, to Similar inclusive of heat the developer is limited to 6%.[10] The only other activity in the new construction rental is a project presently under construction in Central market Undertaken Square. Development by the Winn Company, the project is located at the intersection of Western Avenue and River Street. When completed, contain a total of 85 units, approximately the-ten story building will several levels of parking and 3000 square feet of commercial space.[11] The project will provide 23 units affordable to low and moderate income persons, comprised of four three-bedroom units and 19 two-bedroom units. The balance of market rate units will be units. composed of 8 three bedroom and 54 two- bedroom The cost per unit is equal to $120,000, of which $50,000 will be subsidized through the SHARP program implemented by and program Grant HUD's Housing Development Action of and Communities the state's Development. The Executive Office developer projects to rent the units for an average of $850 inclusive of heat and hot per month for a two bedroom unit, and water $1,000 three for a bedroom unit. Structured parking will be available for an additonal $60 per month. It is important to recognize that the subsidy available to the developer, present time and, Winn, cannot be secured at the in light of the priority 22 package given rental housing by the Reagan Administration, in the future. reduces The depth of will not be available this subsidy significantly the market risk undertaken by the developer, in the opinion of the author, may not adequately define the upper limits of the newly constructed rental housing in the Central Square neighborhood. Both developer used the Control Board as comparables Rent limits. the they market MHFA market and the rental buildings under the jurisdiction Because controlled, and , these to comparables establish are rent artifically may not provide an accurate "reading" demand for housing in the of Central of Sqaure neighborhood. MARKET COMPARABLES As was discussed above, the supply of rental housing in Cambridge has addition, approximately 15,000 units, number the decreased over the last ten or 58% of the of privately owner rental housing units, jurisdiction of rent control. years. In total are under Significantly, these include all multi-family rental properties larger than three units and constructed jurisdiction properties prior of rent control. in the Cambridge to 1969 fall under As a result, there are market which can serve the few as accurate comparables for the proposed 45-unit project. The majority of projects appropriate 23 as comparables fall into the following three categories: 1) condominium units purchased by investors and currently rented; 2) rental units located in deregulated areas adjacent to Central Square such as Somerville and 3) units owned by institutions such as Exhibit these Harvard available to students Three indicates, three and employees. As the market comparables drawn from categories range from $500 to $760 for a one bedroom and $700 to $1000 for a two bedroom. On the basis of these comparables, the average rent for a one bedroom is equal to $630 and $850 for a two bedroom. There are specific drawbacks associated with using these comparables. The units located in Somerville are in an inferior location with poor transportation access to Harvard Square Harvard and downtown Boston. as such, housing affordable. units available through are limited to persons studying or working for institution and, the The units are located in the Harvard has an incentive to keep In addition, many of the Harvard Cambridge. Lastly, superior areas of the number of condominium units currently rented are limited as well as technically under the jurisdiction of the Rent Control Board. MARKET DEMAND AS PERCIEVED BY BROKERS In light of the dearth of accuarte must look to the privately owned, comparables, unregulated rental one stock to provide an indication of demand and thereby an achievable 24 of rent levels for the proposed project. range In order to secure this data, the author interviewed four brokers active in Cambridge the The exterior in described interior finishes and Chapter of size quality, (as project the brokers the Subsequently, One). first were brokers with an overall description of the provided and market.[12) provided the author with their analysis of the image, market demand and projected rent levels for Central Square. Image of Central Square brokers believe that while the demand for rental These image of continues to be poor and has the effect of The Central Sqaure neighborhood is Cambridge is extremely housing in Central Square depressing rent levels. divided into portions of number Cambridgeport commercial district. certain sections Neighborhood Four, the of predominance housing. However, residential of These brokers point broker, brokers Central out that are not strong residential markets given because these neighborhoods are more rental and condominium units can as descibed by "smack in the middle" of Central that substandard and of lower-income persons in character, believe Mid- particularly submarkets, command higher prices than housing which is, one and Five) (Neighborhood these those including submarkets, (Neighborhood Four) which border on the Cambridge Sqaure a the strong, there is a 25 great deal Square. of The "market resistance" to this location one block from the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Prospect Street. Brokers are encouraged by the ongoing renovation of the Central enough Square signs subway station. However, they do not to believe that a significant and long-term improvement is underway which could alter the area's In their opinoin, revitalization, environment homebuyer. for the which a area could undergo would mean a safer, moderate-or Alternatively, the a more ameniable renter the present problems of crime, loitering and commercial establishments would remain. that or could continue in its present function as a service area to low-income and image. significant middle-income area see residents, marginal The brokers believe the area has the potential to move in either direction and are not willing to make any predictions about trends in the area for the next three to four years. Identifying the Market for the Project this at The brokers believe that the most suitable market type of rental housing project would include MIT downtown and Harvard and young professionals Boston, Harvard Square or Kendall who for students work Square. in The brokers were divided on the question of whether these groups would be willing to live in Central Square and pay the rents necessary to finance debt service and operating expenses for a newly construction project. 26 A number of the brokers cited Kendall the accessibility of the Square to downtown Boston, MIT and Harvard. Square, of supply In their opinion, affordable rental and condominium the declining will housing this project more competitive and mitigate against the make poor image of its location. The alternative view provided by is that, brokers other exception with the students, of persons who can afford to pay rents in the range of $650-800 for want live in the heart of Central to prefer housing find to of advantages desirable in more They homeownership. Essentially, would or locations "starter" condominium and gain a small, purchase Square. not do one bedroom and $800-1000 for a two bedroom a the tax do not they believe that the overall housing shortage will significantly offset the image of Central Square. According to these brokers, rents in the Central Square neighborhood range from $500 to $750 for a one bedroom $650 to $1000 for a two bedroom, age in two of the unit and depending on the location, quality of construction. more desirable locations in Cambridge, bedroom range from $1000 to $1200. Central and In contrast, the rents for The poor Square translates into a discount of image one suggested bedroom exclusive present of and that a rent of $650-700 per month for $800-900 per month utilities, for a two is the top of the market time for a newly constructed, 27 of approximately $200 per month in the rent for a two bedroom apartment. brokers a "b+" quality The a bedroom, at the rental project at the proposed site. CONDOMINIUM MARKET to these brokers, According the condominium market in the Central Square neighborhood at the present time the price brokers these to cite quality their discussion of the rental market, the the poor image of influence on condominium prices. negative in "b+" range of $100 per square foot for Similar units. is as Square a range The price for one bedroom and two bedroom condominium units is $85,000 to suggest brokers that, supply the as multifamily housing continues to decline, time first the homebuyers will These respectively. $140,000 and $120,000 to $95,000 be and single of virtually all the into pushed of condominium market, which will cause prices for condominiums to rise. The increasing demand for these units will mitigate against the poor image of Central Square and the market condominiums "starter" $100,000 in the price range of for to $150,000 in this location will become stronger. As the a result, subject housing years. realize and converted a into condominiums in opinion, five the developer will be gain substantial upon sale rental as site should be developed initially their In a number of these brokers suggested that to able given ten to the revitalization of the Square and the ongoing appreciation of 28 for this site will be stronger in five to ten the dwindling supply of condominiums and the at condominiums given years, market property. residential They suggest that prohibition against conversion of present the controlled rent property into condominiums. CONCLUSION: RECOMMENDED MARKET AND RENT LEVELS perspective The of the poor image of the Square the marketability the given project levels namely that reached at the end of Chapter One, conclusions has a signifiacnt of the proposed overwhelming demand project. rental for carefully identified. on impact Nevertheless, the housing, can be a success if the potential renter are the supports brokers these and On the basis rent field of research, the author makes the following recommendations: 1) Graduate represent a students and short term strong market for the project. In MIT at faculty addition, young professionals who work in the Kendall Square area will These appreciate the convenience of the project's location. two groups should be targeted, as they will be less concerned with the Square's negative image. 2) Projected rent levels should reflect the location of center. the site as one block from the Square's commercial The author therefore recommends that rent levels be set existing average rents, which approximate $650 for a 29 at one- These figures will bedroom and $800 for a two-bedroom unit. be trended upward to the estimated date of construction completion. While achieve political been the full occupancy given these rent project levels, and financial feasibility of the project has established. political approval developer confronts approval. the author is confident that The next process, in his chapter and will analyze the obstacles efforts to secure that can the not the the project Chapter Four will analyze the feasibility of the project using both private and public financing sources. 30 CHAPTER THREE POLITICAL FEASIBILITY the During acquired has Cambridge decade, a as a city that does not welcome new development. reputation process approval public The last Given politicized. the reputation, this highly be to appears political feasibility of a rental housing project at the proposed site in Square Central possible, a be must carefully examined and, if the strategy must be formulated to respond to City Coucillors and residents of concerns of city officals, the adjacent neighborhoods. The role of the municipality in the development of this rental housing project will be significant. officials local and residents will center The concerns of around three issues: 1) the provision of a zoning amendment necessary to proceed with the overall project; rent control 2) the applicability laws to the project and 3) the impact of of the project on the adjacent neighborhoods. ZONING ISSUES While zoning regulations define a multi-family rental housing project as an allowable use, the developer wishes to developement on this parcel to new developement on the adjacent parcel on the western side of Prospect Street. As tie 31 the developer wishes to develop was discussed in Chapter 1, a parking garage and 80,000 sqaure feet of office space the parking directly across project. While the Prospect Street, the proposed housing a parking garage is an regulations. As office/garage structure will exceed 35 feet, is use, allowable an under in excess of 35 feet is not allowed zoning existing of side site of the from building office the west on lot on the proposed the developer Council in need of a new zoning ordinance from the City in order to proceed. [13] A number of City Councillors and neighborhood residents do not support additional commercial development in Central Square. They are, however, strongly in favor of residential development. The strategy of the developer to date has been to formulate an overall plan for the two parcels on the east and west side of Prospect Street which political realities. the garage/office acknowledges these In presenting a "package deal" of both structure and housing project, developer recognizes the desire of the City Council and community for additional multifamily housing as their opposition to additional commercial developer believes favorably upon that the City Coucil well development. will look his request for a zoning amendment for the the as The more the garage/office structure if the housing project is contingent upon its receipt. 32 RENT CONTROL 1969, Since Cambridge city investment of laws has been governed by stringent rent control limit the initial rents, which on the rental housing stock in the rental increases and return to owners of property constructed prior to 1969. Out of a total of 25,484 privately owned rental units, 15,000 units, or 58% units are under the jurisdiction of rent control. [14] With proposed statute regard to the applicability of these laws to project exempts in Central Square, the it is clear that any new construction project built the after January 1,1969. The enabling legislation for the city is the Cambridge Rent Control and Eviction Enabling Act, the Massachusetts Senate and House of passed by Representatives on March 31, 1976. The act defines "controlled rental units" as all rental units except".. .2) rental units the construction of which was completed on or after January 1,1969, are or which housing units created by the conversion from housing to nonhousing use on or after said date..." Because jurisdiction the proposed project does not fall of the Rent Control Board, under the the existing ordinance which prohibits conversion of rental property into condominiums does not apply. [15] In 1979, the City Council passed an ordinance restricting the conversion of controlled rental units into condominiums except in the case 33 of the since continuously proposed the Because August 10,1979. unit the in lived to a tenant who has unit a of sale project does not contain "controlled units", the prohibition against conversion does not apply. Future Application of Rent Control Laws existing the While constructed after 1969, the law buildings exempts clearly the into statute to move the exemption date existing revise the City Council can always future. For instance, in 1990, the City Council could revise the the scenerio, project would fall under the The future of rent control laws would have a very serious the Rent Control Board. projections of likelihood of an expansion of the existing law is project and the long the on impact proposed this Under 1990. 