Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1(2001), pp. 25–34 Testing Block Sphericity of a Covariance Matrix Prueba de Esfericidad por Bloques para una Matriz de Covarianza Liliam Cardeño (lacero@matematicas.udea.edu.co) Daya K. Nagar (nagar@matematicas.udea.edu.co) Departamento de Matemáticas Universidad de Antioquia, Medellı́n A. A. 1226, Colombia Abstract This article deals with the problem of testing the hypothesis that q p-variate normal distributions are independent and that their covariance matrices are equal. The exact null distribution of the likelihood ratio statistic when q = 2 is obtained using inverse Mellin transform and the definition of Meijer’s G-function. Results for p = 2, 3, 4 and 5 are given in computable series forms. Key words and phrases: block sphericity, distribution, inverse Mellin transform, Meijer’s G-function, residue theorem. Resumen Este artı́culo trata el problema de probar la hiptesis de que q distribuciones normales p-variadas son independientes y con matrices de covarianza son iguales. La distribución exacta nula del estadı́stico de razón de verosimilitudes cuando q = 2 se obtiene usando la transformada inversa de Mellin y la definicin de la G-funcin de Meijer. Los resultados para p = 2, 3, 4 y 5 se dan en forma de series calculables. Palabras y frases clave: esfericidad por bloques, distribución, transformada inversa de Mellin, función G de Meijer, teorema del residuo. Recibido 2000/09/18. Aceptado 2001/04/10. MSC (2000): Primary 62H10; Secondary 62H15. 26 1 Liliam Cardeño, Daya K. Nagar Introduction Suppose that the pq × 1 random vector X has a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector µ and covariance matrix Σ and that X, µ and Σ are partitioned as ¡ ¢0 ¡ ¢0 X = X 01 X 02 · · · X 0q , µ = µ01 µ02 · · · µ0q and Σ11 Σ21 Σ= . . . Σq1 Σ12 ··· Σ22 ··· Σq2 ··· Σ1q Σ2q Σqq where X i and µi are p × 1 and Σij is p × p, i, j = 1, . . . , q. Consider testing the null hypothesis H that the subvectors X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X q are independent and that the covariance matrices of these subvectors are equal, i.e., ∆ 0 ··· 0 0 ∆ ··· 0 H:Σ=. . . 0 0 ··· ∆ against the alternative Ha that H is not true. In H the common covariance matrix ∆ is unspecified. Olkin, while extending the circular symmetric model to the case where the symmetries are exhibited in blocks, defined H and called it block sphericity hypothesis (see [13]). Let A be the sample sum of squares and product matrix formed from a sample of size N = n + 1. Partition A as A = (Aij ) where Aij is p × p, i, j = 1, . . . , q. The likelihood ratio statistic for testing H (see [17]) is given by 1 Λ= det(A) 2 N ³ P ´ 12 qN . q det 1q i=1 Aii The null hypothesis is rejected if Λ ≤ Λ0 where Λ0 is determined by the null distribution and level of significance. When p = 1, the