1. Name : Prof. GIRINDRA KUMAR 2. Date of Birth : 14th August 1951 3. Father’s Name 4. Place of Birth : Ramnagar; West Champaran; Bihar. 5. Marital Status : Married 6. Spouse : 7. Corresponding Address : Department of Geography, T.C. & R.M., Mizoram University, Aizawl – 796001. 8. Permanent Address : : Late Kameshwar ‘Vidrohi’ Mrs. Gauri ‘Kavya – Kunj’; Ramnagar – 845106; West Champaran; Bihar. Academic record Sl.No Examination Passed 1. Higher Secondary 2. 3. 4. B.A (Honours) M.A (Geog) Ph.D 10. Work Experiences : Division with % of Board/University marks 1st division, 66.44% Bihar Secondary School Exam Board II Class, 53% Patna University st 1 Class, 60.87% Patna University Awarded Patna University Year 1966 1969 1971 1982 1. Research Fellow, ICSSR from April 1974 to March 1976. 2. Lecturer, F.A. College, Mokokchung, Nagaland, from April 1976 to March 1983. (i)Lecturer, Pachhunga Univ.College, Aizawl (1983– 1988); (ii)Sr.Lecturer,P.U.College(1988-1996); (iii)Reader, P.U. College (1996 - 2004); (iv) Head, Geography Deptt., P.U. College, Aizawl from 1998 to March 2004. (v) Reader, Deptt. Of Geography, T.C.& R.M., Mizoram University from 4.3.2004 till date. 3. Head, Deptt. of Geography, T.C.& R.M., Mizoram University from April 2004to July 2007 4. Hony. Director (Conference) Mizoram University (2004-05) 5. Vice President, Geography Association of Mizoram (GAM), 2001-2006. 6. President, Geography Association of Mizoram,2006-08 11. Examiner 12. Consultancy : * * 7. Editor : Geographic : A Journal of Geography Association of Mizoram (2001-2008) 10. Member, Editorial Board of Indian Geographer 11. Executive Member, IIPA, Mizoram Branch. 12. Executive Member, National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) 2006-08. 13. Member, Academic Council, Mizoram University2009-12. 14. Member, Court, Mizoram Univrsity. 15. Advisor, Project on “ Techniques of Survey and Planning for Conservation and Sustainable Use Of Biodiversity in Mizoram” of ATREE & MoEF 16. Member Board of studies, Deptt. Of Geography and R.M. 17.Member,BoardofStudies, Deptt. Of Forestry 18.Member, SchoolBoardof Earth Sciences and NRM 19Member SchoolBoard of Social Sciences 20. Member School Board of Economics, Management and Information Science . 21.Member, Executive Council, MZU 21.06.2011 (for 3 years) 22. Member, Editorial Board, Geographic, GAM Ph.D: - Patna University, Patna. * V.K.S. University, Ara. J.N.U. NewDelhi. L.N.Mithila Univ., Darbhanga * Post Graduate: – Mizoram Univ. NEHU,Shillong Nagaland Univ. Bardhaman Univ. Patna univ. V.K.S. Univ. Ara V.B. Univ., Hazaribagh . * Under Graduate: – Mizoram Univ. * Assam Univ. * Nagaland Univ. Association of Social Research & Action (ASRA), New Delhi. * Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad. * Society for Social Harmony, Research & Management (SHRAM), New Delhi. * Project on “ Techniques of Survey and Ashoka Trust of Research in Ecology and the Environment Planning for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Mizoram” of ATREE & MoEF 13. Present Position 14. Area of Specialization : Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography and Resource Management; Mizoram University, : 15. Expert Lectures Delivered: * * * Resource Management & Regional Planning Environmental Geography Urban Geography. Mechanics of Monsoon – NEHU, Mizoram Campus, 1989. ii) Society and Changes – NEHU, Mizoram Campus, 1991. iii) Research Priorities in Geography, NEHU, Mizoram Campus, 1992. iv) Intra State Population Change in Mizoram and Its Impact.; IIPA, Mizoram Branch; 1998. i) v) Development and Utilization of Forest Resources in Mizoram: A Study in Resource Management, Patna University, 2001. vi) Ecological Issues and Resource Development in North East India,VKS University,Ara, 2001. vii) Economic Reforms and Mizoram : An Impact Assessment; IIPA,Mizoram Branch; 2002 viii) Use of Remote Sensing in Slope Sustainability studies; U.P. College, Varanasi; 2007 ix) Monitoring and Analysis of Land Use in Mizo Hills: A Remote Sensing Approach; U.P. College,Varanasi; 2007 x) Acquisition of Geospatial Data w.r.t.Changing Urban Landscape; U.P.College, Varanasi;2008 xi) Utility Services and