1, those as units controlled January of jurisdiction application define after or on constructed to law existing term financial feasibility. The upon: contingent memebers overall who are political (1) in those the position of favor of rent control climate in the city. Staff Director of the Rent Control Board, city Legal that coucilmen, city (2) the to the Mervis, the and According Bob state legislatores and activists (such Aid lawyers) who support rent control do not these laws coucil should be extended multi-family projects. to new as believe construction Mr. Mervis maintains that even these 34 of rent control understand that its extension advocates newly constructed projects will have a negative impact to on new increasing the overall supply of rental housing through construction. Mr. Mervis surrounding brief, he rent the to points legislative control to support his history conclusions. when Govenor Dukkais was initially elected in convinced the legislature to pass a statewide In 1970, enabling act, which allowed individual communities to enact their own rent control Somerville laws. The cities of Boston, and Brookline subsequently passed Cambridge, rent control In 1975, when the state enabling legislation expired, Dukkais pass laws. was an unable to convince the extension of the prior state legislature bill. As present procedure requires the locality, a result, to the such as Cambridge, to seek approval from the state legislature and the Govenor of any revised legislature rent control govenor of will and after Mr. approval by the state legislature Local realtors, however, the signed Mervis argues that serve as a "check" on the activities City Council. state Only has passed the bill and the Govenor has it can the statute become law. requirement statutes. the and the of the point out that the legislature tends to respect the concept of home rule would, in all likelihood, approve initiative presented by the City Council. 35 any legislative The future political climate in the will also affect the probabilities of a revision of the statute. Even though city it is impossible to predict the climate, the city's unique electoral system does provide a number of clues as to how City Coucillors will evaluate the need for an expansion of the existing laws. A key feature Cambridge lies figurehead, of with as this system is that the City opposed to Council. the The power mayor other municipalities in is such a as Boston where he (or she) leads the municipal government. The mayor is votes, elected from the city council by and electorate a majority of therefore does not recieve the mandate from the that would be forthcoming as a result of a general election. The electoral system encourages the nomination and election of Coucillors who are more attuned to the interests of particular groups, larger majority. of proportional, Voters as opposed to the concerns of City coucilmen are elected under a as opposed to majority, the system representation. prioritize their votes and candidates are elected on the basis of a minimum number of "#1" votes. The net result is that city coucilmen need to secure a minimum of the total number of voters cast divided by the number of council seats plus one. In the last election, a candidate needed only 3,112 votes out of 28,000 votes cast in the city to secure a seat. This number represents only 3% of the city's overall 36 population. [16] The encourage a effect of proportional representation to candidates who are responsive to the interests of small minority. appeal is Because these coucilmen do not to the majority of voters, have to they are not required to confront a number of issues which have an overall impact on the or city. public As a result, officals to the ability of the city coucil create longer address these issues is The does only term strategies which severly hindered. way to guarantee that the proposed project not fall under the jurisdiction of rent control is utilize state or federal financing. developer program, financed the project For instance, under the if state to the SHARP the rents in the project would be regulated by the Massachsetts Housing Finance Agency and the project would be exempt from rent control, even if the City Council pushed the exemption date into the future. [17] CONCERNS OF NEIGHBORHOOD RESIDENTS Lastly, the political feasiblity of the housing project is contingent upon the reaction of the residents immediately adjacent to the site. into an advisory Coalition, bounded which The residents are formally coucil has named the organized Neighborhood Four jurisdiction over Neighborhood Four, on the southern edge by Massachusetts Avenue. 37 On the Neighborhood that of Four Coalition and city officals, appears concerns the it focus of the residents will on 1) the impact of traffic generated by the issues: 2) basis of discussions with the leaders the overall design of the building and its the three project; compatablity with adjacent structures and 3) the availability of a number of the units to low-and moderate- income residents. [18] The developer has neighborhood initiated a series of meetings with residents and city officals to inform them of the project and solicit their opinions . This process should enable the developer and neighborhood residents to reach an acceptable as well compromise over a majority of the design issues, as an approach to mitigate against the impact of additional traffic generated by the project. With regard to the provision of rental units affordable to low-and-moderate income persons, the developer must first decide how the project will be financed, financial structure enables him to and whether such a make these affordable to lower income persons and subsequently these conclusions scenerio refrain that to to the community residents. may appear obvious at first, from the raising expectations without these expectations will be met. persons, present While this developer must some assurance If it is not feasible provide units at rents affordable to income units low-and moderate- the developer may need to demonstrate this by sharing his proformas with key members of the 38 community, as well as the City Coucil. The to strategy of the neighborhood residents with regard negotiations cannot be with fully Developement the developer and predicted at this the City time. Coucil The Winn Company has had the most recent experience interacting and Square. As was described in Chapter Two, company is presently constructing a project at the Avenue, located in Neighborhood Five. negotiating with the residents of 85 Central the development unit residential intersection of River Street and Western The project mananger stated that the community group was an active member of development team of and strongly negotiated for a the number of design changes, as well as the provision of 3000 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor of the project. [19] However, the project manager added that the neogotiations were carried out in good faith and that the project received their full support. A the major distinction between the Winn developement project under consideration is that the developer able to secure sufficient public subsidies to finance and was those project amenities chapter will carefully analyze the financial feasibility of the proposed structure can desired by the 45 unit project, neighborhood. and whether accomodate the desires of residents. 39 the the The next financial neighborhood CHAPTER IV FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY newly has the financial feasibility the last decade, During rental housing projects in older constructed become imperiled, as the cost of cities construction expenses has increased faster than operating of and levels. rent Even in cities such as Cambridge where the demand for rental housing is overwhelming, a rent level cannot achieved which generates revenues sufficient to cost operating expenses and debt service. of privately financed, city during the always cover The lack be the of newly constructed rental housing in the last fifteen years is evidence of the difficulties in achieving financial feasibility. The project under consideration is no exception to this overall trend in the field of rental housing. project suffers from an additional its location in Central Square. Two, handicap, However, the specifically As was discussed in Chapter the negative image of Central Square has the effect of reducing the achieved in According rents below those levels which could alternative locations such as Harvard to local brokers, be Square. the rent levels of $650 for a one bedroom and $800 for a two bedroom (exclusive of utility payments) constructed are the "top of the unit located on the site 40 market" under for a newly consideration, one block from Central Square. These rent levels represent a discount of approximately $200 per month as a result of the poor image of Central Square. The difficulties in achieving financial feasibility for a rental housing project, when combined with the additional handicap of this project's location, requires the developer strategies. If conventional, consider to think the long creatively project term is about not financing, financing feasible the using developer must options to reduce the cost of financing and/or the project's overall costs. This chapter first analyzes: 1) the impact of financing the project on a conventional 2) the criteria used to the project has conventional basis, alternatives are basis and measure financial feasibility. When been found to be infeasible on a a range of private and public financing examined, and their impact on the feasibility of the project is examined. In addition, several alternatives to reduce the overall cost of the project are analyzed concurrently. The challenge is to create a strategy to reduce costs as both the cost of financing and overall project which can be implemented in the near future and assure the economic success of the well project. THE BASE CASE In order to evaluate the base case using financing, conventional a template was developed to project revenues and 41 expenses over a ten year period, and as well as the before after tax return. After consultation with the developer, the assumptions have been incorporated into the following base template. Table 4: Project Cost and Revenue Assumptions Project Costs $10,000 per unit $64.00 per square foot $5,000 per space 5% of total costs 5% of total costs Land Costs Building Costs Parking Costs Development Fee Contingency Operating Expenses Revenues One bedroom (660 s.f.) Two bedroom (905 s.f.) Vacancy Rate $820 Management $1000 Maintenance Total 5% Construction Period: 20 months Holding Period: Ten years Disposition Cap Rate: 9% Before Tax Discount Rate: 20% After Tax Discount Rate : 10% Because of the importance 5% of net revenues 2% of net revenues $3,074 per unit Growth Factors Rents Expenses of rent 5% per yr. 4% per yr. levels to the overall economic feasibility of the project, the methodology used to establish them should be identified. The projected rent levels for the one and two bedroom units were developed by trending, at 6%, the rents which can be achievable at the present time operation. at the site forward until the first year of As was discussed in the previous chapter, rental 42 brokers believe achieved at that highest rents the present time for the the which could be size and proposed quality of unit is $650 for a one bedroom and $800 for a two parking. exclusive of utiliities and on site bedroom, The developer anticipates that the project could be complete and The available for occupancy approximately September 1,1989. interviewed believe that a rate of six precent is a brokers conservative estimate of the increase in the rents of decontrolled units. In addition, project the because the largest component cost is the building cost on a square of foot basis, assumptions used to establish the cost per square should be developed noted. on The building construction the basis of discussions with the the foot costs were developer, who estimated present costs of $55 per square foot exclusive of parking. annually of This cost was trended upward for two and one half years until the construction to arrive at a figure of $64 six percent commencement per square foot. CONVENTIONAL LONG TERM FINANCING The base financing case provided for the project on a was conventional, developed using non-participation, long term basis. Conventional financing sources who would be willing to finance this project are commercial 43 banks and institutional lenders such as insurance companies or pension case The funds. uses an interest of 30 years, period amortization and of basis the on 12% of rate discussions with a syndicator and investment banker familiar the [20] Because the developer is not interested equity into the project, if it cost. syndication deficits In proceeds in investing the author analyzed the project as receive debt financing equal would project time. cost of permanent financing at the present with addition, the to entire assumed author would be used the to finance that operating in the initial years and that the project would be syndicated for an amount equal to the operating deficits. Under this feasible. first It alternative, generates the project is $1,412,383 in cash losses nine years of operation. author has clearly As was stated assumed that the equity investment partners will partners would therefore invest $1,412,383. equal the operating deficits. not in the above, the by limited The limited The tax losses generated during the pay-in period are $3,400,002. The ratio of tax losses to operating deficits is equal to 2.4 Because of the magnitude of these losses, to 1. the after tax net present value, discounted at 10%, is equal to $479,894. The large tax that losses generated under the base case the project meets the criteria of are equity investors, who usually desire a ratio of $2 dollars of losses one to dollar