hypothesis of block sphericity reduces to the Mauchly sphericity hypothesis H : Σ = σ 2 Iq which has been studied extensively, e.g., see Sugira [15, 16], Khatri and Srivastava Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 Testing Block Sphericity of a Covariance Matrix 27 [6, 7], Muirhead [10], Gupta [3], Nagar, Jain and Gupta [11] and Amey and Gupta [1]. The hypothesis of block sphericity is useful in multivariate repeated measures designs (see [17]). Since, A ∼ Wpq (n, Σ), the hth null moment of Λ can be obtained by integrating over Wishart density. We have Z 1 ¡ ¢ 1 1 det(A) 2 N h h pqN h 2 2 (n−pq−1) etr − 1 Σ−1 A dA E(Λ ) = q cpq,n q 2 ¡P ¢ 12 qN h det(A) Aii A>0 det i=1 µX ¶− 12 qN h q ¡ ¢ 1 det Aii det(A) 2 (N h+n−pq−1) etr − 21 Σ−1 A dA Z =q 1 2 pqN h cpq,n i=1 A>0 where cm,n = 2 1 2 nm π 1 4 m(m−1) m · Y 1 j=1 2 −1 ¸ (n − j + 1) det(Σ) 1 2n . (1.1) Consequently, 1 E(Λh ) = q 2 pqN h cpq,n E det cpq,N h+n à q X !− 12 qN h Aii (1.2) i=1 where A ∼ Wpq (n + N h, Σ). Under H, AP 11 , . . . , Aqq are independent Wishart q matrices, Aii ∼ Wp (n+N h, ∆). Hence, i=1 Aii ∼ Wp ((n+N h)q, ∆). Using Theorem 3.3.22 of [5], we obtain " µ q ¶− 12 qN h # X Aii E det i=1 =2 − 21 pqN h det(∆) − 12 qN h p Y (1.3) Γ[ 12 (nq − i + 1)] . Γ[ 12 (nq + N qh − i + 1)] i=1 Substituting (1.3) in (1.2) and using (1.1) we obtain the hth null moment of Λ as 1 E(Λh ) = q 2 pqN h p pq Y Γ[ 12 (nq − i + 1)] Γ[ 12 (n + N h − j + 1)] Y . (1.4) Γ[ 12 (n − j + 1)] Γ[ 12 (nq + N qh − i + 1)] i=1 j=1 The exact non-null distribution of Λ, for q = 2 and under two specific alternatives, has been derived by Gupta and Chao [4]. The asymptotic null Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 28 Liliam Cardeño, Daya K. Nagar distribution of −2 ln Λ is chi-square with 12 p(q − 1)(pq + p + 1) d.f. The null 2 distribution of Λ N , in series involving Bernoulli polynomials, is available in [?, CG] 1 In this article we will derive the exact null distribution of V = Λ N by using inverse Mellin transform and residue theorem (see [14, 12]). 2 Exact density of V 1 In order to obtain the exact density function f (v) of V = Λ N we start with the null moment expression. Substituting q = 2 in (1.4) the hth moment of V is simplified as ¾ p ½ ¾ 2p ½ Y Γ[ 12 h + 12 (n − j + 1)] Y Γ[n − 21 (j − 1)] h ph E(V ) = 2 Γ[ 12 (n − j + 1)] Γ[h + n − 12 (j − 1)] j=1 j=1 This will be rewritten in a slightly different form by using duplication formula for gamma function µ ¶ 22z−1 1 Γ(2z) = √ Γ(z)Γ z + . 