Geomatics in Urban Environment; U.P.College, Varanasi; 2008. xii) Synthetic Nature of Geography, RC in Geography, Academic Staff College, MZU. 9th Feb. 2010. xiii) Politics of Resource Management: Paradoxes of Approaches, RC in Geography, Academic Staff College, MZU, 15th Feb.2010 xiv) Climatic Change and Global Warming; RC in Environmental Science, Academic Staff College; MZU, 2nd Aug. 2010. xv) Climatic Change: Observable Facts, RC in Environmental Science, Academic Staff College; MZU, 9th Aug. 2010. xvi)Dynamics of Development,R.C. in History, Academic Staff College, MZU xvii) Resource Use and Planning: Imlications in Geography Teaching; 2nd Refresher Course in Geography; 15.2.11 xviii) Geography’s Inner World; 2nd RC in Geography;16.2.11 xix) Demographic Processes and Developmentalism; 2nd RC in Geography; 22.2.11 xv) Ecology and sustainable Development, Lecture at Geography Department,Veer Kunwar Singh University, Ara; 2nd July, 2011. xvi) Lectures in the 5th Orientation Programme, UGCASC, MZU, xvii) Bhugol mein vaigyanic evam takniki shabdavali, Confeence on Scientific Technological Terminalogy; organized by Dept. of Hindi, MZU and Commission for Scientific Technological Terminology,MHRD, Govt. of India, 26th July 2011. Modelling Development in Watersheds, Tuichhuahen watershed: A Case Study: xiii) 'Natural Resource Management: Conflicting ideas' Invited lecture in workshop under the auspices of Government of Bihar and Geoshilitics, Patna; 4-5th Feb.2012. xix)Natural Resource Management: Alternative strategy; Invited lecture in National seminar on Resource use and Misuse, th organized by V.B. University, Hazaribagh, 11-12 Feb. 2012 xx) Natural Resource Management: An Overview; 1st RC in Earth Sciences and Natural Resource Management; 15.3.2012. xxi) Key Issues in Natural Resource Management; 1st RC in Earth Sciences and Natural Resource Management; 19.3.2012. 16. Member of the Academic Bodies : 1. National Assn. of Geographers, India. (NAGI) 2. The Geographical Soc. of the N.E.H. Region, Shillong. 3. North East India Geog. Soc., Guwahati. 4. Geographical Research Center, Patna. 5. Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. 6. Geosheelitics, Patna 7. Geography Assn. of Mizoram (GAM), Aizawl. 8. National Geographic 9. Centre for Science and Environment 10 Institute of Indian Geographers 1. Seminar on ‘Urbanization in Mizoram’ Sponsored by ICSSR- NERC, Shillong, on 17th April, 1996. 2. Refresher Course in Geography, Sponsored by the UGC, Under RCC – Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Gov’t of Mizoram, 20th Nov. to 10th Dec. 2001. 3. Orientation Workshop for Under Graduate Teachers, 16th –20th May 2005. nd 4. 2 Annual Conference of Geography Association of Mizoram, 19th May 2006. rd 5.3 Annual Conference of Geography Association of Mizoram, 6. 4th Annual Conference of Geography Association of Mizoram, 3rd Oct. 2008. 7. 2nd Refresher in Geography sponsored by the UGC (15th Feb-08 March, 2011 18. Publication (Research Papers) : List Attached. 17. Organization of Symposia etc. : 19. Publication (Books) : 20. Reports : 1. Urbanization of Mizoram : Retrospect & Prospects (Editor); Linkman Pub.; Kolkata, 1999. 2. Dynamics of Development and Planning: Mizoram A Comprehensive Regional Analysis; {ln Press) KALPAZ, New Delhi, 2011 * ‘Evaluation Report on SGRY of Miozoram to the Ministry of Rural Development (2003), Gov’t of India; New Delhi. * Systems’ Requirement for Kiosk based village information system in Aizawl (2003) for Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) through Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad. * Status of Aged Persons in Mizoram (2004), Association of Social Research & Action, New Delhi. List of publications Sl No Title of the Paper Year of Pub Resource:Concept and Regional Significance 1981 Nagaland : A study in Environmental Determinism of Population Distribution, 1983 Forest Resource Evaluation Search for supplementary 1992 Economic Base in Nagaland Name of the Journal/Books Indian Geographical Studies, Bul.16, Geog. Research Centre, Patna. 