EDUCATION PLAN Name student : ANR number (six digits) : Research Master program: Year : Education Coordinator : Director of Graduate Studies : Information: In this Education Plan (EP) you write down the courses you’ll follow for the coming academic year. Please consult with your Education Coordinator (EC) which courses you should follow. If you decide during the year to deviate from your Education Plan, first get approval from the EC before deviating from the Education Plan. After that, hand in a new EP. Procedure: 1. Compose together with your EC your Education Plan. 2. The EC signs and forwards the EP to the Graduate Office (deadline October 1) 3. Graduate Office checks and arranges approval of the DGS 4. You receive an email when the EP has been formally approved. 5. If you want to change your EP after formal approval, consult your EC. SIGNATURES Date Student Education Coordinator Director of Graduate Studies 1 Signature Note: Please write clearly and fill in the form completely Course name Code ECTS _________ Total number of ECTS: 2