Dr. K.C. Lalmalsawmzauva's CV: Geography & Demography

Date of Birth
: 28TH February, 1982
Father’s Name
Mother’s Name
: Christian
State of domicile
: Mizoram, India
Permanent address
: Tualcheng, Champhai District. Mizoram, India
: Assistant Professor
Mailing Address: Department of Geography & RM Mizoram University, Tanhril,
Aizawl-796004, India. Phone: 8974319488 (M)
Email: kcmalsawma@rediffmail.com /kcmalsawma@yahoo.com
Academic Qualification:
if any
Aizawl, 1996
Third (48.3%))
Aizawl, 1998
First (63.2%)
B.A (Geog)
Shillong, 2002
First (61.5%)
M.A. (Geog)
Shillong, 2004
First (63.89%)
Ph. D
Shillong, 2012
4 times
*National Eligibility Test ( Compulsory competitive exam to become Assistant
Professor in all India University)
Specialisation: Demography, Social and Political Geography
Principal Areas of Interest: Population and Development, Health Geography,
Political Geography and Regional Planning
Presenting/Attending Seminars
1) Paper entitled: “Growth of Health care Facilities in Mizoram with Special
Emphasis on Reproductive Health” presented at the “National Seminar on
Population Environment & Sustainable Development in India with Special
Reference to North –East, organised by The Centre for Adult and Continuing
Education, held at Raitong Building, Shillong, Meghalaya, on 11th July and 12th July,
2)Paper entitled: “Reproductive Health Care Security in Mizoram,” presented at the
National Seminar on Human Security in North East India: Problems, Responses
and Strategies, Organised by Mizo Research Scholars’ Associations, Gen. Hqrs,
Shillong and Govt. Zawlnuam College, Mizoram to be held from 30-31 March, 2009,
at Information and public relation Hall (I& PR Hall) Treasury Square, Aizawl,
Mizoram. India.
3) Paper entitled: “Determinants of mother’s health seeking behaviour in Mizoram”
presented at First Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSS) Social
Scientists’ Meet, organised by Indian Council of Social Science Research-North
Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong, Meghalaya held during 8 &9 March, 2010
1) A one day workshop on Science & Technology for the Better Quality of
Life, organised by Study forum for Advanced Technology(SFAT,N.E).
Sponsored by Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, held at Science
Auditorium, NEHU, Shillong, Meghalaya, on 25 February, 2006.
2) Three days Workshop on Statistical methods in medical & Health Science,
organised by Statistics and mathematics unit, Indian Statistical Institute,
Kolkata, India& Department of Statistics, North Eastern hill University,
Shillong, India, on 19-21February, 2009
3) One week workshop on Applied Statistics from 23rd July to 28th July, 2012
organised by UGC- Academic Staff College, Mizoram University-796004
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4) One week workshop on Data Analysis through SPSS from 27th August to
1st September, 2012, organised by UGC- Academic Staff College, Mizoram
Technical qualifications
Three months course training on “Remote Sensing & GIS-Technology and
Applications” completed with First Class with Distinction, conducted by National
Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Dept. of Space, Govt. of India. Hyderabad from
26th November 2007-15 February 2008.
Paper presented at National Conference/Congress
1) 96th Indian Science Congress, The Indian Science Congress Association 14,
Dr. Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata-700017, held at North Eastern hill university,
Shillong from January 3 to 7, 2009.Poster presented “Influence of Geographical
Factors on the Use of Antenatal Care in Champhai District, Mizoram” Session
Member of Indian Science Congress Association with membership No.112.
International Conference
2) Paper entitled: “Disparities in Health care Facilities and maternal and Child
Health care in Mizoram: A geographical Perspective” accepted for
International Convention of Asian Scholars, held on 2-5 August, 2007, at Kuala
Lumpur Convention Centre.
3) Paper entitled “Maternal Health Care utilization in India: Role of Surface
Road Networks” has been presented at Session 60 in the 26th International
Population Conference in Marrakech, Morocco held from 27 September to 2
October 2009.