4. Environmental Control on land use in Nagaland and its scope of Development 1992 - do - 5. Hydrological controls on the Distribution and suitability of Agricultural Activities in Nagaland 1992 Advances in Forestry (Ed. L.K. Jha) 6. Resource Management and Economic development Regional Geography of Nagaland Urban Growth of Aizawl 1992 Society and Change (Ed. S. Ganguly) 1. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 1992 1993 Educational, Technological Adaptation and Economic Development Resource Bases of Mizoram Environment And Development in Mizoram 1993 1996 - do - Agro-forestry : Indian Perspective (Ed. P.K. Sen Sharma) Geography of India (Ed. B.N. Sinha, Utkal University) Hill Cities of Eastern Himalayas (Ed. A.C.Sinha et al) Indus Pub.Co. New Delhi. Proceedings of N.E.I.E.S. Annual Conference. Natural Resource Management : Mizoram, Vol –I (Ed. L.K.Jha) In ‘Environment, Resource And Development’; (Eds) R.K. Rai, Surendra Singh et.al; The Geographical Society of North Eastern Hill Region (India); Deptt. of Geography; NEHU; Shillong; pp. 350353. 1997 Urb 12. Urbanization in Mizoram: The Emerging Trend 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Resource Association Regions: Quest for a Development Strategy; Mizoram : A case study. Urban Ecology and Management Prospect & Problems of Nuclear Power in Developing Country like India Literacy and Workforce structure of Ruarl and Urban Settlements in Aizawl District ‘Urbanizatioun and Changing Human Organization of Space In Mizoram, A Case Study Process of Urbanisation in Developing Regions: Mizoram, A Case Study ProcePr Prooceedings (ed) SriKumar Chattopadhyaya, Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvanantpiram, Also in ‘Urbanization in Mizoram :Retrospects and Prospects (ed) G.Kumar, Linkman Pubs. Kolkata.C XIX 2003 2005 2006 2006 Resource Management And Social Change: Rethinking Development with special Geographic, Vol-I 2007 2007 Geographic; Vol.2;pp.4-10 2007 Use of Remote Sensing, GPS & Digital Cartography in Resource Management & Planning (ed) S.R.S. Yadava; P.G. Dept. of Geography; U.P.Autonomous College; Varanasi. 2008 Ibid Use of geomatics in Urban planning and Management(ed) S.R.S. Yadava; P.G. Dept. of Geography; U.P.Autonomous College; Varanasi. 2008 Ibid Pre- Session volume of NEIGS Use of Remote Sensing in Slope Sustainability studies Monitoring and Analysis of Land Use in Mizo Hills: A Remote Sensing Approach Acquisition of Geospatial Data w.r.t.Changing Urban Landscape Utility Services and Geomatics in Urban Environment In ‘Modernization of the Mizo Society: Problems and Perspective (Eds.) Prof. R.N. Prasad & Prof. A. K. Agarwal, Mittal Pub. New Delhi. In ‘Urban Administration in North Eastern states of India’ ; ( Ed) Prof.R.N. Prasad, Mittal Pub., New Delhi Indian Geographers, Vol.-II, No.3, pp.718 Reference to N.E. India, 2008 23 Dilemma of Development: Growth, Conflict and Resurgence of Ethnicity with special reference to N.E. India Alternative Strategy: A Provolutionary , Communicated to Annals (NAGI) 2009 Proceedings of National Seminar 24. Approach to Development in North East India (Mizoram: A case Study) on Strategy for Resource Functioning of the India’s North-East: A Geographical Perspective; pp.23- 35 25. Population Problem or Crisis of Development and Growth: An Analysis of human Security in Mizoram (2010) Human Security in North East India (eds) Lalmalsawmzauva and Lalmalsawma Khiangte; DVS Publishers, Guwahati; pp.41-54 27. Resource Management and Social Change: Rethinking Development and Conflicts in North East (2012) Population Development in India (ed.) Sujit Deka, Eastern Book House With reference to Northeast India Guwahati. 