of cash invested during 44 the so tax pay-in real cash so are losses to to make the project impossible as substantial the However, [21] period. finance with potential investors. In losses, of addition to generating the project fails to meet the underwriting criteria When the first year net operating conventional lenders. income cash large unacceptably is capitalized is $3,742,811 at 9%, than the total less projected value of development costs of for the the $4,987,661. Lastly, developer the project is a poor investment if conventional financing is used. Its rate of return on assets (8%) is well below the rates of between 12% and 18% anticipated by a majority of developers. CRITERIA TO MEASURE FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY The base case using conventional financing demonstrates the difficulty constructed and in generating revenues from a newly housing project which will finance debt service operating conventional costs. basis, If the project cannot work the alternatives are to reduce the cost of capital or project costs, or both, on a either in order to bring the project within the range of economic feasibility. At a minimum, the these financial alternatives must reduce real cash losses from the project and, do occur, if these losses confine them to no more than four years after the 45 of year first compatible be the in developer they must interests with the financial project. will developer The these if even However, reduce the cash operating deficits, alternatives also operations. of the earn a after significant return only well into the holding period, sufficient time has elapsed and rents have risen faster than The operating expenses and debt service on an annual basis. the developer will be forthcoming in to return of years the project and as importantly, later upon sale, Therefore, or conversion into condominiums. refinance the any financial alternative should enable the developer to capture this return in the later years. In addition, these financial equity alternatives should enable the developer to keep his to minimum, investment percent debt financing. as he wishes to secure one Lastly, hundred the financial alternative should be available in the marketplace at the present or the near future, in with a realistic possibility time of securing such financing. PARTICIPATION LONG TERM FINANCING In order to reduce the cost of economic feasibility, mortgage from alternative the alternative of a private lender was (Number 2), capital the a examined. to achieve participation Under this participation mortgage has an interest rate of 10% and the lender receives a 50 % share of 1) the cash flow after payment of operating 46 expenses and debt service and 2) residuals upon sale or refinance. interest rate of 10% was chosen on the basis of with discussions syndicator and investment banker familiar with a mortgages participation of cost The for the multi-family housing.[22] impact The of this alternative is that cash losses are significantly reduced, economically impact infeasible. The although the the project is still table below summarizes of on the project when the interest rate is the reduced by 200 basis points from 10% to 12%. Table 5:Comparison of Conventional & Participation Financing #1:Conventional Alternative #2:Participation 10% 12% $706,000 $1,412,383 Cash Losses Percentage Change Period of Cash Losses Tax Losses during 50% 9 years 6 years $2,088,536 $3,400,002 Pay-in period Before Tax NPV After Tax NPV negative $479,894 negative $567,843 Before Tax IRR negative negative The most participation deficits. significant impact of utilizing mortgage is a 50% reduction in the a operating In addition, the period of operating losses drops from nine to six years. However, while the overall financial 47 "picture" improves project, project In the first four years of remains economically infeasible. the the alternative, this under .80. the debt coverage ratio does not exceed The cash losses are so large that financing from a lender or equity investor would not be forthcoming. THE IMPACT OF REDUCING PROJECT COSTS If a reduction in the cost of capital does not make the project economically feasible, costs project mortgage the developer can reduce the concurrently with securing at 10%. a participation There are three components of the project costs which can be reduced. First, the building costs can be from reduced which $64 per square foot to $58 per represents a reduction of square approximately foot, 10%. reduction can be accomplished without a significant drop This in A construction cost of $58 the quality level of the units. per square foot is equal to $50 per square foot in current dollars. The second cost component which can be reduced is the developer's fee, which is equal to 5% of the overall project cost in the base case. The developer can forego his fee and services. thereby recieve no reimbursement upfront for his Lastly, the land cost can be reduced from $10,000 per unit to $5,000 per unit. The latter figure is consistent with the current land prices for rental apartment units. 48 project the If at mortgage 10% is financed and the costs are with a participation as reduced discussed the project becomes significantly more feasible. The above, table below summarizes the impact of a reduction in project costs. Table 6: Comparison of Participation Loan at 10% with and without Reduction in Project Costs #3:Participation 10% w/Costs Reduced #2:Participation Alternative 10% Cash Losses Percentage Change Period of Cash Losses $706,000 63% 6 years Tax Losses during pay-in period $2,088,529 Before Tax NPV negative negative After Tax NPV $567,843 Before Tax IRR negative $831,491 12.81% The in of $259,315. In addition, years, previous 4 years $1,155,978 significant impact of this alternative is most reduction four $259,315 63% as the cash $706,000 from the cash losses occur in the opposed alternative. losses to a six year period The before tax IRR becomes a to first under the positive and the after tax NPV increases by thirty two percent. ASSESSING THE FEASIBILITY OF PRIVATE FINANCING The strategy capital analysis of summarized reducing 1) through a above indicates project costs and 2) participation 49 mortgage the is that cost the the of most alternative realistic face the developer will still However, private financing. use to chooses developer the if to obstacles if he wishes to secure a mortgage significant finance the provide a entire project. long term in loan not The permanent lender may the substantial of face operating deficits in the early years, even if the developer is able to secure limited partners who agree, at the time of permanent loan closing, the lender will insist on a debt coverage ratio likelihood, of the in the first year of operation and thereby 1.15 value face all In to finance these deficits. of the loan to achieve reduce The ratio. this developer can seek out a secondary lender to provide interim [23] during the early years of the project. financing The interim loan would be "taken out" by the permanent lender as deficits operating require collateral decline. other The than the to a personal guarantee from addition demands cumulative of the two lenders project, subject the and developer. make financing package complicated the in The investors the as well could increase the transaction costs significantly, as might lender secondary and therefore difficult to close. In addition to these obstacles, loan requires the developer to assume all participation the risk generating profit when the alternative of for cash the first four years when losses, but share fifty the project percent the project finally "turns the corner". 50 a of is the of As a result, the a participation loan does not meet a criterion developer, specifically to capture a large portion of of the project's cash flow in later years. PUBLIC SECTOR FINANCING The difficulties financing with securing private for the proposed project require the developer to analyze the sector. These costs associated of alternatives the restrictions. available alternatives project, In through the will increase the as well as exchange, the impose public transaction a number of developer may be able to secure operating subsidies and/or a reduction in the cost of capital which will enable the project to become economically feasible. and The developer must determine whether these restrictions can be justified on the basis costs of the subsidy that is forthcoming. The balance of this chapter will describe in detail the federal and state constructed, benefits proposed multi-family and identified. programs rental restrictions Subsequently, project available will of the be financing alternatives. 51 to finance housing. each The program newly costs, will be economic feasibility of the analyzed using these public FEDERAL FINANCING PROGRAMS Since the Administration from the commencement in 1980, federal of the the number of first programs government to finance low the long-standing financing history moderate critically of the income affected federal housing, moderate Considering government this the ability of both available and income rental housing have greatly diminished. Reagan in reduction has private and the public sectors to respond to the demand for rental housing. The two subsidy programs available for the construction of family Program rental (HDAG) housing and the are the Urban Housing Action Grant Development Action Grant Program (UDAG), both funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. initial The appropriation HDAG program was of 1985.[24] As of this date, $315 funded million in with Fiscal an Year the Department has completed its review of applications for funding, and expects to make its second August and final funding awards by 1, 1985. The Administration's budget for HUD calls for the termination of the program in Fiscal Year 1986, and the Department does not expect that Congress will offer an alternative to require its continuation. The only Developement construction other source of Action Grant program and permanent 52 financing (UDAG), financing for is the which real Urban provides estate projects in urban areas. approved an annual authorization of $330 million coming fiscal year, As of this date, Congress has for the which represents a 25% reduction in the program's FY 1985 budget.[25] The competition current guidelines, the proposed funded in the negligible. Projects following characteristics: cities that are defined by "distressed"; 2) and, given the possibility of securing funding for project is have located for UDAG funds is fierce 1) the that are they are Department they generate a large number of new as jobs and tax revenues and 3) they leverage a minimum of five six dollars of private funding for every one dollar of UDAG financing. While "distressed" substandard cities. as city, units Therefore, other projects adddition, it Finally, positive city of Cambridge is its is poverty rate defined and not as great as a as percentage number of a of other the project would not be as competitive from more "distressed" cities. In because the project is residential as opposed to commercial, city. the or cash would not generate additional jobs for in order for the project flow in the first year of to operations, ratio of private to UDAG dollars three to one. ratio achieved by projects that recieve funding would achieve be the a the approximately This ratio is significantly lower than under the the program.[26] Because these two programs represent the only 53 federal initiatives the to encourage the production of rental developer housing, must look to the state of Massachusetts for public sector financing alternatives. STATE FINANCING PROGRAMS The state of Massachusetts has taken the lead creating new programs which attempt to fill the gap in created by the decline in federal funding. The Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency and the Executive Office of Communities Developement capital have developed programs to reduce the cost and/or provide annual operating subsidies and of for munlti-family rental projects. THE SHARP PROGRAM The primary financing tool available at the present time is a combination of tax-exempt financing in conjunction with an Housing annual project subsidy provided Assistance under the for Rental Production Program State (SHARP). The purpose of the program is to encourage the production of rental housing available to middle income persons afford to pay market rate rents, as well as lower who can income persons who recieve a rent subsidy.[27] Program Benefits Construction and permanent financing for SHARP-assisted projects is provided through 54 the Massachusetts Housing Financing Agency (MHFA) from the sale proceeds of tax-exempt bonds. The interest on these bonds is approximately 2 to 4 points below conventional financing. the At the present interest rtae on bonds issued by MHFA is time, approximately 9.5% to 10%. In addition to the favorable financing provided through the use of tax-exempt financing, Communities the Executive Office of and Development (EOCD) provides SHARP funds to finance operating deficits. These funds are in the form of a loan to write down the cost of interest payments on the taxexempt bonds. "the By statue, the SHARP program may only provide minimum amount necessary to make the housing project feasible...". proposed rental This amount is defined as the gap between the "cost-based" rent and the "attainable" rent. "Cost-based" support rent debt project. is service defined as the rent payments and operating necessary costs of "Attainable rent" is defined as the maximum which can be achieved in the market. rents will grow more quickly than "cost based" to a rent Because "attainable" rents, the amount of the subsidy should decline after the initial years of operation and the project must be self-sufficient by 15th year. its (Because the SHARP program is administered by a public agency, the author questions whether MHFA is willing to projects with rents which "push" the top the underwrite market period. upward and result in a substantial lease of up The agency may favor projects which have "average" 55 or "conservative" completion, higher the as rents opposed and are to those fully rented projects which upon achieve rental income streams and require less subsidy over long term but have a longer and more difficult lease-up period.) The Executive (EOCD) Office of Communities and requires that the developer make a investment finding of the SHARP subsidy is for project feasibility. developer minimum 20% in order to make the required that reqiured Development has the In statutory minimum essence, equity amount once the agreed to invest 20% of the project cost equity (as defined below), annual subsidy the SHARP program to the project. The subsidy provides reduces as an the interest payments on the bond issue from the rate prevailing at the time of bond issuance for tax-exempt rental projects