2 π Then E(V h ) = K(n, p) ¾ p ½ Y Γ(h + n − 2p − 1 + 2j) j=1 where K(n, p) = Γ[h + n − 12 (j − 1)] ¾ p ½ Y Γ[n − 12 (j − 1)] . Γ(n − 2p − 1 + 2j) j=1 (2.1) (2.2) 1 Now the density function f (v) of V = Λ N is obtained by taking inverse Mellin transform of E(V h ) as Z −1 f (v) = (2πι) E(V h )v −h−1 dh, 0 < v < 1, (2.3) √ L where ι = −1 and L is a suitable contour. Substituting (2.1) in (2.3) and applying the transformation h + n − 2p = t, one obtains ¾ Z Y p ½ Γ(t + 2j − 1) n−2p−1 −1 f (v) = K(n, p)v (2πι) v −t dt, 1 L1 j=1 Γ[t + 2p − 2 (j − 1)] 0 < v < 1, Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 (2.4) Testing Block Sphericity of a Covariance Matrix 29 where L1 is the changed contour and K(n, p) is defined in (2.2). Now, using the definition of Meijer’s G-function (see [8]), the density of V is written as ¸ · ¯ ¯2p − 12 (j − 1), j = 1, . . . , p , 0 < v < 1, f (v) = K(n, p)v n−2p−1 Gp,0 v ¯ p,p 2j − 1, j = 1, . . . , p where Gp,0 p,p [ ] is the Meijer’s G-function. Explicit expressions for the density of V for particular values of p will be obtained by evaluating the integral in (2.4) with the help of of residue theorem. From (2.4), the density for p = 2 is obtained as Z f (v) = K(n, 2)v n−5 (2πι)−1 L1 Γ(t + 1) v −t dt, 0 < v < 1. (t + 3)Γ(t + 27 ) (2.5) The integrand has simple poles at t = −r − 1, r = 0, 1, 3, 4, . . ., and a pole of order two at t = −3. The residue at t = −r − 1, r 6= 2, is ¸ (t + 1 + r)Γ(t + 1) −t lim v t→−r−1 (t + 3)Γ(t + 72 ) · ¸ (t + 1 + r)(t + 1 + r − 1) · · · (t + 1)Γ(t + 1) −t = lim v t→−r−1 (t + 1 + r − 1) · · · (t + 1)(t + 3)Γ(t + 72 ) · ¸ Γ(t + 1 + r + 1) −t = lim v t→−r−1 (t + 1 + r − 1) · · · (t + 1)(t + 3)Γ(t + 7 ) 2 · = (−1)r+1 1 v r+1 . r! (r − 2)Γ( 25 − r) Simplifying Γ( 52 − r) in the above expression using the result Γ(β − j) = (−1)j Γ(β)Γ(1−β) Γ(1−β+j) we obtain the residue at t = −r − 1 as − 1 Γ(r − 32 ) r+1 v , r 6= 2. π r! (r − 2) Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 30 Liliam Cardeño, Daya K. Nagar The residue at t = −3 is derived as · · ¸ ¸ Γ(t + 4) ∂ (t + 3)2 Γ(t + 1) −t ∂ −t lim v = lim v t→−3 ∂t t→−3 ∂t (t + 1)(t + 2)Γ(t + 7 ) (t + 3)Γ(t + 72 ) 2 · ¸ ¾ ½ ∂ Γ(t + 4) Γ(t + 4) ln − ln v = lim v −t 7 t→−3 ∂t (t + 1)(t + 2)Γ(t + 2 ) (t + 1)(t + 2)Γ(t + 27 ) ½ ¾ X Γ(t + 4) −t = lim ψ(t + 4) − (t + i)−1 − ψ(t + 27 ) − ln v 7 v t→−3 (t + 1)(t + 2)Γ(t + ) 2 i=1,2 ½ ¾ 1 1 1 = ψ(1) + + 1 − ψ( 2 ) − ln v v3 2 (−2)(−1)Γ( 21 ) ½ ¾ 3 1 = + 2 ln 2 − ln v √ v 3 2 2 π where ψ( ) is the psi function (ver [9]). Now applying the residue theorem to the right hand side of (2.5), the density f (v) is obtained as · ½ ¸ ∞ ³v ´ ¾ 1 1 X Γ(r − 32 ) r+1 3 √ v3 f (v) = K(n, 2)v n−5 − v + − ln π r! (r − 2) 2 4 2 π r=0r6=2 for 0 < v < 1. For p = 3, (2.4) simplifies to Z Γ(t + 1) f (v) = K(n, 3)v n−7 (2πι)−1 L1 (t + 5)(t + 4)(t + 3)Γ(t + 11 v 2 ) −t dt (2.6) The integrand has simple poles at t = −r − 1, r = 0, 1, 5, 6, . . ., and poles of order two at t = −r − 1, r = 2, 3, 4. Evaluating residues at these poles and using residue theorem, the density in this case is obtained (for 0 < v < 1) as · ∞ Γ(r − 27 ) K(n, 3) n−7 2 4 2 1 X √ √ f (v) = v v− v − v r+1 315 45 π π r=5 r! (r − 2)(r − 3)(r − 4) ¸ v ´ 3 1³1 v´ 4 1 ³ 43 v´ 5 