4) Paper entitled: “Family Planning Success in the North-Eastern part of India:
Church vrs Female Education” has been invited from Vienna Institute of
Demography (VID) to give presentation at the International Conference “
Education and the Global Fertility Transition” to be held on 30th November and
1st December, 2011 at Vienna.
Publication of Research papers
(1) Influence of Geographical factors on the use of Antenatal Care in Champhai
District, Mizoram published in the Journal of Transaction, Indian Institute of
Geographer, Vol.31, No.1, 2009, Pune, Maharashtra State, India.ISSN-0970-9851
2) Use of Antenatal Care Services in Mizoram, India. Published in the Journal of
Demography India, Vol. 39(2) 2010. India.ISSN-0970-454X
3) Family Planning in Mizoram: Role of Female Education, accepted for
publication in Hill Geographer vol. XXVII, 2011.ISSN-0970-5023
4) Utilization of Delivery Care in Champhai District: Role of Spatial Factors
published in the Geographic, a journal of Geography Association of Mizoram,
(GAM) vol.3, July, 2008. ISSN-0975-4121
5) Determinants of Institutional Delivery in the hill State of Mizoram, India.
Published in the Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI),
Vol. XXIX, No. 1. June 2009.
6) Health care Facility in Aizawl city, published in the Geographic, a journal of
Geography Association of Mizoram, (GAM) vol.4, July, 2009. ISSN-0975-4121
7) “Interface between Developments and Female Age at Marriage in Mizoram”
Published in the Journal of Transaction, Indian Institute of Geographer, vol. 33,
No.1,2011. Pune, Maharashtra State, India. ISSN-0970-9851
Paper publication under communication
1) “Maternal Health Care Utilization in India: Role of Surface Road Networks”
has been under communication for publication in the journal of Asia-Pacific
Population Journal, Social Development Division, ESCAP, United Nations Building,
Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
2) “Development and Reproductive Health Care in Mizoram, India” has been under
communication for publication in the journal of Reproductive Health Matters,444
Highgate Studios, 53-79 Highgate Road, London NW5 1TL,UK.
3) “Antenatal Care in Meghalaya, India” has been under communication for
publication in the journal of Annals of the National Association of Geographers,
India (NAGI).
1) “Education Profile of Mizoram” prepared by Linguistic Department North
Eastern Hill University for the publication of Eastern Book Depot, Guwahati
2) “Communal Harmony through Education in India” to be published by Universal
Hindi Communication Centre, Sunrise Building, Aizawl, in the National Seminar
Books and Edited Books
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1) Lalmalsawmzauva K.C., Khiangte Lalmalsawma (2010), “Human Security in
North East India: Problems, Responses and Strategies” DVD Publishers, Guwahati.
India. ISBN: 978-81-86307-37-3 (Edited)
2) Lalmalsawmzauva K.C (2008), “Hlimna Tluantliang” Financed by Mizoram
Publication Board, Art& Culture Department, Government of Mizoram. Printed at
Mualchin Publication & Paper works, Peter Street, Khatla, Aizawl-796001.
3) Lalmalsawmzauva K.C (2012), Reproductive Healthcare in Mizoram, Special
Reference to Champhai District, Lambert Academic Publishing, AV
Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken,
Germany. ISBN: 978-3-659-24353-0.
Member in Professional Associations
1) Member, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), 3-5
rue Nicolas, 75980 Paris Cedex 20, France.
2) Member, Asian Population Association (APA) Phayathai, Phatumwan, Bangkok10330. Thailan.
3) Member, Hill Geographer, The Geographical Society of Northern East Hill Region
(India), NEHU, Shillong.
4) Member, Geographic, A Journal of Geography Association of Mizoram (GAM),
1) Organising Chairman: National Seminar on Human Security in North East India:
Problems, Responses and Strategies, held during 30-31 March, 2009, at Information
and Public Relation Hall (I& PR Hall) Treasury Square, Aizawl, Mizoram. India.
Founder President, North Eastern Hill University-Geographical Research Forum
(NEHU-GRF), Shillong-22, Meghalaya.India
2) Founder President, North Eastern Hill University- Geographical Forum (NEHUGRF), established on 22nd February, 2011, Anno Domini