to no lower than 5% annually. The term housing of the subsidy cannot exceed fifteen years. Because the SHARP subsidy is a loan, "as it must be repaid the project can afford to do so" but in no event than upon sale or refinance. developer will At the time of repayment, the repay the lesser of the loan or 50% of the sale proceeds. that if the subsidy, payment." "the repayment does not outstanding SHARP The regulations state equal the entire SHARP unpaid remainder will be scheduled for later During the term of the loan, 5% annually, later interest accrues at although EOCD and MHFA may reduce the interest 56 rate on the unpaid remainder of the loan at the end of subsidy term, residents. if In such a reduction addition, the protects program the low-income allows for the recycling of SHARP funds back into the project as opposed to a loan repayment, recycled funds tenants. if it can be demonstrated will benefit the low In any event, and that moderate these income the developer must demonstrate how the low interest tenants will be "protected" after the SHARP subsidy end. Program Restrictions In return providing for reducing the cost an annual operating subsidy, of capital the program and places major restrictions on the developer. These restrictions fall into two general categories: low and 1) a setaside of the units for moderate income persons and 2) investment and a a minimum limitation on the annual return equity to the developer. The program requires that a minimum of 25% of the units must be affordable to low-income persons, who are defined as families with incomes which do not exceed 80% of the median income. The rents in these units are set according to the maximum limit allowed under HUD's Section 8 program, income persons which persons. who area's Existing provides rental assistance payments to Developers must market these have already secured certificates 57 units for low to rental payments under HUD's Section 8 program or state's the Section 707 Program (similar in structure and purpose to the If the developer is unable to fill all Section 8 Program). of the state the units with persons who have certificates, additional make Section 707 certificates available will income subsidize the rents of those units set aside for low tenants. The developer is required to fill the units with chosen from the waiting list compiled by the tenants to local In summary, the developer relinquishes a Housing Authority. certain amount of control over the tenant selection process for these units in exchange for favorable financing provided under the program. The program also requires the developer to maintain these units as affordable to low income persons for a minimum of fifteen years. The equity cash The second program restriction requires a significant investment from the developer and also regulates the return received by the developer on an annual basis. equity investment is equal to 20% of the project costs, and is composed of the following components: 1) The (exclusive forego his developer's of fee land costs). fee, the of 10% of project If the developer equity required at costs chooses closing can to be proportionately reduced. 2) Cash equal to 2% of the mortgage amount. 3) A standard letter of credit in a minimum equal to 4% of the mortgage for the term of their 58 amount mortgage. letter of credit can decline by 1% per year after each This year with a positive cash flow. An additional letter of credit for a term of 4) years in the amount of 4% of the mortgage. The five developer may reduce this letter of credit by an amount equal to cash contribution at closing in excess of 2% or the present value of any operating subsidy that the developer proposes to The program also limits the annual return on equity to provide. a maximum of 6% for fifteen years. However, the program does provide gross reasonable rents), construction 5%). These allowances for management fees replacement reserve (.075% of the costs) and a vacancy allowance (a allowances (6% direct minimum can provide the developer of with of an additional source of income. Availability of Sharp Funds The competiton for SHARP funds is keen, of alternative government. financing Since July 1, sources 1984, from given the lack the federal a total of $13 million as been allocated by the State legislature and expended by Executive Office of Communities and Development. for SHARP funds, as measured by formal the The demand applications, has exceeded the appropriations by over 600%. It is anticipated that available additional SHARP funds will not be 59 untill spring from at which time EOCD will fund of 1986, appropriations applications to be recieved from the state on July 1,1986. In been Given are addition, funded two projects located in Cambridge have under the SHARP program during the last year. the political necessity of ensuring that SHARP funds provided to a variety of communities across the additional state, projects from the city of Cambridge may be competitive than those from communities which less have not secured program funding to date. THE TELLER PROGRAM The second alternative available on a state level is new local program call the TELLER Program. Housing Authorities of the units be the can issue tax-exempt finance rental housing projects. 20% Under a program, bonds to The program requires that affordable to moderate income persons.[28] Program Benefits The major advantage of the TELLER program is that developer can access long term financing at low rates, a and, in the case of a high income area such as Cambridge, provide a relatively shallow subsidy in return. Under the program, a total of 20% units must be set aside 60 for persons with that do not exceed 80% of the median income of incomes municipality. In the case of the city of Cambridge, percent of the median income is equal to $25,850. the eighty Given the requirement that no more than 30% of the family's income can be used to pay for the cost of shelter, the maximum rent for a rental unit, inclusive of utilities, is equal to $646. If the rents for the market rate units are fixed at $820 for one bedroom utilities), and the $1000 annual for a two bedroom project subsidy (exclusive to make a of units affordable to moderate income persons is $30,720. At bonds the present time, the interest rate on tax-exempt for multi-family rental housing projects ranges from 8.0% to 10.%, inclusive of transaction costs. If a developer wishes to secure tax-exempt financing on a longer term basis such as ten or twelve years, will be method in the range of 9% to 10.5%. used between the interest rate on the bonds to issue the bonds, the Depending upon the developer will pay six and ten points initially to finance transaction costs.[29] The major barrier to the developer who wishes to the to capital market for tax-exempt bonds is the secure "credit enhancement". enter requirement Bondholders require form of "credit enhancement" from the developer in order ensure that interest cash funds will be available to pay payments should the project generate flow. Credit enhancement 61 is secured principal some to and insufficient through four sources: surety 1) an insurance company, who issues a guarantee or bond; 2) Developement 221(d)(4) the (HUD), Department who program; credit and 4) provides Housing insurance Urban through the which are commerical bank or unrated letters secured through a savings and loan insurance and 3) rated letters of credit, secured through a rated, of of provided through the institution; Federal National Mortgage Association (FANNIE MAE).[30] The project under consideration herein would, likelihood, basis in all be unattractive to an insurance company on the of its' size as a $5 million project.[31] With regard to the second option of securing mortgage insurance HUD, through the primary drawback is the amount of time involved in securing approval under the 221 (d) (4) program. The average timeframe to secure a firm committment is approximately one year.[32] The Department charges an anuual insurance premium of one half of one point for insurance. Given a base rate of 8.25% for these bonds, the effective rate under this option would If the be 8.75%. third option is analyzed, the feasibility of securing a letter of credit from a rated commercial bank has diminished increasingly recently critical as bank of contigent regulators have liabilities become such as letters of market, banks are unwilling to provide long term letters of credit. In addition, in a volatile capital credit which would be coterminous with the tax-exempt issue. 62 Although to some Savings and Loan Associations may be issue letters marketplace. of credit, they are willing unrated in the In order to ensure that bonds backed up with a letter of credit from an S & L receive a favorable rating in the marketplace, these institutions must collateralize the letter of credit with assets having a value equal to between 120% and 170% of the face value of the bonds. the In addition, annual fee to secure a letter of credit will add 1.25% to the interest rate, yielding an effective rate of 9.5% for these bonds at the present time.[33] Lastly, provide the Federal National Mortgage Association does insurance for multi-family tax-exempt Unfortunately, their coverage of 1.15 at the end of the ratio occupancy underwriting makes this project, criteria issues. of second a year debt of as well as almost all of the potential projects in the Northeast, unacceptable.[34] In summary, alternatives all of discussed the above four credit present enhancement problems for the developer. However, the most feasible alternative appears to be to secure program, mortgage although insurance through the this option would require a 221(d)(4) significant amount of time and energy to "lead" the project through program's procedures. of In addition, HUD will require letters credit from the developer in order to finance losses generated in the early years. insurance for the the project will 63 be operating Provision of mortgage contingent upon the developer's ability to secure these letters of credit. In addition to reducing the cost of capital to the developer, the TELLER program allows the developer to retain control over the responsibility of the remaining selection process. The to comply with the minimum set aside of units purchaser, tenant rests with the developer and 20% the bond as opposed to the local Housing Authority. The 80% of the units can be rented at prevailing market rates. Program Restrictions The program contains few restrictions in comparison to the SHARP program. As was stated above, the developer must make 20% of the units affordable to low income addition, termed "lock-in" period. The "lock-in" period is as the period beginning on the date of issuance of the bonds and ending on the later of the date ten years after 50% of the units are occupied or of the In these units must remain affordable during what is the defined persons. 1) which 2) term of the bond with the longest maturity is half in the is also prohibited from converting the bond issue. The project developer into a condominimum during the lock-in period, although this restriction may be less onerous if the term of the bonds is relatively short. equal to four In addition, years after the expiration of 64 for a the period lock-in period, if the developer wishes to convert the project into condominium units, he may do so only if the low and moderate income tenants can remain in the project on a rental until the end of this additional four year the four years has passed, basis period. After there are no restrictions on the developer with regard to conversion or requirement to enable low and moderate income tenants to continue occupancy in the project. The most significant difference between the SHARP and TELLER programs is that the TELLER program does not restrict the annaul return to the developer during the bond term thereafter. cash Because flow important in this project generates the impact later years, on measuring ths a significant distinction economic or has feasibility an and return. Availability of TELLER bonds Regulations promulgated only for the recently Communities and Development. TELLER program by Executive the As such, under the Office been of the program does not have an extensive track record in the state. issued have program was recently The first bond completed by the Springfield Housing Authority, and applications for a total of with 3000 units are pending authorities. In addition, Communities and Development 65 the is other local Executive gearing up housing Office to of provide technical assistance to local housing authorities. The only limitation on the availability of TELLER bonds is the tax proposal Administration, all newly which constructed, recently submitted remaining the Reagan eliminates tax-exempt financing rental housing projects. Administration's bill is approved with this only by federal initiative for If the provision, the to reduce the cost of state of capital for rental housing will disappear. MHFA TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING The final alternative available from the Massachusetts is to access tax-exempt financing through the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) without a SHARP subsidy. The rate on long term tax-exempt bonds issued by MHFA is in the range of 9.5% to 10%.