1³8 − ln v − + ln v + − ln v . + 3 3 4 3 6 4 48 12 4 For p = 4, (2.4) reduces to Z f (v) = K(n, 4)v n−9 (2πι)−1 Γ(t + 1)Γ(t + 3) 7 Q L1 j=5 (t + j)Γ(t + 15 2 )Γ(t v −t dt. + 13 2 ) Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 (2.7) Testing Block Sphericity of a Covariance Matrix 31 The integrand has simple poles at t = −1, −2, poles of order two at t = −1−r, r = 2, 3, 7, 8, . . ., and poles of order three at t = −1 − r, r = 4, 5, 6. Evaluating residues at these poles and using the residue theorem, we get the density for p = 4 as · f (v) = K(n, 4)v n−9 − + 1 1 v− v2 2( 9 ) 660 Γ2 ( 11 ) 270 Γ 2 2 ³ 1 v´ 3 1 2521 + ln v − 7 420 2 16 168 Γ ( 2 ) 90 Γ2 ( 25 ) µ ∞ ½ 7 X 1 X 1 − ψ(r − ψ(r + 1) + ψ(r − 1) + π 2 r=7 r − j j=4 v 71 + ln 15 16 ¶ v4 ¾ 11 2 ) − ψ(r − 92 ) − ln v ½³ ¾ Γ(r − 92 )Γ(r − 11 1 v 13 ´2 1781 2π 2 v 5 2 ) v r+1 + ln + + − r!(r − 2)!(r − 4)(r − 5)(r − 6) 12π 16 4 144 3 2 ½³ ¾ 1 127 v ´2 31769 2π 2 v 6 − − ln + − 360π 60 16 3600 3 2 ½³ ¾ ¸ v 121 ´2 33 2π 2 v 7 15 − ln + + − , 0 < v < 1. − 2(6!)2 π 16 30 200 3 2 For p = 5, (2.4) slides to Z f (v) = K(n, 5)v n−11 (2πι) −1 L1 Q9 Γ(t + 1)Γ(t + 3) aj j=5 (t + j) Γ(t + 17 2 )Γ(t + 19 2 ) v −t dt, 0 < v < 1, (2.8) where a5 = a6 = a8 = a9 = 1 and a7 = 2. The integrand has simple poles at t = −1, −2, poles of order 2 at t = −1 − r, r = 2, 3, 9, 10, . . ., poles of order 3 at t = −5, −6, −8, −9 and a pole of order 4 at t = −7. Evaluating residues at Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 32 Liliam Cardeño, Daya K. Nagar these poles and using residue theorem, the density is derived as f (v) = K(n, 5)v n−11 (0) · (0) (0) (0) (0) A1 v + A2 v 2 + (− ln v + B3 )A3 v 3 (0) + (− ln v + B4 )A4 v 4 + o j X n (0) (1) (0) v (− ln v + Bj )2 + Bj Aj 2 j=5,6,8 n o 7 (0) (1) (0) (1) (2) (0) v + (− ln v + B7 )3 + 3(− ln v)B7 + 3B7 B7 + B7 A7 3! ¸ ∞ X r + (− ln v + Br(0) )A(0) r v , 0 < v < 1. r=9 where (0) A1 = (0) B3 12 , (10)!Γ2 ( 15 2 ) =− (0) A5 = (0) A6 = (0) (0) 5219 + 2 ln 4, 693 (0) A4 = 5 , (8)!Γ2 ( 72 ) B5 2 , 15(6)!Γ2 ( 52 ) B6 1 , 3(5)!(7)!π B8 A8 = − A7 = (0) A2 = 7 , 2(9)!Γ2 ( 32 ) A3 = 2 , 3(6)!Γ2 ( 29 ) B4 (0) 1 , 44(6)!Γ2 ( 11 2 ) 1691 + 2 ln 4 252 (0) =− (1) = 1202849 2π 2 − , 88200 3 (1) = 10969 2π 2 − , 720 3 (1) = 911681 2π 2 − , 88200 3 (1) = 24947 2π 2 − , 1800 3 (0) =− 569 + 2 ln 4, 105 B5 (0) =− 69 + 2 ln 4, 20 B6 (0) = 989 + 2 ln 4, 210 B8 (0) =− 2 + 2 ln 4, 15 B7 B7 656261 + 2π 2 − 4ζ(3), 54000 15 Γ(r − 13 2 )Γ(r − 2 ) =− Q 9 π 2 r!(r − 2)! j=5 (r + 1 − j)aj (2) B7 A(0) r 4 , 5(7)!Γ2 ( 13 2 ) =− and Br(0) = ψ(r + 1) + ψ(r − 1) + 9 X j=5 aj (r + 1 − j)−1 − ψ(r − 13 15 ) − ψ(r − ). 2 2 Divulgaciones Matemáticas Vol. 9 No. 1 (2001), pp. 25–34 Testing Block Sphericity of a Covariance Matrix 33 The method employed above can also be used to derive the exact density for p ≥ 6. 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