28. Dynamics of Development and Planning (2012) Book Kalpaz, New Delhi Mizoram a Comprehensive Regional Analysis List of papers presented at different forums Title of Paper Forum where presented Date/Year 1. An Analysis of Resource Base and Potentials for Industrialization in Nagaland All India Symposium on Industrialization and Regional Development : Patna 6th-12th March, 1984 2. Resource Association Regions : A Strategy for Regional Development, Nagaland : A Case Study National Seminar of Environment Management in Hill and Tribal Areas; Shillong 14th – 17th October, 1988 3. Aizawl : A Study in Urban Growth in the Hills of N.E. India Workshop on Ethnioity, Land Relation and Urbanization; Mokokchung, Nagaland 26th –27th March, 1991 4. Regionalization Regional Development and Planning : Search for a Strategy ( A case study of Mizoram) XIII Indian Geography Congress; Patna 27th – 29th Dec, 1991 5. A Quantative Analysis of Tlawng Catchment, Mizoram IV Indian Institute of Geomorphologists; Shillong April 1992* 6. Educational, Technological Adaptation and Economic Development II Annual Conference of N.E.I.E.S., Aizawl 6th –7th Nov,1992 7. Research Priorities in Geography Panel Discussion on Research Priorities in N.E.India; Aizawl 16th Nov, 1992 8. Planning for Development : Search for Comprehensive Social Policy in Developing Regions XIV Indian Geography Congress; Jaipur 27th – 29th Dec,1992 9. Role of Social Policy in Developing Regions ; A case study of Mizoram XVII Indian Social Science Congress; Bangalore Sept. 1993 10. Sustainability of Development : A study in Resource Management in Mizoram (India) II International Conference on Development and Future Studies; Perth, AUSTRALIA 1994* XVIII Indian Geography Congress; Shillong 1996 29-31 Dec. 1997 Crisis 11 Crisis of Development : An Ana Analysis of Developmental Proce Processes in Mizoram 12 Urbanization in Mizoram: The Emerging Trend XIX Indian Geography Congress; Tiruvantpuram 13. Environmental Constraints of Developmental processes : An Analysis with a reference to developing Economies The 4th International Conference on Development and Future Studies; Bangi, MALAYSIA (paper accepted) 14. Urban Ecology and Management with special Reference to Mizoram 15 Resource Association Regions: Quest for a Development Strategy; Mizoram : A Case Study 16 Urban Ecology and Management with special reference to Mizoram National Seminar on ‘Urban Self Government in North East India: Problems and Prospects’, Organized P.A. Deptt. Mizoram University. & I.I.P.A, Mizoram Brach XX Indian Geography Congress; Gorakhpur 28th – 29th May, 2002. 29-31 Dec.1998 National Seminar on ‘Urban Self Government in North East India: Problems and Prospects’; Organized by P.A. Deptt., Mizoram University and IIPA, Mizoram Branch National Seminar on SocioEconomic Development in Arunachal Pradesh: Constraints & Prospects, ASRA, New Delhi. 28th -29th May,2002 17. Socio–Economic Development in Hill States of North East India 2004 18. Urbanization : An Analysis of Structural and Behavioural Change in Mizoram 28th Indian Geography Congress, NAGI, Bodh Gaya 10th –12th Nov 2006 19. Process of Urbanization in Developing Regions; Mizoram : A Case Study Institute of Indian Geographers’, 28th Indian Geographers’ Meet, Allahabad 16th –18th Nov, 2006 20. Planning And Growth vis-à-vis 29th Indian Geography Congress, Demographic Transition in NAGI, Udaipur. Developing Regions 19-21 Nov., 2007 21. Are Urban Agglomerations 30th Indian Geography Congress, Growth Centers in NAGI, Allahabad Developing Regions: A case of Mizoram 19-21 Dec., 2008 22. Population Problem or crisis of National Seminar on Human Development and Growth: An Security in North East India: Analysis of human Security in Problems, responses and 30-31stMarch 2009. Mizoram 23 Alternative Strategy: A provolutionary Approach to Develop ment in North East India 24. Modelling People centric Development: Evaluation of Resource Ownership in Tuichhuan Watershed Strategies, Aizawl. 25th Biennial Conference, NEIGS, Titabar, Assam 3-4th August,2009 National Seminar on Environ12-14 Nov.2010 Ment,Technology and Sustainable Development in India, Deen Dayal University, Gorakhpur 25. Spatial Correlates of Develop- 32nd Indian Geography Congress; 19-21st Nov. 2010 Ment in Mizoram: A case study NAGI, Chandigarh of Aizawl District 26. Efficacy of Panchayati Raj in National Seminar, on Role of Panchayat Bodies in Rural Self-Governance Development since 1959; org.by IIPA, New Delhi and Dept. of Public Administration , Mizoram University, Aizawl, 23rd Sept 2011 27. Modelling Development in 33rd Indian Geography Congress, 11-13 Nov. 2011 Watersheds (Tuichhuhen NAGI, Bardhaman Watershed: A Case Study) 28. (*) Papers could not be presented in person though accepted.