[34] To date, the agency has issued tax-exempt bonds for rental housing projects only when a SHARP subsidy is also available. anticipates that legislation pending However, the agency presently statehouse will enable it to issue tax-exempt bonds in the without a SHARP subsidy in the near future. Program Benefits The basic features of the program sponsored by MHFA are similar to the TELLER program. The benefit of securing tax- exempt financing through MHFA is that, can perform as a coinsurer, they the underwriting analysis required to 66 receive insurance than under the 221(d)(4) program more the Federal Housing Administration. necessary to process significantly. In an application addition, the expeditiously The time can be reduced has to developer approximately two points upfront to the Agency, period pay as compared to between six and ten points under the TELLER program. Program Restriction The MHFA program will incorporate restrictions of the TELLER program, against However, conversion until many of the such as the prohibition the end of the lock-in period. the Agency plans to impose additional restrictions which makes this option less economically feasible from the perspective of the developer. These restrictions are: 1) the developer will be required to invest equity into the project equal to 10% of the overall cost, excluding the cost of land acquisition or developer's fee; alternatively, 2) the or forego this amount as annual return received by a the developer will be limited to 6% of his equity investment for fifteen years selling most and 3) the developer will be restricted the bonds until the end of the fifteenth year. serious of these three restrictions is the on return on equity to 6%. and from As a result, 67 limitation the before tax NPV IRR will be significantly less than with through the TELLER program. The bonds issued FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY OF PROJECT WITH PUBLIC FINANCING This chapter financial will conclude with an analysis feasibility of the SHARP, TELLER return to proposed and MHFA financing. the developer will be project, of the utilizing The financial risks and identified, as well as compared to the benefits forthcoming if private financing is utilized. Project Feasibility with SHARP Financing If a combination financing is feasible. The utilized, table loan with at SHARP the project below returns generated using: bonds of funds and tax-exempt becomes economically compares the cash losses 1) SHARP subsidies and an interest rate of 10% and 2) a 10% with a reduction in project tax-exempt participation costs (discussed earlier in the chapter as Alternative #3). Table 7:Comparison of SHARP and Participation Financing Alternative #4: SHARP w/ bonds at 10% Cash Losses Percentage Change Period of Cash Losses $20,384 92% 1 year Tax Losses During First Four Years $1,343,672 Before Tax NPV After tax NPV Before Tax IRR $68,279 $1,103,168 29.83% 68 and #3: Participation 10% w/costs reduced $259,315 4 years $1,155,978 ($55,339) $831,491 12.81% The overall financial picture changes dramatically when SHARP financing largely $259,315 is used. eliminated, as to $20,384. The risks to the developer the operating deficits drop While the SHARP program requires developer to make an equity investment of $507,814, developer agrees to forego his fee of $422,313, if his are from the the cash equity drops to $85,501. Although the entire the developer's return is limited to 6% holding period, this limitation does for not negatively affect the net present value or rate of return of the project. While the developer must repay $1,449,757 in SHARP funds upon sale, the after tax NPV rises to $1,103,168 under this scenerio. The before tax rate of return of 29.83% exceeds the developer's expectations of 20%. The greatest benefit of using SHARP financing is elimination of those complications associated with a participation loan, The to achieve financial feasibility, financing from a secondary lender. are to compete project or secure However, awarded on a competitive basis, willing securing as discussed earlier in the chapter. developer is not required to syndicate the order the interim as SHARP funds the developer must with other projects in in the state be of Massachusetts. Project Feasibility with TELLER Bonds Unfortunately, the project is not economically feasible 69 if TELLER bonds with an interest discussed secure, is above, credit rate of 9% is used. As was enhancement will be difficult to although the most feasible option for the developer to secure mortgage insurance program. If through HUD's 221(d)(4) the effective this alternative was utilized, rate for the tax-exempt bonds would be approximately 9%. Table 8: Comparison of SHARP and TELLER Financing Alternative #4:SHARP w/ bonds at 10% Cash Losses Period of Cash Losses Tax Losses During pay-in period #5:TELLER bonds at 9% $20,384 1 year $761,670 7 years $671,839 during 1st 4 yrs. $1,991,757 during 1st 7 yrs. Before Tax NPV After Tax NPV $68,279 $1,103,168 ($140,219) $786,716 Before Tax IRR 29.83% 13.04% Similar earlier, at 9% the to the private sector alternatives losses generated with the use of TELLER bonds are so large as to make the finance. The losses continue for project seven constitutes a majority of the holding period. of impossible years, to which The magnitude these losses is a direct result of the annual subsidy of $30,720, income the discussed necessary tenants. reduced addition, to make the units affordable to lower This subsidy paid by the developer offsets interest rate on the tax-exempt bonds. the added cost of credit enhancement in the 70 In form of an annual insurance premium of 50 basis points increases the effective rate on the bonds. The only developer project was is other to type of option available simultaneously reduce the costs and the interest rate on the tax-exempt outlined earlier, developer chooses to: to the of the bonds. As project costs can be reduced if the 1) forego his development fee of 5%; 2) reduce building costs from $64 per square foot to $58 per square foot and 3) reduce his land cost per unit from $10,000 to $5,000. In addition, could able the interest rate on the tax-exempt bonds be lowered to approximately 8%, to partner secure as if the developer was credit enhancement from opposed to a financing this fee joint on venture an annual basis. For instance, either Harvard University or MIT in the project as a source if the developer was able to interest of student housing, these institutions might be able to lend their of the credit rating to the project and guarantee bonds additional to the bondholders. In this cost of credit enhancement would repayment event, be the eliminated and the bonds would carry a rate of 8%. The table below summarizes the financial feasibility of the project when project costs and the interest rate on TELLER bonds are simultaneously reduced. alternative is compared Alternative TELLER bonds at an interest rate of 9%. 71 In addition, #5, which the this utilizes Table 9: Comparison of TELLER Bonds at 9% and TELLER Bonds at 8% with a Reduction in Project Costs Alternative #6: TELLER bonds at 8% w/costs reduced TELLER bonds #5: at 9% Cash Losses Precentage Chang Period of Losses $761,670 77% 7 years $173,011 4 years Tax Losses during Pay-in Period $1,991,757 $882,658 Before Tax NPV ($140,219) $786,716 $338,192 $1,255,234 After Tax NPV Before Tax IRR The 13.04% project 44.55% feasibility improves this last alternative. dramatically under Cash losses are reduced by 77%, the before tax NPV becomes positive. and The before tax rate of return of 44.55% is the highest to date. The project is clearly financially feasible under this alternative, terms of and reducing difficulty for partner, such willing to institutions creating is second only to the SHARP cash operating scenerio losses. The the developer is to secure a joint as MIT or Harvard University, guarantee may not additional repayment percieve of that the their student housing extends this guarantee. 72 major venture who would bonds. interest to in be These in providing Project Feasibility with MHFA Financing The rate for tax-exempt presently in the range of 9.5%, than rate the bonds issued MHFA or 50 basis points for TELLER bonds that are HUD's 221(d)(4) program. by higher insured through As was analyzed above, the project is economically infeasible when TELLER bonds at 9% are (Alternative economically #5). is Therefore, the project feasible under MHFA's program, used cannot be which provides financing at a higher cost. CONCLUSION While the economic feasibility of the project was doubtful using a participation loan from the private sector, the project is feasible if public sector financing is The SHARP program and the TELLER program (with an rate of healthy carry several 8%) will minmize operating losses and return to the the additional the next chapter, between risk to the However, developer interest provide these a options that, months of negotiations with public and/or profit institutions, In developer. used. after not-for- the financing will not be forthcoming. the author will discuss the the risks and rewards under these two tradeoff options, as well as present recommendations for action to the developer. 73 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The previous obstacles which chapters many have rental described a number confront a developer who wishes multi-family housing. financing have to of build Because the costs of construction and risen faster than income and rent housing projects have been pushed out levels, of the conventional financing market. They have proceeded only when the developer initiatives, has utilized an array of federal created and to fulfill the public goal of state making rental housing available to middle and low income persons. The proposed 45 unit rental housing project in Central Square is no exception to this overall trend. The obstacles to achieving market, political and financial feasibility are significant, large and the developer will be required to make investment of time and energy if these obstacles a are to be overcome. As feasibility has of been the discussed project may be financial feasibility. of the city, significant neighborhood neighborhood the earlier, more the political attainable than Given the existing political climate developer may need to allocate amount of time to negotiations with organizations. activists are 74 However, city supportive of a appropiate officals and residential development. As a result, the author has concluded that the probability is high that public approval and support for the project will be forthcoming. With the regard to the market feasibility of the author believes that a desirable segment of the income housing market can be attracted to the site. discussed housing in Chapter Two, the growing demand for project, middle As was rental in Cambridge helps to mitigate against the negative image of the site and Central Square. However, the developer must discount the rents by approximately $200 per month in order to effectively compete with alternatives available in the more desirable sections of the city. In summary, while a desirable market for the project can be attracted given rent levels of $820 for a one bedroom and $1000 for a two bedroom at the time of lease-up, the revenue stream generated by these discounted rent levels make the project more difficult to finance. The author sought to analyze the key issue of financial feasibility using alternatives. continuim capital that These a variety alternatives identifies subsidies and of public and can be laid out along the cost of operating the corresponding level intervention in the project. private of a and/or public The most traditional financing source, a conventional mortgage, provides the least economic return to the developer. the developer can However, under this pursue his objective of 75 alternative, receiving one hundred percent of the cash flow and residuals upon sale or refinance. On the opposite extreme, annual the the SHARP program provides an operating subsidy to the project, gap between net operating income and debt the early years of the project. must service In exchange, regulated developer amount for must of units to and his rate of return on the project fifteen years. As significantly, compete with other projects for funding, in the developer agree to provide twenty five percent of the lower income persons, is and thereby fills and the project has no a the limited guarantee of receiving the amount of SHARP funds requested. The The TELLER program falls within these level program, of and there annual return. financial subsidy is not as deep as two under are no limitations on the the SHARP developer's However, in order for the project to acheive feasibility, the developer must be forego a development fee of 5%, willing as well as reduce the costs from $10,000 per unit to $5,000 per unit. developer extremes. land In sum, the is making a significant equity contribution. developer's to criterion to minimize his equity investment The is not met. In addition, if TELLER bonds are used, the developer must identify a partner who can supply the necessary "credit enhancement" bonds. and thereby reduce the rate on the tax-exempt As was outlined earlier, the developer could attempt 76 to interest Harvard or MIT as a joint venture provide the credit enhancement. with either require a of However, the these institutions may be substantial committment on partner to negotiations protracted the part and of the developer. The which author can program has concluded that ensure financially the only feasiblity alternatives are the SHARP and the TELLER program with an interest rate of 8% and reduced project costs. If the developer is unwilling to: 1) forego his fee and accept a lower land cost on a per unit basis or 2) invest substantial time in competing for funds, the pursued. project If complications SHARP is these not feasible and alternatives are should SHARP not acceptable, the and contingencies associated with TELLER financing should be furthur explored. and Specifically, discussions should be initaited with the both MHFA and to be EOCD determine whether the project has a reasonable chance of recieving SHARP financing in the spring of 1986. In addition, the developer should initiate discussions with MIT to determine whether the University is interested in the project as a source of student housing and if their interest extends to the provision of credit enhancement. The record present in projects. to invest owner of the site does financing and constructing Therefore, if substantial 77 have multifamily he does proceed, time and not energy track housing he will be required in learning the intricacies of public programs, such as SHARP or TELLER. In addition, he will have to learn how public agencies interact and negotiate with the private interested in developing future, the timely, given "learning sector. Unless he is additional housing projects in the curve" may be too expensive and his ability to pursue additional development opportunities. However, desire project for the developer has recognized the new rental housing, and the benefit perserve development, this link between residential but be unwilling the zoning The developer may desire to and invest "learning curve" associated with the project. to of in negotiations with the City Council for a amendment for the adjacent parcel. to community's commercial in the steep His option is enter into a joint venture or sell the site to a housing developer who has the necessary expertise. Many of these housing developers are willing to bear both the risks of a housing project that generates operating losses in the early years, as well as the transaction costs associated with a complicated financial instances, these developers do not expect that their return on package. In many investment will be generated by the project's cash flow. Future provide syndication and sales proceeds them with their equity return. developers are familiar with the for the In addition, "language" of project these public finance programs, as well as the negotiating style of public 78 off icals. The site has significant value to these developers. is located housing in a market with and foreseeable a demand future. a limited that will supply not of decline While the project is not It rental in the economically feasible in the initial phase, it generates large cash flows in the later years. proceeds, If the revitalization of Central Square the developer could convert the rental units into condominiums in the later years and earn a significant return. The present carefully. zoning The that subject site. sell the consider these options for the adjacent parcel without In this event, that to a the owner may not be able housing developer he will construct a without a multifamily a some a housing project will be developed on site committment should City Council may be unwilling to provide amendment guarantee owner the to firm housing project. The second option of a joint venture may require an excessive amount negotiate a joint venture agreement, of the owner's time (and legal given the fees) to relatively small size of the project. The final alternative available to the developer is to maintain the site in its present condition as a parking lot. The developer may conclude that the costs joint If of development, venture or sale are prohibitive at the present he chooses this option, 79 he can proceed at a later time. date when the project image can of compete Central Square has more favorably locations in the city of Cambridge. 