Darrall P. Flowers Strong and Diverse Educational Background

Darrall P. Flowers
dflowers@iastate.edu | 469-450-9351
Strong and Diverse Educational Background
Iowa State University, Aug 2012-May 2017
B.S. Software Engineering – GPA: 3.15
Frisco High School, 2008 – 2012- Frisco, Texas
Technical Work Experiences
Passionate Leadership
NetApp Infrastructure Dev Analyst Intern
Summer ‘15
 Developed back end HTML parser in C# in order to optimize
Army ROTC – Battalion Staff Member
service request for NetApp’s E-series servers
Created a front end web based interface using Visual Studios
2013 in order to organize online request for data rack storage
builds, using Java script and HTML 5
Iowa State University Ensoft SDE Intern
Summer ‘14
 Created a large scale data mining framework for Android
applications and successfully scraped 800,000 Android apps
from various app stores.
Performed program analysis of Android apps using graph
theory and static analysis techniques inside Ensoft’s
ATLAS/XCSG program.
Developed a webpage to analyze Android applications using
php, css and java script.
Created mutli-threading Java based scripts to conduct multiple
processes when downloading Android apps.
Research Assistant (ISU) Prof. Dr. Zambreno
Summer ‘14
 Created a software frame work to maintain flight stability with
robust networking capabilities for a quad helicopter using C++
and C.
Front End Web Developer (ISU)Dr. Stephens
Spring ‘14
 Designed a course matching algorithm to match students with
suggested clubs and organizations using Google app scripts.
 Java
 C#
 C/Python
 Agile Development
 Git
Cadet Summer Training Fort Knox, Kentucky in ‘15
Basic Officer Leadership Course B Army ROTC
Academic Program for Excellence(APEX) with ISU in ’12
10 weeks
BigXII Conference on Student Govt. – Co-Chair
Coordinated cross country Battalion Staff Ride to Gettysburg
Lead multimedia team to promote Cyclone Battalion
Spring ‘14
Orchestrated multicultural conference with 13 collegiate
institutions to network student governments
Fund raised 150,000 with 30 companies
Technical Projects
MathisFun! : Mircosoft Hackthon
Created a game to teach children basic problem solving skills
using the Xbox Kinect SDK
Touch Pro : Android Application Development
Designed mobile app that monitors touch sensitivity to score
using Andriod SDK and Java
Operation New Face : ISU Army ROTC
Updated CSS and Java script for Cyclone Battalion web page
Army ROTC MacArthur Award
Deans List-Spring 2015
Armed Forces Communcation and Electronics Asscoation Cert.
Army Physical Fitness Excellence Award
IINSPIRE-LSAMP Scholarship Award
Web Dev
 Responsive Design
 CSS3
 Node.js
 Javascript/JQuery
 API Design
Soft Skills
 Public Speaking
 Adobe InDesign
 Agile Project Mgmt.
 Investment Mgmt.
 Army Driven Leadership
 Technical Writing