80 improved with and the alternative 81 APPENDIX EXHIBITS 82 83 EXHIBIT THREE LIST OF COMPARABLES NAME,LOCATION AND AGE NO.OF UNITS/ELEVATOR 6 stories 1.Austin Court 30 units 12 Inman Street Cambridge,Ma. (2 blocks from Central Sq.) Studios: $400-$500 One Bed.: S500-$600 Two Bed.: $750-$900 Cambridge, Ma. (Located NW within one Twenty two covered parking spaces which rent for $25 per month. A deck and sauna are located on the roof. Gas heat is included in the rent. Converted to condominium; roughly one third of the units are currently rented. 12 years old 2. 16-18 Trowbridge St. AMENITIES MONTHLY RENT/ SQ. FEET stories 28 units Studios: $400-$435 One Bed.: $595-$625 Twenty eight parking spaces under the deck area for $25 per month. Gas heat in included in the Two Bed.: $800-$850 rent. One Bed.: $650 Covered parking is included in the rents.Tenant pays for oil fired baseboard hot water and heat. Converted to condominiums in 1981; a number of block of Mass. Ave) Constructed in the 1970's 3. The Cambridge House 1643 Cambridge Street 7 story 36 units Two Bed.:$800-$950 Cambridge, Ma. (located near Harvard Square) the units are currently rented. Constructed in 1970 4.1600 Massachussetts Ave Cambridge, Ma. 5 years old 5 stories 60 units Two Bed.: $950 1000 s.f./$0.95 s.f. Tenant pays for all utilities. Units include two bathrooms. All units contain balconies and fireplaces. Building is located adjacent to Harvard Law school. Rent includes heat and hot water. Children's center and play area available. Garage parking 5. Soldiers Field Park 70 studios Studio:$465-$552 Soldiers Field Road 186 One Bed. One Bed.:$620-$759 Boston, Ma. 198 Two Bed. available for $60 per month; uncovered parking Two Bed.: $820-$1090 Three Bed.: $1226-$1273 available for $45 per month. Harvard owned 26 Three Bed. and affiliated. 6. Peapody Terrace Memorial Drive Cambridge, Ma. 89 Studios 226 One Bed. 161 Two Bed. 22 Three Bed. Studios: $366-399 One Bed.: $470-571 Two Bed.: $630-$744 Three Bed.: $1017 Heat and hot water are included in the rent. The complex also includes a convenience store and children's center. Garage parking available for $60 per month. Harvard owned and affiliated. 7. 115 Highland Street Somerville, Ma. 3 years old 3 stories 14 units 7 Two Bed.: $700 900 s.f./$0.78 psf 7 Three Bed.: $800 Heat, hot water, A/C, laundry, wall-to-wall carpeting and one parking space are included in the monthly rent. 1000 s.f./$.80 psf 8. 425 Broadway Somerville, Ma. 6 stories 24 units 10 years old 12 One Bed.: $600 650 s.f./$0.92 p.s.f. 12 Two Bed.: $730 Heat, hot water, A/C, balconies, views and one parking space included in the monthly rent. 900 s.f./$0.81 psf 9. 14 Spring Street Somerville, Ma. 4 stories 6 Two Bed.: $750 6 units 875-900 s.f./$.83 psf Heat, hot water,A/C, wall to wall carpeting,laundry facilities and one parking space included in the rent. 6 stories 36 units 19 One Bed.:$600 650 s.f./$0.92 psf 17 Two Bed.: $700 Heat, hot water, A/C, laundry facilities, wall to wall carpeting and one parking space are included in the monthle rent. App. one year old 10. 278 Beacon Street Somerville, Ma. App. 7 years old 900 s.f./$0.78 psf EXHIBIT IV: BASE CASE / FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY WITH CONVENTIONAL FINANCING ALTERNATIVE #1 DEVELOPMENT PROFORMA: TOFIAS PROJECT EXHIBIT A: GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PROJECTION: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: NUMBER OF UNITS: EST. START DATE: COMPLETION DATE: CONSTRUCTION TIME: August 1,1985 CSR Cambridge, Ma. 45 4/1/1988 1/1/1990 20 months A. SITE INFORMATION Sqaure Footage of Parcel: B. UNIT CHARACTERISTICS 27,376 Number of Units: Total Sq. Feet: Bld. Gross Sqaure Footage: Bid. Net Square Footage: Building Efficiency: No. of Parking Spaces: No. of Studios: Sq. Ft. per unit: No. of (1) bedrm. 47,400 38,520 81% 45 Sq. Ft. per unit: No. of (2) bedrm.: Sq. ft. per unit: No. of (3) bedrm.: Sq. Ft. per unit: 45 47,400 0 0 9 0 36 0 0 0 BASIS FOR PROJECTIONS OPERATIONS PHASE DEVELOPMENT PHASE Land Site Improvements Building Construction Parking Consultants Architectural & Engineering Architectural Supervision Development Fee Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Organizational Costs $10,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $64.00 $5,000.00 per per per per per unit unit uni t sq. feet uni t MONTHLY REVENUES Studio: (1) bedroom: (2) Bedroom: (3) bedroom: Parking Spaces: TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUES: $10,000 3.75% of const. cost 1.25% of const. cost 5.00% of const cost $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $217,290 5% of total costs $0 $820 $1,000 $0 $50 $547,560 per per per per per unit unit unit unit space ANNUAL EXPENSES Administrative Management: Maintenance: Real Estate Taxes: Utilities: (Comon Area) Utilities: (Units) Security: $0 $0 p. 85 $5,000 $27,378 $10,951 $50,000 $10,000 $0 $30,000 5.00% of revenues 2.00% of revenues $0.00 per unit Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Letters of Credit Fees Commissions $0 $0 $50,000 Water: TOTAL EXPENSES: Replacement Res. $3,073.98 per unit $45,000 LEASING SALE: Stabilized Cap Rate: Disposition Cap Rate: Sales Expense: $5,000 $138,329 11.0% 9.0% 6.0% Vacancy Rate: (Annual) Revenues: Lease-Up Year Reveues:Stabilized Year 5% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues TAXATION: Ordinary Income: Capital Gains: 50% 20% STABILIZED YEAR: 2 GROWTH FACTORS: Market Rents Operating Expenses HOLDING PERIOD: 6% per annum 4% per annum 10 (years) GENERAL PARTNER RATE OF RETURN Before Tax: After Tax: 20% 10% LIMITED PARTNER RATE OF RETURN Before Tax: After Tax: CONVENTION: 25% 12% End of Year DISTRIBUTION TO LIMITED PARTNERS 50% Percent of Cash Flow: 50% Percent of Tax Benefits: 50% Percent of Residuals: EXHIBIT B: PROJECT COST ESTIMATE YEAR YR. 1 CONSTRUCTION YR. 2 LEASING COST PER SQUARE FOOT ITEM COST ESTIMATE Land $450,000 Improvements Building Parking Site Improvements Arch. & Eng. Architectural Supervision $3,033,600 $225,000 $0 $122,198 $40,733 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $64.00 $4.75 $0.00 $2.58 $0.86 Total Improvements $3,871,530 $0 $81.68 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.27 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $4.58 $0.00 $3.44 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $0.87 $9.17 $0 Consultants Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Development Fee Organizational Costs Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Commissions Points Construction Interest Letters of Credit $10,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $217,290 $0 $162,930 $0 $0 $50,000 $41,332 $434,579 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Indirect Costs $1,116,131 $0 $23.55 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $4,987,661 $0 $105.22 EXHIBIT C: MORTGAGE SCHEDULE 1 $4,987,661 12.00% 15 30 $615,644 Financing Alternative: Perm. Mortg.Balance: Interest Rate: Term: Amortization Period: Mortgage Payment: YEAR ACTIVITY LOAN BALANCE AMORTIZATION Total Amortization 1 .2 Construction Operations 3 Operations 4 Operations $4,987,661 11.00% 1.00% 50% 0.00% 0.00% Const. Mort. Balance: Construction Interest: Construction Points: Average out. Balance: Cash Flow/Lender: Residual/Lender: 6 5 Operations Operations 7 Operations 8 Operations 9 Operations 10 Operations $4,987,661 $4,969,562 $4,949,167 $4,926,186 $4,900,290 $4,871,110 $4,838,229 $4,801,178 $4,759,429 $4,712,384 11 Sale $4,659,373 $18,099 $20,395 $22,981 $25,896 $29,180 $32,881 $37,051 $41,750 $47,045 $53,011 $597,545 $595,250 $592,663 $589,749 $586,464 $582,764 $578,594 $573,895 $568,600 $562,633 $328,288 INTEREST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXHIBIT D: PROJECTED STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YEAR ACTIVITY 1 Construction GROSS REVENUES LESS VACANCY RESERVE 2 3 Operations Operations 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations operations Operations $872,727 11 Sale $925,091 $547,560 $580,414 $615,238 $652,153 $691,282 $732,759 $776,724 $823,328 $27,378 $29,021 $30,762 $32,608 $34,564 $36,638 $38,836 $41,166 $43,636 $46,255 $878,837 NET REVENUES $520,182 $551,393 $584,476 $619,545 $656,718 $696,121 $737,888 $782,161 $829,091 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES $138,329 $143,862 $149,396 $154,929 $160,462 $165,995 $171,528 $177,061 $182,595 $188,128 LESS REPLACEMENT RESERVE $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $645,709 NET OPERATING INCOME MINUS PROJECT COSTS $0 $4,987,661 $0 $6,282,297 PLUS SALES PROCEEDS ($4,987,661) CASH FLOW BEFORE DEBT SERVICE $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $6,928,006 CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE Principal Amount Points Interest $4,987,661 ($4,987,661) $0 $0 PERMANENT MORTGAGE $4,987,661 $0 $615,644 Principal Amount Points Fixed Debt Service C.F.Before Part. $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $0 ($278,792) $0 $0 ($253,114) $0 $0 ($225,564) $0 $0 ($196,028) $0 $0 ($164,389) $0 $0 ($130,519) $0 $0 $0 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $0 ($278,792) ($253,114) ($225,564) C.F.Participation Debt Payment Upon Sale Residual Participation TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 ($94,285) $0 $0 ($55,544) $0 $0 ($14,148) $0 $0 $6,312,361 $6,312,361 $0 $4,659,373 $615,644 $615,644 $615,644 $5,275,017 ($94,285) ($55,544) ($14,148) $1,652,989 $615,644 (debt service,c.f. and residual part.) CASH FLOW AFTER DEBT SERVICE ($196,028) ($164,389) ($130,519) Debt Coverage Ratio Breakeven Occupancy Breakeven Occupancy w/ 0.55 1.51 0.59 1.44 0.63 1.37 0.68 1.30 0.73 1.24 0.79 1.18 0.85 1.12 0.91 1.07 0.98 1.02 11.25 0.97 Partner Contribution 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 6 7 8 9 10 EXHIBIT E: AFTER TAX ANALYSIS YEAR 2 3 4 5 Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations $0 $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $645,709 $0 $597,545 $595,250 $592,663 $589,749 $586,464 $582,764 $578,594 $573,895 $568,600 $562,633 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $215,085 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $5,000 $43,458 $100,000 $0 1 ACTIVITY NET OPERATING INCOME Construction 11 Sale DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES Less: Interest Payments Interest Less: Depreciation Construction Period Taxes Interest Leasing/Mkt. Indirect Expenses Legal & Acc't. Appraisals Insurance Permits Consultants $60,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $10,000 Financing Fees Const. Loan Fee Const.Loan Points Perm. Loan Points TOTAL DEDUCTIBLE $0 $0 $2,755 $271,213 TAX LIABILITY (50%) TAX SHELTER (50%) $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $858,962 $856,047 $852,763 $849,062 $844,892 $840,193 $834,898 $828,932 $863,844 $861,548 ($0) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($271,213) ($481,991) ($454,018) ($423,881) ($391,431) ($356,507) ($318,936) ($278,532) ($235,093) ($188,402) ($138,223) $0 $135,607 $0 $240,995 $0 $227,009 $0 $211,940 $0 $195,715 $0 $178,253 $0 $159,468 $0 $139,266 $0 $117,547 $0 $94,201 $0 $69,111 PLUS REPLACEMENT RESERVE TAXABLE INCOME (LOSS) $2,755 CAPITAL GAINS TAX Sales Proceeds $6,282,297 Basis Land $450,000 $1,720,680 Building Unamortized Expense Points Leasing Comissions $11,022 $0 Net Gain $4,100,595 Tax Liability (20%) $820,119 AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW (Leveraged) Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits $0 $135,607 NET PRESENT VALUE Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits ($542,003) $479,894 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits -8.16% N.A. ($278,792) ($253,114) ($225,564) ($196,028) ($37,796) ($26,105) ($13,623) ($313) ($164,389) ($130,519) ($94,285) ($55,544) ($14,148) $832,870 $13,865 $28,949 $44,981 $62,002 $80,053 $901,981 EXHIBIT V: FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY WITH A PARTICAPATION MORTGAGE ALTERNATIVE #3 DEVELOPMENT PROFORMA: CENTRAL SQUARE HOUSING PROJECT EXHIBIT A: GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PROJECTION: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: NUMBER OF UNITS: EST. START DATE: COMPLETION DATE: CONSTRUCTION TIME: August 1,1985 CSR Project Cambridge, Ma. 45 4/1/1988 1/1/1990 20 months A. SITE INFORMATION Sqaure Footage of Parcel: 27,376 Bid. Gross Sqaure Footage: BLd. Net Square Footage: Building Efficiency: No. of Parking Spaces: 47,400 38,520 81% 45 B. UNIT CHARACTERISTICS Number of Units: Total Sq. Feet: No. of Studios: Sq. Ft. per unit: No. of (1) bedrm. Sq. Ft. per unit: No. of (2) bedrm.: Sq. ft. per unit: No. of (3) bedrm.: Sq. Ft. per unit: 45 47,400 0 0 9 660 36 905 0 0 BASIS FOR PROJECTIONS DEVELOPMENT PHASE Land Site Improvements Building Construction Parking Consultants Architectural & Engineering Architectural Supervision Development Fee Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Organizational Costs OPERATIONS PHASE $5,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $58.00 $5,000.00 perunit er uni t Fer uni t persq. feet peruni t $10,000 3.75% of const. cost 1.25% of const. cost 0.00% of const cost $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $182,962 5% of total costs $0 $0 p. 91 MONTHLY REVENUES Studio: (1) bedroom: (2) Bedroom: (3) bedroom: Parking Spaces: TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUES: ANNUAL EXPENSES Administrative Management: Maintenance: Real Estate Taxes: Utilities: (Common Area) Utilities: (Units) Security: $0 $820 $1,000 $0 $50 $547,560 $5,000 $27,378 $10,951 $50,000 $10,000 $0 $30,000 per per per per per uni t uni t unit unit space 5.00% of revenues 2.00% of revenues $0.00 per unit Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Letters of Credit Fees Commissions $0 $0 $50,000 Water: TOTAL EXPENSES: Replacement Res. SALE: Stabilized Cap Rate: Disposition Cap Rate: Sales Expense: 11.0% 9.0% 6.0% TAXATION: Ordinary Income: Capital Gains: 50% 20% STABILIZED YEAR: -2 HOLDING PERIOD: (years) 10 LEASING Vacancy Rate: (Annual) Revenues: Lease-Up Year Reveues:Stabilized Year $5,000 $138,329 $3,073.98 per unit $45,000 5% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues GROWTH FACTORS: GENERAL PARTNER RATE OF RETURN Before Tax: After Tax: 10% 25% LIMITED PARTNER RATE OF RETURN After Tax: CONVENTION: FINANCING: 25% End of Year Participation Mtg.; lender shares 50% of cash flow and residuals Market Rents Operating Expenses 6% per annum 4% per annum DISTRIBUTION TO LIMITED PARTNERS Percent of Cash Flow: Percent of Tax Benefits: Percent of Residuals: 45% 45% 45% EXHIBIT B: PROJECT COST ESTIMATE YEAR YR. 1 CONSTRUCTION COST PER SQUARE FOOT YR. 2 LEASING ITEM COST ESTIMATE Land $225,000 Improvements Building Parking Site Improvements Arch. & Eng. Architectural Supervision $2,749,200 $225,000 $0 $111,533 $37,178 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58.00 $4.75 $0.00 $2.35 $0.78 Total Improvements $3,347,910 $0 $70.63 Consultants Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Development Fee Organizational Costs Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Commissions Points Construction Interest Letters of Credit $10,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $182,962 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $41,332 $365,924 $0 Total Indirect Costs $850,218 $0 $17.94 $4,198,128 $0 $88.57 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.27 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $3.86 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $0.87 $7.72 $0 EXHIBIT C: MORTGAGE SCHEDULE 4 $4,198,128 10.00% 15 30 $442,099 Financing Alternative: Perm. Mortg.Balance: Interest Rate: Term: Amortization Period: Mortgage Payment: YEAR ACTIVITY LOAN BALANCE AMORTIZATION Total Amortization 2 1 Construction Operations 3 Operations 4 Const. Mort. Balance: Construction Interest: Construction Points: Average out. Balance: Cash Flow/Lender: Residual/Lender: 5 Operations Operations 6 7 Operations Operations $4,198,128 11.00% 1.00% 50% 50.00% 50.00% 8 Operations 9 Operations 10 Operations $4,198,128 $4,174,792 $4,149,012 $4,120,532 $4,089,070 $4,054,314 $4,015,918 $3,973,502 $3,926,644 $3,874,880 11 Sale $3,817,695 $23,336 $25,780 $28,480 $31,462 $34,756 $38,396 $42,416 $46,858 $51,764 $57,185 $418,762 $416,319 $413,619 $410,637 $407,343 $403,703 $399,683 $395,241 $390,335 $384,914 7 8 9 10 $380,434 INTEREST EXHIBIT D: PROJECTED STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES YEAR ACTIVITY 1 2 Construction Operations 3 4 5 Operations Operations $547,560 $580,414 $615,238 $652,153 $27,378 $29,021 $30,762 NET REVENUES $520,182 $551,393 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES $138,329 $45,000 $336,853 $362,531 GROSS REVENUES LESS VACANCY RESERVE LESS REPLACEMENT RESERVE NET OPERATING INCOME MINUS PROJECT COSTS $0 $4,198,128 6 Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations $691,282 $732,759 $776,724 $823,328 $872,727 $925,091 $32,608 $34,564 $36,638 $38,836 $41,166 $43,636 $46,255 $584,476 $619,545 $656,718 $696,121 $737,888 $782,161 $829,091 $878,837 $143,862 $149,396 $154,929 $160,462 $165,995 $171,528 $177,061 $182,595 $188,128 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $390,081' $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $645,709 Sale $0 PLUS SALES PROCEEDS CASH FLOW BEFORE DEBT ($4,198,128) SERVICE 11 $6,282,297 $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $6,928,006 CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE Principal Amount Points Interest $4,198,128 ($4,198,128) $0 $0 PERMANENT MORTGAGE $4,198,128 $0 $442,099 Principal Amount Points Fixed Debt Service C.F.Before Part. $0 C.F.Participation Debt Payment Upon Sale Residual Participation $0 ($105,246) $0 $0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $0 $442,099 $0 ($105,246) $442,099 $442,099 $442,099 ($79,568) $0 $0 ($52,018) $0 $0 ($22,483) $0 $0 $442,099 $442,099 $442,099 ($79,568) ($52,018) ($22,483) $442,099 $442,099 $442,099 $442,099 $442,099 $442,099 $9,157 $9,157 $4,578 $43,027 $43,027 $21,513 $79,261 $79,261 $39,630 $118,001 $118,001 $59,001 $159,398 $159,398 $79,699 $6,485,907 $2,668,212 $1,334,106 $3,817,695 $446,677 $463,612 $481,729 $501,099 $521,798 $5,593,900 $4,578 $21,513 $39,630 $59,001 $79,699 $1,334,106 (debt service,c.f. and residual part.) CASH FLOW AFTER DEBT SERVICE 0.76 1.19 0.82 1.14 0.88 1.08 0.95 1.03 1.02 1.10 Breakeven Occupancy 0.99 0.94 1.18 0.90 1.27 0.86 1.36 0.82 15.67 0.78 Breakeven Occupancy w/ Partner Contribution 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.78 4 5 6 7 8 9 Debt Coverage Ratio EXHIBIT E: AFTER TAX ANALYSIS 1 YEAR ACTIVITY 2 3 Construction Operations Operations NET OPERATING INCOME Operations Operations Operations operations Operations Operations 10 Operations 11 Sale $0 $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $645,709 $0 $418,762 $416,319 $413,619 $410,637 $407,343 $403,703 $399,683 $395,241 $390,335 $384,914 $0 $185,995 $0 $185,995 $0 $185,995 $0 $185,995 $4,578 $185,995 $21,513 $185,995 $39,630 $185,995 $59,001 $185,995 $79,699 $185,995 $1,334,106 $185,995 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 $5,000 $36,592 DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES Less: Interest Payments Interest Contingent interest Less: Depreciation Construction Period Taxes Interest Leasing/Mkt. Indirect Expenses Legal & Acc't. Appraisals Insurance Permits Consultants $5,000 $36,592 $100,000 $60,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $10,000 $0 Financing Fees Const. Loan Fee Const.Loan Points Perm. Loan Points TOTAL DEDUCTIBLE $0 $0 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $264,348 $649,105 $646,662 $643,962 $640,980 $642,264 $655,560 $669,656 $684,585 $700,376 $1,949,363 ($0) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($264,348) ($267,253) ($239,131) ($208,881) ($176,364) ($146,008) ($125,434) ($103,296) ($79,485) ($53,880) ($1,258,654) $0 $132,174 $0 $133,626 $0 $119,566 $0 $104,441 $0 $88,182 $0 $73,004 $0 $62,717 $0 $51,648 $0 $39,742 $0 $26,940 PLUS REPLACEMENT RESERVE TAXABLE INCOME (LOSS) TAX LIABILITY (50%) TAX SHELTER (50%) $0 $629,327 CAPITAL GAINS TAX $6,282,297 Sales Proceeds Basis Land BuiLding Unamortized Expense Points Leasing Comissions $225,000 $1,487,960 $11,022 $0 $4,558,315 Net Gain $911,663 Tax LiabiLity (20%) AFTER-TAX AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW (Leveraged) Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits - -CASH- -FLOW---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $0 $132,174 NET PRESENT VALUE Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits $39,675 $355,747 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits 12.81% N.A. ($105,246) $28,380 ($79,568) $39,997 ($52,018) $52,423 ($22,483) $65, 699 $4,578 $77,583 $21,513 $84,230 $39,630 $59,001 $79,699 $91,279 $98,743 $106, 639 $422,443 $1,051,770 EXHIBIT VI: FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY WITH SHARP AND TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING ALTERNATIVE #4 DEVELOPMENT PROFORMA: CENTRAL SQUARE HOUSING PROJECT EXHIBIT A: GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PROJECTION: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: NUMBER OF UNITS: EST. START DATE: COMPLETION DATE: CONSTRUCTION TIME: August 1, 1985 CSR Project Cambridge, Ma. 45 4/1/1988 1/1/1990 20 months A. SITE INFORMATION Sqaure Footage of Parcel: B. UNIT CHARACTERISTICS 27,376 Number of Units: Total Sq. Feet: No. of Studios: Sq. Ft. per unit: BLd. Gross Sqaure Footage: BLd. Net Square Footage: Building Efficiency: No. of Parking Spaces: 47,400 38,520 81% 45 No. of (1) bedrm. Sq. Ft. per unit: No. Sq. No. Sq. of (2) bedrm.: ft. per unit: of (3) bedrm.: Ft. per unit: 45 47,400 0 0 9 660 36 905 0 0 BASIS FOR PROJECTIONS OPERATIONS PHASE DEVELOPMENT PHASE Land Site Improvements Building Construction Parking Consultants Architectural & Engineering Architectural Supervision Development Fee Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Organizational Costs $10,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $58.00 $5,000.00 per per per per per MONTHLY REVENUES Studio: (1) bedroom: (2) Bedroom: (3) bedroom: Parking Spaces: TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUES: unit unit unit sq. feet unit $10,000 3.75% of const. cost 1.25% of const. cost 10.00% of const cost(SH ARP $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $207,599 5% of total costs $0 $0 ANNUAL EXPENSES Administrative Management: Maintenance: Real Estate Taxes: Uti Lities: (Common Area) Utilities: (Units) Security: p. 97 $0 per $820 per $1,000 per $0 per $50 per $547,560 $5,000 $27,378 $10,951 $50,000 $10,000 $0 $30,000 unit uni t unit unit space 5.00% of revenues 2.00% of revenues $0.00 per unit Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Bond Issuance Costs Commissions $0 2.00% of total costs $50,000 Water: TOTAL EXPENSES: Replacement Res. SALE: $5,000 $138,329 $3,073.98 per unit $45,000 LEASING Stabilized Cap Rate: Disposition Cap Rate: Sales Expense: 11.0% 9.0% 6.0% Vacancy Rate: (Annual) Revenues: Lease-Up Year Reveues:Stabilized Year 5% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues TAXATION: Ordinary Income: Capital Gains: 50% 20% STABILIZED YEAR: 2 HOLDING PERIOD: 10 GROWTH FACTORS: Market Rents Operating Expenses 6% per annum 4% per annum DISTRIBUTION TO LIMITED PARTNERS Percent of Cash Flow: Percent of Tax Benefits: Percent of Residuals: 0% 0% 0% (years) GENERAL PARTNER RATE OF RETURN 20% 10% Before Tax: After Tax: LIMITED PARTNER RATE OF RETURN After Tax: CONVENTION: FINANCING: 20% End of Year Tax-exempt bonds w/ SHARP subsidy 10%, 30 years EXHIBIT B: PROJECT COST ESTIMATE YEAR YR. 1 CONSTRUCTION YR. 2 LEASING COST PER SQUARE FOOT ITEM COST ESTIMATE Land $450,000 Improvements Building Parking Site Improvements Arch. & Eng. Architectural Supervision $2,749,200 $225,000 $0 $111,533 $37,178 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58.00 $4.75 $0.00 $2.35 $0.78 Total Improvements $3,572,910 $0 $75.38 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.27 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $4.38 $0.00 $8.25 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $0.00 $6.52 $0 Consultants Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Development Fee Organizational Costs Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Commissions Points Construction Interest Bond Issuance Costs $10,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $207,599 $0 $390,958 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $309,069 $95,011 $0 $0 $0 Total Indirect Costs $1,262,636 $0 $24.63 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $4,835,546 $0 $100.01 EXHIBIT C: MORTGAGE SCHEDULE 2 $4,365,497 10.00% 15 30 $459,724 Financing Alternative: Perm. Mortg.Balance: Interest Rate: Term: Amortization Period: Mortgage Payment: YEAR 1 ACTIVITY Construction LOAN BALANCE AMORTIZATION Total Amortization 2 Operations 3 Operations 4 Operations $4,365,497 $4,341,230 $4,314,422 $24,267 $26,808 $29,615 $435,457 $432,916 $430,109 Const. Mort. Balance: Construction Interest: Construction Points: Average out. Balance: Cash Flow/Lender: Residual/Lender: 5 6 Operations Operations $4,284,807 $4,252,091 7 $4,365,497 11.00% 1.00% 50% 50.00% 50.00% 8 Operations Operations 9 Operations 10 Operations 11 Sale $4,215,949 $4,176,022 $4,131,915 $4,083,189 $4,029,361 $3,969,896 $32,716 $36,142 $39,926 $44,107 $48,726 $53,828 $59,465 $427,008 $423,582 $419,798 $415,617 $410,998 $405,896 $400,260 7 8 9 10 11 $395,600 INTEREST EXHIBIT D: PROJECTED STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES YEAR 1 ACTIVITY Construction GROSS REVENUES LESS VACANCY RESERVE 2 3 Operations Operations $547,560 $580,414 4 5 6 Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Sale $615,238 $652,153 $691,282 $732,759 $776,724 $823,328 $872,727 $925,091 $36,638 $38,836 $41,166 $43,636 $46,255 $27,378 $29,021 $30,762 $32,608 $34,564 NET REVENUES $520,182 $551,393 $584,476 $619,545 $656,718 $696,121 $737,888 $782,161 $829,091 $878,837 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES $138,329 $143,862 $149,396 $154,929 $160,462 $165,995 $171,528 $177,061 $182,595 $188,128 LESS REPLACEMENT RESERVE $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $0 $336,853 $362,531 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $645,709 $4,835,546 $0 NET OPERATING INCOME MINUS PROJECT COSTS $390,081 PLUS SALES PROCEEDS CASH FLOW BEFORE DEBT SERVICE $6,282,297 ($4,835,546) $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $6,928,006 CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE Principal Amount Points Interest $4,365,497 ($4,365,497) $0 $0 PERMANENT MORTGAGE Principal Amount Points Fixed Debt Service C.F.Before Part. $4,365,497 $0 $459,724 ($470,050) C.F.Participation Debt Payment Upon Sale Residual Participation TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ($122,872) $0 $0 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 ($97,194) $0 $0 ($69,643) $0 $0 ($40,108) $0 $0 $459,724 ($8,468) $0 $0 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $25,402 $25,402 $0 $61,636 $61,636 $0 $100,376 $100,376 $0 $141,772 $141,772 $0 $6,468,282 $6,468,282 $0 $3,969,896 $0 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 ($122,872) ($97,194) ($69,643) ($40,108) $55,788 $178,505 $187,430 $0 $55,788 $178,505 $384,232 $0 $55,788 $153,634 $564,760 $0 $55,788 $124,099 $723,302 $0 $55,788 $92,459 $856,549 $0 ($154) $25,523 $28,203 $28,203 $28,203 $28,203 $5,848 $28,203 $28,203 $1,353,357 1.00 1.00 1.06 0.96 1.06 0.96 1.06 0.96 1.06 0.96 1.06 0.96 1.01 0.99 1.10 0.94 1.19 0.89 14.95 0.85 1.00 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.99 0.94 0.89 0.85 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $459,724 $4,429,621 $25,402 $61,636 $100,376 $141,772 $2,498,385 $55,788 $55,788 $55,788 $55,788 $0 $0 $0 $58,589 $960,896 $1,008,940 $1,059,387 $1,095,153 $0 $1,043,003 $1,037,372 $0 $55,788 (debt service,c.f. and residual part.) CASH FLOW AFTER DEBT SERVICE AND EQUITY Maximum Publi Subsidy Minus Rental Assistance Plus Public Subsidy ($470,050) ($79,092) $178,505 $0 (Accrued SHARP p. & i.) Sharp Repayment CASH FLOW AFTER PUBLIC SUBSIDY AND RENT.ASSIST. ($79,092) Debt Coverage Ratio Breakeven Occupancy Breakeven Occupancy w/ Partner Contribution ($8,468) $0 $1,089,240 $1,089,240 EXHIBIT E: AFTER TAX ANALYSIS YEAR 1 ACTIVITY NET OPERATING INCOME 2 Construction Operations 3 Operations Operations operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations 11 Sale $0 $281,065 $306,743 $334,293 $363,828 $395,468 $429,338 $465,572 $504,312 $545,709 $589,921 $0 $435,457 $432,916 $430,109 $427,008 $423,582 $419,798 $415,617 $410,998 $405,896 $400,260 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $198,495 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES Less: Interest Payments Interest Less: Depreciation Construction Period Taxes Interest $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 Leasing/Mkt. $100,000 Indirect Expenses Legal & Accit. Appraisals Insurance Permits Consultants $60,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $10,000 Financing Fees Const. Loan Fee Const.Loan Points Perm. Loan Points TOTAL DEDUCTIBLE $0 $0 $0 $0 $255,907 $669,859 PLUS REPLACEMENT RESERVE TAXABLE INCOME (LOSS) TAX LIABILITY (50%) TAX SHELTER (50%) $0 $0 $667,318 $0 $664,511 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $661,410 $657,984 $654,200 $650,019 $645,400 $640,298 $634,662 ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($217,516) ($179,862) ($139,447) ($96,088) ($49,590) $259 $0 $69,724 $0 $48,044 $0 $24,795 $130 $0 ($0) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($255,907) ($343,795) ($315,576) ($285,218) ($252,582) $0 $127,953 $0 $171,897 $0 $157,788 $0 $142,609 $0 $126,291 $0 $108,758 $0 $89,931 $0 $0 CAPITAL GAINS TAX Sales Proceeds $6,282,297 Basis Land Building Unamortized Expense Points Leasing Comissions $450,000 $1,587,960 $0 $0 Net Gain $4,244,337 Tax Liability (20%) $848,867 AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW (Leveraged) Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits ($79,092) $48,862 NET PRESENT VALUE Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits $184,514 $1,236,930 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits 42.67% N.A. ($154) $171,743 $25,523 $28,203 $28,203 $28,203 $28,203 $5,848 $28,203 $28,203 $1,353,227 $183,311 $170,812 $154,494 $136,961 $118,134 $75,571 $76,247 $52,998 $1,353,227 EXHIBIT VII: FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY WITH TELLER BONDS ALTERNATIVE #6 DEVELOPMENT PROFORMA: CENTRAL SQUARE HOUSING PROJECT EXHIBIT A: GENERAL INFORMATION DATE OF PROJECTION: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: NUMBER OF UNITS: EST. START DATE: COMPLETION DATE: CONSTRUCTION TIME: August 1,1985 CSR Project Cambridge, Ma. 45 4/1/1988 1/1/1990 20 months A. SITE INFORMATION B. UNIT CHARACTERISTICS Sqaure Footage of Parcel: 27,376 Bid. Gross Sqaure Footage: Bld. Net Square Footage: 47,400 38,520 81% 45 Building Efficiency: No. of Parking Spaces: Number of Units: Total Sq. Feet: No. of Studios: Sq. Ft. per unit: No. of (1) bedrm. Sq. Ft. per unit: No. Sq. No. Sq. of (2) bedrm.: ft. per unit: of (3) bedrm.: Ft. per unit: 45 47,400 0 0 9 660 36 905 0 0 BASIS FOR PROJECTIONS OPERATIONS PHASE DEVELOPMENT PHASE Land Site Improvements Building Construction Parking Consultants Architectural & Engineering Architectural Supervision Development Fee Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Organizational Costs $5,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $58.00 $5,000.00 per per per per per unit unit unit sq. feet unit $10,000 3.75% of const. cost 1.25% of const. cost 0.00% of const cost' $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $178,396 5% of total costs $0 $0 MONTHLY REVENUES Studio: (1) bedroom: (2) Bedroom: (3) bedroom: Parking Spaces: TOTAL ANNUAL REVENUES: ANNUAL EXPENSES Administrative Management: Maintenance: Real Estate Taxes: Utilities: (Common Area) Uti lities: (Units) Security: p.10 3 $0 $820 $1,000 $0 $50 $547,560 $5,000 $27,378 $10,951 $50,000 $10,000 $0 $30,000 per per per per per uni t unit unit unit space 5.00% of revenues 2.00% of revenues $0.00 per unit Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Bond Issuance Costs Commissions SALE: Stabilized Cap Rate: Disposition Cap Rate: Sales Expense: $0 7.00% of total costs $50,000 TOTAL EXPENSES: $5,000 $138,329 Replacement Res. $45,000 Water: $3,073.98 per unit LEASING 11.0% 9.0% 6.0% TAXATION: Ordinary Income: Capital Gains: 50% 20% STABILIZED YEAR: 2 Vacancy Rate: (Annual) Revenues: Lease-Up Year Reveues:Stabilized Year 5% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues 100.00% of gross revenues GROWTH FACTORS: Market Rents Operating Expenses 6% per annum 4% per annum 10 HOLDING PERIOD: (years) GENERAL PARTNER RATE OF RETURN 20% 10% Before Tax: After Tax: DISTRIBUTION TO LIMITED PARTNERS Percent of Cash Flow: Percent of Tax Benefits: Percent of Residuals: LIMITED PARTNER RATE OF RETURN After Tax: CONVENTION: FINANCING: 20% End of Year Tax-exempt TELLER bonds, 8% 30 years 39% 39% 39% EXHIBIT B: PROJECT COST ESTIMATE YEAR YR. 1 CONSTRUCTION YR. 2 LEASING COST PER SQUARE FOOT ITEM COST ESTIMATE Land $225,000 Improvements Building Parking Site Improvements Arch. & Eng. Architectural Supervision $2,749,200 $225,000 $0 $111,533 $37,178 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58.00 $4.75 $0.00 $2.35 $0.78 Total Improvements $3,347,910 $0 $70.63 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.27 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $1.05 $1.05 $3.76 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.05 $0.87 $6.52 $0 Consultants Legal and Accounting Appraisal Fees Permits Marketing/Leasing Insurance during Const. R.E. Taxes during Const. Contingency Construction Loan Fee Development Fee Organizational Costs Working Capital (Operating Deficits) Commissions Points Construction Interest Bond Issuance Costs $10,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $178,396 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $41,332 $309,069 $290,269 Total Indirect Costs $1,079,066 $0 $16.64 TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $4,426,976 $0 $87.27 EXHIBIT C: MORTGAGE SCHEDULE Financing Alternative: Perm. Mortg.Balance: Interest Rate: Term: Amortization Period: Mortgage Payment: 2 1 YEAR ACTIVITY LOAN BALANCE Operations Construction 3 Operations 6 5 4 Operations $4,426,976 11.00% 1.00% 50% 50.00% 50.00% Const. Mort. Balance: Construction Interest: Construction Points: Average out. Balance: Cash Flow/Lender: Residual/Lender: Operations Operations 7 operations 9 8 Operations Operations 10 Operations $4,426,976 $4,389,995 $4,349,944 $4,306,569 $4,259,594 $4,208,720 $4,153,623 $4,093,954 $4,029,332 $3,959,346 AMORTIZATION Total Amortization 2 $4,426,976 8.00% 15 30 $389,803 11 Sale $3,883,552 $36,981 $40,051 $43,375 $46,975 $50,874 $55,097 $59,670 $64,622 $69,986 $75,794 $352,822 $349,752 $346,428 $342,828 $338,929 $334,706 $330,133 $325,181 $319,817 $314,009 $543,424 INTEREST ..................................................................................................................... EXHIBIT 0: PROJECTED STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES 1 YEAR ACTIVITY 2 Construction Operations $547,560 GROSS REVENUES 5 3 6 7 9 8 10 11 Sale Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations $580,414 $615,238 $652,153 $691,282 $732,759 $776,724 $823,328 $872,727 $925,091 $46,255 $27,378 $29,021 $30,762 $32,608 $34,564 $36,638 $38,836 $41,166 $43,636 NET REVENUES $520,182 $551,393 $584,476 $619,545 $656,718 $696,121 $737,888 $782,161 $829,091 $878,837 LESS OPERATING EXPENSES $138,329 $143,862 $149,396 $154,929 $160,462 $165,995 $171,528 $177,061 $182,595 $188,128 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $645,709 LESS VACANCY RESERVE LESS REPLACEMENT RESERVE $0 NET OPERATING INCOME MINUS PROJECT COSTS $4,426,976 $0 $6,282,297 PLUS SALES PROCEEDS ($4,426,976) CASH FLOW BEFORE DEBT SERVICE I............................~.................................. ................... ................................ $336,853 $362,531 $390,081 $419,616 $451,256 $485,126 $521,360 $560,100 $601,497 $6,928,006 CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGE Principal Amount Points Interest $4,426,976 ($4,426,976) $0 $0 PERMANENT MORTGAGE $4,426,976 $0 $389,803 Principal Amount Points Fixed Debt Service C.F.Before Part. $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $278 $278 $0 $29,813 $29,813 $0 $61,453 $61,453 $0 $95,323 $95,323 $0 $131,557 $131,557 $0 $170,297 $170,297 $0 $211,694 $211,694 $0 $6,538,203 $6,538,203 $0 $3,883,552 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $389,803 $4,273,355 $278 $29,813 $61,453 $95,323 $131,557 $170,297 $211,694 $2,654,651 $30,720 $30,720 $30,720 $30,720 $30,720 $30,720 $30,720 $30,733 $64,603 $100,837 $139,577 $180,974 $2,623,931 $0 ($52,950) $0 $0 ($27,272) $0 $0 $0 $389,803 $389,803 CASH FLOW AFTER DEBT SERVICE $0 ($52,950) ($27,272) Minus Rental Assistance Plus Public Subsidy $0 $30,720 $30,720 $30,720 ($83,670) ($57,992) ($30,442) C.F.Participation Debt Payment Upon Sale Residual Participation TOTAL DEBT SERVICE (debt service,c.f. and residual part.) CASH FLOW AFTER PUBLIC SUBSIDY AND RENT. ASSISTANCE Debt Coverage Ratio Breakeven Occupancy Breakeven Occupancy w/ Partner Contribution ($907) 0.79 1.16 0.85 1.11 0.92 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.08 0.95 1.17 0.91 1.26 0.86 1.36 0.82 1.46 0.79 1.61 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.91 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.75 5 6 7 8 9 10 EXHIBIT E: AFTER TAX ANALYSIS YEAR 2 3 4 Operations Operations Operations $0 $306,133 $331,811 $359,361 $388,896 $0 $352,822 $349,752 $346,428 $185,995 $185,995 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $100,000 $0 1 ACTIVITY NET OPERATING INCOME Construction Operations Operations 11 Operations Operations Operations Operations $420,536 $454,406 $490,640 $529,380 $570,777 $614,989 $342,828 $338,929 $334,706 $330,133 $325,181 $319,817 $314,009 $185,995 $185,995 $185,995 $185,995 $185,995 $185,995 $185,995 $185,995 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 $5,000 $30,907 Sale DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES Less: Interest Payments Interest Less: Depreciation Construction Period Taxes Interest Leasing/Mkt. Indirect Expenses Legal & Acc't. Appraisals Insurance Permits Consultants $60,000 $0 $50,000 $0 $10,000 Financing Fees Const. Loan Fee Const.Loan Points Perm. Loan Points TOTAL DEDUCTIBLE $0 $0 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $2,755 $577,479 $574,410 $571,085 $567,485 $563,586 $559,364 $554,791 $549,838 $544,475 $538,666 ($0) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($45,000) ($258,662) ($226,346) ($197,599) ($166,724) ($133,589) ($98,050) ($59,958) ($19,151) $24,542 $71,302 $0 $129,331 $0 $113,173 $0 $66,794 $0 $49,025 $0 $29,979 $12,271 $0 $35,651 $0 $258,662 PLUS REPLACEMENT RESERVE TAXABLE INCOME (LOSS) TAX LIABILITY (50%) TAX SHELTER (50%) $0 $98,799 $0 $83,362 $0 $9,575 $121,323 $60,661 $0 CAPITAL GAINS TAX $6,282,297 Sales Proceeds Basis Land Building Unamort ized Expense Points Leasing Comissions $225,000 $1,487,960 $11,022 $0 Net Gain $4,558,315 Tax Liability (20%) $911,663 AFTER-TAX CASH FLOW (Leveraged) Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits $0 $129,331 NET PRESENT VALUE Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits $338,192 $1,255,234 INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN Without Tax Benefits With Tax Benefits 44.55% N.A. ($83,670) ($57,992) ($30,442) $60,223 $71,527 $83,640 ($907) $96,608 $30,733 $64,603 $100,837 $127,306 $145,323 $2,563,270 $110,478 $125,302 $141,132 $158,026 $176,043 $1,682,327 109 NOTES 1. Interview with Donald Tofias of Central Trust on May 16, June 20 and July 19,1985. Plaza 2. Letter from Stephen I. Burr of Herrick and Arnold B. Tofias, June 10,1985. Realty Smith to 3. Interview with Donald Tofias, June, 20,1985. 4. Interview with Fred Kramer of ADD, Inc., June 22,1985. Telephone interview with Anne Whittington, Program 5. Officer, Cambridge Community Development Department, August 3,1985. 6. Telephone interview with Anne Whittington, August 3,1985. Interview with Michael Rosenberg, Assistant Director for 7. Housing, Cmabridge Community Development Department, June 26,1985. a) Helen Moulton 8. Interivews with the following brokers: Rally of with Davis b) 30,1985; July of Ellis and Andrews, 28,1985; and July Noonan, c) Brendan 15,1985; Hunaman, July Rettig and Ingram, of Beatty Tod and Ingram 4) O'Neil Beatty, July 23, 1985. 9. Telephone interview with Susan Theil of the Rent Control Office, July 28,1985. Cambridge Interview with Joseph Antenelli, Senior Site Evaluation 10. Officer of Massachusetts Housing Financing Agency, July 11, 1985. 11. Interview with Leslie Watt, Project Manager for the Winn Development Company, July 9, 1985. 1) Helen Moulton, July 30,1985; 22) Interviews with: 12. 3) Brendan Noonan, July 28,1985 15,1985; July Rally, Davis 985. 23, July Beatty, and 4) Tod Burr of Herrick and Smith to Letter from Stephen I. 13. and telephone interview with 10,1985 June Tofias, Arnold B. 13,1985. August Donald Tofias, Telephone 14. 3,1985. interview with 110 Anne Whittington, August Interview with Bobert Mervis, Staff Director of 15. Cambridge Rent Control Office, July 19,1985. the Cambridge Election Commission, Rules for Counting 16. of City Representation, Proportional under Ballots Cambridge, 1941. 17. Interview with Robert Mervis, July 19,1985. members Interview with Donald Tofias and 18. Neighborhood Four Coalition, July 10,1985. 19. of the Interview with Leslie Watt, July 9,1985. Telephone interviews with Kent Hitechew, Assistant Vice 20. President, Drexel Burnham Lambert, Inc., July 15, 1985 and David Smith, Vice President, Boston Financial Technology Group, August 5,1985. 21. Telephone interview with Kent Hitechew, July 15, 22. Telephone interview with Kent Hitechew, and David Smith, August 5,1985. August 1985. 1,1985 23. Telephone Interview with David Smith, August 8,1985. 24. Telephone interview with Tony Wallace, Multifamily Representative, Department of Housing and Urban Development Area Office, July 19,1985. Interview with Mark 25. Consultant, June 29, 1985. Williams, Mulitfamily 26. Interview with Mark Williams, June 29, Housing 1985. a) 27. The following sources were used for this section: telephone interviews with Paul Burbine, Director of Finance, Massachussetts Housibf Finance Agency, July 17 and August 1, July 29 b) Interview with Mark Williams on July 14, 1985; c) Massachussetts Housing Finance and August 6, 1985; Agency, Program Guidelines, State Housing Assistance for Rental Production, January 25,1985. a) The following sources were used for this section: 28. Program Draiser, Mark with interviews Telephone and Communities Office of Executive Representative, Development, July 7, 1985 and July 25,1985; b) Interviews c) Executive Office of Mark Williams July 26; with Loans to Communtiies and Development, Tax exempt Local Encourage Rental Housing Program, April 19,1985. 29. Telephone interview with Kent Hitechew, July 15, 111 1985. 30. Telephone interview with Kent Hitechew, August 1,1985. 31. Telephone Interview with David Smith, August 6, 1985 and Mark Williams, July 28,1985. 32. Telephone interview with Stephen Wasco, Director of Multifamily Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development, August 8,1985. 33. Telephone interview with Kent Hitechew, August 3,1985. 34. Interview with Mark Williams, July 18,1985. 35.The following source was used for this section: telephone interview with Paul Burbine, August 2,1985. 112